Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 901 through 950 (of 5,077 total)

  • I am officially back home.
    What a disaster the last 5 days have been, only on the diet front…Obviously, the flip side is that I had a great time.. culinary, cultural and a bit of shopping. Waistline is sticking to its guns, so did not invest in too many clothing items as I hope, nay expect, to go down a couple of sizes by the end of summer.

    Where is everyone? We haven’t heard from Milena for a while. I hope all is well. Janey.. keep us informed of the maintenance story.. we all are looking forward to being in you shoes sometime in the near/far future.

    Good night to all.

    Hi Salma

    I am so pleased you enjoyed your holiday. That is the most important thing. Remember that this way of life means that every once in a while we are allowed a break. Hopefully you are rested and haven’t put on a lot of weight.

    It was quiet without you. Yes I wondered where Milens was, but I know she has been busy and will soon be back here. As you know Milenam Jaye and I are doing the Fast Beach for 6 weeks. I rallied the troups last week and a had a few join us just for a week. I am curious to see how they found it as they have been very quiet as well.

    The weekend looks shocking in England weather wise probably also in Scotland. So will be all sheltering from it and maybe be more active on the forums.


    Sorry I meant to say welcome back.

    Hi Salma

    glad to have you back!!! Sooo pleased to hear the holiday went well. Did you read Janeyw’s posts, she made it!!! Our first success story, and bloody well deserved, our little star is certainly flying now! And where she goes, we will follow – don’t think I’m going to leave anyone breathless as I lumber along, but I’m good company!!!

    So have a great weekend, read up on the rules, meet you at the fast beach on Monday for induction!!!!! lol!

    Might get on top of this mountain of jewels I need to list by then!

    Good luck with the weigh in girls, leaving mine (who am I kidding, was on this morning) Doing another fd tomorrow, so will leave official one til Sunday.

    Nessie came round tonight, she is down 3 lbs in two weeks, delighted as she has only 7 to lose in total, to get to 10st 7. She thinks any less and she will be scrawny.

    Aren’t some people just so hard to love?

    Just kidding. Love her to bits. Even after she showed me a photo she had of us. God, I look gross. She says hi!!

    Welcome back Salma! I’ve been absent as well since I’ve been home from my trip. I had a busy week at work, but things are calming down now.

    I’m not sure what’s going on with the “Fast Beach Challenge”. But I’ll cheer you all on!

    Just home from having dinner out. I had lovely scallops & a baked potato. It was my only good meal of the day, so I enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Puttering around the house tomorrow and then playing golf on Sunday. Weather is supposed to be quite nice here.

    I’ll check in on you all later this weekend!

    Hi Milena

    Well done Nessie. A big result for her, given that she has only a little to lose. As it was her idea to do tge FBD I am glad it is working out for her.

    Hi Lori

    Milenas friend (Nessie) decided to do the FBD, Milena decided to join her and as she was the only one on these threads doing it I decided to join her to keep her company. It is basically 5:2 without sweets, alcohol, chocolate, cake, pastries etc. There is also a little exercise. Jaye joined us and then others have joined us for a week.

    Hi Milena


    It has been a really kickstart for me. First week I lost 3lbs after 2 fast days but no treats, this week I have lost 5lbs after 3 1/2 fast days and almost no treats. I did have an extremely calorific yoghurt that was far too sweet but a really nice thought.

    Hi guys..

    So, nit being able to resist the temptation to weigh myself (masochism), I am told by my trusty scales that I am now 90.4 (again!). So, Monday will be a fasting day and probably Tuesday as well as I have visitors staying with me from Wednesday onwards. All this socialising is playing havoc with my good intentions.

    My lowest since starting the 5:2 was 88 Kgs, so I now have to lose 2.5 to get back to that point. Urrrrrghhhhh.

    Thanks for all the greetings, well wishes and commiserations. It feels good to have a place to gripe and moan without boring everyone to tears about my eating habits and weight yo yos. It is nice to know that we are all in this together.

    Actually, I might just attempt a fast day tomorrow too to really blast the extra weight. After all that feeding, I doubt I am in danger of starvation any time soon.

    Lori, on the work front, I am dreading going back into the office on Monday and facing that mountain of emails and piled up things to do. I was just reading about this girl who ditched her high flying job in New York to work as a waitress on a Caribbean island. Reminiscent of “Shirley Valentine”… hmmmm….sounds very tempting.

    Hi Ginette

    Twas I who came up with nessie doing the FBD, nowt worse than a gorgeous, young,very tall skinny Minnie moaning about a spare half stone – which by the way is very well hidden behind her washboard tum and very pert butt – but as a true friend I decided, instead of showing her what fat really looks like, to go along with her her. So the tough love was really to give myself a kick, and drag her along. Anyway, it’s working, and she has been good. Now she will at least be able to pig out on holiday and not worry. And I get a gym buddy.

    Great loss btw ,Ginette, as long as you haven’t been
    hungry, wouldn’t worry too much that you haven’t been eating. 5lb once in a while isn’t going to be too much, saggy skin wise, might be good to do a good diary though. I’m cutting out carbs next week, that should be interesting, as up until now, I’ve kept them on food and none food days.

    Hi Kate,are you weighing today ,- loved the blue dress particularly!

    Hi Salma
    Exactly the weight I had to take off twice, bear with it,you may remember that losing it again got my knickers in a right twist, while it actually came off quite steadily, I could only see it as a chore. So make it a mini target,and you’ll manage it far better than I did.

    It’s a long road,there will be bigger bumps along the way, but there are a heap if us traveling together.

    Maybe not the best choive of words, but we’ll certainly ‘ve leaving a heap behind us!!

    Hi Milena

    I thought it was Nessie. I had it the wrong way around. Well I have upped the food up today, the problem was I didn’t feel hungry. I needed to up my intake only for the weekend as Monday it is fast day again.

    So far up to about 500 calories and dinner to come. Had you told me 3 months ago that my problem would be not eating, I would have thought you were mad. How things have changed. I usually have bread about 3/4 times a week and potatoes 2/3. No rice, pasta etc.

    My main foods are chicken and vegetables. A little fruit and yoghurt. A few Brazil nuts 2 a day apart from fast days. Milk only in tea 250/300gms of skimmed milk. Not the wishy washy ones though. That’s about it. Doesn’t sound that interesting. I often add sage or mint to vegetables while cooking.

    I did about 3 nearly 4 fast days. I don’t really count the accidental one. Hence tge weight loss I shall do 2/3 next week I haven’t decided. I shall see how it feels. I normally eat between 450 and 500 with milk on these days, this is in an evening meal. It is just starting to work.

    I don’t want that haggard look though so I need to slow down a bit.

    I am interested to see what you have lost tomorrow.

    Salma maybe after a week of normal 5:2 to get into the swing you might consider FBD it really has boosted my loss. That is just really cutting out unhealthy foods. Luckily this is only for six weeks in total and we have nearly come to the end of the first two. I seem to have an excess day every week at the moment, it hasn’t slowed it down.

    This week is a meal out. I am going to have fish and chips. Salad is free there. I have to use up a free voucher and so I am “forced into it”. The week after is the wedding with a strange menu. I have chosen asparagus spears as a starter and cod as a main but Eton mess as dessert. There was little choice.

    The asparagus is served with curdled ewes milk. Not sure what to think of that!

    I didn’t want trout the other starter as I am having fish for mains.


    Hi All

    Look at these shocking images of a brain responding to sugar. Remember that if you don’t burn the carbs that you eat they too turn to sugar. Enough to make you think!



    Hi All,

    Sorry for not posting yesterday. I’m sure 1 May is a bank holiday for many on this list. There are no bank holidays here in the US, and it isn’t that sort of holiday for us, but on 1st May here in Seattle there were a number of anti-capitalist protests such that though I would normally work at the office on Fridays, I was given temporary reprieve and allowed to work from home. Also, in my faith, 1 May is a holiday, so this weekend has been full of one celebration or another (including another later today). To say I’ve been busy is an understatement.

    Milena, many thanks for your kind mention of me. In my faith, one of the most important/highest/best things one can do is to inspire others. It brought tears to my eyes to know that I have inspired you (and anyone else on this forum). Thank you for that more than I can say.

    Best of luck to everyone on the Fast Beach Diet. That sounds awfully similar to what I’ve been doing this whole time, so I hope you start to see the results I did. I found it quite motivating. Don’t be surprised if you decide to keep going after six weeks–at least I encourage you to allow yourself that flexibility if it works for you and you like the results.

    Ginette, I’ve known that about sugar for a few years. The nutritionist I see does classes. There is one class where he takes a five-pound/roughly 2.5 kilo bag of sugar and empties maybe a third or half of it onto a plate. Then he says something like “This is how much sugar most Americans eat in a day.” It’s quite shocking.

    At any rate, by rights this past week should have been my first week of maintenance, but between attending a movie last Sunday (and sharing popcorn with a friend), attending an all-day conference Wednesday (breakfast, lunch, and mid-morning/mid-afternoon snacks included–otherwise known as how to gain a kilo in a day), and then festivities due to the aforementioned holiday ever since Friday including today, my weight has really yo-yoed.

    After Sunday’s popcorn I wasn’t even up a pound, so fasted on Monday (back to goal or so by Tuesday). The morning of Wednesday’s conference I was actually .8 pounds BELOW goal, so the kilo gain put me at just under a pound and a half over goal. I fasted on Thursday and went UP by nearly half a pound the next day, though yesterday was back to .1 pound above goal.

    I strength trained yesterday to make up for not doing so last Thursday. Last night I ran in to a buddy I hadn’t seen in years at a show I was recording. After the show we went to breakfast (at 1:30 am or so–I can’t remember the last time I ate so late–it’s been years). After all that I am only about half a kilo/1.1 pounds above goal this morning. True, there is another event later today, but I’m about to strength train again today (to keep to my usual schedule–I normally strength train on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays). Hopefully that will help.

    At any rate, due to being more than a pound above weight and ensuing food later today, I’ve decided to increase my water intake by eight ounces (back to pre-maintenance level). I’ll be doing another >200 calorie fast day tomorrow and HIT workout after work.

    If only it was all over after the weekend, but Tuesday is Cinquo de Mayo, and a celebration at work also involving food–necessitating another >200 calorie fast day and Tabata class on Wednesday. However, I do think I’m beginning to get the hang of this, and really enjoy the flexibility. When you consider I’ve been going off plan every other day or two for what will ultimately turn out to be the better part of a week and a half, I’m thrilled, and hope to be back at goal weight by the end of this week (even if I end up throwing in another fast day).

    I hope I haven’t bored you all to tears.


    Hi. Jayney

    Boring? Wow. Quite the opposite, great to hear from you. Thanks as always for giving us a glimpse into your world.

    Thought my week has been busy, loads of visitors, most unusual. And not a biscuit in the house. There is a cake, but OH has hidden it, first he has had in a couple of months. I should really bake him one, but it’s one thing to avoid temptation, quite another to produce it!!!

    Travel hopefully

    Hi Milena,

    Glad to hear it. I completely agree about avoiding producing temptation! The less of that, the better!


    Hello All!

    Just in from playing 18 holes of golf. I walked & pushed my clubs and it amounts to about 6 miles. I am one tired girl! We had a lot of fun and I burned off some of the million calories I’ve eaten this weekend! Having a proper fast day tomorrow and looking forward to it!

    Hope you all have a good start to your week!

    Hi Janeyw

    No of course you haven’t. It’s always interesting to hear about people’s way of life. You can now eat a little extra and no that you can get it back off easily. I imagine that I will do the FBD afterwards but with the odd treat and I will be able to control that better.

    Hi Lori

    What a long walk, I can imagine how tired you are. The weather here wasn’t nice enough to be outdoors rain and early evening windy. I hope tomorrow will improve, especially for those people who only have a few days off of work. Such a shame to have all bad days.


    Hello girls,

    So, back to the straight and narrow. I semi fasted yesterday, not because of some great determination, but I woke up with a runny nose and a very sore throat which meant I hardly felt like eating anything. I made myself some chicken soup and felt appropriately sorry for myself.

    Today is a fast day and I feel like I can finally get back into a semblance of a routine which, as we all know, helps to stick to resolutions. I have my sister coming to visit on Wednesday until the weekend, which of course will mean renewed temptations as we both love good food and enjoy wonderful extended meals. We’ll see how I manage this one.

    Janeyw..We are all so very proud of you for achieving your target. Now starts the real challenge of staying there. Please do keep sharing with us your experience as it will help all of us to keep our eyes on the prize. It helps enormously when you see one of your ‘compatriots’ hit the finish line. Really well done.. what a star. As Milena says, a shiny Porche.

    Lori.. nice to see you again. It is wonderful that you are into golf. I have never tried it, but I do know that it is an excellent from of exercise and burns tons of calories.

    Milena.. baking a cake? You would have to deal with the wonderful smell as well as the knowledge of its presence. Double temptation. I wouldn’t! How is your work going? Have you managed to upload pictures of all the jewelry that you were planning to?

    I know a lot of you have a bank holiday weekend. Alas, today is my first day back to work after a loooooooong sojourn. I can’t say that I am looking forward to it, which is a pity. One ought to really look forward to one’s work and to be enthused by it. I know several of you here have ditched the 9 to 5 merry-go-round and have opted for alternatives. Any words of advice? I think I am truly ready to make a complete change.

    Good luck to all who are fasting today (including myself) and I hope you all get wonderful weather for this break.

    Good luck on your return to work Salma. I’m with you…I’m ready for a change. I’m hoping to retire 11/1/16. I have been with my company for 30 years and I am tired of it. It’s a good job…I’ve just had enough.

    Fasting today as planned. I need to embrace the hunger as I’ve been stuffing myself too much lately.

    Enjoy the day!

    Morning everyone. Slightly bemused: it’s a Bank Holiday Monday here and the sun is shining….?!?! That’s not normal! 😀

    Salma, look after yourself, lots of fluids etc.

    Milena, don’t bake – send him OUT for cake (and make sure he eats it while he’s out too!).

    My weight loss is a small one this week – just 0.4lbs, which may have something to do with Saturday’s Jaffa cake debacle (I bought some to take to the IT tutorial where I volunteer every few weeks…. and then ate the leftovers… bad move). Note to self: if it’s not in the house you can’t eat it! Oh well, onward and downward.

    Today will be my first attempt at a Bank Holiday Fast…. no guarantees but I’ll give it a shot.

    Happy fasting everyone

    Hi All

    Hi Firehorse

    I am fasting too. So far so good.

    Let’s hope you find it easier than you think.


    Well.. I managed a proper fast day on my first day back to work.
    I am giving myself a pat on the back, and although the day is not over yet (it is still only 8 pm here) it looks like I might have made it.

    I will weigh in tomorrow (with trepidation) hoping that the scales are not too unkind. Firehorse, I feel with you totally.. next time take something you don’t particularly care for to tutorial. I never keep anything remotely tempting in the house.. it is as if it calls to me.. you know, like those cartons where the aroma just takes hold of a character and they sleep walk towards the source?

    Lori, wow that is cool to have retirement within close reach. I can’t imagine having stayed for 30 years with your company.. you must have liked it.

    To all my fellow fasters today.. well done. I am hoping that I will find the stamina to do this again tomorrow before my sister arrives on Wednesday. It seems like this gain again, lose again cycle will never end!

    Good going Salma, hope the scales are kind, if not give them a kick (put stout shoes on first), then give them a good talking too!

    Still listing. Finally sorted new laptop, just realised I need to start Christmas listing now – imagine!

    Hi firehorse, taking your advice, will do him one at the end of FBD.

    Travel hopefully

    Getting on for 8pm on my first attempt at a Bank Holiday Fast….. and I think I’m there! Decided to spend my Bank Holiday doing something I haven’t done for ages: stick my nose in a book and stay there. It was a nice afternoon curled up on the conservatory sofa, book in hand, cat curled up behind me (I did try stretching out on the sunny lawn but was foiled by one of the other cats deciding my book was the PERFECT place to lay down and get my undivided attention). Enough cals to play with so I can have a WHITE decaff and a rich tea finger before bed. 🙂

    Ginette, and any others fasting today: hope it went well. If not, hope you enjoyed your food!

    Onward and downward. 🙂

    Firehorse: I really understood what you were describing: a book and quiet.

    I fasted today instead of Wednesday when I will be traveling. At mid day I went for an hour long walk along the seafront today, skipped the capuccino, and the fish bar. I had had my 277 kcal breakfast at 10 so I was fine: pan fried (no oil)salmon 150 gr. and some steamed broccoli.
    A carrot later, then some raw mushrooms with salt and pressed garlic, I have closed with a bit of yoghurt that I mixed with cinnamon and sweetner.
    I find that I need to drink quite a bit more when on the fasting day.
    I purposefully chose today so that I would not have to pump myself with caffeine. I did not even need a nap. I started to get cold at 1700, like the other fasting days, but a thermos of Tuo Cha helped keep me human temperature. I did not feel I needed to take a nap (when I got cold) because I was still alert, just cold. I still get the hot flushes but keep them at bay with red clover tisane. I sleep better when I eat early in the evening; that goes for both feasting and fasting days. The only medicine I take is omeprezole for acid reflux. If I do not take it on fasting days I get super hungry. I still fear the gastric attacks I used to get and the ulcer I was warned was on its way. 20kg from now I am hoping that I will be able to stop taking the acid producing control medicine.

    I close my first month of 5:2 having shed 5 kg. I am so impressed with how this all works. I purposefully did not go on an exercise, burn the calories, buzz when I started. I wanted to see how much weight would melt away in pure merit of the eating process and awareness. I have started long walks again these past few days, and will be cold water swimming again when I get back next week.

    The fat has melted in unexpected places; ones that did not cede fat when I exercised it away. I am feeling more comfortable as I move about, though my knees still get creaky at the end of an outing.

    May 4th marks the start of month number2. I have a long way to go because in all I want to shed 30 kg. I will double check at that point and evaluate whether I will need to lose a couple more at that point.
    This 5:2 is really a model for life. It has helped me get a grips on portion size and hunger management.

    Hi Ladyphilosopher

    Well done 5 kg is a really good loss. May it continue. Let’s hope you can give up that medicine soon.

    Hi Firehorse

    Yes cat are like that. They love to lie on whatever I am reading. Very distracting. A nice way to spend a dull weather day.

    Hi Salma

    Good luck for tomorrow. It might surprise you. I must admit I am always so curious now at the end of the week. I used to way a few times a week, now I wait for the surprise.

    Oh Milena

    Please not Christmas yet!!


    Hi All

    This is an interesting one about how certain foods help our metabolism and help us to burn more fat. These are everyday foods (I can’t abide olives though).

    It has some interesting information and well worth a read.


    I had bought turmeric capsulres but by the time they had come I had forgotten why I had bought them.

    I then found out ……….to help memory………seems like I do need them then, I had to laugh. Maybe also taking them would help as they haven’t made it out of the bottle. Sigh……….


    Thanks for the link Ginette.

    We eat olives everyday. My OH prefers green olives stuffed with anchovies and I prefer black olives. And there’s barely a day goes by when we don’t eat olive oil and onions. And I am always forgetting stuff.

    I dread to think what I would be like without these memory boosting foods!

    Good morning everyone.

    Weigh in: 88.2 Kgs!!! So, back to pre-vacation weight.
    I must say, I am surprised. I usually have to spend MONTHS trying to get rid of extra weight gained on holiday. I did not have to kick my scales or give them a talking to.. today.. they are my best friend. I am so pleased with the number, which I guess is strange as I am right where I was around 5 weeks ago. Still, as we all keep saying, this is for the long haul, so a month or so is just a blip on the screen.

    This has given me the incentive to fast again today.. so I will do so with gusto. This would be the first time I will have done a back to back fast, so I am not sure what to expect.

    Ladyfilosopher, big congrats on your 5 Kg loss.. that is wonderful.. In one month, that is a great result. I had started on Feb 9th and 3 months on, this is the amount of weight I have lost (Admittedly with a long vacation with lots of eating within that time frame). Really well done.

    Ginette, thank you so much for a very interesting article. I had never heard of sirtuin activators. I have ordered the book “The Health Delusion” and will read it. Very interesting. I regularly eat onions, olives, etc, but I am still fat 🙂 However, it might be very interesting to learn how they interact with the body cells and understand the mechanism. You are always throwing such interesting information our way. Thank you! As far as I know Turmeric (and ginger) are anti-inflammatory and may be good for joint pains for that reason. I never knew that Turmeric was memory-enhancing. I must try to incorporate it more in my cooking. Now, cocoa.. that is good news. I love cocoa, and can actually drink it without sugar at all, so may bring it back as an evening drink maybe?

    Applepie.. you said it: If we are having all these problems, including memory loss, with such a good diet (I imagine you also have loads of fresh vegetables, tomatoes, olive oil, olives, etc) what would be like without. Yikes!

    Have a great one everybody.

    Awesome weigh in Salma! How wonderful to be back to your pre-vacation weight already!

    As for me, I’m not going to weigh until later this week. I have just felt so bloated and tubby from my weekend of sugar eating that I want to wait and see if I can get rid of some of the bloat by Friday. I don’t want to see a higher number on the scale, even if I deserve it!

    I’ll have to read that article later. I love reading new stuff about nutrition & health. I won’t be busy at work today, so I’ll have plenty of time for reading.

    Today is an eating day, but I want to keep it healthy. I did good with the no sugar thing yesterday, but it was a fast day after all! Today will be a bit tougher.

    Stay strong everyone!

    well done Salma!!! So chuffed, back to back will be fine, Im fasting with you.

    Keep going Lori, we are all pushing you.

    Ginette, thats me, a planner!!! Last two years Ive started earlier and earlier, come January, realised still not early enough. But I always have a plan.

    Second night without sleep, my wee girl is fading, will have to decide whether to see vet or leave her, she is just sleeping, not in pain. Hard, isnt it?
    At least Im home with her.

    Have a good day all and travel hopefully.

    Hi Applepie

    I eat onions and broccoli. Olive oil occasionally and kale rarely. It’s as an interesting read wasn’t it.

    Hi Salma

    What great news. I real relief and it sounds like pleasant surprise. Yes I must find the tumeric capsules. I have put them away somewhere and forgotten where. Hahaha…..

    Oh well I’m sure it might help if I started taking them. Now I have found it helps lose weight I might start, I am losing enough every week at the moment but may well be searching the place when it slows down.

    I did a back to back accidentally last week it was fine. No ill effects. I just was really busy at lunch time, it went by and I only had an evening meal.

    This week I am really looking forward to my day out. One day that I don’t have to plan food for. Maybe a light lunch as I know I shall have chips with my meal, I go out too rarely not to.

    Hi Lori

    You will soon get rid of that bloated feeling. The day after going to my sons lat week I didn’t eat until the evening. We ate really late the night before so I felt that I didn’t need anything.


    My heart goes out to you. Such a difficult time. Keep planning to take your mind off of it, if only for a few minutes.

    I think I enjoy this WOL as I find the planning sorts things out in my mind. I sometimes have a random day though this too is good.

    I can’t even see a difference in myself because of the weight loss. Nobody who doesn’t know I am doing this has mentioned it. Those who do know, may be being kind.

    I only see it in my clothes and on the scales. One day…..


    thanks Ginette if it helps, only three people have noticed my losses – visited family who I havent seen since new year yesterday, not a word.

    People are not observant, we are all shrinking violets and no one sees, bet though when they do you will get ‘careful you don’t overdo it’ ‘you are starting to look scrawny’ and – my favourite (this from one of the folk who did notice when I had lost 20lb – “hey” (to her OH) “isnt Milena looking good, she has lost 5lbs” Damned with faint praise!!!!”

    Ginette.. forget what people say or don’t say.. your clothes tell the whole story!

    Well.. that is what we are here for: to help and encourage each other.
    Whenever I have lost weight, people have told me I look withdrawn and gaunt. People are very quick to tell you that you have gained weight though. I had a ‘friend’ tell me that I am looking much worse than two years ago (and this coming from someone who is not particularly easy on the eye). I just turned around and told her that while I appreciated her opinion when I ask for it, I didn’t actually ask for it.

    She seemed horrified at my rudeness.. I smiled brightly and said that as she obviously appreciated honesty, I thought I would let her know HONESTLY how I felt about her remark.

    Was I justified, or just horrible? When we are not looking our best, does it HELP when people volunteer the information?

    I wore a new bikini the other day and felt very self conscious in it. I was minding my own business in our garden when a neighbour came along and made a big song and dance of looking me up and down and telling me enough is enough, she said “you don’t want to lose anymore” I said “oh yes I do!” (see photos on FB if you don’t believe me), she insisted oh no you don’t. Milena think yourself lucky that people are not telling you what to do ……….. yet.

    Why are people so intrusive when you lose weight. I don’t go telling her not to put anymore on, though someone should 🙂

    Well said Salma, wish I was as brave as you.

    Hi. Applepie

    Envy is such a waste of energy. We will just have to get used to it! Lol!

    It might be a good idea to put together some one-liners to retort.

    A good reply to criticism is ie too skinny (as if!!!). ‘Thank you so much, such a lovely compliment’. And when someone tells you you aren’t looking well ‘Thank you,for noticing, the detox is a rather tiring phase, but worth it to help my longtern health’.

    I’ll come back with a few cutting ones soon, but in the meantime remember Eleanor Roosevelt “no-one can make you feel inferior without your consent”

    Well said Salma, a lot of people seem to like putting folk down. Next time tell her you have a rule, you have to pay a compliment every time you get a criticism – nice shoes!!!

    Finally, criticism ain’t always related to losing weight, but they do have an impact. An ex one said “do you know what your problem is? (a penny for every time you’ve heard that one?) you have such a tiny waist that it make your bum look huge”

    Obviously pre Kardashian days!!!!

    Travel hopefully


    Applepie, you ROCKED that bikini!!!!*

    Hi girls.
    I so am with you not he small waist thing. What’s Kardashian got on us? Ok. so don’t answer that.
    I loved your “nice shoes” comeback. I think I might use it. I think it is a great idea to develop a list that we can memorise so that it would be easily accessible when needed. I vote for it.

    My ex once told me to be careful getting into the sea as I may cause flooding. Charming, eh? He’s no GI Joe, mind.

    I have not seen Applepie in her bikini. I haven’t been able to find you on FB Applepie. Well done on the bikini.. you are a courageous soul.. I would not be seen dead (or alice) in one.. I find it bad enough to don the usual one piece.

    Well.. another fast day bites the dust. I actually FASTED two days running, well.. three is you count a very low cal Sunday. The trick is to reach Sunday without all that effort having evaporated into thin air. I am so pleased I was able to do it. I did feel hungry during the day and towards the end of today, pretty hungry. Even now as I sit in bed typing, my stomach is growling, but I shall try to sleep in order not to mess today’s fast up.

    Friday is the day I take my sis to a really fancy restaurant that serves mezze dishes of all shapes, tastes, varieties and colours. It is an amazing place which makes traditional dishes with an intelligent twist. Everything is wonderful and the deserts are to die for. So, i may have to end up fasting over the weekend just to contain that damage, but I fully intend to fully enjoy it. She is leaving Saturday, so I can fast on Sunday. We’ll see.

    Hi Milena and Salma

    No I don’t worry too much but it will also be nice to hear one day!!

    I have a couple of people who say they notice, but they know I am on 5:2. My son is one and although he never lies to me, he would say it to encourage me. In everything else he is brutally honest. He told me that he was worried I would die. That should have encouraged me a long time ago. It didn’t only made me feel guilty and I did cut back. I suppose the fact that I lost a stone before 5:2 may be due to his worry.

    You can be sure that I will tell you when I get the first comment.

    Apple pie just make sure that you let her know that it is how you feel that is important. Maybe she was meaning to be kind.

    I must admit a friend of mine who was quite overweight had to lose 4 stone before I could see a difference. That is the problem when you are very overweight. It takes a long time to show.

    I can’t lie to people for something so important. She is a good friend and would expect nothing less. Sadly she has yo yoed and it now heavier than before. A familiar story, one I can hear myself saying. I truly hope that this time it won’t happen. I really don’t think so, but time is the proof I need.

    Well here is a nice article to cheer you all up. Obviously everything in moderation……..




    So despite another fasting day, very little change on the scales (I know, I know, I am NOT supposed to weigh in every day, but I thought maybe, just maybe, I would see a new number. Alas, it is not meant to be). So, the next few days are likely to herald some weight gain due to eating out, knocking back some wine and such.. life is hard, ain’t it?

    I just checked “MyFitnessPal” and saw that I was 80 in July 2012. Sniff! By the way Ginette, how is “MyPlate” working out for you. I tried to scan a few items in yesterday and it did not find them when “MyFitnessPal” did. Are you having the same experience?

    On the subject of people’s opinions, I firmly believe that one should give one’s truthful opinion WHEN ASKED. I know that some people kid themselves and sometimes, we want to tell them “for their own good”, but, honestly, no one stopped smoking because someone told them to, nor is anyone going to lose weight for the same reason. We all know the theory and have mirrors and enough people to blurt out unkindnesses (sometimes well-meant) particularly by skinny people who have no idea what it is to struggle with weight all your life. Having a book does not mean you will read. We all also want to know what other people REALLY think of us and/or how we look (or do we?) and we should be able to ask for that and ‘hear’ it when we are ready to receive it, but not before.

    I know people do not mean to be unkind and think nothing of making comments, but if the comments hurt or irritate, I think we owe it to our relationship/friendship with them to let them know that, perhaps not quite as abrasively as I did (I WAS feeling rather low and irritable at the time).

    Ginnette, you will emerge quite the butterfly. In my experience (which is considerable) in this domain of weight loss, people have only really noticed when I have lost around 25%-30% of the excess weight, so speaking for myself, I still have some way to go before anyone says anything (except my mom.. she is kind and just wants to make me feel good 🙂

    Can I make a suggestion? I read that in weight watchers one is weighed in front of the class every week. Shall we do something similar. I am happy to keep a table of people’s different weigh ins on an agreed day every week. I can then post this either here or somewhere we agree on. Do you think this would spur people on or depress them when comparing their results with other? I can’t make up my mind. Whatcha think?

    Salma – just see my profile, send me an email and I will send you a link to Facebook.

    I know the lady who accosted me was probably trying to be kind but I am fed up of hearing it from her, that is by no means the first time she has had a go at me for losing weight. Her problem is she has really ballooned since she moved here a year ago. Very easy done with all the BBQs, vino, constant socialising. Lots of temptations here. I have told her about this WOL and how easy it is but she is deaf to it. She just says “it’s easy for you”

    Milena and Salma how lucky you are to have waists. I am so jealous. I already post my weight every week, on one thread or another, so I have no problem posting it here.

    Hi all,
    well, I am back from my travels with great news, I have now lost over 2lb in total and am now under 11 stone for first time in ages! Big drum roll please I went shopping whilst I was away and am now the proud owner of size 12 trousers, tops and a dress!
    It has not been easy being disconnected from the Internet but at least I have managed to lose 1 lb a week and I know now I don’t have to obsess over weighing, measuring and logging everything.

    I have been using the tesco wellbeing app but it is being discontinued so I am also going onto my fitness pal, not used it before but am sure I will manage.

    Am off now to walk the dogs, keep in touch is nice to be back have missed the friendships and support of you all.

    Good luck for this week everyone, I am back if you need my support.


    Love that this thread is so active! Welcome back Audrey and well done!

    I’m not having the best week. Had a rotten day at work yesterday which prompted some chocolate eating last night. I have got to learn to walk past the husband’s chocolate! He can eat a piece now and then and not overdo. Me, not so much. Sigh..

    I’m not sure about the weighing in and posting it here. As I’m not able to lose lately, I’m afraid I’ll just feel even more like a failure when everyone else is losing and I’m staying the same. Please don’t let my attitude about it keep you all from doing it here. I’m more than willing to cheer you all on!

    Hoping for a better day today. Off to the salon for a cut/color & pedicure after work. They always give me a glass of wine too, so I’m looking forward to being pampered after work.

    Have a great day!

    Hi Lori,
    hope you are having a better day today.

    Don’t beat yourself up about the chocolate, it’s in the past now but the next time you are tempted to indulge try to remember how bad you feel now and see if that stops you!

    Keep to the 5 2 if you are not losing weight have you tried to keep a food diary that may show you where you are going awry?

    I like the sound of your hairdresser giving you wine but remember that is stacked full of calories!

    My earlier post should say 20 lb in total not 2lb hehe!


    Hi audreyg.. it’s nice to see you here again and really well done on your 20 lb loss. That is truly fantastic. How much more do you need to lose?

    Applepie.. I have already sent the email. Thanks for taking the time to send the link. Also, I just wanted to say that, at this time in my life, particularly as I have many challenges, health included, I feel that I don’t need any more negativity. People who add little more than negative vibes to my days, I am trying to actively cut out. I know it is easier said than done and we sometimes spend a lifetime accumulating “frenemies”, but one good thing that comes with older age is becoming more comfortable in our own – sometimes sagging – skin. I reduce or eliminate interaction with people who leave me drained or down. Some people just thrive on black moods and problems. One particular “frenemy” comes to mind.. a very nice lady and essentially a good person, but who has no end of problems and tales of woe. It is exhausting to listen to a litany of new issues every time. Of course, one has to be there when one’s friends are in trouble and need a shoulder, etc, but if this continues endlessly, then something is seriously wrong. Frankly, I need bright, uplifting, fun people in my life who help me to be better not who pull me down. So, since my 50th birthday, I have been rigorously shedding people who sap my energy and pull me down. I say: Contemplate; evaluate; eliminate (frenemies).

    Lori.. Chocolate? Enjoy it.. celebrate it 🙂 Listen, I downed a whole 200 gm package of hazelnut chocolate bar last week.. in ONE sitting! I started to feel guilty but then thought: I enjoyed that.. I was tired and frazzled.. tomorrow is another day (plus hazelnuts are good for you, right? AND they take up space in a chocolate bar, so surely there is less actual chocolate, right? Oh, the justifications we come up with!). Also, it is scientifically proven that chocolate can make you feel better.. so medicinal in certain circumstances 🙂

    No need to do the weigh in at all if you feel uncomfortable about it. I did think that it may be disheartening for some people. My own weight loss is very slow and halting so I also may feel discouraged.. but I am trying to keep my expectations rather low and meandering down this path rather than running. So, for me, it is okay if others overtake me by miles.. I am enjoying the view.
    I love your hairdresser!!! What a brilliant idea to have a manicure/pedicure/glass of wine and hair done. I do that whenever I feel down.. instant pick up. I sometimes get a hot stone massage, but that is much more rare. Expensive and difficult to schedule. Still, when I have made the resources available for it, it has always been such a pleasure and so relaxing. My other escapist secret pleasure is the movies..I forget about my troubles and get immersed in another reality for a couple of hours.. I emerge cheerier.

    I hope your day has been better today. I find that doing an extra fast day (only in extreme cases when one has downed a bar or two of chocolate or finished a tub of ice cream) does the trick and helps the inching downwards.

    I had an appointment with the dietician on Saturday, but I delayed it for a week so that I have the chance to rectify this week’s expected over-indulgence with my sister here. I feel like a naughty child !

    Thanks for a lovely post Salma! I totally agree with every word.

    I go for my annual blood work next week and am anxious to see where my blood sugar number is when I go to the Dr the following week for the results. My goal is to keep it in line so I don’t have to deal with the Diabetes that is prevalent in my family. My number has been higher than I want it the past few years, but nothing that concerns my Dr. My cholesterol etc has always been very good, so I’m lucky there. Of course I wanted to be much lighter before my appt this year, but that’s clearly not going to happen. Oh well……my Dr tells me not to worry about it, I’m healthy and active and that is what matters. I would like another 25 lbs off, but all in all, I’m quite content where I am. Being content is not such a bad thing, is it? I prefer to think of myself as content but vigilant! 😉 The fasting plan as I’m doing it now allows me to maintain my weight and still eat what I want most of the time. Score! If losing the last 25 lbs becomes more important to me, then I suppose I’ll drop the chocolate and cheese!

    Sorry for the long ramble. Hope you’re having a great day!

    Hi Salma

    I believe that too. A friend’s mum was wearing a dress (in my opinion) 20 years too young and 10 inches too short!! She asked if I liked her breath. The people that I work with were a little concerned about what I would say…….my answer…..the colour really suits you! It did, off the hook and nobody’s feelings hurt. Phew!

    Hi Audrey…,there is your 2lbs on this thread…..I think it is 20 isn’t it?

    Ok. Just read your later post…..I had so many emails that I must have missed that one. Well after a rocky start and the cheese, you have really done brilliantly and it sounds as if you now feel in control. A lovely feeling.

    Hi Lori

    Even for slow losers it will be good as we will see the nearer to target we are the slower the loss. It will help other people. I only do so well as I had so much to lose. Just under 6 stone to my first long term target but maybe another stone after that. You are losing and that is the most important thing. You still can eat the things you want and still lose.

    The only way to lose a little more is to do the fast beach diet as Milena, myself and Jaye are doing. It is working a little too well in my case. I would rather lose a little more slowly. But it was meant to kickstart me and truly has like a shire horse!! I’m not really complaining but it is such a massive loss.

    Good luck with the bloods I had mine done yesterday. I am now waiting for the results. I shall call them next week.

    And you weren’t rambling….if you want to see what that look like just look at my posts!!


    I have lost 13.5% so a fair amount. But I can wait for people to notice. It is easier to see on people who are smaller say a size 16 to a size 12.

    I would love to be a 16 again. The last time was in about 1995.

    Yes you stick to the people who cheer you up. We all have problems but it is really nice to escape them, not wallow in them. I like your way of thinking.

    Oh for hazelnut chocolate, only three and a half weeks to go….. So now that is Raspbery magnums, hazlenut chocolate and I am sure I will find something else.

    Dream on ……….


    Hi all — just wanted to introduce myself. I’m NEW to the 5 2 program and actually will not start it until next Monday (Mon-Wed fast days). I found this forum and it is exactly where I am…that is, mid-fifties, just starting, and hoping to lose weight YET AGAIN! I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and have found them to be very helpful, and also very encouraging and supportive of each other. I’m one of those people who never had much of a weight problem in her 20s and 30s — or could easily drop pounds if need be. But then came 40s and now the 50s and everything has changed! But I’m not ready to give in yet! I heard about the 5:2 diet and began to read about it. And next week I’ll begin. I look forward to being part of this community! Thanks!

    Welcome pamelaMcK
    I am sure you will find all the support you need here. Just keep in touch and shout if you need help.

    Good luck for Monday, I found the 1st week the worst! But it is doable stick with it.


    Hi Pam

    Is it ok to call you that? Welcome to the thread. As you say we try to be encouraging as we are all on the same journey, some with more to lose, some with less. I am one of the more ones. I have been doing it since January this year. So far I have lost under two stone. I will get there this week or next. I lost a stone before by just cutting back. I still have just under six to go.

    So I am for the long haul. My days are Monday and Wednesday. As Audrey says the first week is the hardest.

    My suggestions.

    Before you start measure yourself. In the top right hand corner is a tracker you can put in your current weight and your measurements. Sometimes we may not lose a lot of weight but the inches come off, a strange thing I know. I probably measure about every six weeks.

    In the tracker you can work out your TDEE. This is the amount that you can eat up to on a non fast day. I set mine at mt target weight and never really get up to that. At first I did but bad habits change and are replaced by good.

    For the first three weeks at least count calories, a bit of a chore I know. This will sometimes surprise you by either being way over or way under your guess. Once you know what you are eating in calories, you can plan better.

    Plan meals. Keep an overall idea of what you will eat about two days in advance.

    Plan fast days by weighing and measuring everything. All milk in tea and coffee. All food. Stick to meat and veg or fish and veg. Carbohydrates make you hungry. Some people have two meals on fast days some only one. I only have one nice meal in the evening but I have fruit and yoghurt lunchtime. Normally I only have half of the yoghurt on the fruit. I use muller light and they are quite big. It depends on if you like breakfast I don’t. You don’t need to eat breakfast it doesn’t make any difference to a day. Up to you how you do it. You have 500 calories so it will do three really small meals or one large and a small. I also use a smaller plate.

    Drink lots of water on a fast day as this should stop headaches. You may feel cold, this happens. A soup is also a good idea at lunch time instead of fruit. You can make your own or buy it weight watcher tomato is 76 calories a day. Worth a try. This is for the whole can.

    Some people like to weigh more than once a week. I was on and off those scales all the time. You don’t lose weight any quicker and could be swayed by ups and down. Emotions are brought into play and you will see that you gain and lose all through the week.

    Your friends are here. If you need help post and we will answer. A lot of us belong to other threads. Fat bustin Brits is one and there are others. Start on this one and explore others. I am also on help all ladies of a certain age as a lot of us are.

    I use an app called my fitness pal. This is useful for updating your weight. Logging food eaten and milk in drinks. This I only measured twice. I have 5/6 cups of tea on fast days and this gets me through it. I got a large mug to use for fast days and now use it every day.

    On this app you can also scan in food. More about this if you decide to use it.

    You may have a hard time at first. If you start a fast day and then go over don’t worry if it is by 10, or 15 calories. If it is by more turn in into a low calorie day and then do another fast day. It may take you a couple of weeks to get the hang of it.

    I have spicy chicken on a fast day, I buy spicy chicken breasts from farm foods, these are delicious and make it interesting. I even sonetimes have a little instant cheese sauce on my veg. I count this as well.

    Salads are low in calories but not very satisfying for me, I leave these for other days. I always use frozen on fast days. Calories are on the packet and then I weigh them and put them in the microbe overnight. The nest day this and the chicken is ready to cook. I don’t have to think of dinner then. Melon is great with yoghurt and you get a lot for few calories. Also strawberries.

    Remember these are only suggestions and my own way. We each find our own way of doing it and coping.

    After a little while I would say two or three weeks, your tastes change and the food you want does too. I always craved carbs the day after. This was my body missing them as I used to eat too many. This goes, hard to believe it but it does. 5:2 gets easier as you go and most of us look forward to fast days. I know very strange.

    Others will I hope join to give you lots of advice. This is a lot to take in I know. Look up may 10 week by week weight loss, I will post it there as well.

    Good luck. This was my first ever forum experience and I have made some lovely forum friends. We live a long way away from one another but we all come together here. We are from many different countries. I live in the south of England.

    I hope this helps and sorry about the long post…..I know how to talk, got it from my father!!


    Hi salma,

    In total I want to lose at least 40 lb. I started off at 175 lb and would like to get to a healthy bmi which is for me 135 lb. When I first started I was in the obese range.

    Thanks for welcoming me back everybody, it is true to say I have missed your support.

    My husband and mum try to support me but unless you are living 5 2 you can’t really understand how difficult some days dan be.

    Ginette good post to pay wish someone had done that for me, really useful.

    Fast day tomorrow for me, slow cooker beef for today, I love it! So I must dash and get it on before taking dog’s to vets for their boosters.


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