My progress…exciting!

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My progress…exciting!

This topic contains 1,342 replies, has 78 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone
    David stay on 5:2 from what hear with the rest u just put it all back on again with 5:2 it’s a change of lifestyle and so what if you go over somedays it really dosent matter cos you can fast again another day
    not sure I could do 3 days on the trot though. So good luck with that

    Karen. Charmaine. Keri. And everyone else. It’s fast day tomorrow so may the calorie force be with us all x

    Thanks Ken, just about managing to keep myself from raiding the fridge! I gave in and had 2 crackers with peanut butter so I’m up to 619cals instead of 500. Oops! Perhaps an extraordinarily early night might help. And the day started off so well! Think I might stick to 5:2 next week if my little monster doesn’t settle down with his nighttime habits.

    Never mind mamamoo, on to the next day! Sleep keeps the Ghrelin levels low so youll actually feel less hungry =p

    That’s if I get any sleep! I’m just going to sit down with a cuppa and I’ll be in bed before 9pm. I’ve already eaten my emergency tin of spag bol and still wanting more. Oh well never mind. It’s my first slip-up. I’m not ordering take away or anything. I do wish I had ice cream though!

    Praying ( and I’m not religious) that little one sleeps through for you tonight Keri. Hey do you have Facebook BTW? Is so there’s a few of us on this thread have a group if you want to join us. My name is karen creegan if you’d like to send me a Facebook request? My pic is of me on a merry go round (last week in York). Ken could invite you into our group, if not no probs. 😉

    You’re doing 4:3 arnt you?

    Great thanks Karen. I’m off to bed now so I’ll find you on Facebook tomorrow. I’m praying too, I even asked him to sleep nicely in his own bed and he said yeah (which he says to everything but very cute). Might just go back to 5:2 with the hubby as it’s easier when we’re doing the same days. I hoped that after getting through 4:3 ok last week that I could do it again.

    Whatever fits your lifestyle I guess! 4:3 is tough, I have no dependants and work steady hours so it’s pretty easy to fit into the schedule. Credit where it’s due to you guys and girls bringing up families and fasting. I wouldn’t be able to look after a two year old full stop, yet alone with a 1.5k calorie deficit!

    Look forward to the friend request Keri then I’ll ask Ken to invite you to our group. Me and hubby fast on same days and yes its much easier, aI only managed 4:3 once. Just added some toast to my cals but came in just under 1200 in the end.
    Night night and hope you get some sleep x

    Hooray he slept until 5am! I think he listened to my pleading. It’s amazing what the difference between good sleep and no sleep does to your appetite. I was disappointed yesterday but never mind. I think I’ll just wait until Saturday to fast again. We will be very busy which helps. Hope you have a great day whatever you’re doing 🙂

    Pleased you’re feeling a bit rested this morning Keri, it makes such a difference when you get your sleep!

    I’m giving a fluid fast a go today – just tea/coffee and maybe a low cal latte and hot chocolate. I’ll see how I do by the time I come back from work and carry on if I feel ok. Will let you know how I go.

    Well better shoot off and finish getting ready for work, have a good day everyone x

    Wooohooo for you mamamoooo 🙂 keri i think he listened to your pleading plus karen prayed…remember? Hahahaha. Well i sent some luck too. Happy for you. Forget about yest…onwards and downwards as Karen says.

    Karen good luck for the fluid fast. Let me know how it goes. That must take a lot of will power…but you are super that way!! 🙂

    Hello to all! Good luck!

    hello all my fabulous fasters 🙂
    its faaaaaast day so lets have a good one folks

    Keri send me a freind request on FB and then i can add you to our group ok you can find me as kenneth Livesey , i am the one with the Rochdale AFC footy shirt on x

    Karen are you doing liquids only , i want to know how you are doing hun , keep us up to date

    not much else to say at the moment (aahhh thank goodness for that i hear you all say ) ha ha

    well I know that the calorie force is with us all because i told it to be earlier 🙂
    luv Ken x

    well day 2 fasting 1/2 way through and i spent 300 cals-inculding a banana-hopefully-variety(of fruit & veg) is the spice of life and restrains my cravings- then a 282cal swim tonight(if i walk both ways!)

    Well done David! You’ve done great this week 🙂

    Great day for me! Actually slept a decent amount last night, felt full up quickly and even jogged. Chuffed to bits!

    Morning guys – first of all Keri I hope your little man let you have a good sleep and second – da da da daaa – I lost a lb, whoopity whoop! My fluid fast yesterday must have helped so might consider doing it again next Thursday, it wasn’t too bad, only a few hungry pangs, I slept well and feel fine if a little dehydrated this morning so will need to drink more water next time.

    So, off to work in just over half an hour then the weekend looms and hopefully the weather is good again so I can get out and do plenty of doggy walking, eating carefullyish today (salad for lunch and pizza for tea)and going to try my hardest not to put on what I’ve lost next week.

    Charmaine, did you weigh in yet? David, how did your weigh in go this morning, I know it’s your big day? Ken, I hope you’ve maintained or lost a lb or so, I know you wanted to lose a little bit more. And to everyone else I’ve forgotten to mention – may the calorie force be with us and have a good Friday xx:-)

    Hi Karen, not much sleep I’m afraid. He ended up in my bed tossing and turning again. I think it’s the hot nights disturbing him. We did lots of chasing in the garden before bed and he was definitely knackered. Never mind! Definitely thinking about having breakfast today though, I feel more hungry when I’m tired. Sometimes I wonder if all this effort with fasting is going to pay off if I’m so hungry all the time because of being tired.

    day 3 fasting; i think I will drink water to stave off my hunger-but didnt manage to burn all those xtra cals last night

    apparently (more) regular excercise increases you BASAL metabolic rate(BMR) for acronym fans

    mamoo(is it keri?) and ken, I wont give up my pals on 5.2 or the 3 day fast, I just want to use WW as an impartial weigh in!

    ww like so many diet plans drives food guilt, I dont want food guilt, as it makes you over compensate the opposite way(eat too much) when you loose

    thks u cheeri guys for helping me on facebook

    Oh ok that’s an expensive weighing service then! You could invest in high quality scales instead. You can do it, just be patient 🙂

    Hi all great to hear about the progress. I have just reached the normal range of the BMI scale so Im feeling great today. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!

    Well done kindle you deserve to feel good x

    Hi all, just joining. Started 5 2ing on18th june and ….drum roll…..have weighed in today a stone lighter. Bmi is now 24.6 and have lost 2 and half inches off waist. Pretty chuffed. Have added exercise in most days which I think has helped. Onwards and forwards as I would still like to lose another 23 lbs. Lovely to read all your posts. Keep going

    Well done sheepfan (are you a farmer btw), a stone in just over a month is absolutely brilliant! I’ve been doing this since March with not much to lose and have lost half a stone, put 5 lbs back on in June on holiday and of yesterday had lost 3.5, so I’m almost back to my pre-hol weight. It’s much harder the less you have to lose and also if you’re female, my hubby has lost about 17 lbs and it just effortlessly seems to melt off him! You’re welcome to join our thread and you’ll get plenty of encouragement 🙂

    Happy weekend to all my Fabulous Fasting Family.
    Well Yesterday . I lost 1 more pound taking me to 12st 1 lb i am so close to the 11 st point i am going to go for it before i go on 6:1 , wish me luck 🙂

    I think the last time i was into the 11st was in my army days so it will be good for me to get there again

    I got my football this afternoon Rochdale play Middlesborough in a pre season friendly , my Daughter is coming with me too so i am looking forward to that

    Have a great weekend everyone and may the Calorie force bewith us all

    Well done kindle and sheepfan! Hi Karen and Ken, lovely weekend ahead so no excuse for not getting out to walk. I’m fasting today and feel ok. Very busy (one of the reasons I choose to fast on Saturdays) but only the baby at home so I can do plenty of walking and not worry about little legs getting tired. I’ll check in later 🙂

    back again! as I am ww tnight! will stick t earl grey tea and water till tonight-i took average of wiast and thinest part of my waste and it was 36.75inches

    Waist measurements – I’ve measured my narrowest but I’ve also read to count the measurement across belly button. Any thoughts on what is correct as for me there is quite a difference.

    Hi sheepfan, I measure just above my belly button at the narrowest part, not sure if this is right but I guess if you measure the same each time you will get an idea how many inches you are losing.

    How did you do at WW David? Your waist seems to be fine for a bloke to me, around the same as my hubby and he’s lost over a stone.

    After my failed fast yesterday (quite proud to say only about the 2nd or 3rd since I started this in March) I still lost half a lb! What’s that all about? Had wine, a bit of chocolate, crisps and toast last night and still lost? Anyway putting my naughtyness behind me and fasting today instead, I’m on my own tonight as hubby and daughter are both at work so no distractions! Going to see how I do until tea time on just fluids, probably go shopping when I get home too and if I can manage a fluid fast all the better. Don’t know if I’ll manage it because still don’t feel 100% well but lets see.

    Have a good day everyone x

    Hello 🙂

    Another week has flown by along with 1lb. Half an inch off bust and waist too. It’s all going to plan so I just need to keep motivated. With regards to waist measurement, I measure both but only because of my “mummy tummy”.

    sheepfan why dont u take the average like me?

    ok mamoo u call it a “mummy tummy” its no different to the “rubber tyre”/ring that men have

    so ok keri and mamoo same right?- this is my day 3 fast

    Hello Everyone , sorry if i have not been posting for a while , i am still here and doing good , it is just that i dont seem to have enough hours in the day to get everything done , ( Thats retirement for you ) lol

    I am not fasting today so i try not to over eat , and will still weigh in tomorrow as usual ,

    If you are fasting today
    May the Calorie force be with you all
    love Ken x 🙂

    ken looks like everyones reverted-turned to your facebook group now

    David i think you are right

    I’m still here! Posted my progress this week. Lol.

    David, a mummy tummy is a spare tyre stuffed into an oversized let-down balloon. Mine is different because I have a split in my abdominal muscles from the chest to the underside of my tummy (it actually popped in late pregnancy). Got drs appt next week.

    I bet its not as big as you think or others notice keri-mamamoo-slf perception is great for taking control but doesnt always help with judging your appearance-well I am 3lbs off my lowest and 3lb of my last weigh in at 186 or 13 4, using my scvales average

    Well done David you’ve done well. Keep it going and you’ll soon get there 😉

    thats a brilliant result david. you must be so pleased

    i did my first monthly weigh in today and lost 6lbs so am pleased with that

    good luck to all new starters and also to the “old hands”

    take care all x

    Very well done David and Pam! Great going. So proud of you guys. Thanks for inspiring us!!

    Morning Charmaine hope you are ok, just let us know how you’re doing when you’re ready.

    So we haven’t been posting much on here lately, mainly because we’ve got our own group on fb I guess but thought I’d do a little update anyway. Fasting today and going for a fluid fast if I can now that I’m feeling better than I did last week. Thankfully I’m only up half a lb on friday’s weigh in so happy with that seeing as how it’s normally at least a lb. Done 1 walk with Harvey already and another one planned for later when I get home from work and really going to focus on not going over on my non- fast days this week – I will get back down to pre-hol weight if it kills me!
    Ken, you have gone a wee bit quiet too, I have noticed you’ve posted on the maintenance thread – we are missing your banter so let us know you’re still around!

    David, hope you’re ok too and that you are resisting your mum’s cooking (I know I would struggle if it was put in front of me). You are doing well and nearly at your lowest weight so don’t give up now.
    Keri, you are a good lass too! You’re doing really well too and it’s nice to chat to you on fb so we can motivate each other. Did you make some yummy crumbles and pies with your free haul yesterday? I’ll be popping in later when I finish work if so lol.

    Well better go and finish getting ready for work, probably going to be a busy day seeing as how I’m on my own today. x

    Yes I did do rather well with the fruit picking yesterday! There’s enough blackberries for a couple of crumbles so I might use half to make some jam as the plums we found will add pectin to set it. The elderberries are going in vodka to make a liqueur. Today I’m also making up a batch of homemade yogurt and trying a new no-knead bread recipe that goes in the fridge for a week and you take out a little each day. If I have time then I’ll make up some breakfast muffins for the freezer. I’ve also got to make up a load of meals for the freezer to make it easier on the warmer days when I don’t want to cook. But we’ll see how that goes down with the kids! I’m fasting 3 days this week to make up for overindulgence so today’s fast might be tough with all the yummy smells…

    here we go here we go here we go, thks for the encouragement guys, I am now fucusing on my rubber tyre and sticking to my 3 day fast

    nice to hear from you charmaine-d u have monsoon yet? we have a traditionally seasonal english summer- sunny and then rain sunny and then rain- but some great sunsets- the scots are moaning already as they always have midges this time of year-even after the success of the olympics- success for who? glasgow? the scots? or the uk?

    just popping in guys since its so quiet on here-sorry bout that-all u non keen facebook-ites end of my third “so called” fast day- and i reckon i am getting sugar withdrawal headaches- if not sinus ones- i think i will have a non caarb fruit focus while on hols

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