Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi.
    My name is Salma.. Today was my first fast day on this diet.
    I have tried tons of other diets and my weight has gone up and down over the years (by well over 20 Kgs sometimes). Since starting menopause, the wight has gone up but not down. I am now the heaviest I have ever been at 93 Kgs. I need to lose about 23 Kgs, which needs patience and perseverance, and I am hoping that I will be able to have lost at least 13 Kgs. in time for my 55th birthday in August.

    Last August, I decided to do something about the weight, so I signed up to a gym and was religiously doing strength training as well as aerobic exercises 3-4 times a week (with a trainer – yes, expensive) for three whole months. I also cut down on carbohydrates. Result? Weight remained the same, terrible water retention, fat went UP (yes, up) by a couple of hundred grams and muscle went DOWN (yes, down) by about 100 gms!!! Talk about being disheartened and losing faith!

    It has taken me the best part of the past 3 months to get back the oumph to try, yet again, to combat the pounds.

    Here’s fasting and keeping my fingers crossed!

    Anyone out there in the same boat and has started recently?

    Hi, Salma, yes I am with you, I started my fast today and I managed 1 hour of walking. I am 50+ and find it a constant struggle with weight loss, so I am hoping this is going to work for me. I think you need determination and be in the right frame of mind for this to work long term. I know it is difficult to lose the weight, but when the lbs/kgs start coming off it will keep you motivated to continue.

    Here’s hoping!

    I rejoined the gym today and intend to walk 3-4 times a week as well as weight train.
    There’s got to be a way to beat the pounds.
    How many kgs do you have to lose Molly78?

    I need to lose 30kgs to get down to a good healthy size, so going to take some work and motivation. My biggest downfall is crisps, but I have not had any for a few days now. I have always struggled with my weight and 6 years ago I did manage to get down to a size 12 and kept it off for a while, but a lot of personal issues and depression set in and the weight just piled back on. Before you know it the weight just seems to pile on quicker than it comes off. I am determined this time to shed the kgs, no matter what it takes. I am lucky to have a treadmill at home so I use that. A personal trainer once told me that the best effective way to lose the weight using a treadmill or walking out, is to warm up first which we should all do before any form of exercise, and once you get going walk at a medium pace for 3 minutes and then fast for 3 minutes and continue until your walk is over. I really believe that is the way to go with walking.

    Hi Salma

    I’m 58 and started 5:2 4 weeks ago, weighing 91 kilos. Have not exercised properly for years, partly because I have sore knees, but mainly because I don’t want to be seen in a gym at my weight. Did have a personal trainer about ten years ago, was doing quite well until he started yelling at me one day on the gym, I think it was because I refused to adhere strictly to his diet and drink tomato juice.

    First couple of weeks on 5:2 stayed the same, as

    quite a few seem to do. I think everyone forgets
    that, for those of us who have been steadily gaining weight for years, pretty much an increase every
    month or two, the first job is to put the brakes on!
    It took me a couple of weeks to get my head around
    TTDE, and to properly adjust my intake of food.

    Some folk count calories on fast days and normal days, some just on fast days, and some on neither.
    I’ve settled to counting every day, which is working for me.

    Some folk do 500 calories, some exactly a quarter of the TTDE, and some eat just a quarter of the TTDE of the weight they would like to be.

    TTDE is the amount of calories you need to maintain your weight. There is a calculator to work it out on the site.

    I’m working on the TTDE for 75kg, not my ideal weight but a doable weight I think. Will be happy to adjust to a lower amount when I reach 75kg.

    It’s taken me a while to settle in but I’m now 87kg, lost in the last two weeks.

    So it can be done. I suspect if you continue with your exercise you will be able to overtake me, if nothing else the exercise is going to be a huge help in toning and health benefits.

    So good luck on your journey, this quest
    is more akin to climbing down a mountain, not skiing down. I might take longer than you think, and it isn’t straight down, you can eat anything you wish, but not as much as you wish.

    I’m sitting here on a complete fast day, experiment ing between a less than 400 cal partial fast and a total fast, I find it easier to just have nothing one fast day and a partial fast on the second fast day.- a little hungry, cos hubby is making tea. Remember ing Kate Moss ‘nothing tastes like think feels’

    sorry, using phone

    how ‘thin’ feels!

    sorry, how thin feels of course

    Dear Milena & Molly78,

    Thank you for the supportive messages. I imagine I will be needing some hand-holding on some of the coming days, and Milena, I don’t agree with Kate Moss that nothing tastes as good as thin feels ..if it were true, we would not pile it back on again after struggling to lose tens of kilos at a time. I love food.. eating it, cooking it, reading about it, watching cooking shows.. I like nothing more than to invite a bunch of people for dinner and preparing for a feast 🙂 On down days, nothing does it for me like chocolate icecream! No amount of thin tastes that good!

    Well.. day 2 has just started. I weight myself and the scales show a 0.8 Kg loss, which I know is mostly water, but it still feels good. How we fool ourselves, eh?

    I am having a cup of milky coffee, just as I like it.. and it tastes so good.
    I will also make my way to the gym in 15 minutes and then work to face the world.
    One day at a time…
    I feel like a secret member of the Food-aholics Anonymous (FA). It feels good to have fellow members.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Hi Salma –

    Take it from me: It will work. And what is even better: It will stay off. I know this because I have been 13 months on this diet.

    I am male, 59, and started off 7th Jan 2014 – at 105,9 kgs. Now, I am around 93,5 kgs. I am not extreme, but on my fast days I do not eat more than my 600 cals – some time even less.

    My experience is that I had some starting problems – not that I ate wrong, but that my body kind og protested to the weight loss. Now, a bit less than a year later, it responds much better, and the grams are falling off.

    Keep it ut – the diet DOES work – but allow for time to go. For me I have lost about 1 kg a month, a bit more the last 3-4 months.

    Good luck to you!


    Hi Salma, a girl after my own heart, James Martin is my hero! I love food, and I love cooking – we usually holiday in france, holiday in a gite or villa, and my idea of a holiday is to cook. But 201pounds weight after Christmas – helped by two Beef Wellingtons, made from scratch, buttery flaxy pastry, and chicken livers – despressed me so much I decided, wonderful as it was, including two weeks of chicken livers on bread four times a day, just not worth it. So James Martin books are packed away, with the other 100 or so recipe books. Not Cookery shows. And Im pretty much keeping out of the kitchen.

    I agree, Food-aholics Anonymous! And im doing cold turkey.

    Yesterday, complete fast, kept me out of the kitchen, just water and two green teas, oh how i hate green tea, but though its 40 hours now since ive eaten, I’m not chewing my hand off – yet. I walked in on hubby eating a piece of chocolate cake late last night, he was keeping well out of my way, but it looked quite revolting!! Weird.

    I’m with you on the milky coffee though, off for an M&S latte later – and chocolate ice cream sounds sooooo good. Both perfectly fine, as long as its within TDEE. Which, I hope, will be the secret of our success!

    Though hoping Kate’s words will keep me going, I dont want to see the fat lady in the mirror when I next try on go to the changing room in M&S!!

    Hi Kalle..

    Wow! 13 months is impressive..it gives me hope that this diet might work. I think it is probably easier than normal diets, but it is early days yet.
    What prompted you to start this diet? Have you dieted before? You must have quite a will power to power through the first months of your weight being unresponsive.

    I have completed day 2 without going crazy, although I did have a bit of bread pudding, but only half a portion. It tasted wonderful and I do not feel bloated and overfed.

    What are the most difficult issues you find with this diet?

    I just converted Kgs to punds, and I weigh around 107 pounds!!! Yikes.. scary thought!
    Second day on the diet and second day in the gym.. I am going to beat this weight if it is the last thing I do..
    I also got my blood test results in and although my insulin is within normal range, it is teetering on the higher limits, so I better do something about this or I will end up diabetic. Another scary thought..

    My knees hurt when I exercise so I have to be careful, and frankly, the last time I did a long stretch of exercise for me, it brought zero results, but now I am focused on doing it merely for the sense of well being if gives me (but only AFTER I have finished exercising- you can tell I am NOT a natural athlete) and to get healthier. This time, I am not focusing on the weight loss as a target for exercising so that I do not lose motivation.

    Oncer the weather is a bit better, I will start walking outside.. I like doing that, especially early morning. I live by the sea, so can enjoy a stroll by the sea for 45 minutes as the day begins.

    I am trying to cook healthy stuff as eating out is too tempting. Perhaps it is easier for me because I do not have to cater to a family any longer (my kids are grown and have flown the nest), so I do not have to cook large hearty meals. I usually cook a batch of something, divide it into portions and stick it in the freezer to have a ready made meal for when I get home from work and am hungry. This works well for me.

    How is it going for you so far?

    Wow.. 40 hours without food? How are you bearing up?

    Hi Salma

    Are you sure you have the pounds right? That less than …. You know it’s so much less than 10 stone I can’t even work it out.

    It doesn’t matter what we weigh, now that the shock of it has galvanised us!

    A couple of firsts for me – not in a good way – taken my first couple of selfies, think I may need to learn Photoshop, but at least there is a lot to work with. Bust bigger than I thought, but hoisted in a bra not awful, arms though – truly awful! Better yet was the photo of me dashing across the bedroom. The best I can say about it is its blurry, all you can see is my back and arm, needless to say it will not be appearing on the fridge door.

    On a brighter note I pulled up my jeans today without unfastening the zip and button. I assuming that’s how they were taken off. My new trick, amazed to tell the truth.

    Mark’s and Spencer is my new friend, a very pleasant shopping trip, though kept well away from the drinks and the bakery. Dinner was half a packet of prawns. Half a poached salmon fillet, half a cucumber, half a bag of tomatoes, half a wholemeal nap and half a bag of salad leaves. Took me half an hour to eat it all. Whole lot less than 300 calories. A month ago I wouldn’t have eaten that nor would I have had any idea of the calories. I included a scrape of mayo and a little balsomic glaze. With breakfast – shedded wheat, and soup for lunch, all on 800 calories, and not a fast day. I think letting m&s count calories might be a good start.

    My knees hurt too, I have difficulty getting up when I sit on the floor, one of the reasons I’m putting off exercise, so I’m really impressed with you. I have water on the knee, both knees, doctor only suggested I lose weight, so just six months later, here I am.

    Back in the day I used to live by the sea so I am jealous. In another life I prepared for a marathon by running through the dunes, got to twenty mile runs, to my mum’s house, mostly along beaches, then cycled back.

    When life gets hard I remind my hubby of this, laughing til he cries at the absurdity of this tale seems to lift his spirits, I don’t think he believes I actually did the marathon!

    Like a few others, I have become an insomniac, so I’m here to talk to if the fridge siren starts calling through the night.

    Hi Milena,

    I just re-checked.. 206 pounds equalling 14.6 stones.. not light by any measure, eh?!
    I need to lose about 3.5 stones (50 pounds).. The “light” at the end of the tunnel does seem rather faint and far away, but there is no choice. My doctor also told me that I need to lose weight for my knees and I so do not want to be a semi-cripple in old age. I have always prided myself on relatively good health, so I hope I will keep plugging away at this until I get there.

    I don’t know, quite honestly, how the pounds (or kilos) piled on. It seems as if I woke up one day and I was fat. Yesterday, in my search for old photographs of my grandparents for a project I am working on, I saw an old photo of myself carrying my son who was a few months old, and I was really slim. One of my colleagues just blurted.. Oh my God! That can’t be YOU! What have you done to yourself?! You can only imagine how that made me feel. Not only does one have the to put up with the indignity of growing older, but one has to suffer general bad health and dereliction!!

    So, in the evening, I immersed myself in… no not a tub of ice cream, but in the first two episodes of “Downton Abbey”. I had never watched it, so I got the DVDs yesterday and started. Maggie Smith is enough to keep anyone out of the fridge. I love her 🙂

    By the way, is it just age that I also am unable to sleep as well as I used to? Some nights are okay, but others are torture. From the reading I have done, it seems that lack of sleep adds to a weight problem… hmmm.. I actually recently read a book entitled “Why we get fat” that was quite interesting.. it said basically that we do not get fat because we eat, but quite the reverse, we eat because we get fat; all the insulin and other hormonal malfunctions make us feel hungry so we eat. The higher insulin you have circulating in your body, the higher fat storage is.

    So, insulin is my enemy right now, and I am trying to get the levels down by trying to exercise. Let’s see who wins, eh?

    Have a great day.. and please do eat more on non-fast days. The whole idea is to “trick” your body and not to allow it to go into starvation mode where it starts to conserve energy (in the form of fat).

    Hi Kalle, lm very impressed, as much by the timescale as about the weight loss. You must be chuffed. Anything you can think of which helped you a lot?

    Hi Salma, I think there is something on this site about starvation mode, I had a longish period when i started when nothing came off, of course barely exercising didnt help, so i decided to tackle food, my problem is too much of the wrong food. Cutting out bread, oil, butter and wine entirely.might be a step to far, but pasta, potatoes, cakes and biscuits are out. Cant get my head around carbs, proteins, sugars, so I wont try. Needing to eat at my first target weight maintenance calorie level makes sense. So i aim to keep under 1705 calories, my maintenance at 12stone. Eating nothing for a day won’t hurt me just as long as I don’t start gnawing my arm.

    This morning reached 5 kilos loss , but 5 kilos in five weeks has been doable on most regimes, l’m aiming for the same weightloss over the next ten weeks.
    That will be the test, Ive never lost that much.

    Knees feeling better already, so i have hope. It’s great that we are at about the same starting point with a similar ultimate target.

    Hi guys..

    Checking in at the end of the day. Day 3 was not a fast day. I just came back from dinner with friends…pepper steak, wine and Crème brûlée. mmmmm. Should tide me over till tomorrow’s fast is over.

    I am so pleased that someone else is in roughly the same sized boat, rowing to a similar destination!

    Well done on your 5 Kgs loss over 5 weeks. Really well done.. I hope that I will be able to mimic this rate (although I seriously doubt it). I expect I will lose an average of 1/2 kg per week. It has been nearly impossible to lose weight recently, but one of the reasons I like this diet is that I do not have to cut OUT anything. I still watch my carbs and avoid overly indulging in them. About 10 years ago, I lost a lot of weight (over 23 Kgs) on an Atkins type diet, but you cannot really live like that. I think that once I reach my target, I would be able to maintain based on one day fasting a week (more if necessary) so long as I can go back to ‘normal’ food again… and as you say, without resorting to gnawing your or any one’s arm off 🙂

    Stay strong.. eat well and keep losing..
    When are YOUR fast days?

    Off to the gym tomorrow morning which will be my third session. The trainer is still being relatively kind to me, although he has me go up this stairs machine, which is probably my vision of hell!

    Good night

    Hi Salma

    Monday and Thursday, which seems to be the default setting, nearly everyone on the forums seem to be the same. I have managed to completely avoid a social life, which is helping, even refused lunch out today. I work from home, so to avoid going stir crazy i went to an antiques fair on Sunday, and a jewellery auction today. Hours and hours and onky a latte in the cafe! And a long weekend in Denmark to look forward to, another fair.

    Blow me over, asked my son if he would let me go with him to the local gym! Just at the bottom of street, he is there every other day. Not there yet but the fact that you are going to a gym might just push me too.

    Half a kilo a week would be great, so our target is the same. Good luck!

    Hi Milena and Salma, just joined the forum and saw your mid fifties thread.
    I’m Jude and 52 and have been fasting since beginning of the year, lost about 7 pounds, could be better but got a bit stuck around week 3 but finding this site has spurred me on. I was my highest ever weight, just under 14 stone after Christmas. I thought “how disgusting” how did I get to that. Was 9 and a half stone when I married but that was 22 years ago! I would ideally love to be just under 12 stone. Like you, I love good food and cooking, fine dining and visiting France for the food(and any country!). I’m finding it easier just not to eat at all rather than always calorie counting. I’m not in work at the moment so the lure of the fridge is always there! I find it easier when I’m out, I fast on Tuesdays when I volunteer at a hospice and its much easier than being at home, then again on Thursday, fasting today, just had a large glass of water! Would love to do more exercise but my hip started hurting 2 week ago during a fast walk omg! Any tips would be lovely.

    Hi Jude

    I think food is a bit of an addiction – and some of us need to be at the ‘disgusted’ stage to do something! Measuring myself for the first time in years and seeing the damage was both hard and good. People – only on the forum though – now know how much I weigh – my OH certainly doesn’t!

    I’m trying to second guess myself – I eat large portions so one fast day I eat nothing – no choices, no decisions – and it hasn’t been difficult. Today is a fast day and I have had a large meal, huge in fact, – prawns and salmon (eating tons of salmon) two slices of wholemeal bread, mayo, salad leaves, tomatoes and grapes. I weighed the bread, weight the mayo and used prepacked fish – with the calories totalled for me. Half a packet of salad leaves certainly fill a plate, and they take an age to eat. I ate it at lunchtime, and I will have another two cups of tea and nothing else but water. Working so far – still no teethmarks on the arm.

    I’ve done diets before but never counted calories – I think I am hanging onto my tdee like its a life raft – I’ve calculated the tdee for 12 stone – no exercise – and I’m staying well below it! I don’t know if it will work but I HAVE to eat less than I need.

    I am watching you very carefully Salma, in my heart of hearts I know exercise is important – paramount – for success, for toning and for well-being. At the moment a three mile walk a day is my max. I think we have to see what works for us, and also see what is working for others – and adapt. I think this is the last chance saloon for me (great, off the booze and still sitting in the bar!)

    Hi ladies,

    I am checking in at the end of another fast day. Today was tough. I was not able to focus at work and was of not much use to anyone. I got home and had some home made minestrone soup and then some sardines (yuk!). I am hungry now and wishing I could have a large piece of cheddar with wholewheat bread, but I won’t. I promised myself I would see myself through this. As Milena says, this is our last chance!

    Welcome Jude to our secret society: Foodaholics Anonymous 🙂
    I had a really painful hip inflammation a couple of weeks back. It was so bad that I woke myself up at night with the pain of turning over in bed. The doctor gave me a strong anti-inflammatory medicine that seems to have done the trick. To be honest, it has also helped with the knee pain.. so it may not have been just the weight causing the knee pain (she says wishing and hoping..)

    I tell not a soul about my weight also. The only people who know it are my doctor and anyone reading this thread. It is a well guarded secret that I am reather ashamed ot.

    Today, at the gym, I had my “free” fat test done and I was cheerily told that I – this person who is me – is 40% fat. FORTY percent! I am classified as tier 1 obese. OBESE!!! If one needed any convincing to do something about things.. being called obese for the first time in my life would be it. I am determined that I will make this work despite everything. As I told you Milena, I have decided not to pin any hopes on the gym for weight loss. I do it now because it makes me feel better after a session. To be honest, what haad stopped me from joining before was how I would look in gym clothes.. and the answer, I hate to admit, is awful.. but then, I joined a gym where no one knows me and feel like I could care less what people thought of me. I go 3 times a week before work, at 8 am. The women there, even the older ones, are so trim and dainty and traipse around in tiny outfits looking great, but you know what? I plug my earphones in and listen to my audio book and don’t look into any mirrors 🙂 I am the kind of person who does care about how they look, so looking like something the cat dragged in on a wet night is not my comfort zone, but I persevere.. and try to numb myself about it.. there isn’t ever a way to hide in gym clothes like you might in ordinary clothes, so just jump in and work up to 45 minutes on so gradually. The important thing is to move.. it makes all the difference to how you feel afterwards. Honestly, Bravo Milena for taking that step.. if it does nothing else, it will make you feel so much better.

    Well.. ladies.. that is MY two cents worth for tonight. I am SO looking forward to that milky coffee tomorrow.. My tummy is rumbling so loudly, it might keep me awake 🙂

    HI all in Foodaholics Anonymous (6 days since my last glass – ok bottle – of wine, 16 days since my last biscuit)

    Being called obese for the first time must be so hard – though good job its the last time too!!! Hope you got a strand of hair and some modelling clay so you could stick pins in her/his effigy! When you have succeeded go back and thank her – though please say it spurred you to go to the doctor and found you had a very underactive thyroid! That way, instead of letting her think she had spurred you into action, she might think on about the need for nasty labels!!!!!

    You are so brave to have stepped into the gym. Mine is at the end of the street, My son meets one of the neighbours every time he goes! Putting me off a little.

    I had a fast day too yesterday, just an open sandwich with salmon and prawns, I weighed everything, came to a little under 400 calories, just enough left for some tea with milk and sugar. Not a problem, just a slight wobble when the smell of son’s curry wafted from the kitchen, mad as I dont like the curry he makes. OH had cheese croisants, which I hate. Odd choice for dinner, I think he is missing my cooking.

    Valentines day tomorrow, not having wine, though there is a bottle of fizz in the fridge, wauting til i reach 9 kilos loss, 5 at last weigh in, but hopefully champagne on Tuesday, if son passes driving test.

    Funny you should say that Milena.. I actually DO have a rather dead thyroid. I have Hashimoto disease which means my body’s cells attack the thyroid and kill it off .. sounds great doesn’t it?
    I have to take Thyroxin which is a Thyroid hormone replacement. Although my levels are now normal (or rather go up and down but are controlled within normal range, as I have to test every 6 months), she says that despite this medical control, hypothyroidism does cause weight gain and difficulty in losing weight.

    I am not really denying myself things on “off” days.. that is the whole point of this diet for me.. to be able to eat normally on non-fast days. Today I had a generally low calorie dinner, I enjoyed a glass of wine and am now nursing a nice Baily’s mixed with decaff coffee. mmmm.

    I think you should have a glass of fizz for Valentine’s and do cook your OH something nice. Celebrating with food we like always helps to toe the line the other days. I am intending to make a flourless chocolate cake and a special home made vanilla ice cream for friends tomorrow. I will have a thin slice/scoop but I am already looking forward to it.

    Have a great evening and .. Happy Valentine to all.

    O, that way madness lies; let me shun that; No more of that.

    My weight gain has has a LOT to do with that man of mine! Weve been together for 23 years and Ive been putting on weight for 25, cant entirely blame him but I will, think he has put on 5lb in that time! Just not fair!

    Ill ease back when I get a couple of stone off – and I do have something to look forward to. We are off to Denmark in 4 weeks, business trip but we have added a couple of days, lots of walking, self catering in a gorgeous appartment – but we will have a couple of meals out. Im aiming for 84 kg by then, which will be over a stone lost

    Showing my age, well joiners order 2 metre lengths of 2×4, which is two inches by 4 inches. Happy to deal in metric and imperial.


    I’ve just had probably the quickest 3 kilo weight increase in the history of the world!

    Ok, it was a shaky start. first 3 weeks not a gram off, but I’m a patient woman. Then, in the last three weeks, 5kg loss.

    And I know why, today I measured a squirt – a small squirt at that, of balsamic glaze. 28 g a 10ml serving. I now know what 10ml looks like, and then decided to save half the calories. Made lunch today and halfway through went to the fridge just to get salad leaves, chucked half a packet on my plate and ate them like a gannet – no dressing either. Not long ago I thought it was compulsory to have oil or mayo with salad leaves. Or better yet just the oil or mayo. And today was a day AFTER a fast day, latte for breakfast, tuna open sandwich for lunch – with leaves of course. Then tonight, halfway through a film, normally with snacks and wine but not tonight, sauntered into the kitchen for supper – AND DIDNT FANCY ANYTHING.

    Less than 700 calories and not hungry! Obviously my body is feeding well of the reserves of fat.


    Then went to bathroom, had a sneaky peak on scales, another half kilo? Maybe, maybe not. Hard to see on the cheapest scales in Christendom, I think my hubby paid a fiver for them.

    So, asked hubby to bring down the digital scales he had recently inherited, from the loft.

    Spent 2 minutes logging in – lovely large info screen. Then into bathroom, to see if I was down that little bit more.


    I have just gained over a kilo, well over two pounds, A MINUTE.


    I checked 8 times. It went up another pound!

    Can anyone tell me that the cheap scales might be more accurate than the digital scales, please?

    Lie if you think it might make me feel better, because right now I’m beginning to suspect I started half a stone heavier than I thought I was!!!

    Hi Milena,

    Not a very nice Valentine’s gift wtih that nasty scales’ shock!

    I feel it is always better to stck with one set of scales as even if they are wrong to start with, you will get a better idea of the amount of loss. It is not unusual to have a difference of 2-3 Kgs from one set of scales to another.

    Does it really matter if you started a few Kgs heavier than you thought you were if you hadve lost FIVE kgs aready?

    Don’t let it get you down.. either stick with the digital or the old fashioned scales. My digital scales say that I am 57% fat !!!!! I know it is not true, but it always gives me a nasty feeling. We need all the encouragement we can find. I had chocolate cake (only a very small piece) and some vanilla ice cream yesterday so I am NOT getting on ANY scales today!


    You are so right!

    Got my son to check the scales with the scales at the gym. He tried both home scales, 80 on the old scales, 80.5 on the new!! Then 75 on the gym scales! I went back on 85.5 old (another half kilo loss) 89 on new.

    Definitely something wrong so, as you advise, I’m staying with the old scales and getting better glasses.

    OH and I shared a couple of glasses of fizz which really cheered me up!

    I think the cake was a good idea too, we do need to know this journey doesn’t mean total denial. It’s not a diet, so nothing is out if bounds. Logic would say it would be crazy to eat a whole tub or ice cream, without ruining 5:2, but sling in an extra fast day or two and no damage done at all. To me this is the secret of succeeding, crazy choices can be made, as long as they are incorporated into the whole plan. And most of the time, just knowing we can have the whole tub, whenever we want, makes it easier to have one or two scoops and to leave the rest for another time.

    Let me know how you are doing next time you hit the scales.

    Good morning fellow Foodaholics Anonymous..
    I have a friend visiting for a coupe of days, so I hope that dinner at PF Chang’s and Magheritas are not going to totally ruin everything. I am not planing a fast day today as my friend leaves tomorrow, so instead I will fast on Tuesday and hope that not too muc damage was done.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Doing well, enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine Saturday, and a half glass yesterday.

    Calorie counting still, staying well within tdee, even though I had mince pie and chips – hubby’s cooking skills are limited to opening packets, but he weighs everything for me, bless. Now I know what 150g of chips look like. Though strangely they tasted so bland, I’ll give them a miss next time.

    Doing third full fast, I’ve my green tea – still hate it, hubby is eating a bacon and egg sandwich – right beside me as I write. Yes looking a bit sheepish though.

    Drastic methodology, but I would love to get to 9 stone, though would be delighted with 11, but TDEE. at 9 stone is just 1339 calories, so I’ve got to get used to eating around that amount a day.

    Hope everyone has a great week,

    Hi Milena,

    I hate green tea too.I hate counting calories also.
    You are doing so well.. very strict with yourself. Three days fast seems too much for me.
    Today was a fast day. I just had a minestrone soup and a half avocado with tomatoes and sweet pepper. I feel great, especially after the few days of indulgence.
    I can’t wait for tomorrow when I can have a proper meal!

    Hi Salma

    off to Pizza Express tonight, some white wine and then champagne when we get home.

    I feel like Ive been let out of prison!!!

    Well, not really, Ive been really hard on myself up to now, afull stone lost too, so its been working.

    I googled, and put the calories, including two glasses of wine and three champagne flutes, still under my TDEE (just!!!!!!), though no starter and no puds.

    I can blame my son too – he passed his driving test today, so we are celebrating Dad and I now retiring as taxi service – and Im named driver on his insurance so i might get to drive a mini!!!

    Bless him he worked out Pizza Express would be kinder to me than the local curry house!

    That is so sweet.
    I hope you have a great time. It is nice to see you go out and celebrate. It gives me hope as I sit here trying to do some work and hearing my stomach gurgle and complain.
    Still.. tomorrow is another day, eh?

    Well done on the stone lost. There is hope for me yet.

    Another fasting day begins.
    I just weighed myself and very little change on the scales. This is my fourth fast day and I was rather hoping that there would be some shift. Still, I guess it is still early days. I remeber Kalle saying that his first few weeks were not effc=ecctive but it took off after that, so I will persevere.

    Anyone having the same problem?

    Hi, how is it going?

    Busy social week, went out last night to an Argentinian Restaurant in Edinburgh, prepared for it, stayed at 1000 or fewer calories on NF days, second fast day 400, but I reckon I did a fair bit over 2000!

    Back to 1000 today. It will be interesting to see how two ‘ordinary’ days impact on the week – I think I’ll gan canny until my trip away in a couple of weeks.

    Hi Milena..
    Nice to hear from you..
    I was just sitting at my computer thinking tomorrow is a fasting day and wouldn’t it be nice to get some of the homemade vanilla ice cream from the freezer. I had made some chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream for some guests last weekend and they remain in my freezer as a continuous source of temptation. I should throw them away, but they are too good.

    I was debating whether I should just have a bit tonight as it will be another loooooong fasting day tomorrow AND gym in the morning.
    How do you deal with these things? My resolve is rather weak at weekends; especially when I have spent the whole day at home watching the final season of Downton Abbey!

    Wish I knew THE answer, but Im beginning to suspect there are many and varied answers.

    The whole point, to me, is that there is no gain without pain – or loss in our case!

    BUT, this way of living isnt a diet, it cant be, cos diets fail.

    So we need strategies.

    Firstly, we aint going to lose weight unless we eat less than we need. Secondly, we are going to fail if we just give up the things we love, in our case ice-cream (and loads of other stuff!)

    So we have to take a middle road, and that means finding a way to make that ice cream a good -ok reasonable -option.

    Leave it for the minute, and plan for it – fast day tomorrow, and the following two days, work it in. Maybe not all of it, but first non fast day, make sure you are 250 cals under Tdee, again the next day, leaving you a balance of 500 cals.

    Two days fasting at a quarter of your tdee calories, means you are eating 80% of tdee, hence less than you need, hence weight loss. Simple equation, only problem is the weightlosss isnt so simple, ie its not a pound loss, every week, but it will work, have faith.

    The 500 cals is in addition, this is what i mean about having a strategy, so accrue the spare calories, get out a portion of ice cream, cos you have planned it, put it in your nicest dish, find a SMALL spoon, and get comfy, and eat it very slowly, and savour it!

    Knowing that you have planned it, knowing you can eat anything you like, and knowing you have keep within your tdee, and you are still on course.

    If someone put me on a 1000calorie a day diet, I wouldnt last a week, but being in control of what i eat, and being able to eat anything, I seem to be able eat very little. I think the fast days retrain your stomach, it takes a few weeks, but you just eat less.

    Try it, or tweak my suggestion so it works for you, there has to be a way to make it work.

    If you get there, send me the recipe!!!!!!

    Hi Milena,

    Thanks for the note.
    I am afraid I caved in yesterday and had that ice cream. The scales told an ugly tale this morning, but I plod on.
    I went to the gym.. or rather dragged myself there. It was the last thing I felt like doing this morning, particularly on a fasting day. I am proud of myself for seeing the day through although I was feeling really tired and in a bad mood. I had a bit of chicken, soup and some milk and an apple. I don’t know the exact calorie count, but I assume it is around 500.. so I have done ok today.

    I have not, so far, looked at TDEE.. but maybe I should be a little more careful on non-fast days in order to see any change. What is yours? Do you find it easy to stay within it on normal days?

    No, you are quite right.. I also am not able to stay within a 1000 cal limit every day. I don’t really mind the fast days, but mainly because I know they are temporary. I couldn’t live like that. As you know, I am a foodie and enjoy food although I do not indulge too often or too much, but I do like good tasting food.

    Have you fasted today? How did that go?

    Hi Salma

    I hope you REALLY enjoyed it – the point of 5:2 is that you can, nothing is forbidden.

    The difference between 5:2 and dieting is on 5:2 you cant fail, you just accommodate. In my humble opinion.

    And you accommodated just fine – I continue to be impressed by your gym sessions. You should feel proud.

    I feel Ive had a really poor week. The two nights out have really put me out of sorts – although i did plan and i kept well under my calorie maximums on the other days. I just feel porky. Dunno why.

    Was really hungry this morning the smell of sausages cooking probably didnt help, though. My boys are so helpful – not! I decided to have some cereal at lunchtime, but got out the dish and spotted grapes, so had half a dozen of those in the dish instead. One bite out of hubby’s bread at 4.30 and then roast chicken open sandwich, small slice and a crust of wholemeal bread. Loaded with sweetcorn, tomatoes, cucumber, a few grapes and salad leaves. Must say im stuffed. Around 350 calories all in.

    My starting TDEE is 1461, so fast days 360, my first target is 12 stone, that TDEE is 1311, I can do that, but on fast days is 320. Ugh! For me, working to TDEE works, and calorie counting works.

    On the other hand, if i have a couple of hundred extra calories on a fast day, its not going to make a huge difference.

    A few weeks of low calories is fine, a good kickstart, but medium term, there HAVE to be treat days, blow out days and normality.

    Had a busy weekend dashing around an antiques fair, so no walks, and didnt go out today. Think I need fresh air.

    Weekly weigh in tomorrow, as long as i havent put on weight, Ill be happy.

    Hope you have a great week, keep in touch, especially if it gets tough!

    Hello everyone, I am 51 and 85 kilos … I have lost to get to that weight. I would like my first target to be 78 kilos … then take it from there. I am 5 weeks into this 5:2 and not lost any weight, I refused to weigh and get disheartened for a month. However, my shape has changed, people are remarking on it and my energy levels are up … so will stick with it. I think that the next phase is to join a gym. I have a dog and live near a beach and feel embarrassed to tell you that I don’t walk him there every day, I send him on his own .. this too will change as from tomorrow as I have admitted to that … evetully this will work. My sister did this for a year, still does and she looks fabulous … I don’t know what she lost but she must have lost 2 stone min.

    Get a tape measure and log your vital statistics every week with a clothes try on and ‘see’ where you are shrinking.

    Get a pedometer( I have got one that has a little strap that i can loop around my bra strap), the goal is a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Walking is really good exercise and a great waist whittler.

    My advice would be to leave the gym for a while and get the steps in each and every day. You will tone, get fitter and leaner, with a lot more energy.Fat doesn’t burn calories but muscles do, so get the lead on the dog and get those 10,000 steps in!

    Remember, this is not a quick fix but a new way of life. Habits will have to change and your dog will love you for the walking even more.

    Please dont get disheartened Maydaymayday. It will happen! I had three weeks of nothing then freefall for three weeks. This week i feel im a lump!

    I loved living next to the sea, but it can be bracing, wrap up warm and your dog will think all his birthdays have come at once! My old cat rarely moves from the radiator.

    I would love to be down to 82 kg by the 12th, off to Copenhagen – I started at 91 and now im 85, though it sounds MUCH more of a loss in stones and pounds – we have an appartment so self catering mainly, good job as there is a lot of mayonaise and creamy sauces. And pastries. But its a wee holiday as well as work, loads of walking, Im tempted to hire a bike, the bike lanes are wonderful, there are very few folk dolled up in racing gear (Im smiling just imaging my butt in lycra) most are in everyday wear on proper upright bikes, the roads are flat too. Perhaps? And Selma, no-one knows me, so I might just do it! We will be over again at the end of summer, so I might make it a target for then – Danes are all pretty much tall and thin, bit offputting when you are short and fat, like me!

    Not for much longer!!!!! Well all meet at 78kg, sounds a good place to be – for a while.

    How is everyone doing, hope you are on your way Molly, and Kalle, hope its continuing nicely, and Annette hope that waist of yours is whittling – there are some lovely bikinis out there!

    pedometer gathering dust somewhere, so will order a new one, we all know what to do but its being in the right mindset, great advice, I promise faithfully to walk Milo tomorrow. I will not post until its been done. Will order pedometer right now … by the time it arrives I will be so slim I will have to run around in the shower to get wet … feeling supported !

    PS always forget my phone … so have downloaded an app pedometer, (look at me being modern) so tomorrow after school run … Milo walk on the beach … with pedometer app and if I have a moment due to the shock of walking I can ring for help ! We all have a similar first target … I will switch to stones and lbs because I can relate to it.

    now there’s a thought – running around the shower to get wet!!!

    Love it!

    Got me thinking I should borrow the neighbours dog or MILs pooch.

    Any views on low carbs – ive tried to keep out of the kitchen, so have been eating a lot of open sandwiches – wholemeal and seed. Thought to try rye.

    I can load up a plate with one slice – chicken, or poached salmon or tinned tuna or just egg. Im eating salad leaves by the bucketful. Just that one pizza and 3small portions of chips in seven weeks. No rice or pasta. Only open sarnies and stirfries, no rice. Sounds boring I know but Im a happy bunny on it – must be cos its rabbit food!!!

    Anyone given up carbs altogether?

    Hello Maydaymayday..

    Welcome to Foodaholics Annonymous!
    I would kill to get to 78 Kgs again. I was there once not too long ago.. in fact, I was at 69 about 10 years ago. How did I get here???

    Anyway, I just wanted to tell you my own experience. At this age, we have many hormonal changes. I have been going to a dietician who weighs me on a special machine that calculates fat/muscle/water percentages in the body. It transpires that I have an inordinate percentage of water in my body, quite possibly because of hormonal imbalances as I go through menopause. This may mean, if you have the same case, that you ARE actually losing fat but it may not be reflected on the scales. I agree with Annette52 that you should use a tape measure, particularly for waist and hips. The waist to hip ratio is one of the most important measures for health. I need not tell you, I was completely shocked when I learnt mine. I had always had a small waist.. alas, no longer it would seem!

    I also own a pedometer. On ordinary days when I don’t do ANY exercise, I clock up around 2500-3000 steps. When I go to the gym and do around 30 min on the treadmill, I clock up around 6,500 steps. As Antte52 says, you should aim for 10000 on a daily basis, or 70000 on a weekly basis. I find it hard to achieve that, but I do try to get some walking in between gym days as this sort of exercise is the best for weight loss.. much more so than weights, etc. It is also infinitely more pleasant. I have used the app “RunKeeper” to log distance and time, but now am the proud owner of a “FitBit” which is more precise and keeps you rather motivated. I also (sometimes) use “MyFitnessPal” to log weight and calories.. and I find it very helpful too.

    Here’s a tip: When I go for a walk by myself (or with non-human), I use my pedometer (Fitbit) as well as listen to an audiobook. This helps me do two things at the same time. Despite being a booklover, I now don’t have too much time to read, so I “audio” read while walking. This gives me an incentive to go for a walk. I have read Gabriel Marquez’s beautiful “Love in the Time of Cholrea”, “The End of the Affair” with the beautiful voice of Colin Firth and am now audio-reading “100 Years of Solitude”. There are tons of health and diet books, business books as well as novels. If you like reading, it might be a good way to motivate yourself. If you are interested, checkout Audible.com The audio books are not more expensive than the paper versions or not much more so.

    I hope this is helpful!

    I would so like to meet at 78 Kgs.. here’s hoping (and working hard!)

    hello Salma, how funny you should mention the audiobook as last week I downloaded the app and got two books, I hadn’t thought of taking them with me on a nice walk, how lovely being read to whilst walking. I will certainly do that and it will be an incentive to go. I am delighted to read that the water is up while the fat is down so to speak during menopse and it makes perfect sense to me as that would explain the lighter feeling, less bloated, body shape change and people noticing. I didn’t walk Milo today I am ashamed to say again … I did go out and run a few errands though and my pedometer is showing 3300 steps which is a total embarrasment as it could easily have been twice as much … I will do it tomorrow I will ! Have guests for the weekend, not too worried about food intake as have done one day fasting already. Was VERY interested to learn of working out the TDEE for 78kgs which is my/our first goal … perhaps that will help. Here is to an great day tomorrow … MayDay

    Well the week panned out the way i thought it would, stayed the same – which i suppose it better than gaining. Two nights out with good food and wine, at least i prepared for it and made sure my other days were ok. And I didn’t do a complete fast this week.

    On the other hand, lost a cm from my waist – didn’t measure hips and bust, didnt want to spoil a positive. Save those for next time.

    OH has been cutting down simply by eating with me, though still on bacon sarnies in the mornings. He has lost 5 lbs. Im thinking of buying him some chocolate cake!!!!

    Thinking of getting a pedometer – i think i do less than 500 steps some days, we live in a bungalow, so no steps, and the office is about 10 steps from the couch in the living room.

    Feeling really bad now, off to post office – two and a half miles.

    How’s it going for everyone else? I can picture Milo with his lead in his mouth!

    Hello everyone..
    I seem to be stuck at the same weight. My proper weigh in should be Friday morning (after the one day fast) so I will keep spirits up until then, but today, I was 91.Kgs. I suppose having started at 92.6, that is not bad going (after 2.5 weeks?).

    I am in this for the long haul, so I suppose I have to be a bit patient. I do have a long trip (a month) for all of April to see family and I would like to look at least slightly more presentable by then. So, will be keeping up the exercise and the diet. Tomorrow is both a fast day and a gym day (the worst of both world) but I will grin and bear it and hope that eventually SOME weight will drop off.

    Milena.. a pedometer is a good idea.. it does give you a strong incentive.. you will want to see those numbers grow, and it feels good to know that you are doing your health some good. Perhaps start posting more letters instead of email? 🙂

    Hi Salma

    You seem to be spot on, that’s over 3 lbs, and a pound a week, on average, seems to be a good sign, that’s 3500 calories less than you need.

    Remember stopping weight GAIN is the first thing to do, and that must be VERY HARD.

    So good on you, well done!

    Luckily, as we have a couple of eBay businesses, we have parcels to post every day. Still an effort to go with OH though, he has been walking down to the village for months, I usually manage 4 or 5 days, but duck out now and then. Got used to spending winter days in jimjams. I have to get dressed to go out.

    What an excuse!!!!!

    I have done fasting before, maybe a couple of years ago and did quite well. Now after falling of the wagon in spectacular style I am now heavier than when I was pregnant with my son (who is 24, so can’t blame baby fat lol).
    I think I’ve used every excuss under the sun to delay starting any sort of eating/diet plan, but this past month has been a turning point, doctor had already told me to lose weight……yeah yeah I’ll start next week (was told November last year, so today is my first fast day. No breakfast and so far lunch was a tin of tuna with steamed veg.
    It was my birthday yesterday and I’m getting closer to 60 and really feeling every extra pound that has been gained. So here I am again I’ll fess up to weighing 14st, yikes it looks more when you put it in print.
    So I’d like to join Food-aholics Anonymous, I’ll be there to cheer you on and to help when we trip up.

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