May to December

This topic contains 54 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  catinhat 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I am in my 60’s and it seems, have tried every diet with little success. I have followed WW/Slimming World etc, counting calories only to lose 1/2lb (that’s half not 1 – 2)per week. After a while boredom and a feeling of deprivation crept in and of course I cheated. Each new ‘slimming’ club regime eventually left me with more weight than I had started with, so I decided to become content with what I had. I was healthy, after being treated successfully for breast cancer, although the Tamoxifen I had taken for the last 5 years left me with a little more weight.
    Then I caught sight of my naked body in a mirror! I had developed an ‘apron’ of fat on my lower abdomen. Surgery sprang to mind but did I really want another anaesthetic and more to the point – PAIN?
    I had read Dr Moseley’s article about Intermittent fasting in a newspaper and decided to check it again as it seemed to be more than a diet and mean more than just losing weight.
    Everything I read was so appropriate to me. I had about 2 stone to lose, had already done the cancer thing and have an 88 year old mother with Type Two diabetes. I also have a fear of having a stroke so needed to do something to keep my blood pressure fairly low.
    I bought the book and decided the next day would be my first fast day. My husband promised to support me although he is only a few pounds overweight and together we started out on our journey.
    I had a packet of porridge (125 cals) made with water for breakfast. The packets help with portion control.
    Then a plateful of salad leaves, celery. cucumber, cherry tomatoes and spring onions with a small grilled chicken breast for dinner at 6pm.
    During the day we drank tea and coffee with a splash of milk, lemon tea and plenty of water.
    My husband thought his throat had been cut – he complained all day and I have dumped him as a fasting buddy!
    This fasting day regime has become the basis of my fasts with salmon and tuna replacing the chicken.
    The other five days I eat fairly normally sometimes after having a good lunch just eating a piece of fruit during the evening.
    I have to say I have and am, enjoying IF. By the beginning of July I had lost 11lbs and celebrated by buying a new swimming costume for our imminent holiday.
    Everyone says you put on 1lb a day on a cruise but I proved them wrong and put on 6lb over a 12 day cruise. I did occasionally skip lunch but had no guilty feelings when I was tucking into cheesecake or drinking wine and a cocktail each evening!
    We arrived back late on a Sunday evening and it was easy to start a fast day on Monday as our fridge was empty (thank you No.2 son). After my porridge and tea breakfast the day flew past in a flurry of washing, dusting and shopping so my salad dinner at 6 came quite quickly.
    Over the next couple of weeks that 6lbs disappeared and now 12th August I have lost a total of 14lbs and 2inches off my waist since buying the book in May, I also feel so much better.
    I am hoping by December I will have lost another 14lbs. I do have another 8 day cruise in September so I have built the SMALL weight gain into my plan.
    I am so pleased I found this forum with people taking the same journey as myself and hope I don’t bore you all too much if I post my experience in this thread.
    I will also try to encourage you to reach your goal and may need propping up myself sometimes.
    Thank you for ploughing through this

    Hello Lindyw

    I have just ‘ploughed through’ your post with great pleasure!

    I think that you have just described most poeple’s experience of going on the conventional 24/7 diets. You lose some weight initially, perhaps even attaining some desired goal: then you go back to ‘normal’ eating and put it all back on and then some more for good measure.

    Been there – Done that – Got a wardrobe full of t-shirts (that don’t fit)….

    You have also just described the conclusion of an excellent programme that was on BBC2 last week called ‘The Men Who Made Us Thin’ (You should be able to catch part 1 on BBC iplayer – part 2 is on this Thursday).

    The programme maker concluded exactly what you have found; that (conventional 24/7) diets don’t work and the diet industry only exists because of this very fact!
    The entire industry relies on people trying again and again to lose weight and keep it off.

    It reminded me of another excellent programme on Channel 4 some time ago now by Jane Moore: who worked out that a woman who had lost a few pounds at WeightWatchers (over a long period of time) had paid something like £195.00 per 1b of weight lost!

    When my husband and I had finished watching this excellent programme; we discussed how 24/7 diets compare with the fasting diets and we all know there is no comparison. You don’t have to attend an expensive class: you don’t have to buy expensive low calorie foods; you don’t get weighed in front of a room full of people; you don’t even have to buy Michael’s book! He has given the gist of his diet on this site.

    I feel I should say Thank You Michael: for making your programme; writing the book and providing this, much appreciated, website so we can all communicate with each other and share experiences.
    I honestly think, after reading many posts on this site, that you have started something really big.

    Michael did state in his book that there have not been any studies done on his version of the 5:2 diet. Yet in the case of the other fasting diet – The 2 Day Diet – by Dr Michelle Harvie and Professor Tony Howell: they have carried out studies on women who have followed their diet for some time and they are impressive.

    Women who, like many of us, have lost and gained the weight back throughout their lives are now keeping it off for the very first time!

    Many of them were ladies of a ‘certain age’.

    And of course they were improving their health and reducing the risk of cancer and diabetes etc at the same time.

    Let us know how your weight goes on your next cruise Lindy!

    Thank you for reading my diatribe – I seem to have almost written a book there!
    I just watched ‘Then men who made us thin’ on iPlayer and really laughed at the WW Executive who said ‘if WW worked we wouldn’t have a business’.
    Yes one of the factors that made me give up was paying so much, and suffering for so little weight loss. Having said that in the 1990’s my mother joined WW and achieved her ideal weight and has not regained it – but having said that she now has Type Two Diabetes (and has always had a sweet tooth which I don’t)
    The ‘science’ bit of 5:2 appeals to me as much as weight loss. If I can avert Diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease I shall be very happy. I am looking at 5:2 as a life style change and not just a diet.

    Hi Lindy and everyone else

    It was a good programme wasn’t it? I couldn’t agree with you more about the potential health benefits that this diet can achieve and how it should be viewed as a ‘way of life’ rather than a diet that you ditch when you have hopefully lost your weight. Have a look at the Post Help-Ladies of a certain age-Please respond.

    Other women in our age group have posted their experience of the Fast Diet and someone has just posted that her blood pressure is down in two months, she is a stone lighter and her migraines have disappeared for the time being!

    There seem to be so many benefits from 5:2
    I can’t believe how good I feel after a fast day too.

    Well done LindyW. My wife loves the 5:2 as I am 19lb down in 10 weeks and I have now stopped snoring as well 🙂

    Well done you too BigFella!
    Another great benefit – its hard when your BedFella keeps you awake like that. 🙂

    Well I have had an eventful few days!
    I fasted on Saturday – no problems there.
    Sunday visited my son to help him prepare his lounge for new carpet and furniture so plenty of exercise there. He treated us to a meal at Jimmy Spices to save anyone cooking – Jimmy Spices is an ‘all you can eat’ buffet! Well I did eat what I wanted but probably about half my usual portion size as I really didn’t want that stuffed feeling.
    Monday I had seen a dress online that I liked the look of and thought would suit formal occasions over the next few months, but I don’t enjoy clothes shopping and thought ‘no I can do without it, and also I don’t want to suffer the indignity of it not fitting or looking good’ It was a fast day again so I decided to keep busy and out of the danger zone (kitchen) so off I went. Well the dress fitted like a dream and I felt a million dollars in it 🙂
    Tuesday until Friday I am looking after my 5 year old godson so never have a minutes peace (but my football skills are improving and I have walked twice the distance I usually do).
    Wednesday met a friend I haven’t seen for 3 months, we walk around a local lake and chat. She was stunned at seeing less of me and also how much my godson had grown.
    That was such a boost!
    I haven’t weighed myself this week so not sure if I have lost but will now wait until Sunday.
    I have also had to delay my fast day from Thursday until Saturday, so I hope this will still be effective. There is no way I could fast on a day I have to cook for my husband and godson!
    Oops writing a book again – but its therapeutic for me to recall my experiences and share them with whoever has the stamina to read them!

    Saturday – I have lost another 2lbs!
    Yesterday we met a friend and her son to walk and play, she had bought a picnic for the boys and I had taken some small cakes. I had intended to cook at lunchtime but the picnic seemed to satisfy everyone and Sarah understands my way of life so wasn’t bothered that I managed NOT to eat anything. Yippeee I had turned this into a fast day so easily. Dinner at 6 was my leafy salad with cold chicken and a small helping of fruit salad made the day before and shouting at me from the fridge.
    So now I can enjoy a normal weekend with my husband. Cooked a huge pan of ratatouille to freeze in portions and a pan of roast veg for this evening with salmon and asparagus.
    The friend I met on Wednesday rang me earlier today to ask how I had managed to lose weight and seem so energised. Well it was a long phone called as I enthused about 5:2 and she was so impressed she was going straight to Tesco to buy the book.
    Only one week until we go on our cruise around Norway so if I could lose another 2lbs this week I shall be so happy!
    Hope you all have a great week and there is less of you soon.

    Thank you all for sharing your encouraging stories. I’ve become evangelical about the diet, even sharing it with a lady in the supermarket queue yesterday. I wonder if she meant it when she promised to look at the website, or whether she was just humouring me as she was trapped. Anyway, have a great cruise Lindyw, feeling confident that you can soon shed any weight you gain.

    hi there, i have really enjoyed reading all about your journey and the changes youve made, have a wonderful cruise and keep us updated xx

    Well we’re off tomorrow!
    One night in hotel before boarding the floating buffet 😛
    I had a fast day yesterday, am eating normally today and will be able to get a cheeky fast in tomorrow driving to Southampton.

    Having said I don’t count calories on non fast days, my son who is also trying to lose weight calorie counting only, showed me his progress on My Fitness Pal. I remembered I had also d/l this a while ago and this morning have been scanning everything in my freezer to see what exactly I am eating -lol
    Might use it just as a guide onboard – but maybe not.

    Just enjoy the food and worry about the calories if you need to when you get back home! 🙂

    Well I am back from a fabulous cruise. Norway is spectacular as was the food onboard 🙂
    Bad news is …………….I put on 2lbs!
    Good news is its gone and I am back to pre-cruise weight.
    This is despite enjoying breakfasts, lunches (mostly salads) and at least 4 course dinners (NY cheesecake 3 times and creme brulee twice but who’s counting)with wine and cocktails.
    We did plenty of walking too, and joined the Lotus Spa on board for the week because rain had been forecast but we only had one wet morning and sunshine all the way. T24c (72f I think)one day. We always managed to spend an hour a day in the Spa so maybe the saunas, steam rooms and lying about on hot tables helped 🙂
    Fasting tomorrow I think.
    Hope there is less of all of you 🙂

    Wow, that is fabulous!!! glad you had a great time. thanks for sharing your story.

    Sounds like you had a great holiday LindyW and I’m really pleased you didn’t let all that scrummy food go to waste! Glad to hear also that you’ve had success back in the saddle, so to speak. Have a good weekend everyone 🙂

    Thank you both.
    Had a fast day today and cooked Aubergine (Eggplant) parmigiano from a cookery book my husband bought me on the cruise! What’s he doing buying me a cookery book!
    It was delish though and only about 300 cals, I did reduce the amount of cheese though.

    Well I seem to have hit a plateau 🙁
    Quickly lost the 2lbs added during my holiday – then nothing since.
    But I have lost half inch off my waist (yippee) so I am not too despondent. Also
    I bought a new pair of trousers about 6 weeks ago have worn them and washed them and can now take them off without undoing the waist button or zip – and they are not elasticated.
    Soooooo I have decided to buy jeans in a smaller size this week even if they are too tight, and aim to get in them by November 5th.

    Don’t let the lack of weight loss get you down, Lindy. The fact that you are losing inches means that this plan is still working for you. Stick with it – you’ve done so well so far! 🙂

    I am not too down about this – I think its more because I am wanting to get to the next stone down and need to lose 1lb to do this. Psychological huh?
    Today is a fast day, which is no trouble. The apple crumbles I have made this morning were in the freezer so quickly you wouldn’t believe! 😀
    I also made some vegetable soup for this evening so I am looking forward to that whilst my DH has fish and chips from the shop – unless he would like to share my soup…………….

    Apple crumbles – yummy! The one dessert on a menu I can never resist – I even had it on my wedding day.

    I expect a lot of us are fasting today and I love the idea that round the world that’s happening.

    All the very best everyone

    Annie x

    I always think that on a fast day – most of my forum friends will be doing the same too Annie!
    Apple crumble is delicious isnt it? It is hard to resist – thats why mine are frozen 🙂

    Just time for a quick update.
    I have been to Cornwall for 5 days and been lucky with the weather, bright sunny days with a bit of a breeze and only one mornings rain.
    I tried to stay on my usual regime and again stayed the same weight as before I went. Trying hard to think of that as good as I did have fish and chips (well you have to at the seaside!), plenty of wine and the owner of the cottage left us a cream tea which it would have been rude not to eat. I don’t suppose the Cornish Pasty helped much either……..
    Nevertheless today I am feeling very positive and am fasting. We are certainly into Autumn now with horrible fine rain ever since we got out of bed so no walk today but with winter in mind I have all the info I need to join our local gym so may start that this week as a booster.

    wow, 5 days in Cornwall, didn’t starve yourself, ate some lovely things AND didn’t gain any weight. that is mighty impressive! now you are back into routine and I expect the weight loss will be great. looking forward to hearing more.

    Well I am not weighing myself again until Sunday.
    Had a good fast day yesterday and today ate really well (and healthily) so hopefully I will be lighter then.
    I am wearing trousers that I practically had to lie on the bed to zip up once but now slide on beautifully and could almost be a bit on the big side.
    When do I start replacing things in my wardrobe? What if it all goes wrong and I need to keep the larger size? Any advise?

    Great news on the trousers. Enjoy them.

    I have been editing my wardrobe as the clothes started to swamp me. I have no intention of regaining the 23lb and 23 inches, so I don’t need the old clothes. Bag fulls have gone to charity shops and now giving clothes to a work colleague who started the 5:2 at the start of the summer.She will be getting 4 hardly worn cardigans, a skirt and a pair of jeans this week.

    I have been shopping at charity shops over the summer as my body shape changed and started to shrink.I have bought some new jeans as I will be wearing them for some time as my weight loss is slowing down and I am close to where I want to be size wise.

    I have no intention of being that shape and size again.

    Hi Lindyw and everyone else
    I have been reading the forum for a while but only started posting today. I was looking for somewhere to post my story and hoped you wouldn’t mind me adding it to this topic. I didn’t really want to start a new topic. I can relate to a lot of what has been said here, so thought it was a good place.
    I started 5:2 in April. I had read about it in a short article in a British women’s magazine the previous month, at the hairdressers (my hairdresser always gives me the UK mags to read, as we are both English but migrated to Australia with our parents when we were children). It sounded like something I could do, after years of unsuccessful dieting. But my motivation to start was when I had to measure myself for a costume…I was horrified by the numbers!!! I gave up paid work at the end of last year, and I was doing my best to ignore the fact that I was putting on weight, but those numbers were a reality check.
    So I started 5:2, and am SO pleased I did. I needed to lose a stone to get within ok BMI, that happened quite quickly in 2 months. I have then continued to set new goals – get under the next stone marker (ie 9st something rather than 10st something), get to my pre-children weight; now I am up to aiming to fit into my wedding dress, and keep going from there – see where 5:2, or 4:3, takes me.
    I didn’t find this forum until a month or so ago – I had been going it totally alone, with no more than the 2-page article as guidance. For ages I didn’t even tell my family (3 very unobservant males!!!!) as I felt I might jinx myself if I did. But after a while I had to share my joy with others. My husband was sort of aware that I had lost weight, but I guess I am lucky?? that it doesn’t matter to him how I look… And 20yo and 18yo sons certainly don’t spend time looking at their mother! Younger son has been quite ‘interactive’ with me on this, now that he knows. He calls the fasting days my ‘starvey’ days.
    I have certainly had a number of lapses since April, but finding the forum has helped a lot with keeping motivated. It’s great to read that you and others have enjoyed their holidays, including some yummy food, but are able to get back into the routine. (I have only been to Cornwall once – Land’s End, needless to say, plus a driving tour thru some of the towns on the northern coast – some VERY narrow roads I recall. I have been very fortunate to have a few UK holidays over the past decade or so; I LOVE going back to my country of birth, – apart from my parents and sister, all my relatives are still in England. So much country to visit tho.)
    I know how you feel re the clothes. My wardrobe(s!!) are full of things both too big and too small – tho not so many of the latter cos unfortunately I gave them away post kids when I thought I would never get back to my pre kids size. (Mind you, would probably be mutton dressed as lamb if I did still have them.)
    Well, this has been as essay, so better finish – has taken a while to type using iPad…
    Best wishes to you all 🙂

    Woohooo guys and gals I am off the plateau!
    Lost 3lbs (yeah lbs I’m English and proud of it!) anyway THREE pounds!!
    And….I gained £340 (that’s pounds)buying and selling shares in Royal Mail!
    That will go towards my new winter (slimmer) wardrobe.
    Happy bunny here.
    Hugs to all who want one 🙂


    “Happy bunny here.”

    Glad you lost the pounds and gained the pounds.

    See above.


    You are NOT going to put the weight back on…get rid and get new. You are doing great.

    We (husband) are going through the same, a wardrobe full of very very tight clothes, now gone through wearing them and now too slack. I stated the same to him yesterday, Do I keep my favourites in case I get big again? He said NO You Won’t get rid.

    I was a size 16 very very tight, but really honestly a 18 if I owned up to it!

    I tried a size 14 dress on in a shop yesterday the assistant said they are quite a small fitting. It FITTED PERFECT, but I didn’t like it.

    I came home and on line I was looking at fitting sizes of different shops to my measurements, I realise now I am not far off from being a size 12. If I get down to this it’s 41 years since I was in my pre pregnancy size. I can’t believe it, in 4 months. I am going to put off buying until I stop loosing weight, the sewing machine will be coming out to help!

    Symba7, how fantastic! Hope I can get to a 14, that’ll do for me! My clothes (size 20) are now all bagged up. My 18’s are falling off me. Can take off my jeans without bothering to unfasten them. We are all so lucky, lucky, lucky to have cottoned onto this way of life, and luckier still to belong to this forum. Keep fasting.

    Hi Toms Mantis,

    You are nearly there! Well done to you, you must be a size 16 now from a 20 it’s fantastic.

    When you see the light at the end of the tunnel you feel so positive and realise you are really looking a lot better.

    A new swimming costume went with me to the baths this morning, took the tickets off, must of had it 5 years, it was always too tight! But I felt good.

    Keep Fasting to us all…………….

    Oh how lovely to hear all your inspiring stories – I am sitting here with a big grin on my face 🙂
    You are all right – as soon as I have a free day I am having some retail therapy!!
    I enjoy this way of life and see no reason to give it up – I think Michael Mosley is a saint bringing this to our attention.
    OOOOH wait that would make him St Michael – heard that somewhere before 🙂

    We have had a bit of an upset this week 🙁
    My husband (who is 6′ weighing just under 12st) had his usual fasting blood test results with a letter stating he is ‘pre-stage 2 diabetes’ to lose weight, give up smoking (which he doesn’t do) and alcohol (he has a small glass of red wine daily)etc etc.
    Well you can guess what I have done – yep he is on the 5:2, but he thinks at the moment that he is on 6:1.
    Today is his first fast day he had porridge for breakfast and a satsuma and lots to drink since but is making out he is almost dead from starvation! Drama Queen or what?
    I have some cod to bake with ratatouille, broccoli and carrots followed by raspberries and yoghurt so hopefully that will soften the news that his next fast day may come quicker than he is expecting 😀

    Well his second fast day (yesterday) went well but I think he was slightly over 600cals so I will have to be stricter on Thursday. I will have to let him know its only 4 weeks to his next Fasting blood sugar etc test, that’s only 8 fasts and I hope his results come back within the normal range then he can go 6:1
    Today I discovered I have 5 pairs of ‘good/almost new’ black trousers, and 4 pairs that are good for everyday wear. Also 3 pairs that are too big and now in the charity bag. Fortunately all the others fit, only just slightly on the loose side so I am still holding out on clothes shopping 🙂

    Great news on the trousers!

    Been re-inspired by reading Symba7’s thread – quite fabulous although I did laugh at her taking her scales on holiday 😀 It is a terrible dilemma to have too many choices of clothes that fit loosely and look good as she says.
    Its 26 weeks since I changed my lifestyle and somewhere along the way lost 22lbs – not too bad considering the 2 cruises and 2 weeks holiday we have taken.
    Now I have my husband onboard, and he is doing really well. He has had 3 fast days in one week (due to social commitments), has completely given up sugar in his drinks and has lost 1lb. At last he has stopped complaining that he is ‘starving’. I really do hope this lifestyle will revert his fasting glucose levels.

    Well, he has you to cook for him doesn’t he? One of my friends (she’s a medical intern) once threatened that if I ever gained as much weight as the patient she saw today, she’d lock me up in a basement in a straight jacket. Maybe it’s a thought you could consider?

    You can just use a whip to make him run up and down the stairs. Probably won’t affect your marriage or something.

    Anyway, silliness aside, it’s great that he’s started. And yes, just keep reminding him that it’s only a few fast days and that he can then look forward to improved values!!

    Loving your stories Lindyw and congratulations getting to where you are now. I have been through the weight Watchers/Slimming World/Scottish Slimmers route and all the others besides with weight that has yo-yo’d over many years. After retiring and eating far too much of the wrong things and doing little or no exercise my weight just crept up and up. I had osteoarthritis,high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Impaired Glucose Tolerance (some people call it pre-diabetes) so something had to be done. WW/SW etc are just too darn expensive so I started using My Fitness Pal and recording all my food – scared the wotsit out of me when I put what I’d been eating in and saw the total calories. No wonder I was fat – and 60lbs overweight!!!

    I reduced my calorie intake and since February this year I lost 35lbs. My cholesterol and BP are now normal, I no longer need my OA painkillers and my blood sugars are at normal levels.

    I hit a plateau which was frustrating to say the least but I was determined to persevere. I was also using the Power Plate at the gym which helped my OA and progressed to the treadmill when I felt I could. I’m now pain free and walking 3-4 miles every day.

    Then I found 5:2! I’m on my 4th week and have so far lost another 5lbs. I am still counting calories on my ‘normal’ days and will continue to do this until I reach my target weight but I know this is a sustainable way of eating so I can do it indefinitely. I’ll either go to 6:1 when I reach target or I’ll just up my normal day calories to maintain.

    I also found this forum and, after experiencing some of the downright nastiness on other forums, was a bit dubious. But wow! What a difference…it’s so helpful and friendly here….I’ve pulled up my chair and will just stay around 😀

    Nika – My husband was 11st 10lbs and is 6 foot tall so not overweight at all, he has lost 3lbs in the last few weeks though. It was his blood sugar that was causing me concern so dropping the sugar he took in at least 8 cups of tea per day, no cakes or chocolate and the fast days I hope we have nipped that in the bud. I also think he secretly looks forward to fast days now.

    Wow thats quite a story Sylvestra. I find it quite inspiring reading fellow fasters fabulous experiences. I am hoping to lose 6lbs before Christmas. It was my aim to lose 2 stone between May and December 🙂
    Because I know I tend to hibernate during the winter, I am joining a gym in January and providing I have met my goal will also drop to 6:1
    My only regret is not having my bloods done when I started so I have a guideline, apart from the scales and new wardrobe.
    I really enjoy my new life style 🙂

    yippeee! A 2lb loss this week.
    Can I manage 4 more in the next 3 weeks? Might have to go 4:3 🙁
    Hope everyone else is reaching their Christmas targets 🙂

    Good luck Lindy on your Christmas goal.

    Having read your posts it motivated me to join in on the blog in the hope that I can stick at this. I promised myself that when I was 40 I would be in the best shape that I could, but unfortunately life went a little wayward and that didn’t happen. So now I have a new determination and goal to hit 50 having succeeded in maintaining a stable weight and stop nagging myself that I should weigh less and show some self control!

    I started on Monday this week and feel very focused, the main thing that I think I will have to battle with is alcohol. It is really difficult to break this habit and, for a woman, I drink more than the recommended amount. Not only is this not good for me healthwise but it also seems to knock me all over the place for craving chocolate, sweets and carbs, then the eat healthy and keep my weight down life goals go out the window! I want to make 5:2 part of my life due to the many health benefits, so I’m going to have to be seriously good with the vino if this is going to work.

    I’m on Day 3 of my fast plan. I decided that I was going to fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but then was so excited that I fasted on Monday also! Today, Wednesday is a normal day but I’m finding that I don’t want to fill myself full of naughty stuff which is good. I haven’t had any of the problems sleeping that I’ve read about and feel great.

    I plan to weigh myself everyday in the early stages but would welcome your view on whether this is a good thing to do as I’m sure on days I eat normally I will weigh more than fast days. Any views welcome.

    Hi Scoobydoo
    I found the fast days got easier each week, and only had two (moveable) fast days each week. I think I have only once done 4:3 and that didn’t seem to arduous so may do it again next week.
    I feel as if a switch has been activated in my head (at long last) which has stopped me over eating and has also changed my food tastes. I have never had a sweet tooth so a box of chocs or slice of cake was never that tempting, but cheese, crisps and crusty white bread…………..well it was never around for long.
    Now I can eat good food sensibly – in ‘normal’ portions and positively enjoy going to bed not feeling stuffed!

    Wine. As you have noticed wine lowers the inhibitions. I am and always have been, pretty lightweight (and a cheap date) when it comes to alcohol. Two pub measures of wine and I am dancing on the table 🙂 So some years ago, probably when our drink driving laws came into being and my husband made me the designated driver, I started adding soda water to a small glass of wine and had it in a large glass. This was a drink I could make last for quite a while over dinner then go on to something non alcoholic.

    I decided to weigh myself weekly (on Sundays) when I first started IF, but in the last week or so have been finding it hard not to weigh daily as I really want to reach my target. If I don’t it wont be such a big deal as I took years to put it on – losing it all in one year would be fine with me. Plus I am going to continue 6:1 for the rest of my life for the other benefits.

    Good luck Scooby

    Thanks Lindy for the advice.

    Sounds like you really have got a grip of it. It’s as much about having a clear mental goal of you and then having mental strength to carry it through.

    Have now committed myself to weigh myself once a week, also on a Sunday. I will probably have to lock the scales away during the week!

    Fasting today and feeling so, so positive. 😀 Husband has joined in the 5:2 also so that’s a big plus. He doesn’t need to lose any weight but is really motivated by all the other benefits that IF brings. Always good to have a supporter on-board.

    Good luck to you and your husband, hope IF helps his next blood test. Fingers crossed.

    Yippee I have made my Christmas goal with a week to spare 😀
    Due to social commitments we will have our fast days on Tuesday and Friday this week, then Monday and maybe Friday next week.

    Chocolate ban is still on for Christmas for everyone 😛 can’t see that happening but I have tried. Unfortunately Aldi are selling Stollen bites again – these are little squares of the most delicious Stollen (a German cake filled with marzipan)just enough for two bites if you can stop at one square.

    One other thing I have noticed is that I am feeling the cold more. I did have a slight problem with breast cancer a few years ago and needed to take Tamoxifen which has similar side effects to the menopause, except my ‘tropical moments’ lasted 24 hours a day which was great for the hubby who had started Beta Blockers and felt cold most of the time. That was good for me as I could snuggle up to his cold legs in bed – anyway enough of that! I have been off Tamoxifen for 2 years now and find myself slamming the heating up in the middle of the day and we really haven’t had frosty winter weather yet!
    Might have to get some thermal underwear!

    In case I don’t get to post again soon I would like to wish all my fellow fasters who have inspired and entertained me over the past few months a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.

    and I hope we see less of each other in the future – if you know what I mean 😀

    Lindy – I am with you on the cold front!! I am wearing 2 teeshirts and a jersey and thick tights or leggings under my jeans – and that’s indoors. When I go out walking, I’m dressed for the south pole not for Scotland!! Extra socks, boots, scarf, woolly hat, fleecy gloves, and a fleece lined, wind and waterproof jacket…heaven knows what I’ll do if it gets REALLY cold.

    I didn’t have to wear all that last year so obviously all those layers of blubber kept me warm but I’d rather wear the extra clothes than put the fat back on. 😀

    Me too!
    I haven’t yet got the tights and wooly hat on but have laughed at the thought of you in all your clothes -can you bend your legs?
    I think I am in some sort of denial about my weight loss. I know I have lost lbs and inches but I am sure I will wake up soon and be back to my heaviest weight.
    Anyway I went to my godson’s nativity on Tuesday wearing a size 16 anorak and size 16 (black) trousers. I kept stepping on the hem of the trousers and pulling them up surreptitiously, and the sleeves of my jacket came right over my hands and felt very loose. The result is – I have bought a size 14 coat and it fits like a dream! I can’t wait to wear it out with a pair of black leather boots I have had for years but also fit my calf so much better (well my feet wont go blue anymore)

    Ha Lindy ….not only can I bend my legs, I can walk!!

    Isn’t it great when clothes get too big you? For so long it was me that got too big for the clothes!!

    I put a pair of jeans (size 14) on today and found that it’s yet another pair that I can take on and off without undoing them. Jeans look really awful when they’re too big.

    The local charity shop loves me. I don’t want to spend a lot of money on new clothes yet so I take a load into the shop and buy some smaller ones when I’m there.

    Have a wonderful Yuletide xx

    Jeans are the worst when they are too big, baggy bums do no one any favours!

    After a fast day on Monday 23rd Christmas really was ‘feast days’ from the crack of dawn till dusk – well the crack of coffee time till after midnight.
    Mince pies, Pringles, nuts, Christmas Pud, trifle, NY cheese cake, cream, any amount of cheeses and a fair amount of the bubbly stuff slipped passed my lips with relish!
    We did manage to run a chocolate free house as a nod to healthy eating though 🙂 Only one son bought two boxes of truffles and only about 4 of them disappeared so I don’t think any of us really missed the usual pile of tins of chocolate, bags of Bitesize, Turkish delight and bars of Green and Blacks (with chilli)- oh wait – I love that chocolate so it may be my next treat!
    I fasted again on Saturday and felt relieved to do so to be honest.
    Anyway as Sunday is my usual weigh in day I am pleased to report I haven’t gained weight *faints.
    I and my husband will have our usual Monday fast tomorrow then I will again on Friday and hopefully next Sunday will register the same weight or maybe a 1lb loss if I am lucky.
    My New Year resolution is to continue this very satisfying way of life, join the local gym and buy the Fast Exercise book. I am sceptical about the book and feel I cannot do HIT – but how many of us said that about IF? 😀

    Happy and Healthy New Year to all my Fast Friends x

    Yuck! for some reason yesterday I ODed on just about everything 🙁
    Usual breakfast then lunch at a very nice restaurant where I ordered pate (homemade and to die for) then Ricotta and Spinach cannelloni with fresh veg (which weren’t cooked well) then I shared a slice of cheesecake with my 5 yo godson. Later I picked at things in the fridge and then had a finger buffet with my family just before midnight.
    I felt stodgy lethargic and terribly full when we hit the sack and not much better this morning.
    I had forgotten this part of the festive season is more dangerous than the earlier part as now there are leftovers etc which HAVE to be eaten before they go off 😛
    So today has turned into a ‘cut right back’ day.

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