Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 1,160 replies, has 90 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 6 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 951 through 1,000 (of 1,162 total)

  • Day 10 – UK – NFD

    So as a newbie am realising I’m on a learning curve with this WOL. Weight has been up and down over last two weeks and part of that is monthly fluid retention (normal for me) – however I do appear to have lost 3lbs since starting this so might make my goal for next Friday.

    I have managed two successful fasting days out of 10 days. The remaining 8 days I kept under my TDEE by about 400/500 calories each day. My alcohol intake has gone from a shocking (being honest) at times up to 21 units a week to 8 units in 10 days. Next week I am to make it 4 units or less (being realistic). I’m maintaining a food diary, feeling more energised and increasing exercise (only walking so far but that’s quite a few steps in the right direction!:})

    Instead of doing two consecutive FD next week – I’m going to change my days to Monday and Thursday as Friday was too challenging last week and I found myself rebelling. Let’s see if I can do it!

    Wishing all of you endurance and joy on your steps forward and thanks to everyone coming on here and posting – the March Challenge has made me more resolved not to give up at the first hurdle so it’s been a real help.

    Day 25, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Yesterday’s planned CD morphed into a NFD over my TDEE (went to a real fun and interesting open art studios event🎨 and food🧀 and drinks🍷 were everywhere) so I am planning a CD today.

    Not looking forward to today’s snow!

    Have a good Sunday everyone!😊😊😊

    Day 25 UK NFD

    Somehow managed to wake up at 5.30 new time (!) and get out by 7am – I’m seriously not a morning person – to get round marathon and engineering works in time to narrate passion play this morning. Phew!

    Took some fruit & a chunk of yesterday’s oat/yogurt bread with me, this time made with sunflower seeds, linseed & chia seeds (I bought A Lot of random seeds & nuts in the January sales and am still working my way through the piles). I love how this combination makes a golden brown bread with a crispy chia-crunch! Didn’t feel hungry but did feel sleepy so kept going on liquids until I got home, now looking for hot food and lots of protein.

    Thank you so much for kind get well messages which I really appreciate. Not sure what has caused this flare of burning pain. I keep having tests for inflammatory arthritis but not yet managed to have blood tests during a flare up – by the time I’ve seen GP and arranged blood test the pain is on its way down. Must remember to make a plan for next time round!

    I think my body is currently asking for lots of water, a warm meal of protein and veg, a hot bath and an exceptionally early night. It seems a strange way to use the first Springy Sunday and long evening but hopefully selfcare will pay off and I’ll have a better week. Got some big stuff on the agenda ahead of holiday the first week of April – yay!

    Making an early start on the Day 26 Pocket List – add yourself if you are fasting….


    ccco USA CNFD Day 25

    Yesterday’s NFD went well, so tomorrow will be a total water FD. Today’s FD, along with exercise routine is going well! 🙂

    Daffodil2010: It’s so nice to hear that you are prepping your gardens for Spring and Summer, including fresh veggies. I am still looking out my window at snow, longing for signs of Spring!!

    Rainbowsmile: Sometimes when it rains it pours! I will get better with time! I had an abusive husband, I was divorced the same day I buried my mother, and both my kids left for college, all at the same time. Two months later, my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It seemed like the world was coming to an end. I lived in a city where I had no family, so I had no help, but I fought for my children! I wondered how this would ever end but it did and I am alright now! I reinvented myself. Trust in yourself and your strength and you will persevere and embark on a whole new adventure. When one door closes, another opens! Look out for it! It’s there! 🙂

    Bert1802: Thanks for the input on sleep (or the lack thereof!). I think I will readjust my eating window!

    AimingforHealth: I am relative new, too, and this is my first challenge (although now it seems like a long time! LOL), but it looks like you made all the right moves. I’ve been following Moseley updates online and it seems now he favors food journals and watching calories on NFDs, as well as FDs. He also seems to be recommending not drinking any alcohol on FDs. I am in this with you and my fast journal! We are stronger together! 🙂

    Good luck, michelinme!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 25 – USA – NFD

    Day 25 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Still feeling light today, yesterday I was able to stay under my TDEE’s for goal weight. Today so far so good, tonight will be portion control to stay under goal weight TDEE’s as we are having a Germen meal planned. Roasted Pork with gravy, homemade dumplings and green beans. Going to try and keep my plate fuller of the green beans.

    I am making plans today for another 66hr fast starting tonight after dinner.

    I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday. Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Day 25 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Adding to Day 26 FD pocket list:


    @diana123 – I’m going to start a B2B tonight after my evening meal and probably break it at noon on Tuesday about 76 hours. The longer fasts this past week went quite well. I would so like to reach my modest March goal.

    @Redrockgirl – it’s got to warm up soon. We woke up to snow Saturday morning here & I’m at 285 ft above sea level and not far from the ocean. The Cascade mtns were to be getting a bunch of new snow. If you’re in the red rock area of Utah, you don’t usually get too much snow do you? I lived in northern Utah for 7 years & we certainly got lots of snow there as well.

    @rainbowsmile – may you keep healing and getting stronger!

    Blessings on this Palm Sunday!

    Day 25, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Metatauta it’s true it’s a labour of love ❤️ that’s why I cook for my dear ones so often. Thanks

    At thanks for your birthday wishes for my daughter. She is a hard working diabetes and hormone specialist with two daughters of her own. I’m proud of her. She still expects me to bake her a cake and prefers it from buying it from a confectionery shop.

    Tomorrow is a fast day for me. I need to lose 3 and a half kilos. However next Wednesday we’re going to Sicily until 1 April ie Sunday. So I won’t be doing any fast days during those days. I plan to fast tomorrow and Tuesday.

    Good evening/night everyone

    DAY 25 Belfast NFD
    I had an enjoyable but indulgent evening out yesterday and a smidgeon too much gin. Oops! Was woken by puppy at 5.30am old time – no 1 son forgot to close the kitchen door when he came in. Grrr… feeling a trifle tired.

    @flourbaby – where are your travels taking you now? Enjoy your holiday guilt free.
    Good to see you @coda. Hope you enjoyed your trip.
    @diana123 well done on your journey. Isn’t it good to look back and see how far you’ve come.
    I enjoyed your story @bert1802. You could make a movie!
    @aimingforhealth well done on your great beginning
    @rainbowsmile – I hope all your problems come to a successful resolution.
    @ccco you’ve really been through the mill. Well done on your reinvention. Sometimes, when the chips are down, we find reserves of strength we never knew we had.
    @anna6 enjoy your trip.
    @daffodil2010 well done on your low. You excel at this WOL!

    Adding to Day 26 FD pocket list:

    Have a good evening everyone

    2nd post Day 25 still –

    I didn’t do my Math right @Diane123 – planning to take fast from this evening through Wed noon, that should add up right.

    How lovely every one is. When you give your history then it’s surprising how many share that journey.

    @ccco thank you for sharing, it helps me to feel less like its just me. If you dont mind would you answer a question? do you think extra weight has its roots in this period?
    I struggle with blaming myself for all of it and feel my poor weight maintaining may have its roots in what has happened.

    @debster251 you have been so supportive since I arrived here and yes it is getting better as I go along.

    @annemarilyn thank you.

    @mitchlinme sounds like your body is cleansing and healing, extreme self care, I am sure you will. My body gets very achy and sore when I fast but each time it gets better. Some times the joints get hot too.


    ccco USA Day 25 CNFD
    2nd Post
    Absolutely, Rainbowsmile I think that all the stress of this time in your life can play with your weight and your cortisol levels!

    I had a good day and wait to see you all tomorrow! 🙂

    Day 26 NZ (Monday)
    Hi everyone,

    I have been away from the March forum as I havent been sticking too well to the 5:2 diet, uni has been really stressful.

    But I did lose 1kg in my first 3 weeks of doing this diet so it works! and I am up for another 3wks!

    Today is the day I am back on it, I am going to try doing two liquid fast days and one 500calorie diet. TO mix it up a bit.

    I have 6 kg to lose, so here goes!

    Day 25 USA (Ut visiting) NFD

    Doing fine. Watching a LOT of NCAA basketball. Not eating terribly awful stuff, but will be still keeping My Fitness Pal calories under TDEE the best I am able.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 26. London 🇬🇧
    FD. Adding myself to today’s list

    Blooming iPad. Can’t get it to work properly….


    Day 26 FD country West Australia
    cold wet miserable day and I will TRY for a FD.
    Have had too many NFDs since last post which was ???!
    Finding that I will have to be more diligent again to lose the weight I have regained in the past 12 months.
    Too much chocolate, chips and empty calories crept into my diet over a period of time and I only spasmodically did anything positive to stop them.
    Resetting for the nth time.
    Frustrating ….

    Day 26 FD Auckland

    Greetings all from the Southern Seas. Life has been busy but my OH has occupied my iPhone so I don’t have as much access to it these days… He says he’ll go back to using the landline when we’re back in the house when I suggest he gets his own… We are still out of our house while it’s being altered. It’s coming up for 6 months… probably with another month to go. And I am managing to maintain the 5:2 WOL. I’m still in the mid 86kgs waiting for another WOOSH (what a great word!) after this week’s FDs.

    On the subject of baggy bras – please don’t toss them out! We donate ours to church groups and they go up to the Pacific Islands with aid packages. They are always short of the larger sizes.

    I love reading about everyone’s successes and the dilemmas of maintenance knowing that at least some of you have been up in my current zone. The moral of the story is if you hang in there you will loose weight…

    So stay strong – Kia Kaha – where ever you are!

    Day 26, Emden Germany, FD

    Pocket list day 26


    @at nice to hear your friend is feeling more herself now, the waiting for the result of the scan must be scary, let’s hope for the best. Will be thinking of her. Thanks for the information about the size. I was wondering, because we’re the same height and about the same weight. I’m a European size 36.
    @aimingforhealth you’re doing great, well done!
    @emma-taylor. did you manage to make the swimsuit?

    Let’s make it a good day, only a few days left on this challenge!

    Day 26, Cornwall UK, FD

    Back on the wagon today. Soaked up a lot of sun yesterday in the garden and it was heavenly. My body aches as I did a lot of digging!

    Day 26 Newcastle UK FD 🇬🇧
    Good week last week small loss for myself hopefully a bigger lost this week no beer and curry at all.😄
    Pocket list day 26

    Day 26 -Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Blinking iPad won’t let me copy and paste but I am with you guys on today’s Pocket Fast list. @EmmaTaylor SNAP 😄

    Had a relaxing weekend, lots of vino however and the usual Monday morning gain, but as usual, today’s FD should shift it.

    As an interesting point re weight gain and scales and clothes……so, I had mentioned I was wearing a pair of size 10 skinny jeans at the weekend. They are low rise jeans too so very unforgiving if there is a muffin top to contend with. 😬 I weighed in yesterday morning after an indulgent Saturday evening and the scales showed a whopping 7lb increase OVERNIGHT 😱 However I put on my skinny jeans and they fit me perfectly, not a bother. So that 7lb is just water, food in transit, and not “real” weight. Easy come, easy go.

    My car is still in the garage, they can’t find what is wrong with it, so I am still driving around in the VW Up they loaned me. I am now disliking the little car and want mine back. The little UP is now like the producers car in the Top Gear challenges….following me around and I can’t get away from it 😆 Here’s hoping I get my car back soon and it won’t cost me a fortune.

    @ccco you are so good for sharing and I am delighted that you have happily reinvented yourself. I sincerely believe that life stresses cause the weight gain and other issues and we do have to pull ourselves out of it. 1998 was my year from hell, and it’s taken A LOT of self help and self care over the past 20 years to get me to where I am today.
    So, @rainbowsmile, hang in there, you will get through this. Hugs 🤗

    Day 26 – UK – Reading – FD

    A reasonably controlled weekend, and just a few days to get to goal for March. Super motivated today!

    The pocket list:

    Day 26 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Can’t get my phone to copy and paste today but I’m with you all on the Monday FD. Need a good one after too much wine over the weekend……..oh yes, there was chocolate too!!! Need to get the dragons back in the cage.

    Day 26, UK, FD
    81.0 kg. The last three days were not good n the food front. And I’ve mislaid my mojo. Looking for the re-set button!

    Day 26 – Iceland – FD

    Had a good, controlled weekend (today is the 7th sugar-free day in a row – a small victory for the world’s biggest chocoholic) and am now only 200g away from reaching my March goal 🙂
    @lilymartin – you can do it!

    Pocket list day 26


    Day 25, UK, NFD
    Day 26, UK, FD

    Its been hectic and I haven’t had a chance to post, but I read 🙂
    Its been an ok day eating wise yesterday, and fasting today but not sure If I will manage, I am so tired and feeling run down 🙁

    @rainbowsmile sorry to hear you are having problems with your abusive ex, it will pass, hang in there 🤗

    @ccco you are an inspiration 🙂

    I hope you feel better @michelinme 🤗

    @steve toon taxi driver well done on small loss and no beer and curry at all 😄

    Adding myself

    Pocket list day 26


    Have a good day everyone 🙂

    Day 26 – USA – NFD

    I am under goal by .2 lbs. (so far) for March, which is the first time ever (yet); however, I my goal was also 5 dry days a week, not especially consecutive; for the past 2 weeks I have only managed 4, so my aim for the rest of this week and going forward is to keep it to 5.

    Day 26 Belfast. FD

    I am treading water here. Where has this month gone?

    @rainbowsmile – you hit the nail on the head. This journey is a shared one for sure. I’m guessing many of us can put our weight problem down to emotional circumstances, so this forum is as much about fixing the inside as it is the outside. Take care my friend and remember that revenge bod!
    @merryapple that’s a long time to be in Limbo! What great resolve you have to keep up this WOL. On the bra subject, in the UK, many charity shops collect them and ship them off to many different places.
    Good to see you back @lilymartin. Funny, I was thinking about you last night.

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 26 UK FD

    V tired, ache all over and grumpy with it! That’ll be the two early mornings, not enough sleep, pushing myself to do more than my body is able to. Really glad I did, but now need to practice good self care

    As in, not like last night when I stayed up fighting bedtime, in that exhausted stupor of craving/eating carbs and two slices of my mother’s lemon cake! Unsurprisingly my unexpected Feast Day has bounced me back up almost 4lbs to 161lbs 🙁 I’ve given sugar up for Lent – successfully, apart from a couple of feast day treats – but it’s calling my name very loudly again!

    I need to get back on track in mind & body – drink lots of water, resist carbs & sugar, eat some crunchy vitamin food to break my fast and major in adapted yoga & meditation & sleep.

    I don’t think this is just fast-related joint pain as I’ve had painful autoimmune conditions for over 20 years. Flares are usually caused by viral infections which I don’t always notice bc it takes a while for my immune system to show up the usual symptoms of sneezing or fevers etc, and I’m always tired anyway. But I am very hopeful of the immune-boosting properties of fasting, and the health benefits of losing weight 🙂

    @daffodil2010 your posts always inspire me, thank you! It’s great to be reminded that weight doesn’t always equal shape or size. That’s sometimes ahard thing to remember while we’re still resetting our minds to be more gentle than judgemental and to celebrate the journey we’re on.

    Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. Happy Monday!

    Day 26 – Japan – FD

    I actually managed to fast so far today even though I didn’t expect too. This will be my 19th day in 2018, but it might be a bit short of 36 hours without any food. Probably 35.

    While my weight has been a little higher I’m seeing more signs of fat loss, like more veins showing on my legs, etc. So that is a good thing. Today before headed home my daughter and I were in a park and there was a large set of bars designed for adults and we were tying things on them. I as amazed at how much more strength I had than before. Still I have lots of room for improvement. However this WOL doesn’t hurt muscle development. However, trying to eat enough to build muscle but still lose fat is hard and in my case slow going. It might be better just to burn off the fat and then build up the muscle.

    Pocket list day 26

    Day 26 – Atlanta, GA – FD

    My weight has been up and down during last 2 weeks, My NFD’s have been ok though few days i ate little bit above my TDEE, Waiting for Friday to weigh myself again.

    Adding myself to the Pocket list day 26

    Day 26 USA (Utah visiting) FD

    Going to do an 800 calorie day today, only eating supper with the granddaughters. I think I can make a meatloaf that isn’t too full of calories. They like macaroni & cheese with everything. I’ll have salad with mine.

    Hope to have time to read posts later. Onward to the end of March!

    Day 26, Surrey (UK), NFD
    Day 25 – FD

    Unplanned (again) FD yesterday, owing (again) to social arrangements for this evening – which have since been cancelled! Slightly relieved, if I’m honest, because friends had booked a Chinese restaurant – NNNNOOOOOO!!! Glad to have escaped the Chinese water retention torture dragon this time!

    Thankfully am on track after yesterday’s FD. Weight this morning 168.8lb, just 0.2lb below (within?) March target of 170lb, so really pleased about that. Have decided to up my game on the exercise front, starting this week. Have read Dr MM and Peta Bee’s Fast Exercise book. Now just need to put it all into practice! Where to start? How fit am I currently? Not really got a handle on this yet, but am aware that my current regime could be described as a comfortable plateau. It definitely needs more intensity, & possibly more frequent sessions too. Need to get my head around the various ways of measuring fitness. That, alongside continuing with 5:2, will be my focus for April. BMI currently 26.5, aiming to achieve 25 (11st 10lb) by the time I go on holiday in May.

    BTW I have thought about B2B fast days and ADF, but decided against it, as I think my system needs a regular input of fibrous food to keep working. With well-spaced FDs. psyllium husk daily, and serious quantities of veg, it usually manages to keep reasonably regular. Sorry if that is TMI!

    Day 26–USA—FD

    After a pretty over indulgent weekend, I feel in need of a FD. We had an impromptu dinner party with neighbors last night. While it was really fun to get together and cook up a storm, it did interfer with my planned CD. We all love to cook and so much good food was created. My problem is that always feel that I am on the See Food diet—if I see food, I eat it.

    Today I am planning on making a vegan carrot ginger soup in my new Instapot. That will make for a healthy day! It should be a great day for soup, as a snow storm is predicted to move in this afternoon. I am really looking forward to it. Unlike lots of you, here in Colorado, we have had a very mild winter, with less snow than usual. I love winter in the mountains, and feel like we have sort of missed our usual winter beauty. Of course, here we are set up for lots of snow, so when it does arrive, it is not the big headache and inconvenience it is in big cities. It’s just very beautiful.

    Hoping for a lovely Monday for everyone! ❄️ ⛄️❄️

    Adding myself to the Pocket list day 26

    Day 26 California FD

    My Monday FD is definitely needed today after a very indulgent weekend. Glad to see that I have lots of company!

    Adding myself to the Pocket list day 26

    Day 26 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    The weekend was good, I stayed under my TDEE’s for goal weight, cheated with the scale this morning only wishing I hadn’t. Up .5lbs but I know it was the salty dinner last night. Fasting under 500 calories until Wednesday at dinner.

    I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday.

    Have a great Monday everyone.

    Adding myself to the Pocket list day 26

    Day 26, Finland, FD

    Am having a somewhat half-hearted FD today, I could just eat, eat, eat!! It is only the scales this morning that are keeping me sort of on track. I am not a strict calorie counter, but have a rough idea of when i am close to 500cal. I am probably over, but not much.

    @strawberries and cream sorry to read about your beloved dog. Hugs to you.
    @flourbaby have a great holiday.

    Even though the day is almost over adding to the pocket list!


    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone! March almost done!

    Day 26, USA, FD

    @merryapple – congrats on feeling confident enough to order your pea coat! I love having a target piece of clothing on hand!

    @debster251 – if I even began to count up my calories and pounds in my peanut butter consumption… ouch. I betcha I’d lose all I ever needed right there in a year without. That is definitely interesting to look at one particular food choice like that!

    @emma Taylor – I still have social triggers, especially with my family. Not sure why as no one really cares or says anything. But going home for Easter this next weekend has me already thinking about how I can do better than I usually do….

    Congrats @diana123 – looking back and feeling fab! Thanks for sharing. I need to see that hope!

    Thank you @at “You cannot change yesterday but you can change today and tomorrow!” – I needed that this morning. I was all set to have a perfect week as I had given myself permission to forget the two prior less-than-stellar weeks and “start over.” Perfect didn’t happen. I will press on.

    @snowflake56 – re your question about the swimsuit – I finished the top ( ok, it’s a bikini, but quite a big pants bikini…) but got sidetracked by a dress I’m making, so the pants are waiting for me to finish. They look massive and I think I will have to take the pattern in quite a bit. Hurray.
    Have a good day, all. H

    Day 26 CD Oregon USA

    Leaving this afternoon and have dinner reservations at an Italian restaurant recommended from a friend in Marina Del Ray. So….not a FD but trying not to eat too much (already had some scone this morning forgetting it was Monday). Won’t eat again until tonight.

    Happily I stepped on the scale this morning and was only up .5 from Friday. That’s a pretty big success for me on the weekend!
    So many wonderful posts and really appreciate everyone’s journeys.
    @aimingforhealth I can relate to your alcohol units and you should be really pleased with your reduction there. I am hoping that after this vacation and a trip to an accupuncturist who has helped another friend with alcohol reduction, I will make similar strides.

    @ccco that is an amazing story of strength. Very inspiring.

    Almost forgot!! @songbirdme I was able to see Hamilton yesterday with my youngest son.
    Wow was it incredible. Heard this tour is headed to London so will heartily recommend if you can. There is an app for lottery tickets if they are already sold out.

    Ok friends-have a fantastic week ahead and very blessed Easter to those who celebrate.

    “Old ways won’t open new doors.”

    Day 26, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Day 26 UK 2nd post

    Coming back to read & post & try to keep myself accountable on this FD.

    Feeling ridiculously hungry all day, crashing dizzy head not relieved by the saltiness of hot vegemite and really shivery when I drink water, my usual way of getting thru hunger, but not wanting hot teas. Think I may have picked up a cold or virus – but still feeling really hungry!

    I’m going to reheat & eat some more of last night’s stewed apple & add extra ginger. Maybe make my current fave hug-in-a-mug of cacao, maca, alpro coconut milk and a tiny smidge of honey. It knocked me out last time so here’s hoping. And then brush my teeth and close the kitchen, no idea if it works but I’ve read it here A Lot!

    Stay strong fellow fasters

    Day 26 – FD
    Day 25 – UK – NFD

    Two beautiful sunny spring days in a row…………..

    Attended a Spring Equinox Yoga Day yesterday – We cleansed, twisted, lengthened, strengthened, released our body, mind and breath! Included in the mix was a woodland meditation, yin and yang asana, a cleansing Yoga Nidra, a scrummy vegetarian lunch and time to just be…………..a wonderful way to celebrate the arrival of spring ☺️🙏

    Today I found the perfect pair of shoes and matching clutch bag in navy to go with my dress for my niece’s wedding – so looking forward to seeing all the family – flight is on Tuesday next week ✈️

    @michelinme – hope you start on the road to feeling better soon but you sound like you are in a strong place mentally 🤗
    @annemarilyn – well done on the successful completion of your 76hr Fast – such a good feeling!
    @flourbaby – enjoy and see you in April
    @mjrbcd44 – just lots of 🤗🤗🤗 – remember you are stronger than you think – you will find a way of coping and/or resolving these trying family issues
    @rainbowsmile – We all understand that you are not in a good place to host yet, you need to concentrate on making sure you are all right 🤗 I’m sure someone will volunteer before the week is out
    @bert1802 – what a wonderful birthday to celebrate with your MIL – she is lucky to have such a good DIL too
    @aimingforhealth – sounds like you are in a really good place and a great start with this WOL
    @redrockgirl302 – hope you are not snowed in…..
    @anna6 – homemade birthday cakes are always the best!!!!!!
    @nesslock2018 – lovely to hear from you – stick to the challenge it will give you great support and helps with accountability
    @lilymartin – you know you can do this – hold tight and we will pull you back on the wagon 🤗
    @merryapple – 6 months waiting for house renovation and sticking to 5:2 – that counts as a big win
    @borealis – well done on 7 days of sugar free – great will power
    @fatfingers – great job of hitting your March goal early
    @foodfreedomgirl – glad the quote helped get you motivated again x

    Great job by everyone – no matter what stage of your journey you are at – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Adding myself and any others I saw were fasting but not on the list already to the Pocket list DAY 26

    Hopefully someone will volunteer to take up the reins for April to keep these challenges going – they have helped so many of us and are a great form of accountability and so helpful when we are struggling!!

    “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must but take the step!”

    Day 26, Gozo Malta, fd

    Thanks @ Debster251 we’re planning to enjoy ourselves in Sicily.

    @at you’re right home baking beats shop bought ones.

    Fasted at 800 calories today. Tomorrow is another fast day for me. I’m planning to bake a fish I bought today with roasted potatoes and onions. However I’ll ommit the potatoes and eat a salad instead with the fish.

    Have a great evening/night everyone.

    Day 26 – SW WA USA – FD 1st of B2B

    It’s already 4:15 PM here on the west coast of the USA. Many in this group have already closed out this day. I did catch up on the posts and now finally get to post myself.

    @fatfingers – good for you getting a little below March target already! Sounds like you’ve got figured out what’s working for your body.

    @diana123 – you’re only up .5 lb from the weekend after a weekend/ That’s great!

    @mjrbcd44 – safe travels! Easter blessings to you!

    Glad we’re together on this journey!

    Day 27 – Japan – NFD 80.8kg

    Been a long time since my weight has been below 81kg. I think the last time was after my 7 day fast last summer. Still I don’t really trust the scale, just nice to see.

    I made it a full 36 hours on my water FD. Eating a little late but it should slow me down at lunch which will be fattening food today. For me that is a cure for the “see food” diet.

    Hang in there pocket group! Most of you are over the hump now!


    ccco USA Day 26 FD

    I am a little late checking in today! Haha! Day is almost over! Anyway, I had a successful 24 hr. water fast. I think I will do another on Wednesday. i got carried away yesterday and really needed that reset today. My DS came over for an unexpected but delightful visit, which almost turned my FD upside down. Fortunately, she had eaten already before she arrived, so I got away with not having to eat. Hope everyone had a splendid day and see you all tomorrow! Everyone seems to be doing well but I wish I could go off to some of the vacations I read on these posts. Sicily does sound very nice!! 🙂

    Day 27 NFD Auckland

    Had a minor whoosh to 86.2kg after Y’days FD. One more FD before the end of March so I may just get into the 85s although my goal was actually 85kg!
    @daffodil your description of ‘food in transit’ made me laugh. I must admit since doing 5:2 my daily poo ain’t the same – (apologies if this is too much info!) much less frequent and rather miserable in comparison. I also have been having mild early morning abdo discomfort as the little blighter gets round to making its way through. I am eating veg and drinking plenty of fluid…
    @kerryn73 I’m with you. I don’t count calories. I just try and eat less of good quality food!
    @foodfreedomgirl Just as well I don’t live in the USA. You have such great deals on clothing! I tell my OH that when I’m a racing sardine I am going to be very expensive to dress!!!! He says he won’t mind but I know it will be a different story when I am that 97lb racing sardine!!!
    And to all of us dealing with suppressed food eating dragons and demons, may they surface and be knocked on the head. I’m in awe of those of you who manage chronic conditions or have suffered abuse and have found a way to take pride in yourselves and move forward.
    Stay strong team!!

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