May 2017 31-Day Challenge (1st Anniversary!)

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May 2017 31-Day Challenge (1st Anniversary!)

This topic contains 2,268 replies, has 131 voices, and was last updated by  Moammad 3 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 2,272 total)

  • Day 6  yet another blue sky sunny Belfast NFD
    I have given myself a good talking to and adopted a new strategy for my many travels. No more excuses. I have to take control. 1 always follow a 16:8 routine and have decided to fast when I’m away to keep the routine.  However I will eat 800 cals instead of my usual 500.  So,  we were out yesterday and OH wanted to buy some lunch. I didn’t want to say ‘I’m fasting’ so I picked the vegetable soup and didn’t eat the wheaten bread. Yesterday evening I ate mindfully and had a slimline tonic with lemon – no gin or wine!  Hopefully I won’t need to reset as dramatically every Monday!
    @allie123  Exams are always a stressful time but you seem to have a good strategy. Good luck.
    @happymargo am writing this in a wood in a caravan on the shores of Strangford Lough. Woke this morning at 6 am to the rustling of trees and the dawn chorus. Blue skies, lots of walks. I love it! We tow our caravan with our family car. Is your what we would call a ‘motor home’ or camper van? New feet, new season – have a ball!
    @ciren2 take care and return when you’re ready.xo
    @pashaw so sorry to hear about your hubby. He’s really been through the mill. It must be so hard to keep your own spirits up but your positivity has been amazing!  Thoughts and prayers for his speedy recovery and for you to stay strong are winging their way across the ether. Take care. Xo
    Back2thefuture – once when I went to Weight Watchers our leader brought in about 20 lbs of lard wrapped in cling film to show us what we were carrying around.
    It was a grounding moment.

    Yesterday was a special day. My youngest son has just bought his first house with his lovely girlfriend after many months of being outbid. Property prices in Dublin are soaring, so I’m really glad he finally got there. It brought a lump to my throat to think that my baby has finally grown up!
    Sorry for rambling. Have a good day everyone.

    Day 6, London, UK, NFD.

    Yesterdays’ NFD well below TDEE, just too busy to eat! Hoping for the same today, so I’m aiming to catch up on posts, get the shopping done and dusted, visit parents for a couple of hours………..then home to release the dragon!!!!

    @pashaw, so good to hear your OHs’ news is positive regarding the tumour, I’ll continue to keep you guys in mind. I hope the op goes well, I’m sure it’s hard for him to contemplate repeating procedures and all they entail.
    Don’t put yourself under too much pressure to fast, perhaps just having controlled , mindful 16:8 days would suit you best at the moment. Good luck and keep the faith, we’re here for when you need to vent or just for a boost!!!

    Good luck everybody……..enjoy your FD OR NFD…….IT IS the weekend after-all!!!

    Day 6, Germany, NFD

    @okeydokey hope you’re fine, how did your FD end yesterday?

    @at my TDEE is just 1302 calories, seems to be enough though, never go over it. I don’t like alcohol so I spend my calories on more nuts

    @lilymartin I really had to laugh when I read your post

    @and… exhale have fun this weekend

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend!

    Day 6 Maine NFD, but very controlled

    Successful b2b fasts thurs/fri – down 3 lbs! Will be very cautious today. We always have a little party for the Kentucky Derby, but this year decided just hubby & me. Decided on air-popped popcorn & then dinner of spaghetti squash & chicken sausage. Skipping the mint juleps this year.

    @cleo120 – I constantly battle the all or nothing mentality. It’s one of my biggest obstacles to losing weight. This WOE has helped me the most – I tell myself “I can eat it tomorrow”. But, on the tomorrow’s, I can easily slip into the “just finish it” mode. It’s so challenging! I do set a time when the kitchen is closed – that helps a lot. I feel that even if I over ate, I have a chance to burn some of it off w/a long overnite fast. I think that will be my “cross to bear”, but staying mindful helps slay that dragon. Sometimes, I can stop and ask myself “why am I giving this food control over my mind?” Other times I just keep wolfing it down!! Good luck – you are not alone!

    @pashaw – you’re such an inspiration! I so admire your fortitude in fasting with all you & your husband are handling health wise. Truly an example of “controlling what you can”. All of our positive energy combined is sent your way.

    @fatrabbit – you have turned into a melting machine! Congratulations on your mindfulness!

    Make it a wonderful day everybody! I’m going to “fake it ’til I make it” today as I check in another hundred rooms in the foggiest, soggiest weekend ever! They’ll just have to take my word for it that there is an ocean out there! Susie sunshine reporting for duty!

    Day 6 Notts UK BSD

    Where has the sun gone?!!! So cold and windy this morning feels like November. Not raining but according to the forecast will be by the end of next week – great just in time for our holiday, grrrrrrr. Yes not in the most positive mood today, really need to get working to take my mind off it, I could easily eat my way through the fridge and freezer!

    Onward & downward (hopefully). Good weekend for everyone out there.

    Day 6 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Definitely went over TDEE yesterday, but still holding on with 160# this morning. I did get to the gym, and so that likely burned up calories. But I also led singing for a Church Women United May gathering, and had a lovely piece of creamy lemon dessert afterwards. Honestly, it was a very nice treat. Today, I have a PEO luncheon, so I am skipping breakfast and doing a 16:8 to accommodate that.

    @lindasue – how fun to go to a 75-year-old diner! More fun to shop and find cute sandals. Yeah for you!

    @scs – enjoy the Derby sans mint juleps. We got there a few years back and saved the souvenir glasses. It’s a huge crowded mass of people with insufficient women’s restrooms! (Their mint juleps weren’t all that great IMHO.) But my OH went all through high school at Ft. Knox (his dad was career Army) so it was very special for him to get back there.

    @pashaw – hugs and prayers for you and your hubby’s health. Yes, you are a terrific inspiration of ability to control what we can.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 6 Chicago, Illinois USA – NFD

    Weekly weigh in 140.75 pounds

    Day 6 – USA – FD

    @lilymartin, sending radar love! @back2thefuture, great idea about the books! @fatrabbit, you’d better start thinking of another name for yourself: skinnybun? @pashaw, you are an inspiration of courage amidst trials! @shera10000, great job with your weight loss!

    Day 5 Florida USA NFD Definitely a challenge to stay under TDEE today with a lunch and a dinner date with friends. I think I did!
    Day 6 Florida USA NFD Only a dinner date today so I’m starting the day with an egg white and toast. Gonna manage this day well right out of the gate! Wishing you all a lovely day whether fasting or not. 💪

    Day 6 – UK – NFD

    Good day, even went to the gym today on a Saturday! Going to do a Fast day tomorrow as my husband is away for work, so it is easier. Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend wherever you are 🤗

    Hi everyone!

    Day 6, Houston USA, NFD

    Exam yesterday went well, I am so glad that it’s over! Went to bed quite early last night as I had been up late studying these past five days!

    @basyjames: I did B3B FD this week and no headache on 2nd and 3rd FD, in fact I felt much more focused – I think as long as I stay hydrated the headache will subside…
    @okeydokey: B3B seems work for me, I feel that it helps to “reset” my appetite, yesterday was NFD and even after exam I did not feel that hungry. I think I will do it Tue-Wed-Thu each week.
    @annemarilyn: I am not a Brit but my partner is 😜 I also lived in Sydney then Brisbane (work assignment) for 4 years as well, hence the spelling and the love of some specific food (crisp bread, weet bix, vegemite)…
    I sometimes still use the terms “biscuits” for “cookies”, “crisps” for “chips” and “lollies” for “candies” 😂 Really miss Oz as Houston can be rather ‘flat’ at times…

    Recap of Day 5 (2nd NFD of the week):

    – Omelette (2 eggs)
    – Plain Yoghurt (1/2 of 75-gr cup)
    – Black Coffee (1 cup)

    – Stir fry beef (150 gr uncooked) with bell peppers (1)
    – Brown rice (1 cup cooked)
    – Iced Tea with lemon juice from 1 lemon

    – Granola Bar (1)

    – Plain Yoghurt (1/2 cup of 75-gr cup) with cubes of fresh mango (1)

    Throughout the day:
    – Water (3 litres)

    I did some grocery shopping yesterday afternoon and decided NOT to replenish my typical salty snacks (crisps, pretzels, crackers) – I found that not having them in the house these past few days was the best prevention method so I’ll try to go for one more week without them.

    I am traveling to Austin shortly and will stay there till tomorrow.

    Have a good weekend everyone!


    Good morning from Georgia!

    Had a bit of a struggle with FD #2 and slid into a NFD so here’s the update:

    D3/ GA, US / NFD – Did well staying within my 1800 calories. Exercise – on target.

    D4/ GA, US / NFD (this is where I faltered and considered quitting the 5:2. I had this day scheduled as an FD but in keeping with my inability to stick with anything, I decided to quit. Lucky for me that I didn’t do as I normally do and just pig-out. I stuck with the 1800 calories and exercise routine. So not a total loss.

    D5/ GA, US / NDF – I stuck with my 1800 calories until around 8:30 last night when the Hubs decided he was hungry. I was hungry too and weak-minded so I indulged in a full breakfast! Yikes!!

    Anyway, today is Saturday and will be D6 for me. The good news is, I weighed this morning and I’m down to 195 – 4 pounds even with skipping one fast day and eating too much yesterday. So, I’m back on track and plan to have my 2 fast days next week. Whew, that was a close one.

    Day 6 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Hooray for the sunshine today after a couple of soppy days!

    Yesterday I ended the day with a wonderful banquet at a life-affirming event. It was nice to wear a dress that hadn’t fit last summer. I was also totally energized by the speaker, son of a holocaust survivor. He encouraged us to be life affirmers and help stop the present day holocaust of the vulnerable unborn. I hadn’t realized that more babies have been killed than people in the holocaust.

    @scs – I too tend to be an all or nothing type of person. Maybe that’s why FDs are easier & I have to work on NFDs more consciously. May someone be sunshine to you as well in the foggy, soggy time.

    @Moganaman – good for you for managing what you eat amidst the dinner dates. The flexibility of this WOL is wonderful.

    @allie123 – that makes sense. I’m a Canadian living in the US so sometimes I switch back & forth on terms & spellings.

    Day 6
    Nice sunny afternoon.
    Sorry for not posting since Wednesday.
    Woke several time during Wed night/ Thurs morning dreading the FD the next day.
    So when I woke on Thursday, I thought I cannot do this today but will look at it tomorrow.
    However, did not go mad & only had a small brkft of cereal & fruit, prior to doing some heavy gardening & walking the dogs, a light lunch of salad & protein.
    By mid pm felt really unwell & this carried on until Friday. Nothing specific just light headed, slighly nauseas in fact just like I did the last time I did this diet & at about the same way in – 6 weeks. But that time at least I had lost 7Ilb!
    So have decided to give it a rest for the time being & therefore I am bowing out of this months challenge.
    Good luck all.

    Day 6 UK NFD
    130.8 and 1inch reduced around the middle.

    Day 6 US NFD
    Day 5 FD800

    Yesterday, I was able to keep my calories below 800. I’m being so careful to stay away from sugar. Interesting article about the differences in bacterial vs Viral infections and fasting.

    So far I haven’t eaten today. Haven’t really felt like it. It’ll end up being a NFD though.
    @schatziii and @snowflake56 Thank-you for your good wishes. I was able to keep the calories down to 800 no sugar😊
    @rachel Good luck on your b2b✨😊
    @lilymartin Hugs and good for your for working all that out!✨😊
    @pashaw hugs and prayers 🙏 for you and your DH’s health. You are an inspiration.✨
    @annnursekirk I would miss you. If you stayed it would continue to be beneficial, even if the weight loss isn’t as fast as it was the last time you did the 5:2. Is there a chance you could do just NFD’s for a while? Then move to BSD800. If it is a break away you need. Please keep an eye out for us and check in sometime in the future when you are ready.
    @maisie1 😊✨Good for you! 130.8 and 1 inch lost around the middle!

    ✨Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.✨- Henry Ford

    ✨😊Together we are Stronger.✨✨✨🤜🏻✨🤛🏻✨✨

    Day 6 – NFD

    Last night was a little indulgent – alcohol & nibbles, always a weakness! Hoping I haven’t undone all the effort put in – guess I find out on Monday morning 😊

    Day 6- Montreal-NFD

    My first b2bFD paid off and the scales show 77.7 today. It wasn’t as bad as I thought although I was pretty irritable at work last night, my fuse was very short and my usual patience at a low but I didn’t feel hungry so maybe other factors influenced that… (not much sleep, demanding clients etc etc).
    Tonight we are going to a party and tomorrow we have a formal lunch (hope it’s a buffet- easier to make good choices). I will try to be restrained 😜

    Day 6 | Alaska | FD

    Today is not suppose to be a fast day but I lost control yesterday at a cinco de mayo potluck. I can’t be trusted with chips and queso. I started off pretty controlled but then kept being called back to that blasted pot of cheese all afternoon. So basically grazed on chips and cheese from Noon-4pm. For shame.

    I might have been able to avoid a fast day today if I could have just not eaten anything for the rest of the day but we had dinner plans at a friends house that we’ve had planned for the past few weeks and she put a lot of effort in a nice meal, I couldn’t not eat or even eaten sparingly. She made beautiful steaks and a bounty of vegetables. If I wouldn’t have totally lost control earlier, the dinner meal would have been perfect.

    So today Im 3 pounds up and disappointed in myself and sad to have to fast today. I usually spread my calories throughout the day but today I’m going to try to water/tea fast until dinner and eat a 6oz lean burger and an apple.

    Today I just have to keep busy and forgive myself of my sins. While I’m fasting I think “wow, this really sucks” but once I’m done, I’m like “That wasn’t so bad, this is doable” but I find I’m kind of wishing my life away on fast days.

    Good luck to everyone in either their fast or on being controlled.

    2nd post – Alaska | FD

    @cleo120 & @scs: This all or nothing mentality is exactly my problem too. I do so well, then as someone perfection described earlier on this thread – once I open the floodgates, it’s like an avalanche of eating. I binge without the purge. It’s ridiculous and yet I can’t seem to stop even though I’m aware of what I’m doing as I’m doing it.

    Makes me very angry and ashamed with myself. So sad.

    Day 6 – UK – NFD

    Had really bad night sleep last night, feeling headachy and nauseous today. Nausea improves slightly whilst I’m actually eating, so trying to keep it healthy. Hoping a better sleep tonight will sort it out.

    Day 6 lancaster pa. NFD

    Day 6 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    I managed to complete my low calorie liquid only FD yesterday breaking my fast this morning with brunch – avocado, poached eggs, sprinkling of feta cheese and a slice of sourdough toast with earl grey tea – was very yummy! I might have just gone over my TDEE for today but not by much so a good day after all……
    Weight this morning 54.8kg 😇 despite my terrible evening of over indulgence on Thursday

    @pashaw – You have such a positive attitude despite going through such an emotional roller coaster with your OH. Great news that the brain tumour of your OH is under control – I suspect this WOL gives you a certain amount of control and eases the issues that you have no control over – We are your cyber family and are always here for a hug when you need one and to help you stay strong to ensure you look after yourself 💐 just for you x
    @pissupoosa – sounds like you need a hug too – hopefully you have time to regroup over the weekend and have some down time to relax 🤗
    @rhubarb – Welcome to this WOL – The following link by @simcoeluv might prove helpful and answer a lot of your questions:–
    @lilymartin – no apologies required or needed – this forum is here to allow you to express your thoughts freely and vent any frustrations that you may have and thus allowing you to move forward x
    @back2thefuture – loved your analogy as to how this group works – so true
    @fatrabbit – 💃happy dance time for you
    @mia139 @rjw @scs @a.E. @maisie1 and @-Rachel- – great job with the weight loss 💃
    @goldensun – big breath in……try to prioritise…….housework can wait – no harm will come……your weekends away sounds like they need to be enjoyed and it should allow you to relax a bit from what sounds like a hectic work schedule. HUGS
    @debster251 – sounds like you have a plan – FD can be incorporated into holiday time – just need a bit of planning – I see this WOL as what I do whether I’m on holidays or at home – it’s just what I do and that’s it – my friends and family know this and are all kind enough not to make an issue of it. Enjoy your break in your caravan on the shores of Strangford Lough.
    @snowflake56 – you inspire me – if you can do it so can I – Thank You 🌹
    @tillysmum – same here, much cooler with a cool breeze but we did get some sunshine! 🌤
    @annemarilyn – 💃for fitting into a dress that hadn’t fit last summer
    @annnursekirk – please don’t leave the group so early into your journey in this WOL – make sure you drink plenty of water during the day – try having 2 meals out of your 500cal during your FD (if you are a breakfast person then breakfast and evening meal – have lots of vegetables as they have a low calorie count and protein – better for you than processed carbs) On your NFD eat sensibly – healthy foods and reward yourself with something other than food e.g. a pedicure, time out to read that book you wanted to start… We are here for you and the support of checking in daily cannot be overestimated x

    For those who are struggling atm please don’t give up – your health is so much more important than this “blip” you are experiencing – we know this WOL works if you give it a chance – remember IT’S NOT A RACE BUT A JOURNEY AND ALL OUR JOURNEYS ARE DIFFERENT AND AT A DIFFERENT PACE BUT WE WILL ALL GET THERE

    “LIFE is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to DANCE in the RAIN”

    Day 6 Croatia NFD
    Weight: 78 Kg

    Day 6 – Scotland- NFD

    We had a day out in St Andrews with a friend, sunny but a bit cold. Manage to eat a massive portion of a beef buirguignon with pastry lid (looks like a meat pie) served with roasted veg and chips. It was delicious but probably close to my TDDE. No pudding for me, and tonight only a salad with boiled eggs. I wasn’t hungry at all, but wanted to have our family meal together.

    Day 6 NFD St. Louis USA
    Weight 142 lbs
    Sun shining for second day in a row. Yay! Still dealing with congestion and coughing that isn’t allowing me too sleep well. Feeling a bit better today as I was able to sleep several hours this morning in a seated position. Even did a bit of yoga without having a coughing fit. While this is not an official fast day, it may turn into one but probably will allow myself up to 800. Planning to start back on my schedule on Monday with back to back Monday and Tuesday at 500/800 cal. Was a bit disappointed when I popped on the scale and was up 2 lbs from when I started the March fast. Was surprising as because of my feeling poorly I haven’t been able to eat much. Haven’t had my coffee in 3 days. Definitely staying with in and under TDEE but suspecting my body might be managing differently due to sickness. So not too disappointed as I’m still down 6 pounds from when I started with the March fast.

    I’ve been reading post but haven’t commented too much due to low energy. I do appreciate reading them and think of each of you as some are going through tough times. Have a few comments here.

    @Pippah. Feel better soon. When you’ve been sick and feeling poorly for several days, it seems as if you’ll never feel well again. But we know it will come just tosurely as the return of sunshine. Take it for someone who’s been living with almost 2 weeks of constant rain.

    @annursekirk I hope you stay or decide to come back when you are ready. Even if you’re not doing the fasting, it’s nice to stay connected and this is such a lovely, friendly and supportive group. I’m new here but immediately felt welcomed and was touched to see how many have reached out to you. I believe we all have a purpose and something to give. If this is truly a way of life, then it is more than losing weight or even staying physically healthy. It seems to me it is more about connection and learning to accept ourselves and each other beyond appearances.

    @pashaw Holding you and your husband in my thoughts and sending good juju vibes.

    @pissapoosa Thank you for your efforts here. I smile every time I see your name. I’m a crazy cat lady too.

    @at Your posts are so motivating. I love that you have the time and make the effort to comment on so many

    @fatrabbit You are another one who makes reading this post entertaining and enabling the creation of numerous humorous mental images. Well done and keep up the good work.

    Day 6, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD

    Hello all, I see that my earlier post today didn’t post and I can’t even remember what I said – I know I thanked a couple of posters for their kind comments and encouraging words so let me do so again. I don’t have their names with me right now, but thank you…..While I cannot keep everybody straight as I is such a ‘happening’ place, I do want to send my best to each of you facing struggles, sadness, joys, accomplishments, disappointments, all those things that make up our daily journeys through life. You stories are heard and know that you are not alone.

    Today’s weight 142.4, below goal weight of 145.

    Did a lot of yard work and housework today, it was perfect weather.

    Had a smoothie for breakfast (blueberries, strawberries, bananas, walnuts, and vanilla almond milk) lots of crushed ice so it was a big ole drink! Ate again about three, some leftover pizza that I wasn’t hungry for last night, a handful of white corn torilla chips and a couple Hershey’s kisses. Will have salad and spaghetti with salsa (prefer that to spaghetti sauce) for dinner. Usually have garlic bread with that combo but may not if I am not too hungry.

    Headed to the exercise room for a vigorous workout with my big ole jug of water.

    To your health, all.

    Day6, Germany, NFD

    A day of total over eating…400 calories over my TDEE

    Day 6 MN USA. NFD

    Day 6 OH US. NFD. plan is to stay at or below 1000 calories. Weighed in this morning, b2b fast paid off, I’m still at my goal weight of 153 pounds yay! And this is after a week of over upindulging on nurses week treats. Love this WOL.

    D6 / GA, US / NFD

    Wrapping up this NFD. Stayed well within my calorie limit of 1800. Walked 5 miles.

    Day 5 – Toronto – NFD
    Day 6 – Toronto – NFD

    As stated in my last post, I was at a conference for work on Thursday and Friday. Needless to say I did an OK job being mindful of my food/alcohol intake on the Thursday but not on Friday 🙁 Lots of red wine and blips of memory of eating all KINDS of food to sober up before bed (sausage, brie, doritos… eeps). Curiously, I have not been hungry all day today and am finishing up this NFD at 900 calories-ish or so. When I say “curiously” I mean that this would not have been the norm in my pre-5:2 life and is a new development post-5:2. Our bodies are amazing!

    Day 6, Pacific NW USA, 164.4 lbs. today, 2 lbs down, after a successful 36 hour liquid FD yesterday which ended this morning with breakfast of eggs, bacon, turkey and avocado scramble and Breve coffee. Followed that with a 6 mile hike then a happy hour sangrita drink then salad and wood fire grilled beef patty for dinner. Will have blueberries if I want anything more through the evening.

    @Imrenfrey – so happy to hear you have a too-loose dress 👗

    @helenalee – I know I would have a hard time carrying around a pack filled with all the lbs that I lost and that’s why I’m back on this forum to help me keep from putting them back on!

    @goldensun – there are 1440 minutes in a day so taking 5 of those minutes to sit, relax and breathe is OK!

    @debster251 – it is humbling to visualize our fat reserves. I can easily imagine what a pound of butter looks like and then multiply that, “ew”, as Jimmy Fallon says.

    @a.E. – good on you for pulling through!

    @okeydokey – very interesting research review, thanks!

    @lola907 – please don’t feel shame, floodgates have a way of totally washing us over the brink. I don’t have an answer because I am a total faster or total floodgates-are-open-eater but at least fasting has many side benefits and one of them is as a counter balance to over indulging. The best we can do is to try to learn about why we do what we do and move on and as @at quoted, learn to dance in the rain!

    (PS – sorry A.E. and AT, I don’t know why this didn’t submit caps where I can see them when I typed??)

    Day 7 Oman FD
    Hungry this morning. Today will be tough!

    DAY 7 – UK – NFD

    Start of week in Cornwall – weather outlook sunshine and no rain!!!! Hope to spend most of the week walking. Will be a struggle not to gain any weight, but am determined!!! We’ll see as have already put on 1lb. this month (HOW!!!!)….
    I am really going to have to rethink my diet….sorry ….WOL.
    It seems I fast and lose a lb. eat to my tdee on nfd’s and put on 1 lb……not sure yet how I’m going to shift this stubborn 7lbs. But am not going to give in. xx

    Day 7 Notts UK NFD

    Think I will give myself a break today and try a NFD, yesterday ended up being a total uncontrolled disaster and it looks like today will be another cold grey day. Tomorrow is weigh in day so hopefully not done too much damage.

    Keep attacking everyone.

    Day 7 NFD country West Australia 71.6 kgs
    And …. yesterday’s FD was a well controlled 470 calories!!! Finally!!!!
    Though I did have to drink 2 mugs of vegetable water ( I just strain the water off the vegetables I cook) as my DH hoed into the chicken casserole and veggies I’d cooked for him, followed by dessert and then chocolate.

    To all those struggling with this WOL I do suggest you try to stick with it, even if it is just to check in and see how others’ journeys are going.
    I’ve been doing it since November 2016 and I NEVER stick to anything. When they handed out stickability I must have been behind the door , as they say, because I usually lose interest or lose heart in things very quickly.
    I have found with this WOL that even when things seem pretty pear-shaped and TDEE’s out of control and FD’s ( what is a FD again???!!) have gone to food , and lots of it, it is so worth sticking with the 5:2 lifestyle.
    I usually get monstered by ferocious migraines when I do liquid only fasts so have adjusted to staying under 500 calories ( 800 calories if feeling it a bit). Gradually the migraines have improved and yesterday – fasted under 500 calories and … NO headache.
    There are so many benefits with this lifestyle – many links provided by others on this forum.
    The friendship and sharing are also something I really cherish. So much support, not just for the 5:2 but other issues people are facing or celebrating.
    @songbirdme, I too am in a choir, though been pretty AWOL this year. First practice tomorrow and really looking forward to it. I do love to sing.
    @pashaw – kudos for such optimism and positivity in the face of such challenges,; hugs and prayers
    @metatauta, thanks for the radar love. I managed to account for every single calorie yesterday and not a single one got under the radar. Having to work a bit harder today . The passionfruit cheesecake at lunch kept up it’s siren song until I had a bite ( alright 3 bites!) to silence it.
    @annnursekirk – will be very sorry to see you go. As others have already said, maybe you can just read the posts occasionally and know that we are all here for you. I have felt pretty ordinary several times when fasting but stuck with it and am feeling the benefits.
    @at and all others who posted supportive posts. Many thanks and much appreciated. I really do think that for me it is the daily posting and accountability that keeps me on track.
    You are a wonderful group of people and ‘ I love youse all’ !!
    Go well😍

    Day 7 UK FD

    Had yet another cheese incident yesterday. Saturday’s are difficult! Fasting again today to compensate and so I don’t have to fast tomorrow on my day off. 188.2 lbs. No internet most of yesterday so posting quickly while I have it.

    Day 7
    West Midlands UK

    Day 7 – NFD

    I can’t believe the first week is nearly over…..
    I was good yesterday, in days gone by I would have had blown the entire weekend after having an indulgent Friday night but this time I haven’t! Being part of this challenge & logging in has helped to keep me on track 😊

    Day 7, UK, NFD
    Nice day yesterday, but more carbs than usual, though still under TDEE. Feel I need to get back in control of that and more fruit and veg as feeling a bit bloated after 2 higher carb days.
    Spent some time with my mam working out how to take in some of my too big clothes which definitely made me feel good.
    Love reading everyone’s stories and all the advice on making this ‘diet’ a WOL.

    Day 7, UK, FD

    After 3x FD and 3x NFD, May has so far delivered 3.1lb / 1.4kg.

    Overall I have gone from 16st 10.6lb / 234.6lb / 106.5kg (Mar 20) to 15st 1.2lb / 211.2lb / 95.9kg (May 7)

    Day 6 UK NFD 🌈
    Day 7 UK NFD 🌈

    Thanks for the comments about my awful day 4 @at and @flourbaby

    I’m just catching up on all posts as I have been away, like to read them all as they help my journey. Xx

    Have a good day all.

    @ciren2 , don’t give up, I read lots of people give u advice so here’s my two pennies worth, try an hour Fast on day one, if easy go another hour etc, then two, then three, see how far u can get on day one, then day two try and beat that, you build momentum and success can breed success. Give yourself a pat on the back for the little successes. Xxx

    Day 7 Belfast NFD
    Thank you for your support AT. I know that with my lifestyle I have to find a solution. It’s as obvious as the nose on my face but I was a little slow on the uptake! Planning is the key for sure. When we were travelling last year I maintained on 16:8 easily, but I still need to lose about 14lb. So I’ve bitten the bullet, as they say! Will weigh tomorrow to see the fruits of my labours.
    @annnursekirk I echo the others’ calls. Stalk this thread, eat mindfully, eat 16:8, 2 meals a day, or whatever it takes. Don’t beat yourself up but don’t give up altogether. This is not just another diet, this WOL works. There are so many wonderful people who are testament to that. Be kind to yourself. Xo
    @sirisan hope you are well and truly on the mend. Xo
    @lilymartin your comments are so true. This big international family is so kind and caring. It has become the backbone of my journey, and I truly thank you all for your support and advice.
    @jarbia hope you enjoy Cornwall and the sun stays out!
    Going home this morning. My sister arrives for a couple of days’ stay, which I will cherish.
    Stay strong everyone and have a good day.😁

    Day 7 – UK – FD

    Day 7 / UK / NFD (61.8kg)

    Yesterday’s FD was one of the good, olden ones from the beginning when FDs felt so easy–and I knew the moment I got up this morning that the scales would agree: 0.9kg down since Monday. Even if it wasn’t for the amount of doughnuts I had this week (more than I could count), this would be a very respectable result.

    Bring on week 2! I hope you are all well!

    Day 7, London, UK, FD.

    This may well turn into a NFD as I’m ravenous!!!! Had a bingeing NFD yesterday and a very carb-heavy one at that!!! Crazy!!

    I may try to make today an 800cal NFD just to ease myself into things and that way I could afford a small breakfast………… unheard of in the last 6 months but I’m about to eat my arm!!!

    I hope everyone is faring better than I am, I’m not despairing (yet!!) this WOL is all about ‘swings and roundabouts’ after-all!!!!!

    Day 7 – Switzerland – NFD

    Thanks for the shout-out @snowflake56 – the concert was great and the kids sat through it without making a fuss (the thought of which had almost made me more nervous than the singing). It was a sell-out, with people even standing at the back of the church – the silence at the beginning of the Mozart was electric, as I suddenly became aware of all those people listening intently. What a thrill!

    We have our second concert this afternoon at a nearby Abbey. It’s been raining steadily all weekend, so I don’t think it will be as packed, but it will be interesting to hear it in a very different acoustic.

    Looking forward to catching up with the thread tomorrow when I have a bit more time. Have a good Sunday everyone!

    Day 7 Tasmania Aus FD

    Managed to fit another fd in today which was great.

    Day 7 – FIN – NFD
    Day 6 – NFD
    Day 5 – NFD

    Today’s weight: 60.4 kg

    I ended up at about 650 kcal during Thursday’s fast (after working for two hours in the garden in the evening I felt somewhat faint and felt it necessary to eat a protein bar, which put me over the 500 mark). Friday and yesterday were both really positive both socially and mentally (I felt like the memorial service on Friday was very healing and I’m so glad so many gathered to remember the incredible and dear person we lost in such a positive way – just like she would have wanted), but rather indulgent (too much bread, cake and cava on Friday and bread, cake and candy yesterday), so I was expecting the scales to show a gain instead of a loss. I’ll thus take the 100 g loss gladly and look towards a better upcoming week.

    @okeydokey I feel like I have bigger issues with the NFDs than the FDs (seems like that’s the problem for many others here as well), but I just feel a bit guilty towards the FDs that they have to carry the main load of my mindfullness in terms of food during periods of bad eating. It’s probably a bit silly, really.

    @annemarilyn For me it’s not only chocolate (I tend to prefer a mix of different types of sweets), but when I get desperate enough I go through all the cupboards to find something (that I don’t even necessarily like that much) to soothe my sweet tooth. It’s easier when I live on my own ’cause then there’s usually nothing to find (I don’t keep any stashes anywhere), hahah.

    @sirisan You probably know about this already (and I’m also probably not the best example since I fasted when I had a flu last month, but I did listen to my body and already felt better when I decided to continue with the fast): Dr. Mosley doesn’t recommend fasting when one’s feeling unwell. As stated in the FAQ: “Best not to. Fasting will stress your body, that seems to be one of the ways that it helps (stress provokes repair), but you shouldn’t over stress.”

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