New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 963 total)

  • Morning one and all!
    FD yesterday and the most difficult of all. Not sure why but I was hungry all day and kept peering into the fridge and shutting it quickly. Managed on a satsuma, cup of soup and omelette with salad for dinner. Usually the in her pangs came and went but not yesterday. My second FD of 2019.
    Still celebrated my success? with tea toast (wholemeal with sunflower and spelt) and Welsh butter this morning.Yummy.
    Start 3 night shifts tonight so no fasting..too difficult but will watch the calories and snacking!
    Have a good day everyone. Gill

    Day 5 – Perth AUS – NFD

    Quick check in for the weekend 🙂 Great to see everyone in to this! As an ex-Melbournian, I can attest that it is indeed a City where you can have four seasons in one day!

    Have had a read of MM’s new book. A good third of it is recipes 😛 A recipe book is also on the way. Good to read that the research is continuing and the health benefits (aside from weight loss) are being proven in multiple independent trials of fasting in its various forms. We’re on the right track!

    Day 5, Cornwall UK, NFD

    On track and managing to swerve very tempting offers of sourdough bread and crisps/potato chips.💪 But fell at the 🍷 hurdle! But its ok as i am following mostly ‘Dry Til Fri’.

    Went to a new eating place in Roseland called Tatam’s Taverna – gotta give them credit for the plant based food options. Really really good. Some eateries in our area just can’t be bothered to cater for people who want to eat out healthy but i want to give credit to those who do it well.

    Thanks @northerndawn. I am watching your progress as we are the same height and heading for the same target weight and you are getting there faster than me! I know its not a race but it motivates me to see others succeeding. Just think how many people you may be helping just by your own achievements?

    People in our family have been boasting to aquaintances how well my OH and I are doing, which i find touching. I suppose we all like a little praise. But oddly, people are more interested in the plant-based diet than the fasting, when i know the fasting delivers the weight loss. I think the diet has some impact on my blood pressure, now down to 115/75 ish and resting pulse down to 55-60. Not bad for someone who is still BMI 25.5 and only does yoga and walking for exercise. This is all part of my Jan stock taking to make myself keep going this year and not find that dreaded reverse gear.

    Nice quote @at!

    Day 5 Belfast NFD
    Exciting times as yesterday I ordered a new bathroom suite. I’m off today to look for tiles. Not looking forward to the mess though!

    @jumpgoldpenguin – it’s no secret that NFDs are hard for many of us and the success of this WOL lies in changing your eating patterns. Ideally you should be trying to eat healthily within your TDEE but changing years of poor food choices is hard. Can you give away or hide your Christmas goodies? The longer they sit there taunting you, the harder it will be. It’s no secret that sugar is my dragon, and Christmas this year for me was a sugar fest. So my New Year goal is to beat that sugar dragon hence the ticks in the spreadsheet for my successful days. It will settle down. Good luck in finding your rhythm.
    @northerndawn – if you wanted to contact the administrators to send your email address to me, I would be happy to see about shipping the book to you.
    What an interesting post @dykask. Is your injury healed now?
    @erika45 – 1000 miles sounds a lot until you do the maths. That’s got me thinking….

    Another test of my willpower muscle this evening. I’m off to the pub to watch rugby; my team Ulster play Leinster and it’s not on mainstream TV. I’m committing to staying alcohol free this month. Staying strong 💪💪💪

    Day 3, UK, FD
    Day 4, UK, NFD

    I had a successful FD yesterday, first one in a while, very happy with that as it makes me feel so much better and I’m getting back on the wagon 🙂
    Also, my weight is down to 55.4kg, which is a great start 😀 . I’ve had a few CDs since after all the festivities and also, it might have been water retention, so the difference if quite big.

    Thanks everyone for your nice comments about my starlings murmuration viewing, it was such a stunning natural wonder to see 😍 ❤ . I captured a bit of it, not all of it though, because the “fans” kept getting in the way 😂 . I feel I should share it with you 🙂

    Have a great weekend everyone 🌹

    Day 5……Florida……CD

    I may have a CD that turns into a FD, depending on how my belly behaves. After Mass last night, we went out for a family dinner. I ended up getting a burger and fries, the hubby helped me with the fries but ever since eating, my belly has been no stop talking. I feel fine but she sure is talking up a storm.
    So, I’m just going to be gentle on her, I prefer not to be sick on my weekend off!

    Last night before Mass, we did speak with Father about the Christmas decorations, he was really no help. He said anytime we wanted because truly Christmas is not over until the Jan. 13th which is his Jesus Baptism.
    I think this is a tradition that is dying out, so know one really knows! So, Ive come to believe that as long as I’m trying to honor him, he’s going to still have a place for me even if I take them down on the wrong day.

    Not much is transpiring here today. I’m gonna try and get my house in order, so I can start utilitizing the fly lady method again. So basically, Im just doing my weekly home blessing. I figured since I’m getting my life back in order, I might as well, get that back on track as well!
    As you can tell, I don’t half ass anything, when one part crumbles they all crumble! I guess, I did not want anything to feel excluded!

    Okay, well I’m off….. hubby went to Sunrise Mass this morning and I don’t want him to think I was a lazy bum when he gets back!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam
    So no. More forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 5 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @basyjames Happy Birthday 🥳

    Saturday fasters have a successful day 💪

    Day 5 UK CD

    Yesterday evening’s formal party went easily over TDEE with half a glass of wine (too strong for me!) beer, aronccini, vegetables, crumble and cake. But lovely to celebrate old friend’s special birthday, and pleased to have made it an easy 18:6

    Exhausted and aching today, probably yesterday’s gluten and not drinking enough water. I’ve had a really lazy morning in bed but now need to fit a day’s worth of stuff into 8hrs – tho cuts down on eating time too!

    Happy birthday @basyjames
    Good fortune to all fasting today
    Onwards and downwards

    Day 5, North Canton Oh. I turn 44 today!

    Oh joy 🙂

    It’s a beautiful sunshine filled day. There is joy in my heart and I was very close to my pre-christmas blowout weight this morning – just two pounds away. The b2b are working!

    I am taking a day off today to celebrate with my family and I’ll hop back on tomorrow.

    Thank you @micheline and @missybear
    Enjoy your weekend everyone

    Day 5 – USA – NFD
    Happy happy birthday, my dear @basyjames!

    Day 5 – Ireland -NFD

    Today started badly as I woke early after a good FD yesterday but very little sleep and thought about what was left in the house after Christmas… promptly ate 6 Kimberley biscuits finish a pack ..for breakfast….oh well at least they are gone now…but not great as I am trying to stay sugar free 😳

    Did try to remedy things by getting out in the bike… 40km with some hills hopefully has worked to reverse things a little…

    Happy birthday @basyjames – have a lovely day!!

    Good luck to all the Saturday fasters!

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Second post ….

    Happy Birthday @basyjames 🎈 🎊 Have a fantastic day.

    Day 5 Canada FD
    Signing up for a serious FD

    USA Day 5 NDS

    Happy Birthday, Basyjames!

    Today is a NFD for me. I hope to end the day at my BMR caloric level rather than my TDEE. My BMR is 1059 calories per day.

    In the meantime, I had taken a sabbatical on exercising and have returned to my routine!

    Have a great day, everyone, and good luck to today’s fasters. 🙂

    Day 5: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Still haven’t attempted a FD….but no worries if, at least, I don’t eat after mid-afternoon and make a 14-hour break before breakfast. Past mistakes have been to put too much pressure on myself, and then not be able to stick with my self-imposed rules!
    Cold and busy and late day on the mail at work…an hour late out of the office because the last lorry bringing mail from Bristol had more (by far) than the first two so we all had to pitch in sorting it up first, whereas earlier, there hadn’t been enough to do. More bad planning from the managers!
    @basyjames: It’s your birthday? Oh to be 44 again. Have a wonderful day xx
    @shinything: Well done on jumping back on the wagon….give me a hand up.
    @gylyb: But you did it….that’s main thing.

    Day 5, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Basyjames happy birthday dear. I hope you have a wonderful year in your 44th year.

    Northerndawn you could order Dr Michael Mosley s book on the amazon uk too to get it before.

    Today I believe I ate within my tdee. I’m about 2 kilos lighter than last Wednesday. I believe I’ll gain weight tomorrow though as my second daughter is making a birthday lunch party for her husband and I also intend having some wine.

    Good night 💤😘🌙

    Day 5, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    I am so crazy cold today. Had to break my fast at 11 am and ate 3 servings of nuts (almonds and pistachios) and drank hot tea. That is my lunch.
    Later we have a dinner invitation at a friend’s house. I chose an early time, 5pm, but I am afraid that he will just start cooking then (duck dinner) and we will be eating late. Oh well, he is an artist…I bought Digestive Bitters drops for prevention of digestive troubles. I never eat after 6pm because my system cannot take it. Let’s hope for the best. 🤔🤨🙄

    Have a good Saturday everyone! 😊😊😊

    Second post:

    @basyjames: Happy Birthday! 🎂🍾🎈🎉💐

    Day 5 – California – NFD

    Another meal out today as my son is coming to visit unexpectedly.

    Day 5 second post

    Neither productive nor really restful today & still need to get some writing done for tomorrow morning. Glad to have just done some yoga & meditation, feeling wonderfully focused and motivated at last- I just need to get it into my early morning pattern! More water today & pleased with nuts for PM snack and lovely supper of rice, eggs, tomatoes, sprouts, spinach and peas.

    @northerndawn and any others interested in Michael Moseley’s new book – there’s also an accompanying website with a fair bit of info, recipes and links to research

    Day 5 UK NFD

    Life has been very hectic, exhausting and very very exciting.
    The brilliant fantastic news is that we’ve bought a house! As some of you know we have been in house limbo for some time but found our dream country escape in November and completed the purchase on the 2nd of Jan. I was so anxious that things might go wrong that I didn’t want to jinks it by telling people, we didn’t even tell friends and family until just before Christmas once we knew things were proceeding well. The house is in Herefordshire near Hay on Wye, it felt like home as soon as we walked through the front door. Removals are happening Tuesday/Wednesday so we will be officillay in and living there Wednesday onwards!
    So pleased this has happened so early in the year as now life can start to settle into a rhythm and following this way of life should be so much easier without the exhaustion and chaos of house hunting.
    @snowflake56 I feel I’ve let you down, not managed an FD today, so busy rushing here there and everywhere sorting stuff out but once we are settled into our new home I’ll be back to my usual Friday/ Saturday FD’s.
    Might be off grid for a bit as we haven’t sorted broadband at the house yet and I know my phone doesn’t get good reception there but will try and keep accountable hear when I can.
    In the meantime wishing everyone lots of joy and happiness and successful fasting and controlling.
    Ta x

    2nd post
    @basyjames – Happy Birthday, hope you’ve had a great day!

    Day 6 Wellington, NZ – FD

    Just had my morning coffee and off to the fruit and vegie market. Have sesame tuna planned for dinner – OH went fishing – from Mimi’s book, with salad.

    NFD yesterday went well til wine with dinner reduced willpower and poor decision making meant many chocolate almonds were consumed. Really is best if I don’t drink and maintain willpower.

    Day 5 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Lovely weather in the 40’s F, very unusual. It’s about 3 pm here. Will try to get out and walk now that the ice patches have melted.

    @debster251….so kind of you too offer to send me the new MM book! I have been doing some extensive reading on the inter-webs and also on
    And good luck with the new bath! Just started on my main bath a year ago now. It took 4 long months, but I love it! It gives me happiness every time I walk into it, so I guess it was worth the extended time.

    @michelinme, thanks for posting that link, and I hope you have a lovely, restful night.

    As @anna6 says I can probably order the new book from Amazon UK site if I want it soon.

    I think I’ve gleaned the majority of the new information he’s providing from reading book reviews, the publisher site, and a couple articles about it. I’ve also been visiting the web sites of some of the researchers he is citing. I can wait for the recipes. My OH just finished the 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet book, and now we will try some of those recipes. The Fast 800 for AUS and UK will probably be in metric for recipes, so I think I’ll wait until there is a US version. There is a 12 week plan/program on the new website that you pay to join, and then I believe you can access a forum as well. I may try to encourage my DH to join it. He’s having a tough time staying motivated to get his weight and blood sugars down.

    @basyjames….have a wonderful day, today! As @ciren2 said: oh, to be 44 again!
    @elektron….I see MM is in Perth AUS on Jan 29th at the Hyatt, I think….thought I’d let you know. He will also do a Q&A following his talk.
    @shinything…..thanks for sharing the videos…I watched all three. What a great experience!
    @redrockgirl302….I empathize with you as far as late night eating. I hadn’t heard of Digestive Bitters drops. Do you think they help?
    @hyacinth….I also imagine posts with accents, although I doubt what I think it sounds like is accurate. I watch Doc Martin, Vera, Shetland, Dr. Blake Mysteries, and one that took place in Wales that I can’t recall the name of. I must admit that I often have to stop the DVR and rewind to listen again (or many times) to figure out what was just said. With the Welsh one, I actually had to turn on captions. lol. Glad we are all so literate and no problems reading posts!

    Have a lovely rest of the day, wherever you are!

    Day 5 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Good to have a weekend! @northerndawn – we have it unusually warm here in Eastern WA as well. Only snow in the shady patches. I need to do as you do and get out and walk more. As I was reading about your hubby, I thought of another book that might be helpful: The Diabetes Code by Dr. Jason Fung. Subtitle: prevent and reverse Type 2 diabetes naturally.

    @erika 45 – sounds like you’ve made some wonderful choices in getting back in gear for the new year.

    @Bellyfast – if you’re doing an FD, I think you have @snowflake56 with you as well today.

    @gylyb – I think if we’ve taken a break from our fasting routines for a while, we have to rebuild the fasting muscle again. I know the 70 hour fasting I did this week was a little difficult at times, because it’d been a while since I’d done a longer fast. Also, there have been more carbs. As I take out more carbs and increase the healthy fats, the FDs will be easier.

    @ShingThing – TY for sharing your starling murmurations with us. It’s really pretty amazing to watch.

    @basyjames – enjoy your 44th birthday! Wishing you many blessings!

    @ciren2 – your time restricted eating window is a great step in the fasting process. I still remember when I needed to break up my 500 calorie FDs into at least a little at noon and then most at the early evening meal. I would never have thought I could do extended fasts. The body is pretty amazing. I find lower carb, moderate protein & healthy fat before my fasting helps me make it through much better & starts my body burning its fat; which is my goal (get rid of the excess 🙂 )

    @rafiki44 – enjoy your son’s visit! This WOL is flexible and allows for enjoying life!

    @dingping – Congratulations on finding your dream house! How exciting!

    Enjoy the weekend forum friends!

    USA Day 5 NFD
    Second Post

    Just shuttered the kitchen! My eating window is over. Another successful NFD with a 16:8 eating window. I carefully weighed and measured everything I ate today to ensure that my caloric intake would come in under my TDEE. Tomorrow will also but a NFD. I am expecting to do a regular 5:2 this week with my first day being on Monday.

    I hope everyone had a great day today!

    Day 5 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Had a funeral lunch today, but was good with my choices (except the frosted pumpkin bar at the end… oh well, counted the calories in MFP.) Hence today is a NFD.

    @basyjames – “Happy birthday, dear Basy ♫♪♫♪ happy birthday to YOU!” This SongBird is really a singer!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 6 – Perth AUS – NFD

    Wasn’t going to, but had a quick step on the scale to see if my initial 3 day fast did much and it looks like it did. I am thinking I might maintain something similar by switching to the Fast 800 which combines an 800 calorie daily limit with time restricted eating and a Mediterranean diet for at least two weeks – (more weeks if you can handle it). The forums there require sign up to the program which costs money, but I guess I’ll be saving quite a bit by not eating junk! Decided to sit down and work out what I was spending on food after reading something in the book, and oooooooooh dear 🙁 If you want another incentive to eat healthy and haven’t already worked out what junk food was/is costing you money-wise, it’s an eye opener!

    @northerndawn thanks for the tip on MM doing a talk. Looks like there are still tickets available (unlike last time) so will see if I can drag someone along with me 🙂

    @basyjames belated happy birthday!

    Slowly getting the hang of posting stuff to people! 🙂

    Day 5 Ohio, US — NFD ✔️

    Today was a good NFD: I ate within the TDEE and also kept the added sugars to less than 30 g, so well within the American Heart Association guidelines. Also I was able to get 30 minutes of exercise in, including some qigong. I haven’t been able to get that much in for more than a month.

    @northerndawn It’s been very warm here also for the last few days. Today it got up to about 50 F (10 C). There’s been no snow on the ground for more than a week. Although around New Year’s we had some heavy rain. When I first moved here in 2002 it was standard that there would be 3 feet of snow on the ground by now. Most of the mascots for the local sports teams were arctic animals. It’s been years now that we’ve seen any winters like that. The changing point seems to have been around 2010.

    @northerndawn and @hyacinth About the only accents we can get into our posts are emoji’s. I remember starting to watch a critically acclaimed movie that took place in a working class section of London. I had to stop watching because I couldn’t understand it at all. (I’ve had better luck watching movies in Arabic!)
    Unfortunately since it was purportedly in English and aimed for an English-speaking audience, there were no sub-titles!

    Hope everyone enjoys the dark of the moon!

    After 2 FDs in a row. , I was elated to step on the scales to find I was 69.9 ! Yay !

    Day 6, Emden Germany, CD

    @dingping that’s fantastic news, congratulations! I fully understand you have other things on your mind now, I might switch my FDs until you’re back again. Just enjoy the new house and don’t get tempted to go to Hay on Wye every day to fill up your bookcases! I will miss you, hugs and take care xxx

    @missybear and @michelinme thanks for the mental support and also @annemarilyn for telling @bellyblast she’s not alone fasting on a Saturday. It helps me to have some support.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 6: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD;
    Yay! to you @rosy-posy just the incentive you need to keep going on this WOL!

    Taking down the Christmas decorations today. DH already stripped the tree after I went to bed! Just got to clamber into the loft again. Will also put more of DD clothes up there….till she comes BACK (I hope). I’m keeping most of her left-behind stuff as a good luck for that.
    She starts her new job at the research centre in another week. Meanwhile needs a car to get there! She reckons its a 40 minute drive east on the motorway (mostly).
    Have a good day everyone xx


    Ate just under TDEE yesterday. There was plenty of food and alcohol drinks available all day and evening but I ate sensibly and just had 2 alcoholic drinks (which is a lot for me). Having a lovely weekend away with some friends. Will be going home later today. I will read thread and reply properly probably tomorrow.

    Wishing everyone a lovely Sunday.

    Day 6 UK NFD

    Quick check in for accountability. I’m actually up earlier than usual bc ran out of time to go to bed so plenty of time to fit everything in for once! Tempted to have breakfast bc it’s Sunday, I’m tired & hungry etc but would prob send me straight to sleep so popping in here instead

    @dingping that’s FABULOUS news! Congratulations on finding your forever home – and what a lovely part of the world. Very best of luck with the move and settling in, look forward to hearing more about it

    @shinything loved your murmuration film, thank you 🙂
    @matpi @rosyposy well done on solid FDs & achievements 🙂
    @debster251 good luck with your bathroom

    yoga time! happy Sundays all 🙂

    Day 6 NSW Australia NFD
    7.30pm Sunday

    Hi everyone. Just checking in. Enjoying reading all your posts. Warm welcome to all the new 5:2’s – this is a very supportive, informative, helpful forum. I may not post everyday, but I really enjoy reading all your interesting comments daily!

    We’ve finally had a gorgeous, cooler day ~ 25’C, has been high 30’s for days and 41’C yesterday. The older I get, the less I like the heat!

    Looking forward to getting really serious with FD’s, next one tomorrow – the good thing is, I’m not bothered with all the chocolates, given to us as gifts, currently in our fridge. There was a time, many moons ago, when it would have been so easy to devour 1/4 box without thought – thank goodness for 5:2 and a better style of thinking!

    I’ve just had 3 weeks annual leave and look forward to getting back to work tomorrow. We’ve had lots of happy times with family during the festive season.

    My OH is finally getting back to his old self – so pleased for him and his new found health! My dear Dad, aged 86, and lives with us, is a treasure and has just restarted doing his oil paintings – every day with him is a joy!
    My Sister has gone to Hawaii for 2 weeks – first overseas trip, so happy for her.

    I’ve purchased ‘The Fast 800’ book – look forward to reading same and learning more!

    Must go. Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now xx

    Day 6 Belfast NFD

    Still well settled on that sugar and alcohol wagon. As @boreqlis would say, ‘the anticipation is often much more delightful than the real thing.’💪

    @judyjudes – was just wondering if you had got a date for your endoscopes?

    Thank you @ ShinyThing for Sharing that amazing spectacle
    @dingping – many congratulations on your new home. It’s been a long time coming.

    If you don’t change your mind you won’t change your body.

    Hi all. Checking in for an update..

    Day 6 (day 7 of my week) today is a half fast day (16:8)

    Success with 2 fast days, 1 24hr fast and a 16:8. Its too much if anything but while I battle the sugar in the house the fasting is the only time I feel like I’m not on a blood sugar roller-coaster.

    @anna6 – would you share your risotto recipe? Made my mouth water and I could definitely do with some!

    @debster251 I know what you mean about sugar. Before Xmas I had it under control and was at a point I could take it or leave it. Now it has control over me! My other half and son, both slim and can eat anything, would be outraged if I got rid of the chocolate! I’m finding a set eating window on nfds helps massively. Less time to destroy hard work!

    @arelkade it’s 4C here. I dream of 25C. I’m sick of wandering about cuddling a hot water bottle!

    Sorry to be a real noon but what is the pocket list? I see it in people’s posts but don’t really know what it means?

    Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD
    Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Quick check in. Things went very much awry on Friday as I received word that my father was admitted to hospital. He has been struggling with walking for quite some time, blaming his knees, however over Christmas it got steadily worse and he could only crawl up the stairs on his hands and knees, and then the pain got so bad that he could not walk!! And he kept this news from most of his children until Friday when he was admitted to hospital!!

    He was laid flat and talking very end of days, not like him at all. So my plans for shopping and eating out obviously got shelved and time was spent running around hospitals and buying stuff for him for hospital etc. Yesterday he was transferred to the spinal unit of another Dublin hospital and I accompanied him in the ambulance.

    He was prepped for spinal surgery this morning but the consultant is now going with a course of epidural injections instead to try to ease his pain. Dad is 82 so surgery would have been a big thing.

    So that’s the news. Hopefully the epidural injections swill ease his pain and get him walking again.

    My main meals have been courtesy of the local take out so shudder. Today I will precook a nice chilli to ensure I have something home cooked when I get back from the hospital. Dad in good spirits though.

    Day 6 – Wgtn, NZ 10.30pm -FD

    end of a successful FD and just checking in. Up early for a flight tomorrow and away for a couple of days so will be working on TDEE for NFDs. And staying off the alcohol!

    @daffodil2010 – so sorry about your Dad and wish him all the best. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself while taking care of others.

    Here’s to a new week everyone – keep up the good work and keep down the pounds – or kilos

    Hey @jumpgoldpenguin
    POCKET LIST; a list of people fasting that day. Copy and paste adding your name to join them. Can be carried in the pocket all day for inspiration!

    2nd post

    @daffodil2010 I’m so sorry your Dad has to go through this, is it stenosis of the spinal channel? I hope the epidural injections work out well. Take care xxx

    Day 6, London, UK, FD,

    I forgot to post yesterday, so Happy Belated Birthday @basyjames!!!!!

    Yesterdays’ FD was derailed by lunch & biscuits at my mums’ …………………. Sometimes food NOT cooked by me, is irresistible!!! Today will be a FD, yesterdays’ salad ingredients & bone broth are ready & waiting!!! I’ve fallen down on the water front; painful eyes and a banging headache are clearly signalling that I’m dehydrated!!!

    @annemarilyn I would count that as a definite sideways slide!!! Well done, you’ve got this!!! I’m pleased with only +3lbs, which I KNOW will be gone after todays’ FD …………………… simple!!!

    @shinything, lovely video, thank you. I’ll have to research where & when I can see them in person!!!

    @daffodil2010, not the best start to the New Year my friend!!! I hope you manage to find time to prepare some meals & snacks so that food is the last thing on your mind, then you can avoid convenience crap & concentrate on your dad. I’ll keep him in my thoughts & prayers. xxx

    I feel as though I’m almost back on track, fasting properly at home still evades me, although within my limits, it’s WHAT I’m eating that’s not great ………………. Todays’ salad & broth will be my first FD in a while without a cheeky winegum, biscuit or chocolate ……………………….. those were really CDs, only fooling myself!!!!!

    Stay strong (& Dry!!) everyone!!!!

    Day 6…..Florida……NFD

    First things first!
    @ Bassy……Happy Birthday! May your year be as great as you!
    @dingping….. Congratulations on your new home….. enjoy the new adventure of exploration!
    @dafodil…….Prayers with you and your Dad! May this just be a bump in the road that will lead to wonderful things!

    Someone needs to remind Mother Nature that Florida is suppose to be warm! The last couple days it has just been getting colder and colder! Now, the hubby and I are constant frost watch. My winter crops are doing great, I’d like to keep it that way!

    Yesterday feedings we not the best, so hoping for better today! Good news, I did manage to lose 1.8lbs! I’m going to take it although I know it’s just a normal up and down of my weight! Next week is a full week of work, so I do know that it will be easier for me to stay accountable. It will be a difficult road as what days I’ll be fasting will be determined the night before. I have Jury Duty this week, I have a few clients to see and work in the warehouse. All depending on the court system. I do, however, plan to be on the road at least two days this week!
    I do have my goals planned out. 3 FD, 2 CD, continue with my intake of water, and try to get my lazy butt to do some type of formal exercise.

    Well, that about it for me!
    Happy Undecorating to those who will be doing that…..🙋🏻‍♀️ Like me!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam
    So, no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 6 USA (Illinois) FD

    Scale was not very kind this morning, even after an okay day yesterday. Who knows. I have my annual physical tomorrow and know I have to get on my doctor’s scale. He will likely see that I am maintaining… good.

    @daffodil2010 – that sounds rather scary for your father. Hopefully he will get good results. I am 70 but have familial spine issues too. Mine is 3 degenerated disks in my lower back that we are monitoring. Some pain, not all the time, but yoga has seemed to help with the numbness and tingling I’ve experienced in the last year.

    @bert1802 – I wear memory foam shoes often. Hasn’t helped with remembering… 🙂

    @matpi @northerndawn @bert1802 — hasn’t our winter weather been crazy in the USA this year? I saw a map with a bulge of RED temperatures up the middle and blue and white temps on both coasts. Crazy.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7 Melb Aust FD
    Day 6 NFD
    Day 5 NFD

    “Starting again” – after a not so good 2 days. Weighed 0.9 kg less than my starting weight Say a.m., but didn’t eat well for weekend. @JumpGold Penguin, @flourbaby and @jaifaim, I did what Dr M recommends in hos new book – cleared out most of my remaining Christmas goodies this evening, after eating too many the past couple of days. I was doing so well, too (Sigh!). @JumpGold Penguin, as Dr M says, if your family objects, give the food to them and tell them to hide it from you or lock it away.

    @anna6, @elektron, @bert1802, bought and read the Aust/NZ edition of Dr M’s new book. Just a combination of his older books with added research, recommending the higher fat and lower carb Mediterranean eating on NFDs; start on 800 cals per day for as long as you can tolerate for a big starting weight loss, then move to what he’s calling the “New 5:2”, saying that more recent research has shown that 800 cals per day is an adequate reduction and more sustainable for many, then moving to maintenance on the Mediterranean diet with possibly 6:1. He’s also added the time restricted eating, which I think quite a few folk on this forum do anyway. He says to start with 12:12, then move to 14:10. I try to do 16:8, and I know several folk do 18:6, so that’s not new. I suppose the more interesting thing is telling us what some of the more recent controlled trials have found.

    @judyjudes, yes, the fitbit charge2 dashboard shows how many calories you’ve burned on a particular day. However, I agree with @at that it should be of academic interest only. Multiply your Basal Metabolic Rate for your age, weight and height (BMR) by your level of activity to get your TDEE, and stick with that. That’s X1.4 for light exercise, and I think X1.2 for sedentary. I was being slightly hopeful (and facetious) last Friday when I had such a heavy day gardening, but also ate more than intended for my FD, hoping it would compensate. Well, weigh-in Saturday was actually great, but …. start again tomorrow!!!!

    @dingping, congrats on the new house – how exciting!

    @ciren2, yes, Melbourne weather is very changeable, but not usually to that extreme. The weather forecast is now reasonably accurate due to the weather satellites, so an app on the phone is a good guide. The main times it drops like that is when there’s been a heatwave and a cool change blows in. The reverse doesn’t happen, though, from lower to higher temps.

    @missybear, well done not to gain weight over Christmas!

    @michelinme, agreeing with you re adequate sleep – definitely needed, and Dr M even mentions it in his new book, the differences to sugar control and self-control made by a couple of days of insufficient sleep. Now I’ve retired, though I’m a nightowl, I don’t have to get up early in the morning for work, so I can still get enough sleep – from 1 a.m. to 10 a.m. in bed at the moment, which means more than 8 hours of actual sleep, but I’m trying to move it to 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. Not there yet.

    Day 6 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Christmas decorations down and everywhere is looking quite stark…..I need to buy a new house plant or some flowers to cheer the place up and fill the empty space. It does feel more like the start of a new year now.

    @dingping hope you’re enjoying moving into your new home 🏡

    @daffodil2010 so very sorry to hear about your dad, hoping the injections work 🤗

    @betsylee thanks for the summary of Fast 800, my copy is ordered, from your comments it sounds very like how I do 5:2 which is based on the Blood Sugar Diet with a 14:10 eating window which works great for me 🙂

    Healthy eating today in preparation for my Monday FD…..but there will be a little planned alcohol 😉

    Day 5 – NC, USA – FD
    Day 6 NFD

    Decent FD yesterday. I was making truffles so although I only ate 400 calories, they consisted of 2 salads… and a truffle 😮

    I’m realizing that as much as I think I eat clean (no sugar/processed food), I actually have a lot of slip ups. And those slip ups add up… Thank goodness for fasting!!!! And for this forum/spreadsheet! It really forces you to be honest with yourself.

    January is such a hard month as a French person I have decided. First there is New Year’s celebrations of course when I make truffles for all of our friends, but then there is the Epiphany when I feel compelled to make a Galette des rois not just on Jan 6 but every time we get together with other French expats throughout the month and then on Feb 2nd is La Chandeleur (Candemas?) and we make crepes! I mean seriously!!! That’s a lot of delicious food concentrated in a 2 months period of time lol. But still, those are explanations not excuses. Better focus on those checkmarks if I don’t want to sabotage all the good work I’m doing on FDs. I need to create a winning strategy for myself. Today won’t be too bad. I am making 3 galettes but inviting lots of friends and hoping I can send all the desserts home with them. If they’re in the house, they will end up inside me!!! For the many French get togethers this month, I might need to resolve to not eat a thing. I hate to be that person who abstains. I know it’s a bit rude, but I’m afraid once I start eating a piece I might not be able to leave it at that. Or maybe I will skip the gathering…

    @matpi, I think all joking aside, I am a bit of an addict when it comes to sugar. I just stop thinking straight the second I eat it. Thank you @missybear for the tip on Michael Mosley’s Blood Sugar Diet book, I’ll go check it out. And congratulations on being on the lower end of your maintenance! That’s fantastic!

    @daffodil2010, I am so sorry about your dad. That’s so hard. Sending prayers and well-wishes your way. I hope it gets better.

    @lilymartin , @chipmunk13 and @mogaman, you got this! We’re all cheering for you! Good for you for taking control of your health and hopping back on!

    @jaifaim That’s too funny! Very clever!!! We’ll get there for sure. One day at a time.

    @dingping congratulations on buying your new house! How exciting!

    Happy belated birthday @basyjames! Hope your day was wonderful!

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    Day 6 California FD

    Decided to switch my FD to today since DH is taking care of his mother with Parkinson’s so I can eat (or not) whatever o want. Plus being at home gives me the advantage of being able to turn on the heat as needed as I’m always cold during the Winter and extra cold on fast days.

    @daffodil2010 I’m sorry to hear about your dad. I hope they can figure out how to bring back his mobility.

    @basyjames belated happy birthday!

    @dingping. Congratulations on your house – how exciting!

    Day 6, Rocky Mountains, US, MFD

    Well, it turned out to be a EFS yesterday evening at my friend’s house and, of course, the duck, garlic mashed potatoes and zucchini veggies were not ready at 5pm. Ate at 7pm and had the digestive bitters before, in the middle and after dinner which ended with half a gallon of ice cream for the 3 of us. Oh boy,…but no digestive problems, only very unkind scales this morning. But it was a very nice evening.

    @northerndawn: these bitters have extracts from roots and leaves of plants such as dandelion root and leaves, burdock root, fennel seed, yellow dock root, angelica root, gentian root, ginger root. It really seemed to help! 😊😊😊

    @dingping: congrats on your new house!

    @daffodil2010: Sending positive vibes to your Dad.

    @shinything: Very lovely video!

    Today I start with 800 cals for as long as possible. Next party is a birthday of a dear friend on January 17. Until then 800 cals, no sugar, no alcohol (still dry January), a restricted food window (20:4) and Mediterranean diet. After the party I will restart with my 800 cals plan.

    Have a good Epiphany Sunday! I leave my Christmas lights on. It is too dreary outside with freezing rain that I need light for my mental well being! 😊😉😆

    Day 6 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Heading out the door for a couple hours of shopping and then dinner. It’s about noon. I plan to read the day’s posts more thoroughly this evening.

    @daffodill2010….thinking of you and your dad. Prayers for him to find relief and regain his mobility/independence, soon.

    @songbirdme…I’ll be recording the Bears game to watch tonight, and rooting for your team! We still don’t really like the Philly Eagles here in MN; their fans were incredibly rude to the traveling Minnesotans when we lost the playoffs last year, even throwing full beer cans at people with children and such. They behaved better when they were here at the Super Bowl, but are not entirely forgiven. 😉

    Best of luck to everyone! Enjoy the day!

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