Monday and Wednesday faster needed!!

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  • Now your tempting me Michelle and I do not need much temptation when there is lovely gin involved. Enjoy your time in Poland, are you going to try the Polish vodka? Would be rude not to and that’s coming from a gin lush.

    Shrinking, totally agree that you should enjoy hotel breakfasts and good plan to stay away from hospital cafeteria. Hope your mum is ok soon.

    Elc, hope that your doing better than I am but that wouldn’t be too difficult the way I am going. At least your swimming daily unlike my not so good self.

    And I am anything but rude so will definitely be partaking in a vodka or 2 or 3 🙂
    Don’t think the food will interest me and lots of walking so hopefully no weight gain.
    That will happen in September when I go to Spain 😉

    Hi all,

    Actually having a good day today, lentil stew and a coffee about 400cals. Really stuffed, so don’t fancy a drink or any bad food.

    What are you all doing up anyway, I thought we’d agreed 5pm was bed time!!.

    Today was a good day!

    445 total reached. So enough for a cuppa and a small nibble later.

    Well done Elc and Katie for a successful fast. Sounds like you are back on track Elc

    I am well over, may do tomorrow and Wednesday to make up for my lack of will power today.

    I’m at 480 cals.
    Emma you’ve done well today….back on it!!! Im in bed watching TV so I’m not out of the woods yet.
    Playing flippin candy crush soda!!

    Well I managed it. Ate in a 3 hour window and 400cals.

    I feel so good today, I forgot how great you feel the day after a fast day.

    Come on lazy, if I can get back into it, you can too.

    Michelle, have a great holiday, even if you but a couple of lbs on, they’ll be off the week after.

    I’m back! Did a semi fast yesterday and decided it is time since I regained what I had lost .. Damned stress eating .. I really have to learn a better outlet than food …

    I lost a post darn .. It was very insightful too Heheheh. Basically and way shortened I am not paying attention to scale even though I weigh every day .. I don’t have to look at it it syncs to my phone .. I am going to measure and use that .. I don’t care what o weigh if I fit in normal size clothes

    Also going to work In A vodka or gin at night ..

    Maybe the rest will show up eventually when it does sorry for posting twice

    Hi all,

    Elc, glad your back on track, please send me some of your motivation. In Edinburgh to morrow and not back home until after 7.00 so surely I should manage a fast tomorrow. Soup defrosting in preparation.

    Welcome back Rho. Have you been on hoilday? I can do the stress eating too but when I an stressed or really anxious I go the the toilet a lot. When I first past my driving test I was a very anxious driver (still the same) I lost loads of weight. A friend commented that I was the only person that she knew who was driving, walking way less and lost weight. I have got to be different.

    Anyway good luck for tomorrow but the way I have been going it is me that needs all the luck

    Well done everyone with their fasts this week.
    I lost another lb this week so have lost 7 lbs in total. Am now 12 stone so can’t wait to hopefully see the scales dip under that in the next week or so.
    Saying that, I’m not great the day after a fast. I don’t know if anyone else has this but I start off not feeling that hungry and have a small breakfast but by late morning I’m ravenous and seem to go on to eat crap all day. It’s like because I can eat what I want then I will.
    I’m back on a fast day today and am fine when I know I can only have 500cals. I’ve not had anything yet and will probably consume under 500cals in total but tomorrow might be a different story!

    Hi all,

    Looks like I’ve managed another fast day, just had cauliflower mash and quorn sausages I think 420cals. Totally full.

    Reached 467 today. Enough for a cuppa later. Was really easy today, mainly because I gorged myself on Chinese food yesterday!

    Hi Guys,

    Looks like we’re all back on plan.

    1lb off for me, was the 1lb I put on last week though!!!.

    Good luck for all your weigh ins.

    Sorry I am not back on the plan, no fast days so not optimistic about weight loss. Got boozey weekend so going to fast next week in hope that I undo at least some of the damage.

    Lazy, a week or 2 off every now and then is good for the metabolism. That’s my opinion anyway.x

    Think that I am with you about your opinion Elc.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Have been cooking for my upcoming fast days. was very surprised to find out that mushroom risotto isn’t that bad, as long as you go heavy on the mushrooms and light on the rice.

    Hi all,

    Elc, I also have been cooking for forthcoming fast days. Not been very good over the weekend as too much gin, too much stodgey food prior to the gin and too much stodgey food during hangover. A lot of damage to undo. Thinking about trying to get back to exercise classes this week in hope that it helps undo some of the damage and stop me from snacking at night.

    Good luck for tomorrows fast.

    I must admit to having a very boozy 4 days, but I AM going to have a good day today.

    I have had a coffee this morning, and will have mushroom risotto late afternoon. working this morning for 2 hours, then swimming this afternoon. Also have 4 litres of water in the fridge that I intend to drink.

    Good luck everyone.x

    Hi all,

    Boozy days are great at the time but I don’t like the following days. To make things worse am feeling very bloated, think that I am retaining gin and pizza rather than water. Plan to be very good today too. Have chickpea and spinach curry 240 cals for dinner and only had 30 cals in tea during the day. No excuses this week.

    Hope everyone is doing ok.

    Reached 473 today. Enough for a cup of tea later.

    Today was pretty easy. I have had a bit of a boozy few weeks, so fingers crossed I have at least maintained my weight or lost something….. Measuring on Thursday.

    so far so good. Very tempted right now though.

    Am good too. Yippee! May have to have an early night though. Soup defrosting for tomorrow’s dinner as I am planning a very healthy week. Have family dinner on Sunday so probably have a a couple of gins with dinner. Driving Monday so will only have 2-3 then none after 7.00pm. Hate being a responsible adult, though better a couple of gins than driving.

    Bugger!!!. Hand full of nuts and a gin and tonic.

    Same as Elc although the bugger was in relation to crackers and cheese. Ended up 760cals. What the hell happened to my Yippee!!!

    I think our will power just ups and leaves us after 7pm lazy.

    Yesterday was even worse, went out for a Chinese and drank far too much, I am really paying for it this morning.

    I think it may take the rest of my life to loose these last 3.5lbs.

    I must agree with you Elc, my will power does nut just up and leaves but runs out the door at 7.00. I should be more motivated as I need to lose about 1 stone. Last time I weighed was 9 stone 9lbs (week past on Friday) and been out drinking and eating total rubbish since then. My new excuse is that I am getting the 2nd cold in around 5 weeks. Fell awful and eating to feel better and stave off tiredness. However, I am pinning my hopes on first defence for the cold. I don’t have time to be ill.

    Anyway veggie and quorn fajitas for dinner just need to stay away from snacks but already had a biscuit to take my cold remedies.

    Hope everyone else is doing better than me

    Easy again today.

    Reached 477.

    Measuring myself tomorrow, I don’t think I have lost anything though, all my previous weeks of over indulgence and booze…..

    It would be a nice surprise if I have lost something though.

    Hi there,

    Weigh day today and 3.5lb off, I am at goal weight!!!.

    Nahh, only kidding 1lb on.

    Hello, I’m new to this. I’m 3 weeks in to 5:2. Don’t think I’ve lost much yet.

    Stats: male, 45, 5′ 8″ 12st 9lbs.

    Over the last few years I’ve increased in weight. Many of my shirts don’t fit me now and I have to buy bigger trousers & jeans. I can’t afford to replace ALL my clothes. I’d like to lose a stone. Not a huge amount – but the fasting is the same whatever the weight you need to lose!

    Yesterday’s fast was the hardest yet. I had a busy day, which culminated in an informal meeting in a bar. While everybody else ate eggs on muffins & ham hock with hash browns etc etc. I drank a diet coke, while claiming I just wasn’t hungry! But I did it and I was proud of myself.

    Hello all you fellow fasters. It’s good to know you.

    So, hello, happy fasters

    Please ignore all the hellos at the end. I’m useless at technology.

    Unbelievably I have lost a small amount of weight. Very happy I haven’t gained!

    Latest measurements. (Inches)

    Waist 31
    Hips 42
    Bust 37
    Thigh 21.5
    Arm 11

    I am sure I would of lost more if it wasn’t for holiday and my few weeks of booze lol

    I’m still in Dublin with my mum. Thought she would get home yesterday but we are here until tomorrow at least. I’m so fed up. My diet is horrific. I’m eating at odd hours and I’m snacking all the time. I don’t know when I felt this fat. Can’t look at myself. Think I’ll have to fast for a week when I get home. Might do the boiled egg diet or a week of celebrity slim. Anything to get back on track and get rid of some fluid and some fat.

    Hi all,

    Thackers Welcome to our merry gang. I know what you mean about those lbs creeping up on you. It was when my fat jeans were tight then I thought that I need to do something with choices of buying a whole load of new clothes or lose weight. I went for the cheapest option. Please keep us all updated on how you get on?

    Shrinking, please don’t be so hard on yourself. You are going through a stressful time and hospital visits are quite exhausting. I hope that you and your mum are okay. You will get back into 5:2 when your back home and more settled.

    Elc, your post made me laugh because I am in the exact same position although I am living in hope that the binging on gin, pizza and crisps over past 2 weeks has actually created a huge weight loss. Weigh in tomorrow so will post results while hanging my head in shame.

    Hi Katie, well done to you.

    Welcome Thackers.

    Shrinking, I agree with lazy, you’ll get back into it, whatever weight you put on in a short period of time, can come of in a short period of time.

    So how did you get on lazy, are you gaining and loosing the same 1lb like me?.

    Two fasts down this week – one a smidge higher than 500 but I’ll take it … I want to try a third fast this week today .. But it will be rough – today is the wake and funeral of one of my best friends. She was the woman I always said I want to grow up to be!

    Hi all,

    Elc just weighed myself and bloody 2lbs on. Just shows how much rubbish and gin I have had over past 2 weeks. As of Monday back to 2 fasts and counting cals to ensure that I am eating within my TDEE.

    Forgot to say that I don’t think the 5 fast 5 days is working for me. Think I need to 2 fast days may be combined with 5:2. What have you been doing Elc

    So today won’t be a 500 fast but it will be a 700 low cal day .. Not feeling horrible about it as I said I have done my two days already on Monday and Wednesday … At least I’m not diving into cake and drinks today because of this life plan …

    Btw folks don’t take gall bladder as nothing .. That is what killed my friend .. She had no pain – blocked ducts caused a massive massive infection, which caused a heart attack .. Was in ICU for 5 weeks and in hospice for 2 … And she is the second person I’ve know in a year that died from complications of gall bladder .

    I also found that the 5 hour eating window didn’t work for me, I think it might combined with 5.2. Maybe it would be good for maintenance.

    I’m finding august very hard, it’s hot, everyone is on holiday and you can’t pass a bar without someone you know shouting “come in for a beer”.

    I can’t see September being much better, the first week my daughter is here, so lots of eating out, the last week I’m away on holiday.

    I really think if I knuckled down I could get these last few pounds off in a couple of weeks, but I’m so bad in the evenings.

    Rho, sounds like the gall bladder is a very precious little piece of our body.

    Elc, lets try together and get back into it? I think that if we get a couple of weeks of fasting under our belts then we will be back on track. At least you have an excuse with it being hot and being very sociable. I have no excuse except for being a greedy little muncher. You would think with 1 stone to lose then I would be sticking to it and watch those fatty lbs drop off, but no I an still munching like I am in a munching competition. Things really need to change or it will be no little black dress for me but a big black tent!

    Well my motivation is dwindling as I have yet another cold (2nd cold in 4 weeks) which makes me want to eat comfort food. I an using first defence since I felt it coming on so hoping it will not turn into full blown cold. Plan to snuggle in with the cats today and rest. Has anyone got any suggestions? Totally fed up.

    Hello Old Friends, I haven’t forgotten you all. I’ve been reading all of your posts and willing you all onward and downward. I have found maintaining is not as difficult as loosing because you have the pleasures of your new thin body and I promise it is worth every hungry day. So come on you can do it, I would love some buddies this side of the fence, Elc and Lazycat are you listening 🙂 , sorry you’ve another cold lazycat, and OMG Elc your sooo close! Willpower to you all, love Goosey x

    Hi Goosey, it is LOVELY to hear from you and glad to hear maintaining is not too difficult. Hopefully will give me something to look forward to in the future. However, I actually need to lose this stone first. Thank you for sending the very very much needed willpower. Please post again soon.

    Hi goosey, nice to here from you. Yes I’m so close, yet so far away!!.

    Lazy, I really should try hard this week as next week it’s our village fiesta, so there will be no way I can do 2 fasts.

    Elc, let make a deal and motivate each other to do 2 fasts this week? I am in Edinburgh 2 days this week and always cave in those days but am trying to be hopeful. My sore throat is a good reason not to stuff my face. You village fiesta sounds fab! I would struggle with all that lovely food and wine too.

    Anyway so far so good today but my dangerous time is evening. Think that I always jinx myself at this time by saying so far so good, but I always live in hope.

    Another Monday! Again found this one easy.

    I reached 467. So enough for a cuppa later.

    Feeling good!

    I do get headaches on my fast days. Anyone else get this?

    Hi Katie,

    Yeah I sometimes get a dull persistent headache. For me it is usually due to not enough essential salts in my diet or not enough fluids. Probably more so the salts. You are doing really well, putting me to shame as I have been struggling recently. Hoping today is an exception.

    Elc, how you doing?

    Michelle, are you back from Poland yet?

    epic fail

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