My progress…exciting!

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My progress…exciting!

This topic contains 1,342 replies, has 78 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Well done ktf! Great going david, gail.and pam…thanks for the posts…and positivity!!

    you are always so nice charmaine; where do u get it from?

    i havent been calorie counting this week-but my mum is almost AS WELL educated in my 4: 3 regime as I am equipped.

    today is day 3- it will be the first day i have been able to get to the gym- and cross my fingers, by next monday, i will be at least the same- but i did have a coffee and blueberry muffin this morning: i have learnt for me anything sweet-sugary gives me an acid tummy and hunger- so after the coffee i went straight back to earl grey tea and sweetener-which does the opposite.

    taletha, my pal and flower power! scales! thats y i stick to the ww weigh in! then there is no arbitrary, distorting and confusing variation in your weight struggle/challenge, but its 5 2-or more 4 3, for me that helps me thru! x my fingers.

    hi david, hope you are well. i think you are doing right to stick with one weighing system. it can be quite upsetting to see the fluctuations in weight when you are trying to lose. even a little increase can seem huge.

    hi charmaine, hope all is well with you. how is the new job going?

    take care to all and good luck with your fasting days

    Hi Pam, how are you doing? Hope you’re still moving in the right direction.

    David, I agree with Pam, best to weigh on 1 set of scales then you get a true picture. How Much have you lost now BTW?

    I’m still plodding away slowly, eaten too many cookies and crisps on my non fast days this week but fasted today and managed fluids only so Far so hoping it will undo some of the damage. Weighing in tomorrow and I’ll be happy to stay the same or move down half a lb.

    hi karen,

    i’m doing ok thanks. not much of a loss this month, only a couple of pounds but i have been eating out a fair bit with family birthdays and a couple of girly meals out so i only have myself to blame. still…. not a gain so going in the right direction and “real life” (for want of a better phrase) will always happen so to my mind as long as i recognise this I, not the food, has the control (that’s my excuse and i’m sticking to it!!!)

    how did the weigh in go?

    Hi Pam, I lost half a lb from last weeks weigh in and happy with that seeing as how I succumbed to Morrison’s cookies again on non fast days. Going out for a meal tonight with Ron and aim for the weekend is not to put 2 lb back on like I did last week. Note to self will NOT buy more cookies tomorrow…..

    The first month of 5:2 has passed and 4kg are gone. Clothes are becoming loose. “Fasting” this way is becoming more a habit than a sacrifice. I don’t count calories on “feast” days, but I try not to exaggerate. I’m also walking more than I did, but that’s the only exercise I’ve been doing. I hope this may be encouraging to newcomers and my fellow dieters alike. I’ll definitely keep going.

    Well done ktf, you’ve done amazingly well to lose 4kg :-). How much are you wanting to lose?
    You are right though 5:2 does become a habit and gets easier as you go on. My sticking point was going on holiday in June and getting back into it after a 2 week break but the last couple of weeks I’ve finally got my head around it and losing again. Just keep plugging away and if you fall off the wagon just jump back on when you’re ready.:-)

    @karen250463 I want to lose (from the beginning) at least 22kg, so 18 to go! Glad to know you’re back on track.

    You’ll get there ktf of that I have no doubt 🙂

    Thanks for the inspiration ktf! Well done and keep at it…as Karen says. I have around 22kgs to lose to…from the 30kgs that I started with….

    hi ktf, karen and charmaine,

    hope you are all well?

    ktf – what a fantastic result for you. keep up the good work x

    karen – glad to hear you are back on track and losing. we all knew you could do it, as did you. you kept going even through the naughty weeks. you are a true inspiration with your determination to rid yourself of those last few pounds.

    charmaine – nice to hear from you. hope the new(ish) job is going well?

    wherever you are ken, david, gin, manda, jeannie and all…. take care

    Hi, how is everyone doing here? This thread has been super busy I see.

    I left for holiday a few weeks ago hoping to come back having lost weight because last year (after 4 months of 5:2) I put on 200gr.

    I left at 68.4kg half September and when I came back I weighed 67.2 🙂

    Weirdly I’ve now lost even more weight and yesterday I weighed in at 66.5. I’m starting to wonder if my scales are faulty or sth because I don’t usually lose weight that quickly. I usually have one week where I’m at my skinniest and then it stagnates until the next month.

    Hope it doesn’t come back to bite me on the ass. I’m scared this will be like in February, when I lost weight all the way through the holidays and then put on 4kg without a reason.

    Hope you guys are all on track. Lots of newbies I see. You guys are going to be so happy in about a year, I know I am 🙂

    Hi pam! It is going very well…lots of training though 🙂
    Flemishcurves….wow…just 200gm is a HUGE achievement!!! Way to go! Sometimes i do lose water weight overnight…enjoy the skinny weight 😉

    Hi everyone everyone seems to be doing fine by the sound of it. I put on 2 lbs from last friday’s weigh in but my fast turned out not to be a fast yesterday because Ron and I went out for a meal. I’d just got clear mammo results so was so relieved so we went out. Going to eat well under TDEE today and try and fast again tomorrow. Not easy on a Saturday but I’m determined to do it and hopefully back to losing again next week.

    Have a good Friday all.

    i am here again-feeling bad coz i was up 2lbs on last time

    i am trying to stay off carbs till my evening meal-coz calorie counting is so depressing and i am not in a regular routine guys-i have routine changes every day, so its hard to plan.

    I haven’t posted for a while – but Davidrob please do not feel badly about a 2lb gain. I’ve been losing the same 2 pounds for the last 2 months. Seriously. But I persevered and have now lost those and a few more. My current loss is at 52 pounds and I am in my 4th dress size lower. I am throwing out clothes like crazy and only dressing in thrift store finds. I want to share that I am in a musical show for Christmas and the director was taking pictures of us all and posting them to the web site. I felt some dread as usual to see my picture and looked for it today. I did not see myself. I looked and looked and finally thought – well he missed me somehow. He’ll have to take another one. And then looking out the corner of my eye I saw the shirt I had worn for the picture. And I did not recognize that woman in the pic. True, her smile was mine but where was that double chin?? Where were those jowls? Wow. It really is happening.
    To give you an idea I still have about 50+ pounds to go. So I’ll be here long after you all have joined the maintenance thread. But boy am I feeling great. I run the stairs at work (run!!!!) really.
    Everyone – chin up. If you have a hard week then – well – there’s next week!!

    Hi david…im in the same boat as u. It does get frustrating…but 3wishes…you have put it so positively….what a wonderful way for me to wake up on a saturday morning to your post…52lbs is no joke! Well done….proud of you!!! Happy for you!!

    Was this all via 5:2? If i am not mistaken u said u were doing a calorie control method? I may have got it wrong. 52lbs in how many weeks….details like that get me all motivated 🙂 pls share when free

    La Dolce vita – I have been on the 5:2 exclusively for 14 months. It comes down to a little less than a pound a week over that time but hey!! That’s better than I have EVER done on ANY diet and I have maintained it over a 14 month period. That means that it is now an ingrained habit and if I careful about it – I can maintain this way of life until the end. The first 30 pounds went off really fast. Then it slowed very much but I am still losing inches. I am not discouraged by the pace of it at all. I’ve added exercise to my days – trying to get in 10,000 steps or more a day at a REALLY fast pace and running the stairs whenever I encounter them. I still have a long way to go but I gained it all over a 40 year period and so I shouldn’t whine if it takes a couple of years or more to come off. I do a 4:3 sometimes if I feel like I need to rev the metabolism and that really does shake it up. I’m 56 so that slows everything down. I’ve tried to get so many friends to join me on this way of life and no luck so far. Some of them try it for a day and give up. Which is why the forum is a great place to be. At least you all know what I’m talking about!!!!
    Everyone – have a great week. Remember – if you have a bad fasting day – well you just weren’t meant to fast that day – move the day to another one and go from there.

    hi all

    3wishes – how fantastic you are!! seeing yourself in a picture and not being able to recognise yourself is a great achievement. you must be so proud of your loss so far. keep up the good work

    david- dont be too harsh. we all have weeks were our weight goes up. some foods may make you hold a bit more water. ups and downs is a part of all our lives and you need to learn to accept it rather than let it upset you. you know in your heart that you are doing well so embrace that and be proud of your success so far instead of seeing only the negative.

    charmaine – nice to see you as always.

    flemish – fantastic result in my eyes. i normally have to pay excess baggage on the way home from holidays :))

    hope everyone has a great week

    take care

    thks taletha thks three wishes, I was not doing daily counting of cals but SURPRISE SURPRISE! despite spending the week feeling bad I LOST 2 1/2 LBS GUYS! I NEVER LOST THAT MUCH IN ONE WEEK B4!!!!!!!!!


    i bought myself a smaller belt a while ago-but lost it, but its the rubber tyre and bump on the front that really gets me – question is when nwill i do another hip/waiste measurement!-i dont like the tracker on here its so crude the “” weight tracker shows it right from the beginning!

    like charmaine i have bewen on 5 2 now 4 3 f me since april

    I completed one week of 6:2 and have lost 5.7lbs. At 5.5’feet, I started at 187 lbs, knocked off 19lbs by take a proper medicine.
    When i wish to control my weight by dieting its make me weak.
    so i use a useful medicine.

    best of luck davidrob

    Hi my third serious week into this and I have dropped 2 cm from my waist and 1 cm from my stomach, I have not hopped on the scales and don’t intend to. My measure of success will mostly be with my tape measure. Can I say, how excited I am to notice the first real changes, and have someone ask me at work whether I have lost weight, just yesterday. Initially I will admit it took some getting used to but now I have become used to it, and seriously contemplate making this 4:3, based on my most recent measurements. I am inspired and wish you all the very best in your journey. I have also noticed a sharpness in mentality and strength of mind increase. It really feels great.

    Regards and all the best.

    Thanks @taletha, I was very pleased and the weight keeps coming off, apparently. I think I’ve finally (after 17 months) found my most natural and healthiest way of eating without feeling deprived.

    Although the batteries of my scales dies about 10 days ago, I lost anoter cm off my waist so I’m assuming I’ve lost some ore weight.

    Wow @melissa1, that sunds amazing, well done. I still weigh in, but I tend to go by how my clothes fit and what the tape measure says as well. That’s what truly counts, tbh.

    Hey @davidrob, I’m glad to see you’re feeling more upbeat again. The fluctuations and plateaus can be so frustrating. I know them well and to be honest, I’m expecting one soon.

    welcome guys, year ok i dont need to loose 52 lbs but 3wishes you are still the leader of the pack here!!!! well done!

    i was loosing 2 slbs each week as soon as i went back to ww weighins-but my failing has been to stop counting some times and binging on meat and put on 1 1/2 this last time.

    if i took a leaf out of my mums book and only ate at mealtimes i might succeed better-that includes breaky!- when i was working i missed breakky coz i would feel so hungry in the boredom of work-now i just feel un/dis-inclined emotionally, but i am counting my pennies- and this week counting my POINTS! to get back on track
    still when i am counting i stay off carbs xcept at dinner and should stay of meat.

    thks again guys

    Losing weight safely and permanently is not easy challenge so you’ve to stick with it.

    I just started fasting and you know why……..
    I’m going lose 1 kg this week. Pray for me

    hi all,

    flesmishcurves – sounds as though you have definitely found the diet for you. brilliant results so far

    melissa – welcome and well done to you too.

    david – keep at it. you are doing really well. have you finished your work now?

    hi to charmaine, karen, ken, gin and anyone else on the fasting journey.

    hope everyone is ok

    take care all

    hi to ahmed, posts not regular here are they?

    i lost motiation when I lost my job


    where are you all? so i (hope) i will weigh in, next monday fingers crossed, but I am now getting into trousers i last wore easily in 2006!!!-somthing must be happening my goal is to get into a suit I probably wont wear for work again, but I could wear it for xmas?

    so great !!

    i have started this 5:2 diet 2 weeks ago and am now on my 3rd week.I didn’t weigh myself to start off with coz I was too afraid!!. I certainly don’t feel bloated any more and I feel happier in myself. My two fasting days are Tuesday and Thursday and they are getting easier now , I just drink plenty of water and try and keep busy to take my mind off being hungry and to my surprise the next day I don’t feel starving when I wake up. I have weighed myself now and I have a good 3 stone to loose…seems a long way away!!. I don’t know if doing 4:3 would make my weight come off quicker?. I’ll see how I get on when I weigh in.

    I see some activity here that’s been quiet for a long time. Good for you Carla36. The first couple of months are some of the best for this diet. I’ve been on it for 2 years now (1 year 11 months – but who’s counting?). I’ve lost 65 pounds. I still have about 50 pounds to go. My weight loss slowed to a crawl since about January. I still fasted two days a week but the rest of the time I ate more – including on fasting days which I figured out once I started measuring things out strictly again. However, I added in exercise on top of the fasting – but found out it wasn’t at a level that would do me much good. I kicked things over last month and started to see some definite progress. I had to go 4:3 for a couple of weeks to shake it off the plateau. Then I started HIT yesterday. I think with the HIT I will see some movement of this fat that is just stubbornly hanging around my waist. I did see some difference in my clothes though I didn’t lose weight over those 6 months. I think my body just had to catch up and create a new normal. I had to recalculate my TDEE and my fasting days calories (I’m doing 400 calories now). What I am most proud of is that I didn’t drop off the diet though I wasn’t losing weight. It truly is a life style more than a diet. I’ve never lasted this long on a diet before. My family and friends look at me in awe and ask me how I did it – if I’m feeling nasty I say “It’s just diet and exercise” and if I’m feeling good I give them the 10 cent lecture on how to fast. So far no one has joined me except my husband who has no choice in the matter (hah). However, I did buy both the fast diet book and the fast exercise books and I offer them to anyone who is interested. It helps to dip into them occasionally and remind myself of what and why.
    I think Carla36 that you should just try for the 2 day fasts for now until you find yourself at a plateau. Then a 4:3 can really help to shake things up. I can tell you my health has never been better. I’ve stopped snoring. I sleep better at night, and I have tremendous energy. You can do it too!!

    Thank you 3wishes for your response. I haven’t told anyone apart from my partner that I am doing this coz everything I try a diet people always want to know how much weight you have lost week in week out!. I don’t want the added pressure of feeling like I have to loose weight and what people think. My mind is totally on it now and I feel totally in control. I will try the 5:2 and like you saidd see how I get on and go on the 4:3 if my weight slows right up.I’ve been spreading my 500 calories on my fasting days throughout the day but find in the evening I’m very hungry . Was thinking if I can I’m going to try not to eat at all during the day and save my 500 calories for one meal in the evening … maybe then I won’t go to bed hungry.

    Carla36, I think you should try eating closer to bed time if you are having problems with hunger at bed time. I found I had the best results when I ate all my calories later in the day. I try to have at least 12 hours between eating on fasting days. So I either eat 200 calories in the morning and 300 in the evening or just 500 in the evening. I think from Michael’s book the best results are to have that “fasting” period of at least 12 hours. I try to give myself a “spa” night on fasting days. I take a long bath before bed and do a facial and skin treatment etc. That keeps my mind off of food and relaxes me before sleeping. I think you’ll figure out what works for you.

    Hi Carla and 3wishes, I want to join in your conversation! I just started last week, so tomorrow will be my 3rd fast day. I am going to fast the whole day until dinner and have my 500 then, and then by 11 am the next day I will be able to eat normally. Yes, since Michael noted the best results are with having the longer fast periods, I am going to try it this way. Oh I just am so hopeful this will work. I have 20 pounds to shed, not a huge amount but they have been very stubborn!
    Are you thinking of doing 3 day fasting? Let me know if you do, I may give that a try!

    Welocome opal shine!!!. I have lost 5Ib in 2 weeks which I’m so pleased with…have tried weight watchers and slimming world before and been successful both times but couldn’t maintain it. This diet is brilliant as you can fast for 2 or 3 days a week and then not worry too much about what youeat on the remaining days. It fits in with my lifestyle . I have found that waiting g as long as I possibly can without any food on my fast days and eating my 500 calories all at once helps me not feel too hungry at night.

    Oh forgot to say that Ido 2 fasting days but if I know I’m going to be abit bad at the weekend I’ll add another fasting day that week. So far so good.

    Hey Carla36 and Opal Shine, I am doing a 3 day fast this week. Today is Wednesday and I’m listening to the “music” of my growling stomach. I’ll fast again on Friday. Next week I am planning on fasting Monday and Wednesday because I’m leaving on a little trip Thursday and I found it too hard to fast when I travel. I’ll pick it up again the following week on Wednesday and Friday. I’m seeing some changes on my pants getting looser but not much weight loss. I guess my body is compensating for all the months I was losing weight. I’m not discouraged. I hope your fasts are easy and you feel good.

    Hello, La Dolce Vita. It is really amazing what changes you have been through. I would like to ask you what was the most difficult at 5:2 diet?

    I am happy for your progress I mean this method 5:2 fast diet really works so I will also be part of it for my weight loss.

    thank you to everyone who posted.
    do you know how brilliant you are to keep the lost weight off long term.
    you should all be so proud!

    you’re ALL inspirational.

    thank you x

    how are you all? Are you still making exciting progress?

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