mrsorangecat's weight loss diary

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mrsorangecat's weight loss diary

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jennyh 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello! Well I’m on Week 2 of this diet and I am on my fourth fasting day today. So far so very good. I don’t even feel like I am doing a diet! I lost 3 3/4 pounds last week on Week 1 🙂 I know it will slow down a lot, however, if I could lose even 1 lb every week and keep it off I would be over the moon!!!

    My weight loss target is 50 lbs. I’d love to be a size 12. I can’t remember the last time I was a size 12. I bet I was about 21! I’m 41 now and aim to be slimmer and healthier for the summer.

    My fast days are a little boring eating-wise as I’ve had the same on the last 4 fast days….but I am trying to get away from thinking about food all the time, so I’m keeping it simple for now. I drink a couple of cups of tea or coffee with milk until 12 midday and then I have a can of soup at work. I then drink a couple of litres of water in the afternoon and have 1 slice of toast with 1 scrambled egg on it in the evening about 7 pm and that seems to keep hunger at bay. Doesn’t sound very healthy I know, but my other 5 days are packed full of fruit and veg, honest!!!

    Week 2 Weigh day tomorrow morning. (I fast on Mondays and Thursdays) I’ll report back then.

    Welcome to the forum and congrats on having made such a successful start!

    Sounds like you all on the right track and you’re doing everything the way you should! We all need to find our own ways how to cope with fast days.

    I usually eat nothing during daytime and save all my calories for dinner. I drink tons of tea and water to keep the hunger at bay.

    You will very likely hit a plateau at some point in time and patience is a virtue here! Just stick to the program and it should work.

    I have found that on my fast days to have a dinner with tons of veggies fills me up and they have very little calories. Sometimes I make myself veggie smoothies in the morning, staying under 500 cal and I will drink it throughout the day, with no other food.

    A typical vegetable smoothie contains 400 g of spinach, 10 aspargus, 200 g of broccoli, unsweetened almond milk, chia and flax seeds, 6 pieces of frozen pine apple chunks, a coup of blueberries and some protein powder. This gives me 1.2 liter of thick smoothie of which I drink a glass of 300ml every couple of hours. It is great to never feel hungry during my fast day and it is very nutritious. You need to good blender though to make a good smoothie.

    Anyhow best of luck and keep us posted!

    Thanks Stef for your reply! I shall certainly be trying your smoothie. Mum gave me a food processor yesterday so il have a practice with that tonight!

    I forgot to update my weight tracker on Fri. I lost a lb, so thats 4 3/4 lb off since 31/3/14. Im very happy with that. Had a good fast day yesterday. Going to have a yummy breakfast in a mo, cappuchino, croissant with raspberry jam and a banana 🙂 mmmm. This isnt a diet, just a great way to live! No more deprivation for weeks on end until you crack and just give up anyway!! Brilliant!

    Great idea to make a large veg smoothie for the fast day. I am full of good intentions……black coffee and lots of water until 2pm but then if I have nothing prepared, eat the first thing I see…..while preparing my fast day meal!! Next fast day, I know what I’ll have…..thanks Stef

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