Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 1,160 replies, has 90 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 6 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,001 through 1,050 (of 1,162 total)

  • Hi Everyone
    I am new here and ready to start a 3 day fast! Hoping to lose about 5 lbs and then go to ADF. I eat OMAD right now and I am doing low/zero carb.

    I am kind of nervous because I always give in to my one meal, but I want to lose some weight and for other reasons to become more mindful on eating.

    I hope I can join and get inspired by all of you!!

    I will prob start a new thread soon..

    Thank you!!

    Day 27…NSW Australia…NFD
    Hi everyone
    Just checking in. Enjoy your day and bye for now!

    Day 27 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD
    2nd B2B

    Not so bad FD yesterday, it was an OMAD in the end with just oat bran porridge, blueberries, chia seeds, and a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg. I am still a bit bunged up after the weekend. For some reason the wine extravaganza has made me a tad constipated so still have “food in transit”
    . @merryapple I try to drink loads of water to get things moving, usually up to 3.5 litres a day, but at the weekend I forget (too busy filling the glass with wine 😆) and it knocks me back. Some swear by an apple a day to keep regular, I must try that myself.

    @Michellemm1 Welcome to the fabulous forum. Read @at introductory post on page 1 and then settle into this journey with us all. We are all at different stages but the support and encouragement is phenomenal. Oh, and to get you started I have added you to today’s list of fasters ☺️ It’s called a Pocket List so you can keep it in your
    Pocket and know so many of us around the globe are fasting there with you.

    This darn iPad keeps throwing up mad corrective spelling. I don’t have time to keep going back to check so if there are crazy bloopers in this post……SORRY 😁

    I got my car back at last. So happy to have a decent car again, that little VW UP was too much of an old lady car for me, at 50 I am not quite ready to commit to a tiny runabout 🤗

    Right, straight up I am starting today’s Picket Lust …….

    Day 27 Pocket Fast …Copy and Paste if fasting – Together we are Stronger

    Day 27 – UK – Reading – FD

    Well, yesterday’s FD was a disaster. It was fine during the day, but dinner out in the evening blew the whole thing. So starting again today.

    Adding myself to the Picket Lust:


    Day 27, UK, NFD
    79.8 kg. Great FD yesterday and scraped into the 70s again. Need to stay controlled today!

    Day 27, Guildford UK, NFD

    Chest infection today and so overloaded at work. It’s 9:30 and still not out of bed. Coughing like a good ‘un (said with a northern accent).

    Grotty yesterday so spent day in bed with comfort food.

    No exercise since Friday.I am currently watching On the beach body 12 week transformation (if only), uggggggggg…..

    Butt to be shifted, must get going for the day. Deadlines 31 March and it’s serious stuff.

    Catch up later…………


    BigViking – My weight was down but I took my daughter out to a lunch she wanted because she had a good report card. It was Taco Bell and I was shocked by the amount of grease dripping out of the tacos. I probably got a week’s worth of grease in one meal! So you are likely doing way better than me!!

    Taco Bell’s are rare in Japan but the food is almost the same.

    Day 27…..Florida……NFD

    I didn’t get a chance to post yesterday……. I slept horrible, then when the alarm went off, I managed to turn it off and went right back to sleep. So, when I did finally wake up…….It was a mad dash to get out the door so I was not late for work. Then work was soul crushing because I was so darn tired. Then, I was in bed asleep before the sun went to bed.
    Man, I feel better this morning!

    I wanted to say Welcome to a few of the new members who have joined us. I’ve been an active 5:2er and member for 1 1/2 years now. Come to think of it, this is possibly the longest I’ve ever entertained a healthy WOL. I could not imagine doing anything else and having what I have hear with all these wonderful people. They all have a piece of my heart.
    The forum moves fast but if you have a question, a bad day, a fantastic day or just need to vent about anything, post it here, someone will always make sure your well take care of.

    Tomorrow I turn 44 years young……. but my family and I are celebrating tonight. The crazy thing is, I get to have my choice of meal tonight and normally before 5:2 that would have made me all giggly inside. But, I’m allowing my OH to chose dinner, so, I guess I’ve come to the point in my life where food is no longer a dictator forcing his choices on me.
    Okay….. let’s be realistic here……I did say that I wanted chocolate cake with buttercream frosting…… and I was pretty darn firm on the buttercream frosting.
    I guess as you can tell, I still have a pretty little green dragon who will always be with me….. she sure does love her sweets…….. I’ve even named her Matilda…… So, Matilda and I will enjoy our buttercream frosting then she has agreed to go back in her cage until my girls weekend away…….

    When someone yells stop, I Don’t know if it’s in the name of Love, it’s hammer time or I should collaborate and listen!

    Day27 UK NFD

    Stayed under TDEE yesterday, despite setting off for a long beach walk with the promise of fish and chips at the end of it. Did the walk but the chippy was shut😥. It was a long sulky walk back to the car. Still on the plus side it was a 3.5mile walk over sand and my calves are complaining this morning.

    A bit of an issue came up at the weekend. I found out my friend had lied to me over something. Note to people, if you’re going to say you’ll be somewhere on a certain day so can’t meet your oldest friend for a birthday meal, don’t let your OH check in on Facebook! I was so upset but really don’t know what to do about it. I know why she did it (long story short she was upset with me over something I thought was really trivial). My problem is that this person really holds grudges, once you’re on the naughty list you stay there for years! Over the years we’ve always been wary of upsetting her, putting up with things that I wouldn’t necessarily do. This time I feel like I’ve got to the end of my tether. I really don’t want to fall out with her, any advice from you peeps would be great. She’s the mum from the wedding we’re gojng to in May so I have 3 days sharing a room with her planned and then the wedding. At the minute I don’t want to go to either, but then that makes me as bad as her.

    Sorry for bringing the mood down, at least I didn’t grab for the biscuits this time.

    Today will be a NFD as my OH has volunteered to cook a full breakfast as lunch (if that makes sense). Tomorrow will be a FD, probably my last in March.

    Day 27, Surrey (UK), FD

    Unplanned FD today, yet again, due to upcoming social arrangements. Aiming to have another FD on Friday, so not quite ADF but it means I will have had 3 fast days in the space of a week.

    Trying to digest the contents of the ‘Fast Exercise’ book. Lots and lots in there, not clear yet in my head what I should be focusing on. Just had a session in the gym (in fasted state), and decided to monitor my heart rate on various machines at ‘hard but steady’ and ‘max intensity’ levels. Seems the max I can achieve is 150bpm. When in cool down mode, I quickly drop to 100bpm. I’m female, currently 57yo, BMI 26.5. Is this good? Bad? Indifferent? Need to go back to the book to work out what my baseline is exercise-wise, and what to do to improve it.

    @daffodil2010, interesting tip about the apple a day. I usually eat half an apple and an orange on NFDs. I have my issues with regularity so maybe I should swap to more apple.

    @saffy420, suggest you meet with your friend at a café (neutral territory) for a coffee, to have a quiet chat and hopefully clear the air. Hear what she has to say. Say what you want to say to her, starting with “I feel…”. Tell her (like you told us) you want to remain friends. Hopefully you can get it all sorted before the wedding. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

    Adding myself to the picket lust for today!


    Day 27 UK CD

    This morning my weight is still back up at 162lbs – it was 158lbs on Thurs 🙁 O well. Going to take a leaf out of forum members’ books and keep on keeping on, in the knowledge that a few days do not a crisis make, and it will move eventually if I keep going.

    Resisting the urge to throw in a B2B bc I’ve definitely got a virus and I feel really lousy. Headache, dizzy, burning pain, sore throat. Going to heat up some spicy carrot & ginger soup for lunch & make a huge crunchy salad to have with halloumi. If there’s still some room I’ll have a piece of seedy oat bread – rather than starting with the bread.

    Still tackling the challenges of disability support payments and realise it could be a while. I’m working on having good boundaries and not beating myself up about it all, finding a new strength which is really helpful.

    More convinced my joint pain is autoimmune bc my psoriasis has also flared up in a way it hasn’t for years – suddenly my face is alight with patches of red scaly skin just in time for my holiday next week. Yay! 😀

    I’m going to be away on holiday for a week in April but happy to volunteer to host the May challenge – if someone can please help me with the spreadsheet? We still need an April host – no experience necessary!

    @rainbowsmile – Hope you feel better very soon, and good luck with the deadlines

    @saffy420 so sorry to hear about your friend, that must be really stressful. I never have the patience to be extra careful around people who hold grudges, so no wisdom to share – tho I hope others will. I’m increasingly letting go of the people, habits and activities that aren’t life-giving and the places and spaces where it’s not OK to be me as I am – not self-centredly, but as part of a diverse community. I want to be with people who enjoy who I am rather than judging me.

    @bert1802 have a very happy birthday celebration with your family – and enjoy that cake with buttercream icing 😀

    Hello all day 27 fd as it’s a travelling back home day so just a coffee so far. Ive read the last few pages of our thread on the train journey and in the airport.
    Had an indulgent few days than I’ve had in ages but so enjoyed our stay. Heading back at beginning of May for a quick weekend stay to see no 3 son play rugby. He rolled his ankle and wasn’t fit to play while we were over this time. So fingers crossed he gets the all clear. My goal is to be weighing less in May than I am now. My jeans are getting tighter and uncomfortable. Not making much progress but after the inspiration on reading everyone’s journey I am determined to stay more focused. Determined to use today as the start of ‘another’ reset.
    @saffy420 if someone came to you with the scenario of you and your friend – what would your advice be to them? My own initial thoughts are ‘how much of a real friend is this person’? Surely a true friend is someone who you can be honest with and who listens, someone who understands and is ready to forgive. Life is too short and sometimes you need to weigh up the balance. Have you apologised for the way she felt over what you said? You maybe meant what was said but didn’t mean for her to take it the way she did – so while you are saying sorry it’s not for what you said but for the way she took it. That has disfused many a disagreement. Sounds like a few tip toe around her, I hope it works out but maybe after the wedding you could distance yourself and give her time to think on her own behaviour or perhaps have an honest heart to heart?
    We have a couple who we socialised with, went away on weekends and who I counted as close friends. Suddenly the male started being off with my OH. We have known each other for years with my OH and him (we thought) best buddies. My OH asked on a few occassions had he done something to offend him or was something wrong and while he hinted at something he wasn’t honest enough to say what was up. I asked his wife as well but we are none the wiser. We now feel while we will pass ourselves in their company the friendship is not what it was but we can’t mend when we don’t know what is wrong. Sad as we had some good times.

    Day 27 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    FD yesterday went to plan but feel a bit grotty today like I may be starting with hay fever or a sinus infection so struggling a bit to resist comfort food…….so I’m trying to avoid the kitchen!!!

    @saffy420 I don’t envy you your awkward situation with your friend, personally I hate conflict but at the same time I know if I didn’t talk to her about it I just wouldn’t feel comfortable with her anymore. Are you sure her plans didn’t change at the last minute? I would ask her. Good luck and I hope you get resolution before the trip.

    @bert1802 wishing you and Matilda a fabulous birthday celebration 🎂🎉🤗

    Keep on keeping on everyone!

    Day 27 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Had a great 620 calorie FD yesterday, and so far this morning have not broken the fast. Likely will try to do Silver Sneakers this morning then come home and eat a good lunch. White chicken chile is planned for supper with leftover rotisserie chicken. It’s pretty healthy, low carb (unless I eat a lot of taco chips with it), so today ought to be under TDEE again.

    I love that My Fitness Pal (MFP) sends an email with the weekly summary of what I have eaten. Most fascinating to see that I’ve kept under TDEE about every day, then the one FD shows up too as my maintenance for 6:1.

    @saffy420 – I am confident you will make smart decisions about dealing with a tough situation and your friend.

    @coda – it’s always rough to lose what you thought were good friendships. Hugs to you and your OH.

    @michelemm1 – welcome! You will find these peeps terrific support and help.

    @bert1802 – enjoy your birthday dinner AND that buttercream frosting. That’s also my fave. 🙂 “Happy birthday, dear Bert (singing away) happy birthday to YOU!”

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    @bert1802: Happy Birthday!🎂🍰🎈

    @saffy420: Good advice given already. I personally do not tolerate people with grudges, especially if they don’t explain what exactly I did wrong, don’t give me a chance to apologize or don’t forgive me even after apologizing several times. It is definitely an upsetting situation. Sending you a hug and 💐.

    Have a good Tuesday everyone! 🥀🥀🥀

    I have put myself onto the spreadsheet but it is the end of the month, and we leave to go away for 2 weeks tomorrow! So I guess I will be starting in earnest mid April. Thank you for all the work you are doing. Lets hope this time the 5:2 diet will work for me.

    Day 27. Gozo, Malta, fd

    Happy birthday 🎈🎁🎂🎉 Bert1802, many happy remains.

    I’m fasting today. Ate fish baked onions and salad leaves. I omitted the baked potatoes and had the usual coffee with semi skimmed milk and honey. This evening we sleep over at my daughter s home in Malta to catch the catamaran early morning. She is ordering pizza and I’m going to have some. Then from tomorrow I’ll be in Sicily for five days. We’ll arrive in Malta again Sunday late evening.

    Stay strong everyone, have a great day/night.

    Day 27, Emden Germany, FD

    unplanned FD today. Wanted to do a bit of paperwork in the practice today but it was more than expected so worked until 4:00 pm. Nothing to eat except for sweets so waited to get home and ate chicken soup. Too tired to read all the posts.

    Adding myself to the pocket list for today!


    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 27 (2nd post)

    @saffy420 I am so sorry for your friend trouble. I had a “best friend” since I was 5 years old, we grew up together, went to school together, holidays together, we even house-shared together. I never really noticed that I had to be tip-toeing around her until it was pointed out to me by others. I never really noticed the passive aggressive notes and texts she would leave me, but I began to wonder what was going on when I no longer enjoyed being in her company too much.

    It went on for years until, about 11 years ago, I discovered a massive lie and a betrayal of me by her….and when confronted she tried to lay the blame on me. Long story short, I was devastated by the betrayal, but more so by her lack of responsibility for her actions and trying to blame me.

    I dropped that friendship. It’s been difficult as we share mutual friends but apart from seeing her at weddings, funerals, that has been it. I smile and say hello, then I move on.

    I have never felt better about myself and realise now the years of subtle bullying that I was going through unawares.

    That’s not really advice to you @saffy420, I guess I am just sharing my story, but getting her out of my life has released me from all the negative toxic feelings.
    I hope you find the right way. Remember, it’s your life and your mental health, don’t let anybody else mess with it. Good luck 🤗

    And oooops everyone for the Picket Lust 🤓 Up there with Good Lunck 😆

    Day 27 – Iceland – FD

    @ktcaroline – I too blew my FD yesterday, went up to 942 kcal so will let it count as a CD and starting anew today.
    @saffy420 – I hope the friend trouble works out in the best way for you.
    @michelinme – I am happy to help with the spreadsheet in May/April… or anytime. Not quite confident enough to volunteer to host as English is not my native language… love the eloquent, uplifting and encouraging posts by our hosts (and many others) so far💜
    @bert1802 – have a wonderful birthday tomorrow and enjoy your buttercream cake!
    @songbirdme – thank you very much for introducing me to My Fitness Pal, I haven’t been counting calories very carefully since starting this WOL, mostly because I found it too complicated when cooking dinner with lots of ingredients… but I was delighted to find out that MFP does all the work for you! I just pasted a link to a dal recipe and voilà! it tells me each serving is 143 kcal. It is my new favourite app!

    To all who are not well – best wishes for a speedy recovery💐

    Adding myself to the Picket Lust 😄 for today


    Day 27 Stevensville Maryland CFD

    Still fasting, very busy with work will read post soon. I did see Bert is having a birthday so, Happy Birthday to you Bert enjoy your day.

    Adding myself to the Picket List 😄 for today


    I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday. Have a great Tuesday everyone.

    Day 27 Atlanta, GA, USA – CD

    Yesterday’s fast day went fine, i ate little over 500 Calories and today morning i wasnt very hungry so had very light breakfast/snack. Weighed myself in and i’m close to my march goal weight. Praying for the scales to stay consistent

    Good Luck everyone

    Day 27 – USA – NFD

    @bert1802, happy happy birthday!

    @saffy420 and @ daffodil2010. It’s so upsetting when you don’t really know what’s going on. People seem to find it really tricky to say what they really mean – ourselves included I think.

    But, if the person in question doesn’t generally make you feel glad to see them, and they don’t make you feel good about yourself, I think I’d quietly drop contact with them. Do whatever you have to do re the wedding, then pull away. I’m sure you have plenty of other friends who are supportive and whose company you enjoy. Why spend time with people who make you feel bad?

    Day 28 NZ NFD
    My minor Whoosh has done a U turn on me… I’m back up to 86.8kg. Could be something to do with making a carrot cake (no icing) and cooking a birthday dinner for our host!!!! Maybe I should be weighing myself once a week but it’s a control vs out of control thing. At this stage it’s too easy to spiral out of control. I’m just not that confident about keeping everything together day after day on the food front so a daily weigh plus food diary are the ticket. I hope this will change as my weight drops…
    @saffy420 Whew, friends that get off on twisting you emotionally around their little finger… Here’s my two cents worth…To me the most important immediate thing is the wedding so do whatever you need to do to sort the situation out so you can enjoy it. Then just distance yourself… If you have behaved with integrity the problem lies with her not you… and you’re not responsible for other people’s behaviour. But these situations are never that black and white…
    Macintosh the Westie is 9.8kg and holding.
    Welcome to all the new people!!

    Day 27 SW WA USA – FD (2nd of B2B)

    @Sffy420 – wishing you the wisdom to guard your heart as you work things through relationally with this person in your life. As others have mentioned, people conflict can be so draining Hearing the conversation here, makes me reflect on one of my relationships as well. Relational health is so important to our overall well-being.

    @bert1802 – Happy Birthday! 🙂

    Adding myself to the pocket list for today!


    Together we are stronger to face whatever comes!

    Thank you!! Excited to be here😉

    ccco USA Day 27 NFD

    Happy Birthday, Bert!

    I envy how many social occasions so many of you have with your friends and family, but I can also see how that affects your 5:2 programs. I am glad you have so many loved ones and wish you all the best in making all that work within your WOL! stay strong!

    Yesterday’s FD went perfectly! I needed to get rid of a couple of pounds I put on with salty food on Sunday and I succeeded this morning! Tomorrow will be another FD. I thought I would wind up our March challenge meeting my personal challenge and it looks like I will (or maybe a little more)!:) I haven’t had a chance to read all the posts yet but I hope everyone had a happy FD or NFD today! See you all tomorrow!

    Day 27, UK, NFD

    I’m very late due to work, but still, wanted to post to be accountable 🙂 . Sadly, after a good FD yesterday, I stepped on my scales this morning and saw them showing 0.5 kg higher 😢 . I don’t quite know why or how that happen, I thought I was being careful with food. Its depressing 🙁

    @bert1802 Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day 💐 🎂

    @saffy420 I hope you manage to sort out your friend issue, I don’t have time or patience for grudges and people with grudges, or to tiptoe around someone, life is too short.

    @daffodil2010 I noticed that “Picket Lust” but thought I must have missed the joke 😂

    Have a good day everyone 🙂

    Day 28 – Japan – NFD 80.6kg <— No clue … I expected 83kg

    Bert1802 – Happy birthday and enjoy your youth! I turned 44 two weeks after my 14 year old was born. I wish I would have been fasting back then, but then I though fasting was a crazy and dangerous thing to do back then.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Enjoy it.

    I forgot to say I hope everyone had a great day! I made it through my first day of my 3-4 day fast. I was going to break on Thursday, but Friday sounds more appealing to eat. I will see how I feel though.

    I am still trying to read all the posts to keep me motivated and updated on how you all are doing. Luckily, I had some groundwork before with OMAD and I also am very very low carb.. like zero, pretty much. I might add veggies back in though.

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Good morning. Here’s hoping the iPad predictive spelling behaves today. Seems a few of us are having issues with iPad and iPhone and attempting to paste and spellcheck etc. Wonder if something has changed in the dark murky world of digital technology 🤔

    Anyway, yesterday’s FD was good, slightly over 500 calories, in fact I was quite stuffed after my modest 2egg omelette supper. Maybe it was the half cup of chicken bone broth I had had an hour before that? Hunger never seems to raise its head anymore, I can’t remember the last time I felt hungry.

    And I used to get “hangry” all the time ☺️

    Today will be a CD. I have fresh batches of kefir and yoghurt to make, I plan a big pot of chicken and chilli peppers with veg and konjac rice (enough for 2 days meals for myself and DH), busy cooking tonight. Tomorrow is my final FD of March and I might try for an LFD or at least OMAD.

    Only 3/4 pound to reach March goal. I did reach it last Fri and Saturday but the weekend pushed me out again. There seems to be a lot of people near to goal so keep pushing everyone. We are nearly there. March has been a good month.

    Has nobody offered to host April yet? As a very recent hostess (February) I can attest that it’s hardly any work at all, it’s very uplifting personally, and it really helps get your mojo on track while getting to know everybody. Hoping someone will bravely take the baton soon from @at 😄

    Have a good day.

    🏁 Finish line in sight.

    Day 38, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Ate a lot of bread yesterday. I blame my OH who baked some lovely rolls. He is also on 5:2 but can eat more than me without gaining weight. He even drinks beer on non fast days and loses weight. Can’t blame him really as he didn’t put the food in my mouth!

    Will try and have SOME control today. Helps to be busy. My business is seasonal and has spiked up in the last week – its been a very late spring!

    I fell asleep in yoga nidra yesterday and pretty sure i was snoring! Embarassing.

    Day 28, Australia, FD

    I’m trialling doing my fast days at work – it seems so much easier when I’m distracted. Had the weekend off though as I had lots of work to do at home, sitting down.
    Today I weighed myself for the first time in nearly a week and I’m back in my BMI – now just to get back into my clothes!

    Have been feeling light-headed though – wondering what my blood sugars are like.
    Will pop back on later tonight and read through how everyone’s been going the last week.

    Day 28 – UK – Reading – FD

    I’m not too well with my FD’s at the moment, so trying again today. March goal seems unreachable now, but I’m 1kg down from the beginning of the month so that’s something. Am I the first on the Picket Lust this morning?

    Pocket List:

    Day 28, FInland, NFD

    Good morning! We have beautiful weather, not quite spring… -5 and sunshine. I will try and get out walking in it.
    Had a successful FD n Monday, and it made me hit March target yesterday. An unexpected funny tummy yesterday put the scales even lower today, but i am sure that will fix itself when back to normal today! I was happy to see the month ends after a FD this month 😉
    @bert1802 Happy birthday! Chocolate cake with buttercream icing sounds fabulous. It was always what my Grandma made for my birthday. I hope you enjoy it! I laughed at your dragons name…my daughter is Mathilda, and she also loves her sweets! Perfect name for your sweetie dragon!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 28, UK, FD
    80.4 kg. Yesterday wasn’t terribly controlled. Hoping today will bring me back to 70s.

    Pocket list:


    Day 28, Leeds UK, NFD

    Slow month, but no weight gained neither lost. So feeling ok, looking for April to make some progress. Good luck buddies.

    Day 28 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Keeping on keeping on! 😉

    Day 28 Newcastle UK FD 🇬🇧.
    Day 27 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.
    Never had a moment to myself yesterday it’s easy to fast when you’re busy maybe that’s the secret to losing weight lol

    Day 28…..Florida…..NFD

    Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes. I can feel all of your love jump off the page.

    Kerryn……. Matilda is a beautiful name. I named my dragon that because she will always be with me. So, since she’s part of me, she deserved to be called something beautiful.

    I don’t have much time, I forgot to charge my iPad, so I only have 10% battery power!

    When someone yells stop, I don’t know if it’s in the name of Love, it’s hammer time or I should collaborate and listen!

    Day 28…NSW Australia…NFD

    Day 28 – USA – FD

    Day 28 – USA – FD

    Up 3 lbs. since the other day…please say it’s a whoosh, lol.
    Forgot to put myself on the pocket list:

    Pocket list:


    Day 28 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Feeling accomplished today, I will be breaking my 66hr fast at noon today. Feeling lighter with one more FD on Thursday, really hoping to reach my goal for March by Friday am. If I do, I will be at my GOAL weight and will be learning how to do maintenance for life. I feel good knowing if I mess up on maintenance, I can always do FD’s to recover.

    I tried on my MOB dress yesterday and it fits perfect, wedding isn’t until the end of May so hoping to keep this WOL going. I also tried on a dress that I purchased last year for Easter (that ended up way to tight so I didn’t wear it) and it fits perfectly after down inches off the wait.

    I might not be there yet, but I am 2lbs away from goal weight. Have a great Wednesday everyone,

    Day 28 North Canton OH FD and Thank God!

    We spent the last three weeks moving on the weekends and then it was a mad dash to the finish last weekend as we had to be out of our old home on Sunday; closing was scheduled for Monday. We haven’t grocery shopped in 3 weeks, I haven’t cooked in 3 weeks and we have subsisted on fast food and restaurant meals. I knew weigh in would be bad and it was; 10 pounds gained!!! But we are all moved in, now we just need to sort. We closed without issues, nobody got hurt during the move, we paid of our HELOC and we are starting anew in our dream home. I may be 10 pounds heavier but I know what to do to get back in maintenance, a few days or weeks does not a crisis make (thanks @michelinme). Definitely don’t see a move in my future ever; this is it for me.
    So who is hosting April? Please count me in, I need you guys, I am going back to the basics that worked for me to start with and I am excited: Every other day FD, LCHF meals, OMAD on NFD, No alcohol and weekend FD. that was the combo that helped me lose the weight and get into maintenance last year. I am still organizing my stuff so can’t host but I would be happy to host in May if nobody else has already opted to do so. I haven’t read posts in a while so I have a lot of catching up to do, but welcome to all newbies and keep fighting the good fight, we are worth it.

    Day 28, UK, NFD

    Not a bad day so far, planning to do some light exercises today and than cook something healthy, maybe a chicken bone broth 🙂

    @cornish-jane you made me giggle with your comment about falling asleep, i used to do yoga and that happen to me too *giggles* , its such a nice relaxing feeling 😀

    I don’t mind hosting for April, since no one else is coming forward, but I will need some help with spread sheet. I copied the last one, but I deleted data , is that the way to do it? 🤔
    Here it is:
    If someone who is good with spread sheets can help I’ll make a post for April later 🙂

    Day 28, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Really good FD yesterday. I’d got over my coldy fluey thing, which I think made a difference. Weight today 169lb, so 1lb better than target of 170lb. Still a way to go, but getting there!

    Oh yes…I’m wearing my eternity ring now, at long last! It’s a tight squeeze bc my fingers are still really fat though, much fatter than they were the last time I was at this weight, when my hubby bought the ring for me some 16 years ago. I wonder if I’ve accumulated an extra layer of subcutaneous fat and lost some muscle along the way…all the more reason for me to focus on exercise during April. Wedding ring still way too tight atm.

    Talking of April, @shinything I can help with the spreadsheet, if needs be. I had a quick look at it and added my starting weight, and it looks fine to me. If anyone has any issues, I’ll do what I can to fix them. I may not get to it straight away, but I’ll try to sort out anything that needs fixing within 2-3 days.

    Day -4 UK NFD
    Hoping I can join your group and the April challenge. Have added myself to the April sheet I think…so Day one -4 get me to Sunday when I will start tracking properly.

    I am asking in advance for your help to keep me honest to myself, making this a way of life and sorting my relationship with food. I do know now that I can live with out 3 meals plus snacks, but sometimes often my brain or lack of it overrules my body. 🙂
    I like fasting as it makes me feel so much better, but I also like food very much.

    I have 3 stone to loose to be healthy, this is about health, not being high risk on the way to diabetic,lowering blood pressure, stroke and heart risks.

    Thank you in advance for encouraging me during April and hopefully beyond.

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