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Viewing 50 posts - 851 through 900 (of 1,162 total)

  • Day 22 – FD – UK

    Adding myself to today’s pocket Fast List:


    Today is my 2nd fast day this month and tomorrow will be my 4th. Have managed to keep calories below my TDEE every day but generally around 1500 not 1200.

    Alcohol – managed to cut down massively. Only had 2 glasses of red wine last Sunday and two beers on Monday evening. Insanely though, I baked a batch of cup cakes – subconscious sugar panic. Have started exercising (starting slowly as per plan) more by walking at least 30 mins every day (this is a big change for me and one blister to prove how big!). Overall my energy and zest is much higher than it was and this is very encouraging. Will be weighing in on Saturday 24th so we’ll see!

    Thanks to everyone for being inspiring and encouraging on here, it does feel supportive to be honest about progress and learn from others. Good luck to all Fast Dayers today!

    Day 22 – UK – Reading – FD

    I’m joining the fasters today, and adding myself to the pocket list: Oddly, yesterday was supposed to be a CD and it turned into a FD. Strange. But more to lose to get to my target for March, so onwards and downwards.

    Pocket List:

    Day 22, Newcastle UK, ?????

    Good day yesterday, probably around 900 cals but good enough to get me going in the right direction again. We discovered some slow baked organic wholemeal bread in Sainsbury’s and it is simply delicious. My dinner was two slices, lightly toasted, drizzled with organic extra virgin olive oil, feta cheese, olives, sundried tomatoes, artichokes and a mixed green salad, followed by some semi-dried apricots and prunes later on.

    Since cutting out cows milk I’m noticing my lower legs are not swelling up – and for all I’m around 6lbs up, I actually feel ok. I don’t miss the milk at all and have replaced my breakfast tea and decaf coffee with a variety of herbal teas. I calculated that by cutting out milk, in one year I should lose 12.5lbs if everything else in my diet stays as is.

    “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” – Confucius

    Day 22 (or rather day 8 for me)- UK – FD

    Amending the pocket list as per @ktcaroline‘s post to make sure I’m on it going forward!


    and meant to say this is my 3rd day of fasting since last week not 2nd!

    Day 22 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    Day 22 – UK-Reading – FD – 2nd post

    Ooops- sorry @aimingforhealth – that wasn’t very good of me.

    Day 22, London, UK, FD

    2nd FD of B2B, feeling especially positive this morning, maybe because yesterday came in at 475cals, the first below 500 in a long time, I’m usually good at justifying that extra 50+ cals and ending up closer to 600!!! I hope the feeling lasts and I don’t fall face first into a bag of crisps!!!

    @daffodil2010, I have to agree with you, beef bone broth isn’t my ‘cup of broth’ at all, I made a huge batch to freeze and now it’s just for cooking, whereas the chicken broth has a lovely flavour and can keep me sane when the dragon awakens!!! I’m all for homemade natural products too, I haven’t bought deodorant in about 4 years (magnesium oil all the way!!) and I use a mix of baking soda & conditioner as a shampoo & Face, body and hair moisturizer is coconut oil.

    @bigviking congrats on the anniversary!!! I’m going to put this out there for you in particular and any other brave members who would like to join me ……………………………… “ARID-APRIL” (excluding 1st & 2nd for obvious reasons!!!) So, I’ve said it, I can’t renege on the deal, it’s in writing ………………………… I’M GOING DRY FOR APRIL!!!!!!! Who’s with me??? …………………………..…. Is that tumbleweed????

    Have a great day everyone, and whatever you do …………………….. DO NOT RELEASE THAT DRAGON!!!!!!!

    Day 22, UK, FD
    79.6 kg. Hoping for a good FD today!

    @flourbaby, ok, I’ll join you for Arid April (though as you say, not until Tuesday 3rd).

    Day 22……Florida…..FD

    Sorry guys, I was out of touch for a minute or two. Life was just getting the best of me, still is but I’m starting to fight back.
    I’m up two lbs, but I’m thinking that because of stress and because I found a drink, I’ve become to like extremely well. Blackberry lemonade…… oh it’s soooo good!
    100 calories for 8oz is an ouch in the calorie count but…… we’re working on it!

    I’m slowly working through the posts to get caught up!

    When someone yells stop, I don’t know if it’s in the name of Love, it’s hammer time or I should collaborate and listen!

    Day 22. London UK
    FD. Just checking in. Hi everybody. H

    Day 22 – FD?? – London

    Having a weird one this week! – Fasted great on Monday – no issues, Tuesday was a CD without realising, yesterday was supposed to be a FD but I caved at dinner time – so only really had one big meal yesterday and a few snacks. I’m attempting another FD today with a decent sized dinner this eve.

    I’ve not been feeling great these past few days so I’m not stressing too much about not doing a complete fast, the main thing is to only eat when I’m hungry and not overeat.

    Hope everyone fasting today is doing well! and well done to everyone so far!

    @flourbaby & @bigviking – I would join you in giving up alcohol in April but I’ve been T-Total since December so it wouldn’t be fair! I’ve found that giving up alcohol has really helped me with energy levels, weight loss and not over eating/binging!

    So I wish you luck in April – I will also be dry in April but more for my own personal reasons – but I will be supporting you through the month! I’ve learned it’s not as hard as you think it is and it’s surprising how good you feel without it. I find a nice mix of cranberry juice and cloudy lemonade with loads of ice is a great drink to have when socialising etc.

    Day 22 North Canton OH FD – 3rd day in my streak

    I have been seriously MIA this month on this forum; I can’t even begin to catch up on posts because I am so far out. When I was a newbie I really found the posts were very helpful to me as I came to grips with this WOL and I want to give back as much as I can. I promise to do better once the dust settles down a bit.

    My best to you all.

    @flourbaby and @bigviking – Arid April sounds great, but I’m such a rebel as soon as I get too strict with myself I go the other way – so am aiming now for moderation – which means family celebrations only (i.e. no more than 3 units a week!) – I might be up for an Arid May seeing how I go in April though – but all power to you!

    Day 22, FD (maybe)

    Been reading all the posts for inspiration and support. My internal inner voice is whipsering to me that I really need a breakfast burrito and I’m thinking of caving in! And I don’t eat breakfast!

    Day 8, UK – FD

    @penz – step away from the Burrito – we’re all here – we can do it!

    Day 22, Surrey (UK), FD

    Not the best day to be fasting, as am feeling a tad under the weather. Nothing serious, just a cold coming on. Having escaped the entire winter without so much as a sniffle, maybe it is overdue. Have hit a plateau at 171lb this past week or so, but I know that is due to too many indulgent meals out. Will I get to my end-of-month target of 170lb? Hold my virtual hand and wish me luck please!

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    Day 22 FD Oregon USA

    Yesterday did not go to plan. The night time 🐉 found me and before I knew it I had ingested about 1200 calories. Add that to the 600 I had throughout the day and TDEE was over by about 300. 😔 It’s those 300 calories here 200 calories there that add up and pretty much the reason for my “running in place”( Yes and the EFS events).

    Anyways….the scale showed with up 1.5 from yesterday. The FD should put me back to last Friday’s number but really need to start losing. Which of course means diligence on the NFD’S.

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    Old ways won’t open new doors.

    Day 22 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    Wow yesterday I broke my 66hr Fast and still was able to stay under my goal weight TDEE’s, broke my rule of weighing only on Friday’s as I feel very light today. Yep down another 1.7lbs today. I only have 2 more pounds to reach my goal weight. Then we will see how well I maintain.

    Today will be a CFD so far so good. I think my stomach has shrunk as I don’t have much of an appetite and can’t eat as much as I use to.

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday. Have a great day/night everyone.

    Day 22 UK FD (2nd day B2B)

    SLightly blew yesterday’s FD with two portions of homemade chocolate rice pudding (microwave brown rice, raisins, alpro coconut *milk*, cacao & cinnamon – around 400 calories, brought me to 700 odd for the day)

    Not enough sleep but woke feeling brighter-eyed yesterday, altho with massive amounts of burning joint pain and still burning guts. Joint pain worst in right jaw & hip, but elbows, knees, small joints of hands & feet pretty full on too. I’m hoping it’s something positive as the result of a B2B and not fatigue, something I’ve eaten or the constantly changing weather.

    On the very bright side, my official weigh in is tomorrow but i’d got out of the habit of daily weighing despite finding it helpful. This morning I remembered & approached the scales compassionately, fully expecting I would have put on weight as a result of rice pudding and the bread/guts discomfort since Tues.

    I really thought the scales had broken when they stopped in the “wrong” place – 2lbs down from last Friday, which was 2lbs down from the week before – and got on and got off 3x before I believed them. At 158lbs /72kg I’m suddenly into the 150s, and have unexpectedly reached my halfway point 20lbs lost and 20lbs to go. I’m also almost at my wildy-revised goal for March of 157lbs, a weight I last embodied back in 2007 pre-first feet surgeries.

    I feel as tho I spent most of Feb and the first half of March on a plateau, and carried on in grim determination bc I read other people’s stories here and believed it would eventually work for me too. I’m with you @daffodil2010 – once the body decides the plateau ain’t going to make you turn back it seems to let go and carry on with the weight loss.

    @rainbowsmile yes to everything you said about clothes, thank you!

    @daffodil2010 how wonderful to be interviewed about your work – I’d love to see you on tv if there’s a link 🙂

    @cornish-jane – yes, bras too. I’ve got a drawerful of outgrown bras which I’ve looked at for the last decade & wondered why I’d kept them. Mostly bc they are beautiful! Bras are my extravagence, the one area where I’ve always gone for measuring before buying, and usually bought two new ones around every 6 months or so. Everything else I own comes from charity shops or ebay but bras are my wonderful starting point. Everyone laughs at me, but I feel wholly uplifted so it’s worth it. I think losing the old ones big baggy ones would be a fabulous thing to do 🙂

    @strawberriesandcream really interested to know more about your dairy experiences and health improvements.

    @flourbaby i’m with you on homemade toiletries, and using coconut oil as an everything-balm. I now buy it in 10kg buckets which last me around 12-18mths in baking, cooking and making toiletries. I’ve had to stop using it as a face moisturiser as my sensitive skin’s tolerance changed but i make one with a shea butter/almond oil base with essential oils, rosehip oil and vitamin e. Not yet made a good sunscreen but I may try adding zinc and see how it goes.

    @basyjames Maybe it’s like a relay race – you’ve done your bit and passed the baton, now it’s the time to look after yourself and let others cheer you on.

    @fatfingers got your hand, you can do this!

    @diana123 that’s amazing – hope your progress continues well

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    Day 22, UK, FD

    Fasting going ok so far, but not happy that I had sugar last night (some desert) and just because someone offered it to me. Ah well, will try not to do that again.

    @daffodil2010 I use full fat organic milk for my kefir, I’m trying to eliminate all processed food and and sugar and eat more organic. Low fat foods are processed and with lots of sugar, so I never used them. Just doesn’t work for my diet 🙂
    The owner of that site is quite helpful with all the suggestions and instructions, I asked him once for some advice on how to do something through email and he was more than helpful 🙂

    Its good to see familiar faces coming back here 🤗

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    Have a great day everyone 🙂

    Been ninja’d by michelinme so correcting the pocket list 😂

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    Day 22 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Going to make today a 16:8 day if I possibly can. Was only at about 1300 calories yesterday with my TDEE at nearly 1800 so feeling pretty good. That even included tacos at daughter’s fiance’s house for supper. I will see about Silver Sneakers later or maybe just wait for tomorrow’s class. It takes me several days to acclimate to this elevation.

    @steve-toon-taxi-driver — I know so well how that lump in your throat jumps in with pride at seeing a granddaughter perform. Hope it was fabulous.

    @hyacinth – I had to smile at your escapade of droopy drawers! Yes, I also believe our bodies shift the weight around as we lose! WTG with your loss!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 22, Emden Germany, NFD

    ccco USA Day 22 NFD

    Even though today is not a weigh-in day for me, I felt lighter, so I weighed myself! Down another 1/2 lb. A diet without alcohol, low carb, high protein, and high (good) fats seems to work for me!

    cornish-jane: I am up for that plank challenge! I asked my personal trainer for some new plank positions! 🙂 Yes, throwing out too large clothes is a trust challenge! That’s probably why I have too many clothes in my closets that I can’t wear! LOL

    Kerryn73: We are overwhelmed with snow and ice here, the worst we’ve had all Winter…and now it’s supposed to be Spring!!! Yes, join the plank challenge! My favorite exercise! Much better than sit-ups! 🙂

    AimingforHealth: Glad to see you’ve started exercising! You will feel so much better! I know I do!

    Strawberriesandcream: It sounds like you are sensitive to milk!

    FlourBaby: I agree with you and Daffodil! Bone broth is not my cup of tea, either. I prefer the flavor of chicken broth! I even cook with it. I tried to give my bone brother away but I couldn’t find any takers! LOL

    Bert1802: That drink sounds yummy but maybe not until you reach your goal!

    Nelly89: I agree with you! I’ve been without alcohol since last September and I feel so much better!

    Diana123: WTG!

    michelinme: So glad to see how well the scale is moving favorably in your direction!

    Have a great day, everyone! 🙂

    Day 22, USA, NFD

    @cornish-jane – toss em! Just my opinion, but I attribute having no larger clothing to grow into to keeping off the 20 pounds I lost 10 years ago at Weight watchers. Seriously. Who wants to go buy bigger. When things start to get too tight I know I HAVE TO get it under control. May not work for everyone, but it worked for me. Now I just need to get to losing again and toss this size for the new sizes I will buy next!

    @daffodil2010 – I only have made yogurt once, but I strained it through some cheesecloth in the end to get a thick greek yogurt. The Whey (that drains off) is supposed to be really healthy too. I am not sure what your process was, could be quite different, but it’s an idea.

    @fatfingers – Good luck from N. Idaho! I know there are various ideas about whether it’s good to fast or not when starting to feel under the weather, but I am reminded of the animal kingdom. That is their natural process. Find a water source and lay to rest and hydrate when ill. Hopefully this will prove beneficial to you too!

    @diana123 – thinking of you with the mention of Maryland. School shooting over on that side of the states yesterday. Guessing that didn’t affect you personally. I have middle and high school kids so it strikes a chord over here. Hope all your loved ones were safe!

    @michelinme – love that you got on and off the scale 3x! lol! What a beautiful surprise. Congratulations!

    2nd post Day 22 Stevesville Maryland CFD

    @foodfreedomgirl Thank you for your thoughts.It was about and hour southwest of me. I have grand kids that are in school here in Maryland and in Washington state. It affects me very much, I just try to send positive energy out there, whenever I can. My 17yr old grand daughter will be in DC marching in the MARCH FOR OUR LIVES this Saturday. So sad, this should never being taking place, where kids in this country fear for their lives on a daily bases.

    I made it to 16hr fast today before eating my hot bowl of cabbage soup, I spice it up to keep me really warm. Looking forward to a light dinner tonight and then starting all over again of 16:8. Feeling accomplished today.

    I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday. Have a great day/night everyone

    Day 22, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Day 22 – SW WA USA – FD

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    All the talk of people coming off of plateaus, I’m feeling like I’m on the verge. Looking forward to reporting.

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 22 – USA – FD

    Better late than never…I got a little bz today so did not read posts or log in and it’s mid-day. I’m thinking of making today a FD. I made homemade cream of celery soup and eggless bread the other day (all low carb too); since I don’t eat breakfast and was so busy running around today, I figured I’d eat that for lunch (I call it brunch). I’m so full that I don’t think I will entertain having dinner, unless it’s some shiratake noodles with a little sauce later on. I love that I can switch my FDs around. @diana123, how exciting that you are only 2 lbs. away from maintenance! Don’t know if I’m going to do Arid April, but I certainly have made progress with 5 days dry/2 days not this month. I switch those days around too, depending on my schedule. @cornish-jane, “uplifting” indeed…was that an intended joke? @michelinme, wonderful that you are in the 150s. So am I, and hope to continue downward. Will have to check out “MooGoo”.

    Day 22 – USA – FD

    Better late than never…I got a little bz today so did not read posts or log in and it’s mid-day. I’m thinking of making today a FD. I made homemade cream of celery soup and eggless bread the other day (all low carb too); since I don’t eat breakfast and was so busy running around today, I figured I’d eat that for lunch (I call it brunch). I’m so full that I don’t think I will entertain having dinner, unless it’s some shiratake noodles with a little sauce later on. I love that I can switch my FDs around. @diana123, how exciting that you are only 2 lbs. away from maintenance! Don’t know if I’m going to do Arid April, but I certainly have made progress with 5 days dry/2 days not this month. I switch those days around too, depending on my schedule. @cornish-jane, “uplifting” indeed…was that an intended joke? @michelinme, wonderful that you are in the 150s. So am I, and hope to continue downward. Will have to check out “MooGoo”.

    Day 22 North Wales FD

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    Hope everyone has had a good day.

    Day 22 – USA – FD
    Second post: whoops, forgot to include myself on the FD list:
    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    Day 22, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Tried for a cd. Ended eating 1.300 calories.

    Good evening/night everyone

    Still day 22

    Looks like I didn’t add myself correctly earlier. Still doing well on this FD. Sipping a specialty coffee drink I made at home: decaf espresso, cashew/almond milk, cocoa, and stevia. It’s hitting the spot.

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    Day 22 Lancaster, PA USA FD

    Still Fasting, Having a good Fast day today, planning on keeping it below 500 cals.
    I weighed myself and I’m still holding 152 lbs.
    Tomorrow road trip the North Carolina to see my Dad and family for his 75th Birthday. We will prob stay till Monday. I won’t be fasting, but I will try to keep it controlled. ✨🥂✨
    Main stream health magazine in the grocery store … Big Headline… If you skip breakfast 3 times a week it is healthier and will help with youthful skin and body. We’ve known that for awhile now… Maunstream is slowly catching up. 😊

    Adding myself to the Day 22 pocket list

    😊☀️🎶Wishing Everybody Well! 🎶☀️😊

    Still day 8 – Oh dear, never mind. Am going to keep to my planned FD for tomorrow but move my FD today to Saturday. Did manage to keep to 1300 calories give or take so something to celebrate. Had lots coming at me at all angles today and saw another trap I fall into which is emotional/distraction eating. Still, another good thing to pay attention to, at least it’s on my radar now clear and square – it seems since I stopped avoiding my diet reality it’s coming straight at me!

    To all those who made it through the day or have a few hours left – I take solace in your success!

    Day 23…NSW Australia…NFD
    Hi everyone. Just checking in.
    It’s a wet, cool Friday morning here – feels good.
    Have a great day doing whatever you are getting up and bye for now!

    Day 22 – UK – CD

    Busy and no time to catch up today but just checking in.

    Managed a very respectable CD and did a 1hr aerobic class this morning as well!

    Day 23 – Japan – FD 83.5kg (#18 in 2018)

    Day 23, Emden Germany, FD

    @at how is your friend with the chemo doing? I’m still figuring out, how small size 8 is, I mostly wear Italian or French brands, their clothes are made for smaller hips/breasts. I have a beautiful dress from Paul Smith (my husbands favorite), but made in Italy it says, so an Italian size.
    @okeydokey enjoy your dad’s birthday tomorrow and have a save drive!

    Pocket list day 23, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list


    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 23, Finland, FD

    Today is FD after not doing my usual one yesterday….it is just much easier at work.

    Pocket list day 23, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list


    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 23 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Wow what a week it has been. After yesterday’s FD I tip the scales at 130.5 which is only half a pound from March goal, also brings me into the 50’s kilo wise, down another point on the BMI scale ………yes, I am feeling fab this morning!

    The difference in the past two weeks compared to the eight weeks before 😀 Is astounding. What I am doing differently is taking note of everything I am eating and how it reacts with my gut, my skin, my mood, my muscles. For example, I used to put artificial sweeteners in my morning coffee, I now put a dash of cinnamon…I have not had garlic in over three weeks, no burning guts since…anyway, it’s still early days but exciting new world opens ahead of Nutrition Nerdness!!!! 😃

    I made a second batch of Bulgarian yoghurt and kefir last night. I used a little bit of the first batch and some new compounds, mixed into full fat milk…..oh my goodness, they were ready when I came down this morning. It only took overnight this time, not 36 hours. I have popped a piece of lemon peel into each jar in the fridge, this enables secondary fermentation apparently. Trial and error but looking forward to tasting them this evening.

    It’s an NFD but won’t go nuts. There probably will be wine tonight but as I have been dry till Fri I do look forward to it.

    @flourbaby and @michelinme thanks for those DIY beauty products. Will have a look around for magnesium oil etc. I have already ordered a batch of shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and skin cream from but eventually want to go completely “au naturel” by doing it myself

    Have a good Friday everyone. I love this WOL and I love this forum ☺️ Mwah xxxxx to you all

    note of

    Day 23, NFD, UK
    79.5kg. Yesterday’s FD came in closer to 1,000 kcal than to 800. And Wednesday’s wine caught up with me, so only down 0.1kg. Looks like I’ll have to get back on the AFD horse soon to ensure I stay below 80kg. Arid April should help!

    Have a good Friday everybody!

    Day 23 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.

    Day 23, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Some days Fridays are just the best day of the week – all depends on what the scales say! Lost no weight last week, but down 0.8kgs this week. And another unbelievable 3cm off my waist – in one week – feeling good about that! Its been hard work shifting the tummy fat, but making some progress now. Weight now down to 82.1kg. Its a long slog getting my excess weight off but so glad I am sticking to 5:2.

    So I’m off to have a celebration coastal ramble with the dog and OH around St Mawes Castle and the Carrick Roads while the sun shines! There’s a lovely walk from there to the St Just in Roseland Church which we might try and fit in before the rain sets in this afternoon. And visit the vege stall by the road in St Just where a local farmer sells his in-season food. I am trying to develop a liking for seasonal food, but still struggling with turnips!

    @michelinme – hope you body aches improve.

    Day 23 – UK – Reading – FD

    Disappointing results from yesterday’s FD, and I really want to reach March’s target, so I’m adding myself to the pocket list today. I’ve also taken note of Daffodil’s advice to note everything I eat carefully. Such interesting things on this forum!

    A really international FD today!


    Dear Friends, I’m sorry to tell you that we lost our lovely old dog this morning. I’m going to take some time out and will see you next month if not before.

    @Strawberriesandcream. So sorry to hear that. How sad for you. Sending regrets and sympathy to you. H x

    Day 23, Cornwall UK, NFD

    So sorry to hear about your dog @strawberriesandcream. It can be a sad time when you lose a beloved family pet.

    Day 23 NFD Auckland
    I’m sitting here on Friday night with a 2nd glass of Sauvignon Blanc congratulating myself on staying in the mid 86kg range… “Duh” as Homer Simpson would say… Empty (but nice) calories… with 1.5kg to meet my March challenge goal. I don’t think so!!

    @StrawberriesandCream So sorry to hear that. Such sad news. Coincidentally my brother rang this morning to say that his best mate, Oscar the Westie had shuffled off after a bad night so I didn’t get to see him after all. So cheers to all those great furry family members.

    @daffodil2010 When I read your column I always imagine you with a cheery yellow aura but now you have mentioned “Tom and Barbara” it’s all gumboots and muck!!!

    I’m feeling so confidant I can keep going I have ordered an XL pea coat from Ebay. If it’s too tight now it’ll be loose by winter!!!

    Cheers to all!

Viewing 50 posts - 851 through 900 (of 1,162 total)

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