New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 963 total)

  • Welcome to the “New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge” I’m delighted to be your host for the third time! I wish everyone good luck and a successful month in every way.

    It’s hard to believe that @coda started this series of monthly challenges way back in May 2016 and so many of us have had amazing support to start and continue on our 5:2 journey. So it’s a privilege to be leading this January 2019 Challenge!

    So, here’s how this works (same as it has always been):

    1. Start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are from, and if you’re on a fast day (FD); a non-fast day (NFD) or a controlled day (CD) (e.g. for 1st of January it would go something like “Day 1 – UK – FD” for me).

    2. Give a quick intro about yourself in the very first post – mostly for the benefit of the newbies. A brief blurb about your journey so far and what you aim get from this way of life (WOL). Also if you wish, your starting weight and any other measurements (waist, hip, bust etc) you aim to keep track of throughout the month. You can record this on the spread sheet or if you are unable to I’m happy to fill it in for you!

    3. You can add any comments/questions/moans/whinges/triumphs… or anything you feel like you want to share with the rest of the forum. We all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon and days when we hang in there for dear life………so if you want to share it – post it.

    Recipes, tips, tricks and questions can also be shared – most of us are logged on at one time or another and can clarify things, offer advise, support etc when needed – this is the great thing about this international forum, there’s always someone online!!!!

    Over the course of these monthly challenges, there have been small groups doing their own mini-challenges – called ‘pocket fasters’ or ‘pocketeers’ – they set a target and support each other through it. Anyone can join one of these groups or start a mini pocket fast – it’s entirely optional and flexible.

    5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    I will post the link to the spreadsheet as soon as I have it sorted out

    My personal motto for this WOL is:-
    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    hi @at, thanks for hosting January, I’m in!

    Hopefully the attached link works – I have put the people who have participated in the December Challenge in and will edit the list as you join in over the month – I have given you all access to add yourself or edit your line as you wish – and I do hope that I have managed to set it up as anonymous – could someone let me know if it isn’t or if you have any issues accessing it……..

    As your host for January 2019 I thought I would share a little bit about myself for those new to this WOL

    I am a 60 y.o. female, married, with a grown up daughter. Height = 163cm/5ft 4in and I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 – joined the challenges in November 2016 as I had plateaued for around 3 months and reached maintenance in early December 2016 and have been in maintenance 53-55kg/116.8-121.2lbs and a BMI of just over 20 since then!
    Health improvement markers since starting this WOL:-
    1. Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs
    2. Full of energy!
    3. Mental health changes = sleeping well, waking up feeling good in myself and happy with my life☺
    4. My Asthma is controlled to the extent that I no longer use any inhalers either treatment or preventative!
    5. My blood cholesterol has improved so much that currently it is just above normal range

    As this month’s host my role is to try to keep on top of the daily posts, however there are many experienced people who hopefully will carry on from the December Challenge who are happy to share their knowledge and to answer questions, as am I.

    I am not an expert but I can promise you that we will continue to learn from each other and support each other in this WOL (way of life)

    So sign up and sign in and let’s make January 2019 a successful month.

    “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up ends up being the biggest step of your life”

    Well, yes, here I am again, most likely just keeping you all company, but you never know, I may get back on that wagon!
    Thanks @at in advance for having me!

    What happened? My post went AWOL….
    Anyway here I am again, hoping to share your forum even as I run alongside the wagon!
    Thanks in advance @at, for having me xx

    Please count me in – and Thank You @at for hosting the epic January challenge

    Spreadsheet working for me 🙂

    I’m very new to this way of life and indeed this website and forum (a couple of days), but I am fully committed to losing the extra weight, plus also not having to think so hard about food, all the time. I plan to fast on alternate days during the holidays until I start back at work on the 7th as I want to have some loss to offset the ‘festive’ eating on a NFD. I’m in on the challenge!

    Please count me in @at, thank you for hosting January 🌹

    I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! Its been a couple of months since ive been on, the last couple months of the year really got me twisted. I have come to the realization that I need to focus on me a bit more.
    I’m really tired of being tired, bloated and not feeling like myself and since I dropped off, I’ve gain 8lbs from my lowest weight! Ugg!
    I hope you all except me back!

    Okay for those who don’t know me. I started with Coda challenge in Oct. 2016, I adopted it as a life style and went from 165 to 127, Since I’ve jumped off the wagon, I now weigh 135lb.

    So, I’m restarting tomorrow with high hopes!

    See you all soon!

    Please count me in @at. Thank you for hosting January! 💐

    Hi Bert and Redrock Girl, what is Coda challenge please ?

    Please count me in @at 🙂 I need to reconnect with my healthy self and could do with the accountability and support of the January challenge – and probably many more after that!

    As always, @at …………… I’m in!!! I expect I’ll be making it a ‘DRY’ challenge too, since the red wine has been flowing in December!!! I’m looking forward to getting back on the wagon, @bert1802, your seat has been waiting!!

    @rosy posy, have a look at the first post on this page from @at, it will guide you and give you a complete description of the monthly challenges. We start on Jan 1st, see you then!

    Good luck!!!

    @rosy-posy: @coda started these monthly challenges back in May 2016 and others have continued hosting them ever since. @coda is our hero!

    Please count me in, @at. Looking forward to getting back on track in 2019. Happy new year to everyone. Let’s hope it’s a good year. H

    Count me in. Thanks for the welcome.

    I am still here! These forums have kept me at maintenance for about 2 years. I’m an original (ha ha! pun intended) who was here with @coda in May 2016. I had just begun 5:2 then, and have been on every challenge since then.

    @at – thanks so much for being our fearless leader!

    Two more days after today and we will be starting the “New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge”
    I’m so looking forward to starting my 3rd year in maintenance by hosting this January challenge with some long timers for support and also welcoming and getting to know all those new to this WOL ☺️

    @snowflake56 – the first to sign on 🤗
    @ciren2 – you keep running along that 5:2 wagon and sooner than you think we will have pulled you back on board…….Good to hear that DD has got to Aust safely and is settling down – sending you a big 🤗 as I think you may be needing one

    Welcome on board @michelinme @shinything @redrockgirl302 @emma-taylor @daffodil2010 @borealis @fatteacher @songbirdme @flourbaby and also doing a Dry January!! I suspect you may well have some company on that one 😉

    @tigeranne – welcome to this way of life and indeed to the forum – Great to have you joining us x
    @bert1802 – we have been missing you – so glad that you are back with us for this New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge 😘 I am pulling back on that wagon and have fasten your seatbelt
    @rosy-posy – Great to have you going us @coda started of these challenges in May 2016 and they have been going on since then – read my first post and it explains all
    @elektron – great to have you back – I remember you last from January 2018! Remember that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    @rainbowsmile – thank you for saying you will host our March Challenge – looking forward to your company in January

    The first month of the year,
    A perfect time to start all over again,
    Changing energies and deserting old moods,
    New beginnings, new attitudes”

    @at, I’m in, and already entered my intentions for the first week. Can’t enter the start weight yet, but have put in my goal for the month. Still a long way off my final goal, but steady as she goes. 🙂
    For anyone else, I’m a 69 y.o. female, not married, live with a cat Wilbur who rules the roost!! Started this WOL at the end of November 2018 as I want a long and healthy retirement. Weight has just crept up and up over the years, would lose some, gain a bit more, now with blood pressure and cholesterol problems that I’m sure will disappear as I lose weight. Height 154 cms (about 5 ft), weight – not sure yet. Was 85 kg (187 lb) at the start of December, probably around 82 (180.4 lb) at the end, but will enter that on January 1st. Only retired from work in August, so slowly getting into a routine, Still doing some study though.


    Count me in for January, AT! 🙂 Thanks for hosting! A new year and better things to come! Yay!

    Also, thank you for michelinme for the wonderful job she did in December, a difficult month to diet in no matter how you look at it!

    Thank you so much for welcoming me back into the mix……. That’s why I love this group so much, nothing but encouragement and love.
    Well, I thought I would begin yesterday but dorky me forgot to mention this is my anniversary weekend and we always go to our favorite restaurant! Since, it’s the only place I can get my all time favorite meal……I’m postponing my start till tomorrow!
    The hubby and I went yesterday to the farmers market and got gone do fruits and veg.
    Not particularly for the restart of what I am doing but for my youngest.
    About 6 months ago, he went completely vegetarian and the hubby and I support him 100%, so try to keep enough variety in the house. In Nov., I did try it for a week! I love fruit and veg but it just was not for me. So, any who! I did buy a bit more than usual because on FD, veg is a good food to eat!

    So, I made a game plan for myself……. I will FD, mon, wed and Friday. My TDEE is 1220, so Tues, Thur and Sat., I will stick to that. Sunday, I will consider my free day.
    Even though, I was doing FD’s while running by the wagon, I did stay with 16:8 about 5 days a week…….So, I plan on still doing that……. I pretty much do that will put even realizing anyways.
    I do also plan on cutting my soda/pop/ fizzy drink depending on where you live down to one a day! Oh that reminds me….. Can anyone tell me what squash is? Not the veg mind you but the drink?
    My bestie got me a water bottle for Christmas, okayit was stuffed with VS panties but I’m going to start using it to increase my water…..

    Okay well, I think I rambled enough……

    Count me in! I don’t think I’ve gained over holidays but I haven’t lost anything either. Which I suppose is ok too. I’d like to lose 5 lbs in January. This WOL works for me when I stick to it. I just don’t stick to it. I don’t know why. I’m thinking if I come here everyday I have support and accountability so that will be my goal. I’ll make it a mini habit.

    Hi All,
    Thank you @at for taking over the helm from @michelinme. Being the experienced and seasoned sailor you are of this WOL I’m sure you’ll have no problem keeping us all in shape, thankfully we are a happy band of shipmates, looking forward to the next journey with you all.
    Ta and count me in!

    Squash is a concentrated flavoured non-fizzy fruit drink (not juice, but may have some real fruit in) sweetened either with sugar or something else, comes in a biggish bottle and keeps awhile when opened due to preservatives. You add about 1 part to 8 parts water to drink according to taste. Yuk! (in my opinion). Classic British drink from my childhood but widely available in the supermarkets.

    The first month of the year,
    A perfect time to start all over again,
    Changing energies and deserting old moods,
    New beginnings, new attitudes”

    Welcome to the challenge @betsylee @ccco and @dingping
    @lorky35 – I remember you from previous challenges – great to have you back with us
    @bert1802 – I agree with @ciren2 about squash the drink – it is full of preservatives and sugar or artificial sweetener and definitely yucky – best to just add slices of lemon/lime or even of cucumber to water to give it a fresh taste

    Bring on the New Year!!
    TOGETHER WE ARE DEFINITELY STRONGER ❤️ “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

    Just started December 17th and lost 2lbs. I am a 51 year old woman, 5’ 3” and would like to lose 12.5 lbs (5.5 kgs). Right now just focusing on fast days and not really tracking the other days to see how it goes. So far so good!!

    Count me in too please @at. I’ll post more on the 1st.

    Hi, I am starting the fast diet again after having 2 previous runs at it. The first one was a huge success, I went from 62 kg to 54 kg in about 5 months. The second time was a bit of a disappointment – very little weight loss and I think I got bored with the foods I was eating on fast days. I am now back at 62 kg again, and would like to get to 55 kg, so there’s a challenge for me.

    Hi I’d love to take part. I’ve been here before a year or two ago and lost 8-9kg. Unfortunately I put it back on and I am here to try and lose it again, I think it was the accountability and support of others that helped me the first time, Look forward to the challenge.

    So, I did a 24 hour fast…… did not count calories when I finally did eat but one meal is all I’m going to fit in today. It was good to know I could do 24 hours easily!

    Thanks for the info on squash….. I was watching a program and a guy asked for squash……

    Well, I hope everyone has a great New Year!

    Hello to all!

    Thank you for hosting the January challenge, @at! I would love to participate in the challenge, and boy, do I need to! I’m up about two to four pounds since start of December. It’s not unlikely I’ll lose that within a couple weeks, but my appetite has been taken over by the carb dragons. I very much need the accountability and camaraderie of this forum to get back on track. And to slay those dragons.

    About myself:
    I’m early sixties, about 5 ft 6.5 inches, now; 155.4 lbs, 70.18 Kg, 24.4 BMI, pear shaped. I try to do 18/6 on NFDs; and that means I eat from about 2 pm to 8 pm, and then nothing until the same hours next day (on NFDs). Most of the time I try to stay out of the kitchen after 6:30-7P.M. I have no heartburn when I adhere to this schedule. I do have coffee in the morning with a tablespoon of cream, and then nothing until 1400-1600 (2-4pm) hours when I have my first solid food or soup. Maybe that’s not really 18/6. Don’t know but it works for me, so far. I do better the longer I go without eating. One Meal a Day (OMAD) is really the easiest, if I can get past 3:30.

    I started 5:2 on April 8, 2016, when I saw a news report here in the states about people using Alternate Day Fasting and 5:2 to lose a lot of weight without feeling deprived. The first fast was kind of a half-fast (half A$$*d?) type of thing–“let’s see what this is like and if I can do it”. I was surprised that I could.

    My first real fast was April 11, 2016. It was kind of hard, but I kept thinking I could have anything I wanted the next day. But the next day I didn’t really want the foods I had been thinking about. And so it went. I did the rest of April on my own and watched the program by Dr. Mosely on youTube. I suggest that if you’ve never watched it, you look it up and watch. “Eat, Fast, Live” is the name of it, I think. I started reading this forum. That was the BEST thing!

    I signed up for the first challenge put out there by Coda in May 2016. I went on to lose 28 lbs in 6 months. I had been given an inhaler by my doctor for shortness of breath, but found I didn’t need it anymore.
    My young female physician has always been supportive of fasting and 5:2.

    After losing enough lbs to be at 138 lbs, by Nov. 2016, I started feeling somewhat deprived, tired, etc and I lost almost half of my hair. I have very thick hair, so it wasn’t cosmetically a problem. It kind of scared me, though, and gave me a psychological excuse to eat more. My Doctor said it happens with weight loss and was not concerned. This was over Holidays and gave me an excuse to eat.

    As I gained weight back, I felt like I had failed and I could not come back on the forums, because everyone would see what a failure I was. Well, that was the exact wrong move!!!! The forum was what I needed to get back on track. It took me a couple years, but here I am now. I have lost 13-15 pounds since August. And grateful for every supportive and kind soul that is here on this forum and offering their time and advice. As Winston Churchill said, Never give up………….”It is the courage to continue that counts”.

    Interestingly, a couple nights ago a local news network interviewed a weight loss specialist. They showed that over 75% of people that lose weight gain it back within a year or two. His advice was to not try to do it quickly, because when losing weight quickly the leptin that your fat makes to tell you that you are satisfied becomes less with fat loss, of course, and it takes awhile for your body to stabilize. Kind of like any hormone in your body that is dependent on a feedback mechanism.

    So……Quite happy to be a member of the Tortoise Club! He also said that people who exercise can keep weight off easier, because of hormones released, not necessarily because of calories burned. Makes sense. That’s one of my goals for the new year. Exercise and move more. Didn’t meet that goal for December. Just going to try, try again.

    Best of luck to everyone.

    2nd post
    @bert1802, it’s good to see you back. I hope you can just focus on what you need to do for you, and not necessarily to be our entertainer. I look forward to seeing you on the forum throughout January.

    Day 1 Gloucester NSW Australia CD
    12md Tuesday

    Hi everyone – hope you are all enjoying New Year’s Day, and the start of a new outlook for 2019.

    I’m a young 66, 159cm, currently 75.2kg and looking forward to getting back into 5:2 after just cruising for the last 3 months, after a difficult year! I started this WOL in October 2017, doing what felt right for me, and taking in all the wonderful advice and guidance from this very supportive, friendly group.
    I’ve lost 5.4kg in the last year (was 7.7kg but some crept back in the 3 months), so happily a member of the Club Tortoise Club – it works for me 😉!
    This year, I’m hoping to exercise & move more! I very easily find excuses not to exercise, but that has to change. I seem to do better without breakfast on my FD, and try to go as long as I can before I eat anything – coffee with milk (can’t drink it black), water and miso soup gets me by!

    LJoyce from the ‘Hello Southern Hemispherites’ forum posted a link to ‘The Fast 800’ website with Dr Mosley, that is a new way of doing this WOL with new scientific backing! Very interesting reading. His new book will be released in mid January.

    We’ll, that’s all from me. Hope you all enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now.

    2nd post


    Happy New Year all! I’m back after being AWOL for about 6 months. I haven’t been doing 5:2, but have pretty much kept on a 16:8 schedule, pretty easy for me, as I don’t really like eating in the morning.I haven’t lost any weight in the last 6 months, but I haven’t gained any, so that’s good news.

    I’m ready to get back to 2 FDs a week and I am planning to do dry January. That will be hard for me. I love having a cocktail or a glass of wine while I’m cooking dinner, and usually wine with dinner. If anyone has any great Zero Proof cocktails, please post them. Soda water and lime just isn’t that satisfying, when your cocktail of choice is a gin martini!

    Also, I am planning (once again) to exercise more, starting with short daily yoga, more walking and a little weightlifting. My new walking regime might not start right away, as it is -4 F/ -20C and snowing right now!!

    Looking forward to a great New Year!

    Day 1 – Perth AUS – FD

    Starting weight 77.9kg – BMI 26

    As well as the spread sheet I’m using the same exercise book I kept track in when I first started 5:2. That was late 2016 and the progress through the first few months of 2017 (when I joined this forum) was amazing, and I ended up coasting along through 2017 on 63kg. Then 2018 came along and… Oh well! Mixed feelings of regret for the huge backpedal, but also anticipation for what I can do if I stick at it. This is the heaviest I have ever been and hardly any clothes fit, but I am not buying any more to accommodate my tubbiness!

    In 2017 I made a New Year resolution to quit Coca-Cola and succeeded – haven’t had any since. Last year I was meant to quit chocolate (but failed) so this year I am resolute on quitting chocolate and also all soft drinks. I eat a lot of chocolate. If I buy a block of Cadbury, I’ll happily eat the whole thing in one go.

    I want to hit this hard, so I’m going to try and start with 4 fast days in a row, as that’s what I did in 2016. I also remember that giving me super bad restless legs, so will make sure I hit the magnesium supplements 🙂 To complement the fasting I plan on kicking my daughter off her Just Dance game and doing at least one song a day as well as taking the stairs at work. Those dance games can be hard work!

    Hope you all had a great New Year’s last night. 2019 is going to kick 2018’s derrière! Looking forward to jumping back aboard the 5:2-mobile with you all 😀

    Happy New Year ! Im a 61 year old female , married happily for the 2nd time with 2 adult sons. After over exercising for most of my youth, I went to the dr 14 kg heavier, with a painful knee and raised blood pressure. She suggested a cortisone injection, surgery (xrayrevealed mod to severe arthritis ) or take the pressure off my losing some weight on the Fast Diet. My blood pressure is now normal and My k eyes are less painful however my bmi is 23.4 so further weigh loss is required. I have been losing an average of 3 kg a month except for the silly season when I lost 2 kg. Am determined to see this through to the end. So my goal for Jan is a 3kg loss which will take me down to 67.3, then Feb 64.3 and final goal in March 61 kg. I’m 171 cm.

    Hi, I live in Minnesota, USA
    I plan to start 16:8 Jan 2. I’m reading The Fast Diet book and decided to try the Fast Diet after reading some of the research and the health benefits. I have even recruited some friends to do it with me. I thought this forum would help me stick to it. I plan to take measurements and keep track on a consistent basis to hopefully see results.

    Count me in please @at

    Day 1, Emden Germany, CD
    Happy New Year everyone!

    Hi old friends and a very warm welcome to my new friends!

    My journey so far:

    I’m Dutch (from Limburg), 62 years old, married and retired. I never had any weight problems and always was a stable 56 kg until 7 years ago when I started a new job as a practice manager. My weight got more and more due to ice cream and sweets, it was 72.9 kg December 2016. In January 2017, weighing 70.9 kg/156.3lbs, I decided something had to be done and started to lose weight on my own. Started 5:2 at the beginning of February. From March on I joined the challenges. It worked very well, the weight just fell off, the support I got here was amazing. I reached my goal being 56 kg/123.5lbs on March 29th 2017 and maintained until July this year when I left the challenge. Without support my weight crept up again. Lost the excess weight during the September challenge, so I was back in maintenance again. This morning my weight is 57,8 kg/127.4lbs. My goal is to keep my weight in the range of 56-58 kg, my weight is slowly going up again due to sweets, cheese and Port, so I have to watch out.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 1 U.K. CD
    Hi All, I’m a fifty plus lady who discovered this WOL and forum in Feb. 2018. I have allowed life events to get in the way of a consistent commitment but with those stressful events almost behind me 2019 is going to be different. I commit to 5:2 consistency and applying the same principle to exercise with a minimum of 5 days a week reaching a minimum of 10,000 steps – no more tinkering on the sidelines, no more faffing, no more excuses… mojo charged!
    Looking forward to sharing this reinvigorated new year new start with everyone old and new and embracing the power of the pocket list!
    Thank you all for being here and willing you all to have a healthy, happy and joyful 2019.
    Ta x

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Happy New Year!!

    I am 51, female, 5’2 and started 5:2 in August 2017 losing circa 30lbs along the way. I was always slim until I stopped smoking in 2002 then weight started to pile on. I had been in WeightWatchers many times, tried the Dukan Diet with success but could never maintain. This WOL is the easiest and best way to lose and keep weight off.

    Except I am having problems with weight gain the past few months, foot off the throttle, too much wine and carbs. January will be a clean month with 4:3, Dry till Fri, HIIT 3 days a week, daily walks, and no crisps or chocolate at the weekend.

    Thanks @at for hosting. I am a daily poster, first thing in the morning, when I go AWOL it’s not normally a good sign so accountability is key.

    Happy New Year!!!! ☺️

    Day 1 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @at thank you for hosting January.

    I have been joining the challenges since July 2017 when I began 5:2, now 30 pounds lighter I have been maintaining since May 2018. At soon to be 60 I am holding my weight at my lowest in adult memory and feel good.

    Happy New Year everyone, hope 2019 brings you everything you wish for.

    2nd post
    Just made soup in preparedness for FD tomorrow, swerving the white bread OH brought into the house yesterday otherwise kitchen de cluttered!

    @elektron – well done starting the year as you mean to go on and as a firm believer in the positivity of the pocket list I’m starting one off for you and sending you positive fasting powers for today. Anyone fasting today please copy the list into your post and add your name, as we are stronger together and the moral support can be powerful! Good Luck

    Day 1 Pocket List

    Day 1………Florida……CD

    Happy New Year!

    So, you all remember I said I did a 24 hour fast and eating only one meal yesterday……well…… I can say I suffered one of those terrible side effects of Fasting!
    Holy Moly…….I could not sleep! I’ve only had about 5 hours of sleep and this morning I am WIDE awake.
    I want to say Hi to all those familiar faces…… and all the new faces too!
    I not sure if I can consider myself a newbie, so I’m just a dork that took to long to realize what great people you all are. Support definitely is the foundation for long term success. I think @northerndawn said it best in her story! You are so right!

    Thank you all for the warm wishes back!

    For the real Newbies! Welcome! I totally for got some of you don’t know anything about me! I’m 44, married to a hell of a guy. Actually we’ve been married 20 some odd years as of the 30th of Dec. We have two kids….. well not so much kids but 22 and 19! Yes, the still live at home, they won’t leave….. shhh! Don’t tell anyone but we don’t really want them to leave. Now they can talk, they are pretty good conversationalist. We live in Florida. I work a full time job about 6 months ago I was promoted to sales manager and now I run all of the outside sales, new build contracts and all the fun stuff that comes with it.
    I actually started in Oct of 2016, lost about 38 lbs down to my lowest 127lb. Not sure at some point, not sure if it was because of my new responsibilities at work or life. I tumbled off the wagon into Matilda’s cage. In her cage, I gained as of this morning 9lbs!
    Short term goal 1 is staying on the wagon. Short term goal 2…. is losing 5lbs by March 1st…..
    Lastly, how I write in this blog is actually how I am in real life. I talk and write how I feel, how I view the world and how I interact in it. So basically what you see is what you get!

    Well….I’ve bored you enough for one day!

    How my…… how could I forget!

    Oh crap!

    I don’t have an ending!

    Please hold momentarily…… apparently this bert person does not have her shit together!

    Thank you for waiting……

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam!
    Now, no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 1 UK FD

    Hello again old friends, warmest of welcomes to newbies

    I’m 54f and put on weight in 3 stages -longterm illness restricting mobility, stopping smoking and the metabolic changes of menopause. By late 2017 I noticed my weight was going steadily up each month. I felt as though there was a fat suit between me and the world, and between me and Me.

    I joined the December 2017 challenge weighing 178lb/81kg BMI 29. Over the last year I’ve lost 35lbs/17kg – tho just gained 5lb/2kg back over the last week!! I’ve spent a few months on a plateau close to my original goal of 140lb, and enjoyed noticing all the non-scale benefits of fasting – restorative sleep, increased energy, clarity of thought & far greater self-confidence. I’ve also broken my wrist and been hospitalised with pneumonia!

    It’s’s fair to say that for me this journey has not just been about weight, but also health, wellbeing and purpose. This year I hope to reach maintenance & am going to focus on balance. Both literally, through building and strengthening muscle, and metaphorically as I aim to spend energy resting, reading and writing, and will structure that into my day/week/month/year.

    This month I’d like to reverse Christmas gains by re-establishing 5:2 with one wfd and one FD each week. I’m setting myself an earlier bedtime to enable a solid morning routine of gentle adapted yoga,meditation and writing.

    Today I’m starting solid with an 18:6 or OMAD FD. Onwards and downwards!

    @bert1802 welcome back!

    Day 1 Pocket List

    Day 2 NFD Melb Aust
    Day 1 CD

    @at, thanks for getting us up and running for 2019! Today was going to be a FD, but a friend contacted me and said he’d be visiting with his 2 sons, bringing lunch (aaggh!), It will be lovely to see him, a former work colleague, but I’ve no idea what we’ll be eating, plus when I fast I like to do OMAD, at dinnertime. So, FD on Thursday B2B with Friday. Lost 2.5kg in December, aiming to do better in January. 4-5 kg loss would be my dream, but 2-3 okay, as a slow and steady tortoise.

    Lots of interesting posts. Agree with many that the moral support is a great motivator.

    @rosy Posy, a BMI of 23.4 really is not a problem, unless you feel uncomfortable at that size. Being below 20 is definitely a problem, too thin, and doctors usually are happy if someone’s BMI is between 20 & 25. Also, TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is not the same as BMR (basal metabolic rate). A BMR is how many calories someone needs if they had total bed-rest, no movement, for 24 hours. If a female is reasonably active – housework, gardening, walking, some exercise – it is necessary to multiply the BMR by 1.4 to obtain the TDEE. My BMR is around 1400 cals, but TDEE around 1950 most days, sometimes going up to 2200 if I do stacks of exercise.

    @daffodil2010 – this past year I started eating potato crisps, never had done that much before. Now I’m weaning myself off them; not easy. Good luck with the chocolate. I am still an addict. I am reducing ice-cream, though. It really seems to cause bloating.

    By the way, can anyone tell me where the thigh measurement is usually taken? I’ve always measured it right at the top of the thigh; should it be at the middle; mid-calf is where I measure the lower leg. Actually, a lot of my weight is in my hips and thighs – family trait. I said on another forum that I’m a pear, but really, I’d say I am gourd-shaped. Waist isn’t thin enough to be hourglass, plus hips much the biggest part of my body. Makes buying clothes difficult!

    Day 1: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    I’m one of those people that runs beside the wagon, hoping, one day to hop back on. So, forgive me if I don’t have any success at that, I try not to pur pressure on myself.
    I am 65 and have worked at Royal Mail practically for ever, delivering the mail. At least I get plenty of exercise! I daren’t retire because whenever I’m at home on days’ off or holiday I become an eating machine out of boredom, I’m sorry to say.
    I am married (32 years next July) have a 26 year old daughter who’s just emigrated to Australia (well, for three years anyway). We also have a sweet little rescue dog.
    My 5:2 story:
    I joined the challenge originally set by @coda in May 2016, did surprisingly well for the first time in 25 years lost all my excess weight of about 28 pounds in four months. I stayed in maintenance for about four more months then things started to slip…and slip…safe to say that after 18 months or two years I’m back where I started! I have, mostly, continued to hang around the forum ever hopeful that inspiration will return.
    At 64kg thereabouts and five foot two, at least I’m stable, but would love to get back in the fifties…

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