New to 5:2. Day 1 is Today!

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New to 5:2. Day 1 is Today!

This topic contains 31 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  fastdietkeith 3 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi Everyone,

    New to 5:2 and Today is Fast Day 1 πŸ™‚

    Best start with a thank-you to Dr Michael Mosely and Mimi Spencer, for the research and acting as ‘guinea pigs’, and a superb book and TV programme to help inspire us. Sure i’ll be using this website a lot for recipes and motivation also.

    I’m a 58 male with a ‘South Yorkshire’ food history. ie always lots on the plate, always seconds and always pudding! Once tried a ‘are you addicted to sugar article / quiz’ in one of the nationals, and scored 15/15. Probably means I have a ‘very sweet tooth’.

    I’ve been reasonable active for the last 40 yrs, but hasn’t helped the weight pile on over the last few years. So looking to loose about 12 lbs and a lot of my waist. Will be upping the exercise regime with a few more HIT’s.

    Managed to find a friend / fasting buddy, but hope to find a few more here also.

    Had 300 calories for brunch today, and doing typing this instead of lunch! So far so good πŸ™‚
    Will have another 300 calories (already prepared) at 6pm.

    The embarrassing bit then at 13.8.21.
    Height 6’1″
    Weight 15′ 2″
    BMI 28.1%
    Waist 43″ ‘when it all hangs out’
    (even though 38″ jeans seem comfortable – so not sure if that makes sense)?

    Only starting today as have been waiting for blood results which all look ‘okay’.
    Still hoping for some significant health improvements also.

    Will feedback results here, so there’s no excuses…

    @fastdietkeith – welcome to the forum & 5:2! It works! Been fasting myself, with the occasional break, since 2014. I’m 59, originally from Manchester but been living in South Africa since ’87. I wasn’t vastly overweight when I started fasting, but when I quit working 3 years ago I started getting into some bad habits, so I’ve been using 5:2 to prevent myself from turning into a slob. Currently 71.5 kgs, BMI about 22. I stick to 800 calories two days a week, and try not to go overboard the rest of the week. Like any diet really, it works if you stick to it. Just find what works for you. I’ve been joining in the monthly challenges for a while, which helps to keep me accountable. There are a couple of other guys on there too; Barry, aka @ I-hate-lettuce from the Lake District, and another guy from Atlanta, @northgeorgia. You can be as chatty as you like, or just indicate whether you’re fasting or not on any particular day.
    I hope your first day is going okay; if you’re struggling – it gets easier. Just remember, if you’re craving anything, you can have it tomorrow. You’ll nuke that 28 BMI in no time.

    Good for you! I started about 8 weeks ago and found day one the hardest and every one since has felt easier so stick in there. I have dropped 9kg, about 5cm from my waist and hips and am having to wear clothes I had at the back of the wardrobe as my recent stuff is too loose. I have also been able to reduce my blood pressure meds which is fantastic.

    The big thing for me is that I can eat normally in between fast days but I am more aware of portion sizes, what stuff is high calorie and I am finding the portions I actually want to eat are smaller. Its subtle and for me easy to keep going. Famous last words but I can easily imagine doing this for life.

    I am finding it easier to simply have drinks such as tea, coffee, water through the day and maybe an apple at lunchtime and then an evening meal. I started making my own calorie counted and still do but then discovered Aldi do some genuinely tasty calorie counted ready meals, all between maybe 360 and 460 calories so I am finding living under the 600 per day very doable.

    Very best wishes for your 5:2 experience, I think you will love it

    Hi David and Bertie,

    Many thanks for the warm welcome and motivation. Always good to know when your following in someone else’s path that has found the way!

    Yesterday was a success, only slightly hungry a couple of times and not as bad as i thought it might be!

    Have to say the food was a bit boring, so more culinary skills required!

    ‘The Aldi’ is a top tip thanks and will investigate that.

    Feeling good about my success even thought it’s only ‘Day 1’. Felt like a celebratory double Gin and non slimline tonic. Good job i resisted, but the fruit tea can’t really compare!

    New healthier chapter of Life is Underway – Hurrah!


    @fastdietkeith – well done on completing your first fast day; & I’m glad you didn’t find it as tough as you imagined it might be.

    @bertiebot – wow?! 9kgs in 8 weeks?! That’s really impressive; good for you! I also use ready meals sometimes on fast days. But I find eggs to be the perfect fast day food. Very filling & low in calories, with plenty of protein & other nutrients. So I often just whip up an omelette with tuna or cheese & some veg. I hope you can say goodbye to all that BP med soon.

    Thanks Freddie on the eggs and tuna omelette tip, good idea.

    By the way, my 111kg to 101.9 KG really was 8 weeks (I just checked) but have done a fair bit of alternate day fasting rather than just 5:2 basically because I am actually enjoying the process. Weird but true!!! If you read Michael’s book it is an effective alternative just listed as a bit hard core and not so easy to sustain as it gets in the way of life more, which is true to an extent but also a good way of making more progress which is definitely good for morale!

    @bertiebot – I also did some adf/4:3 to get to my goal weight. But it got old very quickly. I prefer to try to stick to 2 FDs a week, & just watch the calories on the other days. That also helped me to reach my goal weight, ie logging what I eat every day. It’s not as big a hassle as I imagined it would be; an app such as myfitnesspal really makes it quick and easy. Although we like to think we can eat whatever we like on the non-fast days, that’s really not the case, & a little of this & a handful of that can really hinder any progress. So now I plan what I will eat tomorrow, & logging it in advance makes it more likely that I’ll stick to it.

    Hi Everyone,

    Day two complete, which I guess means first week complete – hurrah.

    Day two was a bit of a faff really, as it was an away from home day.

    Manage to book in a break for a breakfast (made in advance) at 11am.
    Seeing lots of fast food signs on the motorway didn’t help!
    Had a few I’m bit hungry feelings, but nothing I’d call β€˜Hunger pains’.
    Phew πŸ™‚

    Going to give it another week before hitting the weighing scales, as when i do i’d like to see at least a couple of pounds gone.

    1 week down … 16 more to go (hopefully).

    @fastdietkeith – well done on completing your first week! πŸ’ͺ

    Can’t believe you didn’t get on the scales yet?! I think curiosity would have gotten the better of me by now. I weigh myself a couple of times a week, but only after fast days. Otherwise the fluctuations can be discouraging, but are perfectly normal.

    Don’t let hunger put you off; even hunger pains. You’ll get used to it. I think that’s what puts most people off fasting, because hunger is something people seldom experience nowadays, due to all the snacking that’s become the norm. Just remind yourself that the sensation will subside; it doesn’t build up. When you do eventually eat, you’ll enjoy it all the more.

    Thanks Freddie, good to know.

    Start of Day 3 tomorrow, so will probably hop on the scales before then!

    Pretty sure I’m starting to eat more slowly and enjoy more flavours, or certainly on the post fast days πŸ™‚

    Managed to successfully do 2 x 600 calorie days this week, and upped my exercise to some light exercise everyday. Will include some HIT in a week or two after I’ve got used to fasting!

    30.8.21 96.2 kg = 15′ 3″
    6.9.21 94.2kg = 14′ 12″

    = 5 lbs lost!!!

    This seems a bit excessive to me, and doesn’t feel that much. Maybe the scales were weighing on the lucky side, as they are not that accurate!

    Did double check the readings though, and either way they are heading in the right direction …..
    ………. Whoo Hoo!

    @fastdietkeith – great job! Some of the 5 lbs will be water weight, but so what?! Imagine what you’ll have achieved by the end of the year if you stick with it? And still being able to eat what you like most of the time! πŸ˜ƒ

    Well ….. Week 3 coincided with the first holiday in 2 years, so decided for various reasons to skip the fasting week.

    Weight this morning 95.1kg = 14′ 13″ ……….. = + 1lb.
    So I’ve put 1 lb on over the hols which i’m very pleased with.
    Good news that I did the 2 weeks fasting before going on hols then!!

    Guessing the only putting 1lb on was a mix of quite a bit of walking, eating a bit more sensibly (not really a conscious choice – just kinda happened), and especially not wanting to sit indoors in busy pubs and cafes!

    Back on fast day 5 today …

    Another ‘successful week’ and back into 5:2 after the hols.

    Just a bit more weight lost, but all heading in the right direction.
    Fasting day today.

    Date Weight Cumulative Loss:

    30.8.21 96.2 kg = 15β€² 03β€³
    6.9.21 94.2 kg = 14β€² 12β€³ (-5)
    20.9.21 95.1 kg = 14β€² 13β€³ (-4) (hol week)
    27.9.21 94.0 kg = 14’ 11’ (-6)

    Struggled a bit this week.

    Mon was a bit headachy and probably not drinking enough water. Fasting day completed otherwise ok though.

    Thursday (yesterday) I was not particularly hungry. Bit headache in the morning but seemed to go away with more water. But very cold for most of the day – like body does not have enough fuel to keep warm, even with jumpers on? It was a Was a cold day outside, but even so!

    Had some extra nuts and banana at late pm to get through, before another 300 calories at 6pm.

    Even so another fasting week done, and hence my first month completed – Hurrah.
    Will weigh myself next Mon am as usual, but it’s looking like 5lbs lost in my first months fasting (maybe a bit more), even with a weeks holiday thrown in.

    You are doing great and well done for keeping the blog going too. Definitely worth drinking more fluids to see if that helps prevent headache and also feeling cold is a typical side effect I believe. I certainly do and am wearing more jumpers as a result. Slippers make a big difference around teh house too.

    I am now three months done and after initially doing super well am now seeing the weight losses slow down. I think every one is different though and from what I read bigger blokes like me tend to see faster results initially than those with less to lose. I am now 100.1 kg having started at 111 kg and am now in 36″ waist trousers having started wearing 40″ waist stuff. That said I have done a fair bit of alternate day fasting rather than just 2 per week. I tell you what though, being slimmer feels brilliant and clothes just look better in slimmer sizes which is a great motivation.

    I think I am reconciled to 5:2 being a good way to live life pretty much ongoing as I genuinely feel better for it and have managed to fit it into my and my families life OK. In my case I have got into the routine of drinking LOADS on fasting days, sparkling water, redbush tea, black coffee,, and having one 600 calorie meal around 6pm and that seems to work for me.

    I recall the general view is that losing 1 lb a week (circa 500g) is pretty normal so your 5 lb is spot on for a month on 5:2.

    All the best for your continued progress!!

    Hi Bertie,

    Many thanks for the thumbs up and support.

    Slippers sounds a good tip, as long it doesn’t translate into cardigan, slippers and then a pipe πŸ™‚

    Will add more drinking lots more in on fasting days, not just with water but try some alternative fruit teas etc.

    Congratulations on your amazing success, 11kg and 4” off the waist is truly inspiring.

    Looking forward to being slimmer, and I already can tell the tummy / waist is just starting to feel β€˜less bulky’!


    Fasting day today.
    At this morning weigh in, my weight is:

    4.10.21 94.8kg = 14’13”

    Also discovered that the weighing scales are only accurate to +/- 2lbs.

    Ohhhhhh πŸ™
    First time my weight has gone up on a fasting week, compared to last week.

    I was pretty much in food and drink celebratory mode after a first successful month!
    That’ll teach me and now i know!!

    Big changes in the diary routine ahead from this week onwards, so I’m going to have to work out how to do this around my fasting days, or change days. Not sure yet …

    Onwards and upwards … or hopefully weight downwards.

    It happens! Sometimes it can still be food in your gut. If you are anything like me I am finding that I am much less “regular” now I am fasting and my progress graph has flat bits, the occasional rise albeit short lived and then occasional significant drops. I think the key is to have faith and keep going and the trend over time will be downwards!

    Thanks Bertie and ref:

    “I think the key is to have faith and keep going and the trend over time will be downwards”

    Sounds like a good plan πŸ™‚

    Weight as of this morning:

    11.10.21 93.2kg = 14’10” (-7lbs).

    Hurray – heading in the right direction again.

    Now changing fast days to Tuesdays … and Sundays.

    Yesterday was a bit challenging: always trying to remember to hydrate when a headache or fuzzy head tells me I’ve left it too late. Then seems i play hydration catch up for most of the day.

    Very pleasing weigh in this morning, even if it’s ‘only’ another 1 lbs lost this week, it feels good to start seeing a noticeable difference and reach the 92.0kg target πŸ™‚

    18.10.21 92.0kg = 14’ 8” (-8 lbs).

    25.10.21 91.9 kg = 14’ 7” Cumulative -9 lbs lost.

    … bit cold this week, ate more than normal on non-fasting days and fasting days 300 x 2 calories may have both been excessive in hindsight (cooking by eye rather than calories on the packet)! Will go back to calorie counting on packets on fasting days rather than making it up.

    8 weeks in and 9 lbs lost is I think still pretty good (incl a weeks holiday).

    Aiming for 7 lbs more off in 10 more weeks till Christmas!

    Quick update:

    18.10.21 92.0 kg = 14’ 6.8 14’ 7” (-9)
    25.10.21 91.9 kg = 14’ 6.6 14’ 7” (-9)
    1.11.21 91.6kg = 14’ 5.9” 14’ 6” (-10)

    So another 1 lb lost this week which is good. I guess I could be a lot ‘harsher’ with my eating habits on the non-fasting days, but where would be the fun be in that. On top of which I don’t want to run the risk of getting fed up and ‘throwing the toys out of the pram’ with this.

    Slow and steady wins the race in this instance!

    Couple of disappointing weeks recently πŸ™
    Even put a small amount on this week!
    (though the amount is less than the tolerance of the scales).

    8.11.21 91.4kg 14’ 6” (-10)
    15.11.21 91.7kg 14’ 6” (-10).

    Well behaved on four fasting days.
    Bit of a change in lifestyle means two less exercises both weeks.
    It’s also colder, so seem to be noticeably eating more on non fasting days. Even my partner has noticed this.

    Seems a lot of effort for no gain!
    Imagine the weight then if i haven’t done the four fasting days as well!

    Need to make a concentrated effort on the non fasting days and up the exercise a bit more.
    5 weeks till Christmas.
    Would be good to loose at least another 4-6lbs by then!

    Hiya, I reckon you are doing great and slow/steady is definitely the way. I am also plateauing a bit after some rapid results for my first three months. I am five months in now and have rationalised it as the way I am going to live from here on in. Generally eating normally on non-fast days and then sticking to the 600 calories when I can fit a day in. Typically I am doing three fasts a week with the occasional 2. That said I have recently retired and am living the life going to multiple music gigs each week and eating out a lot which probably explains the plateau. That said I am still two stones lighter than I was in July and my waist and hips are 4″ smaller, chest 2″ smaller so look and feel pretty trim compared to how I was. I think you are right about taking it steady as this 5:2 thing is a “for life, not just for Xmas” thing I reckon.

    Hi Bertie,

    Congratulations – that is an amazing result.

    Feel like I’ve been on a bit of a plateau in the last three weeks also!

    Fast day yesterday which went well (more water = no headaches πŸ™‚
    Good news this week though, I’ve broken through the 91kg barrier which feels like a huge result.

    15.11.21 91.7kg 14’ 6” (-10)
    22.11.21 90.8kg 14′ 4″ (-12)

    Chuffed to bits this morning, and work jeans have easily taken an extra notch in on the belt this week

    22.11.21 90.8kg = 14’ 4” 14’ 4” (-10)
    29.11.21 91.3kg = 14’ 6.2” 14’ 6” (-8)
    6.12.21 91.6kg = 14’ 6” 14’ 6” (-8)

    Only one fast day this week as didn’t want to reduce calorie in take at same time as dealing with a booster jab. Colder this week (snowing) so also eating more on non fast days. So happy with a very slight increase.

    Back β€˜on it’ this week …

    Well, not sure what β€˜back on it’ this week means, as I’ve not done as much exercise as I’d have liked last week, I’m eating more on non fasting days – especially when it’s cold, and I ate my first two mince pies this week!

    Having said that, I have managed to stick well to the 2 day fasting regime and seemed to be paying off

    13.12.21 90.8kg = 14’ 4.2” 14’4” (-10)

    Hang on!!!
    I’ve just noticed the maths error which crept in from the 22.11> when the weight loss was being calculated cumulatively, rather than from the original baseline. Fortunately the error works in my favour. So, I’m not at -10 lbs Im at -12 lbs πŸ™‚

    30.8.21 96.2 kg = 15β€² 02β€³ 15’ 02” 0
    13.12.21 90.8kg = 14’ 4.2” 14’ 4” (-12)

    Whoo hoo, it is actually 12 lbs I’ve lost so far, and not 10.
    2 more lbs to go to reach my target by the end of the 2021.

    13.12.21 90.8kg = 14’ 4.2” 14’ 4” (-12)
    20.12.21 90.6kg = 14 3.7″ 14′ 4″ (-12)

    Okay, so only a smidgen lost last week, but still a loss. Probably wasn’t helped by the first two mince pies of the Christmas Season (not on a fasting day, obviously!)

    Wasn’t really planning ahead, so did a fasting day last Sunday, because it was convenient.

    Now thinking that, I don’t want to fast Christmas Eve, Day or Boxing Day.
    Don’t want to fast two days consecutively.

    Which means I’ll be fasting Sun – Tue (today) – Thur.
    Not ideal, but hey hoo!

    Merry Christmas Everyone.

    Started this in August 2021, then just before Christmas …

    30.8.21 96.2kg = 15β€² 3β€³
    20.12.21 90.6kg

    Yeah: 5:2 works!
    Then came putting a bit on at Christmas (as expected) but not too much.

    Decided then to have January off the 5:2 diet: as I’ve been dealing with grief, giving a Eulogy and needed every spare ounce on energy I could lay my hands on!

    Still going to use August’s 2021 starting weight as a benchmark (because it makes me feel better).

    31.1.22 92.9kg 14’ 9” (-8lbs)
    Target is 89.0kg 14’ 0”

    Started 5:2 again today, and it’s good to get β€˜back on track’,
    9lbs to go!

    I was looking for a different thread, and happened across this one. @fastdietkeith You’ve done an amazing job and I’m so impressed! Good luck on reaching your goal! As @funshipfreddie offered back in August, feel free to come join the monthly challenges (it’s the February challenge I was looking for) and forge some 5:2 friendships there.

    Hi Carol and many thanks.

    Not heard of the February challenge, so will have a look out for that.

    Great thanks Carol – will pop in later.

    Best wishes.

    Now adding weekly updates to the Feb challenge link above πŸ™‚

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