New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 901 through 950 (of 963 total)

  • Day 30 Wales NFD

    Staying focused on healthy Mediterranean eating but really feel more hungry during the colder weather this month…..January has felt like hard work!

    Happy Wednesday everyone, back tomorrow for my last FD of the month xx

    Day 30 USA (frigid Illinois) NFD

    Was right at TDEE yesterday, eating “normally” to help to stay warm.

    @at – you have been just a marvelous host! Thanks for all of your attention to us along this path.

    I read the first “Fast Diet” book in early March 2016 before even beginning this WOL but then gave the book away! I was convinced the medical research was sound, and the next December (after having lost 35 pounds), I told my doctor at my annual how I had lost. He seemed interested but had never heard of it. He sees me every year, and he’s glad it has stayed off.

    Internet and phone went down through the night due to the cold, but up and working now. Got down to -27 F. (-32.8 C.)early this morning (actual) with windchill about -50. Crazy. I’m staying inside today.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 30 – NC, USA – NFD

    Back from having completely dropped off the face of the internet. I ruptured a tendon in my hand doing some kickboxing and it has made it difficult to type with my hand in a splint. Sadly, I am still in a sort of plateau but I am at a decent spot (5 lbs away from maintenance) and I try to remember that a year ago I would have given much to be where I am right now in terms of BMI, so now is not the time to get discouraged. I do wish I had measured myself then so I could get a sense of the loss in volume which is way more satisfying that a loss in pounds. Excited for tomorrow’s last FD of the month so I can finish with a bang 🙂

    @daffodil2010 congrats on shrinking regardless of what the scale says!

    @beedoo you are so welcome about the zero app. I’m glad it has been useful. I don’t know if you have had a chance to watch the interview on Vimeo with Dr Rhonda Patrick and the one with Mike Maser, the new CEO, but it’s fascinating to hear about the benefits of fasting for type 2 diabetes, MS, and cancer. (and congrats on signing up for the yoga class!)

    @judyjudes, I know that black coffee or tea (without sugar or cream does not break your fast because patients in medical studies about fasting are allowed to consume those. But I really have not found anything conclusive about Stevia or sugar alcohol (cannot recall what it is called right this second). Some say that when it is pure stevia and has zero calories it will not break your fast, others say that it does in fact break it. I hope that I can find a medical/scientific answer at some point but so far it is fuzzy. Incidentally, congratulations on your success on the scale!!! So happy for you!

    @dykask I was so relieved to read your posts about large swings in weight after a WFD and after you start eating again. I experience the exact same phenomenon each time. I never trust that bottom number after my WFD since I know I’ll regain 75% of that the second I start eating again. Overall, I just end up loosing about a quarter of a pound per week at most. It’s slow but I figured over the course of a lifetime, it doesn’t matter, it’s still progress.

    For all of you in the path of this frigid Arctic cold front, you are most definitely in my thoughts. -50 sounds dreadful!

    @at, thank you for your fabulous hosting this month!

    Day 30, Emden Germany, NFD

    USA Day 30 FD (water FD; 16:8)

    I’ve been watching and reading the news about all this crazy weather. While we have that Polar Vortex here in the States, Australia is suffering with temperatures as high as 114 degrees F and terrible wild fires! According to the New York Times this morning, we have been increasingly going in this direction for the last 22 years! I do believe we need to take care of our environment!

    I’ve been reading with interest this morning about waist size while losing weight (for women). I don’t know everyone’s ages but I do know that waist size is also age related. Post menopausal women tend to have larger waist sizes than they did before because of hormonal changes (although genetics can also play a part). Premenopausal, I had a 22″ waist. That is a young woman’s size, a woman with a small bone structure. Now that I am 68 years old, I know that I will ever have that again. I struggle to keep my waist at 30″ no matter what my weight is! Sigh! I feel so much better when my waist is smaller and fatigued when my waist is larger.

    Today is another 800 calorie FD on a 16:8 eating plan! I am excited that I seem to finally seem to have found a working plan for me! I try to keep my carbs lower, though, because I think I am carb sensitive. Not eating sugar is not a problem for me. I don’t crave it. I am trying to create an eating plan to will work for me in maintenance, as well, which seems to mean not eliminating any food groups. Eliminating food groups makes me feel deprived. I just want to eat healthy foods only worrying about the quantity. When I have to give too much thought to my food, I can’t sustain it. I want it to seem natural like it did when I was younger and didn’t have to worry about my weigh

    USA Day 30 FD (800 cals.; 16:8

    Adding myself to pocket list:

    @elektron (800j
    @judyjudes (800)

    Have a great fasting day!

    Day 30 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    At 46 hours of 72 hour fast. Doing well. When I began 5:2 in the fall of 2016, I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing longer fasts. It was a great place to get introduced to the world of fasting. As I research further, I see there are different purposes for fasting and that determines desired protocols. With all the benefits related to fasting, I plan to make it a part of my life long term.

    @songbirdme and others in the “cold” part of the country, keep warm. I believe I heard on the radio that 32 states are experiencing unusual cold. Here in the west, it’s the 2nd day beginning at 22 degrees F. We’re shivering but nothing like much of the country.

    Day 30 pocket list:

    @elektron (800j
    @judyjudes (800)

    Whether cold or hot, may you keep comfortable and move toward your goal!

    Day 30: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Halfway through my week off already.
    We drove over to (near) Reading today to meet up with retired colleagues from our old place of work for the regular “Posties’ Lunch”…so, ehem…not only did I eat fully in the restaurant, but also my usual amount at home..(oh dear). So, basically, double-helpings for me today. Tut!

    @at: Many, grateful thanks to you for continuing to host through February.
    Maybe, I think to myself, if I continue to mix with successful fasters, I too will become one again.

    Day 30 not sure what kind of day honestly USA

    So, my 5 yr old daughter most likely has had the flu for the past few days, but my kids get flu shots so it’s not as bad as it could be. My husband is traveling. So, all 3 of my children slept in my bed last night (ages 9 and 3) needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep and felt like garbage this am. So, I made my kid cinnamon. Rolls and maybe had one. Or two. Possibly 3. But you can’t prove it. BUT I have since turned it around. On way home from doctors I got my daughters happy meals and I passed on McDonald’s. I came home and made my self some eggs. I am kind of insufferably smug now. “I passed on McDonald’s and ate healthy food” never mind my sordid cinnamon roll debacle. So I’ve turned it around. I read in one diet book, if you get a flat tire, you don’t go and slash your remaining tires. You fix it and get back on road, right? So, I had a flat cinnamon roll tire (or 2) but I didn’t slash my remaining tires by eating McDonald’s.
    However, last night after my fast day I felt really good. I had a lot of mental clarity, and I wasn’t tired at all. I was kind of energized actually which never happens at 9pm. I’ve started craving healthier things. That is such a big step for me.
    My sister who is pre diabetic and her husband are starting weight watchers. I want to rip my hair out in frustration. I talked to my mother, who is 72 and you will never convince her that fat DOESNT make you fat. Everything in her house is low fat;drives me nuts. (If I were to talk to you about my mom and food it would be a novel. So, absolutely no help from my mom. ).
    Thanks @Betseylee for your thoughts on my brother; I’d never thought about that (that he’s skinny on outside and fat on inside- he’s also pre diabetic.
    So, I’m reining this day back in. I’ve never been tested but I wouldn’t be surprised if I have insulin sensitivity problems, though I never had issues when I was pregnant with my 3 kids.
    A,so, @Betseylee, i would think if you’re eating a lot of cabbage/ broccoli vegetables it is something to do with that. I think when you lose weight, it’s pretty evenly distributed. (I’m not convinced, my chest is the first thing to go. Lol)i think it’s just the nature of some vegetables. If you cook them you break down more of the things that cause them to be that way? I just did a quick google search. I could be making this up. You could play around with cooked vs raw. I personally hate cooked broccoli and cauliflower. Thanks to google it’s because they release a sulfurous gas when cooked. You’ll also get more water in the raw vegetables than cooked ones, right? (I’m not a chef. Could you tell?)

    Day 30 second post
    Sorry for such a long previous post

    Day 30 – UK – FD

    Woke up to a blanket of snow in our village this morning – has remained freezing today as the snow in the backyard is mostly still all there!

    Walked in to attend my regular yoga class and pleased to see that almost everyone had made it in too. A late brunch out afterwards with friends but my afternoon volunteering was cancelled – not worth putting the older group who attend at risk by attempting the journey to the centre. So had an unexpected free afternoon to catch up at home.

    Managed to complete my B2B2B FDs with an 800cal day after the first 2 days being 500cals ones – was trying for another 500cal but will take the 800cals and be happy with that.

    @beedoo – my darling mum passed away in 2014 too but in the September and I miss her dearly too but I cherish so many fond memories so sending you a big virtual hug around this difficult time for you 🤗
    @ccco – so happy that you have found a way that works for you and how wonderful to have met your January target, that in itself is a great motivator to take you into the February challenge!
    @lorky35 – I’m sure that you would make a wonderful host for a challenge – anytime you feel ready let us know – there will always be great support from others in the group – The story at the start of yourDay 30 made me smile and you never need to apologise for a long post, it was a brilliant one – it’s also part of what makes these challenges like a big cyber family who can share with no judgement 🤗
    @annemarilyn – great job on those 72hr FD of yours 👍
    @michelinme – have you considered trying some milk kefir to see if that helps with your symptoms – I make my own and drink a glass each day – Studies suggest that it boosts your immune system, aids in digestive problems, improves bone health and may even combat cancer.
    @songbirdme and others who are experiencing the extreme cold in the US – please stay safe and warm and inside as much as possible x
    @betsylee – you are very welcomed – I think you too would make a great host whenever you feel confident enough – 5:2 experience is not essential as there is always someone here who can step up to answer queries x
    @daffodil2010 @betsylee @judyjudes and @dykask – I found that I seem to keep weight around my waist more as I got older – in my youth I used to store more around my hips/thighs………I have found that eating a lot of carbs is also not helpful so I have reduced my carb intake…….BTW @daffodil2010 you were a great host in February and September last year 🤗
    @debster251 – looking forward to having you with us in February and helping you curb that sugar 🐉
    @redrockgirl302 – sounds like you have a great life and your Rocky Mountains reminds me a bit of our area – lots of mountains and an outdoor lifestyle – you have been with us on these challenges for 2 years this month I believe!
    @emma1202 – had been wondering where you were – sorry to hear about your hand trauma OUCH! 5 lbs away from maintenance is so near – stick with us and we will help you there sooner than later – see you in the February challenge x
    @ccco – similar story to you regarding waist measurement – I do hanker after my smaller waist but I think I have to accept that it will never get back there and be happy that I am fit and healthy with a BMI of just over 20
    @ciren2 – YES you will get there too – I never thought I would but here I am and loving this WOL and as @annemarilyn said “With all the benefits related to fasting, I plan to make it a part of my life long term.”

    Tomorrow is the last day of this New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge – where has the month gone??

    Right I’m off to have a hot shower then an early bed with my book to stay well clear of any temptations!! but I leave you with this thought “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” – T Roosevelt

    Day 30
    NFD Went out shopping. I don’t do this very often but decided wearing the same old things for a year and a half was long enough. I love resale shops and found a great one today and bought several top and pants. I’ll go through my closet and get rid of things that don’t bring me joy anymore.
    It is still cool here, hight 50’s – low 60’s. Which compared to the rest of the country, not bad at all.
    I went to my new PCP yesterday and was surprised I weigh the same there as I do at home. I typically always weigh more at the Drs. office.
    We have a lot of things to go to this week. One thing we like where we live, there is always something to do.
    Have a good day.

    Day 30, Gozo Malta, cfd

    I had a successful cfd today, I’m still just under my BMI but would like to lose more before maintaining.

    In a world where you can be any, be kind as Diana123 used to say.

    USA Day 30 FD (800 calories: 16:8)
    Second Post

    Well just had my last meal and the kitchen is closed. Came in at 640.5 calories and no hunger, thanks to veggies. I tried cauliflower rice for the first time today and it was good. Have a great evening everyone!

    Day 30 Minnesota, USA NFD
    Day 29 FD (550 cals)
    Day 28 FD (430 cals)

    Late check-in from a frigid Minnesota. Just one more frigid day tomorrow and then temperatures begin to normalize. Since I’m basically homebound the last couple days I started doing our paperwork/accounting etc. in preparation for taxes. Now I have papers everywhere and trying to get it all finished before the weekend, so have not caught up on posts. I’ll try first thing in the morning.
    Planning a FD again tomorrow to try to end as close to 150 lbs as possible.

    Best of luck to all. Keeping you all in my thoughts throughout the day helps me to stay strong and complete my FD successfully. I’m grateful for this group!

    Day 30 Ohio, US — MFD(#8) ✔️

    A good MFD, although I was a little hungry after supper. I tried a new recipe and, while it had the right number of calories and tasted good, it wasn’t all that filling, so I’ll probably forego that recipe for use on MFD’s.

    Here at the end of the month it’s good to take stock. By end of 2018, what with the stress at work, then the holidays and being sick (so no exercise), my weight crept up to 180 lb (81.6 kg). During this month I’ve lost what I gained in December and am back at 175 lb (79.4 kg). Most of that five pound lost came since starting successive MFD’s. I think MM was quite accurate in the new book about the effect of doing a run of MFD’s. My practical goal is to get down to 167 lb (75.7 kg) since that would put me into the range of a healthy BMI for my height. It would be nice to go just a little bit lower than that to have some flexibility in day-to-day eating.

    @northerndawn From the weather reports your area was much colder than it was here. Today we hit a wind chill factor of -35 F (-37 C) and all the schools and universities were closed. So I got to stay home and get caught up on work and house cleaning. Enforced home stays can have their good points!

    Enjoy the day everyone!

    Day 31, Wellington, NZ 800 cals and the end of the last day of January in this part of the world.

    I thought I had all the acronyms down, but MFD has me puzzled – enlightenment please!

    I feel for all you frozen North Americans – we are all revelling in a couple of fabulous weeks of Summer weather with quite manageable temperature in our neck of the woods. However some parts of the country have hit the mid to high 30s and that is high for our little country.

    @Lorky, I laughed at your post about sibling rivalry – I have the same thing with my sisters-in-law. One of them lost about 25kg on 5:2 a couple of years ago and she has been quite competitive about it, always asking me what I weigh – we are about the same height but she is a bit taller. She has the most amazing willpower, I’ll give her that!

    @at – thanks for hosting – you are amazing

    I’m not sure about my weigh in tomorrow morning – our scales have been acting up – yes really! Depending on who weighs themself first, me or OH, the second person weighs the exact same as the first. And we know he has about 5kg on me. I bought new batteries for the scales and weighed myself again this morning and it gave me three different weights – the same as OH, three kg lighter after my shower (I wasn’t THAT dirty!) and then 1 kg heavier after I’d given it a good kicking.

    Oh well, if I’m sticking to the programme I must be going down surely.

    USA Day 30 FD

    Hi Chipmunk13! Still Day 30 here but I thought I would pop in to answer your question about MFD. I believe that means modified fast day. I am sure if I am wrong, someone else will eventually come on board and fix it. Have a great Thursday in your part of the world!

    Second post;

    @matpi, yes, it was -29 F (-33.9 C) actual air temp this morning and expected to be -27F in the morning. The wind chills were -55F to -60F ( -48.3C to -51C), but the wind is dying down tonight so maybe only -40F windchills on Thursday morning.
    All of the schools will be closed for another day as well as many businesses, again. It’s for the safety of the children who have to wait for a bus and employees who perhaps must wait for transportation. A lot of cars aren’t starting and 5 minutes waiting for help can cause injury if not dressed well.

    The trauma surgeons in the area are reporting 4th degree Frostbite cases, which means to the bone. That’s not seen in these numbers very often. And so far, at least one 22 year old man has died of hypothermia after his friends took him home after the bars closed and he couldn’t wake anybody up inside to let him in. Seems that always happens at least once each extreme cold spell.

    I think it’s the coldest I’ve experienced, but I might be wrong. It’s the coldest I remember, anyway. It’s very hard to breath when outside, even with a balaclava on. The doctors are saying not to talk or breath deeply when outside when it’s at the coldest. Well, I’ll be glad to see it head back up to the Arctic and we can all get back to normal. Friday it’s only suppose to be -2F, so looking forward to that!

    You know what Canadian’s call -2F (-18.9 C)? …….July! (lol) That’s a little Minnesota joke. 😉

    @chipmunk13 MFD means Modified Fast Day, usually at 800 calories a day.

    Can’t wait to share this bit of breaking news – the BEST FD recipe EVER from the fast800 book

    Prawn Korma with Coconut Cauli Rice.

    Try it – you’ll LOVE it!!

    @ccco and @northerndawn
    Thanks for the MFD info. Understand that must apply to the original style 5:2 as on fast 800 our FDs are 800.

    @northerndawn I cannot imagine how cold it is – try the prawn korma to warm up!!

    Day 31 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
    4th of B2B2BB

    Yay, end of January, and determination for one final FD push and something lower on the scales tomorrow. Then February I will try the Fast 800 5/6 days out of 7 🤗

    Had a super visit with Dad in hospital last night. He has lost about a stone in weight, his skin is a lovely fresh pinky colour, he is in great cheer and good humour p, and was like a child showing me how much he has progressed on the walker. He was even joking that he felt like a child learning how to do “standy-uppy ” by himself again. As he is the father of 8 kids I am sure he knows what that’s like 😆 I felt so energised afterwards. Great to see his progress.

    @northerndawn that sounds unreal the temperatures where you are, stay safe and hunker down.

    @annemarilyn it was you trying out your first WFD back in August 2017 who inspired me to try it too. Now you have just gone on in leaps and bounds with 72 hours and more. Well done!

    @lorky35 my older brother has Type 2 diabetes and very overweight. I have tried to point him in the direction of the 5:2 or the Blood Sugar duet but although he listens he hasn’t done much. He joined Slimming World with his wife last year and lost a stone but that’s back on. His wife is a “feeder” though and he can’t say no. I hate to see him looking so ill.

    Have a great Last Day of January!
    Pocket list Day 31

    Day 31 Herefordshire UK FD
    My post reading is slipping further and further behind but hope February onwards sees routine in our new life here in Herefordshire and with this WOL can fully develop.
    Thank you @at for setting up the February Challenge we won’t let you down and appreciate your commitment to these challenges, to us and this WOL. It’s very much appreciated from this end, ta x

    As @daffodil2010 said ‘Have a great Last Day of January!’

    Pocket list Day 31

    Day 31. UK. Fast800

    Crumbs it’s the last day of January already. This month has flown by.
    Yesterday closed my belly at 820 calories @ 17:00. Feeling greatish! Partner has commented a couple of times this week about how svelte I am beginning to look around the mid section. I think I will get the tape measure out.

    Looking back over my stats I have lost 5.5lbs this January which is my biggest monthly loss since I started in October 2017. I’m nearly a stone less than this time last year. Fast800 and TRE seems to be the right combination for me and my abnormal thyroid function.

    @emma1202 Wishing you a speedy recovery! Thank you for your post. I have tea, coffee, herbal & fruit teas and gallons of water before I break fast. I don’t use added sugar or sugar substitutes. I eat 2 made from scratch meals a day eaten within a 3 – 6 hour window and no snacks. But thank you for the information about sugar and sugar substitutes. I could use stevia for baking for my partner though … he wants to lose but still eat cake!

    @ccco I agree about ladies of a certain age naturally developing an increasing waistline. I was similar to you as I had a tiny 21 inch waist right up into my mid twenties. Then it increased bit by bit over the years. I know I’ll never again achieve the waist of my youth but would like to get to my best self. They recommend that our waists are less than half of our height. So I need to get below 30’ as I’m petite at about 5ft.

    @lorky35. Loving how you turned your thinking around and didn’t throw caution to the wind by having a Big Mac! Well done girl!

    @at yes I agree about becoming more carb intolerant as we get older. Since I cut mine down I am making more progress. I still make my meals enjoyable. For example yesterday I did a chilli lamb mince dish, mainly had spicy cauli rice with it but still had 2 tablespoons of brown rice. I find I need a degree of carbs to ensure I get all my vits, minerals, fibre and pre Biotics.

    @mapti sounds like you’ve had a great month and made great progress. Congratulations!

    @chipmunk13 I had scales like yours. I could weigh myself 5 times within minutes and the results varied by up to 10lbs. I’ve now got the Aria2 scale which is Wi-fi enabled and connects with my Fitbit App/Charge2. Really accurate and I feel assured I’m getting consistent weighing. I’ll give that Prawn Korma recipe a go! I especially like the pork mince one in the Fast800 book, although I pimped it up with more spice.

    @northerndawn. Hope you’re staying safe and warm.

    For all our friends stateside I hope your keeping warm & safe! There was a news article on the TV that showed one of our reporters in America tip a flask of boiling water into a river (frozen) and it turned to ice crystals before it came down on the frozen river.

    Peace & Love

    Day 31 London UK NFD

    Just a quick one in case I don’t get a chance to check in later. End of the month, we made it! Congrats to all who achieved their goals and to those who didn’t – tomorrow is a shiny brand new month full of promise and possibilities! It’s ours for the taking!

    After three attempts at an 800 FD I finally managed it yesterday and am ending the month at the lowest end of my maintenance range. The days when I didn’t manage it were under TDEE and 16:8/17:7 so that must’ve helped.

    My toddler had night terrors so it’s been a rough night. I’m pretty much been wake since 2:30am. Managed an hour at 5am. Exhausted. Thankfully my weekend starts on Thursday. It’s now just after 8 and he’s sleeping. Freezing outside but nothing compared to what I’ve been reading here. Stay safe everyone.

    Haven’t had a chance to read posts since yesterday pm but just saw the above from @daffodil2010 – I’m so pleased to read about the progress your dad is making!

    Hope you all have/have had a great day. @at thank you for all your support this month. You have been a wonderful host!

    Day 31 Belfast FD

    Woke this morning to a skiff of snow and a heavy frost, but exceedingly pretty. All this talk of the new book has made me decide to get it. Any reinforcement would be good

    @daffodil2010 so glad to hear the good news about your dad and feel your positivity.
    @at thank you so much for herding us this month with such dedication and for continuing into February. You’ve done a stellar job 🥇 💐

    I finish this month 2lbs above the highest in my range which is a little disappointing but a couple of those Christmas pounds have gone and the others WILL disappear,

    Pocket list day 31

    Onwards and downwards

    Day 31, Emden Germany, NFD

    so many posts to read, so much to do here. Because of last night’s snowfall we can’t visit MIL today, it’s a 3 hours drive, no need to take the risk, she’s steady atm. Instead we’ll wallpaper the bedroom ceiling today.

    @daffodil2010 I’m so glad your Dad is doing so much better now. You were a great host last year!

    @northerndawn if you would like us to read your Grandfather’s letters, we could give it a try. You could ask JJ for our email adress.

    Final weigh in this morning, weight 57 kg, so down 0.8 kg. After a lot of FD’s I went down to 55.1 kg and was shivering all the time, my clothes didn’t fit well anymore, so this weight seems to be too low. I now want to stay at 57 kg, I can keep that without too much effort.

    I haven’t been around much here this month, will try to be better in the next challenge.

    @at thanks you so much for being such a lovely and caring host. Hugs xxx

    Day 31 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Congratulations to those seeing good results this month.

    Pocket list day 31

    Onwards 😊

    2nd post

    @at enjoy your dinner tonight, where do you go to? We would love to dine at one of Heston Blumenthal’s restaurants.

    Day 31 – Iceland – hopefully FD

    Suddenly up 2kgs since the weekend… hopefully most of it is water, but January goal now seems very far away … will post final weigh in tomorrow.

    Thank you for being a great and graceful hostess @at 💐
    @daffodil2010 – wonderful news that your Dad is doing better💛

    Pocket list day 31

    Stay strong!

    Day 31 Melb Aust FD (No. 3 of 4 B2B2B2B)

    Not sure when we’re supposed to weigh in and finish our month, so did it today – pleased and relieved to see that I’m finally moving off my plateau and finishing with a 1.5 kg (3.1 lb) weight loss for January. Not nearly as much as I wanted, but better than staying stable or gaining. Minimal changes with measurements, but slightly down, so that’s okay too.

    @ccco, @judyjudes and @at, thanks for the helpful comments re waist measurement size. I have definitely found that my waist size increased with age, not just weight; however, proportionately, my waist is much smaller than my hips even now. It was just the spare tyre really above the waist I guess which has been bloated, and feeling hard – but I avoided any raw vegies yesterday and have noted an improvement already.

    Re waist, my waist to hip measurement used to be around 70%, which has been said to be very healthy, even when I was fat; now it’s still around 79%. Ideally it’s meant to be 80% or less, so theoretically okay, but I’m not happy with it; it’s way over the 88 cms non-Asian females are recommended to keep their waists under (Asian females need to be under 80 cms due to their smaller frames). Like @JudyJukes, to have a waist half my height, I’ll have to get it down to 30 inches (76 cm), so more than 20 cms to go!!! 🙁

    @dykask, I also notice more bloating with refined sugars, especially if I pig out on ice-cream, so you’re right with that. Also happens for me with any form of pasta. It’s generally a temporary thing though. Eat right the next day, and the bloating goes. The problem this time was that it was there all the time, and I kept thinking “I’m eating “right” but it’s still there, why?” and wondering if it could be the raw vegetables. Seems likely.

    @ccco & @JudyJukes, great that F800 is working for you. My B2B, etc., has been on 500-800 cals, and not been too bad to stick to, so I may do some more of them. I do like a bit more freedom on the weekend, though, so maybe a few a week for a while.

    @daffodil2010, great your dad is making progress now. Plateaus are frustrating! My plateau has finally started to shift with some B2B fasting, though I’m probably much heavier than you. Still it may be something to try.

    @lorky35, thanks for the comments re raw vs cooked vegetables – see my comments above; I think the problem really was the raw vegies not suiting me. That’s fine; we’re all different.

    @kaywesterman, did you find some clothes to throw away after your buying session? A Japanese woman has become famous in Australia in encouraging people to simplify their lives – not just clothes, but anything in your home that “doesn’t bring joy anymore” – hold it in your hands, thank it, and pass it on. The charities in recent months have been receiving much higher volumes than normal of pre-loved goods due to her influence. Has that been happening in other parts of the world?

    @matpi, I read with envy that for you, 167 lb is a healthy BMI for your height. As a shorty, 167 lb (which I’m still above) has me on the edge of not just overweight, but obese. But, great that you’re so near your goal.

    @chipmunk13, if your scales are so variable, another possibility is to keep a weekly record of your measurements. Sometimes even on the same weight, shape changes could mean you’re actually smaller. That could be encouraging.

    Finally to the northern hemispherites, especially North Americans suffering the effects of the polar vortex – keep warm, stay safe.

    Day 31, UK, FD

    I’m still here, and still trying and all I will say its not going well for me. Its my own fault because I think I’m overeating on my NFDs, again. And if I’m honest, I haven’t been very disciplined 😟. I will continue trying and trying to get back on the wagon.

    @at thank you so much for hosting January, I haven’t been active but I lurked in the background, and as always, you’ve been a fantastic hostess 💐

    I will see you all in February 🙂

    Day 31 – Perth AUS – FD (800)

    D1 weight: 77.9kg/171.74lb
    D31 weight: 70.7kg/155.87lb
    Total loss: 7.2kg/15.9lb

    Target this month was to lose 5.9kg after starting the Fast 800. Originally I planned for about 4kg, and I thought that ambitious, but the Fast 800 book said that you could expect to lose more with the Fast 800 so I upped the ante. Beat the target, but I expect some of this nice initial loss was food mass and the fact that I had ‘easy’ fat to lose after Christmas, so expecting a slow down in Feb. The book also indicates weight loss does slow a little, but should still hopefully be able to keep losing the kilos.

    I’m fairly amazed and extremely thankful that there are people like Dr M out there and places like this @fastdiet forum where we can gather and keep eachother accountable and share the ups and downs. The recipes shared are a must keep too! I have printed a few and added to my recipe folder as they were winners. It’s also amazing that the Fast Diet information is freely available and actually saves you money if you do it. The diet industry must HATE it. I’m also loving Yoga with Adriene, but am still very sore… I guess it’ll take time to get there 🙂

    The Fast 800 and I seem to work well together. Hopefully it has worked well for others here that tried it this month, and I hope it works well for those of you giving it a go in February.

    Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences. I might not have responded very well, (or at all) during the month, but trust me I read every post, sometimes multiple times… particularly the recipe ones 😛 and I took a great deal of inspiration from you all – especially those experiencing life challenges who kept on going regardless. That happened to me last year, and I just threw in the towel and stacked on the kilos. You’re a lot stronger than I was, and have helped me get back on track.

    And of course, a massive thanks to @coda for starting these challenges and for the wonderful @at who kept us going this month. Hope to see you all in Feb!

    Day 31: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Last day of this challenge. I managed not ONE FD! I’m sorry to have to say this, but keep on hanging around with you successful people, ever hopeful it will rub off on me. See you in February. xx

    Day 31 – UK – NFD

    Last day of the Challenge – so was
    The first month of the year,
    A perfect time to start all over again,
    Changing energies and deserting old moods,
    New beginnings, new attitudes”

    We shall step into February with a new motivation make 2019 the year we achieve!

    @kaywesterman – new clothes always feel such a treat – enjoy your new bargains!
    @anna6 – congratulations on staying below your acceptable BMI – how much do you want to lose before you consider yourself in maintenance??
    @matpi – you did a great job in January – less than 10lbs to reach your target – You can do this!
    @chipmunk13 – those who started this WOL with 1/4 TDEE or 500cals on FD consider the 800cals FD as a MFD but in the new 5:2 800cals is a FD! and I will definitely look the recipe for Prawn Korma with Coconut Cauli Rice.
    @daffodil2010 – great job on pushing to finish the challenge with 4 x FDs in a row!!! Great news on your Dad – much have cheered you up no end 🤗
    @judyjudes – WOW 5.5lbs dispatched in January!!!
    @beedoo – great ending to the challenge at the lowest end of your maintenance range
    @snowflake56 – I live in Cumbria and we are very lucky to have at least 4 Michelin Star restaurants within driving distance – tonight we are going to The Forest Side in Grasemere – you can google it! So in preparation I only had a flat white with a slice of local tea bread after my aerobic class this morning and will drink plenty of water leaving lots of room for their Taster Menu 😋
    @betsylee – 3.1lb loss for the month is not to be sniffed at – well done you
    @shinything – you stick with us – it’s lovely to know that you are here – see you in February x
    @elektron – 😮 on that 7.2kg/15.9lb loss in January – The Fast 800 has worked brilliantly for you x

    @dingping @debster251 @snowflake56 @borealis @elektron and everyone else – Thank you for your lovely remarks – I have thoroughly enjoyed hosting January and looking forward to keeping February going with your help 🤗

    Well here we are on the last day of the New Start – January 2019 Challenge – Thank you to everyone who participated and helping everyone. I loved getting to know you all, some shared a lot, others just posted in daily and some posted ad hoc but I believe that we all gained something no matter how much or how little we posted. No judgement given, just understanding, hugs, guidance and immense support for each other – our small global community could teach the world a thing or two!!!!! TOGETHER WE ARE DEFINITELY STRONGER

    Remember “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    3rd post @at what a beautiful hotel/restaurant you’re dining at tonight. Had to use a dictionary to find out what’s on the menu, a lot of unknown things. The pictures look very appetizing, I’m sure everything tastes a good as it looks. Have fun!

    Day 31 FD-Syracuse,USA

    Catching up on posts. My kids are home from school because of the wind chill. Not as cold as it is in Midwest US though. Still, yes it hurts to breathe when I take the dog out. She’s 7mos. old and has taken to doing her business in the basement. I mean, I get it, it’s -20 below, but still Lol.

    One poster mentioned Marie Kondo. She’s the Japanese, decluttering sensation. She has a Netflix show. I bought her book a few years ago. She is so cute and I love her. Apparently, since her show came on all the thrift shop donation places are full in our area. Everyone is decluttering! Me included. I watched one episode and then spent a snowed-in weekend refolding my entire family’s clothing to the size of postage stamps. (Ok, not exactly, but close.) The first thing you declutter is clothing. You’re supposed to hold it and see if it “sparks joy” if not, you thank it and send it off into the universe. Or the salvation army. Or no, cause they’re full. She says you’re supposed to gather all of your clothing in one big pile (so everywhere you store clothes, pile em up) I didn’t do that. I was aiming for my dresser drawers to be 90% full (which I read in an additional book she has) and they are since everything has been refolding microscopically.
    Next step is books; I’ve already decluttered a lot of books thankfully I donated them to library before her show came out; they’re probably full now too! And I took a garbage bag to kids playroom. (I went out of order but I was inspired) Toys with many tiny pieces that puppy has chewed were all chucked;if I never see them play with them, yet I always pick them up-they didn’t spark joy. More like misery.It was liberating actually. If they were in good shape I used to bag them for the goodwill but they’re full and I don’t want to punish other parents with these things. Seriously.
    But say you have an item like a toothbrush. Toothbrushes don’t exactly “spark joy”. But you shouldn’t chuck it. It does spark joy, you just don’t exactly appreciate it. (I am not making this up, I swear)How would you clean your teeth without it? You wouldn’t. So it sparks joy because it does a necessary yet unappreciated function. So you’re supposed to thank it too.

    I taught my husband how to fold all the laundry her way. As he’s folding I said, “Wait!!! I don’t think those pants feel very loved. Are you telling your pants that you love them?” Ok, he wasn’t super amused but I sure was!!hahahahha

    USA Day 31 FD (800 cals.; 16:8)

    Late to post but it takes me awhile to read all the posts. I can’t believe it’s the last day of another challenge month. They seem to go so fast. I will continue the 800 calories 16:8 protocol, as it seems to be working for me (as long as I don’t drink wine)!!

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    @ccco (800)

    Daffodil2010, I am so glad to hear how your father is doing! Also, glad to hear how many are doing well and how many are so dedicated to making this WOL work! I am looking forward to seeing you all again on our February Challenge! And again, thank you AT!

    USA Day 31 FD (800 cals.; 18:6)

    Lorky35, even though I just posted, I had to respond to our post! This weather may be miserable and preventing us from doing things we might like away from home, but it does serve a great opportunity to declutter. I am that very same process. I have done so much around my house (including gathering clothes to give away), that I have told my family that I think I have gone where no one has gone before. So much cleanliness! I even hired a truck to hall things away! It really feels good to have that burden lifted off my shoulders ! Go, girl! Also, about not seeing your pet play with his toys! Over the years, I realized with our pets that mischief time and playtime started after we went to bed! LOL Have a great 5:2 day!

    Day 31 North Canton FD

    I hope February brings more consistency to my life. I miss being consistent with my FD, exercise routine and posts to this forum. I seem to have let go a little in terms of my discipline and I am hoping to get that back.

    I haven’t settled on a strategy yet but I have really been into TRE lately. I would like to start tracking my calories consistently, that’s my biggest fail- I have no idea how many calories I am taking in.

    I also planned to weigh in daily; that did not happen. I still step on the scale sporadically to have an idea of my weight but nowhere near as consistently as I used to. One thing I am happy about is being more accepting of myself and the way I look. I have settled into size 6 clothing; give or take a few pounds and I have been consistently there for the last year. That’s a win in my book.
    My goal for February is to build on that, find a consistent routine that I can stick to and stay under 160 pounds.

    See you all on the other side 🙂

    I will see you

    2nd Post

    Closed my Belly and the month of January on 801 Cals @ 17:30 hrs. January 2019 has ultimately turned out to be THE most successful month of weight loss I’ve ever had in about 16 months! This has been facilitated by:-

    * Fast800
    * TRE between 18-6/21-3
    * Lower carb, higher fat, moderate protein version of the Mediterranean diet.
    * More importantly, this wonderfully supportive thread and all the lovely people in the worlds ether. For that I thank you and @at for being Thread mummy.

    @daffodil2010 fantastic to read your father is improving. Long may it continue!

    @betsylee How wonderful to end January on a high with a good reduction!

    @shinything & Ciren2 you can do it! Holds an hand out to hurl Shiny & Ciren onto the wagon 🙂

    @elektron 15lbs is fantastic. Congratulations!

    @lorky35 Great minds think alike. I’m also Marie Kondo’ing. She is very watchable and I agree cute! Plus her methods are so simple and work.

    See you all on the February thread 🙂

    Peace & Love

    Day 31 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Will be finishing my 72 hour fast in an hour. Looking forward to a late breakfast. Weightwise the scale went from 195.2 to 193 this month; 2.2 lbs less. I hit 192.2 once during the month but it hasn’t been secured 🙂 . With all the talk about waist measurements, I decided to measure this morning and yea, down 1 inch for January. When I started this WOL, my waist measured 46 inches; today 37 1/2 inches. I need about 31 to get to the .5 ratio.

    @daffodil2010 – so glad your dad is improving! That’s sad about your brother. Don’t know if he’s into books/ even in audio form that Dr. Jason Fung’s books are. His “The diabetes Code; prevent and reverse Type 2 diabetes naturally” would really speak to his situation.

    @judyjudes – you’ve found what works for your body, wonderful! You dispatched 5.5 lbs. Woo-hoo!

    @betsylee – good for moving the scale downwards!

    @Lork35 – I didn’t realize thrift stores were getting full in the USA as well due to Marie Kondo’s decluttering influence. I’ve been donating here in Spokane, WA and they accepted things readily, but this particular place deals with the homeless a lot.

    @basyjames – clothes are a great measure! Sounds like you’re perhaps doing better than you thought. Your goal is to stay under 160 lbs. How tall are you?

    @at – Thanks again for guiding and supporting us through January. Regarding February, I’m entertaining doing a 30-day Keto challenge. I haven’t reviewed the material enough to know how much fasting will be involved. All that to say, I didn’t know if I should be part of the February challenge here. What do you think?

    May we all finish well in this month of January!

    Day 31, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    @at thanks for hosting this month, you’ve been amazing. I need to shed 1.4 kilos to be the weight I desire. This month was a record I shed 5.9 kilos.

    Take care everyone, have a great weekend.

    1st day of Feb here in NZ, but your end of January in other places.

    Reporting in for January and very happy. I set a goal of 4kg for January,
    Couple of bumps along the way, but today, if my scales are to be believed, I’ve achieved the January goal and a wee bit more.

    Jan 2nd – 81.7kg (180lb)
    Feb 1st – 77.1 (170lb)

    Doing a happy dance – the big change came when I moved to fast 800 for a solid week – I agree with @judyjudes and @Elektron- it makes a fast (haha) difference and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

    That said, My February plan is to go back to 5:2 but the new 5:2 with FD at 800 cals and TRE.

    Sending warm thoughts to you all – especially you polar vortex folks who’ve been making our news here

    @at, thanks again and see you in your February.

    Oh and re the Marie Kondo thing -I hear charity shops are getting a bit snippy in some places with this massive clear out everyone is doing!!

    Day 31 – California – NFD

    Last day and i’d like to thank @at and all of you for making this such a welcoming place. My first month on the forum as I just stated this WOL mid December (I like a challenge!). This month I came in 0.8lbs under my goal weight of 134 so I’m very happy. Now my thought is what is my reward for accomplishing my goal – would a big bag of candy just be all wrong 😉

    Hi for the January challenge, I lost 3kg. At the moment it’s hard to weigh myself as I have broken my arm in 2 places and have a permanent fibre glass cast which has to be on till March 2 and it obviously makes me weigh from between 500 g to 1 kg more plus all the swelling. I when I got the cast on January 21 , I weighed 67.2 and at the beginning of Jan I weighed 70.3. I’m happy I achieved my goal loss during a month of holidays and parties.

    Day 31 UK FD
    Day 30 UK NFD

    Yesterday was v long and full of words so I couldn’t face reading posts when I got home. Confeence was challenging esp the environment, but my parts went much more easily than I’d expected – phew!

    Weird food day as neither conference nor evening gathering had food I could eat – lots of healthy vegan food plus 3 small chocolate bars…..I haven’t had even ONE chocolate bar in 12 months!! Ended up 200 over TDEE and also realised how infrequently I eat that much now.

    Was hugely full yesterday evening after enormous number of vegetables and pulses during the day but this morning woke up feeling much lighter and more focused – exactly as tho I’d done a FD. Which just goes to remind me it’s not just the calories in the food but the food in the calories! And it spurred me on to stick to my regular FD today – OMAD and less than 500 calories – finally getting in a good one to finish the month’s challenge.

    Wonderful to read people’s progress, learning and motivation this month- some amazing early losses, breaththroughs and new determination. Fast800 certainly sounds good too 🙂 Hold on fast @shinything and @ciren2 and all else who are struggling. We’re stronger togehter!
    @rosyposy so sorry to hear about your arm & hope it mends well and without too many issues. If you want to track yourself maybe think of another way of doing it for the next month until the cast is off? Eg by weekly measurement of vital statistics, keeping a food diary etc – Anything that means you’ve something to measure l?

    I’ll do my end-of-month weigh in on my regular weigh-day tomorrow. Past my bedtime already .. Late, but good to be on the pocket list for Day 31…

    @ccco (800)

    Day 31, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Kept maintaining throughout January and am in the middle of my maintenance weight allowance.😊

    @at: Thank you so much for another month of great guidance. 💐😊⚘

    See you all tomorrow at the beginning of a new month! 😊😊😊

    Day 30

    @betsylee, yes I have pulled out clothes to donate. I have seen her on Netflix. Before we moved to Florida, I had watched the show on Netflix called Minimalist and that helped me to let go of a lot of items as we had to downsize a bunch. So, I still have that in me to keep things simple. 🙂
    We went out to lunch with our Audubon group. While it is my FD, I’m not having dinner which I usually save my calories for dinner and I am hungry now. 🙁
    I’m adding my name to the pocket list.

    @ccco (800)

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