March 2019 – Spring Challenge

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March 2019 – Spring Challenge

This topic contains 905 replies, has 56 voices, and was last updated by  therealwil78 5 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 9 posts - 901 through 909 (of 909 total)

  • Good morning everyone!

    @bluesqueak thanks you so much! I couldn’t have done this without the input of others, including you!

    @wacm thank you! You did very well this month, you shredded 2,5 kg!

    @metatauta congratulations on losing 1.8 kg!

    @fiftyandfabulous you’re doing so well, I love your motivation!

    @stephsie thank you!

    Bye for now!

    I am so sorry for being AWOL most of the month ☹ . I was away, and that was good, and then I went to visit my mum and that was not so good as she is not in the best of health.
    Eating wise this month was a bit of a disaster too, I think I only had 2 or 3 FDs 😳 . I suppose its good that I’m still trying?
    I skimmed through the posts and will try and catch up in April 🙂
    Even though I was absent, I was around in the background, lurking from time to time, and you have been such a wonderful hostess @snowflake56, thank you! 💐

    Final Results,

    Well, I end this months’ challenge at -5lbs, although as I mentioned before, it’s still higher than my December start weight!

    Many thanks to snowflake56 for some fabulous hosting!!!

    I’m setting some serious targets for April, time to knuckle down!!! I’ll see you guys on the April forum with polished hula-hoops at the ready!!!

    Day 31 – Perth AUS – NFD

    Gained 2.2kg OOPS
    Time to get back on track in April.

    Thanks @snowflake56 for hosting and sorry for being AWOL almost the whole month. It proves for me that if I don’t check in here, I stray off course…

    Herefordshire U.K.

    @snowflake56 – I hope you are feeling better, if kind words here could heal us then you’ll be feeling tip top by now. Thank you for your kind and gentle interest in all our lives and wanting the best for us all you’ve been a super host – thank you again.
    So sorry I couldn’t stay with you these past weeks and missing our shared Saturday fasting days. I have been feeling fine just swamped in time and energy with what March brings into our family life every year. The last event was a memorial weekend in honour of an aunt and uncle on my OH’s side this past w’end. Despite the sadness that made family and friends gather in The Lake District we had a wonderful time sharing memories and following family traditions such as rowing on the lake and campfire breakfasts. It was pure Swallows and Amazon’s time, in fact as a bibliophile you might be interested to know OH’s aunt and uncle’s former home has strong links with Arthur Ransome as it was his families holiday home when staying in the lakes on the southern tip of Coniston Lake.
    April will be equally busy with family celebrations but hoping less stressful and one where I can be more in control of things so hoping to be more involved in April.

    Thanks a lot to all here for all the mutual support and solidarity everyone gives each other. Good luck to you all in April.
    Ta ta for now. X

    Final post

    No idea what I weigh at month end bc still away and no scales.Stayed vegan tho and mostly wise choices, few treats & no fasting bc holiday & fitting in with hosts, but head in good place.

    Thank you @snowflake56 for fabulous hosting. You have been gentle, kind and wise – what more could we ask for? xx

    2nd post

    @daffodil2010, @shinything, @flourbaby, @elektron, @dingping and @michelinme thanks you so much, I’m realy pleased most of the March Challenge participants were nice in their comments. It’s a real confident boost!

    @shinything it’s not easy to get back on track when you were away for a while. As most of us have older parents, I think we all can relate to problems concerning deteriorating health. It’s hard to deal with because mostly you can’t do anything about it, you can just let them know how much you love them.

    @flourbaby well done, -5 lbs is not bad at all! Got the hoop I borrowed, our adorable neighbour didn’t succeed in making it heavier. We’ll see, how far I come.

    @michelinme making good and healthy choices is more than a lot of us can do (me for example), so well done!

    @dingping I’m fine, it will pass. I’m glad everything is well with you again. What a lovely weekend you had with your OH’s family, it sounds so British and romantic. I’m not familiar with Arthur Ransome, what an interesting life he had. Have you read any of his books? I hope we’re able to do a few Saturday’s fasts together, somehow it makes fun and we always have something to chat about. Hugs xxx

    Day 5- Atlanta, Ga.- USA- NFD

Viewing 9 posts - 901 through 909 (of 909 total)

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