New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 801 through 850 (of 963 total)

  • Day 26, second post – will this forum become a new one for February? I really enjoy the support.

    Day 25 USA – frigid Illinois – NFD

    Keeping at maintenance. Looks like I have come down with a cold (sniffling, sneezing) but not feeling too bad.

    @bestylee – for years we have maintained a “challenge” thread with a new host taking over the next month. Be on the lookout. Hopefully someone will step up shortly and let us see who it is. Wish I could, but I just have too much on my plate with my activities! Who said retirees just sit around? 🙂

    Onward and downward.

    Day 25 UK CD

    Yesterday turned into a comfortable NFD – I was simply too tired & grumpy and feeling out of sorts to have my usual FD after unplanned B2B2B. Note to self – think ahead and switch up! After early OMAD supper instead of winding down and getting early night I had some cheese & apple, then oats with cacao, brazil nuts & dates. All good food but felt v puffy afterwards and had to stay up late to digest!

    This morning I was back up to 67kg which is getting pretty old now as I’m yoyoing back and forth 65-67kg. Every time I eat any carbs or grains I’m puffed and heavy, every day I don’t drink at least 2litres water I feel wizened and sluggish 🙁 Now I’m coming down with a cold I’ll need to be mindful & resist the urge to comfort-eat carbs!

    @betsylee @songbirdme I think we have hosts lined up for the next month or two – is that right @at, @rainbowsmile ? x

    Day 25: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Day off work today, back tomorrow then it’s a whole week off on holiday….dangerous times!
    @betsylee: I do hear hot news from Australia, I don’t know how you stand it. My daughter (newly arrived to work near Melbourne) talks about it being in the forties. Poor you.
    @olabimpe: Welcome to the group, just jump straight in. The February Challenge will be announced soon on here. Have you read the book? I’ve ordered the new one, “The 800 Fast” I think is the title.

    USA Day 25 FD (800; 16:8)

    Adding myself to pocket list:

    @chipmunk13 (800)
    @elektron (800)
    @dykask WFD #6 in 2019
    @judyjudes (800)
    @jumpgoldpenguin (0 cal)
    @ccco (800 calories)

    Just discovered avocado toast! Yum! Had some this morning with avocado and a fried egg on top of a slice of multi grain bread! Excellent!

    I wrote a lengthy post but lost it when I was adding myself to the pocket list. Will try again another time!

    Onward and downward, everyone, and have a great Friday! 🙂

    Day 25-USA

    I think I’m going to start the fast800 tomorrow. I’m aiming to do the 800 cal in the 16:8 window. I wanted to shoot for 2 weeks:I don’t know why I picked this time frame? I’ll stick to “normal” food. Obviously not unhealthy food but not Mediterranean diet either.

    For those that have the book, what is the purpose of the back to back to back fasting? Does it help with sugar cravings? I’d like to get to point where I just naturally crave healthy food instead of potatoes in any form!
    I ordered a copy of book this week but I don’t want to wait for it to get here before I start! You are all so inspiring!

    Day 25, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Maintaining in the middle of my goal weight range. I am still working on getting rid of 3 pounds or so. Need the wiggle room for fun life events such as the Super Bowl🏈food extravaganza!😊😆😂

    Off to meeting DH in our favorite cafe on campus! Taking the shuttle one way and then walking back. Getting my 10.000 steps daily!🚶‍♀️😇😊

    Have a good Friday everyone! 😊😊😊

    Day 25, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    For those who ordered the latest the fast 800 book,
    I have it by haven’t reAd it yet. All you need is will power and wise choices. I tend to have a feast day on Sunday and don’t count calories. I also have a nfd on Saturday. I still manage to lose weight if I’m careful the rest of week.

    Today I also indulged and ate a delicious Maltese cheesecake while in a cafeteria with my OH and SIL. I also ate a slice of left over Christmas panettone for lunch and had normal pasta with arrabiata sauce for dinner. I think I went over my tdee but frankly I don’t care. I enjoyed them and was fully conscience of eating loaded calorie food. That was for today.

    Keep on keeping on. Let’s all stay strong.

    Day 23-25 – UK – NFD

    Busy last few days! the snow we had on Thursday did not last long and today temperatures rose up to around 8-9 degrees – managed to do a nice walk without any rain this morning with my walking group.
    Do feel sorry for those of you sweltering in the excessive heat in Australia – hope you are managing to stay cool……

    How is everyone doing with their goals for this New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge? Only 6 days left!!!

    I know that @rainbowsmile has agreed to host March but no one has come forward yet to host the February one – Anyone willing to step up???? We will all give you support 🤗 and the role is a good incentive for you with this WOL as well

    @annemarilyn – today must be your 5th B2B FD?
    @debster251 – enjoy rediscovering your passion for art and painting
    @gretta – great job on reducing your sugar intake – seems to have had beneficial results for you in reducing your chocolate cravings
    @daffodil2010 – go0d to hear that your dad is starting to settle down in the rehabilitation hospital and a bit more accepting of what is happening to him – must be a bit of a relief for you
    @wallymundas – are you joining the challenge – never too late! the February one will be set up soon so can carry on…….
    @rafiki44 – well done on hitting your January goal early!
    @mogaman – good to hear from you and that you are maintaining nicely
    @judyjudes – great job on dropping below 150!
    @missybear – staying in maintenance does need working at so well done on staying within your range
    @olabimpe – welcome on board – keep checking on here daily and the February challenge should be set up soon hopefully
    @ccco – I can’t believe that you have just discovered the joys of avocado on toast! so many variations for you to discover and enjoy!
    @lorky35 – the idea of starting the Fast800 is to drop weight a bit faster initially and get you motivated. There have also been studies done on diabetics on 800cals for 8 weeks and many have managed to come of their medications and have normal blood sugar levels – here is a couple of links explaining it more
    Fast 800 diet: How YOU could lose up to a stone in three weeks | Daily ……/Fast-800-diet-lose-stone-three-weeks.html
    The diet – The Blood Sugar Diet
    @redrockgirl302 – another of our maintainers doing a great job!

    I don’t know about the rest of you but I have decided that from tomorrow I will make the last days of this challenge one of healthy choices and remain alcohol free to set me up for the February Challenge – I CAN DO THIS!

    “Success is just failure turned inside out
    The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
    And you never can tell how close you are
    It may be near when it seems so far
    So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
    It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit”

    Day 25 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Yes, @at it’s the 5th day. Planning to break the fast with supper today. Started after supper on Sunday. The scale is cooperating and moving in the right direction.

    @JumpGoldPenquin – wishing you all the best on your 0 cal FD. I’m impressed. Maybe when it’s warmer, I’ll try some of those.

    @judyjudes – woo-hoo for getting into the 150s!

    @betsylee – you can always just move your TRe window – perhaps starting at 10 or 11 AM and closing at 6 or 7 PM. I wish you well whatever you chose.

    @michelinme – yes, each of us is different. It’s tough being so carb sensitive. As you said, planning ahead can help with having better choices for your body.

    @lorky35 – B2B allows for different lengths of fasts. It’s sometimes good to change things up; keep the body guessing 🙂

    Day 25 Pocket list:

    @chipmunk13 (800)
    @elektron (800)
    @dykask WFD #6 in 2019
    @judyjudes (800)
    @jumpgoldpenguin (0 cal)
    @ccco (800 calories)
    @annemarilyn – 5th B2B

    Hey we’re at the weekend! Time for enjoying some food but keeping mindful. Enjoy!

    Day 26 – Japan – NFD

    Today I’m working on pushups. Last night I did a few frog stands. I’m in the 15 to 20+ second range before I lose balance. It is getting easier to get into the frog stand. I might work towards a crane stand next where the arms are straight before moving into the tuck stand which many claim is the hardest one to master. With the crane stand your knees press high on your arms, even the armpits if you can. With the tuck stand you legs are just bent up under the body without touching anything.

    I lost 2.1kg on my WFD, but I expect most of it will come back today. However I can tell the body fat is going down again!

    Day 26 – Perth AUS – FD (800) … or close to 😛

    I’ve decided I’m going to check in here every day over the long weekend in the hopes it keeps me accountable and out of the pantry! So far so good, and sugar cravings at an all time low.

    @lorky35 The Fast800 book talks about combining the Blood Sugar diet + 5:2 to give an initial rapid weight loss plus regain insulin sensitivity the longer you can manage the 800 cal days. Two weeks is the minimum Dr. M says to do it, but longer if you can. I’m aiming to do this through February, as I think it has helped, but blood tests will tell. I was pre-diabetic before starting. It has definitely helped with the sugar cravings, and I think this comes down to insulin resistance – discussed a little in the book.

    The book is not wrong on weight loss, as many doing the 800 this month have discovered! When I finish up doing the 800 days, I think I’ll gradually add in one higher cal day a week to see where my ‘loading’ point is. I suspect I might need to have more than two 800 cal fast days in a week to maintain my ‘healthy’ weight (once I get there!) so might end up on a 4:3 rather than 5:2, but we’ll see ☺

    Great to see others getting results, and yes, this includes slipping then knuckling down and getting straight back in. That’s still very much a win in my book! 😀 Looking forward to a BBQ lunch today… will try not to go over in calories, buuuuuuuut think I might, so that WFD might have to be tomorrow! See what I mean about slipping and getting straight back into it? Dr. M did say he had a slip up or two when doing the 800, so I don’t feel too guilty 😀 Doctor approved! Haha

    Day 25 Ohio, US MFD(#3) ✔️

    After the stressful week I was surprised to wake up full of energy this morning and the energy seemed to stay at a good level all day. I was able to get my basic tai chi and qigong in before breakfast. I’ve always done 12:12, but with these MFD’s I’ve been able to shift to 13:11. One small step after another!

    @annemarilyn Like you I’m also carb sensitive. I’ve found that I can’t really handle super low carb regimens. On my FD’s I find that if I use 175 calories of carbs strategically placed during the day, then the fasting is doable and sustainable. (That discovery came as a surprise.) By the way, those calories don’t include green vegetables. What do you do to cope with your need for carbs when you fast?

    @anna6 The cheesecake sounds delish! One thing that I noticed over the holidays is that there’s a threshold which when my weight goes over it, the least serving of dessert immediately causes weight gain, even if over-all I stay within the TDEE. I’m hoping that by the end of the month I can get my weight down below that threshold. Then bring on the cheesecake!

    @lorky35 Having two weeks or more of MFD’s in the Fast 800 is meant to get the weight down quickly. The third chapter of the book is titled: The case for rapid weight loss. After two weeks of MFD’s then you make a decision to go for some further weeks of MFD’s or go onto a 5:2 routine. On page 142 of the book MM gives a whole series of questions to help you make the decision. MM also discusses recent experiments where people stayed on MFD’s for 8 or more weeks. Again, the idea is to get the weight down fast and help the body (especially the pancreas and the liver) heal as quickly as possible. Hope this helps!

    Day 26 Herefordshire UK NFD
    Another FD ticked off but water intake again poor. My curiosity has been pricked with all the talk about the Fast 800, so book ordered.
    @snowflake56 – I can’t fast today as DD staying over the w’end, good luck if you’re fasting today, take care.

    @dykask – my muscles ache just reading post – good luck with them all.

    @ciren2 – it’s lovely seeing my country postie everyday, he’s young and handsome! Hope you’re daughter is enjoying Aussie life and things are getting easier adapting to life without her here.
    Hope everyone has a great day.
    Ta x

    USA Day 26 FD

    I am still awake now that it is Jan. 26. Looks like I will have no sleep, so I thought I would start today’s pocket list.

    Day 26 Pocket List:

    @ccco (800 calories)

    Hope everyone else is doing better in the sleep department than I am!

    Day 26 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Good morning all! Hey @ccco, unusual to have you start the pocket list, hope you get some sleep ☹️

    Well I am about to get up and at them, another trip to Dads house for more clearing away with my brothers and sisters.

    Like @dingping my curiosity is piqued with all the Fast 800 talk…maybe I too will order the book. Can’t harm and might get me off this plateau…January goal nowhere in sight.

    Day 26. UK. 800FD

    Just a quick post today.

    Have a fun weekend peeps.

    Peace & Love

    Day 26, Emden Germany, FD 800

    @northerndawn in a part of Schleswig-Holstein they speak a Danish-German dialect, but the written language perhaps is German. From the younger generation nobody seems to be interested in the life of the older generation, perhaps it will come at a later age.

    @matpi in my own family much of the memories of my parents has been changed though their divorce that made the family fall apart. My Dad’s new wife threw away everything from his past so we only have a few photos of him.

    @dingping my husband and I come from about the same background but in his family they photographed and filmed a lot more, my parents or grandparents were not very interested in taking pictures. What a lovely idea Guy Garvey had, we should have done that with my Dad, he had a very interesting life. Sadly there’s nothing left of it. Enjoy the long weekend with your DD and SIL, you have the space to entertain them in your lovely house. x

    @ccco hope you got a bit of sleep last night!

    @daffodil2010 enjoy the company of your brothers and sisters today.

    Day 26 Pocket List:

    @ccco (800 calories)
    @snowflake56 800 also

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 26 – NFD
    Day 25 – NFD – Ireland travelling
    Janudry and sugar free 🤞

    @rafiki44 – thanks so much for your reassurance! Just have to keep on keeping on…
    One day I’ll drop below this number that keeps popping up on my scales… for good… grrr!
    Have not had time this week to read all of the posts but hope everybody is doing ok.
    Have a good day everybody!
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 25 – California – NFD
    Day 26 California – FD

    Pocket list day 26

    @ccco (800 calories)
    @snowflake 56 (800 calories)
    @rafiki44 (500 calories)

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 26: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD

    Got home from work to find the Fast 800 book waiting for me…..took awhile to come, but no excuses now, must spend my upcoming week off reading and “digesting”!
    @dingping: Hey, it’s a bit unusual for posties to be handsome….most of us are somewhat frazzled, dog-eared and a bit tatty on the edges!! The uniform doesn’t do us any favours either….ha…ha! Obviously yours has youth on his side, eh?

    Day 26, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Dear Matpi you are welcome any time to sample the delicious Maltese cheesecake.

    After yesterday I weighed at 0.7 kilos less. I think I’m having a whoosh this week. It’s most welcome.

    Have a great weekend folks! Enjoy.

    Day 26, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Off to the Vet for more meds for our old puppy, Trader Joe’s for groceries, walking the dog 🐕.
    Unfortunately, a French pastry bakery opened in our neighborhood and DH wants to check it out. Very dangerous as I love 😍 French fruit tarts. DH is going for eclairs. I said ok but we will walk to the bakery and back home. It is only 2 miles round trip. See how dangerously close this is?! Oh boy!!! 😊😂🤣

    Have a good Saturday everyone! 😊😊😊

    Day 26 UK NFD

    Yesterday evening I baked a delicious gf oat & yogurt bread with cinnamon, raisins and pumpkin seeds for community breakfast today. After lovely supper of cauliflower with lashings of black pepper, spinach and mushroom anancini I ate the burnt end of the loaf – yum – and managed to stop after a mere 4 skiny slices!

    Only 4 hrs sleep (!) woke feeling v puffy & virus still bubbling away. Somehow left the house feeling organised and with my head in a good place. Good gathering & shared breakfast, now brought the other end of the loaf home – still yum. Guess I’ll be puffier again tomorrow.

    Yesterday I was also up to a carbtastic 148lbs – not seen since the end of October – despite good FD and every day under TDEE. Clearly this is a(nother) month for going backwards! I’m going to put it down to fatigue and viral illness. Aiming for healthy choices and mindful consumption for the rest of the month – as well as drinking more water & getting more sleep!

    Good luck to all who are facing challenges today, whether in fasting or in life. Here’s hoping for a restorative weekend 🙂

    Day 26, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Back from a holiday in Madeira and nice to be with you all again. (I’m not a newbie, by the way, just don’t post so often these days, now I’m in maintenance mode.) If December was dastardly, January has been the mother of all challenges! It started off with a terrible cold which put paid to any thoughts of fasting, and resulted in a gain to put me 3lb above my 150lb target. Then the holiday, with lashings of wine, multi-course dinners, ice cream, biscuits, delicious Maideiran honey cake, chocolate…I could go on! Surprisingly, I was back down to 150lb this morning, bang on target, so actually lost weight on holiday. Not only that, but I achieved a new personal best with my weekly park run. (My time was 34:24 and my ambition is to get under 30 min in 2019.)

    How did I do it? In one word, moderation. I enjoyed just small portions of the above mentioned treats, and balanced these out with lots of healthy veg and fruit. There is a fantastic market in Funchal, selling every conceivable type of fruit and veg, plus the unusual-looking but delicious to eat Espada (scabbard fish). We had the option of self-catering so I was actually more in control of my food intake than if we’d been eating out all the time.

    Oh, and we did lots of walking, too, averaging around 14km per day along levadas (water courses), mountain and woodland trails. It’s a volcanic island with some pretty steep inclines, which doesn’t half give the legs a good workout!

    My holiday reading was MM’s new ‘Fast 800’ book, which I really enjoyed. It’s good to see some of the health claims (besides pure weight loss) being backed up by new scientific studies. As it happens, I have been more or less following the 800-cal 5:2 pattern since I reached my goal back in October 2018 (allowing for periods of illness and holidays), and it definitely works for me. The one new thing I will be trying out is to confine my eating to 12 hours in the day, to prolong my daily fasting period. I don’t think it will be difficult, but I’m curious to try it out. I will let you know how it goes.

    Good luck everyone, whatever you are doing today, fasting or otherwise. Keep on keeping on!

    USA Day 26 FD (800)

    Hi, Fatfingers! I remember you. Nice to hear from you again and congratulations at reaching maintenance.

    Ohhh! I didn’t get to sleep until 4 a.m. but amused myself by starting the pocket list!! That probably won’t happen very often considering I am not on the right side of the world for such an early post!! LOL

    I really am not that tired, surprisingly, but hope I get to sleep tonight. I love my “sleep”! However, my FD is going well, so far! I worried that my sleeplessness would cause me to start eating and the thought did occur but I stood firm with myself. When I finally did go to sleep, I slept to almost noon, which helped me eat at my planned time to begin eating on my 16:8 protocol…noon. Well, I suppose there is a silver lining to just about anything!

    Glad to have Snowflake and Rafiki on board with the pocket list. It’s nice not to have to fast alone! Have a great fasting day!

    Snowflake56, I see you are doing the 800 FD, too! How’s it going for you! I am finding this way easier than fasting two days a week at 500 or less calories and I am seeing results. Also, I am interested in your discussion about family history. Two branches of my family came to the U.S. during colonial times from Germany, the Hellhorsts and the KÖtte families, but we have not been able to find out where in Germany so far. My Great Grandfather Carl changed my mother’s maiden name several times until (LOL) we would up with a Scotish last name. Even though the family continued to speak German all the way to my generation and he kept his first name as Carl, he left us with quite an enigma! The Germans went to a very historic church in Brooklyn, NYC, which originally belonged to the original Dutch settlers in NYC but the Dutch Reformed church was sold in 1832 to a German group who opened it as a Lutheran Reformed church. All the documents are in German, as were the services. My German family was baptized there, married there, and had their funerals there. Despite all this, we are still hoping to find out where all they came from in Germany. I found all my other family member on my mother’s side, even though they came during colonial time, too. The English on that side came from Northumberland, the Italians from Cambria, the French (I would have to check but I have it documented). I know my father’s family well because my father came here from Ireland, but he is part French and English, too. It is a wonder people in America even know who they are and many actually don’t! LOL Such is our history!

    I wish everyone a wonderful weekend! 🙂

    Day 26 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Enjoying my food after the 5 day fast. One thing I hadn’t shared was that on Wednesday, day 3 of the fast, I expended a fair bit of energy as I joined a friend in a line-dancing class for 2 hours (mini breaks). My energy was great. Really when we have fat reserves and aren’t putting many carbs into our body, we become fat burners.

    @matpi – you asked how I coped with my need for carbs while fasting. I’ve been building up my fasting muscle I guess, and I didn’t feel a need for carbs in particular. I only had hunger pangs a few times during the 5 days & most of those earlier on, I just drank something acceptable for fasting and perhaps put a little pink salt under my tongue.

    @snowflake56 & @northerndawn – in your conversation about German, it reminded me of going to church with my grandparents in southern Manitoba, Canada. Sometimes the hymn books had German script rather than lettering we use in English. I called it the curly letters but don’t know it’s actual name. My mom and dad could read it and understand it, while I could read the German using the non-curly letters but not the curly. If the German you’re looking at @northerndawn is curly, maybe there’s some older person around that could still read it for you.

    Off to a Keto presentation shortly, but not before enjoying some low carb pancakes with a few raspberries, and bacon.

    Glad we’re on the journey together!

    Day 26 Minnesota, USA NFD
    Day 25 NFD
    Day 24 failed FD….NFD
    I’ve not felt well but have had engagements so soldiered on. The weather here is atrociously cold and so on Thursday the 24th I had hoped for a FD, but I had to go out at 11 A.M and real temp was 4 degrees F (0 is -17.8C). I got too cold. I have stayed 16/8. I was just shivering before going out again. Had to go to GrandDD music program at 6 PM, wind chills were minus 25 below; 0 F real temp (that’s minus 31.7 C for Brits and Aussies). I just couldn’t do it so I ate at 5 pm and I did stay under TDEE.

    So, I didn’t make it to a fast. I was just too cold. I haven’t made a good fast in the last three days. I had Dear Grand daughter (6 y/o) for a sleep-over last night. A lovely time for all of us. Little sleep though because she woke and still so excited to be with us. Very tired today and again no fast. I hope I didn’t pass on a contagious bug, since still not feeling well.

    My weight is now back up to 152 lbs. I doubt I can make it to my 150 lb goal for this month. I think if I keep it there (at 152), I’ll be down 2 lbs (about a Kg),this month. In some ways I just don’t understand how I can not have lost more, but I guess I need to look back and go over my actual intake: though on fitbit, it looks like I was under not only TDEE but a couple weeks under BMR. I must have calculated calories wrong, or become truly lethargic, or there is a winter “hold onto fat” thing going on.

    Best to everyone. I have actually read all of the posts but going to bed now. I hope I can respond to people personally tomorrow.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

    We will be getting snow through-out the day and night tomorrow. Maybe 7-8 inches. Temps will be under zero degrees F (-8C) ??. I’m not a fan, but there are people so happy to have snow and cold so that they can snow mobile and ice-fish on the lakes.

    By Wednesday night, we will be minus 20-24 degrees, actual temp. I think that would be minus 32C for many of you across the pond. And then much lower temp from wind hitting flesh. Wind chill. They are saying minus 40 degrees to minus 60 degrees. Well, I looked up what 30 below F is and the equivalent is minus 34.4 C. I think. Anyway……I hate it and look forward to spring. I will not be going out anywhere. I’m a wimp!!

    Best to everyone! x

    Day 26 Ohio, US — MFD(#4)

    Kept on target with the MFD, although didn’t get my exercise in today. It turned out to be unexpectedly hectic, since I had to get a new SIM card for my cell phone and that took 2.5 hours. Tonight we’re expected to get 3 inches of snow and with the wind and the temperatures in the low 20’s (F, that is low -6’s in C) it was quite brisk outside. My dog loves this weather and can’t understand why we don’t go walking more.

    @northerndawn Hope you get to feeling better very fast! I’ve often thought that extremely cold weather is as much of a stress on the body as is a cold. Since it’s wise not to fast when one has a cold, it makes sense that one should hold off fasting during really cold weather. Up till a decade or so ago, it was quite usual for the area where I now live to have almost all of January with wind chills in the -30’s F (around -35 C). By the end of the cold snap it was usual for more than half of the students to be missing from classes. I think they were just worn out from the extended cold front.

    Day 27 – Perth AUS – WFD

    Yesterday was not a fast day. At all. Two hotdogs, steak and vegie dinner, half a bag of grain waves (crisps) and a Drumstick ice cream which alone was up near 300 cals. Ah the good old days… that lead to the bad old days!!! So a WFD was in order today. I was expecting to have severe withdrawals after most likely wakening those sugar demons, but so far so good! Back to the normal 800 cals after that to see out the last few days of this challenge, and lead in to the next.

    Seems like everyone is either melting or freezing! Stay safe and stay comfortable wherever you may be.

    Day 27: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD (as always, I’m afraid)
    Bitter wind this morning on the dog-walk. Very mucky everywhere after so much rain recently.
    @elektron: I guess you’re feeling the heat, eh?

    Day 27 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    It’s a bright sunny morning after last nights very stormy conditions. Will head out for a walk soon. DH starts back to work at last tonight…..with all his injuries he has not been to work since the end of November. I, for one, am looking forward to normality again, and he is chomping at the bit to get back to work.

    So happy days. Good day cleaning Dads house yesterday, came across an old Milk Tray box stuffed full of random photos and some were even of my Gran in her flapper girl dress in the 20’s. My older brother is taking them on as a project to scan etc.

    Loving all the talking of family history @ccco, @snowflake56, @annemarilyn.

    Have a lovely Sunday

    Day 27 – Iceland – FD

    Just got the Fast 800 book and can’t wait to read it! It is surprising how many people still don’t have a clue about IF – and not just ordinary people, but healthcare professionals! My dad’s cardiologist just told him that “it is not healthy to starve oneself”, as he asked if he should try 5:2. I have to admit that this ignorant response made me boil inside for a moment, as my dad now has a solid excuse never to try fasting (and he really needs to loose weight because of various health problems…). But I found it equally frustrating that such an authority on health would so quickly dismiss this wonderful, life-saving WOL… My own emotional response made me realise I probably sound like a member of some crazy fasting-cult, but 5:2 has changed my life to the better in so many ways and how thankful I am for it! Since fasting has done me so much good (especially when nothing else seemed to work), it feels somehow… precious? Not sure if it is a proper word choice, but hopefully you all get what I mean!
    Well, after I finish the book, I might just send it to this tunnel vision suffering cardiologist along with a little note of mine😇 (and try not to sound like the overly enthusiastic fast-diet-missionary that seems to be my true self…!)

    @ciren2 – there is always another month, another challenge, very true, but this is the fourth one where I start with almost exactly the same weight, so I was hoping to see a new, fresh, never seen before number on the scales before the February challenge… 5 days to go and a lot can still happen 🙂
    @fatfingers – your Madeira holiday sounds like a dream! Well done on the moderation👏
    Congratulations to those who have already reached their January goals @rafiki44 @chipmunk13 @judyjudes (and others I may have missed) 🏆🎉 
And best wishes to everyone for a superb January final spurt!

    Day 27 Pocket List

    Day 27 FD USA

    Just finished my first 800 cal FD yesterday. Starting fast800; I’ll get a jump start before my book arrives. Doing another 800 FD (16:8) today. My goal is 2 weeks but that seems daunting. So I’m trying to be sneaky with my motivation; “ I’ll just do it for today” and hopefully do THAT 14 days in a row. FOcus on 1 day at a time.
    Down to 166:6 lbs this morning. I started Jan at 170 lbs and My Jan goal is to lose 5 lbs, so I’m almost there. I’ve never reached a target before! Mostly because they were unattainable and then I fell off wagon. And ate wagon. Wagon covered in chocolate. Lol.
    I’m so excited and highly motivated! I have a nasty cold but that’s almost helpful; can’t smell or taste anything so I’m not tempted. I struggled a bit waiting till12pm to eat but it gets easier, that I do know.

    Day 27
    NFD today. FINALLY!!! Got the scales to move downward. 🙂 Lost a pound. I’ve been stuck at the same place for a month. I don’t think I’ll make my January goal so I will just carry it over to Feb.
    So what did it? Well, for me, I was busy helping with our art show which meant a lot of walking. One day I walked 7,000+ steps. I know one should reach for 10,000 but that only happens when I’m on vacations in Europe where you tend to walk more. 🙂 Plus on my fast day, Thursday, I only had a few cookies and ate dinner. So, I guess, for me, increase my walking.
    I have to brag a bit, :). One of my paintings got first place and later sold. Yea!!! A lot of my friends in the art show also won different places. It was really nice.
    @borealis when I tell my friends what I’m doing to lose weight, I get the same responses. After being on this for a year, I don’t feel like I’m starving myself.
    It is freezing, big time, in the northern US. So I won’t complain too much about Florida being cooler, highs in the 50’s and low 60’s.
    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Day 26-27 – UK – NFD

    Another cold day, overcast this morning but a sunshiny afternoon 🌤

    Met a friend for lunch today 😋 whilst OH was out running with his club – think I got the better deal as he was windblown on the fell tops 💨

    Only 4 more days to go to the end of this New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge – Is there ANYONE willing to take up the challenge of setting up and overseeing the February – shortest month of the year challenge???? @rainbowsmile will be there ready to take over in March 🤗

    @annemarilyn – great job on your B2B2B2B2B FD – brilliant effort!
    @dykask – thanks for the update on your frog stands – going really well by the sounds of it – I won’t attempt one as I can’t even do a proper pushup yet!!!
    @elektron – sounds like the Fast800 agrees with you – 4th week of Fast800 coming up by the looks of it on the spreadsheet!
    @redrockgirl302 – French fruit tarts are so hard to resist!!!!
    @fatfingers – lovely to hear from you and that maintenance is still your game 😇 your holiday in Madeira sounds ideal – lots of good food and wine in a controlled manner with plenty of fresh air and exercise too!! BTW Congrats on your personal best Park Run time 🏃‍♀️
    @northerndawn and @matpi – goodness our weather here is not really cold at all compared to yours ❄️ although the weatherman says more snow is on it’s way this week but minor to what you are experiencing!!!
    @borealis – email your father’s cardiologist and ask him to look up fasting work done by Dr Jason Fung, Dr. Valter Longo and others…… frustrating as you say that so medical staff remain so ignorant!!!!
    @kaywesterman – congratulations on your painting getting first place and also selling it 👏

    I’m aiming on doing B2B2B FD starting tomorrow but can’t do the last day of the month as on Thursday night OH is taking me out for Tasting Menu at one of our nearby Michelin Star restaurants – something to look forward to 😋 but also a great incentive to stick to my FDs.

    Hopefully someone will put their hand up to set up the challenge for February – be good to keep these challenges going…….

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 27, Rocky Mountains, FD 800 cals

    After the French pastry extravaganza yesterday I better do an 800 cals day today. That is the plan. I told DH to finish the rest of the French pastry. Hopefully I won’t be tempted to ‘help’. 😊😂🤣
    Overcast and not so friendly outside but I need to get my 10.000 steps.

    Have a good Sunday everyone! 😊😊😊

    USA /day 27 FD (800 cals. 16:8)

    Hello, everyone! Another cold day here but nothing like those living up North U.S.A. I have always found those North Eastern and North Western temperatures to be amazing but nothing compared to the snow they get up there!! I remember one year visiting charming Charleston, South Carolina one January where we met some people from Wisconsin. They were telling us that their house had snow covering above their house’s second floor! That is a lot of snow! I also doubt I could bear the temperatures you have up there. If there is a bright side to all that cold weather, it might come in the form that in order for you to maintain your body temperatures against that cold, you have to burn more calories. In any case, that cold would make me want to jump on a plane and fly to the Caribbean!! LOL

    Lorky35, I am with you on the idea of doing my FDs one day at a time. I can preplan each day’s meals and work toward that one day goal of success each day. I am one of those people that get in over my head making too many overall difficult goals, only to fail because it is too hard that way. Good luck with your approach and know that you are right there in my mind as we move forward.

    Joining today’s pocket list:


    Have a great day everyone and, remember, Spring will come soon!! 🙂

    Day 27. UK. 800FD

    Late to the party today as we have had friends staying over this weekend. Great weekend. Pleased to report I stayed on plan too.

    Weight up .1lb this morning but I’m familiar with how my body works so not concerned. The pattern is generally off a bit, on a bit, off a bit & repeat.

    Proper shattered so off for an early night. Hoping to catch up and read posts tomorrow.

    Night night & Peace & Love

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Been a very busy weekend, and not the best eating, but also not the worst. Bad storm and extreme cold due here in northern Illinois in the next few days. Likely won’t get to my normal exercise Silver Sneakers classes or yoga. Doubt I will even leave the house.

    Be smart, fellow travelers on this path–

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27 Ohio, US — MFD(#5) ✔️

    Stayed on target with the MFD, but wasn’t able to get any exercise in, mostly because I’m still running catch-up chores that the bad weather kept me from doing last week. With any luck I’ll break even tomorrow.

    @ccco Here in Ohio second-story level snow was the rule 30 years ago. By the time I moved here in 2002, there’d only be 3 or 4 feet of snow on the ground at a time. For the last 5 years or so, we’re lucky to half a foot or so on the ground at any time. (By the way, here lucky=big blizzard!)

    @at Unfortunately this month at work has been out of sight chaotic and the next few months look to be the same, so that I’d be able to host a month come the summer, but I feel that in many ways I’m just getting by with the load at work by the skin of my teeth. The picture is looking much brighter this summer because then I retire. I hope someone does step up for February because this group is really responsible for me being able to stay on the journey. You all are great!

    Day 27 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Enjoying the yummy food again today. Made good choices – meaning pretty much Low Carb, moderate protein and healthy fats, except for a cara orange which a little higher carb choice. What a flavourful orange!

    @daffodil2010 – great that you have a brother to do the scanning of the photos. It’s a great way to later be able to share with others if so desired. Personally, I have so many photos that I need to make some decisions about at some time. Boxes and boxes of them. I used to think I’d “scrapbook” them all but I think that’s a little unrealistic. I appreciate what others do in that line but haven’t had much success myself with it.

    @kaywesterman – congrats on 1st place and then also selling your artwork! Woo-hoo!

    @borealis – how disheartening about your dad’s doctor. I just finished watching the entire 9 episodes of “The Skinny on Fat”, such a phenomenal documentary. It is good to know that there are folks all around the world who are embracing fasting as a tool to use to move us toward health.

    On the journey! We can do this if we don’t quit.!

    Day 28 – Perth AUS – FD (800)

    WFD done. Today back to the regular 800 and no more carbing it up! Next month I might try doing late breakfast and lunch instead of lunch and dinner with the 16:8 after reading what happened with blood sugars when you eat too late at night/close to bed.

    Day 28 Melb Aust, NFD
    Day 27, Day 26 both NFDs

    Having survived the heat, I am so thankful we now have some cooler days here.

    @ciren2,@AT, yes it’s been hot, but unlike places like Arizona, we just have heatwaves, not constant heat. It was hotter than a usual heatwave but fortunately short. Where I was in Melbourne, it was 44 degrees C on Thursday, 45 on Friday, but then a cool change swept in. The temperature dropped more than 12 degrees in around 30 minutes, so it became much more bearable, and the past 2 days were very pleasant. It’s warming again now, but maximums will only get to around the mid-30s, so not too bad.

    @michelinme, sympathise with the up and down weight. I am “sticking” at a weight now and will take drastic action this week to shift it down again trying b2b2b2b at 800 cals for the next 4 days.

    @anna6, agree with you – I like to relax more with my diet on Saturdays and Sundays, but otherwise try to be much more disciplined. But… find it quite hard when it’s really hot. Also tend to crave salt more. On the other hand, I don’t think I can really relax too much when I have so much weight still to lose.

    @annemarilyn, yes, the TRE at 14:10 will be much more workable for me. I tried 18:6 and then 16:8 but found it too hard consistently. 14:10 with occasional 16:8 seems to be working okay so far.

    @elektron, also considering maybe going on the 800cals for at least 2 weeks, and then see if I return to 5:2 or if I can persevere. May not work because I like to relax a bit at weekends, but we’ll see…..

    @ccco, interesting posts about your German relatives. There was a story in our family that a great grandfather came to the UK from Germany and changed his surname to Turner, but my cousin, who’s been researching out family tree, can’t find any information about it. It’s a bit frustrating.

    @kaywesterman, congrats on the 1st prize and selling your painting. Great!

    @northerndawn, Brr re the cold there. Colder than I’d like, though a bit cooler than we’ve recently had here would have been good. I like the weather here in spring and autumn, but I guess it would get boring if it didn’t change!

    @Lorky65, see post above – thinking of going on 800 daily for as long as I can, then back to 5:2, just to get that quick initial weight loss.

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Back at the exact same weight AGAIN after the weekend. Monday is always an FD and now that DH is back at work until midnight I can properly FD it ☺️

    Hoping to visit my Dad tonight too, so it will be a quick bowl of spinach and lentil soup after work, then the 1.5 hr round trip journey to Dads convalescing hospital…should keep me on track with a straight to bed when I get home.

    Pocket list Day 28

    Day 28, Emden Germany, NFD

    @ccco your family does have an interesting history. I don’t do 800 cal every day, sometimes I just want to eat more than 500 cal but don’t want to eat too much more.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 28. UK. 800FD

    Down .2lbs this morning. Nice to start the week on a small loss. Bit by bit I am reducing, although I must have the slowest weight loss of everyone on Fast800 lol.

    I hope to catch up on posts later today.

    Wishing everyone a positive week.

    Peace & Love

    DY 28 Herefordshire UK NFD
    27th – NFD

    Busy with family, lots of potential for EFS but have been happy with my choices and control so far.
    Dipped into posts but no time to comment. Wishing all a great Monday and great start to the week.
    Ta x

    Day 28 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Monday FD as usual 🙂

    Day 28 – Japan – WFD #7

    Day almost done for me … mostly I was waiting in lines today …

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