Newbie – first week.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I was motivated to give this a go after seeing Martin Clunes on The One Show, he lost 3 stone in 3 months.
    That’s 3 stone from cutting calories on just 24 days. Felt I had to give it a go.

    I am enjoying the challenge. Hunger pangs hit me around 3pm, but a herbal tea and a quick walk sort it out.

    Just had my first weigh-in 7 days after starting this plan.I have lost 7 lb. Half a stone from cutting back for 2 days!

    Good attitude, Nicksy, and good results. Saying that you ‘enjoy the challenge’ is why you will be successful. Be aware that there are plateaux in your future, but they too will pass.

    Reading the 5.2 fast diet started today can’t believe Iv gone this long 8am -6pm shall break myfast For 8pm

    Good start, Wendvil. You and Nicksy have the right idea.

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