Make March Mine

This topic contains 339 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  lilymartin 1 year, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 350 total)

  • Day 17 ☘️ 🇮🇪 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @penz – that chocolate sounds divine. But you would’ve enjoyed it even more after a FD. I blame your DH. Just sayin’ 😉 Maybe you should put your bathroom scales next to the fridge on FDs. Prop them up against the door, so every time you want to open it you have to move those scales out of the way 😅

    @at – You’re rockin’ it! And I bet it’s got a lot to do with going AF. It’s a game changer 🏆 Check out this very motivational video I saw on YouTube recently

    Busy busy…

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Day 17 – UK – FD800

    Aiming for a B2B FD800 to end the week on a positive note

    Busy day planned – walk this morning then coffee with friends followed by an afternoon of baking for a cafe being run at the parish centre alongside a craft fair tomorrow. Making a Banana/pecan bread, Apple Dorset traybake and perhaps some Portuguese inspired custard tarts depending on time and how I feel

    I can’t help at the cafe as I have a Spring Equinox Yoga Day Retreat booked tomorrow – The Yoga Day Retreat includes a range of Yoga practices; movement, stillness, breath work, meditation, Yoga nidra, mindfulness, intention setting and time to simply BE – really looking forward to it 🙏

    Right off to get ready for my walk and as @funshipfreddie said “Happy Fri-yay! 🍹” to everyone

    Day 17 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Just taking it one day at a time. Not sure if I’ll attempt my next FD on Sunday or Tuesday.

    Day 17 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 2min plank ✅ – 149.6lbs

    I’m surprised and sad my weight isn’t further down–I truly thought today would be the day I got down to 148-point-something. I did end up eating some egg last night (a precooked egg/sausage “muffin”) because I fought a headache all day long, eventually kicking it with migraine medicine, and decided at 6:30 that some food was necessary, and I sure felt better after those 300 calories. But those few calories couldn’t possibly have had much impact on my weight this morning, so my body must just be reluctant to let go of pounds it’s been embracing for months now, LOL!

    We had friends coming over for corned beef tonight, but one of them has the flu so DH and I have a quiet evening alone–a good thing after the frantic pace of this week–and I’ll do the corned beef dinner at noon after church on Sunday, when both sons will be up. I’ll make stew tonight, and my pledge is that I’ll not eat anything until 1:30 when I’ll have two hardboiled eggs, and then 3:30 when I’ll have an avocado, and then nothing else until we eat around 6pm.

    @funshipfreddie Very funny as well as BRILLIANT idea to prop the scales up against the fridge on a FD!!!

    @at Fun baking day! When I make banana bread, I always add walnuts not pecans, and that tends to be the norm here in the States…is it common for you to see pecans in banana bread, or is that your own preference? I LOVE the part of the forum where we learn about normal foods with each other!

    @northgeorgia Taking it one day at a time seems to be working beautifully for you because you have another nice weigh-in.

    Sorry I’ve responded to/chatted with so few of you…I’m tired and struggling to wake up and feel functional, so being sociable and chatty is not my strong suit this morning, LOL! I need to do some serious editing today to make up for how little I’ve accomplished this week, so I need to wake up and find some energy; I have another ten days to finish, which is long enough but only if I get at it! So, I’m finally going to go make a pot of coffee, and then I’ll spend my day editing; it will be good to make some serious progress.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 17, second post

    Such good news!! I went to get dressed and decided to weigh again…hope springs eternal and all that, you know. And that hope was rewarded: this time the scale hit 148.8 and stayed there several times of stepping off and stepping back on, so perhaps I can truly believe I’ve had a bit of a loss for this week! At any rate, it was sure fun to see!

    Day 17 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – St Patrick’s Day ☘

    I was suprised to see mentioning Fri-yay as its a bank holiday here and I felt like it was Saturday. Friday-yay indeed!!! And Happy St Patrick’s Day to you all ☘

    Having a quiet one, DH took off on his motorcycle this morning bound for the UK to pay his Mam a suprise visit for Paddys Day and of course Mothers Day on Sunday 😍
    I gave just been messaging her and she is dressed in green for the day, baking soda bread and having bacon and cabbage for dinner, and still gloriously unaware that her first born son is due to arrive on her doorstep. Knowing her as I now do she will be over the moon 😊

    Me, I am having a nice lazy day, and all I plan for the weekend is to pot up my tomatoes, plant out the wallflowers, sow seeds, potter potter potter.

    Well done @stichincarol on the loss.
    Lol@funshipfreddie, super idea having the scales propping up the fridge door 😆

    Have a grand weekend all. Xx

    Day 17 – UK Cam – FD800
    Was going to try for a proper FD (500) today but DH waylaid me with grilled tomatoes on sourdough toast for lunch – I’d been working on the allotment plot, barrowing manure for my tomato patch, and came in all wet from sudden shower so embraced both DH and his lovely lunch! Apart from cooked lunch, all I’ve had has been some Zero yoghurt (54 cal) and red berries so provided I eat lots of greens tonight and a small piece of ovenbaked chicken breast I should be OK for 800!

    This weekend is a social whirl so will need to eat carefully. Yesterday’s lunch with DH was excellent – I chose the wild mushrooms on rocket base with balsamic dressing followed by mediterranean chicken on couscous. Delish. I did sneak in a large glass of Pinot ! Ah well, you have to live life to the full 🙂 and I only nibbled some salad and feta cheese for supper so not too bad a day, overall.

    @funshipfreddie – I just love the idea of propping the scales against the fridge door on FDs – don’t think it would work here as fridge is right by the kitchen door and we would trip over it but, for all that, might be worth a try!

    @stitchincarol – yay for the drop – Well done!

    @at – your baking day sound good fun. As DH and I don’t usually eat much cake (or rather, if there is cake about, I eat it!!) I no longer have big baking days for cake but usually do savoury stuff instead. Your tray bake and the custard tarts sound divine. Your yoga retreat also sounds good – I would love to do something like that but can’t really leave DH for long at the moment.

    @daffodil2010 – what a lovely surprise for your mum. I can recall, many years ago, opening the door at our holiday rental to find a tall, handsome young man on the doorstep with a huge bouquet of flowers – didn’t realise for 10 seconds it was my SON!! He had come all the way up from Bath to Perthshire in Scotland to see me. He was combining it with a biking trip so stopped for a celebratory lunch and then shot off on his bike to meet with his pals. I know I cried I was so emotional! I just hope your Mum has the same treat I did.

    Right, need to sort out some veggies for our supper – Happy St Patrick’s Day to our Irish members.

    USA. Day 17. NFD

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! I am taking the day off to celebrate! I hope this doesn’t undo any weight I have lost!☺️

    Day 18 NFD NZ

    Thank you @stitchincarol and @jaifaim for your supportive words. I’m trying to extend my focus from the day-day and week-week to monthly which allows a wee bit of a swing without falling off the wagon. I guess it’s about having confidence in myself that I’ll get there eventually and to just keep going. Great to hear about finding a WOL that allows weight loss @stitchincarol.
    Also thanks for the plank info. I’ll start quietly because I’ve had rotator cuff problems in my shoulder for the last 6 months because of trying to follow a TV yoga session… Doh! @at I think I need to be lighter and have an instructor before I attempt yoga again… I make a delicious Paella recipe using pork and spinach from the El Moro, London cookbook.
    @brightonbelle I’m glad you’re off to see Maxfax. Your recovery from a tooth infection is taking a long time…
    @snowflake56 your maintenance is inspirational and a wee chocolate session human! The 500yr old house sounds so interesting.
    @gardenlily Lovely to hear about your allotment. We don’t have them here and it sounds so nice to work alongside others. And then to have lunch ready and waiting…
    @jaifaim, @ccco and @daffodil2010 Hope you’re not too green this morning from St Paddy’s Day…!!
    Onward and downward!

    Day 18 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @stitchincarol – congrats on the 148.8!! 🥳️ 🎈 Re the time changes, we don’t change the clocks in SA. In fact, I don’t think any African countries do. The UK go one hour forward next weekend, on the 26th. That’s one of the things that drove me nuts when I was working on the ships. If you think doing it once a year is bad, imagine every week?! On some cruises it was two hours forward, then two back as we approached our home port. Permanent jet-lag 😵

    @daffodil2010 – enjoy your lazy, secluded pottering weekend. I was sort of joking about propping the scales against the fridge door, but the more I think about it… 🤔

    Off to meet a guy who’s going to quote me for moving my furniture from the storage unit to the new place next month. Gulp?! I hate surprises. It’s only about 20 km, so fingers crossed I won’t have to sell a kidney 😳

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    Day 17 – UK – TDEE

    ☘️ Happy belated St Patrick’s day to all who celebrate it 🇮🇪

    Despite a very controlled week I have seen no shift in my weight this week – remains firmly at 59.6kg but my jeans definitely feel looser 🤔 not going to let Cruella derail my plan to “Make March Mine” However I did think that today would see me down to 58-point-something……….🫰I will see a shift next week!!

    Baking from yesterday all cut into portions and packed, ready to deliver to the parish centre on my way to the Yoga Workshop – a selection of each cake left for OH to enjoy ❤️

    @northgeorgia – great to hear from you and to see another nice weigh in!
    @stitchincarol – I always use walnuts in my my banana bread and sultanas soaked in rum 🤣 (Nigella’s recipe) but had no walnuts at home so used up the pecans I had left over – should still taste good! So happy for you that Cruella has been kind and that you are definitely into that 148 something 👍
    @daffodil2010 – nothing wrong with a nice lazy day – savour every minute with no guilt 🤗
    @gardenlily – OH loves his cakes but not anything with icing so much – I love baking but have learnt to resist the lure of putting it in mouth too often….I have been known to enjoy a slice of a cake I particularly love for brunch instead of breakfast/lunch on a NFD day 🤣 and then have a healthy evening meal!!
    @merryapple – weight should not stop you doing yoga or cause injury, find a good teacher who teaches a gentle form of yoga and you might surprise yourself – BTW I have that same cookbook on my shelves and have made the monkfish version, often adding prawns and mussels if I have any handy (OH does not eat meat!) some yummy recipes in there 😋

    Just about enough time for a second cup of tea and then to get organised to leave the house around 0915

    Namaste 🙏

    Day 18 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hi all! 👋

    Thanks for the Patrick’s day wishes! A lovely day spent with friends away from the festivities ☘️ . It is a great bonus day for a good hike or spin. Yesterday was wet so went for a hike in the mountains in the clouds. I have a party tonight and am hoping to wear an outfit I have not worn in a very very very long time… it’s funky, cool and gorgeous so… dying to get back into it… I’m feeling slimmer but still bobbing between 159-161 so it’s weird but going with the slim feeling in my clothes…. And feeling good. General health still a wee bit wobbly but I’m doing all the right things so hoping I’m
    On the right track.

    Two friends yesterday commented on my shape so that’s all pretty wonderful – I have one of those bodies where people don’t really notice subtle changes so it’s a great sign to me that all is well and I must continue to my 155lbs ultimate goal.😀

    I have to rush as another hike today before the rain comes down again so will say “Slán” 👋 for now and catch up tomorrow,

    Go n-éirí an bóthar libh!☘️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 18 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Had a really quiet and relaxed St Patrick’s Day, read half a book, couple of naps, enjoyed a vegetarian chickpea dish for dinner, watched a movie by the fire with a nice red wine, bliss.

    Its not an FD today but I haven’t eaten anything yet, just to prove to myself that I can do it! Getting in the mindset for the wagon next week. Unfortunately those holiday pounds seem to be here to stay, so it’s time to get real again.

    There is a party tonight but I have already cried off. Going to watch the big rugby match this afternoon, Ireland v England, in what hopefully will be a championship win for Ireland and a Grand Slam on Irish soil. So looking forward to it!!

    Have a great weekend all.

    Day 18 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Playing the FDs by ear. Maybe Tomorrow. Maybe Tuesday.

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 2min plank ✅ – 150.8

    Yesterday was less controlled than I’d intended, but not horrible. The stew I made was from a gifted package of barley, lentils, and seasonings to which I was supposed to add a pound of lean beef, cut into pieces; it ended up more like soup than stew and I was unimpressed with the seasonings, but DH loved it. I had one generous serving of it, and that was all, so not high in calories; also had a thick slice of bread and butter with it, so high in calories as well as in joy, LOL–and I only had one! Broke my WF at 1:30 as planned with two eggs, and had the avocado at 2:30 instead of waiting for 3:30, and I also had a banana–extra to my intended food–which I have on hand to make banoffee pie for tomorrow. The real problem for the day was the Dream Bars I made, a recipe I’ve been planning to make for several weeks ( It’s a par-baked shortbread crust with a mix of coconut and pecans, brown sugar, and two eggs spread over it and baked a little longer. I nibbled on lots of those pecans as I was breaking them up, and nibbled on a little bit of the coconut also. Then, I cut that 9×13 dessert into 32 pieces and ate three of them, which is about 400 calories–that’s where the high calories showed up, in addition to all those pecans. So did I top 1500 calories? Possibly. Possibly not. But my stomach is no longer empty, and that’s why the scale is up.

    So, not out of control, but not minimal, and being up two pounds is the result. Today’s a new opportunity for restraint, and I’m trying to figure out dinner for tonight before we go with a friend to her granddaughter’s high school musical in which she has a starring role. Perhaps hamburgers and milkshakes at a place we’ve been wanting to try? If DH and I share each–which he’s always willing to do–then the total calories can be low enough to keep me hovering around 150?

    Sometimes food absorbs me more than other times, LOL!

    @at You’re in the middle of your Spring Equinox Yoga Day; I hope you’re having a lovely time!

    @daffodil2010 I read those words about your MIL’s plans for yesterday a number of times, just imagining the joy she feels to have reconnected with her first born. Such wonderful emotions! And, there’s that cabbage and bacon thing again, LOL! Is it possible to find a recipe link to show me what it is you mean?

    @gardenlily I envy you your climate that you’re able to be out in the garden already, both because I love the work and also because it’s such a great way to get in activity while doing what you love!

    @merryapple You absolutely will get there eventually; just keep trying and you’ll find a balance you can live with.

    @funshipfreddie Oh my, that had to have awful to have time changes constantly! I was asleep at 11 or so last night, and slept until 8:30 this morning–that’s the longest and best I’ve slept in longer than I can remember, and I finally feel adjusted to Daylight Savings Time…this is the longest it’s ever taken me to adjust. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m hoping the quote for moving your furniture is surprisingly low!

    @jaifaim So wonderful that people are noticing and that you’re so close to goal!

    @northgeorgia Wow! You didn’t bob up at all today! Well, well, well done!

    I made huge progress in editing the book yesterday; I do love this book’s story as well as the skilled and polished writing of the author. If I can just make another big chunk of progress today, then I don’t have to feel guilty about taking off tomorrow when the boys are here for the day.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 18. FD

    Back to fasting now that the holiday is over! 🙂

    I saw that we have some great weigh-ins! Congratulations! I put mine off until Monday, as I don’t think I need to see what damage I did yesterday! LO

    I didn’t see a pocket list, so I thought I would start one

    Pocket List Day 18


    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Day 18 UK NFD

    Quick check in mid Rugby marathon, 5am start tomorrow for early flight to Rome Catch up when I’m back 👋

    USA. Day 18. FD

    So far so good for my diet today! 🙂

    BrightonBelle, I love Rome. Wish I was going with you! 🙂

    Day 19 NFD NZ

    Weigh day and a FD tomorrow for me. Fingers crossed it’s all coming together.
    Spent y’day brushing and grooming Mr Macintosh. How can such a small character much such a mess??? Like us a haircut takes years off him! He went to the Vet for a checkup and passed with flying colours – correct weight, heart etc fine so no meds. He’s deaf, needs glasses😁 and his back legs are a bit weak but he’s hungry and interested in the world and the Vet thought he was younger than his 15 years(105 in human years).
    For the Rugby fans, I live 5 minutes walk away from Eden Park on a hill that overlooks the stadium. I went to the semis and final of the women’s Rugby World Cup. Sooooo exciting! The ticket prices were much cheaper than the men’s (go figure) and there was a real family atmosphere in the park. Much more exciting than the men’s game – fast, running, lots of points scored and NZ won!!! The first rugby game of the season was on last night- Blues vs Crusaders – translation Auckland vs Christchurch. ChCh won. I see the Irish beat England 😃
    @jaifaim I have to lose 10kg before anyone notices… Great that people are noticing your new shape!
    @at yes love the El Moro recipes.
    @funshipfreddie I don’t miss the 12 hour shifts we had to do in Critical Care (7am to 7pm then 7pm to 7am). It’s the health equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes per day. Mind you small changes like an hour back or forward muck you up too. There’s always big debates about daylight saving here because the milking cows don’t do daylight saving!!
    Onward and downward!

    Day 19 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @stitchincarol – isn’t everything just so much better after a good night’s sleep?! The best things in life really are free, but sometimes elusive. I met up with the removal guy; still waiting for the dreaded quote 😳

    @merryapple – shift work is a killer. My dad was a cop, & I’m sure his shift work contributed to him being overweight for much of his life & his eventual diabetes. He’d get home after a night-shift, eat a huge breakfast & then go to bed. I vaguely remember an experiment in the late 60’s when the clocks didn’t change in the UK. But it meant going to school in the dark. We wore reflective orange bands over our coats as a safety precaution.

    @northgeorgia – hoping you’ll join me for a S☀️nday FD…

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 19 🥕

    Day 19 – USA/GA

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. As always, playing everything by ear until things calm down. I did a small walk around the place, trying to figure out a nice spot for a little memory garden for my father, thought about some projects I need to do (including painting the porches), then sat down and lost it. I guess the shock is wearing off a bit and moments of grief sudden run through me. When I composed myself, I walked next door to my mom’s house, where she was watching the slide show I made for the funeral home visitation and she was crying, too.

    I am planning on a FD though, so I’ll join the pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 19 🥕

    Day 19 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    So when I say it’s been years since I wore the outfit I will tell you now that it was 21+ years ago! When I was 29 or 30 – mon dieu… it’s a funky designer jumpsuit which was a bargain so always felt I wanted to get back it into it… I did, had a great time in it and am chuffed with myself … I’m not lighter than I was then but miraculously back in it…it must be very well made 😂😂 had a lovely time and lots of dancing last night 👍

    @brightonbelle I was thinking of you as I’ve not heard of Maxillofacial so had to look it up…gosh! you poor thing – it has been an ordeal for you so sending you hugs. Enjoy Rome you lucky thing 🇮🇹

    @stitchincarol well done on getting through the work it sounds very interesting! And @funshipfreddie I hope the quote will be acceptable 👍
    On shift work etc… I’ve never worked shift and don’t think I’d fare too well… I had never thought about workers on the cruise ships suffering from time zone adjustments… that would be so tough…

    It is Mother’s Day here today…wishing all the mothers a happy day. And to those who are missing your mums I’m thinking of you..
    @northgeorgia I’m so sorry for your mum 🥲
    Off now to have late lunch with my beautiful mother 💕
    Have a lovely day all and well done to the Sunday fasters..

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    USA. Day 19. FD

    Pocket List – Day 19 🥕

    Day 20 FD Auckland

    Minus 200gm. I’ll take it! 12 days to go before March 31.
    I’m going out for dinner tonight at Cazador, a very nice Iranian restaurant for a fundraiser for the Floods. It’s a set menu so on the premise that the more expensive the meal the smaller the portion, I should be OK!
    @northgeorgia Thinking of you and your mother. A memory garden sounds so beautiful.
    Grief can catch you unawares. I was at a memorial service on Wednesday at the Art Gallery for one of their curators who had cancer. A lovely photo came up on the screen of him and DH with Polynesian leis around their necks smiling at the camera. It was unexpected and did me in…
    @jaifaim Go girl rocking that Millenial jumpsuit! I was trying to think of the fashion back then but nothing really came to mind except worrying if our computers would work after the date roll over. We had a big New Year’s party and screened a video of 2001 Space Odessey all night!
    @funshipfreddie Yes nightshift workers find it very difficult to not have terrible eating habits…At least now we know more than we did about how to manage it.
    @stitchincarol I made Brides Bonn y’day to take to a picnic for the SPCA fundraiser. It’s a delicious shortbread with the addition of rolled oats and caraway seeds. It’s made in one piece by the mother of the bride who breaks it over the brides head in an ancient fertility ritual. We rode the bike to the park so I figured the broken pieces suited our transport mode!

    Day 20 Pocket List

    Day 20, NFD, Aus

    WFH today and too close to the kitchen to even pretend I could manage a FD!

    Scales in front of the fridge?! What a hideous idea @funshipfreddie!

    The surprise visit to your MIL sounded lovely, @daffodil2010. How did it go?

    Hi @northgeorgia. Sending you a hug.

    Day 20 country west Australia FD 84.5kgs 185.9 lbs
    Apologies for MIA-ness, but unexpected trip to the city after work Thursday, arrived at accommodation ( sister’s place ) at 11pm after a 9 hour work day so absolutely bushed.
    Friday spent chasing after an active almost-2 year old ( just weighing a bit less certainly helps with mobility!!!) Saturday ditto for another GD and then 3 1/2 hour drive home late Saturday night. Bit tired!!😴😴😴
    There have been some wonderful results re weight loss in the group 👏💐😇 and I trust with health benefits as well.
    Which is why I think the 5:2 WOL is so good. Sustainable with good health benefits.
    @funshipfreddie, I laughed out aloud at the image of scales against the fridge!!!🤣🤣 I will think about that every time I go to the fridge!!
    I hope the moving quote is not too high. Re taps !!!!! We were looking for some on Saturday ( interesting with a toddler in toe) and the price !!!! Who pays $600 ???? 😱 For a tap!!!!😲😲😲
    We have about 4 or 5 different time zones in Australia. In the west we are 3 hours behind NSW – which my DS who lives in Sydney keeps forgetting . Received a text from him this morning at about 5 am – definitely NOT my preferred time to wake up !!
    @stitchincarol, congratulations on the weight loss !! 💐 Very well done. Old Cruella does surprise us sometimes!
    Your job editing sounds really interesting. You must get to read some different sorts of books/ literature.🤔
    @penz, good luck with the WFH. As long as it doesn’t go too far off track, you’ve got this!!
    I am really feeling VERY motivated for March as old Cruella has been reasonably kind and I am staying below 85 which for me is a plus!!
    @jaifaim, WELL DONE !!!💐 Fancy being able to get in to an outfit that you haven’t worn in such a long time!!!! That is what makes 5:2 so good. It IS doable and the results so worth it. Glad you had a great time.
    My DH is commenting that he is seeing me in some outfits I haven’t worn ‘ for a while ‘ ( make that 5 years).
    As with @merryapple and @at, Cruella doesn’t show much of a change, neither surprisingly does the tape measure, but clothes are fitting better and my wardrobe is ever so slowly expanding ??🤔🤔
    Happy to hold your hand @merryapple and @AT- Just DO NOT give up. You WILL get there. 😊
    @ccco , trust the FD went well yesterday.
    @northgeorgia, have been thinking and praying for you and your family. Grief is such an individual process.
    In church yesterday and a friend who lost her husband last year was touched by something in the service. Her tears set a heap of us off – and the back pew was awash ! I think tears are cathartic and a reminder of the love/ regard we have for someone. 😢💔
    I note that it is Mother’s Day in some countries. In Australia, yesterday was Mothering Sunday, a special church service for mothers and the ‘ Mother’ church.
    Our ‘ Mother’s Day’ is celebrated in May.
    I love all the different things we learn about other countries and customs. Some of the food recipes sound SO delicious. The shortbread slices, the stew/ soup, the risotto, mushrooms with rocket, chicken recipes ….. – YUMMO !!!
    ?? possibly why some of us need the 5:2 WOL for restraint?? I know I do !!
    I always add walnuts to banana bread -😋😋
    I am currently making a liquorice slice for catering tomorrow. Its is so easy but delicious.
    Thankfully I cut it into VERY small pieces as it is so rich.
    But it keeps well AND there is still some in the container in the fridge. Pre coming back to this forum and the support, I would have polished it off!!
    I am back to my mantra of a few years ago : ‘ Do I want it? Yes I do!! Will I have it ? No, I won’t !!’ 😇
    Some of you ‘oldies’ may remember the discussions re fermented foods etc.
    My DH and I still have sauerkraut regularly since then. But keffir – yuk! And kombucha – I have it sometimes but not a lot.
    @brightonbelle, Rome !!! You lucky thing!! Enjoy! and don’t Italians have such great cuisine !! 😁 I hope your dental problems get solved. It has been quite a process for you.
    @gardenlily, the tomatoes on sourdough sounds SO good. All this food talk on a FD😲😲 I am envious of the work you do in the garden. I would love to get out into mine as autumn is upon us and lots to do – but life seems to get in the way…..🤔
    @daffodil2010. I hope your MIL had the BEST St Patrick’s day seeing your DH. What a lovely surprise.😊
    Your own St Patrick’s day sounded very relaxing.
    It Has taken me somewhat longer than expected to read 2 pages of posts and respond so I had better go off to work now !!😊
    That’s the good thing about this group – it kind of runs itself. Not too much cat-herding required.
    But I do hope @matpi, @linda_b, @flourbaby, @litprof and all the others who haven’t posted for a while are OK.
    Please feel free to pop in and say hi if you have the time. We miss you.
    Onward and downward.
    Definitely the month to ‘ Make March Mine’ – for all of us.😁
    And the word of today – quidnunc : one who is curious to know all the news and the gossip
    Day 19 word – pea-eater , colloquial for a foolish person ( with reference to cattle who have eaten the DARLING PEA and gone mad ) !!
    Day 18 word – cacoethes : an irresistible urge or mania – from Greek word for bad habit.
    So there you have it !! Try dropping these words into your conversation …. !!!! 🙄

    Day 20, Germany, FD800
    Day 19 NFD
    Day 18 NFD

    It’s time to get back to better eating again, so I’m starting the week with a FD800.

    @merryapple It was a big mistake to buy the chocolate, I just can’t stay away from it and this morning I’m really tired, not normal for me. I’ve only seen the Maltese house on pictures, it is old and beautiful.

    Day 20 Pocket List

    @snowflake56 FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 20 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    FD done & dusted. Monday morning PFDS, & a 44 day Wordle streak! Can life get any better?! 😃

    @lilymartin – 5:2 IS doable. Delayed gratification, that’s basically all it is. An outdated concept, because everyone wants everything yesterday. Re the price of taps?! Madness. And I think I must have expensive taste, because I seem to go for the Italian stuff; until I see the price 🤯

    @penz – scales in front of the fridge – only on FDs! It could work? Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it 😂

    a great TED talk on preventing dementia through lifestyle. Fasting/TRE is mentioned…

    “Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.” ~ Richard G. Scott

    Pocket List – Day 20 🍌
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Day 20- Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hello everyone!

    I hope you had a great weekend.

    Well done @funshipfreddie 👏 sounds like a good FD and @northgeorgia and @ccco 👏

    @lilymartin you are having busy times 👍. That’s another great word that I will definitely use : quidnunc…I am generally curious but not a gossip but there are a few of my friends who are real quidnuncs 😂
    Licourice slices sound yum I must look them up. Or maybe not? Would I be better not even going there 🤪😂

    @merryapple I’m so sorry for you. Those memories that come out of nowhere can really floor you…. Sending you hugs 💕
    The jumpsuit was really classic in cut but sparkly too and actually I don’t really think fashion has changed that much since really but it did have flared legs which have come back now..

    @daffodil2010 I hope your DHs trip went really really well. What a lovely surprise for his mum

    I’m with you today @snowflake56 – I’m generally doing ok but weekends are still blips! I must reprogram my brain on this one…

    @penz I’m WFH today too so might try the old scales in front of the kitchen door never mind the fridge door 😂😂😂

    Mother’s Day lunch with mum yesterday was a quiet affair. She is not up an out of bed for very long these days so often has to be woken for a very light lunch. We had boiled eggs with yummy brown bread and had a lovely dinner later but precious time spent with her 💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 20 Pocket List

    @snowflake56 FD800

    Day 20 – UK Cam – FD
    Quick post before dashing off to volunteer in gardens. Lovely Mother’s Day yesterday with family – lots (and I mean Lots) of cake, candy and love all round. @jaifaim – so important to spend time with aged parents – magical memories stored up.

    Love the weird words @lilymartin – here’s another one for you : gongoozler – and idle and inquisitive person who stands staring for prolonged period at anything out of the common. Can be used as a verb too!

    Let’s hope I won’t be gongoozling much today in the gardens 🙂

    Day 20 Pocket List
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Day 20 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. FD was almost derailed when mom called after church to get fast food for my niece and nephew. I took her to get the food, but for myself I decided to wait — didn’t really want it as we ate out the day before. I have some financial stuff to help her with this morning, so doing a hybrid day off/work some hours from home. I’ll take her out to lunch after that.

    second post
    Just as one sparrow does not a summer make , neither does one iced donut an FD make !!!
    FD was going very well until unexpected visit by a friend we haven’t seen for ages who had ‘specially’ bought us fresh iced donuts. It seemed churlish not to have one….
    So FD morphed into a NFD . However I am becoming much better with choices so didn’t let it derail the day. Small lunch of curry, small salad for dinner.
    Not the ideal day but not a disaster either, though probably over my TDEE.
    Plan to have an FD800 tomorrow. Lunch out ( catering for it) and dinner prior to a meeting.
    Drinking lots of water before a meal; really thinking about delayed gratification as @funshipfreddie mentioned. If I don’t have it today, I can have it tomorrow.
    There seems to be increasing amounts of research into intermittent fasting/fasting for healthy lifestyle and in prevention of various chronic diseases.
    We are on the right track!!

    USA. Day 20. FD

    My weekend didn’t go as well as I would have liked, so I am back on that pocket list!

    Day 20 Pocket List
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Day 20 Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Late post, was not too well yesterday, some stomach bug, put it this way, I lost 3lbs overnight!!!

    Feeling much better today. Taking it handy and planning this week to be a good one.

    Will get back to my usual morning slot tomorrow. Until then xxxx

    Day 20 – UK – FD800

    I think that my last post should have said Day 18 not 17……

    Day 18 – my yoga workshop was just fab – energetic morning and a stretchy and relaxing afternoon 🧘‍♀️🙏
    When I stopped by the parish centre on my return to collect my cake tins I was pleased to see that all my cakes had sold out and apparently my try at a Portuguese inspired custard tart was very popular – will definitely be making those for home for Easter and hoping to get the pastry a bit thinner on the sides next time 🫰
    I got home just in time to watch the England v Ireland Rugby 🏉 well done on getting the grand slam 🇮🇪

    Day 19 – some beautiful flowers 💐 arrived for Mothering Sunday from my DD ❤️ It was a lovely dry day and the sun 🌤️ even came out to play for a bit, so had a great 8mile walk with a friend with coffee and a shared slice of cake afterwards sitting outside in the sun – then an afternoon catching up at home and OH requested a prawn paella for dinner I added some cooked red peppers strips and spinach on top for a change!

    Weather today has been mizzly so a quiet morning at home, afternoon coffee with my regular group and a fab yoga class this evening to keep me on track for my FD800

    Will try to catch up with the posts tomorrow – off to have a shower then read a bit before bed 😴

    Day 21 NFD NZ

    Gorgeous meal last night along with 7,000 other restaurants and punters across the country who chipped in to raise💰for those flooded in the Hawkes Bay. I’m skipping breakfast and will have lunch.
    @jaifaim Thank you. You outfit avec flares sounds so up-to-the-minute now. From your description though I can’t quite get Elvis Presley out of my mind🤣🤣🤣
    @lilymartin and @funshipfreddie It’s all about style and function and durability at a reasonable price… My friend redid their two bathrooms with Bunnings made in China tapware saying how much money they saved. One year later all the moving parts had started to break down…
    @lilymartin You’re right it is churlish to resist the gift of an iced donut!! I do prefer the jammy cream filled style of doughnut 😋
    @brightonbelle Welcome home! I’m dreaming of Rome. It’s so far away from us. Beautiful art, architecture, people, fashion, food and Fellini’s La Dolce Vita.
    @snowflake56 Maybe your worry has upset your sleep?? I was thinking about this because three weeks ago a friend brought a large block of my favourite chocolate over which I couldn’t and didn’t resist. I ate a square then another and another. I think the answer might be to buy small (and expensive!) chocolates and allow yourself one every day or two and take the negative connotations out of the relationship. And be kind to yourself. What do you think?
    Onward and downward!

    Day 21, NFD, Aus

    Have been reading everyone’s posts and enjoying the news (213lb, @northgeorgia!? woohoo!) but no time to write much. Is it just me or has this year started busier sooner than its predecessors?

    Day 21 country west Australia FD 84.9 kgs
    Had just about finished a long post and went to save it as is my habit and it disappeared into thin air !!!😱😱😱😱
    I had a spiel about fasting and resetting leptin/ghrelin levels; food just being ‘ food’ not good , bad or ugly.
    Replied to everyone’s post to date.
    So, now off for a catering job.
    Hope everyone has a positive day whether fasting or eating sensibly.

    Day 21 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @lilymartin. Delayed gratification – it’s an interesting subject, & there’s a whole Wikipedia page devoted to it. It mentions a famous Stanford University marshmallow experiment conducted on preschoolers in the ’60’s & ’70’s. The children had a choice of eating one marshmallow, or waiting 15 minutes & eating two marshmallows:-

    “The children who waited longer, when re-evaluated as teenagers and adults, demonstrated a striking array of advantages over their peers. As teenagers, they had higher SAT scores, social competence, self-assuredness and self-worth, and were rated by their parents as more mature, better able to cope with stress, more likely to plan ahead, and more likely to use reason. They were less likely to have conduct disorders or high levels of impulsivity, aggressiveness and hyperactivity. As adults, the high delayers were less likely to have drug problems or other addictive behaviours, get divorced, or be overweight. Each minute that a preschooler was able to delay gratification translated to a .2% reduction in Body Max Index 30 years later.”

    “A growing body of research suggests that self-control is akin to a muscle that can be strengthened through practice. In other words, self-control abilities are malleable, a fact that can be a source of hope for those who struggle with this skill.”

    @lilymartin – I finally got my moving quote. Sort of what I was expecting & I paid a deposit & booked the 26th April. But my reno guy is either ghosting me, has been kidnapped or had an awful accident. My quote never arrived anyway, & he hasn’t read the last couple of messages I sent him. So I’ve got another guy coming to take a look at the bathrooms this morning.

    @jaifaim – scales in front of the kitchen door, lol 😂 Unfortunately my current place – as well as my new place – is open plan, so I don’t even have a kitchen door.

    @at – ‘mizzly’ – that’s a word I’ve never heard before?!

    @merryapple – oh crikey?! I’ll be double-checking none of my new bathroom fittings have ‘Made in China’ on them?! 😱

    Pocket List – Day 21 🍒

    Day 21 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Feeling so much better today. Maybe it was post holiday build up as I felt super sluggish and tired at the weekend (so just as well it was a long weekend with nothing planned), and the 4 hour Ryanair flight from Malta didn’t help as cramped seating, even for 5’2″ me had me all uncomfortable.

    Anyhoo, back almost to normal. That 3lb loss was not a mirage, so almost at pre-holiday weight, and motivated to go on.

    @funshipfreddie, how annoying that the Reno guy is ghosting you, I really hate that, and it seems to be prevalent everywhere.

    @lilymartin, @jaifaim, @merryapple @stitchincarol and all those who asked about DH’s suprise trip to his birth mum for St Patrick’s weekend, well it went super well. He had tried to tell her he would be there for the bacon and cabbage dinner (sorry @stitchincarol, must look up a recipe for you, but it’s basically boiled loin of bacon and cabbage cooked in the bacon water served with mash spuds in our house, very Irish)….but his Mam took that hint as a joke, so was all in a fuzz when he walked through the door 😄 Great excitement, and he got to see her for Mother’s Day too, his 2nd one with her 😍

    Hope all are feeling fine. Equinox already, it’s great to see it brighter earlier and later, and next weekend the clocks go forward and it will be bright past 8pm…yay!!!

    Day 21 – Ireland – FD800 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hello everyone!

    Yes @penz I’m running to catch myself at the moment too and that’s after a relatively relaxing long weekend. Also feeling very tired… had a FD yesterday but went over a little so going to try a FD800 today as I need to jumpstart my system… still bobbing around 160.

    Thanks @lilymartin! It’s such a pain when they disappear… I use notes on my phone and then copy from there… hence the typos sometimes… which annoy me but hard to see in notes for some reason 🫢 Have a good day at your catering job.

    Haha @merryapple not quite Elvisesque… uh huh huh 🕺 😂 but I love it… will maybe have a few more wears this year and then pass on to the next generation… it’s pretty cool 😎

    @daffodil2010 sorry to hear you caught that bug… hope you feel better today but as you say the upside is that you are lighter… but mind yourself.

    Lovely to hear about your Mother’s Day @at and @gardenlily and all those who celebrated on Sunday.

    @snowflake56 I can’t have chocolate in my house… I can avoid it for ages but when I give in then that’s it… game over and I polish it off… but don’t be too hard on yourself!
    Your nieces house in malta sounds amazing and money better spent I’d say 😂 . @daffodil2010 Mellieha is a great spot to base yourself for travel over to Gozo and the best beaches in the island but Valetta and the south is so beautiful and interesting too. I love the war rooms and it is amazing to think they were used right up to relatively recent times with the Cold War etc.

    Ok I’d better dash… have a good day all!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 21 🍒
    @jaifaim FD800

    Day 21, Germany, NFD

    @jaifaim I must reprogram my brain on a lot of things, not only sweets! Although highly impractical, I loved jumpsuits when they were in fashion. We also thought their money was better spent on a house, we have enough parties in my DH’s family. The next big one is the 50th wedding anniversary of my DH’s eldest brother and his wife in July.

    @merryapple Seeing the unexpected picture of your DH must have been hard. I never feel well after eating too much sugar. At night I can’t sleep, I sweat a lot and turn over all the time. In the morning I’m tired and just feel unwell.

    @jaifaim and @merryapple My DH likes chocolate, I don’t even like it and would never buy it for myself but when it’s in the house, I’ll eat it. Taking a small size piece doesn’t work. The pieces are only 25 gramm so I could eat only one as my DH does but I can’t just take one, I take 4 or more. I don’t know why I do it, it really bothers me I eat it although I know it makes me feel so unwell. I’m glad I only have this strange thing with chocolate, I can resist other sweets.

    @daffodil2010 What a lovely surprise for your DH’s mother, she must have bin so pleased.

    Have a nice day everyone, with or without eating chocolate!

    Day 21 – USA/GA – FD?

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Will attempt another FD today.

    Pocket List – Day 21 🍒
    @jaifaim FD800

    Day 21 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – Planks? soon – 153.0

    I dunno what happened yesterday that I didn’t post; I was absorbed in my editing job and just didn’t take a break to come on and chatter. The nice thing is that I got 36 pages done over the course of the day and have only 69 of the 292 left to go by a week from today, when I told my author I’d have it done; I’m enjoying the book and enjoying my work on it, but will be glad when it’s done, and think that will happen before the weekend. 👍💪🏻✅

    I slept so hard last night that I’m still only barely awake and I’ve been up for 30 minutes…I don’t do mornings very well. Usually I have chatter inside me, but look like a zombie on the outside, but I have nothing this morning, LOL. So I’m going to be unusually terse this morning, and try again tomorrow.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 21 🍒
    @jaifaim FD800

    USA. Day 21. FD

    Pocket List – Day 21 🍒
    @jaifaim FD800

    Day 21 – UK Cam – NFD
    Yesterday’s FD went reasonably well – resisted cake and biscuits at the morning meeting and the only glitch was a little one – a small handful of cashew nuts and dried mango slices which I ate on the long drive home after a hard afternoon’s work barrowing and raking mulch. Eating mindfully today – busy with trips to charity (thrift) shop and council rubbish tip with stuff from sewing room and DH’s work room – including a broken dress-making dummy which I have kept, just in case, for at least 10 years! I just hope no one thinks I’ve disposed of a (headless) body in the skip …

    @funshipfreddie – fascinating bit about delayed gratification although I must admit I laughed a bit – can they REALLY deduce all that from a choice over marshmallows??
    Hope the back is better and the house is looking good.

    @stitchingcarol – your editing job sound fascinating – what is the general topic area of the book (appreciate you can’t talk much about it) but interested.

    @jaifaim – oh, I agree – chocolate in the house is fatal – it can sit in a cupboard for months but once it has been opened, it’s history (usually at 2 am)!

    @snowflake56 – Spring definitely in the air – already noticed the evenings getting a bit lighter (when it’s not pouring with rain) and definitely dawn chorus is earlier in morning – pigeon cooing on garage roof, not to mention the kerfuffle when two get together …

    Keep up the good work everyone – we’ll all be eyeing up our summer shorts and tees before long so we need to concentrate on a March Marching!

    Day 21 – UK – TDEE

    A wet, muddy and windy walk this morning with my regular walking group…..certainly blew the cobwebs away…..a large coffee and a piece of ginger cake went down well afterwards 😋

    Stopped at the supermarket for a big shop on the way back home and by the time I had sorted things back home it was time for my HIP class (which I still zoom in for)

    Now getting ready to go out for a talk by an archeologist “The lost Norse kingdom of Laithlind” – it should be fun learning a bit about the local history as he will be exploring signs in the landscape that paint a dazzling picture of 1,000 years ago, and a thriving, if violent, kingdom based around people who arrived from across the Irish Sea, beached their boats and settled their Herdwicks and slaves around a huge Viking longhall overlooked by their gods on Scafell and Great Gable

    I seem to be keeping busy and the days are just flying by, 3 weeks into this challenge already!!!

    This month I am reminding myself that “Slow And Steady Wins The Race”

    Day 22, FD, Aus

    FD it is!

    Lots of talk about chocolate. Last night OH declared he wanted some, and we had a block of Guiness truffle chocolate (?!!?) in the house which I offered him. I was not tempted at all. Polishing halo! 🙂

    Day 22, Germany, NFD

    Today we’re trying out the Dance 50+ group, they do line dance and other dances. I know a few of the women dancing in the group and it seems like fun. We convinced a friend to join us, her husband (my gin drinking partner) passed away last year and after 5 months of staying with her family in Southern Germany she’s back home again. She hardly has any contacts apart from her family and us so we think it’s time to change that. Let’s see how this turns out.

    @gardenlily Spring has definitely arrived here! I woke up at 4:13 this morning by the sound of chatting blackbirds. There’s also a lot of nest building everywhere. Our neightbour’s new cat turned out to be a bird killer. In the last three weeks she brought home two doves and a female blackbird. We had two blackbird couples breeding in our garden the last couple of years, we hope the female blackbird wasn’t one of ours.

    @penz Well done on resisting the Guiness truffle chocolate! I can’t even
    imagine how that will taste.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 22 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @daffodil2010 – I spoke too soon! My reno called me just minutes after I posted yesterday. After more than a week! Very apologetic, & said he’d left my messages marked ‘unread’ as a reminder for him to contact me. He had some long excuse that I can’t even remember; I’m just relieved I don’t have to start over with someone else.

    @gardenlily – re the marshmallow experiment – I know?! I can’t help wondering how the data would have turned out if they’d used chocolate instead of marshmallows? 🤔 I was telling Gwynne – aka @songbirdme – via Words with Friends about Justin Willman’s version of the experiment. He’s a magician & has a show on Netflix – ‘Magic for Humans’. Episode 1/Season 1. Hilarious 😂

    @stitchincarol – I’m curious about your editing job too? I love the idea of working from home. I imagine you have to be very self-disciplined though. I would have probably lived in my dressing gown & got very little done 😅

    I just heard one of those fascinating yet useless bits of information on the radio:- there are more species of plants on Table Mountain (Cape Town) than there are in the entire United Kingdom!

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 22 🍋

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