March 2019 – Spring Challenge

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March 2019 – Spring Challenge

This topic contains 905 replies, has 56 voices, and was last updated by  therealwil78 5 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 909 total)

  • Day 1, UK, NFD

    Yesterday was a successful FD, just under 500cal, happy with that ๐Ÿ™‚ . I weighed myself today and the scales are showing just slightly lower. I’ll take it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Welcome to all new people, its really good to have you here ๐Ÿ˜ƒ . We are a friendly, supportive group so if you need any help just give us a shout ๐Ÿ‘ . And we talk here about many other things, not just diet, which makes it a homely place ๐Ÿ˜€

    There are quite a few people missing from here for a while now, I hope you guys are all ok ๐Ÿ™‚

    @judyjudes I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and about your health struggles. Dealing with grief is hard enough without having health problems, and the last thing you need is uninterested GP with attitude! Unfortunately we can’t change some things and bring our beloved back, but we CAN do some things, like changing our GP. Change him/her! Or if you don’t or can’t do that get a second opinion, you can and are entitled to that. Don’t suffer unnecessarily . Sending you a virtual hug ๐Ÿค— xx

    Hope everyone is having a good day, lets stick together and do this โค

    Day 1 California NFD

    I am a 51 YO female who started December 2018 and have dropped from 139.8 to 130.8 with a goal of 125. February wasnโ€™t as good as I had hoped but the trend is continually down even though it seems slow the last few weeks. Iโ€™m not sure if I can speed this process up since I think Iโ€™m doing pretty well already so I guess the only answer is patience!

    Day 1 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Greetings from frozen Illinois! Welcome to all the Newbies, and great to see everyone. I’m an oldie (but a goodie?!) having started 5:2 March 2016, joined @coda in May, and haven’t missed a challenge since then.

    Began our WOL at 195 pounds (88.4 kg) heading steadily upward at age 67. By the end of 2016, I had lost 35 and have maintainted 160# (+/-3) since then. When I creep up to 165, I go back to 5:2, but generally keep 6:1. I do Silver Sneakers (65+ exercise) 3 times a week and yoga once.

    Since retiring from public school music teaching, I’ve continued to stay far too active, wearing many hats. I direct our local Choral Society, do church and private music, president of our P.E.O., and lately worked oh so hard to get a new Children’s Museum open in our community. We announced last night it will open March 22! We’ve renovated and built into 2 units of a dying mall, and fully expect our presence is already giving it new life.

    I look forward to being here just as much as possible and supporting everyone. Thank you @snowflake56 for all your efforts!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 1- VA, USA – FD

    Today is my 2nd day fasting of my first week on the 5:2 IF. I am planning to have plenty of soup today and make it 500-600 calories. Chicken noodle soup, vegetable soup, miso soup, wonton soup, Amy’s soup, porridge, oatmeal, congee, etc…

    Right now, I am trying to keep my NFD to 1200 calories. I tend to go over to about 1300 calories.
    But I am still always hungry. Does anyone have this problem? I am just 5 feet and do not need that much calories.

    Day 1, Germany, FD
    Hey everyone! So nice already to feel the energy in this group!
    I’ll try a short summary of my story with 5:2 fasting: started 5:2 in february 2017 after realizing that when you go closer to the age of 40 you can put on weight even if you are eating quite reasonable and disciplined most of the time…
    In the beginning it worked really well and for a short time I actually reached my “dream weight” yet I was never able to maintain it. I was active in this forum, in the end of 2017 I think and it helped me in the beginning yet somehow I stopped doing the challenges. Perhaps I was a bit frustrated from my binges that I continued having from time to time and the weight gains due to that. Last year I went on with 5:2 the whole time, except for some weeks of holidays. Yet in November, December and January I had a couple of binge days, too. I haven’t dared to weigh myself since December but can tell from some of my jeans that my weight has gone up.
    My goal is to go on with 5:2 – and I must probably try to really stick to the 500 cals. Often I end up rather with 700 – 800 cals I guess. And my goal is to not have those binges anymore that are keeping me from reaching my goal. I will face the scale tomorrow after today’s fast. I know my weight drops very slowly and I will need patience (not one of my best qualities ๐Ÿ˜œ)
    Thank you all for being here and sharing your stories honestly!

    2nd post
    @ann1239: welcome here! I hope you are doing well on your 2nd FD! I know that feeling of being hungry the whole time – especially after eating… ๐Ÿ™ˆ. It will get better after some weeks into fasting!
    What often helps me is to drink clear plain water! I keep forgetting that from time to time, too, so good that I am telling you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Day 1 – UK – ?CD/FD

    For those peanut butter lovers amongst us โ€“ did you know that March 1st is National Peanut Butter Lovers Day ๐Ÿ˜‹

    Dear @snowflake56 Thank you for taking up the baton to host this March 2019 โ€“ Spring Challenge and I am sure that you will do a wonderful job so please don’t worry or stress about it – “Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything, or to do anything in particular, But just to let us feel that we are cared for and supported.”

    For those new to these challenges – I have been part of them since November 2016 – I am a 60 y.o. female, married, with a grown up daughter. Height = 163cm/5ft 4in and I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 โ€“ joined the challenges in November 2016 as I had plateaued for around 3 months and then reached maintenance in early December 2016 and have been in maintenance range of 53-55kg/116.8-121.2lbs and a BMI of just over 20 since then!
    I love a range of exercise, currently doing yoga ๐Ÿ™ which I discovered about 3 years ago and it has just been the best thing for me, both physically and mentally. I also do pilates, aerobics and hiking on the fells in my beloved Lake District โ›ฐ and also do some volunteering in my local community!

    Welcome to these challenges @jdefouchier @aglowworm @aweemanda (you were with us briefly in June 2017! so welcome back) @ann1239 @stephsie @hieiren – hope I have not missed anyone out x

    @miraclelou – lovely to have you back – stick with us and we will help you to achieve your goals
    @therealwil78 – so glad you decided to join us in the March Challenge too and well done on losing those 6lbs in the 18 days you were part of the Februaryโ€™s challenge ๐Ÿ‘
    @judyjudes – so sorry to hear about your unsupportive GP and the sudden losses you have had to cope with in the the recent years – I think you need a big one of these ๐Ÿค— – have you thought about changing to a different GP???
    @ann1239 – it does take a bit of time to get used to eating less than we used to – I find drinking plenty of water during the day very helpful – I drink at least 2L of pure water on top of teas/coffee

    Best advice I can give to anyone new to this WOL/WOE is to:-
    *Stick to the basic plan for the first couple of months โ€“ it works!!
    *On NFD eat to the TDEE FOR THE WEIGHT YOU WANT TO BE and NOT your current weight and you will lose weight faster! and find it easier to adjust to smaller portions once you reach your target!
    *Donโ€™t overestimate your exercise level!!!
    *Donโ€™t add the calories lost due to exercise into your daily calorie allowance as it is already taken into account when you work out your TDEE!
    *Try to drink at least 2L of water daily

    Remember โ€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am nowโ€

    Day 1, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Well – I went out this morning and bought some non-dairy yoghurt to make @michelinme‘s oat bread. Found yummy looking almond-milk yoghurt and will try that. Will let you know how it goes! We are making vegan Calzone tonight – first try on that too. Friday night is home-made pizza night in our house and looking to shake things up a bit as we always eat the same pizza, no cheese, and I’m getting a little bored of it!

    Welcome @aglowworm! Your first two fast days sound very successful. Keep at it. Your target of 4lbs a month is very do-able and imagine how you will feel if you exceed it. I find the best time of day on a fast-day is about 7pm – kitchen closed, 500cals not exceeded, and a final cup of tea in hand! It feels amazing – so different from dieting, as when night falls I just feel deprived, and have to face the same the next day. No more dieting for me. Fast days do not feel like diet days. Explain that?!

    Day 1: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Well, another chance for me to begin again….
    Good to see old friends and plenty of new people joining us too.

    I am 65, married, with a 26 year old daughter who recently moved to Australia to work for three years. I work as a postie, delivering the mail in all weathers. The good thing is the exercise, the downside is the wear and tear, arthritis, crippled feet etc from doing this job most of my life!
    I did once reach maintenance (the holy grail of the forum) in 2016, but then fell back into old ways and am back more or less where I started with about 2 stone (28 pounds) to lose.
    Anyway, starting off today at 64.5kg and hoping to get a fast-day in sometime…ultimate goal: return to maintenance in the low 50s kg. and STAY THERE!

    Day one or one day! (I just had to say that) Belfast NFD

    Iโ€™d toyed with the idea of the F800 for a couple of weeks, but Iโ€™ve decided just to stick to the basics and be diligent. Iโ€™m also going to cut carbs, not completely but to a small daily amount.

    So …Same old…
    No sugar
    Mostly no alcohol
    Eat sensibly with lots of veggies and fruit
    Keep up my exercise

    Like you @jaifaim Iโ€™ve been alcohol free this year with the exception of 3days and that is how I hope to keep it – as my friend says, a teetotaller who drinks occasionally! (Could you share the link for the sugar free nut bars?) As for the sugar…. thatโ€™s another story and that never ending challenge.
    @aglowworm welcome. Your -4lbs is a sensible goal and very doable. The FDs in reality take care of themselves. The NFDs are the tricky bit and where it can go downhill. Do you use a tracker like My Fitness Pal or similar? It does help. Good luck!
    @judyjudes – I felt sure youโ€™d get some sort of satisfaction this time. If you get no help from your GP, could you get a second opinion? Or perhaps, (Iโ€™m not sure of your circumstances) pay for a private appointment with a consultant. I did this with my stomach problems and had a very helpful man who told me how to manage my meds, suggested I should lose weight (which was the start of this journey) and gave me diet tips. It was money well spent. Sending you positive vibes and a big ((hug))
    @michelinme – Iโ€™m off to buy a loaf tin. Youโ€™ve started something!

    @snowflake I love your positivity! Such a great quote.

    This is not a race but a way of life. Even if you lose 1/2 a pound a week, you’ll lose 26 lbs in a year. Good luck my Fellow Fasters

    Day 1 – USA – FD?

    Hello, all newbies and cherished “oldies” (said with much affection)…happy almost-spring! Starting the month off with a low of 144.4, and aiming to tone up, walk more as the weather permits, and continue with you all learning about the benefits of this way of life. I did not start my milk kefir yet, hoping to do that later this week!

    Have a big ((hug)) from me. I can see you really need it. I’m so sorry your GP has no empathy and can’t see how down you are. Is there any way you can either change your doctors’surgery or ask for a second opinion? A sympathetic ear would make such a difference. I DO hope you get help with your health problems. Good luck xx

    Day 1 second post

    Yay for an unplanned OMAD CD! I got caught up with Stuff & forgot to eat, extending yesterday’s FD to 44hrs & getting the month off to a solid start.

    @debster251 @jaifaim I’m delighted to have shared the baking bug! I’ve been tweaking that for ages but it’s such an easy mix-and-go loaf -and hugely adaptable to increase protein or make sweet or savoury.

    @cornish-jane can’t wait to find out how you get on with the almond yogurt- most importantly, what it tastes like! I’ve bought a soya yogurt bc I want to make a savoury loaf & it was the only one without tons of added sugar….why do they add so much sugar to yogurt?! Good luck with the vegan calzone! I’m hoping to learn from your plant-based experience – the food, not the gardening ๐Ÿ˜€ tho that’s always fascinating too ๐Ÿ™‚ What’s your favourite recipe?

    @judyjudes so sorry to hear of your losses xx And cross about your GP ๐Ÿ™ It’s horrible when they have so much power over our health – it seems unreasonable and unhelpful.Is there a reason to stay with this GP, or would it be possible to change?

    @miraclelou welcome back – this is definitely the place to hang for support, encouragement and good cheer ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hello to all newbies – make yourselves at home & we’ll enjoy getting to know you ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 1, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Hello dear old friends and welcome newbies! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    I started this WOL in February 2017 with @at as wonderful host and leader and am in maintenance for quite some time now. I got rid of 20 pesky pounds and do IF 16:8 every day, most often 18:6, sometimes 20:4. Fast days are 800 cals days.
    I am following a Mediterranean diet, normally no alcohol (alcohol only when I go home to Austria- (which will be in a month๐Ÿ˜Š), cannot resist the great tasting beer๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ˜Š), fighting the sugar dragon๐Ÿ‰, walking minimum 10.000 steps a day and practice Qigong and Tai Chi.

    @judyjudes: Sending you positive vibes and a big virtual hug! โค

    Love this forum and all the support and friendship! ๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€

    Have a great beginning of March! โš˜โš˜โš˜

    2nd post

    @jaifaim how nice to have you with us this month! Could you tell me how to get the tick on the spreadsheet? I agree, @michelinme‘s bread tastes delicious. Are you willing to share the recipe of the nut bar with us?
    @aglowworm do you eat up to TDEE for your current weight or for the weight you want to have? I ate up to my TDEE for my wish weight from the beginning so I wouldn’t have to go back on calories later and took 1/4 of the calories from that on my FDs.
    @missybear welcome also to another month! I’m sure you’ll lose the birthday gain soon: Easy on, easy off!
    @michelinme Do you have more easy and delicious recipes you can share? How do you plan to get enough Vitamin B12 without cheese or eggs?
    @hieiren does the restaurant expect you to eat something? Do they offer a healthy low calorie breakfast so you can spend your calories at a meal at home? Enjoy your weekend off!
    @therealwil78 i will join you on your B2B, nothing better than a good start!
    @songbirdme that’s great news, you had to wait so long for the museum to open its doors. Is there a link so we can take a look?
    @ann1239 I hope your FD went well, soup is my main to meal on a FD, I need comfortfood when fasting. It’s warm and filling.
    @miraclelou if I don’t plan my meals on a FD I always eat more than planned, planning is key to me.
    @at my next plan is to find out, how to do emoji’s, so for now: Hugs x
    @cornish-jane @michelinme‘s bread is really popular, never tried almond-milk yoghurt, does it taste like almonds?
    @debster251 we seem to have the same plan to stay on track, less sugar is the hardest for me.
    @redrockgirl302 how time flies, would you ever have thought this WOE would become a WOL?
    @karaseen from Liverpool how nice to find your name on the spreadsheet! You can join us here also or just read the posts and use the spreadsheet. Good luck!
    @rafiki44 and @metatauta welcome to you too for another month!

    Bye for now!

    USA Day 1 FD 800

    Oh, my! Somehow I got unsubscribed from this site but I finally found my way back! LOL It is a little late and I never got to see any of today’s posts, so I am just coming just on for accountability!
    See you all tomorrow!

    @michelinme – absolutely delicious bread! It is very similar to a local bread. In Northern Ireland it is called wheaten bread. Our friends in the Republic call it brown soda. Itโ€™s usually made with wheat flour, sometimes mixed with bread flour then baking soda and buttermilk added. Your recipe is definitely is on my โ€˜make againโ€™ list. Thank you.

    EDIT Day 1- VA, USA- NFD

    So, I have to modified my plan for a little bit since something came up. So I am changing today to a NFD, and will make my fasting day on Sunday. I am still keeping my calories intake at 1200.

    Since I go hungry even my NFD, I am trying to do a Keto diet, so that I don’t feel hungry again right away after I eat or feel lethargic throughout the day.

    So far, I got myself tuna and salmon pocket
    Olive oil (salad dressing)
    Chicken breast

    What else can I eat (and keep it in the 1200 range) on Keto?

    Any help on this is much much appreciated.

    USA Day 1 FD

    Hi,EDIT! I just saw you are doing keto. I just began this way of eating recently, too. I don’t know if I am in ketosis yet, but I am hoping for good results. Do you make your own salad dressing with the olive oil or just put olive oil directly on? I am considering making my own using olive oil and vinegar but am worried about the calories. Even though I am going low carb, I am still counting calories. I think I am carb sensitive but also nothing works unless I lower my calories.

    Hi @ccco , I think we have similar body types. I still need to lower my calories to lose weight. However, on a low fat diet, I feel like I am hungry all the time. This is what I am trying to do now. Today, I tried to do 20% carb, 40% fat, and 40% protein. I just ate 680 calories so far, but I am still not hungry yet. I am not tired or foggy. It is 10 minutes to 6pm here.

    I am making my own salad dressing with olive oil. I am mixing it with either apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar. The balsamic has 3g of carbs. If with apple cider vinegar, I also add in yellow mustard (Coleman to make it spicy), a little bit of salt and pepper as well. I add a little bit of water as well to dilute, so I don’t have a lot of calories from the olive oil. My salad dressing would come to about 120 (olive oil) + 11 (vinegar) and I don’t use all of it.

    I am tracking my calories as well using MyFitnessPal, keeping it at 1200 calories. I set up the percentage to see which macronutrients I go over during the day. I use the website below as a guideline of how many calories, fat, protein, and carb I need.

    I hope it is okay for me to share this website here. Please delete if inappropriate.

    I hope this helps. As a general guideline, a “moderate” Keto diet would be about <20% carbs, 40-60% fat, 40% protein (I forgot the range for protein, but I remember 40%).

    Hi, Ann1239. Thanks for the advice about the olive oil dressing. I didn’t think to add water, so I will try that. I have been carefully tracking my macros, too, and keep to a little under 1200 calories. I find the macros are easy to keep to. Protein doesn’t have any carbs or fiber and the veggies I eat are so low carb that the combination works well. I am always under but not hungry. I don’t have much weight to lose, so I think this has been a problem for losing with me. I am trying to do all kinds of way to see what progress I make. I am most consistent with the 16:8 protocol but I change my methods if I start gaining or stop losing. I am not sure if I am in ketosis yet but I know the signs. Good luck with your approach.

    Hi @ccco, I don’t think I will reach ketosis with this “light” version of Keto. I can barely reach my fat of 40%, and I haven’t reached my protein intake for today. I am more used to eating pasta, rice, and bread, or “salad” based diet, so I am still exploring this.

    I am trying to do high fat with good fat like from avocado, etc…If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 1 โ€“ Iceland โ€“ NFD

    I feel very ashamedโ€ฆ I fell off the wagon early February, and the poor combination of letting the sugar dragon loose and staying away from the scales as well as the forum has led to almost 5kg gain since I last checked inโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ™ˆ I obviously still have a lot to learn, for example that previous fasting success is no guarantee for continued easy weight-lossโ€ฆ
    So, my aim for March is
    1. to be careful and mindful
    2. log in to the forum every day, even though it is sometimes just a short/late status update
    3. step on the scales every day, which has always worked better for me than turning a blind eye
    4. fast 3-4 days/week
    5. 26 sugar-free days

    Big welcome to all the newbies and many thanks to @snowflake56 for hosting this challenge – I am sure it will be a good one!

    Day 2 – Japan – NFD

    Made through my water fast, but I overdid the exercise a bit yesterday. Having a harder time today because of it.

    @at – when I was obese I totally cut out peanut butter. However I don’t think it helped. Now I eat way to much of it and I’m trying to cut back some, but it is hard because I love it. Hurray for March 1st and March 14th! (Pie day, 3.14)

    Day 2, Emden Germany, FD

    @judyjudes I’m so sorry for another disappointing experience with your GP again after all you’ve been trough. I would advice you to get a second opinion.
    @ccco welcome to this month’s challenge after being succesful last month.
    @ann1239 I can’t give you any advice on a keto diet, I’ve never looked into the details. Hunger comes in waves and most of us get used to it soon. Why don’t you try 5:2 for bit longer, most of us had good results with it.
    @borealis how glad I am you found your way back here, don’t be ashamed. I did the same last year, I thought I could do it on my own but found out I’m doing much better when I check in here on a regular basis.
    @annitka1 how nice to find your name on the spread sheet, you can join us here if you want to or just read the posts and use the spread sheet.
    @dingping did you find the lawnmower last week? Are you with me today?

    Pocket list day 2, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 2 Wellington, NZ, FD

    Hi snowflake56, thanks for hosting March; and hi to everyone else who is on board this marvellous month. In my year of weddings I have another one coming up next weekend.

    I have just returned from Shanghai so the end of February was rather a disaster (fasting wise) for me. I won’t bore you with takes of the many fabulous dumplings and noodle dishes I ate, but the scales tell the sad story.

    Of course that’s the beauty of 5:2, it’s there to come back to without feeling bad, and knowing it is (relatively) easy to jump back on the wagon.

    I will catch up on posts and fill in the spreadsheet tomorrow.

    2nd post

    @chipmunk13 welcome back after your stay in Shanghai! I’m sure you’ll be back on track in no time.

    Pocket list day 2, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list


    Forgot to add today’s quote, so here it is. I love all books by Roald Dahl esp. “The BFG”.

    โ€œIf you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovelyโ€. Roald Dahl

    Day 2 Herefordshire UK FD
    Day 1 FD

    I started writing my post yesterday and then forgot to push the final button, doh!

    Yesterdayโ€™s FD was easy because of being mostly out of the house and being on my own, so just myself to please with food choices. Hoping for the same today before DD, SIL and OH are around over a long wโ€™end.

    Always love the optimism of starting a new month though itโ€™s frightening how fast they come!

    Pleased with last months results so hoping to continue on a roll.

    Iโ€™m a 50 plus lady who has taken awhile to get my stride with this WOL and finally on a firm downward trend after a chaotic life became calmer. Still away to go but ok with the plodding.

    @snowflake56 – great start! Loving the positivity and great quotes.
    Yep with you and @therealwil78, we seem to all be doing B2B this week, grabbing March by the horns!

    Lawn mower collected and working spent a sunny afternoon last week cutting the lawns.

    How does your new ironwork look?

    @ciren2 – re curiosity and not weighing, something you asked in February Challenge. Iโ€™ve just found it counter productive for me, became obsessive and I couldnโ€™t cope with the roller coaster of day to day fluctuations. Curiosity will win in the end but for now happy stepping past the scales every morning.

    @judyjudes – feel for you, thatโ€™s a lot to deal with. Hugs and best wishes x

    Day 2 Pocket List


    Have a lovely day all.
    Ta x

    Day 2,Germany NFD
    Weighed in this morning and it turned out rather what I had feared ๐Ÿ™ˆ
    Never mind, now I’m here and here are my goals for March:
    Lose 1.5 kg
    Weigh myself once/week
    Count my calories on fds
    Plan my meals every day (thanks @snowflake for your advice, I know you’re right!)
    Check in here every day
    Clear limits for alcohol and sugar
    Running at least 3x/week
    If course 2 FDs per week ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Have a good Saturday everybody!

    3rd post

    @judyjudes Happy Birthday, enjoy the day!

    @dingping the ironwork isn’t finished yet, but it’s fine. They repaired and painted the ironwork on the entrance stairs and the balcony, it looks great, they really did a good job. We have done some heavy gardening for the last three days. We had to take out a rhododendron that didn’t survive the summer heat but ended up taking all of them out but one. We shredded all the smaller branches and DH is now sawing the larger ones. My job today will be clearing the lawn, the weather is still nice so good for gardening. Enjoy the long weekend with your family!

    @miraclelou it’s good to know where you stand so you don’t worry about it anymore. Your plan sounds mine, apart from the running. I stick to planks and squats.

    Bye for now!

    Day 2 – Manchester – NFD

    Wow! This is such an amazing forum and thanks to all of you for being so wonderful and welcoming!

    My NFD yesterday went well. It’s only my first week, but so far, I am genuinely surprised at the different perspective just a short amount of time fasting can give you. Yesterday, I was able to make healthy choices, I left food when I felt satisfied, I wasnโ€™t afraid of my hunger, and thought about having a snack after dinner, but chose not to! Now, I realise it’s only early days and that the problem days will come, but right now, I feel like a new woman!

    @judyjudes – Iโ€™m sorry to hear youโ€™re having such a difficult time. The last thing you need with everything thatโ€™s going on is an unsupportive doc. As others have said, can you transfer or at the very least get a 2nd opinion?
    @at – great advice!
    @cornish-jane – (in my incredibly brief experience of 2 whole Fast days ๐Ÿ˜‚) I know exactly what you mean about FDs not feeling like diet days! Itโ€™s so weird and hard to explain to other people, but they really donโ€™t!
    @debster251 – yes, Iโ€™m using MyFitnessPal to track and find it pretty good. It seems to be one that lots of people use.
    @snowflake56 – Iโ€™ve calculated my TDEE for my goal weight – at least the first goal weight that Iโ€™ve set. Iโ€™d like to lose another 7lbs after my current goal weight, but as I have so far to go, I thought Iโ€™d set myself a preliminary goal first. I hope that makes sense!

    Iโ€™m trying to get to grips with all of the acronyms on here. Please can someone explain what the pocket thing is? I (think I) understand that theyโ€™re mini challenges, but how do you find out about them and how do they work? (Thanks)

    Another question that I have is re. weighing yourself. I DO want to weigh myself at least initially to see how things are going. How much fluctuation do people who weigh find they have over the week? Todayโ€™s scales made me happy, but I realise that by the time I get around to my next FDs, things will have gone back up a bit due to the NFDs. Iโ€™d be interested to hear other peopleโ€™s experience of this.

    I hope everyone is having a great Day 2! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


    Insist he refer you to a specialist. He’s a GP, not an expert on thyroid disorders; if you’ve got the symptoms but not the ‘right’ test results it needs a specialist to look at you plus results and see what’s going on.

    I had a drop that was still within normal ranges about ten years back; the specialist decided that my symptoms showed I did need a prescription for low thyroid even though I was technically ‘normal’ – because they know that not everyone’s normal is within those ranges.

    Day 2, Melb Aust, NFD

    Very happy with a loss this morning of 0.4 kg since Thursday weigh-in, after a FD800 yesterday, but off the wagon today so will avoid the scales for a couple of days. CD tomorrow and FD800 Monday should (???) fix things.

    @aglowworm, how often you weigh yourself is a matter for personal preference, though I read somewhere that recent studies now suggest that more frequent weighing makes a person more mindful of their weight, and thus more careful re diet. I personally weigh daily, others prefer once a week, or less often.
    One thing I’ve realised – if I indulge in bought Chinese, or potato crisps, the salt will cause an immediate surge in “weight” that is only retained fluid. It adjusts back within a couple of days, so if you decide to weigh daily, don’t let an occasional disappointing number derail your progress.

    @ann1239, Dr M. now recommends following the Mediterranean diet on non-fasting days (NFDs), and that means higher fat, adequate protein and much lower carbs. It is the increased fat which will make you feel more satisfied, and too many carbs, even so-called “good” carbs like lots of whole-grain bread, will tend to make you feel hungrier, as most bread and pasta have a fairly high GI (glycaemic index).
    By the way, I’m also around 5 foot (154 cms), so my goal weight TDEE is only around 1550 cals, which can be a challenge sometimes. I have a LOT of weight still to lose.

    @judyjudes, is it allowed under the NHS in the U.K. to change GPs, because it sure sounds like you need to!!! How arrogant and dismissive of him.

    @borealis, you can do it – the past is gone; today is a new day, so onward and downward!

    Day 2 UK CD

    Yesterday’s OMAD CD morphed into a NFD owing to the presence of cashews. I suspect bc I was feeling tired and glad to have got to the end of the week/month – but also could not had much protein. O well, thankfully not all calories are created equal and today I’m still solidly 144.5lb.

    Reflecting this morning… I’ve been on the 142-147lb plateau for 7 months! My weight is generally around 144-5lb with a few blips and an occasional blip down! On the one hand it’s brilliant to have lost 35lbs and maintained it, but on the other I still have a way to go. I’m hoping that the switch to plant-based diet for Lent will be just the thing I need – along with earlier bedtimes & daily gentle yoga. Hopefully also some time without getting sick, which has also happened a lot since my pneumonia in July…. guess I’ll stick to the plan & review at Easter.

    Despite a relaxed day with no commitments, a sense of gradually getting on top of the project backlog and some good things in the diary ahead – and despite the cashews! – I’ve been feeling viscerally sad today. Hoping that the glimpses of sunshine, some self-care and gentle prep for March FD food will lift me up. There’s always a down time after viruses – and it helps to respond with the good sort of self-care… that doesn’t involve sugar or late night box sets!

    @borealis welcome back, we missed you! We’ve all fallen off the waggon… well done for getting back on so quickly ๐Ÿ™‚ Hopefully you’ll find that slipping gently back into this WOL will set you right in no time x

    Here’s to gentle days and wise decisions…wishing you all a good first challenge weekend x

    Day 2 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Too many sweets yesterday, oh well. Off to judge singers all day today.

    Onward and downward.

    Thanks, @betsylee. Interesting info about salt and being mindful if you weigh each day. I feel that it does keep me more mindful. It’s good to hear someone else out there weighs every day too ๐Ÿ™‚

    USA Day 2 FD 800

    Quick check in for accountability!

    Pocket List

    @ccco 800

    Day 2 – USA – NFD

    @snowflake56 – Thank you. I will keep this in mind. So far, 3 lbs lost this week, so I can’t complain!

    @betsylee – This is exactly what I am looking for! Thank you. Not so much Keto, but something that will help me from feeling sluggish and tired all day. What food do you eat to increase your fat intake? Also, I just calculated my TDEE score (1584), what do I do with it? Is it the amount of calories I should eat every day? I see that you alternate between CD and FD800. How is that for you?

    @aglowworm – I weigh in every day too. Since I am new to this process, it helps me become more aware of what works and what doesn’t work for me.

    Day 2 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    Great night out with the girls at a tapas bar last night. However I slipped and fell, and banged my head of the corner of a table, my knee then took the brunt of the fall, so am sore and bruised today. My friends kept an eye on me to see if I was concussed but I was not….just embarrassing to slip whilst wearing fabulous heels ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    Anyway, busy morning, visited Dad in hospital then checked in to see how the building work is going on (building an accessible wet room and toilet for him for when he will be discharged), and now I plan to just chill for the rest of the weekend. ๐Ÿท Is part of that plan.

    Have a great weekend.

    Day 2, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Off to Trader Joe’s for groceries. DH is insisting on getting eclairs and fruit tarts from our new fabulous French patisserie. Ok, it is the last carnival weekend before lent…so yes, it will happen. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜‚
    Food will be zucchini noodles with organic ground beef, organic tomato sauce and parmesan.๐Ÿ
    Later walking to one of our coffee places but I don’t feel very good…my cold, unfortunately, is there to stay for a while and tries to get into my lungs. I am inhaling a few times a day, drink lots of tea…it takes time to get rid of it. ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

    Have a good Saturday everyone! โš˜โš˜โš˜

    Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD

    DD (in Australia currently for three years) tells me about the serious bush fires raging out of control near her in Victoria. Stay safe you Aussies who may be affected.

    @aglowworm: ….and others who may wonder. The pocket list is a list of people who are fasting that day. Copy and paste, add yourself. Maybe keep it in your pocket for motivation. You are not alone.

    Day 2- Atlanta, Ga. -USA

    Hi guys! Just checking in. Hope you all have had wonderful days!

    Day 2- Ohio NFD

    Well, the fd went fine food-wise. But, all plans went haywire. Toilet will end up getting fixed tonight… after the oldest gets home from work so we can hit the last place that may have the right lever. I am so looking forward to scrambled tofu. Been telling myself the past few days that would be my reward. Though donuts sound good too. Less work too. But, scrambled sodium bomb. Planning on surprising the kids by making pizza tonight. Then, there will be the old-school LAN minecraft party. Meaning, the kids will be playing in seperate rooms yelling at each other about the game they are on. It makes me laugh even more when you realise they have the microphones and headsets hooked up and turned off. Sends me back to when they were little and we would go to friends of mine to end up doing the same thing (take up a couple rooms and yell back and forth or call on the phone up or down between floors about the game). I’m also moving furniture around tonight, so having them not in my way will help.

    @snowflake56 It’s not actually expected, but the majority of the waitresses ask me multiple times until I do order food about getting some. The farmers ask if I’m all right if I just have coffee. It’s different being the youngest of the “old-timers” at my age. The owner remembers when I would order hot chocolate and they would keep an extra can of whipped cream so I could have a second helping when I was little. He still tries to get his daughter to make me a cup when I come in! I wish I could do the fruit cup, but the mix has strawberries and/or kiwi, which I am allergic to. When I try to do the grits, I get overfull halfway through the bowl and feel sick the rest of the day. I just refuse instant oatmeal from constant in childhood. But, I discovered if I go to the other one across town, that owner is happy with me just having coffee (they have better decaf that is brewed before the regular). Yeah, I’m an original with that one too (summer high school band practices getting to town had me going there when they opened and the other one was closed from fire) but they open later, so I am in the cold longer. And what do you plan on putting in the space of the rhododendrons if anything?

    @judyjudes I’m in the agreement of changing if you can or getting a specialist. If you can’t change, would you be able to send a complaint to NHS so they know the situation and maybe can have different options for you?

    @daffodil2010 Ouch on the slip. Glad your friends were still concerned. Keep some ice and warmth on your knee while relaxing.

    Day 2 California NFD

    A no fast day but will be a 16:8 like yesterday. Itโ€™s another rainy day today and tomorrow and probably all next week so I have to try and stay away from the comfort food.

    Today I tried something new โ€˜micro needlingโ€™ which I came across on one of those โ€˜best products on Amazonโ€™ articles. My face feels a little funny now so letโ€™s see how it goes… a new and improved face ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Day 2- Wales,UK FD

    Hello all

    Only started fasting on 21st January, have lost 11.5lb so far.
    Have been a yo yo dieter all my life so hoping to get it off and keep it off this time.

    Day 2. UK. NFD

    Hello You Lovely Lot

    Thank you for your kind messages & Birthday Wishes, they are much appreciated.

    Just a quick visit, I will read thread properly and respond when Iโ€™m not as shattered. Could well be in 2021;)

    Having a rare NFD as other half keeps bringing me food and treats.

    Peace & Love ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 2 Wales ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ NFD

    @judyjudes have I missed your birthday? Very many happy returns, enjoy those treats ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ’

    @russetfox congratulations on your successful start on 5:2, from a former yo yo dieter (now in maintenance) stay with us, this is a sustainable way of eating that ends โ€˜dietsโ€™ forever.

    @daffodil2010 you fall sounds like me on a night out after a few ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ˜‚ hope the bumps and bruises are better.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone ๐Ÿค—

    @ciren2 aaaah I see. That makes sense. I may be being stupid, but where is the list? Thanks for all the helpful info! I hope you’ve had/are having a good Saturday.

    Day 2 โ€“ Iceland โ€“ NFD

    @snowflake56 @betsylee @michelinme thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words๐Ÿ’•
    After completely uncontrolled month, the first step towards fasting feels just a little heavy โ€ฆ today I ate both bread, cheese and chocolate, no idea how many calories, so unfortunately no fast ๐Ÿท but I know that as soon as I can manage one good FD, I will feel great and it will be easy to keep on fasting. Big reset tomorrow! ๐Ÿšจ
    Wonderful quote by Roald Dahl @snowflake56
    @miraclelou โ€“ I like your goals for March! Good luck!
    @judyjudes โ€“ really wish for you to find a competent and supportive doctor, you deserve better๐Ÿ’• And a very happy birthday! ๐Ÿ’
    @michelinme โ€“ I am in a similar situation, It seems that I have been jojoing around 75-80+ for over 8 months! Hopefully March will be the month where we leave this plateau behind once and for all!
    @russetfox โ€“ welcome to the forum and congratulations on a great start!
    @aglowworm โ€“ the pocket list is just posted here, for example I could start a pocket list for tomorrow and then everyone who plans to fast can copy/paste and add themselves to the list:
    Pocket List Day 3
    @borealis 1st of B2B2B

    Onwards and downwards!

    2nd post squeaking in

    Posting to ask a question and since everyone has decided no lan party because of sleepiness I’m noticing it more today. Does anyone ever get stomach cramps the day after a fd and yet not think it was hunger? Today is the third time it happened to me and putting food in doesn’t help. It ends up making it worse. Looking at past meals (I keep records of food since teenager with still unexplained in some cases migraines) doesn’t show any similarities in fd or day after foods.

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