need to lose weight before my wedding

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need to lose weight before my wedding

This topic contains -7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MsIbuki 3 years, 5 months ago.

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  • my wedding is after 55 from now, I need to lose at least 20 ib to look better for my wedding
    I will update my progress here:
    I will not count today bcause I mess up with my food, so from tomorrow will start my fasting day
    please join me for motivation, lets set a plan and see how many pounds we are losing every 2 weeks

    Good luck to you, crush. I wish I had the Fasting Diet prior to my wedding.
    Plan your meals in advance, so you have all the ingredients on hand.
    Good luck tomorrow. I look forward to your future posts.

    @fasting me,thank you very much
    I hope I can find people trying to lose weight before wedding,so we can all group together for motivation

    There a monthly Challenge Groups on this Forum. You might look into that. Or put up a sign at the local bridal shop: “Want to lose weight before your wedding? Let’s do it together, etc.”

    fasting me,thank you very much
    I look awful now, I really need to lose at least 10-20 pounds

    You can lose weight if you remove sweets and flour products from your ration. Of course, you can try a calorie deficit, but it can take a long time (a month or even two), and it is difficult to get used to such a diet. There is an option to go on a calorie deficit and give up some foods simultaneously, but it will be difficult. When I wanted to lose weight before the wedding, I went on a calorie deficit and refused flour (I couldn’t refuse sweets because I was just crazy about them). I lost weight not because I was fat, but because the dress my sister bought me ( it looks like this was small for me. In a month, I managed to lose weight, and the dress looked great on me.

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