Monday and Wednesday faster needed!!

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  • Hello all.
    Came back from Poland a week ago but not had time to post.
    Looks like we’re struggling a bit. I did a fast last Wednesday as I couldn’t face it the day after retuning from our fabulous break. I fasted yesterday I only had a bowl of homemade Chinese chicken and sweet corn soup which was delicious. I shall be fasting tomorrow too. Going to that there London on Thursday (and Harry Potter studios ) for a few nights but will be back on it Monday. Not weighed for 2 weeks and when I did I stayed the same. I’m not losing like I did the first time I did 5:2 but I really think it’s because I’m not exercising like I did.
    Lovely to hear from you Goosey and good to know that maintaining is easy ( can’t say I’m optimistic of ever getting to that stage lol)
    ELC do those last 3lbs really matter. I can’t see they’ll make a duffence to how your clothes fit. I reckon you must be lovely and svelte.
    Lazy sorry to hear you’ve another cold. Maybe try echanasia??
    My tummy rumbling this morning but I’m not giving in until lunch time.
    I’m going to try to eat well on non fast days and see if I can kick start some weight loss ( I said try 😉
    Good luck all x

    Sorry to disappoint Michelle- not easy, but less difficult than loosing.
    I still fast 2 days a week- and I mean one liquid only day and one day only dinner of fish and greens. This allows me to not count calories at the weekend and have wine(s).
    I am sure everyone will find a combination that works for them if you keep trying and keep going.
    Good luck to all Goosey X

    Hi I have been doing this for three weeks,and lost 6 pounds, I have a slight underactive thyroid and no other diet has worked even though I am on medication and should be able to loose weight like anyone. I am convinced this diet tricks my system so my body doesn’t have time to reset my basal rate.. I do Monday and Thursday… I like Thursday as I know its weekend the following night, keeps me focused.

    I eat nothing until lunchtime (midday), then a small ham salad, with tiny bit salad cream,fizzy water or Fanta zero in afternoon to keep pangs away a bit.. Dinner will be at 6pm , small amount of meat or fish with salad or veg. Evening I drink fizzy water and about 8.30pm, I have a chopped up orange, which I have chilled in the fridge in wedges and suck at those, otherwise I am too hungry to sleep. I prepare my food day before and then my attitude is “that’s what I have got to eat today, get on with it, some people in the world haven’t even had that today “… The feast days I eat sensibly but I make sure I feel full. Good luck everyone

    Hi everyone,

    How is everything going? Hope you are all doing great!
    I’m just back from 3,5 weeks of fantastic vacation, although with a few more pounds in place, which was expected given I spent a lot of time in France and Italy, good food+good wine=trouble! I weighted myself yesterday- not sure I dare to say how much- but yes, I’ve put on some weight. BUT I am staying positive.
    I didn’t fast yesterday though, trying not to start too harsh, I don’t want to end up binging. I already feel the absence of sugar in my body after having eaten clean food for couple of days. This week will not be easy!

    Same here, will try for Wed and Thur as in Edinburgh and not home until after 7.00.
    Think that I need to stay away from cheese on a fast day as once I start I don’t stop.

    Elc, please keep trying as you are sooo close. Really hope that tomorrow is successful for both of us. Think that we need a good fast to get us back in the zone.

    Hi Sally,

    You’re doing really well, and have a good strong attitude. Have you got much weight to loose?.

    Welcome back patricia, don’t worry about holiday weight, it soon comes off.

    Lazy, I will try, I promise, I actually called at the bar last night on my way home from walking the dog’s, and had a diet coke!!!. There’s hope for me yet!!!.

    Hello everyone. Well done on all the weight losses and achievements.

    Thank you for keeping me occupied reading all the great posts while my stomach rumbles! This is my second fast this week and I do not having the usual distraction of being at work.

    I tried 5:2 sometime ago on and off, but only losing a few pounds, when ideally I would like to lose about 10 pounds. I am just over 10 stones (10 stone being the brick wall I still cannot breakthrough), which I feel is too heavy for my height (5′ 4″). There are other medical conditions in the family, so gaining some health benefits would be great.

    I also have a Fitbit and aim for 10,000 steps a day, so about to drag my gang out for a walk.

    Wishing you all a great day. 🙂

    Reached 477 today.

    I am finding each fast day much easier. It helps that I have seen results so it motivates me to keep going. I have NO IDEA how much I weigh. I go by measuring my body once every two weeks.

    I feel so much better about myself these days. My confidence is coming back.

    Hello, back again after sprained ankle, etc.

    I restarted about 3 weeks ago; took a week off for my period and I am STILL down 7 pounds. I haven’t been under 175 in a few years. 173 today!

    I vary my fasting days from M-W to T-TH every once in a while. It lets me feel good that I can use that flexibility and get results. To be honest, it isn’t like I am eating grains and gorp, but I am watching calories pretty closely (getting good at estimating those too) and I have so much more energy! I do save up my fasting calories for dinner, but if I’m having a hard time at work, I will eat a small bag of baby carrots (35) or a chunk of beef jerky (80 for an ounce).

    Hi to everyone, keep it up! Ignore the naysayers-people just don’t want to believe it works!

    Hi all,

    Tracy, lovely to have you back and sounds like you are doing great.

    Patricia, I am so glad that you had a fab holiday, makes those few extra lbs worth it and they will be gone in no time.

    Serenity, you sound as if your very motivated and have done really well especially when not at work. I also have 10lbs to lose but would love to lose a bit more. However, the way I am going I will gain 10lbs rather than lose. Will keep trying.

    Elc, failed again, too hard when in Edinburgh. Have an essay to start so I predict another hurdle but will try again. I will reluctantly jump on the scales on Friday and prepare for the worst. Think that I need to start exercising again as it stops my mindless endless snacking. Hope that you are doing better than me. What the hell is happening to us????

    I read an excellent study that talks about how the modern diet masks our body’s ability to be hungry for what it NEED vs what it wants.

    I do know that feeling HUNGRY is actually a unique feeling, and I haven’t really BEEN hungry for a long time. I actually have decided to enjoy hunger pangs–they are letting me know that things are working correctly! And I won’t claim to eat super-healthy every day– but I don’t want my hunger to have been for nothing–I want something out of it. So, I do make different choices, and then it’s rewarding in itself.

    I did drink half a bottle of wine with my husband the other night–but I knew that I hadn’t eaten crap all day before, and sat down to our tapas feeling hungry and stopped when I was full. That’s a new old thing too-recognizing when I am done BEFORE I am gasping for air. I do have days when I know it’s my emotions that are hungry, so I try to give them just a little.

    My next hurdle is exercise. Gotta get the hubby who loves craft beer off the sofa. 😀 Now my ankle is healed, that should be a bit easier!

    Don’t be too hard on yourselves! Keep it up and find something to fill time. I just re-read all the Harry Potter!

    I’m new here! Just started and I’m doing Monday/Wednesday FD. so glad I found this group!

    Hi all,

    I haven’t fasted this week, because I wanted a bit of a slow recovery after my vacation, but I’ve tried to eat clean, which for me is out with dairy and wheat products, and also to limit my intake of meat. I had a bit of an accident the other day (involving pancakes), so nowhere close to perfect but at least it’s doing something. Lost 1.2 kg since Monday, which I am happy about. Need to drop another 1.3 kg to be at the same weight as before I left for vacation. Weekend is coming up, so need to be very careful- but hoping to get to my ‘starting point’, i.e. dropping the 1.3 kg as soon as possible.

    Hope you all have a lovely and healthy weekend!

    Hi. My first Monday and Wednesday fast all done. When would be best to weigh myself? I usually record my weight once a week on Fridays (10st 1 1/2lb last Friday).

    This week I could not help jumping on the scales on Monday before starting the fast (weighed 10st 3 1/4lb – and after over indulging over the weekend!).

    Today, Friday, I now weigh exactly 10 stone (though for a second the scales actually flickered below 10 stone!). So do I think ok I’ve lost 3 1/4lb from Monday or go on the Friday weigh in? Sorry if I have made this sound complicated.

    Either way I know I have lost weight, finally, and probably would be a couple of pounds heavier today if not for the 2 fast days! 🙂

    Hi all and welcome Opal Shine, it is lovely to have you join us.

    Patricia and Serenity, congratulations on your weight loss.

    Tracy, I am with you, I really need to get back to exercising and hopefully that will be the kick up the backside to get me into fasting again.

    No weight loss again so need to do the 5:2 as I know it works and hopefully exercise will put in the healthy frame of mind.

    Well it has been a lovely warm sunny day here, although I haven’t seen much of it as stuck in the house with bunch of articles to read. (not much reading done). Anyways on to something positive, I have done well today with only 869cals. I am quite surprised as previously when I studied I munched my way through bags of sweets. Think that counting cals and being honest when counting is the way that I need to go until I am totally back on track.

    Good luck for tomorrow

    Having an odd week this week, so having my fast days on Tuesday and Thursday instead. Good luck everyone!

    Not fasting as went for lunch with a friend. Will try for Wed and another day.

    Today I went over by 17! 517.

    Not upset. Looking forward to a buttery crumpet tomorrow though!

    I’m having a really bad week this week- have cravings all the time AND I’m too lazy to do my workout plan. Last night I had some pizza and ice cream- not sure what happened. and I can’t seem to do a fast day either..just want to eat and sleep, fantastic combination!

    Hi Patricia, I am much the same boat with regards to the wanting to eat and struggling to do a proper fast day. I have decided (as I have previously) that I can not have bread, cheese, crisps, chocolates or biscuits in the house as I munch until there are gone or I am full to bursting. I am going to try and only have these thing at the weekend, but we will see as best laid plans and all that. The fact is that over the past couple of weeks I have actually put weight on so something needs to change. I am considering a reward system along the idea that if I lose weight then I can have pizza or something really nice to eat. Anyway I can only see how it goes.

    Hope you do ok today and get back on track.

    Hi all,

    Where are you all this weather???

    Well is has been my first successful(ish) fast in weeks, 537 cals and no desire to eat anything else. Had a bowl of porridge for lunch rather than fluids only until dinner, not sure if this has made a difference to my food intake or not but I am not knocking it.

    Elc, hope that you have got your motivation back although with only 3lbs still to lose I bet that you are looking fantastic.

    Hope everyone is doing ok with their fast.

    Hi all,

    Well my village fiesta is over, I’ve been either drinking or hungover for a week now, and the damage is……… nothing, no gain no loss, can’t really complain at that can I.

    I have a week until ,my daughter arrives, so I’m hoping to be back on plan this week. No plans for alcohol in the next week, just the thought makes me want to gag.

    Well done on the fast day lazy.x

    Struggling today. All I want to do is drink a bottle of rose and enjoy the summer whilst it is here. (Currently warm and sunny in the Netherlands!)

    But I can’t…. 🙁

    I will have to drink a bottle of rose on the weekend instead.

    Will pop by to update you all with my calories. I know I have gone over again today, only just mind.

    Hi all,

    Elc, I have been that soldier when the thought of alcohol has me running to the toilet. My God though, a week of boozing I am very impressed! I struggle with 1 night although as you know I am very greedy when it come to the lovely lovely gin. No gain is great. Well I blew it yesterday and went further over with my cals when I found caramel rice cakes in the cupboard. I looked like a child at Christmas when I found them and then had 3 resulting in another 120 cals. Anyway still way better than I have done recently. Not optimistic this week.

    Katie, enjoy the rose as I think you deserve it.

    This forum is getting to be an alcohol appreciation forum. Not that I am complaining as I think that I am in very good company.

    Enjoy the weekend when it comes and have a large vino/gin to celebrate it!

    Hi all,

    no loss, no gain this morning. In a way I’m ok with that given how badly my eating habits have been this past week. However I am obviously disappointed that I haven’t had more self control and motivation. I have set up a plan now, which is more than the two fast days, so hoping that this time next week I’ll be sharing some good news.

    lazy 120 cals over is not bad, still very low cal day. Katie- enjoy the rose this weekend. I will add to the ‘alcohol appreciation forum’ by mentioning that I very much look forward to my Amarone tonight (to keep the morale up).

    Enjoy the weekend everybody!

    I went over my 500 cals, 530!

    It was all the coffee. I have been so lethargic recently.

    Hi Patricia, in total in was around 157 cals but way better than I had been doing previously. Anyway weighed yesterday and 1/2 lb off. Today I munched crisp and jelly sweets and 1 lb on. To cheer myself up I am using yesterdays weight and probably up 2 lbs next week.

    Katie, 30 cals is ok and you appear fairly consistent in sticking to under 500 cals.

    Well it is the weekend and I am celebrating with a pizza and a few cheeky gins. Wwill be good on Sunday.

    Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the alcohol.

    Hi. I’m glad I found the pizza and alcohol thread! Friday night is pizza night in our household. I also seem to be drinking more coffee.

    Have a good weekend and back to fasting on Monday. 🙂

    Gone over 500 cals again today. I gave up counting. I am definitely less than a thousand though. Again it was mostly mugs of coffee, feeling very lethargic lately. I also finished off my partners left over vegetables from his dinner.

    I will have to watch what I eat this week and really try my hardest on Wednesday.

    Ended up with 450 cals yesterday + 5 Km run + strength training = finally a proper fast day.

    It’s bee a while I’ve had a proper fast day and after the weekend I just had, I really need to step it up. Going to try to keep it at 700 cals today + workout.

    Patricia, well done on your fast and a run. You are putting me to shame! I really need to get back to exercising. Will try to motivate myself to go for a run over the weekend. However, it has been sooo long it will likely to be a walk then a shuffle type jog.

    Katie, I was much the same as you yesterday- over 500 but probably just under 1000 cals. Hope to be under 1000 today. Not sure about fast tomorrow as I am at a course. May take a bunch of grapes then will still be healthy.

    Lazy, I think you should go for that run this weekend, it doesn’t matter if it becomes a walk, as long as you are on the move. For me it seems as my body just slows down so much when i don’t exercise, because I sit in an office all day, and then take the car home, and then I place myself on the sofa :), so I really need the exercise. I know a lot of people say working out is of no value for weight loss, and alone it’s not, but i think it helps a lot together with a healthy diet or fasting.

    I didn’t manage my 700 cals yesterday- ended up around 1000, but did go for another 5 km run and strength training. Today is a proper fast day and a tough spinning class is planned for this afternoon.

    Have a good fast day everyone!!

    Hi All, Just back from a nine day holiday, weight not as bad as expected, 3lb on, will work on it, I would like it off really quickly, as going away again this weekend.
    But needed to share my latest obsession with you , a spiralizer- I think it is the best thing ever! I have been thinking about buying one for months, but you know ” another kitchen gadget” I LOVE IT!!!!
    Good luck to all Goosey xx

    Much better today. I reached 475.

    I was determined to be on track today.

    Going to try a different salad next week, getting bored of eating the same salad.

    I know I have lost more weight as a pair of jeans I couldn’t get past my thighs are now on my hips! Now need to get them done up! Lol

    Big fail yesterday- stressful day, ended up at 1000 cals and no workout! hoping for better results today.

    Hi all,

    Lovely to hear from you Goosey, but what is a spiralizer?

    Particia, I could win a medal for big fails recently. Can’t remember when my last successful fast was. I was probably just over 1000 cals both days this week. I kkep thinking that my shame of posting yet another unsuccessful fast would push me to get on track but alas no, instead it pushes me towards the fridge, cupboard and towards munching. Hope that the run over the weekend will at least give me something postive to write about.

    Katie, well done!

    I ended up at 1100 cals yesterday-I did however manage to do a 2km run and an hour of sweaty indoor cycling. I wish I could keep my cal intake around 800 on normal days, but not so easy. I am excluding all grains and dairy though, see if that makes a difference.

    Lazy, I don’t know what it is, but I keep my cals ok during the day including dinner, but then I ruin it with a late night snack. The worse strategy for me is when I don’t work out after work on fast days, because then I’ll be home earlier, which means earlier dinner and higher probability for snacking before going to bed.

    Hoping for a better week ahead for both of us! Don’t forget the run this weekend 🙂

    Paricia, I am exactly the same, am great all day with just fluids then in the evening am like the cookie monster who eats everything. Cheese is my biggest weakness and once I start then there no stopping me. Pizza tonight so not being good.

    Yeah plan a run on Sunday morning and hopefully the feel good factor will get me back on track. Enjoy the weekend

    Fasting today but going to change my fast days to Mondays and Wednesdays. I’m 77 calories over my 500 today. This is my first day on the diet and I’m doing really well so far today but feel if I went over the 500 by 77 or 100 calories I’ve failed. Has anyone else felt like this?

    Hi wanttolose weight and welcome.

    Am glad that your first fast went well, 77 cals over is nothing. Please don’t think of it as a fail. Keep doing what your doing. Lovely to have you join us.

    Welcome wanttoloseweight, and hi everyone else.

    Had yet another terrible week, but seem to be hovering around the same weight.
    Daughters here from tomorrow, so not sure how I’ll do. Must admit she’s a healthy eater and doesn’t drink, so if I’m naughty only really have myself to blame.

    Elc, I didn’t even weigh myself as there was no point. I am studying and with every word that I type I am eating crap. I f I don’t get back on track then I will be the size of a house.

    Off track but back to work Wed so will start yet again.

    Good luck fast people! ☺

    I need all the luck I can get. Thank you Serenity

    Good luck lazycat. I have a couple of good weeks then a couple not so good (holidays/stress etc) and eat/drink everything, so end up where I started!

    On a positive note, I’ve been off work 6 weeks and usually put on pounds – this time it’s only 1 1/2lb. ☺

    Rainy bank holiday today, so will make the best of it with nice meal tonight and plan to start a fast day tomorrow. Also my husband has announced no alcohol for next 6 weeks as he’s training for a half marathon. I will join in the no alcohol but not the running (not very good at running). ?

    Hi everyone,

    Hope you are doing good. Today I have no will power- I don’t know what it is, but I have a feeling I won’t make 500 cals. I have consumed 237 cals so far, and I don’t have access to much food before dinner, and plans to workout after work. Dinner is planned for 250 cals- but we will see..tired and cranky right now.

    I have a really hard time with will power and motivation nowadays – could be that I haven’t seen any results for a long time, it’s frustrating. Oh well, let’s see where I end up today.

    Good luck everyone!

    Hi all,

    I hope that you are doing ok. I have had 280 cals (caved in and had a few oat cakes and cheese. If all goes to plan I will have around 640 cals, not exactly a fast just a low cal day. Think this is the best that I can do with my current levels of motivation.

    Reached 490 today. Found it pretty easy. 🙂

    I am going to be measuring myself this Thursday, fingers crossed I have lost something

    Hi all,

    I’m going to have to write this week off, at the beach yesterday, out for a meal tonight and tomorrow beach for 3 days.

    I will 100% be back on it, I’ve got to!!!!.

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