New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 963 total)

  • Day 16, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Quick check in. Busy day. Will read posts later.

    Hope everyone had a good Wednesday!😊😊😊

    Day 16 – California – NFD

    Nothing to report today other than I’m off to oick up a pizza. Yikes 😬

    Day 16 Ohio, US — NFD ✔️

    Another good NFD: kept within the TDEE and added sugars was only 16 g. I woke up with a fair amount of fatigue residual this morning, so only got my tai chi practice in. One thing that became clear today was just how much pain I was in by the end of the work day. I tend to suppress pain, but now I begin to wonder just how much the suppressed pain might contribute to eating sweets during times of heavy work load on the job.

    @songbirdme and @flourbaby My equivalent of shoes and/or hand bags is books. I hope to be downsizing also in the coming year, and I’m working on what to do with all of the books. I’ve been working on selling about 6 boxes of books every 6 months for a couple of years. The problem though is that when I look around the house, I can’t really tell the difference!

    Enjoy the day everyone!

    DAY 17. UK. FD

    I’m trying not to eat over 800 on my NFD and under this on my 2 FDs if that makes sense. I’m hoping to lose a bit of weight. Since October 2018 until recently I was eating around 1000 cal x 5 and 400 x 2 (average around 6000 a week). I’ve lost 5lbs in that time. So I need to reduce further by combining 5:2 with Fast800.

    Yesterday I had a successful OMAD at around 2:00pm and only had clear hot drinks until bedtime. I think on future OMAD I need to eat in the early evening as it’s disturbed my sleep eating earlier. I’m wide awake when I should be sleeping. I’m feel wired but I’m tired. Hopefully will drop off again soon.

    @michelinme Hope you’re feeling better!

    @northerndawn well done on getting back to your ore Christmas weight. Awesome!

    @annemarilyn Thank you for the heads up on I’m going to check it out.

    Right I might go and make a hot drink then settle back down to see if I can get some zzzzzs in.

    Pocket List 17

    Day 17 – California – FD

    Ate some pizza at 6 and then started my fast for tomorrow. I think that the way I split my fast days wasn’t good because I have had four days of NFD’s since the last FD and my body is not feeling so good.

    Still raining here…

    Pocket List 17

    Day 17, Hannover Germany, FD

    Pocket List 17

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 17 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD 3rd of B2B2B

    Well, it’s going well these FDs (at last). So today I am going again, three days in a row. I have told DH that as we have loads of eggs (I buy 30 at a time from a free range egg vending machine outside a local farm 😄), that tonight we are having an omelette for our main meal. He is ok with that. Looking forward to it already, I like eggs. Throw in some onion, garlic, tomatoes, spinach, grate of cheese, bit of bacon, mushrooms….yup, it will be satisfying.

    DH is off to his doctor today and hoping to get the all clear to go back to work. It’s nearly two months now, what with the calf muscle injury, then the knee operation. Hopefully all will be well.

    Thanks @ciren2 and @flourbaby for your thoughts. I too am looking forward to Dad getting some mobility back.

    The Occupational Therapist is recommending a long term solution of moving Dads bedroom to one of the downstairs rooms and installing a toilet and wet room. It’s an old house with just one upstairs bathroom so that’s not going to do now if he can’t get up the stairs ☹️ A stairlift is option 2. So we are going to have to get quotes from builders. Oh well.

    On the good side it’s a beautiful crisp clear morning here in Ireland. Jupiter and Venus were shining bright as diamonds when I went for my 630am walk this morning. Fresh air and positivity abounds 🤗

    Have a good FD today my fellow fasters

    Day 17 ( my 11th) Farnborough England FD
    2 kgs off since starting last week so I’m playing catch up with you guys. Spinning class at lunchtime so hopefully that should burn what little I eat today. Business trip to Indonesia next week so will have to be extra careful on the flights and at the hotel. Stay strong .PS I don’t go anywhere near 800 Kcals on my fasting days.

    Day 17 – CD -Ireland
    Janudry and sugar free 🤞

    Staying very static on the scales at the moment… frustrating but will be patient… even though I’ve cut quite a lot of rubbish from my diet and that leads to frustration which often leads to me giving in but will stay firm and hopefully notice some further loss soon… I feel it in my clothes and I know it’s not always reflected on the scales 🤣.

    I can completely relate to the shoe worry!!! I was on steroids for a chronic autoimmune disease for a very long time and my weight ballooned up for years but I love shoes and was so happy that I could buy shoes which would « always » fit me…where clothes wouldn’t as I went up and down sizes..I have so so many… definitely think it’s a condition all if it’s own 😳

    Have a good day everyone, particularly those fasting and struggling with their health/family issues.
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 17, London, UK, FD (4th of B2B2B2B)

    I’m feeling particularly motivated at the moment, mainly because there’s been a successful WFD followed by 2 relatively easy FDs, so in theory today should be ok too!

    @songbirdme & @matpi, handbags & books feature strongly in my collection of ‘things that make me happy’, I love my kindle, so now I only buy ‘favourite author’ books. I’ve 6 boxes of books for the charity shop, I’m not sure what’s stopping me from actually delivering them!!!! As for the handbags ……………………… well you have to have a bag to match your shoes, & when you own XXX pairs of shoes you obviously need XXX handbags …………………. Don’t you????? @at, I’ll keep you in mind, although my niece is already hovering!!!!

    @judyjudes, I know it’s counter-intuitive, but perhaps a high calorie meal will kick start your engine & maybe give you a whoosh??? I’ve trialled this (purely by accident) on many occasions (!!!) and it does work, planning it is a bit difficult as the guilt kicks in at some point!!

    The scales aren’t moving down as you would expect after a B2B2B, but I know from experience, that the holiday/ Xmas indulgences hang around for a little longer than usual!!! The results of my 2 weeks of madness will be reversed after a few FDs, but then the scales will stay static for another couple of weeks, despite shrinking in size. I won’t get despondent because I know how my body works now ………… Knowledge really is power!!! A couple of years ago, I would have thrown in the towel & eaten a loaf of bread by now!!!!

    I’ll be releasing my dragon at about 2pm today then re-caging him at 7pm …………………. No ifs, buts or maybe’s!!!!!

    Stay strong everyone, we’ve got this!!!

    “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – Beverly Sills

    2nd Post

    @flourbaby You might be right. Although in all the time I’ve been finding an healthier way of eating (about 18 months, initially lost 20lbs before it started going back on without change in woe, underactive thyroid diagnosed) it’s never happened 😬.

    We are going away tomorrow for the weekend with some friends (so might not be able to post) I will enjoy myself and go with the flow in regards to eating and the occasional drink. So I might have a whoosh!

    @daffodil2010 Well done on your run of FDs, you’re really in the flow. Great to be able to get chucks from a vending machine, never seen that. Sending strength for your situation with your father. I hope he is feeling more comfortable.

    @michelinme I don’t go near 800 on FD. My TDEE is very low as I’m not very tall and not very active. Mines around 400 but according to MM it should be 1/4 of TDEE which is about 340 which is too low to function on.

    @jaifaim I share your frustration. Any loss I have is slow coming and hard gained. I appreciate every little oz lost.

    I’m with all of you in regards to collections of 👠 👢 👜 & 📚. Guilty as charged 😬

    Day 17 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Oops 😬 slipped off the wagon last night! Went to the pub for dinner and my choices were not good…..included white garlic bread, sausages and mashed potato with onion gravy…not exactly a Mediterranean style meal, except perhaps for the red wine 🙈. Don’t know what possessed me, maybe I just needed a change. Saw @flourbaby mention the whoosh effect and can but hope!!!

    I am feeling distracted and worried about our cat as she is booked in with the vet for surgery tomorrow and at almost 15 I’m concerned about her having a general anaesthetic….hope we’re doing the right thing putting our trust in the vets advice and skill.

    @daffodil2010 my mental picture of an egg vending machine would make an omelette or scrambled egg the logical menu option 🙂

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 17 – Perth AUS – FD [800]
    Day 16 – FD [800]

    So far so good. Tomorrow is Friday… HAPPY FRIDAY 😀

    Day 17 Melb Aust CD (another failed FD!)

    Not sure what I’m doing wrong, but my FDs lately have ballooned into CDs (fortunately not NFDs or EFS, but still….). I am thinking I may try making my FDs fluid days (not water fast, but lower cal fluid). Still trying to get into a system.

    @at, yes, enjoyed the Aussie Open. Saw a couple of good singles matches, a women’s singles with names I can’t remember then Cilic (number 6 seed) winning a 4-setter against McDonald. Great match that went for nearly 4 hours. Then I was tired and went home, but had an enjoyable day. Really don’t like the heat and humidity at the moment, but a change is coming tomorrow, hurrah!

    @michelinme, re your scales, can you pick one position and always put the scales there? I have a particular tile in the bathroom I always put my scales on, and I know the scales read 2 kg light there, so I can follow my weight and/or changes relatively easily. By the way, I hope the infection is passing and you’re starting to feel better now.

    @daffodil2010, it’s great your Dad is starting to be able to move around a bit again, even with the help of a walking frame. When my knee was injured and I was in plaster, there was so much relief when they finally gave me a “walking plaster” I could use with crutches, and I could be independently mobile again. Your Dad must be feeling it, having previously been so active.

    @gretta and @judyjudes, I agree with you about the need for sufficient sleep at night. It makes such a major difference to self-control. Just recently I haven’t been sleeping as well because of the heat, and that has been affecting me, too.

    @flourbaby, well done having an unplanned WFD!!! Also noted yours and @jaifaim‘s fascination with shoes, @songbirdme‘s with handbags and @matpi‘s with books. I share @matpi‘s love of books, but I don’t see it as an alternative to buying clothes; I just love books, and have 11 bookcases scattered through my (small!) home. Unfortunately, I do buy clothes – I think I’ve mentioned before that I have my “fat,fat” clothes (which are now gone!!!), my “fat” clothes (which I currently wear), my “okay” clothes (which I hope will fit properly when I lose enough weight), and my “thin” (dream) clothes, which may never fit properly even when I’m thin enough to fit into them. I foresee a few significant donations to the local opportunity shops. Maybe you call them “thrift stores”? – places where donated goods can be bought very cheaply and the money goes to charity? 🙂

    Finally @at, love the saying in one of your posts – “success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out”

    Happy fasting!

    hey im just looking for some advice please iv been trying to lose weight for almost 2 years after having twins im really struggling iv tried the gym , diets even the so called weight loss pills .. iv been looking at it a weight loss program but i dont know if its worth the money or if it will work even though it has positive reviews if anyone has any advice i would be very great full

    Two more pounds lost after second fast day. I think the long-term answer to losing weight and keeping it off is to discover your own strengths. Mine seems to be the ability stay off food until at least noon, meaning that I am encouraged to eat only two meals, whether fast day or not. The mere act of keeping away from food seems to have disciplined my actual consumption of less healthy foods etc. My goal of good weight loss for January seems in sight.

    Day 17 North Canton OH FD

    First time I have logged on in a few days. it is so empowering to declare for a FD!
    I have been fasting though and striving to reduce my feed window. It has been working out really well for me. This was a really busy and stressful week and the plan was to fast on 3 days this week. I had a successful FD on Monday, Wednesday and so far so good today.
    I was really exhausted and grumpy yesterday and I was not fun to be around at all, I slept in this morning and now I feel better 🙂

    @kellyann1992 have you tried intermittent fasting? That’s what we do on this forum, some of us combine fasting with a low carb high fat diet, others have tried reducing their sugar intake etc. Scroll to the first page of this topic and you will see a link that will break down how this way of eating works. Having tried every diet known to man, including pills and herbal supplements, I know that there is no quick fix or magic bullet for weight loss and maintenance. You have to find a sustainable eating pattern that works for you long term, and that is what intermittent fasting offers. I wish you all the best.
    Day 17, Hannover Germany, FD

    Pocket List 17

    Day 17: Gloucestershire, UK:
    Day off work today….so eating-machine day!
    In the hope of inspiring some fresh motivation I’ve ordered a copy of MM’s latest book.

    Day 17 Belfast CD

    Usually a FD, I met friends for lunch then am meeting more friends for dinner so I’ll postpone until tomorrow.

    @emma1202; thank you for that link. I’ve passed it on to my BF who has been tinkering with 5:2 and laid very low with gallbladder problems.
    Get well soon @michelinme
    @daffodil2010 – good that you’re thinking about your dad’s return home, but tricky to pick the right option. Here’s to his continued and swift recovery.
    @AnneMarilyn- I volunteer with the Red Cross, involved in a project called Independent Living, which aims to connect people who’ve got out of touch. We are funded for 12 weeks for each service user (although it’s free to the end user) during which time we try to find an outlet to involve our service user in an activity which fits their interests and gets them out of the house to socialise. So it could involve doing anything. In my case, I’ve fitted curtains, set up a tablet and given instructions on its use, acted as taxi service, gone to the library, shopping, done a bit of watercolour painting, made Christmas table centre in a fold…. you kinda make it up as you go along, which is just up my street. There is a web site here for people who have time on their hands, listing organisations who need volunteers. The joy about this project is that it’s flexible and I can take time out when I want to. I have also looked at teaching literacy at the Young Offenders Centre but dismissed that because of the commitment required. I’m really enjoying it. Good luck if you go down that route. I’ve also signed up for a painting class, do yoga and Pilates, walk the dog daily and caravan in summer and travel abroad when I can, 3-4 times a year. As they say, I don’t know how I found time to work!
    @chipmunk13 – a boat? How exciting!
    @songbirdme – 👜👛😜

    Stay strong everyone!

    Day 17 – UK – CD

    Beautiful winter’s day here sunny but with a cold wind! Hoping for a CD today………

    Great start to the day with an early aerobic class followed by a 6mile hike with DD and her 🐶 beagle. I broke my fast from yesterday’s lunch (800cal day) with a light brunch of scrambled egg on a slice of sourdough with some smoked salmon.

    Trying not to weigh myself this month until the end of the challenge – very hard for me as I normally pop on the scale every morning!

    @annemarilyn – I have been retired since the end of 2013 – I chose to volunteer within my local community helping to run a weekly club for the elderly; also baking for the local parish centre for their craft fairs cafe (around 4 a year) and for the past year I have led a team to cook once a month for the Fareshares lunch (Fareshares is a charity working with supermarkets to pass on their surplus out-of-date produce rather than throw it away – we don’t take any meat/fish but anything else is used) The lunch is free for all and gives anyone from the community a chance to come for a hot meal and have some company at the same time – we often serve around 30-40 attendees. All very enjoyable and a great way to meet new people as I was new to this area.
    @anna6 – well done on your successful B2B2B
    @chipmunk13 – your zucchini starter sounds a great idea!
    @gretta – 👍
    @annemarilyn – thanks for that link to – I’ll be checking it out over the weekend
    @judyjudes – make sure that you don’t restrict yourself too much or you’ll end up on a low calorie diet!
    @daffodil2010 – good luck for your 3rd of B2B2B and good to hear that your DH is making such a great recovery and hoping that Dad continues on his positive recovery too
    @michelinstar – well done on dispatching those 2kg
    @missybear – hope your 🐱 goes through her surgery safely tomorrow 🤗
    @betsylee – just been watching some tennis – great match between Konta and Muguruza!
    @kellyann1992 – why don’t you join us for bit and try the 5:2 lifestyle?
    @fasteddie – sounds like you are on a roll – keep up the good work

    A big well done to those who are achieving their goals or even exceeding them – stay focused and positive.
    For those who are yo-yoing – personally I found that when I plateaued – mixing things up a bit helped me achieve that final weight loss (around 7lbs) and reach my target. Sometimes revisiting your TDEE is a good thing to do making sure that you are not overestimating your activity level OR doing a strict count of your calorie intake for a week to make sure that you are not underestimating what you are eating OR if you have moved away from the original 5:2 regime then go back and follow the basic principles again OR maybe it’s time to try 4:3 or doing a 16:8 on your NFDs. Trial of fasting variations to find what suits you best might make all the difference!


    Day 17 UK FD

    Rough day yesterday, feeling out of it and unwell. Ate a random bunch of food, randomly coming in as a comfortable CD without any effort. I just ate what I felt like eating and that was fine.

    Still out of sorts today – grumpy, painful joints, spaced out and struggling. Not sure why I’m fasting except that I don’t feel like eating. Wonderfully kind friend took me shopping earlier and we stocked up on both healthy food & easy food – sometimes both!

    NB Must remember not to think about To Do list or try to tackle things demanding attention around the house or in the inbox. It’s time to simply accept, let them go or let them wait until I feel better – and if that’s next week, so be it! I’m too tired and cluttered to make good decisions or respond gently to difficult things and the extra effort will servce no-one. Sustainable is not about what I can Make Myself do, but what I feel Able to, without consequences….

    @annemarilyn @northerndawn @judyjudes @betsylee @debster251 thanks so much for your get well wishes 🙂

    @betsylee I had a position for the scales in the bedroom, made a mistake in moving them to the bathroom! Now I seem to be 2kg higher no matter what…. (maybe it’s the slow onset of the weekend’s breadfest?!) I think @metatuata had a similar problem last year… so demoralising when hard-lost pounds seem to reappaear instantly 🙁 On the one hand I don’t want to splash out on digital scales bc it’s not a huge priority to be exact on weight, on the other hand it’s annoying when I encounter these moves and fluctuations. I think I’ll leave the scales in the bedroom and skip the weighing when circumstances don’t permit me to weigh there…

    BTW in the UK we call your opp shops… charity shops 🙂

    Time to lie down again… Go well fellow fasters x

    Day 17 FD- NY

    I’m late to the party here; what’s this new post about 800cal fast days? I need to read through and find out more! I’ve been doing 500 but 800 seems like a feast! (And easier to do)

    2nd fast day this week. Been sticking to strict mon/thurs. tues was my 40 th birthday. I’m struggling!

    I need to go and read more about the 800 cal. That helps a lot!

    Day 17, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Going to a birthday dinner at 5pm. I have no idea what food will be served. So I fasted since 4pm yesterday and will continue until 5pm today. That gives me 25 hours fasting. Then I will be mindful, taste everything but small portions and no alcohol but tea and mineral water. Will skip the birthday cake as I already know is store bought with tons of sugar.

    Sending healing vibes to all who are sick and struggling.

    Have a good Thursday everyone! 😊😊😊

    MM has written a new book (The Fast 800, or something like that) I’ve ordered a copy on Amazon to see if it will help me, as I’m still rolling in the dust behind the wagon. I think it may have been @at who,earlier in this month’s challenge, gave us a good run-down of the contents of the new book. Maybe look back several days to see if you can find it?

    Day 8, I found it!

    Day 18, Wellington, NZ, 800 cals (day7)

    Yes indeed @lorky 35, MM’s new book is fast 800 and I have been following it for the past 6 days.


    Stepped on the scales this morning and find over 6 days of fast 800, I’ve gone from 79.7 to 77.5 – 2.3 kg has magically disappeared!! Reward for watching others eat toasted sandwiches, creamy chowder, fries etc at lunch yesterday while I had sparking water and coffee.

    So, needless to say, I am recommending fast 800. MM suggests 800 a day for at least 2 weeks then as long as you can up to 8 weeks before switching to 5:2, with the 2 being 800 as opposed to the old 500.

    I’ve found 800 very, very easy to stick to and have used the recipes in the fast 800 book, having a late breakfast about 10.00am, the dinner around 6.00pm. Gives me 15 hour fasting window.

    Must go now and do my happy dance……

    I’ve copied and pasted @at‘s great summary of fast 800 so you don’t have to go searching.


    The new approach is called ‘Time Restricted Eating’ or TRE. It is very straightforward: you just extend your overnight fast by having a later breakfast or earlier evening meal, and that way you condense the time you eat in any day to a smaller time window than normal. I’m so impressed by the simplicity and potential health benefits of TRE that I’ve incorporated it into my new Fast 800 diet plan.
    It combines all the latest thinking about the health benefits of kick-starting your diet with a fast-track 800 calories a day for a few days, weeks or months, followed by a steady — and now much more manageable — 5:2, which allows 800 calories on fast days and healthy eating the rest of the week.
    Layered through both stages of this plan, I’ve added recommendations for an element of TRE, which I am convinced will boost your weight loss success and accentuate the health benefits. When it comes to fasting, a flexible approach works best, so as part of my Fast 800 plan you get to choose whether to fast track your diet before opting for the New 5:2, whether to go straight in to 5:2, or, at the very least, whether to introduce a little TRE into your day.
    In a small study, Dr Panda teamed up with Dr Krista Varady, of the University of Chicago, to see how TRE worked for obese men and women. The group who restricted their eating to between 10am and 6pm lost fat, saw a drop in insulin resistance (which marks a risk of type 2 diabetes) and reported improved sleep, less hunger at bedtime and more energy.
    The research suggests that fasting for at least 16 hours gives the greatest benefit, but for many people that may be impractical. So what is the least you can get away with?
    Dr Panda says every hour over 12 hours counts: ‘Most of your body fat burning happens six to eight hours after finishing your last meal and increases almost exponentially after a full 12 hours, so going longer than 12 hours is likely to be particularly beneficial.’
    TRE works extremely well with other diets and that’s why I recommend giving it a go as part of my new Fast 800 programme. It makes intermittent fasting easier (after a relatively brief adjustment period, you don’t feel hungry and therefore tempted to cheat late at night) and it can be an effective tool for keeping the weight off.
    1. Choose whether you want to kick-start your diet with a fast track 800 calories a day, every day, for a period of time (if you have any health problems, check with your GP first) or opt for an 800-calorie limit on two days each week (as 5:2).
    2. Increase the health benefits by eating within a restricted time window, starting with 12 hours of fasting (overnight) and building to a 16-hour overnight fast (eating in an eight-hour window).
    3. Eat either two or three meals per day on your 800-calorie days, choosing between meal replacement shakes or pick and mix from the calorie-counted recipes in the paper all this week, keeping your carbohydrate intake low.
    4. Eat a healthy Mediterranean-inspired diet on your five non-fast days, keeping carbohydrates low and portions small — but there is no calorie counting.

    Day17 Portugal NFD

    Another decent NFD within 1200 calories. Another couple of miles walked. And I think the pound are beginning to come off. Tomorrow a FD.

    Day 17 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Pocket List 17

    Thank you @at & @debster251 for your descriptions on “retirement” activities. It gives me some ideas. I’m still thinking to get back into part time work but…

    The scale is not my friend this week either, as someone else mentioned. Depending on what it says tomorrow, I may continue my fast from a 42 hour to 62 or so Saturday morning. Last week I was making such good progress toward January’s weight loss goal but this week it’s going the wrong direction. The additional carbs on the weekend definitely have not led to a whoosh.

    Glad we’re in this journey together!

    Day 17, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    At thanks for the encouragement.

    I kept today below tdee unintentionally. I’m 0.9 kilos down.

    I’m not reading all posts.

    Keep on keeping on.

    Day 18 – Japan – WFD #5

    Shocking already 18 days into the new year. I’m over busy just trying to keep some income going.

    Day 17 USA – NFD

    Doing okay with generally 2 meals a day. For me, that’s almost a 16:8, as long as I don’t need a ‘bedtime’ snack. So is life at maintenance.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 18. London UK FD

    Have a lovely Friday, everybody. H

    Day 17 Ohio, US — FD(#48)

    Fairly decent FD. It was a slower pace at work today, so I feel okay. We were supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow today, but none of it materialized, only some extremely light flurries. But apparently people got all excited by the weather news yesterday and began to stockpile enough food for a major disaster. I just needed a few things at the little grocery store in my town, and when I went by after work the parking lot was so full that I decided to pick up those items after supper. When I went back in the evening, whole shelves had been cleaned out. Apparently the most popular sections that got cleaned out were for bananas, bread, and cookies. (The 3 major food groups!!) When I asked a cashier about it, she mentioned that people had been coming from nearby towns to this store because their local stores had already been cleaned out. Was this a food panic or what?

    @michelinme Hope you’re feeling better! Sometimes the wisest thing to do is to follow the body’s lead and live within our actual capabilities. When I am in such a situation ( and that happens surprisingly often), I tell myself, “I’m going to do the best I can do with what I’ve got.” And surprisingly enough doing that has always proven not only just good enough, but amazingly good enough. Your ideas about a sustainable life are truly wise!

    Day 17 Minnesota, USA FD
    Late check-in…..9:10 pm and heading to bed. FD at 655 calories. Yesterday at 647, and the day before at 860. Not sure what I’m doing tomorrow.
    Have a good Friday, everyone!

    Day 18 – Melbourne AUS – NFD

    Lots of posts to catch up on but just checking in. So far a sugar free Friday (despite a yummy morning tea spread at work)!

    Looking forward to catching up on all the posts!

    Day 18, Emden Germany, WFD

    @daffodil2010 glad your Dad is doing so much better.

    @michelinme hope you feel better today.

    @missybear hope the surgery goes well today.

    Pocket list day 18
    @chipmunk13 FD800
    @dykask #5

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 18 Herefordshire, UK FD

    We are thankfully now in our lovely new home and now is the time to get back to this way of life. Food these past 10 days or so has been on a grab and go basis resulting in eating too many carbs and other bad stuff. I had a cholesterol check before our move and results say it’s crept up, I’m bad a consistently taking my tablets and a festive diet through December and now this carbtastic 10 days won’t have done this any good, time to get serious!
    It is therefore with some relief to be reporting in and declaring my fasting intentions along with familiar fasting buddies. I’ve tried keeping up with you all but it’s been random as we only got broadband the other day and no signal in the house on my mobile, the joys of living in a old stone house in the country side! Do hope everyone is doing well and look forward to catching up with posts and the gossip here.
    So glad to be back and setting myself boundaries and being mindfully in control.
    Wishing everyone a happy and good day and may the positive support of all today’s pocket listers trickle down this way.
    Ta x

    Pocket list day 18
    @chipmunk13 FD800
    @dykask #5
    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 18 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Like so many others this week, despite good FD’s, in fact a successful B2B2B, no change on the scales. Despite lots of fluids, green tea, dandelion tea, tons of water, no change. Oh well, this happened before and will happen again….just keep on keeping on.

    As @flourbaby said, in the past I would have reached for the loaf of bread, but not now.

    So today I have packed a little tuck box with blueberries and walnuts covered with kefir, and will have that for around 10am. Lunch with a friend but I know I will be ordering the healthy tuna wrap. DH is making a steamed cod and broccoli for dinner….but it’s Friday so this is when the Dry till Fri ends. 🍷

    Oh, DH’s doctor did not like the lump that was still on his knee after the operation so he is not allowed back to work yet and has to see the consultant on Monday. Yikes.

    Have a good Friday all.

    Day 18 – CD -Ireland
    Janudry and sugar free 🤞

    @michelinme I hope you feel better soon! It is hard to struggle through daily life and challenges when you can’t shake the infection…be kind to yourself …
    @dingping happy new year in your lovely new home!
    @debster251 the volunteering initiative you give your time to sounds really great. I’m in full time work with aging/ill parents and lots of other draws on my precious free time but would like to think down the line that I will give more back…I do dole voluntary work through my workplace but tbh it’s not much..most of the charities require you to commit a certain number of hours or to stick to a schedule which can be difficult for many.. one day!!

    Have a good day everybody!
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 18 Belfast FD

    Despite maintaining a healthy eating routine, successfully fasting and remaining sugar free for 14 out of 17 days, my excess Christmas pounds are stubbornly holding firm. Hopefully I’ll lose those last 3lbs by the end of the month.
    @jaifaim whatever time you give is always worth while. I get what you say about commitment, especially when retirement should be ‘me time’ too. The joy about this role with the Red Cross is that each unit is limited to 12 weeks, enabling travel and other plans to be realised.

    Pocket list day 18
    @chipmunk13 FD800
    @dykask #5

    Onwards and downwards
    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 18, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Sticking to two fasts a week and hoping it makes things happen. The scales are bouncing up and down a bit, but down this Friday 0.4kg to 72.2kg. Still up from before Xmas but its good to be going down again finally.

    Working hard on trying to stop the snacking and overeating on non fast days. Sometimes the flood gates open the day after a fast as I am ‘allowed’ to eat again. Breaking bad habits is really hard!

    I’m looking round for a new yoga teacher as my current one increased prices by 50% this Jan! I feel kind of angry that she only told us by email at midnight before the class that morning. I guess she was worried about the reaction! Its made me realise I need to move on to something a bit more challenging now I’ve done 18 months of yoga and making some decent progress. Will try two different studios – one is 8 miles away and the other is 20 miles away. Thats the problem living in rural Cornwall, as everything you really want to do can be miles away! Tests your motivation…

    Day 18. UK. NFD

    Just a quick visit as going away for the weekend.

    Yesterday’s FD went well. Today I’m saving myself for fish & chips later, so today might be OMAD.

    Everyone, enjoy your weekends. Peace & Love 💕

    Day 18 USA – NFD

    Going to do my best today again at 16:8 – seemed to work well yesterday despite a lovely glass of red wine with supper. I was especially careful with my carbs and sugars.

    Hopefully the USA weather of snow and storm across much of the midwest and east won’t be too bad. I saw a cute weather forecast that included “be prepared to cook several meals at home” and “pizza delivery will be bad” – so when it storms, folks are mainly interested in how they will eat!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 18: Gloucestershire, UK….still always NFDs.
    Bitingly cold wind on my deliveries today. Lots of mail (apparently we have some that should have come through yesterday). A pity it didn’t….because yesterday was my day off!
    @dingping: Your old stone country cottage in Herefordshire sounds lovely.

    So a quick update and for anyone who is interested in weight fluctuations during time of month (and apologies to those who feel it is tmi) when my period started Tuesday my weight had gone from 60kg to 62.6kg. I was gutted but suspicious. I’m now half way through it and weighed this morning and I’m down to 61.6kg. Once it’s over I will weigh again and see.i have the worst T. O. M. Very heavy and painful and gives me pain and sickness. I had hoped fasting would improve it but sadly not! Anyone else willing to over share on the monthly curse front? I find it fascinating!

    On the fasting front I’ve done 1 meal a day all week with 2 very definite 24hr fasts. I feel OK. My hunger is raging but again might be period related.

    Lastly, and this is all credit to @at, I have been doing yoga each evening and it feels fabulous. I will definitely continue. Taking today and tomorrow off but will start again Sunday evening. Just heavenly.

    Day 18 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Continuing my fast through today. I began Wed even after the evening meal and going through tomorrow noonish – about 63 or so hours. Keeping it liquid – Water, coffee sometimes black but sometimes with a little HWC, herbal tea, and a little bone broth so far. As a few have mentioned, the Christmas pounds are being a little tenacious. I thought they were gone earlier this month as I saw a new low ONE day. Hopefully, with keeping on keeping on, I’ll see it again before this month is done.

    @dingping – how wonderful to be into your new home! Wishing you much happiness there.

    @songbirdme – yes, weather does bring to mind the eating part to make it through. I think we’re so accustomed to popping into the store at a moment’s notice. The last snow system that was heading my way didn’t end up dumping snow; only steady rain. In advance though, I did stop by Trader Joe’s for a few things just in case things might get messy road wise on the hill where I live.

    @jumpgoldpenguin – I appreciate your input on the forum. If you don’t mind, it’s helpful if you start your 1st post of a given day with the day, then your geographic location, and then whether a FD or NFD. Because we’re from all over the globe, it’s nice to envision from where a person is posting.
    I noticed that you were doing quite a stretch of OMADs. FYI Dr. Jason Fung, who uses different fasting protocols in his practice, recommends OMAD for a possible plan for maintenance but while a person is in the weightloss mode, he says not to have more than 2 OMADs per week. For weightloss he recommends 36 or 42 hours fasts. I know on days when I eat, I usually do a 16:8 or 18:6 and try to be sure to eat 2 meals in the eating window.

    Glad we’re on this journey together!

    Day 18, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    SongBirdMe it sounds as if you have very cold wintry weather, here in Malta and Gozo the weather is really lovely at the moment, so sunny with hardly any wind. Tomorrow my daughter and I are going near the beach with the children.

    Today I’m keeping to my tdee and when I weighed this morning I was 0.3 kilos down again. I still have about 2 or so kilos for me to be happy about my weight.

    Keep up the faith and good night 😘💤😴

    Day 18, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Well, I did eat birthday cake yesterday. But the whole meal was very carb heavy. A pound up today but I am not surprised.
    Today I will have salad, eggs, tomatoes, nuts, apple…healthy choices.

    Have a good Friday everyone! 😊😊😊

    Day 18 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Late check in, just got our beautiful cat home from her day at the vets for dental surgery, 8 teeth extracted and she is recovering well, such a relief given her age. DH and I are now celebrating with a bottle of red…..OK because yesterday was a good 500 cal FD and today has been a good healthy Med style eating.

    Have a fab weekend everyone 😊

    Day 18, London, UK, FD (5th of B2B2B2B2B) …..……… I know, right??!!??

    It’s a very late check-in from me, slow start this morning, then rushed off to Pilates, then to my mums, scooped her up & off to Tesco’s, kept her company until early evening, then home for an egg & prawn, noodle-free stir fry ……………… Phew!!!! That makes it my 5th FD this week!!! Who knew!!!!

    I’m feeling good because of the achievement, but I’m lacking a bit of energy, maybe that will kick in tomorrow morning. I’ve a CD planned, including bread (Yay!!!!) so I’ll aim to be mindful & break-fast as late as possible.

    @matpi, it’s funny how some people can water fast for days or even weeks, yet others couldn’t imagine not having their very own easily accessible food mountain!!!!! Being snowed in sounds like a great opportunity to fast!!!!

    To those not (yet) shifting the excess timber/lard/insulation ……………. Ok Fat(!) …………………………….. PATIENCE!!!!! If there’s one thing we all know about this weight loss malarkey, it’s that you can gain 3lbs just by looking at a chocolate fudge cake, 6lbs if you actually eat it, then it takes a month to get rid of the layer of fat it deposited on you’re a*se!!!! Keep the faith & hopefully we’ll ALL be whooshing in February!!!!

    Onward & downwards people!!!!

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