March for Me – monthly challenge

This topic contains 307 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  jaifaim 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 306 total)

  • Day 9 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾
    154.6 lbs
    Yes 🙌 I am back in the zone…. But question is – can I stay here??? No luck just effort… focus… resistance… won’t power, whatever 😂😂😂 I felt lighter last night actually in my outfit so thrilled this morning… 😃
    Well done @northgeorgia on no weekend gain so far… poca a poca…
    And @excelsior12309 bravo!!! A loss… enjoy tonight and happy birthday to your DH 🎈🎈
    And @stitchincarol – trending downwards 👇 ✔️

    @brightonbelle ah you are gone for a week 🇮🇹 have a blast! And you are in your happy zone 🎯

    @merryapple wow – how lovely you saw Pink! I like her music and her fiery character and wonder what the challenge might have been… 🤔 we will never know..but I challenge you to take your time and look after yourself and enjoy this time with friends who are looking out for you now… nice that Pink is there to provide some background music too 💕

    Oh no @penz! That’s a shame but I have to say: you are a great host and I don’t think any host should feel the need to respond to every post… that’s too much to expect – it can take quite a bit of time and puts pressure on the person who volunteers … some days you can chat, some days you can’t… and we can all keep the chat going… no fear of that says you!! 😂 the fact that you set the challenge up and get us over the starting line is most important. ⭐️

    Ok I have to rush now…

    Slán! 👋

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    USA. Day 9. FD

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Pocket List

    Day 10 NZ NFD 75.3kg

    This a quick post!
    It’s my Sunday morning bike ride to meet Paisley the Scottie and her Mum. I have to take off Mr Mac’s bike seat. I have never ridden it without him😢 We did over 300km together back and forth to the dog park.
    @jaifaim Thank you for the direction and advice. I’ll be happy to set up my routine. This is the second morning I’ve slept in till 9am (too late…) in part because I had excited young Pink fans in Monkey Hill screaming with joy after the concert until 1am… Pink’s challenge was do you recognise me, I think.
    @excelsior12309 Have a fabulous 🥳 🎈 birthday party. Yum! Lobster! I don’t think I’ve eaten it at a restaurant in a recipe but I have had plenty straight out of the sea!!
    @northgeorgia well done on your plans working. Could you possibly post your great chilli recipe?! It’s cooling off here – perfect weather for it!!
    @cocco Hope your FD went well too!

    Cheers everyone and have a good day!

    Day 10, NFD, Aus

    Wow – some great news in the forum overnight. Well done, @jaifaim!! Defn something to celebrate.

    Another hot one here today; can you please send some cooling weather across the ditch, @merryapple?

    How was the birthday dinner, @excelsior12309?

    We had friends over yesterday afternoon for cocktails and nibbles. A lot of fun but my DH is STILL in bed (it’s after 10)!

    Right, best be off to kick start my day.

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Checking in for accountability. 😱 Not going to mention food. Glorious late summer weather. I’d clocked up + 7000 steps before 9 am, so I’ll have done at least one thing right this weekend 💪

    A longer post & possibly a FD tomorrow.

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Day 10 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Hello and happy Mother’s Day to everyone as you have either had one, are one or act like one 😂 We celebrate today. Although I know it is different around the world… I’m very blessed to have my mum and celebrate that every day and not just the hallmark days. 💕💕💕
    Thinking of you @flourbaby today.

    Hope you are all getting through this weekend ok and those applying extra focus are managing just that. I am… but can see where further tweaks could be made. Always learning.

    Until tomorrow …

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 10 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. Yay! The OMADs seem to stabilize my two regular NFDs’ weight (that, along with a big reduction in sugary drinks and an increase in fiber). No weight gain, other than a few spare ounces, since Friday morning. Hoping for a nice number tomorrow, “Chili Day at Work” haha! I guess Tuesday will be my next day of fasting. Wednesday is my brother’s birthday, and Thursday is the leadership class with breakfast and lunch provided. So, it is a week of interruptions, but in any case, I’ll keep the OMAD workweek concept in mind for the next couple of weeks to see how progress goes.

    Pocket list – day 10

    Day 10-No. VA USA-FD

    The birthday dinner was delightful. I had two drinks, which is more than I have had in a month. But it was fun, food was good, we had a sort of memory recitation of all the things my husband has been noted for in the family, by the assorted members. Lots of fun. Except driving the hour to the restaurant in the rain, the driver’s side windshield wiper broke and caused my daughter, who was driving, to have to lean way over on the passenger side to see where we were going. Somewhat stressful!.

    I didn’t even bother weighing this morning…just got back up on the wagon with some coffee and electrolyte drink!

    USA. Day 10. FD

    Pocket list – day 10

    Day10. UK NFD

    Yesterday had daughter and grandkids here for lunch and did sausage baguettes and apple pie /custard! Was careful with evening snack so stayed within my calories. Today was roast chicken with all the trimmings – forst one I’ve had this year and it was yummy.

    FD tomorrow so I’ll be interested to see how the scale numbers look on Tuesday to see what effect the weekend has had.

    @jaifaim absolutely all about learning I’m keeping a food diary so, hopefully, I’ll be able to see what causes any blips and be able to work around them in future.

    Hope those celebrating Mothers Day had a lovely day.

    Off to prep my soup for tomorrow

    Have a great week all

    Day 11 Auckland FD 75.3kg

    Today is a day to reset for me after a rather chaotic two weeks. My monthly aim of a kg loss means I need to be at or below 74kg over the next 3 weeks. RESOLVE!!!

    Belated mothers’ day wishes to all those who are! @woosoo, @at, @excelsior12309, @brightonbelle and @stitchincarol. If cats count @flourbaby and @funshipfreddie! If cats count so do dogs, @penz. And a special mention for @jaifaim and @northgeorgia who support their mothers.

    @Excelsior Now that sounds like a scary drive! Glad the day was a big success!!

    Onward and downward!!

    Pocket List
    @funshipfreddie (maybe!)

    Day 11 country west Australia NFD
    Hi to everyone on the forum.
    Back after an unbelievably hectic and HOT 6 weeks.
    I cannot believe the number of 40ºC + days we have had this summer.🥵🥵🥵
    Plan to be under 80 kgs by end of March ( same goal as 12 months ago !!! ) 🙄🙄
    I usually give up wine and chocolate for Lent ( not necessarily for the right reasons !!) but have devoured both in rather larger quantities than I should have thanks to a revolving door of visitors for some weeks.
    Excuses, excuses.
    Firmly back on the wagon and thanks @penz for hosting.

    Day 11, NFD, Aus

    Long weekend here in Canberra so I am not doing my regular Monday FD. A bit like @northgeorgia, my upcoming week has lots going on so I might have to do OMADs.

    Glad you had a lovely dinner @excelsior12309 but sounds like awful driving conditions for your daughter.

    Ha ha, thanks for the mother’s day wishes from my dogs, @merryapple. Not MD here in Aus until May.

    How was your weekend @flourbaby? Hopefully some lovely reminiscing.

    Hello @lilymartin! So lovely to see you back; I was thinking of you only this morning.

    Day 11 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Hi all, keeping an eye on numbers and I definitely gained back less than usual over this weekend 😃 so I am back out of maintenance but not by much.

    Oh wow! Hello @lilymartin 👋 so great to see you!
    Hope you all had a lovely weekend and I’m glad you got through that journey safe and sound @excelsior12309! I had some very special times this weekend along with a little decluttering which always makes me feel superhuman 🦸😂😂

    Back on the wagon we all climb for the week ahead🚌 💪

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others

    Pocket List Day 11 🦸‍♀️
    @funshipfreddie (maybe!)

    Day 11, London, UK, FD,

    I’ve just caught up with the weekend posting, It’s been a difficult one for me. Mum would have been 85 yesterday AND it was Mother’s Day, so a tear or 1000 were shed.😥😢😭 Thanks to those thinking of me yesterday.

    My brother hosted a celebration day for the family yesterday, there are 6 birthdays in Feb/March (including mum😘) and Mother’s Day, so we all got together to celebrate, priceless!

    @penz, you’re doing a stellar job hosting, my friend!! No need to respond to everyone, you know this thing practically runs itself!!!

    Glad to know Bo-Bo is now being admired internationally!!😂 He’s been a cardboard box lover since he was a kitten, any box, any size, he’ll attempt to get into it, I have a photo somewhere of him squeezed into a wine box!! Perhaps it’s the feeling of security, like swaddling babies!

    I’m resetting for March this morning as the vino and carbs have crept back in to haunt me, especially yesterday (Zero guilt!), reset, Reset, RESET!!! I’m with you @excelsior12309 ………… “moderation is not easy for me when bread is involved”😞😱

    @northgeorgia …………………….. Violet Jelly???? I’m baffled!

    Welcome back @lilymartin, I dream of warmer weather, but 40ºC + is taking it a bit too far!!!

    @funshipfreddie, I note you haven’t posted ….. yet! I hope the little food slip-up you hinted at hasn’t led to an epic case of the “Sod it’s”!!!🙏🏼😬🙏🏼

    Pocket List Day 11 🦸‍♀️
    @funshipfreddie (maybe!)

    “Your body can stand almost anything; it’s your mind that you have to convince”. ~ Vince Lombardi

    Day 11 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Well, it’s chili day. I woke up at 3:30 a.m. with the sensation of an eyelash in my eye…never did find anything, but very irritated. Still irritated now, hoping it isn’t pink eye. Not a lot of disgusting matting. Looks a little better after some warm compresses and artificial tears, so it might be allergies or just dryness. Never fails for something weird to pop up during a busy week haha! I’ll keep my distance, wash up frequently, and may go home early if it doesn’t improve by mid-day. I had a good FD500 yesterday (I second guessed my WFD; probably not a good idea to have chili at work at lunch the next day on an empty stomach, even breaking fast this morning). So tomorrow will be my next FD.

    USA. Day 11 FD

    Pocket List Day 11 🦸‍♀️
    @funshipfreddie (maybe!)

    Day 11 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I cannot lie – no FD today. My friends wanted to go for lunch before they started the trip home. I couldn’t just sit & watch them eat; that would’ve been rude, right? I still need to come up with an excuse for scoffing a packet of fruit pastilles my so-called friends left behind though, along with an enormous KitKat that’s still lurking in the fridge 😲

    Anyway, we had a fun weekend exploring some new places – mostly places to eat. Saturday we went on the Logos Hope – ‘the world’s largest floating book fair’.
    Then we had fish & chips at the ‘Off the Hook’ restaurant while watching the fishing boats coming in, & we saw an enormous stingray hanging around looking for snacks.

    @flourbaby – lovely pictures of Bo-Bo. Amazon really will deliver anything! 😅 I’ve got a similar photo of Boo Boo sticking her head out of a Takealot box, our local on-line store. I’m pushing that reset button too today 🔘

    @stitchincarol – that ‘early-to-bed-to-avoid-snacking’ article was odd. How do you force your body to sleep for 12 hours if it doesn’t want to? And sleeping too much regularly can be unhealthy too. It also didn’t really say what time they were waking/getting up or what time they had their first meal. It doesn’t seem like a sustainable routine anyway.

    @merryapple – you saw Pink?! And even heard her voice – no ticket required! 😅 I love her song ‘Who Knew?’ No ‘Mothering Sunday’ here either. I think Mothers’ Day is mid-May here.

    @lilymartin – good to see you back! 👀

    Definitely a FD for me tomorrow; @northgeorgia I’ll be joining you on the list. I hope your eye’s okay 🤞

    RESOLVE to the Monday fasters 🎯

    Pocket List Day 11 🦸‍♀️

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Lovely weekend, with some crazy schedule stuff and some fun stuff, too, as we went to see Dune, Part Two. I’d forgotten much of the details of Part One, but enjoyed the movie even so…truly delightful.

    And this morning I heard from DD as she drove back to school from her 38½ week doctor appointment, and she’s 2.5cm dilated and 80% effaced, so that baby may be showing up a bit sooner than planned, which suits her just fine. Makes my heart ache that she’s SO far away (all the way across Iowa and Illinois and half way into Indiana for a total of 654 miles and 10+ hours of driving).

    And texts have been flying about our Easter dinner where three other couples are joining us (the friends that function as “family”) and are wondering what they should bring, but DS27 (the “chef” because he went to culinary school) and I are still nogotiating the menu–we both have strong opinions, which should surprise no one on this list that I do, and he’s my double, so there you go, LOL!

    And more texts have been flying because choir is hosting the dinner on Wednesday before our Lenten service…

    Some weeks are simply like this. I’m sitting on the sofa, however, still in my nightgown as I do all this texting, and I’m savoring the cup of Kona coffee made from the beans DS27 brought back from Hawaii, where he visited his cousin for a week.

    And there. Sorry, @penz, I’m not going to comment on ANYONE’S post today, but you can all cope, I’m sure! 😂😂 I’m going to finish the Leaguer (yes, I know you don’t know what that is, but it doesn’t even matter except that it’s about a 3 hour project and I want it OUT OF MY HAIR TODAY) and then I can breathe and think about other things.

    Retirement cannot come soon enough.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 12, NFD, Aus

    It’s going to be a hot one today so I really should get up and going and get the dogs (and me) out for some exercise. Tho it’s far more tempting to sit here in my PJs with a cup of coffee.

    You know you’re going to have to explain what a Leaguer is, @stitchincarol. It’s your duty to contribute to the global education of this forum!!

    Your weekend sounded lovely @flourbaby. As did yours @funshipfreddie but I am surprised you’ve allowed a KitKat to invade your home!

    Day 12 Auckland NFD 75kg

    I’m back to the monthly start number… 1 kg to go🤐 over the next 3 weeks… I’m with you @flourbaby on the reset!!
    Your family party sounds wonderful and a great way to celebrate your lovely mother.
    @lilymartin I’m so pleased you’re back! The antipodean representation had got a bit thin on the ground (nice metaphor!) with @penz and me! We didn’t hit 40 in Auckland over summer but we do get 99.9999% humidity and it rains like you’re standing under the shower…
    @penz I was a wee bit behind the 8 ball regarding Mother’s Day. Ours is in May as well. I did enjoy the no ad MD!!
    @jaifaim Decluttering! I completely agree with that superhuman sensation when you achieve it! I so need to do this on a regular basis… My favourite programme on TV is the Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning. I need to rewatch it to gain inspiration and motivation!!
    @stitchincarol Wow!! Baby on the way!!! Your giraffe blanket is going to be so welcomed!
    @ccco Hope your FD went well y’day!

    Steely Resolve one and all!!

    Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @penz – that huge KitKat didn’t just invade my home, most of it invaded my stomach yesterday too. The friend who was here over the weekend, she baffles me. She can drink an entire bottle of wine, maybe more, & then get up at dawn & run 10 km as if it was a gentle stroll. And she’s the same age as me, just a few months younger. Fortunately her husband has been on the wagon for the last 5 months, & I wasn’t tempted by the booze at all.

    @merryapple – well done getting back down to 75! I doubt one FD will cancel out all the damage I’ve done over the last few days, but what’s done is done, & at least I had some wiggle room to start with.

    Is it just me, or does anyone else think all this fuss over Princess Catherine’s ‘edited photo’ is completely bonkers? I don’t get it; it’s a photo. Who cares? Will she be locked up in the Tower of London if she ever dares to dye her hair? 😳

    Just 5000 steps 3 times a week could add 3 years to your life 🤔

    Time to go & retrieve my cat. There will probably be a couple of hours of sulking, but she has a short memory & I’m sure all will be forgiven once she’s hungry.

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥚

    Day 12 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Yesterdays FD wasn’t great and I came in around 1000 cals (so more of a CD), I don’t know why I was so hungry yesterday but there it is.
    Today I go again.
    @flourbaby 💕💕💕
    @funshipfreddie I saw some of that coverage about the photo and am still trying to wrap my head around why anyone would take issue with it? I’m not super in tune with British royalty but the poor woman has been in hospital for ages.. leave her in peace. I was going to say “Bin the Kitkat” but it seems – too late!! 😂
    @merryapple 👏 back down again. I must find that show… my dad in his latter years used to laugh at us and the amount of clothes we had and would wonder had we not heard of that Carrie Mondo woman? 😂😂😂 awww the memories 💕
    Mind you the very man was the biggest collector of books and documents and clippings and photos 😂 but… could always put his hands on JUST that article, photo in a matter of minutes. ⭐️
    Oh @penz to have heat and ☀️ – it is the never ending cold wet winter here…. Everyone is feeling it…

    Yes @stitchincarol you must explain leaguer! And your mention of lovely Hawaïen coffee (how special) makes me wonder about our lovely friend @maui? I hope you are ok @maui.
    And once more I shout out to @daffodil2010 just in case you are reading and not posting. 🌼

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥚

    Day 12, London, UK, NFD,

    An ok, FD yesterday, I’m definitely in love with cauliflower!!! Very filling and practically zero calories!!!

    @funshipfreddie, so there’s hope for me yet!!! …………………… “She can drink an entire bottle of wine, maybe more, & then get up at dawn & run 10 km as if it was a gentle stroll” I’m in awe of ANY woman living life to the fullest!!!🤣💪🏼🤣
    I think the photo hoo-hah stems from her hospital stay – people are speculating that her recovery hasn’t gone smoothly …………….. and it’s showing, which is why she hasn’t been seen and the photo required ‘doctoring’. Also, the gossip over her relationship is another talking point, missing wedding ring, rumours about the ‘other’ woman & love child abound!!!! Personally, I don’t give a monkey’s!!!!

    I hope @fastingnurse & @woosoo are staying on track for this challenge🙏🏼🙏🏼

    It’s a quickie from me today, more power to todays pocket list!!!💪🏼💪🏼

    “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” – Chris Grosser

    Day 12 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 228 lbs. Apparently, the chili and fixings were really good. It was a feast all day long, so I paid for that today with a four pound gain! I’ll do a FD today, not sure whether WFD or FD500, but I definitely won’t nosh until evening, should I decide to do so. Tomorrow’s my brother’s birthday, but I am thinking of doing OMAD until the evening because Thursday and Friday look off the table.

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥚

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 163.2

    Yesterday was a successful CD and was nearly OMAD since I first ate fairly late and it was very few calories. I kept busy with various things all day and even got the purple giraffe nearly finished, so went to bed to sleep the sleep of the virtuous. 😂 Despite being five pounds heavier today than after my two WFDs last week, I’m a pound lower than I was to begin them last Tuesday morning…does that mean I’ve lost a pound? Who knows. I’ll simply take pride in pulling off an actual CD yesterday, and call it good.

    Hey, @penz, I looked for your post in my emails, and couldn’t find it there either…and you’re NOT being a bad host, and what @jaifaim says is absolutely right!

    @merryapple I laughed when I read your post about walking through a posse of fit young women. A month ago, one of my dear friends texted our group of four and asked if we wanted to go with her to a Pink concert. I replied “Who’s Pink?” She couldn’t believe I was serious. I’ve since learned I’ve been living under a rock. So there’s no way I would ever have recognized one of those fit young women as Pink, LOL! I look forward to telling your story when we’re all gathered at Easter. 😁

    @excelsior So glad your DH’s birthday dinner was so lovely; happy birthday to him!

    @lilymartin So lovely to have you back! We missed you, and I wondered what was keeping you away; so glad you’ve returned.

    <<<<<<@flourbaby>>>>>>> It’s so tough to miss your mom, I know. And, great quote. I’m pasting it just so we can all read it again: “Your body can stand almost anything; it’s your mind that you have to convince”. ~ Vince Lombardi

    @funshipfreddie How fun to go to a book fair on a ship! I’ll bet that ship felt VERY familiar to you, yes? So glad you and your friends had so much fun and went so many delightful places! And what I took away from the article is not that they were asleep that early, but were simply in bed that early, and mostly read. Plus, they HEADED (think italics there, not shouting) to bed at 7:30…so they probably were IN bed around 8, perhaps? And read until 9? But for me, I’d be in danger of falling asleep early, and then being awake way too early. But, they were working women, so perhaps they need to be awake by 5am? In the end, although I find the approach reasonable, and am delighted for them that it’s been working, you’re right that it’s odd, LOL!

    @merryapple The Swedish Art of Death Cleaning? Fascinating and funny title; I will see if I can find it somewhere!

    @penz LOL, the Leaguer is nothing more than a quarterly newsletter for the LWML–the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Leaguer. Hence, “Leaguer.” I’m the editor of it, and this summer is our biennial convention, and so we have a fifth Leaguer with all the convention stuff in it and I was on the phone lots with the president of our state-wide group yesterday, in addition to all the emails that were flying back and forth, and … you get the idea. 👍😉

    And I just got a phone call from DD that she’s in labor and headed to the hospital fairly soon. Prayers for her and the baby’s safety are welcome, as her first delivery was an emergency c-section, with both her and the baby’s lives touch and go for a bit. I no longer assume labors and deliveries will automatically go just fine! But all was well in the end, and the second went fine, and I trust all will be well this time. ❤️

    And poor DH never did fall asleep last night…some days are more wrought with stress than others, LOL! Hopefully he’ll get enough little naps today to make his day go decently.

    Okay, I’m off. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥚
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Second Post

    Back on to solidify the FD focus 🧘‍♀️💪

    🙏💕🙏💕🙏 @stitchincarol

    Second Post

    thanks, @jaifaim

    Waiting is the hardest…

    USA. Day 12. FD

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥚

    Day 12. FD. UK

    Good FD yesterday, just over 600 – never done that before but just shows what we can do with a bit of planning and a lot of support and determination. Surprise trip coming up mid April so everything to play for.

    @stitchincarol – thinking of you with the imminent arrival of your little one.

    @flourbaby I’m a fellow cauliflower lover – it makes a mean white/cheese sauce!

    Have a good evening

    Day 13 Auckland NFD 74.8kg

    @stitchincarol Oh do let us know asap about your wee baby grandchild. So exciting! They’re easier to pop out when they arrive early!!!🙏🥰 Another clue regarding PINKs identity was the fact she had perfectly applied bright pink lipstick with a red line on the outer edge plus her trademark hairdo. That’s how close we were!!! And well done on your CD!
    @woosoo I’m sure @flourbaby ♥️cauliflower cheese!!! But she does have some delicious cauliflower recipes she posted that don’t involve creamy cheesey sauce!!!!
    @stitchincarol and @jaifaim The correct name is The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning… The book (written first) is on the NYT best seller list. I disliked Maria Condo because of her manner and the fact I love everything in my house, well mostly. I hear that now she has kids she has bought them tons of stuff, her house is a mess and she’s given up cleaning!!! The Swedish version is much more insightful and really quite delightful as well as being an integral part of their culture.
    @funshipfreddie Thanks. Maybe a giant kitkat has more wafer than chocolate?!! Remember Mr Creosote in Monty Python. “Just another teeny tiny mint wafer?” “F… off I’m full!!” Running 10km won’t defray the effects of drinking a bottle+ regularly on her liver sadly…
    @lilymartin You’re always super busy but you can do this!!
    @penz You wouldn’t be the first to walk dogs in PJs!! Better than in a red negligee which my neighbour had on the other night in our wee park. Her Staffy puppy tried to take on my Texan friend as he left the house after midnight!!! He said he didn’t know who was more embarrassed!!
    @northgeorgia I would love your Chilli recipe if you have the time???
    @at Looking forward to hearing your next instalment esp if it involves Michelin stars!!!
    Yes @fastingnurse, @maui, @daffodil2010 Hope you’re all doing well and are happy!
    I’m off to an appointment with the shoulder specialist at long last. All will be revealed… on the subject of shoulders not nighties…

    Onward and downward!!

    Day 13, NFD, Aus

    My week has not gone to plan but I’m having a lot of fun so I’ll just accept it and focus on next week. (Why not this week, you ask (I can hear you @funshipfreddie!) – well we’re off to a wine dinner tonight and then heading interstate for a family wedding which will require multi-catch ups with heaps of people! C’est la vie.

    I laughed at the mental image of your Texan friend and negligee walking neighbour. I did lock myself in the garage wearing only my PJs once. I contemplated seeking help from the neighbours but pride dictated I wait until my OH got home HOURS later!

    Thanks for the explanation of your Leaguer @stitchincarol. I would never have guessed and it sounds like a lot of work. And all the best to you and your DD and the impending newest arrival to your family.

    Mmm cauliflower… Lots of lovely recipes out there!

    Day12 2nd post UK
    @merryapple thanks for tip off on @flourbaby cauliflower recipes. Where can I find them plse?

    Second post Day 13

    @woosoo Here’s one of @flourbaby’s cauliflower recipes

    Day 13 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.3 kg ✨

    It’s a miracle! After a 3 day splurge & one FD, I’m still on track, just a little over a kilo up since last Friday morning.

    @jaifaim – ‘bin the KitKat?!’ There’s so much wrong with that phrase. I can resist buying them, but if they find their way home some other way, I’m powerless 🙀 I could maybe give away a KitKat, but I’d NEVER bin one 😱

    @penz – I never said a word 🤐 I can’t throw stones after the last few days 🐽

    @stitchincarol – I did feel a tad nostalgic going on that ship, but it was minuscule compared to the ones I worked on. Sending good wishes to your DD & new grandchild! 👶

    @flourbaby – I guess it was a slow couple of news days, & sour grapes because the palace didn’t provide copies of Kate’s x-rays & a pic of her sitting up in her hospital bed with her rollers in 😅 Seriously, they need to leave her alone! Although, I wasn’t aware until today that – ‘it is against industry regulation to distribute anything that may have been materially altered from the original image’.

    @merryapple – They look benign, but one teeny 40 g KitKat has over 200 cals! I just watched that ‘Mr Creosote’ sketch?! 🤣🤮

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Day 13 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Yesterday’s FD went well and I’m feeling the benefits of two good weeks now… hopefully I will see that tomorrow as will weigh tomorrow rather than Friday as won’t have scales this weekend.

    @funshipfreddie I’m laughing here… yes I can’t bin food either but sometimes radical solutions need to be taken😂
    @stitchincarol continued 🙏🙏 for your DD and all the family and happy hump day to everyone else! 💕
    @penz – glad to hear you’re making the most of your time off!
    Another long weekend for us and an extra long one for me with Friday off.. ☘️🐍☘️🐍☘️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting

    Day 13, London, UK, FD

    I typed NFD, then had a rush to of RESOLVE to my brain, so FD it WILL be!!!

    @stitchincarol, I’m keeping your daughter & grandbaby in my thoughts & 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼that all will be well, overflowing with positive vibes!!!

    Ah, yes @merryapple, there’s definitely some cauliflower cheese love here!!! I see my favourite FD recipe has been shared, so here’s another favourite @woosoo …………………………… Courtesy of James Martin (I usually skip the cream & olive oil, it really doesn’t need it!)

    1 small cauliflower chopped into small florets
    1 tbsp curry powder
    1 l full fat milk
    To serve 2 tbs double cream
    1 tbsp olive oil
    1. Pop the cauliflower florets, curry powder and milk into a pan and bring to the boil. Then simmer for 5 minutes.
    2. Blitz in a food processor until smooth pour into a clean pan and warm through
    3. To serve, spoon the soup into bowls, drizzle in cream and a little olive oil

    So, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours!!! …………… I mean your Cauliflower White/cheese sauce of course🤣🤣

    @merryapple …………………. And just as quickly the dream dies!!🤣🤣🤣……… “Running 10km won’t defray the effects of drinking a bottle+ regularly on her liver sadly…”😭

    @funshipfreddie, I see your inner frugal nature is showing, it’s a physical pain 🤕 when I throw perfectly good food away, THIS is why my freezer is bursting at the seams with leftovers I REFUSE to bin, including cake & chocolate I’ve been gifted ……………..but don’t really want to eat!!!😬😬

    @jaifaim, I had to laugh ……………….. We rise by lifting ……………………🏋🏼‍♂️🏋🏼‍♂️🏋🏼‍♂️!!!🤣🤣🤣

    Off to get some work done, stay strong fellow fasters!!

    “Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day in and day out.”
    —Robert Collier

    Day 13 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Well, my sister-in-law has decided to bake a cake and do a ham dinner tonight for my brother’s birthday. I’m going to try for an OMAD today.

    @merryapple Remind me again on Friday, and I’ll publish it. I have to edit it to make sense because it has my grandmother’s original recipe with shortcuts, some edits my mom made to taste, then some flavors I discovered in Mexico, so I “unshortcut-ed” it and listed the spices and peppers needed 😉

    Day 13 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 159.8

    No baby yet. Contractions slowed way down so the hospital sent them home, but they were back in the night (why are babies always born at NIGHT???) and delivery is getting close…

    Yesterday’s WF was fine right up until I got home a little after 8 with some glorious cheeses. So I had nibbles of one of them, 4 Ritz crackers and 2 oz of wine. How’s that for a FD meal????? 😂😂😂 The crackers were 64 calories, and the cheese really was nibbles, and so I’m guessing 200 calories at absolute tops. My empty tummy was truly happy, and my heart was happy that the little bit of food didn’t open flood-gates of scarfing, so I call it a win.

    @woosoo Well done on a 600calorie FD!

    @merryapple I found the book on Amazon, and the show on both Peacock and Netflix, so at some point I’ll order the book and/or watch the show! As we think about retirement, we also are dreading the packing up and moving (because we’re in a parsonage, not our own home), so this will perhaps be a good nudge. I hope the news on your shoulder is excellent!

    @penz Ooooo, a wine dinner and then a family wedding…it does, indeed, sound like a glorious week! Have fun, and do share fun details!

    @funshipfreddie “Miniscule” in comparison? Wow. Those were some big ships you were on, then! That’s something I’ve always thought would be fun, but DH isn’t much interested…we’ll see if I talk him into it. When we get closer to it being a reality, I’ll ask you for advice and suggestions!

    @jaifaim Thanks for the prayers; they’re always welcome. ❤️ I’m excited to hear what the scales tell you in the morning since it sounds like you FEEL lighter–that has to be a good sign.

    @flourbaby Okay, I have to enter the cauliflower discussion. My fave is not a low-cal option, but it’s certainly yummy and easy: I steam the cauliflower and then put it on the plates and sprinkle (well, dump is more the reality) shredded cheddar over the top; the residual heat from the cauliflower melts it and it’s way faster than an actual cheese sauce. And you have to chase the cheese sauce across your plate, whereas the shredded cheese stays where you put it. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 Your cauliflower soup sounds lovely. I’m not a huge soup lover, but suspect DH and my boys would love it, so we’ll have it one of these days!

    Cleaning lady comes today, so tidying is required, although it’s mostly good. I need to shred the already-cooked pork butt roast and make a salad dressing and haul it plus a huge bowl I use for my cabbage salad over to church for the meal tonight. And when that bio and pic come in, I have to get out the Leaguer, which you all know what it is now, LOL!

    Have I mentioned I’m eager for retirement to get here???

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List Day 13 💪

    USA. Day 13. WFD

    Pocket List Day 13 💪
    @ccco WFD

    Today I begin a two day water fast. I find water fasts to be easier than regular fasts while eating two meals. It seems as long as I don’t eat, I am not hungry. Seems strange but it seems to work for me. I also exercised today. I need to get back my strength, which I lost through the Covid period.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 13 NFD. UK

    @flourbaby ty for your recipe – I’ll try that. I use this as a base sauce but I often add a dollop of cream cheese then blend with a stick blender. Omit parmesan for white sauce.

    1 tablespoon olive oil
    ▢1 clove garlic, minced
    ▢1 head cauliflower, broken into florets
    ▢2 ½ cups vegetable broth
    ▢1 teaspoon sea salt
    ▢½ teaspoon ground black pepper
    ▢½ cup milk (or stock)
    ▢½ cup shredded parmesan

    ▢1 tablespoon olive oil
    ▢6 cloves garlic, minced
    ▢1 head cauliflower, broken into florets
    ▢2 ½ cups vegetable broth
    ▢1 teaspoon sea salt
    ▢½ teaspoon ground black pepper
    ▢½ cup almond milk
    ▢½ cup shredded parmesan cheese


    Heat the olive oil over medium-high heat in a skillet and cook the garlic until tender and fragrant, about 2 minutes. Careful not to burn. Remove from heat and set aside.
    Add the cauliflower florets into a deep stock pot and then add the vegetable broth. Cover and cook over high heat for 8-10 minutes, or until the cauliflower is tender when pierced with a fork.
    Transfer the cauliflower florets to a blender (or food processor). Then, add ¾ cup of the hot vegetable broth you used to cook the cauliflower, followed by the sautéed garlic and oil, sea salt, pepper, and milk (or cream cheese)
    sauce is too thick, you can add equal parts milk and vegetable broth. You may have to do this in batches, depending on the size of your blender. The consistency should be thick, but pourable.

    I’ve used it over pasta, in lasagna, or over cauliflower and broccoli.

    Day 14, NFD, Aus

    The local council is pruning the street trees at the moment (with a gloppiter gloppiter machine to mulch the cuttings) and it is NOISY!!

    I’ve got a lot to get through today – I don’t know how I ever fit work in around it before! What will you do in your retirement @stichincarol and where will you move to??

    Well done on harnessing that resolve @flourbaby.

    Well done to you @jaifaim and @funshipfreddie – you’re both back on track.

    I’ve never thought to use cauliflower as a sauce in and of itself, so many thanks for your recipe @woosoo. I like the sound of it.

    I’ll try and log in over the next few days but as I suspect I will be doing so on my phone pls excuse the brevity of any posts.

    Day 14 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @flourbaby – it’s a pity we’re not neighbours; you could use my freezer too. It’s empty most of the time. I had to go & buy a bag of ice before my friends arrived last weekend, because even my ice trays are empty! 😅

    @stitchincarol – cruising isn’t for everyone, & I’ve only ever sailed as a crew member. But most people are hooked once they’ve tried it, & I can understand why 🚢

    @penz – isn’t it odd? I feel the same way about retirement, & I remember my mum saying she didn’t know how she’d ever found the time to work after she retired. Some people struggle with it, & even go back to work. I think it mostly comes down to temperament, as well as the job type, obviously.

    @ccco – wishing you effortless b2b WFDs 💪

    A couple of articles about Apple Cider Vinegar…. 🤔

    Pocket List – Day 14 🍉
    @ccco WFD

    Day 14 Auckland FD 75.1kg

    Fantastic thank you @northgeorgia😅That’s hot chilli sweat in anticipation!!
    I accidentally went a day early to see my shoulder specialist y’day so today was a repeat… It was a really worth while appointment because I was able to ask lots of questions and get advice from the expert about managing my shoulder going forward. I had a dislocation skiing aged 17 then approx every 10+ years have had rotator cuff injuries – tennis, building dry stone walls and attempting TV yoga most recently.
    For your information – tendons (which attach muscles to bone) start deteriorating from about the age of 30 eventually becoming brittle. Weight training exercises should consistently decrease in weight as your age increases focusing on movement not weight. As you age you can increase muscle tone but not bulk. Muscle fibres are laid down in early childhood. You can’t increase the amount later so exercise for kids is important. Bulky muscles are dependent on testosterone levels.

    @ccco Wow 2 WFDs in a row! Go you! I have never done a WF!
    Thanks for your recipe @woosoo. I was thinking it was soup until @penz pointed out it was saucy!
    @stitchincarol The baby is likely here by now!! Can’t wait to hear about him or her!!
    I hope you enjoy the book and the programme. Downsizing is not much fun… Thinking about downsizing is even worse because nothing changes!!
    @funshipfreddie I left off Mr Creosote’s next line “Better… Better bring me a bucket 🤮”
    @flourbaby Those weightlifting icons 🏋️‍♀️ take on a new meaning in this forum… Time for more cauliflower!!
    @jaifaim Fab that you’re feeling goooood!!!

    Stay Strong everyone!!

    Day 14 – 2nd Post

    Pocket List – Day 14 🍉
    @ccco WFD

    Day 14, London, UK, NFD

    From my office window, it looks like a lovely sunny Spring day, I haven’t been out for my walk yet but I imagine it’s actually bloomin’ freezing!!🥶

    @stitchincarol, thanks for the………….. erhm………. Recipe!!! Cauliflower with cheese😂😂 (I’m laughing WITH you, not at you!! Hand on heart🥰!)

    @woosoo, thanks for your recipe too, I’ve been looking for a low carb cheese sauce!! Flour really is very useful, just not to my waistline!!!🤣

    Ok @penz, I’m not sure how to take you if you’re just going to start making stuff up!!! A “gloppiter gloppiter machine”!!!! Really!!! 😕😕

    @funshipfreddie, you’re more than welcome to my leftovers, but I can’t risk Boo Boo beating the cr*p out of Bo-Bo on a daily basis, he’s 6kg of scaredy cat after-all!!!!🤣😺🤣 I think you’re living an appliance free life, both your oven & freezer seem to be redundant!!! As for going back to work after retirement, I can’t wait to dispel that particularly ridiculous idea!!

    Thanks for the info @merryapple, I definitely want to swerve the bulk/testosterone link!! I think I’m one of those people we used to refer to as double jointed😂, hypermobility nowadays, so I’ve stiffness and joint pain in my future, remaining toned but supple is key.💪🏼💪🏼

    I’m heading out to brave the fake sunshine & hope I’m pleasantly surprised!!

    Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it ……………… The time will pass anyway. – Earl Nightingale

    USA. Day 14. WFD

    Thank you, FUNSHIPFREDDIE, for putting me on today’s pocket list. My WF is going very well! I am not even hungry, so far! 🙂

    Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

    Day 14 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Baby Mae, 8lbs 4 oz, was born at 10:33am on 3/13/24 and one of the pictures shows an adorable mass of darkish curls on her head. My heart has been stolen yet again. Baby and mama are both entirely fine.

    That Leaguer got finished, and I just spent an hour emailing it to all 239 addresses, many of which are now bad, either typos or full, I suppose.

    And we have a funeral tomorrow morning and I have much to do for that, and then I was asked to play for a funeral at a different church on Saturday, so my life is feeling a bit over-full. It’s Lent. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    So that’s my whole post; have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 14 – 3rd Post

    @stitchincarol – congratulations, nana Carol, on the arrival of baby Mae!

    Pocket List – Day 14 🍉
    @ccco WFD
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 15 NZ NFD 74.5kg

    @stitchincarol Gorgeous!! So pleased that all has gone well and you have wee baby Mae added to your family🥰
    @flourbaby The people with the worst joints in old age are rugby players rather than librarians. You could possibly be OK!!🤣🤣🤣
    @ccco Long may hunger free WFs continue for you!!
    @funshipfreddie I just had an apple cider vinegar drink. I often drink soda and kombucha. Not sure if that’s as beneficial but it does have a gross scoby floating on the top like ACV. I know soda is not so good for the enamel on your teeth (carbonic acid has a pH of 3-4) and add vinegar to the equation. That article was a good reminder about how to take care of my knashers!!
    @northgeorgia It’s Friday here!!🌶️

    Have a good weekend everyone!!😘

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