Well, my darling hubby is away for a whole month, so I have decided that this is the time to give myself a bit of a project!
Purpose? To give up sugar and see if I can get the gastritis under control. I am a sugar addict, and although 5:2 has helped me with my cravings, I know that I need to give it up completely BEFORE I slide down the metabolic syndrome slope. And for the last year (ever since a bout of violent vomiting bug, but according to the doc, not related) I have suffered with gastritis. Drugs didn’t help, and I am keen to avoid going down the ever stronger drugs route because the side effects are not nice!
Also although I have lost weight and am down to BMI 25, my waist could do with being a LOT narrower.
1)To fast 2 or 3 times a week – zero calories
2)To cut sugar and fructose rich foods from my diet.
3)To cut avoid carb rich foods (especially grains, potatoes)
4)To eschew snacking
I am really not sure that I will be able to manage to stick to this to the letter, but hope that reporting here will help!
Yesterday was day 1, and I managed to stay sugar free except for one teaspoonful of honey that sneaked in (like a lot of addicts I am often barely conscious of the sugar going on). But hubby was still home and I didn’t want to draw attention to my plans which would worry him. This morning, once I get out of bed(!!!) I’ll be going round and boxing up all the sugar in the house so I can’t get caught like that again.
Starting weight 62.9 kilos. I never know how to measure my waist so will go by my favourite belt!
Today is a fast day.
9:37 am
25 Nov 13