Metabolic rate

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  kgb48 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi, my first day of fasting, very excited, I will have the two meals divided between lunch and dinner, I prefer not to eat breakfast as I am not hungry in the morning.
    In my opinion the more efficient way would be to divided the meals between breakfast and dinner as the metabolic rate will be higher when I am more active, no food between 08:00 AM and 07:00 PM in comparison to the lunch/ dinner, even if the amount of calories are the same during 24 hours.

    Would appreciate comments and experienced of the above.

    Hi Boax, I’m also new to this! I’m into my second week of fasting on Tuesday and Thursday’s (I’ve lost 5LBS). I’ve found I like to get a full 24hrs of fasting in i.e. last meal tonight around about 7pm and then I shall eat on Tuesday at the same time. The reason for this is because if I have breakfast it encourages me to eat, so don’t want to do that and plus the fact I feel like I have fasted to give my body a rest from munching.
    On my fast days I drink lots of green tea (very filling), I’ve just ordered some brazillian tea from the internet which is supposed to speed up the metabolism (forgot the name of it), so I shall give that a try.

    I wish you the best, just say to yourself that you can eat tomorrow!!

    PS. Also take a lot of measurements because I believe in inch loss rather than weight loss….


    Thanks for your reply and good luck 🙂

    Hi Boax – I too am in my second week. Like JayneyJ I try to get a full 24 hours fast in too, for optimum results. I will begin with 4:3 regime and step it down to 5:2 accordingly. I eat last meal at 7pm and first 500 cal meal the same time the following day. I try to leave breakfast/brunch as late as possible on my non fast day. I am a little bit more careful on a non fast week day since it (for me) is always sandwiched between two fast days (Mon, Wed, Fri – fast days) but I eat what I want Saturday.
    I the think the best thing to do, is what is right for you! There’s no point in skipping brekkie if you then go and break your fast – like JanyneyJ, once I eat on a morning, I am hungry all day! Very best of luck.

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