my experience

This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  lisafromhome 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • hi, I’m Lisa…

    over the last 11 years, with a mixture of death, divorce, loss, bad eating habits and medication ive exploded to a 18.5 stone 22 size woman… in the last few years i have tried every diet from weight watchers to slimming world, slimfast to chocolate banana(although if your bi polar, like me…. chocolate banana is BAD).. plus all the tablets off the shelf and from the doctor and in truth.. even though i tried i always failed, and when i failed i just munched down galaxy like crazy… but… my biggest problem is, i don’t eat and i don’t mean missing meals here and there i mean, not eating for 3 days then crashing on galaxy(yes i love galaxy)….
    last week my doctor, knowing my fight but also not knowing what to suggest, suggested this diet.. id heard about it here and there in magazines but didn’t know what it was… anyway got home and read…. lots…. and i started last Monday.. i actually ate 3 meals and on Tuesday as well i chose Wednesday and Saturday as my fasting days and Wednesday was fine not a problem then again Thursday and Friday ate my 3 meals well come Saturday, i have my breakfast.. alls fine, no decaf coffee, nipped a bit but was bearable but by 4 pm i was starving and i literally could not get my mind off food… well in the end i really couldn’t take it anymore and i had a banana(it was the best banana in the world) and then i had my soup at 6, now im not sure if “banana-gate” is a failure but i was hungry, and it was something i hadn’t felt in a long long time, usually id starve for a few days, then my body would crash and cave chocolate the on Saturday, i craved food… and it was a revaluation… so Sunday came and 3 meals and not today, being the start of a new 5:2 week ive had breakfast and im just about to have a wee salad…

    im going to weigh myself tomorrow as well… i was 117kgs… even if ive just lost 1kg, im heading in the right direction..

    thanks for reading and please leave a comment… and see you tomorrow…

    hi Lisa
    I just replied to your other post and saw this one lol!

    you made the best choice of all by starting 5.2, it works and with time you will begin to see results for yourself!

    I think you have the right attitude and you sound so positive, good luck on your weigh in tomorrow, and if even if you see no change, you will eventually, and don’t forget to measure yourself, because how your clothes is the best indicator that your body is changing 🙂

    enjoy your journey, and happy fasting 🙂

    Hi Lisa, good luck with your continuing journey 😉

    I’m not sure, reading your post, if there is a reason that you’re doing 3 meals on fastdays? Are you concerned about keeping to a ‘normal’ pattern, as you seem to have had borderline eating disorder behaviour (missing meals to go crazy with the Galaxy later) in the past? If so and it’s working for you then great, stick with it.

    However, if you feel that you can do it without jeopardising your new ‘healthier’ relationship with food, I’d recommend that you don’t bother with breakfast on fastdays. That will give you more chance of hitting the 14-16 hour (Genuine) fasting time, allowing all of the health benefits to really make themselves at home. It will also mean you don’t start your digestive juices flowing first thing in the day and spend the rest of the day trying desperately to ignore them. For me, the second I eat something on a fastday, I make it a million times worse for myself trying to stave off the hunger (even if I know damn well that it isn’t really hunger and will go away in a few minutes).

    The most important thing though is for you to experiment and find something that works for you long-term. This is a lifestyle and has to be comfortable and sustainable for you for the long-haul.

    Bon chance.

    Hi Lisa and welcome to the forum.
    You are not alone – we have all tried every diet going with some success then regained the weight loss and some more!
    Each of us has our own way of using our 500cals on fast days to the best for ourselves, and soon you will start looking forward to fasting (strange huh).
    Plan your fast days to be busy, I know as soon as I have free time on my fast days I am thinking about food!
    Remember its not just a diet its a way of life that is sustainable, with many benefits. Weight is only one thing you lose – inches are another and both things are very motivating 🙂
    Good luck and keep posting.

    thank you… yes i do have food issues… when i was 18 i was severely bulimic, and after several months of hard word from my then husband i stopped being sick all the time, but i went to the other extreme and gained weight really quickly shooting from a size 10 to a 18 in about 6 months…

    TracyJ just a little correction 🙂

    I do hope you wont mind, but its “bonne chance” , yeah I know its a weird spelling but believe it not, the word chance is feminine in French 🙂

    hi to those who pop in… i weighed myself today, and i havent lost a single pound… but im in two minds… im sad that i havent lost anything but im happy that i havent gained any… i went from crash eating, not eating for days then eating junk, to eating 3 controlled meals a day… and i dont know which one is better…. some one please help…

    lisa xx

    Hi Lisa,

    sorry you are disappointed on your weigh in, but please don’t be too downhearted about it and as you said you didn’t gain either,so its good! it takes time for the body to adjust, I didn’t start loosing for a few weeks and just like you I was disappointed when I didn’t loose anything right away, but it will kick in, I promise so hang in there!!

    good luck and happy fasting 🙂

    Hi Lisa…as it seems you have issues with eating, controlling your eating is a great way to start. Once you have your eating under control – i.e. you control the food, it doesn’t control you – then you can concentrate more on the weight loss part.

    Keep going, you’re doing great x

    Thanks… i think as the day wore on, i was happier knowing that ive gone from not eating to eating has been an odd transition, especially since i started eating i havent craved chocolate or cakes or diet coke where as even 2 weeks ago i couldnt pop into the shop without coming out with something sweet and fizzy… its a good odd though… this is my last decaf coffee for a while(fasting tomorrow) and although its decaf its still missable…

    Well done lisa – it looks like you are taking control! Now you just keep it that way and you’ll soon see results from 5:2. Don’t obsess about your fast days…slow and steady wins the race.

    We’re all with you here! x

    P.S> you know you can still have your coffee on fast days – just factor in any milk or sugar you add.


    I must have read wrong i thought you couldnt have tea or coffee, i dont take sugar(im sweet enough ha ha) and only a splash of semi skimmed… cheers, im a very happy woman now!!!

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