PRESENT POSITION: It is 8:31am and I am about to embark on my third fast day. I am already feeling pretty hungry. If I’m honest, there’s a huge part of me that already wants to give up for the day. There is a canteen downstairs and I could have a delicious bacon roll in my hands in less than 5 minutes! BUT, I sit here with my water finding strength through knowing that tomorrow I can have that delicious bacon roll, minus the big side of guilt that I would feel if I ate it today!
ABOUT ME: I have struggled with my weight since childhood and it has been a constant pattern of weighty ups and downs (sadly more ups!). In short, I have little willpower and a pretty unhealthy relationship with food (or maybe “an obsession with food” may is a better way to put it!). I have never managed to stick to any diet beyond a few months and I am looking for an option to last for life!
The fast diet appeals to me as I only have to obsess about food twice a week and even then it’s pretty straightforward as I just need to focus on NOT eating it. Then best of all, for 5 glorious days of the week I can (within reason) relax and enjoy food without guilt.
RESULTS SO FAR: So far, it seems to be working! I stuck to my two fast days last week and ate pretty much what I wanted on the days in between*, including a takeaway and a little too much wine on the weekend! The result: 2lb off. Okay, it’s not a huge loss and I have lost more in a week doing traditional diets. BUT-and it’s a big BUT- I only really felt like I was dieting for 2 days of the week and so I really cannot complain!
*up to 2000 calories per non-fasting day!
I don’t know if this will be read by anyone, but at the beginning of writing this I was leaning towards getting that bacon roll! Now, I feel determined to get through my fast day, so blogging may be the thing to help me out when I’m on the struggle bus! If anyone does read this, then please share your tips, tricks, successes and failures… there is something to be learned from all of them!
Until next time … HAPPY FASTING! x
9:15 am
15 Nov 17