Newbee – Constipation?

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Newbee – Constipation?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  cuddleyme 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi apologies for the subject matter. Have is this a common side effect? What have you found best to avoid.

    Hello target, you are not alone, this is the bain of my life.
    On this woe (way of eating) many people experience this because there is less food in transit.
    To help I buy corn on the cob, an intestinal sweep, and canned prunes. 2 or 3 prunes in the morning with yoghurt or on porridge seems to help. Also look in the stores for oat bran and use it on porridge daily or add it to baking or other dishes. Rhubard is around now, but it fresh and stew it with some sweetener and then mix it with yoghurt for a rhubard fool.
    Foods to avoid for me are eggs, hard cheese and chocolate.
    I know that loads of people recommend eggs as a protein source and very convenient but they are binding. I limit myself to one per month!
    Keep going, even with this discomfort I am down 20lbs in 4 months, but admit to being on a bit Of a plateau right now.

    I had issues with this after a couple of weeks and the pain was fierce. I now take 1.5 tsp of Metamucil each night and it has made a world of difference for me. I have been doing 5:2 for 16 weeks and have lost over 11kgs.

    Many thanks for the replies and good suggestions/tips

    Lemon and ginger tea helps.

    No issues so far for me. I believe the key is to get a lot of fiber from non starchy veggies. I eat large portions of broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes etc. on fast days and non fast days. It fills you up with a low calorie load and provides lots of important nutrients. However I am not a vegetarian. I eat plenty of protein animals as well.

    Used to have an issue with this but since I have adjusted to fasting I think I naturally crave more fibre and have found myself eating a lot more green veg on non-fast days, similar to what diverdog said above. You might find it settles over time.

    I sympathise. Not only am I getting some of those effects from the diet, but I am on some hefty pain-killers and they also have that effect. I am trying to combat it with extra fibre added to what I am eating: additional all bran on cereal, prunes on porridge and in yoghurts. But when it gets really bad I’m afraid I have reached for Movicol or Laxido. Alcohol used to help, but it is contra-indicated with the drugs I am on….

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