Monday and Wednesday faster needed!!

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  • I also tried this about 2 years ago and just getting back into it. I chose Mon/Wed as my fasting days as well. I work a late shift so that always makes things hard for me but really want to give this another try since it worked when I tried a while back and it was not difficult for me to do at all.

    Well on Monday I fell at the last hurdle and had 2 custard creams and a bowl of cereal at 10.30 pm. Didn’t go over my TDEE yesterday. I am out with friends this evening for an early dinner so no fasting today even though I’m not eating until my meal this evening. Will try and fast tomorrow instead but if not will do fast 5.
    Patricia you will get there eventually…you’re human like the rest of us and we all give in sometimes.
    Emma I gave in to a can of coke when it was so hot last week so I know where you’re coming from.
    Better luck this week everyone…I think we need it lol

    Good idea about fasting on the journey days!

    Today I reached 452. So enough for a proper cuppa later.

    Green tea x2 4
    Berocca 6
    Soup 87
    Salad, with Apple, pumpkin seeds, lettuce, celery, bean sprouts, rocket, chicken and dressing. (Felt like meat today!)

    I find Wednesday much easier for me.

    There are times I open the fridge and want to eat a baby bel or make a frothy coffee but I just tell myself, I can do that tomorrow instead! I find that keeps me motivated.

    Patricia you were not a downer, just bit hard on yourself. I am the very same. Anyway another fast day which didn’t go to plan. Running out of days this week to squeeze in fast. Jumped to the scales today and 1lb on although actual weigh in is not until Friday. Not much hope of weight loss. Will need to get back on track ASAP.

    Hope others are having a good fast day!

    Lazy, same here – Yet another fast day that didn’t go as planned, but nothing too bad. I’m really trying my hardest to do a proper fast day today, just because I haven’t had a proper one in two weeks. Also stepping on the scale tomorrow, although not too hopeful. I have one week left before going on vacation, so want to be extra good this coming week.

    I must say I find the fast 5 (5 days a week) in combination with 2 x fast days quite difficult. I can imagine it’s very efficient, but can’t say anything about the results as I haven’t been able to do it.

    Hope everybody is doing good!

    Hi all,

    Weigh day for me. half a lb off!!.

    Not a great deal I know, but that was just the fast 5 every other day.

    I think next week, I will add the 2 500cal days.

    I only have 3.5lb to lose, and I would really like it gone this month.

    This time of year, my will power is non existent.

    Hi all,

    Elc, well done on the loss! Not much to go now and I am sure that those pesky 3.5lbs will be gone as planned. Can I ask if your meant to do 5 fast for the full week? In my already muddled head it was only for 5 days but now am thinking that the 5 refers to 5 hour window.

    Have given up this week, bit of a lost cause. Having pizza tomorrow and a few gins. Plan to try hard to get back on track next week and do 5 fast with 2 500 cals days. Fingers crossed it goes to plan.

    Hi lazy,
    The 5 does refer to the eating window. I’m just doing every other day, but some people do every day.

    I also will return to the 500 cal days next week, because I’m drinking far too much.

    Hi everyone,

    So stepped on the scale this morning. I just bought a new scale, so hard to say exactly how much change is due to the scale and how much of it is due to my weight, but seems as I’m 0,5kg/1 pound off. Nothing too exciting, but given that I haven’t counted calories in two weeks now, I’m glad it’s not a gain.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Patricia, that,s great more so as you haven’t been counting cals and thought that you struggled with fasts. You have done amazingly well!

    How did you get on lazy?

    Weighed on Thursday and 1lb on. Not surprised, it just shows that I need the 2 fast days. Still got about stone to lose so I was hoping that it would come off quicker. Totally pigged out last night on pizza as I thought what the hell! Need to get back on track next week. Plan to spend some time cooking healthy convenient meals over weekend, may done some soup and curry.

    Hope you all are having a lovely weekend.

    Hoping to get back on track this week. Pot of lentil soup made and also chickpea and spinach curry. No bread, cheese, crackers or crisps on the house (damage limitation) so the only things that I can snack on will be fruit and yogurt. Hopefully will do better this week.

    Good luck for tomorrow!

    Hi all,

    Hope everyone has had a great weekend.

    I’ve had two not-so-healthy meals during the weekend, but that’s a progress for me- as the weekends usually get out of hands, but I’ve skipped breakfasts and kept snacking under control. Also managed to do some workout, as it’s been raining all weekend =/

    Lazy, well done on the preparing and getting rid of the bread/cheese/crackers.
    I will need to be good Mon-Wend, checking weight on Thursday before heading for vacation. I haven’t prepared anything for this week, but will mostly live on fruit I think, trying to eat less meat. We’ll see how that goes.

    Good luck everyone!

    Hi all.

    I feel quite motivated today, will try for a 500 cal eating window, but I’m saying that now, lets see how I feel at 7pm!!!.

    Hope you’re all doing well.x

    Hi all,

    Must be something in the air Elc, I am also feeling motivated today but that feeling has been a long time coming. Anyway only fluids so far and home made soup for dinner with cals left for strawberries and yogurt in needed. All other binging snack food has gone. Here’s hoping.Think I will try 5 hour eating window Mon-Fri.

    Hope that everyone’s fast is going to plan.

    Didn’t quite go as well as planned!. probably only about 500cals, but bad food, and a glass of wine!!.

    I last all day, then make a mess in the evening, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

    Elc, I did the same yesterday. Well, it seems to be pattern with me. At least you kept it around 500 cals, I didn’t. Was planning on just having some fruit in the evening, which I did, and then I also had some fried rice with an egg :O couldn’t resist the temptation..not OK!

    Hopefully better luck/self control today!

    Fast day would be so much easier if we all went to bed at 5pm!!

    Must be something in the air. I didn’t have anything all day until my scheduled 272 calorie meal……..I don’t know what happened but I had a biscuit after that then a bowl of cereal than I thought blow it all and went to the chip shop and had a bag of chips. What’s all that about? Don’t know what came over me?? I was just soooo hungry. Had a healthy sandwich today and having a steak and and air fried chips for dinner this evening. Well in my allocated TDEE. Will fast tomorrow…..fingers crossed.

    I really should go to bed at 5 pm! I just got home, after a day with only water & coffee, had some fruit salad as planned…and then a slice of pizza that my OH was eating. I wasn’t even words..

    Look at the time!! Night everyone :’) :’)

    Hi Folks,

    Fast day yesterday went ok for once 415cals. However, today I planned to do 5 fast which didn’t go to plan. First mistake 4 cups of tea then mindlessly popped a chocolate into my mouth those 3 times that I was at the at the kettle at work. Forgot my plan of 5 fast until my hand was in the packet for yet another chocolate. Next mistake I bought the demon bread when in supermarket, only went in for tights. Think I need to pay more attention to what I am doing, both eating and shopping. What the hell is wrong with my brain???? On a positive no cheese or crisps so only thing I can use bread for is toast.

    Well good day and under my TDEE, not had 2 good days in a row for ages. Have funeral tomorrow so need to stay away from the gin and stay away from the food ian order to ensure that tomorrows fast is successful. Reweally hope that the scales show a loss this week.

    Elc, meant to say that you did well with your fast cals if you had a cheeky wine.

    Michelle, oh chips mmmm, can almost smell them.

    Patricia, I have had so many bad days that I have lost count.

    Where’s our Goosey?

    Oh my days what are we all like?
    I’m not going anywhere near the scales or the tape measure this week.
    I’m sure a gin toast is allowed tomorrow Lazy but just the one eh 😉
    And Patricia maybe we should ban our other halves eating the good stuff on fast days?
    Will do my best tomorrow. Good luck to you all

    Ps Goosey probably gliding around gracefully in her beautiful size 10 dress drinking gin. I hope she is anyway she deserves it 🙂

    Michelle I was the exact same last week. The scales were like the monster in the bathroom waiting to scare me and have me running into the arms of cheese, bread, crisps and chocolate.

    Michelle, trust me I’m trying 😉 I usually get the ‘wise’ response: “well you should have enough self control not to have any right?”, which is true, but we all know I don’t!!
    At least I managed to do my 5K run and some strength training today.
    Lazy, great job with the two good days in a row. It makes all the difference to start the week like that.

    So how are you guys finding the fast 5 btw?

    Hi all, hope you don’t mind me joining in. I started this yesterday on a whim after eating about 5000 calories on Sunday. I had no problem fasting at all really. I ate once in the evening and then went out for a few hours so I wasn’t tempted. Planning on doing the same tomorrow. Started reading your thread for some motivation and because I’m planning Monday and Wednesday fasts too. I’m a 43 yr old female living in Donegal (Ireland) 5’8″ and weigh 152 would love to be 140 but would Settle for 147!

    Lazy you’re my kind of girl crisps,cheese and chocolate haha!! We really know how to sabotage ourselves don’t we? 😉
    Patricia well done on your exercise. I think that should have some impact on your weigh day.
    Welcome Shrinking….love the name. That’s what we’re all hoping to do lol
    As you can see not many of us have been doing really well the past few weeks but we are trying haha.
    Good luck it does work if you stick to it

    Hi all and welcome Shrinking,

    Patricia, the 5 fast goes ok when I remember that I am on it and not mindlessly thowing chocolate in my mouth while waiting for the kettle to boil at work. I an trying the 5 fast Mon-Fri although I do have a couple of cups of tea with a drop of skimmed milk in the morning (don’t think I am meant to). The weekends I an trying to eat normally, this is only 2nd week. The proof in the pudding will be when I jump on the scales.

    Shrinking, I meant to say, please keep us updated on how get on.

    Good luck for today everyone

    Oh dear. I’m starving!

    Think fast day is a right off due to 4 gins. May need to consider this a low cal day and try and do a fast tomorrow.

    Shrinking plenty of fluids helps with hunger (although not gin) but it does get easier with each fast.

    How is everyone doing?

    Lol! Gin indeed! I made it to dinner time and am off out for the evening so I think I’m home and dry. I did go over 500″(used 84cals for a health supplement that I take every day) but I’m happy enough.

    Hey all.
    Lazy it’s only fluid don’t worry about it.
    So far so good for me today. Only water and Just had huge ham salad but did have 2 small new potatoes with it. Lovely and full now. Think I’m going to have to go to bed after Corrie as I’ll be fancying crisps and cake 🙁

    Shrinking, 84cals are nothing. Well done considering that you were starving earlier.

    Michelle, I know how you feel. Sometimes avoidance is the only strategy.

    So far 580 cals which includes the cheeky gins but craving toast which would take me just over 800 cals. On a positive avoided all the food at funeral, pity that I don’t have the same will power with gin.

    Don’t write the day off Lazy, I don’t think that’s too bad. Resist the toast you can have it tomorrow.
    Just convince yourself you’re not hungry. You’ll regret it if you have it when you’ve gone this long
    My daughter paid me a lovely compliment today and told me I “looked” thin. I’ll take em where I can get em. Haha

    Too late Have had to toast, something very comforting about warm toast. Although I am a bit weird as I like to cold and soggy too. Just going to count today as a low cal day.

    Michelle, what a great compliment. Just shows all your hard work is certainly paying off. Well done!

    Oh dear Lazy that’s just made me laugh. You’re right there’s nothing more comforting than toast (hope you had proper butter on it) I like my toast soggy too.
    Yes it was a nice compliment but I really don’t know where she was looking plus she’s a 21 year old student who’s always after something;)
    I’m getting really hungry now but not doing the same as Monday when I went to the chippy 😮
    Will have to make do with a yoghurt then I’m off to bed.
    Hope you have a better day tomorrow…..I’ve already got an egg mayonnaise with cucumber on a brown roll planned for my lunch

    Hi everyone,

    Yesterday I fasted until dinner time, had some shrimps & mayo and some fruit salad for dinner. I wasn’t planning to do 500 cal, but just low cal. Ended up eating a toast before bedtime unfortunately.

    Anyhow, 0,8 kg off this morning (almost 2 lbs I believe), which is good, again, considering I haven’t done proper 2×500 cals for couple of weeks now. That is in total 8 lbs off, still got 12 to go…and given that i leave for vacation today, I might have more when i come back =/ I really don’t want to gain it back, so I will have to be smart during these coming week, and then kick start as soon as I’m back. still a bit scared..

    Best of luck to everyone and talk soon.

    Well done Patricia that’s great going. Have a great holiday and don’t worry too much about gaining the weight. Skip breakfast a couple of days a week and stick to the lovely healthy Mediterranean diet. X

    Patricia, great news on your loss. You appear to have a steady loss each week despite having a low cal day rather than a fast day. You must be doing something right so I am sure that you will be fine when on holiday.

    Toast was very popular last night.

    Fasting today as didn’t fast yesterday. Going ok so far but the night is still young. Need to keep my determined head on. Will weigh tomorrow and those scales better move in the right direction or I will be on a liquid only diet (liquid being large gins).

    weighed yesterday, stayed the same!. How did you get on everyone who weighed today??


    Weighed today and lost the 1 lb that I put on the previous 2 weeks. I am putting on lb the losing it then a lbs on. Need to break away from the awful cycle and lose this weight. Still want to lose 1 stone. Really need to buck up my ideas.

    No change is ok Elc as you have very little to lose. I understand that it is very frustrating though. Lets make a deal to lose something next week?

    Forgot to say that I bought cheese as a weekend treat not even nice cheese just plain old chedder. Can’t belief that I am even thinking about cheese as a weekend treat. Really living the dream! Bloody better lose next week.

    Hope everyone is doing ok.

    i was wondering if anyone would help me.

    so far ive lost around 2 stone be doing the 4 3 diet and ive got about 13 pounds left to lose.

    my weight loss has now completely slowed down im struggling to drop a pound a week, do you think if i fast 4 days a week i should be able to drop around 2 pounds.

    im 4 foot 11 and currently weighing just under 8 and a half stone and want to be 7 and a half.

    what would u guys suggest?

    thanks 🙂

    Use a food tracker – myfitnesspal is fab and easy to use. I have it on the laptop and phone, the phone version means you can scan the barcode on the food – simple.

    It really does make a difference, as it’s so easy to slip.

    8 and half stone is fantastic, is your goal of 7 and a half realistic? I don’t want to offend and don’t know if it is due to myself being 5ft 5.

    Are you able to up your exercise? even just 10 mins skipping, running round the block etc will make a difference.

    If you are keeping to your calories and fasting correctly, you should still drop the pounds, even if only quarter of a pound a week. Don’t give up and make sure you eat enough! xx

    yea i think it is because i am very short and i have still got fat on my belly and thighs that i need to lose.

    well at the moment i do a hour and half in the morning of cardio and weights at night.

    i think im eating a bit too much on normal days, im eating about 1700 and 550 on fast days. could cutting it a bit make a difference do you think?

    thanks 🙂 x

    Well Monday again, they appear to be here in a blink of an eye. Anyway no cal counting Fri and Sat but below my TDEE yesterday. All set for today’s fast and feeling motivated however, off work today so I am aware that it may be a bit more difficult. Loads to do in the house which should hopefully reduce temptation a bit.

    Good luck for today!

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