New here and getting serious about my need to lose weight!

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New here and getting serious about my need to lose weight!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  HeatherJ 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Have tried over the last year to lose weight using the 5:2 regime but without the book for real info. It certainly helped take a stone off and kept me from piling the weight back on. So now I am at a time I can pay serious attention to eating habits. I’ve bought the book, registered here and off I go.
    Intense exercise is not an option as I have arthritis in both knees – another reason to get the excess weight off. I still try and do the exercise that I love – “hillwalking” (now without the big hills)and I have a garden and house that needs a lot of attention, which keep the muscles exercised.
    Let’s see if I can lose another stone this year.

    Hi Heather!
    Great to hear you lost a stone and have decided to ‘get going’ again. I’ve decided I need to get going again, too. Been a couple of years (not good years) and yes, like you need to sort things.

    Hill walking sounds great, if a tad strenuous – great calorie burner, I bet.

    I shall cheer your progress on, and hopefully I can get my head back to where it should be again.

    Best wishes and good luck


    Hi Heather and welcome:

    Here are some tips that will help:

    Good Luck!

    Hello, Tiger, Thanks for the welcome and hope you can get to where you need to be soon. Yes, real life interferes with all plans.
    I’m quite limited nowadays with the length of walking I can manage and how rough the terrain. It’s restricted to about 5 miles and not much more than 500ft in climbing nowadays. But at least I can still do it!

    Thanks, simcoeluv, for the basics for newbies link. All useful and encouraging. Hubby is now saying he is going to join in, though he doesn’t have so much to lose before he reaches his target weight.

    I feel the same after having a baby 7 weeks ago I am so determined to get back to my starting weight of 8st I’m currently 10st 7 does anyone have any tips to keep you motivated

    Hello, katiefryer90, Will you be breastfeeding? That might seem a very personal question but there’s a reason to ask it.
    Please do ask your doctor/midwife about when and how and what to eat, even if you are not breastfeeding. Having a good diet will be good for you and baby.
    I found I lost weight easily after having my lads but then I walked everywhere – I used to live in Harlow (i.e. pram city) which had pedestrian and cycle ways between estates and shopping centres, so I walked a lot and that was part of my regular exercise.
    Enjoy being a Mum and hope all goes well!

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