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This topic contains 1,160 replies, has 90 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 6 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 901 through 950 (of 1,162 total)

  • Day 23…….Florida……FD

    All I’m gonna say is TGIF……’s been a long week! I’m looking forward to giving my house a good clean and resting! I’m also gonna try to get caught up with all these posts…..

    When someone yells stop, I don’t know if it’s in the name of Love, it’s hammer time or I should collaborate and listen!

    Day 23 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @strawberriesandcream so sorry for your loss, take care x

    Yesterday seemed a very long FD and I ended up at nearly 900 calories so really more a CD. Maybe I should have had a few more NFDs after doing FMD??? Looking forward to some tasty healthy meals over the weekend with a few 🍷🍷

    Have a good Friday everyone 🤗

    Day 23 UK CD

    Yesterday’s jubilation may have been a tad premature – I’d forgotten my mother was coming to tea. She was in hospital just before Christmas and we thought we were going to lose her but she’s amazingly up & about again, albeit gently paced She came to tea for the first time in 6 months proudly sporting a new haircut and designer glasses – v Dame Judy Dench! – bringing a lemon drizzle cake she’d acquired at great effort plus an appetite for toast & marmalade. She’s lost around 30lbs over the 6 months of her illness and was celebrating the need for new clothes so we kept portions small and I bumped the FD to a CD.

    Scales today are back up to 72.5kg but I’ve glimpsed what’s possible so will keep on track with 4xCD, 2xFD and a feast day each week. Also feeling pretty rough with what feels like an early virus – hopefully that explains the flare of joint pain these last few days. Later on I’ll follow @daffodil2010 in tracking food and symptoms, but after nearly 4 mths I feel I’ve only just got the hang of calories and 5:2 so perhaps that’s a bit of a way down the line. Losing weight and focusing brain is a great health boost – one thing at a time!

    @foodfreedomgirl @ccco @metatauta thank you for good wishes – and at 159.5 I’m still just in the 150s with you @metatauta 😀

    cornish-jane – congratulations! 3cm off your waist is a massive achievement – testament to perseverance and the wonders of yoga. HOpe you’ve had a wonderful walk to St Just’s 🙂

    @strawberriesandcream so sorry about your dog xxx

    2nd post

    @strawberriesandcream I’m so sorry you lost your dog, please take care of yourself. Hugs xxx

    Day 23, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Managed my FD yesterday even with a developing cold and feeling sorry for myself. I even fell off the pocket list, ha ha! Must have been a sign! A small reward on the scales with my weekly tracker updated to show 170.2lb – ongoing steady loss and so very close now to my end of March target. Still feeling rough today, so will make this a normal NFD, and resume FDs next week. Pressing the re-set button next week!

    @michelinme and @foodfreedomgirl – thank you for your good wishes. I’m hanging in there!

    Day 23 – USA – NFD

    Wound up at a nice 502 calories yesterday, an unplanned FD; since it was my second FD this week, I weighed this a.m. and am surprisingly 3 lbs. up from my last 159.8. I refuse to believe that lyin Cruella…definitely feel a whoosh coming on soon.

    Day 23 Fuertaventura NFD

    Having lovely holiday… too much alcohol to ever hope to maintain whilst away but on the positive side exercise going well.

    @Strawberriesandcream… sending hugs… you speak with such affection I am sure you shared Wonderful times and have equally fabulous memories to treasure.

    Day 23, UK, NFD

    Even though it was a successful FD yesterday, my scales refuse to budge 🐢 . I will just have to keep trying. I do feel a bit smaller 😂

    @Strawberriesandcream sorry to hear about your dog. How heartbreaking. Sending you hugs.

    @foodfreedomgirl i really liked your analogy to animal kingdom, that when they are ill they find a water source and lay to rest and hydrate, we could take so much from animals if we just paid attention 🙂

    @daffodil2010 glad to read you’ve had a success with your batch of Bulgarian kefir and yoghurt 😀 , I hope you enjoy it.

    Have a great day everyone 🤗

    Day 23 – Iceland – FD

    4th sugar-free day in a row, feels good. Now need to stay strong over the weekend, still 1.1kg away from my March goal.
    @michelinme – congratulations on reaching your halfway point! And get well soon!
    @daffodil2010 – well done on the new BMI!
    @strawberriesandcream – so sorry for your loss, sending hugs and 💐

    Pocket list day 23


    9th Day – FD – UK

    Hello all

    Working full on at the mo so wish I had more time to engage with this forum, lots of really helpful posts on here (especially for newbies like me).

    Have to admit to caving in on FD yesterday and blowing it again today, but being pragmatic I’m making progress on my CD days and will attempt FD Saturday and Sunday instead (as not working like a lunatic so for me much easier).

    @Strawberriesandcream – so sorry to hear you lost one of the family, how fortunate you all were to connect up and create such loving times together. I still miss my family cat after, I won’t say how many years, but he was very much a member of the family not just a pet so sending you sincere condolences.

    @cornish-jane – 3cm off your waist is really encouraging, thanks for sharing your success, it makes me feel it is possible!

    @merryapple – Congratulations on your maintenance, your celebration sounds well earned!

    @ktcaroline – I felt like that last week – I actually enjoyed not being ‘full up’ and feeling more energised after FD that I wanted to change my CD to a FD (but didn’t unfortunately) and yes to a food diary. I started one when I began this challenge only 9 days ago and writing what you actually do consume down each day is really quite enlightening. It has changed the way I look at my eating habits. So will keep to that as I go along this process as I’m sure there will be ups and downs along the way but all in the right direction.

    Day 23 Stevensville Maryland CNFD

    Today was the big weigh in even though I cheated yesterday with the scales. My Happy Scale app is showing a total of 4.3 lbs for the month so far. Love that app. The scale stay the same as yesterday morning even after a CFD yesterday, I am happy with that as there was no gain.

    @strawberriesandcream, I am so sorry for your loss. I know first hand how hard it can be.

    Looking forward to a great weekend, just need for spring to get here and stay, the snow is melting and the sun is shinning so I feel better about that.

    I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 23 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Granddaughter turns 13 today, so happy to be here to celebrate with her! I am going to only have a sliver of cake with her after her party.

    I am going to get to water aerobics this morning. Even though it is really quite strenuous (NOT a Silver Sneakers only group) I will do my best to keep up.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 23, NFD, USA

    Some good losses in the posts overnight (way to go cornish-jane) and some very sad losses (my heart goes out to you strawberriesandcream).

    Stay well over the weekend, all.

    Day 23 NFD Oregon USA

    @strawberriesandcream hugs my friend. Sorry for your loss.

    Keeping it short this morning but happy to report a successful FD yesterday and scale shows .5 down from last Friday (after bouncing up and down all week). Not my lowest I have seen since starting this WOL but a step in the right direction. Also no gallbladder pain this week so pleased about that.

    Leave for vacation on Monday and don’t know how fasting will go next week but I will be very active and mindful of calories overall.

    “Old ways won’t open new doors.”

    Day 23, Rocky Mountains, US, FD

    It is and will be a rainy/snowy weekend!
    Have to resist curling up on the couch and reach for comfort food! 😄😄😄

    @strawberriesandcream: I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved furry family member. Sending you lots of hugs! ❤

    Congrats to all who report success and just hang in there everybody. This WOL does work @daffodil2010!

    Have a good Friday everyone! 🌻🌼🥀

    Day 23 California NFD

    Back to my goal weight after FD yesterday (and big dinner out with family the night before including Creme brûlée for dessert – gotta love maintenance!)

    @strawberriesandcream I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your beloved dog. We’ve been there too many times and it never gets easier. In the afterlife there will be so much love waiting for all of us from all these fur and feathered family members. Hugs to you and my heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. ❤️

    @michelinme, good for your mom! Your post made me smile!

    Day 23 Belfast FD

    Just catching up on 3 days of posts.

    I went to an amazing screening of Julius Caesar yesterday evening, beamed lived from the Bridge Theatre in London. It as an exciting performance set in modern times. Caesar came out wearing a jacket and a baseball cap. It reminded me of someone…the whole thing was very uplifting.

    Well done @jemima Puddleduck. Those little victories are what this journey is all about.
    @stevetoontaxidriver – enjoy your proud moment.
    @ccco- there are a number of sleep apps out there worth looking at. You can also get sleep hypnosis tracks. I listened to one (or should I say half ) once and fell soundly asleep, it that it’s a problem for me.
    @hyacinth – great ‘pants’ moment.
    @daffodil 2010 I use full fat organic milk like @shinything and make it in a wide neck thermos flask, which helps to maintain the temperature. I’m with the others on seeing your TV debut! Any link?
    @aimingforhealth – well done on decreasing your alcohol and increasing your exercise. Sometimes even those of us who are hugely committed to exercise falter and need a bit of motivation.You’re on the road to success!
    Thanks for that @shinything. I think I’ll order a yoghurt starter to try. It’ll be interesting to compare with what I make. I already take water kefir. I find the milk variety hard to take. Maybe a milder variety would be easier. We’ll see.
    @michelinme – that definitely constitutes a ‘whoosh’. Congratulations on reaching your half way point and hope you despatch those aches and pains soon.
    @foodfreedomgirl I totally agree. I once worked with a girl who never weighed herself. Just had a pair of ‘measuring pants’ which she tried on once a month and if they were too tight, she did something about it. Getting rid of all those over large clothes is a commitment to a thinner self.
    @Strawberriesandcream – I’m so sorry.
    @CornishJane – well done on your 3cm

    **food for thought**
    I used to enjoy chocolate digestive biscuits from a well known UK supermarket. I always took two. As I’ve been trying to avoid sugar, I’ve kinda ditched that habit. However, OH bought a packet, which is buzzing in the cupboard. For informations sake of course, I took out the packet. Well, 86 kcal per biscuit, 365 days a year, would deliver a whopping 18lbs of weight. I’ll not be taking up that habit again!

    Vorfreude ist die schönste Freude, the anticipation is often much more delightful than the real thing. Thank you for that @borealis

    ccco USA Day 23 FD

    So sorry about your pet, Strawberriesandcream!

    Day 23 – SW WA USA – FD

    Decided to carry on fasting into today. @diana123 and a couple of others have been an inspiration to extending my fasts. If I go to lunch tomorrow at the all day seminar, that will be about 76 hours without a “real” meal. Sooo ready to jump off this plateau.

    @Belfast 251 – yes that kind of mindful thinking about biscuits, reaps wonderful results. Thanks for the example.

    @strawberriesandcream – How long did you have your furry friend as part of your like? They do definitely add to the lives of us humans.

    @toddybear – wish I could join you in the sunny Canary Islands! Enjoy!

    Pocket list day 23:


    As we go through life’s adventures, together we are stronger!

    Day 24…NSW Australia…NFD
    Hi everyone. Just checking in.
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    ccco USA FD day 23
    Second Post
    Had a wonderful FD coming in at 475 calories! I might try a water fast on Sunday. I have to see how it goes. Hope all of you did well today! Be back tomorrow!

    Day 23, London, UK, NFD

    Quick, late check-in today. Busy getting ready for my hols, haven’t caught up with posts, but hoping everyone is doing well.

    Today was an OMAD, although it did include 3/4 of a bottle of red …………….. at what percentage does red wine become fortified/sherry/port????? ’cause this one came in at a whopping 14.5% and tyoping is prooooving a lottle tricky!!!!!

    Roll on Arid-April, once I’ve caught up with posts I’ll make a list, currently I know about myself and @bigviking, but I’m sure the list will lengthen!!!

    Onward & downwards folks!!!

    Hello all day 23 and yes I am still here. I have been so busy in work lately and the weekends pass in a blur. So true when they warn you to be careful what you wish for but you have all been in my thoughts.
    At present I’m on a train heading to Norwich with OH to spend a few days with number 3 son and celebrate OH’s birthday while we are here. I’ve spent the time travelling reading some posts but thought I would check in before we get to our station.
    Have had good days and some bad days but not a lot of progress being made. Need to take a leaf out of @daffodil2010‘s book. Well done you!
    I’ll catch up on more posts over the next few days hopefully but hope everyone is keeping well. Love to all you wonderful people x

    Day 24 – Japan – NFD 81.9kg

    18 fast days done in 2018, but I won’t fast on Monday because of a little trip. Maybe Tuesday …

    Day 24 UK

    Just had some friends round for dinner and I managed to eat my own weight in food!!!!! Why!!!!!!! I was the only one not drinking and one person got really drunk and was really obnoxious. Thank goodness those days are gone. Got to get back on track on Monday.
    Have a good weekend all. H x

    Day 24 and 25, Emden Germany, NFD

    Hi @coda nice to have you back, have a nice weekend while celebrating OH’s birthday, just enjoy it!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 24, London, UK, NFD

    Busy day today getting all the holiday ‘stuff’ together, so a quick check-in from me.

    Good to see you back @coda, enjoy your visit & celebrations. It looks like our Southern hemisphere friends are snoozing today, Day 24 must nearly be over down there!!!!

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!!

    Day 24 – Ireland 🇮🇪 NFD

    Quick check in on this beautiful sunny Spring morning. Feeling good about life. Was wearing size 10 skinny jeans yesterday evening and no muffin top or guts spilling over the top. ☺️

    No calorie counting today. There will be a cooked brunch and DH is cooking tonight so looking forward to relaxing and doing nothing. I will spend some time in the garden today.

    Have a good day today.

    Day 24, UK, FD
    80.1kg. Yikes! I need to throw in an extra FD to get back to the 70s.

    Day 24, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    I’ve baked a chocolate Victoria Sanwich cake to decorate tomorrow with whipped cream and strawberries to celebrate my second daughter s birthday. I also cooked my sons favorite carrot soup for Tomorrow. Then for main course I’m baking oriental poussins with roasted potatoes.

    For today it’s fish pie for me leftover from yesterday and takeaway dinner probably veal escalopes with vegetables.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 24 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @flourbaby enjoy your holiday 😎

    Planning on a relaxing weekend, out for dinner tonight and there will be 🍷in moderation!! 😉

    Day 24 UK NFD

    Had a good week, 3FDs and two CDs, rewarded with a small loss on the scales. Not much but it’s in the right direction. My yoga course finished this week so now looking for a local one that fits in with work etc.

    @flourbaby, no chance of arid April for me. I’m off to Spain for a hen weekend on 13th and my will power isn’t good enough to forgo alcohol for 3 days in the company of about 20 women!

    Hoping to keep relatively controlled over the weekend. Spend too much effort mid week in losing the weekends over indulgences.

    Happy Saturday everyone, let’s keep it going.

    Day 24 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.
    Good week so far but off out today few beers and watch the rugby at st James’s park. 😭

    Day 24 Stevenville Maryland USA CNFD

    I am feeling fab this morning looking back into the first of the year Whew what a transformation. I am down 13lbs with 2 to go for goal weight. Really hoping I can maintain this weight loss. Looking forward to another 66hr fast from Sunday night until Wednesday at noon.

    Going to take my 93yr old MIL out to shop a bit and then brunch at our favorite place, I know a Bloody Mary will be on my menu, along with some good eats. Will try to stay controlled.

    I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.



    Day 24….Florida…..CD

    I’m sorry everyone that the past week, I’ve just been a ghost in the wind. It’s just been an odd week and it really kicked my arse. I was determined this morning to read through all 238 posts/emails that I’m behind in….. only 103 more to go not including today’s as they come in.

    I’m sorry this maybe a long post…..

    Monday and tues nothing major happened, then Wed. all hell seemed to break loose. The girl that trained me when I first started in this business, got into major fight with the owners and quit a couple years ago. We stay in contact and built our friendship. We became fast friends, she’s a trip. She’s extremely hard to describe, a methodical hippy/ bohemian queen almost. I would have to say she’s a cool mountain breeze. Any who, getting off topic. Well…… she stop in Wed.Now, here’s where it gets kind of weird, I know she’d like to work close to home, she only lives across the lake from me. For those who did know, I have a lake in my back yard. Now work has been looking to hire another person, for our builders. Now, after she left, I said casually if we hired her back, bumped the new girl to part time, that would solve the showrooms issue that I’ve been having. The owner could go back on the road for the builders.
    Then all of the sudden, the owners started talking about leaving the new girl, adding the girl that trained me to the showroom, making me outside correspondence for our builders……..
    okay, so I’m thinking okay, I’ll believe it when I see it, sometimes you just got to understand that open thinking doesn’t go anywhere and this is what I thought. So, I left it at that.
    Now, the next part, I’m not suppose to know. Well first of all because no one at work knows what good friends this girl and I are because she left on such a sour note, Plus, she went to work for our competition. Themnot knowing kept things quiet, If they knew, it just would not be easy because of all the info and questions they would ask. It was bad enough for weeks on end, they would ask me if I heard from her.
    She called me last night to let me know, that that opening thinking had been put into action….. well isn’t that something!

    Now…. here’s the part of the week that I’m a bit upset about. I had one of my long time customers come in, I have no seen them since my weight loss. They were completely amazed at my transformation, which was a very nice thing to hear, however, it has seemed to open the flood gates for everyone else to comment, people I see on a daily basis. Calling me skinny mini, how I need to eat more, stop losing weight, are you ill and on and on. What I became upset with is not that they commented but now it’s become a daily topic of conversation. Are you eating enough, if you lift weights you’ll gain a bit more weight and still be healthy and on and on.
    So, my question is when did it become okay to have daily conversations about a persons weight and everyone expect a informed report on why I did it, when will I be happy with my weight…etc!
    Now mind you that this is all going on after I gain 2lbs on the scale!

    Thanks for letting me rant!

    @flour baby……I want you to know….you are not alone! I have bought new knickers/under pants/underwear……three times since I’ve changed my life around! I’ve also had 2 of trousers altered twice. Last time I went back they told me they couldn’t alter them anymore……Sad day for me….I loved those damn things! Now I’m trying to still wear them with a belt…..It’s not working!
    I can’t stand it when I’m walking around and my unmentionables slip right off my hind end!

    Okay, It’s time for me to give my home a lovely scrub down!

    When someone yells stop, I don’t know if it’s in the name of Love, it’s hammer time or I should collaborate and listen!

    Day 24 – USA – NFD

    @bert1802, missed you and enjoy reading your posts like a juicy novel, lol! You have a great way of expressing yourself that keeps me reading, so never apologize for a post beyond the typical few lines! @flourbaby, have a wonderful time; I know you will! @daffodil2010, what a dream to have size 10 skinny jeans! I’m so proud of you! @anna6, you sound like a gourmet cook; I salivate when you describe your daily meals, and I can tell they are labors of love. @diana123, great that you are 2 lbs. from your goal! Excited for you!

    I got my wish; Ms. Cruella released her grip! I weighed in today at 159.2, down .6 since last week, but had a 3 lb. gain in the middle of the week, probably that pizza!

    Day 24, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Day 23 and 24 – UK – NFD

    Life has been busy – got a bit behind with the forum news but going to try and catch up on the forum this afternoon.

    Maintenance is still going well 53.8kg this morning after a NFD yesterday – I just love this WOL!

    @snowflake56 – thank you for enquiring, she finished her first lot of chemo about 3 months ago now and has just started to feel a bit more like her old self. She had a CT Scan check done this week and seeing the doctors next week with the results – fingers crossed for some good news as her half way scan had shown little to no improvement. I think a UK 8 is a European 36 but here in the UK I find a size 8-10 fits me depending on the manufacturer/model – in the shop I bought the dress, some other styles I tried I needed a size 10 to fit me properly
    @okeydokey – hope you had a fab time celebrating your Dad’s birthday and that he enjoyed himself too
    @daffodil2010 – well done on getting into the 50’s kilo wise and down another point on the BMI scale!!!!
    @cornish-jane – another 3cm off your waist 💃 what a fab feeling to be in those size 10 skinny jeans just enjoy – you earn it……….
    @Strawberriesandcream – lots of 🤗🤗🤗 thinking of you xx
    @michelinme – your mum sounds fab – enjoy your time with her creating special memories 🤗Hope you feel better soon
    @fatfingers – how nice to have your March target within your sights with just over a week to go!
    @toddybear – with all that exercise you might surprise yourself when you get back on the scales at the end of your holiday 🤞
    @aimingforhealth – I got a bit confused as your post said Day 9 but we are Day 24 of the challenge!!! then realised that you only joined us 9 days ago. I agree that keeping a food diary for the first month or so on this WOL is very useful in educating ourselves with our eating habits and quantities we actually consume…
    @songbirdme – how wonderful that you are there to celebrate your granddaughter’s 13th – a special milestone
    @mjrbcd44 – safe travels on Monday and happy vacation!
    @califdreamer – Happy Maintenance – YES this WOL is great…….
    @debster251 – your Julius Caesar screening sounds interesting – Love the idea of it being set in modern times
    @annemarilyn – hope you made your extended fasting….
    @flourbaby – Enjoy your hols and safe travels. I’m afraid I can’t join you and @bigviking for an Arid April as I will be in Australia for my niece’s wedding and catching up with friends all over the country – will keep you in my thoughts though
    @coda – lovely to hear from you – Happy Birthday to your OH – enjoy the celebrations with son No 3
    @anna6 – Happy Birthday to your daughter, bet she loved her cake it sounds delish and your meal plan made my mouth water….
    @diana123 – Well done on your 13lbs loss with only 2 to go for goal weight 👍
    @bert1802 – as you know it’s never a rant to express our feeling here – some people need to really start thinking before they speak – just ignore them and do what you want and know is good for you – hope this 🤗 helps

    Great work by all those who are achieving their goals and some even breaking them!

    Anyone out there struggling – stay strong and positive – you will get there!!! We all have different paths to the end goal – “You cannot change yesterday but you can change today and tomorrow!”
    Clothes fit better
    More energy
    Improved endurance
    Sleep quality
    Fewer cravings
    Feel healthier

    7 more days to go after today……..Time enough to make a difference………AND is there anyone who is willing to take the lead for the April Challenge????????

    Day 24 UK CD

    After yesterday in bed, had very early start so took an apple and a banana with me to stave off both hunger pangs and temptations! Really pleased that I resisted many temptations and offers of free food and made it home filled with fruit, black coffee & fizzy water. I even stopped off to buy some chocolates as a present for tomorrow and didn’t buy anything for myself 🙂

    Got home to discover some hugely problematic post with serious repercussions. So happy that the thought of diving into the chocolates didn’t occur to me until half an hour into problem-solving, and was instantly dismissed. Something is changing deep within my psyche – for today anyway!

    Joint pain flare now on Day 5 and seems difficult to get on top of this time round. I’ve cycled through all my usual go-tos of rest, hydration, warmth or cold, baths, stretching and meditation to no avail, so I’ve had to fall back on extra drugs. Not the best timing cos they slow my brain but this burning is becoming difficult to cope with. Hoping this will take the edge off enough to get some good sleep and see how that does.

    @bert1802 i love your posts, always. You tell a good story! And it makes me feel less conspicuous in my own 😀

    Gotta get on and make some quick bread, see if i can progress the problematic post stuff online and get myself to bed by 8.30pm ready for the clocks to go forward. Sorry to post & run – wishing you all happy weekends xx

    Day 24 – SW WA USA – NFD

    On the home stretch of the extended fast. Breaking at noon today to make it 76 hours. Looks like I’ll make it @at.

    Quite pleased to have scale back below 200 at 199.8. Now it looks like I could make it to my March goal.

    @bert1802 life is never dull. Glad you’re doing ok.

    Together we are stronger!

    2nd post,

    Off on my hols for a week tomorrow, I’m not sure whether I’ll have much of a chance to post, so I’ll sign off for March and see everyone in Arid-April!!!

    Thanks to everyone for your cheery bon-voyage(s) …………is that a word?? See y’all on the other side!!!


    I hope you all finish March at a sprint …………… even my fellow tortoises!!!!

    Day 24, UK, NFD

    I feel bigger and heavier 🙁 . I think I’m in sabotaging myself mood. Its not even funny 😓

    @flourbaby have a great holiday fellow tortoise 🤗

    Enjoy your weekend everyone 🙂

    Day 24 NFD Oregon USA

    Hello all! Happy Saturday.
    Forgot to weigh myself this morning 😔
    Can probably guess it was up from yesterday.

    @bert1802 that was a weird week! What goes through people’s heads?? Are they worried about your health or just jealous??

    I can completely sympathize as I feel like it has been a very long and strange week for me as well. (Not because people were calling me skinny)😂😂

    Unfortunately more drama has erupted with my Dad and now my other sister. I’ve told them all that I am in “duck and cover/tuck and roll” mode. Really just want to avoid it all because I just get sad and stressed. Which of course leads me to eating and drinking.

    @coda thanks for popping in. Glad to hear you are getting a weekend away.

    @flourbaby will be thinking of you heading on your holiday as I head on mine! And don’t really know how much I will get to post or check in but probably a little.

    Has someone volunteered to head up April??

    @at thanks for your kind thoughts and @annemarilyn I believe you too. (Hold down the PNW fort for me)

    “Old ways won’t open new doors.”

    Day 25…NSW Australia…NFD
    Hi everyone. Just checking in.
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 25, Guildford UK, FD

    Yesterday was a feast day, a friends 40 wedding anniversary, meal with wine. So a lot of food although I didn’t have pudding and cut back during the day, it’s still a lot of calories.

    So FD today……..

    I can’t volunteer to host at the moment as my emotional state is everywhere so not sure it would be the best thing for everyone. Later in the year I expect to be strong enough to volunteer.

    The G (my abusive exh) is still creating drama in my life and it’s unsettling, sends me into a loop. Dad died late last year and I am still sorting out all of that. And at those times of stress I tend to overeat.


    Day 25 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    It’s a glorious sunny Spring morning. Good morning everyone ☺️
    The clocks have gone forward to Summer time so tonight we should have brightness until near 8! I love this time of year 🌼🌷💐

    I had a good day in the garden yesterday, I got my dahlias out of winter storage and potted up, potted on my tomatoes, general bits and bobs that are good for the soul. Was in bed by 11pm and slept soundly. Looking forward to another relaxing day with 🍷 on our sunny glass covered patio

    @michelinme I really hope you feel better soon.
    @rainbowsmile Lots of hugs for you
    @flourbaby and @mjrbcd44 Enjoy your holidays!!!
    @annemarilyn hoping you are jumping off that plateau soon.
    @metatauta thanks so much. Yes it felt amazing to get into those skinny jeans.

    So just a few days left of March. My official weighing will be Friday morning as I have the girls around for dinner on Good Friday so absolutely no point in weighing Saturday morning 😄

    Have a good day today. We can do this. Together we are stronger.

    Day 25 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.
    Good week apart from Saturday at the rugby too much Beer and curry but half a pound down. I think the alcohol striped fluids out of me lol. Back on it today the diet that is. 😊 have a lovely weekend everyone. Blue sky day sun shining so up and at it lots of jobs to do.

    Day 25 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Day 25…..Florida….NFD

    Yesterday was my MIL 93rd birthday, but today we’re having a mini birthday party for her, just family. She wanted steak on the grill, roast potatoes, and spinach but I’ve got an over ripe tomato and lettuce from the garden, so she getting a salad too.
    I’m also making her a cake. Now in my cakes I use soda/fizzy drinks, instead of eggs and oil makes a super moist cake with less calories, I’m using lemon lime soda, then the middle will have strawberries and cream cheese frosting. I wish I could have some but my Lenten sacrifice continues. I’m going to enjoy the steak and potatoes though!

    Thank you everyone for your kind words. It helps to hear from others who have the experience to bring me back to reality.

    I was reading all the posts, I was behind in and came across one that is experiencing some loss of sleep on FDs. I too had those experiences but what I figured out is I need to adjust my eating window. I used to fast from 6pm until 11am daily but experiencing sleepless nights. So, I went from 7pm till noon. I also make sure, I eat a good well balanced meal at the end of the day between 6 and 7. I also began taking a potassium pill in the morning for those nasty leg aches. Now, the only time, I don’t sleep is when my mind is running a muck.
    I also must point out that before I dived into this WOL, sleep was pretty much nonexistent for me anyways. I was lucky to get 5 hours on a good night. But through this WOL, I discovered foods that don’t get along with me and foods that like me enough to help me continue this new existence of mine.

    Well, I must be off……I’m sitting outside on the patio, and it’s a bit colder than I like, so I’m going to head in for a hot cup of joe!

    When someone yells stop, I don’t know if it’s in the name of Love, it’s hammer time or I should collaborate and listen!

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