New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 963 total)

  • Day 6, UK, NFD

    Its been an ok day, not overeating and actually been sensible so far 😀

    @daffodil2010 so sorry to hear about your dad’s health 🙁 , I hope he recovers soon 🙏

    @flourbaby I went to see them in RSPB Ham Wall, they are roosting and displaying there, as well as next door in Avalon Marshes: Also, this might be helpful to you: Good luck 😀 Its really worth seeing this natural wonder ❤

    Thank you all for kind words about my murmuration video, I hope you enjoyed it 😊

    Have a great evening everyone 🌹

    Day 6, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Batsylee thanks for sharing info about Dr Mosley s new book.

    JumpGoldPenguin here’s the chicken, mushroom and pea risotto recipe.

    Serves 4 354 calories per portion
    1 tbsp olive oil
    150g small chestnut mushrooms, sliced
    1 medium onion, finely chopped
    3 boneless , skinless chicken breasts (each about 150g) trimmed and cut into roughly 2.5 cm chunks
    2 garlic cloves, crushed
    150g Arborio(risotto) rice
    100ml white wine or extra chicken stock (made with 1 chicken stock cube)
    25g Parmesan cheese, finely grated, plus extra to serve
    100g frozen peas
    Flaked sea salt
    Ground black pepper

    Place a large non-stock saucepan on the hop over a medium-high heat and add the oil. Fry the sliced mushrooms for3 minuets until lightly browned , stirring continuously.

    Add the onion and chicken to the pan and cook them with the mushrooms for a further 3-5 minutes until pale golden brown, stirring. Add the garlic and the rice and cook for a few seconds, stirring. Stir in the wine, if using and bubble for a few seconds.

    Add all the stock and bring to a simmer. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring frequently until the rice looks swollen and creamy and almost all the stock has been absorbed. The risotto should look fairly saucy at this point, so if yours appears quite thick, stir in some water.

    Add Parmesan and the peas and heat through for 2-3 minutes until the peas are hot, stirring continuously. Remove the pan from the heat and adjust the seasyto taste. Sprinkle with a little more Parmesan to serve, but don’t forget to add an exty50 calories for each 10g you use. Serve with a mixed salad if desired.

    It was a lovely birthday lunch party for my son in law organized by my second daughter. I forgot to bring him his birthday gift as we had just came from mass my DH and I together with my two older granddaughters then afterwards we took them to the swings.

    In a world where you can be any be kind as Diana123 used to say.

    Day 6 – USA – NFD
    @dingping, congrats on the new home, how exciting! @shinything, thank you for the amazing video! @arelkade, I never wound up responding to your personal email and I apologize…I experienced the same thing you did last year and was not up to talking about it. Glad to hear your OH is getting back to normal and what a joy to still have your dad, and a creative one at that! @daffodil2010, thinking of you and your dad and hoping he comes through this recent health scare.

    Day 6, Gozo Malta nfd

    I spend a lot of minutes to write you the risotto recipe JumpGoldPenguin and the post disappeared. I’ll write it again tomorrow as right now I’m upstairs in bed and the book is downstairs.

    Daffodil2010 I hope your father gets well soon.

    It was a lovey birthday lunch today and I didn’t have any wine.

    In a world you can be any be kind, as Diana123 would say.

    Day 7 – Sydney Australia, FD

    Had a few days off visiting family interstate in Melbourne. It was great to see my sister again after more than 10 years. Melbourne isn’t far away from Sydney but life is busy and it does get hard to keep in touch regularly. Anyway, that’s now ticked off on my ‘must do’ list. Back of fasting today and also tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Still waiting for my new MM book to arrive which should hopefully be some time this week.

    Second post:

    @anna6: your recipe post is there. I just read it. 😊😊😊

    Day 6
    @at thanks for hosting this month. I added my name to the chart.
    I just returned from my home state yesterday. My mom did pass away and I was glad that I was able to be there. She did recognize and spoke to me. While my goal was to be with her all day, I didn’t stay with my fasting as it was too hard. I appreciate everyone comments of support during this time.
    Now that I’m home I am ready to restart my journey.

    Day 6 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Posting a little later today. So sorry to hear of your dad’s painful situation @daffodil2010. Praying for relief for him and wisdom in finding some solutions.

    @kaywesterman – so glad you were able to be with your mom at the end and that she was able to communicate with you. What a blessing! Fasting is always here for you to pick up when the time is right.

    @anna6 – yes, your recipe came through fine

    @metatauta – good to see you reporting. How’s your job situation going?

    Enjoying my Christmas tree lights once more on this 3 Kings Day! I did take some Christmas goodies to church this morning to add to the “coffee” area – so out with the hot chocolate and apple cider packages as well as some left over Dove chocolates. I gave some Ferrero Rocher chocolates to my neighbor yesterday in exchange for some kindling he chopped for me 🙂 . I think I’m set for a successful FD tomorrow.

    We’re on this journey together! I’m glad!

    Day 6 – USA – NFD
    Second post – @kaywesterman, my condolences on the loss of your mom.

    Day 6 Ohio, US — NFD ✔️

    A good NFD: kept to TDEE and had less than 10 g added sugars.

    @kaywesterman Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on the passing of your mother. It was blessed that you were able to be with her at the end.

    @annemarilyn Now the Magi have arrived, I’ve packed up the Christmas decorations and lights for another year. Almost no one keeps their lights up past Christmas Day around here. It seems to me that the whole idea of lights is that they guide the Magi on their way.

    @anna6 Happy Birthday! Hope your coming year is the best one ever!

    Day 7, Emden Germany, FD

    @kaywesterman, my sincere condolences on the loss of your mother.

    @shinything forgot to thank you for the video, we see murmurations here too, always wondered what it was.

    Pocket list day 7


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 7 – Melbourne AUS – FD

    After a nice and controlled few days at work, the weekend was filled with EFS, and the tummy has paid the price! Sunday did do a couple of hours of hard gardening (weeds waist high all had to go!) and 50min of netball, but doubt that would have offset some of the choices made.

    Feeling mentally a bit fragile at the moment, a sure sign that I need to go back to the psychologist for a bit of a maintenance touch up session, but still makes the days seem harder than normal. Had every intension to go to a pilates class today, but I just don’t think I can drag myself down there. So will instead just try for 10k steps, and some breathing exercises, and give myself a break. Had coffee with a friend in the afternoon which lifted the spirits.

    Still catching up on posts from the weekend, but enjoying reading everyone’s stories. Must make more of an effort to log in over the weekend, think it will help curb the EFS episodes.

    @cornish-jane what lovely words of encouragement! We all have out challenges, some physical, some mental, all tough.
    @missybear congratulations on staying strong over the Christmas holidays! A massive accomplishment, and a true reflection on how far you’ve come doing this WOL.
    @debster251 count me in! I’m going to try and completely abstain from sugar 4 days per week to begin with (in addition to the usual FD’s) and try to reduce on other days and go from there!

    Pocket List Day 7

    Day 7 – Japan – WFD #2

    A bit late … about half done with this fast. 🙂

    Adding myself to the Pocket List:

    Pocket List Day 7

    Day 7. UK. FD

    Just a quick post as catching up after weekend away.

    Wishing everyone a good positive week.

    Pocket List Day 7


    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD

    I am prepped and ready for this FD, food prepared and busy day ahead. If I don’t watch it I am going to slip back into 10 stone land and I really don’t want that. I never want to see the 140’s again.

    Thanks everyone for you good wishes and kind thoughts about my Dad, too many to mention, I am humbled. This is such a great forum for well being and positive thought. Thank you.

    I will go into Dad tonight after my FD soup dinner. He has been transferred back to the first hospital so the weekend has been spent in ambulances going to and from hospitals. But we are so grateful that surgery is not required and hopefully today he will start on the epidural injection and get some relief. He is sitting comfortably and in fighting form, talking of winning at the lawn bowls this summer and drinking pints of Guinness at my local pub with DH… he will be back to mischief soon ☺️

    All decorations are down, boxed, and in the attic for another year. House clean and it’s like the start of the New Year again, back to normality……hopefully.

    @kaywesterman I was thinking of you recently. My condolences and take care of yourself at this hard time.

    @shinything loved your murmuration video. Such a wonderful sight. To think I could see that (not as big though) from my back garden a few years ago….and no more 😔

    @dingping Fantastic news on your new home! At last! What a great way to start 2019.

    Day 7 – Ireland – FD

    Janudry continues and sugar free weekend… so feeling like I have achieved a lot.. after a bad start…
    cycled 140 in this weekend but feeling very tired this morning…
    @kaywesterman I am so sorry to hear your sad news. I am thinking of you at this very difficult time.
    @daffodil2010 I hope that your dad will have relief from his pain … it sounds awful. it’s so hard to see our parents in pain.
    @dingping fabulous news for you to start the year! Enjoy your lovely new home.

    Pocket List Day 7

    Good luck to everyone today
    Onward and downward

    Day 7 UK NFD

    Thank you for everyone who has shared our excitement and wished us well in our new home. It’s been a longtime coming and was a lengthy and difficult search with a lot of angst, often shared here, thanks.
    Sadly no fasting happening here, eating is very erratic and carb heavy as we grab and go whilst busy packing and sorting. I hope that in a weeks time life will settle back into a fasting rhythm. Busy today cleaning the studio flat we have been staying in before handing over the keys tomorrow and removal guys turning up to the storage company where we have our house contents to load up and then drive to Herefordshire. Wedenesday removal guys will unload at the new house and then we will be officially in!

    @snowflake56 – you’ve researched already and discovered it’s a ‘book town’ – you’d love it! It also sits at the base of the Black Mountains so plenty of walking and outdoors exploring, defiantly get my 10,000 steps in walking the beautiful countryside. The house is lovely as well and although intending to downsize have ended up with something of a similar size to what we had before, as a new neighbour put it ‘that’s a big house just for two!’ We intend to fill it with love from visiting friends, family and our grown up kids.

    On a sad note @kaywesterman – so sorry to hear about your mum’s passing, my heartfelt sympathies and best wishes for you and your family. I hope you can find some peace and comfort knowing you could be there for her to the end.

    @daffodil2010 – wishing and hoping things improve quickly for your father.

    On a happy note @anna6 – hope you had wonderful birthday celebrations and you got spoilt rotten by your lovely family.

    Take care all.

    Ta x

    Day 7 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    @kaywesterman condolences, take care xx

    Pocket List Day 7

    Together we are stronger 🙂

    2nd post

    @dingping I didn’t have to do any research on Hay on Wye, in the Netherlands we have a small booktown based on Hay on Wye. They used to have a lot of bookshops but due to the internet there aren’t that many left anymore. It’s a pity, it was always a good place to find interesting books for an affordable price. Last year we also planned to downsize, but I don’t think it’s going to happen, too many books and other nice things in the house. I hope everything works out fine the next few days. Take care.

    Hi all

    UK day7 FD

    Pocket List Day 7

    Together we are stronger!

    @kaywesterman I’m new to the group but I’m ever so sorry to hear your news. I’m very much thinking of you.

    @anna6 thank you so much! I’m going to give it a go at the weekend if my toddler allows me the time.

    Day 7……Florida……. Strict FD

    I really do t want it to be Monday already! Can’t we just have a redo on Sat. And Sun.? The weekend went by to darn fast!

    @kaywestern…… sorry to hear about your mom. She not to far away, watch for signs from her to know she’s with you!

    @anna6…… Happy Birthday!

    @songbirdme……. I would seriously consider returning those shoes you have for a refund if they are not working properly!

    Well…..It’s a quick on this morning as I really just want to crawl back into bed. I sure do know how to waste away a morning!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam.
    So, no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 7, London, UK, NFD

    @shinything, thanks for the links, I think Brighton Pier will be the closest to me. I’ll need to plan a day out soon ………. Minus the obligatory fish & chips!!

    @kaywesterman, sending my deepest, deepest condolences to you and your family. I’m glad you were able to be with your mum at the end.

    I’ve amended the spreadsheet to reflect just how ‘pants’ (that’s a technical term!!) my 1st week of January has been, I would hit the bottle if it was allowed!!!! I truly CANNOT fast at home, which is why I love to B2B2B fast whilst at work Tue-Thurs. I’m going to give home fasting a miss at the moment, then once fasting becomes 2nd nature again, I’ll try a home fast!!!

    Stay strong everyone and hang in there!!

    Day 7 UK FD

    Hello everyone! I’m very late in joining the forum this month. I hope everyone has had a restful and joyful festive period. I’m back at work today after 2.5 weeks off. Isn’t it funny how you realise just how much you needed a break only once you take it? I don’t mean just from work but also day to day life. We spent 10 days at my in laws in Ireland and it was wonderful. Don’t get me wrong, I was ready for my own space and my own things again by the end of it!

    Eating wise I wasn’t very well behaved and didn’t restrict myself at all other than by skipping breakfast. So I have put on 1.5kg (3.3lb) since 20th December. I did start that period at the lower end of my maintenance range so am just within it. However I am SO bloated! I gave in to all my carb desires….rice, pasta, bread, potatoes. It was heaven! It was nice to be able to enjoy it knowing that come today I would be heaving myself back into the saddle!

    I started getting very slack toward to the end of last year and would like to get back to doing 1 x 500 calorie day per week. Today is my first 500 cal day in about a month so I am looking forward to getting to the end of it! I am making it a OMAD and saving the meal for this evening which will be a lentil based soup – filling and satisfying! In the meantime I will have teas and a 18 cal miso soup for lunch.

    Will sign off for now but hoping to catch up with old names and get acquainted with new ones soon. Happy day 7 everyone – and to my fellow fasters today: WE’VE GOT THIS!

    Pocket List Day 7

    Day 7 – FD; Dublin, Ireland

    Hi everyone,

    Happy New Year! It’s going to be a big one for me, getting married in 3 months!

    Have been on holiday for the past 2 weeks and it shows – around my middle and on the scales! Managed to gain a whopping 2.5kg and really hoping for an easy-on-easy-off as before.

    First fasting day of the year and I am feeling optimistic about reaching my goals 🙂

    Good luck to everyone fasting today!!

    Pocket List Day 7

    Day 7 UK FD

    Slept for over 13 hours after weekend all-nighter (what was i thinking?!) Still feeling v out of it and in need of another long sleep but deadline to hit this afternoon. Yoga, meditation, work, under 500 calorie supper and back to bed.

    @kaywesterman so glad you were able to be with her mother and able to communicate, and hope that brings some comfort and peace

    Pocket List Day 7

    Day 7 – UK – FD
    Day 5-6 – NFD

    Apologies for being AWOL over the weekend – busy social one leading to some overindulgence with both food and 🍷🍷……..the less said the better but weight this morning at the top end of my maintenance range so pressing my RESET button with a strong FD today with lots of exercise – Broga class with OH at 7am (45mins) – Pilates (1hr) this afternoon and ending the day with an evening of Yoga (1.5hrs)

    This morning after Broga OH and I went to a local bakery that also serve great coffee and tea for him to have breakfast – I had a pot of loose leaf Earl Grey tea from a company called Ozone, a new make for me and it tasted amazingly fruity and delicious!

    @basyjames – hope you had a fab day on Saturday celebrating your 44th birthday with your family – sorry I’m late with my best wishes for a fab year ahead xx
    @chipmunk13 – 2kg is a great start and it should motivate you to keep going in a positive mind frame – well done! @coda pops in every now and then and I’m sure she’ll pick up on your posts – lovely to have another “old hand” on board x
    @northerndawn – good job on getting back to a BMI of under 25 and at the weight you were at the beginning of December so soon into the January challenge
    @jumpgoldpenguin – re leftover Xmas and new year treats – do what others have done – give away all the leftover “treat foods” so as to remove temptation from your house – I pass all mine to either my DD or to a local club I volunteer at – they always appreciate a little something with their cups of tea!!!
    @rafiki44 – an encouraging start!
    @gylyb – the perils of night shift in the NHS……hope you are surviving your 3 nights – I’m a retired NHS person too but had not done night work for a long time…………
    @cornish-jane – though I’m not a vegetarian – I cook a lot of vegetarian meals and enjoy eating out at vegetarian restaurants – we are very lucky up here in cumbria to have a large number of cafes/restaurants that cater widely for vegetarians/vegans
    @dingping – how wonderful to have got your dream house at last – It’s in a lovely part of the UK and sounds lovely – I’m sure you will fill with family/friends visiting
    @rosy-posy – a definite happy dance time with the scales dipping below that 70kg mark 💃
    @arelkade – lovely to hear that your OH is getting back to his old self and how lovely to have your 86y.o. dad enjoying his oil painting once more – all so positive and life enhancing!
    @daffodil2010 – so sorry to hear about your poor old Dad – hope the injections can save him major surgery – he sounds quite a character!
    @emma1202 – I would enjoy all the lovely food you describe on those get together days and do FDs around them – I’m sure that would work!
    @redrockgirl302 – your friend sounds like a very good cook – the dinner you describe is right up my street 😋Good to hear that you did not suffer any indigestion ☺️
    @kaywesterman – great to have you with us once more – so sorry about your darling mum but lovely that you got to spend time with her and she recognised you and spoke to you – memories to cherish 🤗
    @snowflake56 – hello and thank you for starting today’s pocket list – I’m definitely joining you x
    @gretta – just in case you need one 🤗🤗
    @anna6 – looks like your 2nd DD arranged a lovely lunch for your SIL birthday
    @beedoo – I was wondering where you were – welcome and I’ll be holding on to your hand during this first FD of the year – you can do this! Well done for staying in maintenance over the festive season and I have highlighted you in green on the spreadsheet👍
    @moukinator – welcome to the January challenge too – those pesky 2.5kg will soon disappear and 3 months to the wedding – plenty of time to reach your goals – remember TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    A bit of advice for those new – I believe that Dr M counts a FD at 36hrs not 24 hrs i.e. you start fasting after your last meal tonight – eat 800/500cals or do a WFD tomorrow (what suits you) and then you eat breakfast on Wednesday AM.
    I know that 5:2 was sold on the premise that you could eat whatever you wanted on your NFD but in reality Dr M always advocated a healthy mediterranean style diet and he did provide the tools here to work out your TDEE…….I suspect a lot of people were/are like I was, totally unaware of what big portions and how much food/drink I was actually consuming – that has been my biggest learning curve and the key for me staying in maintenance 😇

    Right I’m off to get ready for my Pilates class and another glass of water……….

    Pocket List Day 7 – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!!

    5:2 IS NOT A DIET, IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE! and remember “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 7 North Canton OH FD

    Thank you for all the warm birthday wishes, and the song :) I had an amazing weekend. I am so sad it had to end

    Hello Beedoo, I am sure you enjoyed your ride on the carb train – I know I did but it felt even better to hop off it.

    I wanted to post a little more, but it’s a very busy Monday and I have to run.
    So I will add myself to the PL and try to catch up later

    Pocket List Day 7 – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!!

    USA Day 7 WFD

    Good morning, everyone! (Yes, it’s still morning here!) Anyway, today is a water fast day and I am well into it. I plan to end it around 7 this evening with an orange and a bowl of soup! So far, so good and I am still not hungry!

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Moukinator, congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! I love weddings!

    Daffodil, I am sorry to hear about what happened to your father! While, of course, I can’t know the whole medical situation, but it sounds like something that happened to me and I couldn’t walk or lift my legs to walk upstairs. I got that injection and happily I am fine now. I hope that works for your father, too.

    Dingping: Congratulations on your successful, albeit long, search for a new home! It was certainly worth the effort and I know it will bring you joy and many new memories!

    Kaywesterman: I am so sorry about your mother but glad you were able to be with her.

    Day 7 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Yes joining the fasters today after a fairly moderate feasting weekend. @at thanks for the reminder of a true 5:2 Fast Day is what happens in a 36 hour period. I’m basically doing a WFD today, except I’m adding a little cream. To call it a truly WFD, I wouldn’t be adding the cream. I’m going for a 72 hour period w/o solids. Most of it will be water, herbal tea and black coffee. If I get weak feeling, I’ll have a little bone broth. I also on occasion put a little pink salt under my tongue for electrolytes. Writing here, what I plan to do, helps me actually do it!

    @moukinator – congratulations on your upcoming wedding. May you make your goals you have for the big day!

    @beedoo – good for you keeping in your maintenance range even with extra carbs during the holidays!

    Day 7 FD pocket list:

    We can do this!

    Just a daily update. Still fasting and stats so far.

    2xpack gum (my go to when peckish) 44cals
    Medium banana 120cals
    Pack of gluco tabs (felt I needed a boost today at times) 175cals

    Total 339 cals so far. That leaves me 161cals for a bedtime snack if needed.

    Day 7 Belfast FD
    Dr M was on breakfast TV this morning but he didn’t really get talking about the whole thing. He mentioned sticking to 800 daily cals for 2,3, up to 12 weeks initially but the programme ran out of time before he got onto the rest. It sounds like a mix of the blood sugar diet and the 5:2. Although there doesn’t seem to be much new, it’s always good to cement the basics in your mind.
    @daffodil2010 I’m so sorry hear about your dad. I hope all goes well with his treatment.
    @kaywesterman – so sorry to hear of your mum’s passing. I’m glad you were there with her and I’m sure you’ll find some solace from knowing she knew you were supporting her.
    @ moukinator – we’ll be following your preparations with excitement. There’s nothing like the clock ticking down to focus the mind!

    Day 7 FD pocket list:
    @debster 251
    We can do this!

    My FD has morphed into an 800 fast, which is disappointing. Poor planning is the only thing to blame. Will do better next time. It’s the first swim class of the new year so I’ll have to swim extra fast tonight to compensate!

    Onwards we go ….

    Day 7: Gloucestershire, UK:
    Work was hellish today…ha…ha!
    Three people off sick (normally our office is fully-staffed, we’re a hardy lot) out of 15, the rest of us had to cover the rounds. So, did my own delivery plus came back and picked up four streets still left on another round….we all had to do this where possible.
    Also the dreaded National Trust handbooks came out today…massively thickening our bundles and adding weight.
    Also one of the rear doors of my van is falling off (!) a hinge detached….wind-damage. The boss knows someone who might be able to do a spot of welding on it (maybe) tomorrow.
    Royal Mail: run on a wing and a prayer!

    Day 7 Minnesota, USA NFD, possibly a CD
    Just checking in….no time today for much else. Stay strong all of you who are fasting today! Best of luck to everyone!

    Day 7 – NC, USA – NFD

    Fared well around all the sweets yesterday. Enjoyed small portions of those wonderful galettes and had a lettuce salad for dinner (and sent every morsel left out with our guests so they wouldn’t be around this morning)

    Thank you @at for the good advice! I’m determined to do 4 days without any sugar at all this week. Starting small and building up to 7 days a week.

    Good luck to all the fasters today!

    USA Day 7 WFD

    So far so good, although I have begun to crave dinner time. I am holding fast, though. I thought I would post again to keep my cravings in check. Water fasts can be hard after days of eating, even when those days were controlled.

    Emma1202: Good luck with eliminating sugar. I think your way of leading up to becoming sugarless is a good tactic. It is so hard to eliminate what you love. I eliminated sugar and white flour years ago and I still no longer have cravings for either. Amazing and I am so glad I was able to do that!

    Hope everyone who is fasting today is having a great fasting day!

    Day 8 Wellington- NFD

    Pretty successful NFD yesterday and pleased to report I ordered Caesar salad with salt and pepper squid for dinner instead of something with fries!! I did have a huge beer in the afternoon and wine with my meal so not perfect.

    Another NFD today. Hoping my 3FDs last week carry me through.

    Day 7, Gozo, Malta, cfd

    Jumpgoldpenguin this is the chicken, and pea risotto as yesterday s post disappeared after I typed it.

    Serves 4 354 calories per serving Prep 10 minutes cook: 25 minutes

    1 tbsp olive oil
    150g small chestnut mushrooms, sliced
    1 medium onion, finely chopped
    3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (each about 150g) trimmed and cut roughly 2.5 cm chunks
    2 garlic cloves, crushed
    150g Arborio (risotto) rice
    100ml white wine or extra chicken stock
    850 ml hot chicken stock (made with 1 chicken stock cube)
    25g Parmesan cheese, finely grated, plus extra to serve
    100g frozen peas
    flaked sea salt
    ground black pepper

    Place a large non-stick saucepan on the hob over a medium-high heat and add the oil. Fry the sliced mushrooms for 3 minutes until lightly browned, stirring continuously.

    Add the onion and chicken to the pan and cook them with the mushrooms for a further 3-5 minutes until pale golden brown, stirring. Add the garlic and the rice and cook for a few seconds, stirring. Stir in the wine, if using, and bubble for a few seconds.

    Add all the stock and bring to a simmer. Cook for 15 minutes,
    stirring frequently until the rice looks swollen and creamy and almost all the stock has been absorbed. The risotto Shylock fairly saucy at this point, so if yours appears quite thick, stir in some extra water.

    Add the Parmesan and the peas and heat through for 2-3 minutes until the peas are hot, stirring continuously. Remove the pan from the heat and adjust the seasoning to taste. Sprinkle with a little more Parmyto serve, but don’t forget to add an extra 50 calories for each 10g you use. Serve with a mixed salad if desired.

    Jumpgoldpenguin I used frozen sweet corn as I thought I had peas in the freezer but hadn’t.

    Bert1802 yesterday was the celebration of the birthday of my SIL.

    Dear @at the food my DD presented was superb. She even made a chocolate fudge cake herself for the occasion.

    Maukintor how wonderful for you to be getting married soon.

    Today was a cfd for me and tomorrow I hope to do my next cfd to complete a B2B2B.

    Good night.

    Day 7, Rocky Mountains, US, MFD

    Cold, snowy and wet. Nevertheless, got my 10.000 steps and there will be some more. Tai Chi restarted again today also.
    Going to a concert tonight with only violincelli performing, 9 of them. Will be interesting!
    Trying to stay around 800 cals again.

    Have a good Monday everyone! 😊😊😊

    Second post:
    @kaywesterman: I am very sorry for your loss. 😢💐❤

    Day 7 Portugal NFD

    End of day 7. Away with husband for an overnight treat, a gift from our two daughters (15 and 20yo). Hiked 10-11 miles today along a beautiful trail beside the Paiva River. Couldn’t do my first FD today nor will I do it tomorrow as I am looking forward to a nice breakfast (I’ll not be eating any cakes!) but I want to to do my first FD of the year this week, perhaps Thursday.

    Day 7 USA(Illinois) NFD

    Yesterday’s FD came in just about 750 calories. Glad for that.Doctor’s visit today was good for my annual — blood levels and pressures all within acceptable levels. He’s my GP (General Practitioner)and we both will be judging a home-school students science fair on Saturday. This is my 2nd year doing it. The gal from church who asked me to judge knew I would be ever-the-teacher and supportive, asking good questions. Even though I taught music, my father ended his working days as a chemistry and physics teacher. Guess that made me qualified.

    @kaywesterman – It’s so difficult to lose a parent, but I know you were glad to be there with your mother. Sending many sympathies.

    @annemarilyn – gave away Ferrero Rochers?? That’s a sacrifice. Those are delicious. But I am sure the firewood is worth it.

    @dingping – your new home sounds wonderful. Enjoy

    @redrockgirl302 – let us know what you think of that concert. Sounds like a most interesting ensemble! What music did they do?

    Onward and downward.

    2nd post.. Day 7…..Florida……FD

    Okay, so here is the breaking news of the day!

    A dozen donuts were brought into my office today, and I did NOT, I repeat, I did NOT eat one! I do not know where Matilda is nor do I want to know where she is! She can stay lost, a run away or forever locked in her cage!

    I worked I the warehouse for the majority of the day. I don’t have jury duty tomorrow so I’ll be visiting clients, then when I got home I planted my seed potatoes. Now, I’m feeling a bit light headed….. not sure if I’m having a side effect of fasting or I have drank enough water. So, that’s a conundrum! Not dwelling on it though. It to shall pass!

    Now on to the real reason I got on here this evening……
    Please tell me if I have understood this correctly……
    In MM new book……
    Follow a course of 16:8, 14:10, 18:6, of course what ever you comfortable with.
    Follow an 800 calories meal plan preferably a Mediterranean plan aka low carb
    For up to 12 weeks or with in your comfort range.
    Effects are the same or better than following the original 5:2 plan.
    If I understand this correctly, I may give it a whirl……

    Well….. it’s off to balance the home budget!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam
    So, now no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Days 6/7 – Iceland – CD
    Day 5 – FD
    Day 4 – NFD

    Late check in today after a very busy weekend, hope to catch up with posts tomorrow and make it a solid FD as well.

    Good night🌜✨

    Day 7 Ohio, US — FD(#44) ✔️

    A good FD, with only 3 gm added sugars. I just read MM’s article in the Jan 5 article in Daily Mail on the revised diet and can’t wait until my copy of the book arrives. I’ve always stuck to the original 5:2 diet calorie count on FD’s and kept pretty much to the Monday-Thursday routine of FD’s. The new ideas in the book and the article come at a good time, since my results on my present regime have been okay, but not stellar. After reading the article I’m thinking of upping my FD calorie count to 800 (I know some here have already done that.) and increasing to a 4:3 routine. I don’t know if I dare to go on a series of consecutive FD’s or MFD’s yet. But just like the original 5:2, it seems as though flexibility is a hallmark of the new approach also.

    @bert1802 Congratulations on the good show of willpower!

    @songbirdme Judging science fair projects is great fun! I was a judge for district science fair for more than a decade and it was a highlight of the school year. My favorite projects were those in which the student had worked up an original idea of their own and thought of creative ways to test their idea. While projects like these tended not be as polished as some, I always came away impressed that they had done something that a lot of university students wouldn’t come close to achieving. Hope you have an excellent time!

    @redrockgirl302 Have fun with the Tai Chi. My daily routine for the last couple of months has been so chopped up that I’ve let my Tai Chi and qigong practice slide. You’ve reminded me that I need to get back into the practice.

    Day 8 – Melbourne AUS – NFD

    Successful FD yesterday at 480cal, followed by a good gym session this morning. Ended up having a very quiet night last night while DH went out for dinner, think I really needed some quiet time to myself, and now feeling more like myself as a result!

    @dingping congratulations!!!! You must be so relieved. Good luck for the move!
    @basyjames happy birthday belated birthday
    @rosy-posy that’s awesome news, well done
    @daffodil2010 so sorry to hear about your father, hope the doctors manage the pain and get him back to his feet soon.
    @kaywesterman my thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time ❤️
    @jaifaim well done on the sugar free weekend! Mine was far from it – one day at a time!
    @beedoo welcome back!
    @moukinator how exciting for you, the next three months are going to fly by, enjoy every moment 😊
    @at thanks so much – I’ve found such comfort and support in this group especially when times get tough, it means a lot

    Good luck to all the fasters today!

    Day 8 – CD – Ireland
    Janudry and sugar free 🤞

    FD yesterday went well.
    @debster251 – I have adopted your use of a tick for each day that I manage to resist sugar. It’s a great idea thank you.
    @moukinator -very exciting times for you! And no better incentive to eat well 👍

    Have a lovely day all.
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 8, Emden Germany, CD

    Have a nice day everyone!

    @at thanks for your encouragement. Extra happy dance this morning, lost 900 g and am 69.0 kg !

    Hi all

    Day 6, completed my second FD yesterday, I still find that from about 2pm my stomach just growls despite drinking copious amounts of water and green tea. Has anyone any suggestions as to what other drinks I could use to tied me over until dinner time?


    Day 8 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Managed a good second FD of 2019 yesterday. I had lentil soup already prepared for my evening meal and DH had already eaten by the time I got home from work so no temptation there. We went to Dublin to visit Dad in hospital, he is in good spirits but treatment has not started yet, then home and straight to bed.

    Down 2lbs on weekend. Yay.

    Today is an NFD but controlled, Chickpea chilli prepared for dinner tonight, and spelt bread ham sandwich for lunch. Trying to remain Dry till Fri, however with DH off work recovering until 21st Jan, it’s difficult. Not that he is waving wine bottles in my face but he often has a toasty fire lit when I get home from work and that often makes me want to relax with glass in hand.

    @ccco I do hope the injections work for Dad like they did for you, thanks for sharing.

    @gretta I too need quiet time to myself. Glad you feel better. DH normally work until midnight during the week so I have got a nice routine alone, now he is out sick it’s kind of messing up my routine (ha ha, only on this forum could I say this, I would never say it aloud to him!!!! 😆😆)

    @curen2 although you had a hellish day you described it so wittily that I had to smile. Hope it’s a better one today.

    Right, go to go. Stay strong.

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