Make March Mine

This topic contains 339 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  lilymartin 1 year, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 350 total)

  • Welcome to Make March Mine the March 2023 Monthly Challenge. Whether you are an old 5:2 hand, a prodigal returner or a brand newbie there’s a place for you!

    On this forum we realise that it can be difficult to change a lifetime’s habits of eating . Food companies spend tens of millions of $$ to entice us to eat by combining sugar, fat, salt to tempt us with ‘ cravebility’ and addiction . And food is everywhere. But for better health and to lose some weight and keep it off this forum offers support and ideas to help with making 5:2 WOL/E ( way of life/ eating ) sustainable.
    We’re here with a simple monthly challenge to start doing things differently from here on.
    It’s simple: 5 days of eating normally* and 2 days of fasting each week. Other than that, we set our own goals, holding ourselves accountable and encouraging one another.
    It’s helpful to hear of others’ journey with 5:2; there are lots of good ideas and encouragement and often someone else is experiencing the same triumphs/ difficulties which can be reassuring.
    So here we are on our road to better health and weight control.
    Let’s ‘ Make March Mine’ or ‘Miraculous’
    *normal eating = the calories our body needs – see TDEE

    Below is how we basically run the forum with some terminology/ abbreviations which we use.

    The monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and have been going strong ever since. It works like this:

    1. Introductions – in your first post please introduce yourself to the group. It helps us all get to know each other and is really helpful for new people getting to know regulars. Perhaps say something about where you started, your journey so far, what you’re aiming for or what differences fasting is making. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month – whatever you are comfortable sharing.

    2. Spreadsheet – I’m hoping that @at will kindly post this month’s spreadsheet in a post below! The spreadsheet is in alphabetical order by username. You can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing.It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. Keeping track can help us to measure progress, spot patterns, remind ourselves how far we’ve come. You can use the spreadsheet, the forum’s tracker, your favourite app, pen & paper or whatever works for you!

    3. Posting – Please start each entry with the day of the month, where you are, and what type of day you are on – fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). We’re all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting etc. Eg I’ll start on 1 January with Day 1 – UK – NFD

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily, others only check in on FDs, others from time to time. Some are short & to the point, others long and chatty. If you‘re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post eg Day 1 second post.

    5. Content – Comments or questions, complaints or celebration – post anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. We all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or have days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. DON’T GIVE UP: whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum so there’s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity.

    7. Pocket list – a list of the names of people with the same goal on a particular day. It can help to remind us we’re not alone by mentally holding the list in our back pocket. Anyone can start or join a pocket list. Most pocket lists are for a FD but they can also be used for people doing Veganuary, going alcohol free, on a daily plank challenge. If solidarity and company can make a difference, we’ll put it on a pocket list!

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    9. New? – please read #8 again

    10. Hosting – As the host of the Focused February challenge I’ll start us off, read every post and try to respond once a day but the eagle eyed will have seen I’ve literally copied & pasted @michelime s intro but I do this on my phone and long posts are a challenge in themselves But luckily this is a friendly and encouraging international community so don’t be surprised if you get lots of answers. Please feel free to answer questions, share ideas and encourage others too!

    Common Abbreviations

    5:2 – 5 days NFD – 2 days FD
    16:8 – 16 hours fast – 8 hours non fast
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc)
    AF – Alcohol-free
    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)
    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate
    CFD – Controlled Food Day (a day’s eating comfortably below your TDEE)
    DH, DD, DS – Darling Husband, Daughter, Son
    DTF – Dry ’til Fri
    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)
    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)
    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)
    FD800 – Fast Day 800 calories
    Hunger Dragon – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce has an inner warthog!)
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones
    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!
    LC – Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)
    LOL – Laughing Out Loud
    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)
    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, it’s a FD
    MFP – MyFitnessPal – a smartphone app & website that tracks diet & exercise.
    NFD – Non Fast Day
    OH – Other Half (eg spouse/partner)
    OMAD – One Meal A Day
    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of @penz)
    Pocket List – Names to “keep in your pocket” for a common goal for the day
    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)
    TRE – Time Restricted Eating
    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)
    WFH – Working From Home
    WOL – Way of Life
    WOCA – Woman Of a Certain Age
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    Looking forward to seeing the Fab Feb Fasters and anyone else who wants to join us for March .
    It’ll be a knockout!!
    See you soon !!!🤗

    Hi @lilymartin – Thank you for hosting our March Challenge 🤗 I think I need to rejoin the daily chatter for support so I’ll be there on Day 1 and hopefully daily as well 🤞

    Here is the link for the spreadsheet for those who want to use it

    Thank you, Lilymartin, for agreeing to guide us through our Make March Mine challenge. See you all in March! 🙂

    Hi @lilymartin Thanks for hosting the March Challenge, I’m in!

    Day 0 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Count me in please @lilymartin. Thanks for hosting, & thanks to @at for the spreadsheet 🙏

    Day 0 = Dorset – NFD

    @lilymartin – count me in please
    @at – thank you for the spread sheet

    See you all tomorrow!

    @at, @ccco,@Snowflake56,@FUNSHIPFREDDIE,@DramaQueen6, welcome , welcome!
    I really feel March is going to be a Marvellous month.
    Here’s to being chief ‘ cat herder’ for 31 days. 😁

    Day 0 – Rural Nebraska, USA

    I’m in and plan to Make March MARVELOUSLY Mine! Thanks @lilymartin for hosting!

    Day 0 – UK Cam
    I’m in for March – I want to make it Marvellously Mine too – I don’t expect any Miracles but will be Mindful and Motivated.

    Day 0 – Leicester UK

    Here for my first full month…..thanks to @lilymartin for taking over the thread for this month and @at for the spreadsheet

    Day 0 USA/HI
    I am in for March and making it mine! Along with everyone here, I see it being a game changer fir all of us.
    Thank you for hosting @lilymartin

    Day 1, NFD, Aus

    Thanks for hosting and co-hosting @lilymartin and @at.

    So many good M words for this month but I particularly @gardenlily‘s addition of motivated and mindful.

    More from me later!

    Day 1 country west Australia NFD 84.6 kgs !! 186.12 lbs
    Hello everyone!!! Lovely to see you all here for a Motivated and Mindful ( thanks @gardenlily) , marvellous, miraculous month of March!! 😁
    Cruella de Scales has been unusually generous this morning and I woke to being 84.6 kgs 😲 which is the lowest starting weight for a month for a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time, so am really motivated . 😅
    My goal for this month wavers between modest – get to 83 kgs ( 1.7 kg loss) and stay under that, or mammoth – go for broke and eye off 80 kgs by month’s end.
    Baby steps – we’ll see !! 🤔
    @funshipfreddie very well done on being under 70 kgs. 👏Fab way to end Feb and start March.
    To any ‘old hands’ or new curious folk lurking, jump on and say hi!
    We are a very welcoming supportive group and I enjoy the chit chat from around the world as well as the ‘hand holding’ to keep me firmly on the wagon.
    I love words , almost as much as I love food, so thought I would do a ‘word of the day’ sometimes.
    (I really enjoyed learning about Advent and Christmas back in December)
    Futz ( to futz/ futzing ) – to waste time or busy oneself aimlessly eg playing games on a computer while at work .
    Hey ho ! Hey ho ! It’s off to work I go – and no futzing…..😄

    Day 1 NFD Auckland NZ

    Greetings all! Last month was my first month back since a successful period of 5:2 in 2018. I’m sitting on the cusp of dropping into the 80s kg range and have broken just the 200lb mark. I’ll be here a while!! I find 5:2 helps me to eat and drink normally on the NFDs most of the time!
    I am trying to put my life back together after my DH died recently. I live with my wee Westie who is 15, am a reg nurse with a fine arts degree and a new owner of an e-bike with a dog seat up front (Buddy Rider).
    Welcome one and all esp the new people and thank you to the old hands for keeping the forum going for so many years.

    Day 1 NFD Auckland NZ

    Greetings all! Last month was my first month back since a successful period of 5:2 in 2018. I’m sitting on the cusp of dropping into the 80s kg range and have broken just the 200lb mark. I’ll be here a while!! I find 5:2 helps me to eat and drink normally on the NFDs most of the time!
    I am trying to put my life back together after my DH died recently. I live with my wee Westie who is 15, am a reg nurse with a fine arts degree and a new owner of an e-bike with a dog seat up front (Buddy Rider).
    Welcome one and all esp the new people and thank you to the old hands for keeping the forum going for so many years.

    Apologies for the double post.
    Amazing how you loose posts but I can’t remove a double one…

    Day 0 – USA/GA

    Hi all,

    Count me in for Make March Mine! I may not be posting the first week or so. I have sad news to share. My father, who was just diagnosed with leukemia on Monday, passed away Tuesday afternoon. It was just super aggressive. He was having difficulty breathing when we arrived that morning at the hospital in Atlanta (he was transferred at 3 a.m.), and they were starting a platelet transfusion at about 2:30 when he flatlined about 15 minutes into it and passed away. It is so surreal right now to see someone you love die in the ICU so quickly. Thank you all for your prayers. We have a difficult road ahead.

    Day 1 Melbourne, Australia NFD 74.4kg

    @northgeorgia I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Especially hard as you had no time to even get used to his diagnosis. My deepest sympathies to you and to all your family.

    I am a LOACA and, like many, have lost weight in the past and then unfortunately it has re-found me. I started following this WOE in October last year when I was approx 80kg. So, I am happy that I am down over 5kg. I am aiming for 74kg in the short term but would like to get down to 70kg. My main reason for trying to lose weight is to maintain my health as long as I can. My granma was a little roly poly of a lady and I remember her saying that she could not turn herself over in bed because of her size. It is a reminder to me that that is not where I want to end up. I am a nurse and work only night duty which does get in the way of healthy eating. And makes working out my FDs difficult.

    I live alone and so have no one else to blame if there is unhealthy food in the house.

    I like the word new word. Now I need to figure out when I can use it. Mind you when I think about it, I am really quite good at futzing.

    Day 1 AUS FD800

    @northgeorgia what a horrible shock. I am so sorry for your loss. We are all thinking of you.

    @lilymartin thanks for hosting us this month. And woo hoo on that starting weight. Let’s see where you get this month.

    I’m also a LOACA, and trying to keep those menopausal pounds at bay. Starting this month at 55.3k, which was my February goal, and aiming for 54.3k as a first goal, but hopefully 53.5k as final goal.

    Maintenance is the real challenge for me!

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @lilymartin – ‘futzing’ Love it 😅 I’m an expert in that 😅

    @stitchincarol – 18/6 sounds like a plan! Re my weight loss – I think I am getting too thin?! Never thought that would happen. Oddly enough, I think I am eating more on NFDs. I guess I could do 6:1, but it’s a slippery slope 🤔

    @northgeorgia – I’m so sorry for your unexpected loss. Wishing you & your family peace & comfort at such a sad time 🙏


    About me:- David, 61, Originally from Manchester in the UK, living in Port Elizabeth (aka Gqeberha) on the south-eastern coast of South Africa. I’ve been fasting since 2014 after watching Michael Mosley’s ‘Eat, Fast & Live Longer’ BBC documentary. I’d been living/working on cruise ships for several years by then & the delicious food I was tempted with every day was starting to take its toll. Then after retiring 5 years ago, keeping in shape became even more challenging & so my fast days are now just a normal part of my life & I’ve been at my goal weight for several years. Current weight 70 kgs/BMI 21.6

    A typical FD for me is to eat nothing until 6 pm. Having small meals during the day doesn’t work for me; it just seems to trigger my appetite. So during the day I’ll drink only tea/coffee & water. Around 6 pm I usually slice up an apple &/or carrot & munch on that, & then have something more substantial around 7 pm. Most of the time I’ll just have an omelette with tuna or chicken + a load of veggies. Eggs are ideal for FDs; they’re very filling, low in calories & loaded with vitamins, minerals & protein. I aim for around 600 – 700 cals. On NFDs, which I think most regular 5:2-ers find more of a challenge, I practice TRE. I’m not fanatical about it; I just never feel hungry in the mornings. So I’ll have ‘breakfast’ around 11:30 am or later, maybe a snack of fruit & yogurt in the afternoons & dinner around 7 pm. I only weigh myself the morning after a FD, otherwise the fluctuations on the scale can be discouraging but are really meaningless.

    Wishing everyone a successful ‘Make March Mine’! – Stronger Together 🏋

    Pocket List – Day 1 🍒
    @litprof FD800

    Day 1, Germany, NFD

    Good morning everyone!

    I’m a Dutchwoman living in the upper North-West of Germany, married, 66 years old, 163 cm/5’4″ tall. My weight was 56 kg/123.5lbs all my adult life until starting a new job in 2011 where my weight crept up to 72.9 kg. I joined the challenges on and off from March 2017 on. I lost 20 kg very quickly (too skinny then, I overdid it) but gained part of it back after retirement in March 2018. This morning my weight was 61.6 kg/135.8 lbs, My maintenance weight is 60-62 kg so I’m trying to maintain my current weight. We try to do ballroom dancing two or three times a week. It’s a lot of fun and good for brain and posture.

    @northgeorgia My sincere condolances for your loss.

    @at Thanks for another spreadsheet, I’m glad to have you with us this month.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 1 – Leicester UK – FD

    Starting my month strong with a FD…….this will be my first full month in a challenge thread and I am looking forward to giving and receiving all the support and cheerleading.

    About me – I am a 40yo married accountant trying to lose the extra 10kgs (or so) that I have gained in the past decade…..

    @lilymartin congrats on the positive start to the month

    @northgeorgia sorry for your loss sending love and hope for the difficult times ahead

    Day 1-Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    @northgeorgia, such terribly sad news on your fathers sudden passing, prayers for you and your family at this very sorrowful time. We are here for you virtually and hopefully you feel the well wishes from us all. ☹️

    Well I am back for March, no big change in Feb, but no increase either, so onwards we go. This month has a weeks holiday in Malta, our wedding anniversary, St Patrick’s bank holiday weekend, so lots of stuff on.

    I am 55, slim all my life until I stopped smoking 21 years ago,(still best health decision made) then began the slow metabolism and merry go round of Weight Watchers, Scarsdale, whatever was trendy. Successfully lost 50lbs with DH on the Dukan in 2013, slowly put 30lb of that back until 2017 when I found 5:2. Easily lost that 30lb by early 2018, maintained for over a year, but then menopause, Covid lockdowns, change from active to sedentary job……the 30lb is back.

    I am finding fasting difficult these days. I love my breakfast and often feel put out that I CANT have one on an FD. Not a good way to be.

    But I Enjoy popping onto this forum so I will remain.

    Happy hump day 🐫

    Day 1 – UK Cam – NFD
    @northgeorgia – so very sorry to hear your sad news – our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Introduction: I’m a retired history lecturer in my 70s, married to DH who has chest/sinus issues, DD and DGD live nearby, DS and family living in South Island NZ, crazy chocolate labrador dog, medium sized garden (in throes of redesign c/o DH’s health issues) and a very large, untidy allotment, recently inherited from said DH! I am a volunteer gardener for a national charity and help with the local Food Bank, help run a Community Orchard and am involved in various local clubs/groups and write regular articles for the local free newspapers. I love quilting and knitting and make quilts for Project Linus and Quilts for CareLeavers as well as family & friends. As you can see, I love to be busy!

    DH off to hospital later today for more tests and consult with specialist – he’s very hopeful that there will be a magic wand waved but I have my doubts. Hope to get all the plants I dug out yesterday replanted today but weather is dull and drizzly so may end up hiding in the sewing room with quilt that needs edge binding before quilt exhibition next weekend. Mind you, I may end up futzing with my online ‘farm’ game! Just love that word.

    Need to concentrate on meals this month – so easy to fall into lazy food options when you are tired or busy (or both!) – I find the best way is to plan 3 or 4 days ahead and stick the ‘menu’ on the fridge door so DH can add comments (along the lines of – not again! – or – can I have roasties with this?!!) but it does help me focus on sensible eating. Makes me sound horribly organised – I’m NOT!!!

    Resolve to everyone on a Hump-Day FD – we are all Marching Downwards this month 🙂

    DAY 1 – UK – FD800

    Starting the month as I mean to go on with a daily posting

    @northgeorgia – terribly sad news on your fathers sudden passing – such a shock for you and your family and my sincere condolences for your loss – We are here for you always 🤗

    Weigh in this morning was 61kg – same as I started February so at least no gain!!!
    I managed to finish Focused February with a FD800 and aiming to start Make March Mine with another one.

    Busy day with 1.5hr Yoga 🙏 class this morning followed by coffee with fellow yogis then an afternoon of volunteering so should help keep me on track 🤞

    A bit about myself for those new to these challenges:-
    I am a 64y.o. female living with my OH in the beautiful Lake District ⛰ having moved here when I retired in 2013. We have a married daughter who has 4 fur babies – 3 black 🐈‍⬛ and an adorable beagle called Archie 🐶
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 as I had gained weight during the last couple of years of my working life and was fed up with being overweight and wanted to enjoy my early retirement and get fitter!
    I discovered and joined the 30 Day November 2016 Challenge with @back2thefuture – best thing I ever did, as it got me to my maintenance weight and has kept me motivated and on track with this WOL!
    Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs. Height = 164cm
    My maintenance weight since then has been around 58kg – I’m fairly fit, doing 5 exercise classes during the week (yoga x2, pilates x 1 and aerobic x2) and I also enjoy walking/hiking on my local fells at least 3 times each week
    I have definitely struggled on and off with maintenance this past year and my weight has crept up to a top of 61kg (which is where I am currently) but I keep coming back to this WOL as I keep reminding myself that “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    @lilymartin – I am definitely planning on making “March Mine” and I would dearly love to end March around 59kg instead of my current 61kg – I am doing an alcohol free Lent and hope that this will help with my self control and weight loss this month

    I am starting our first pocket list for my self motivation today

    Day 1 Pocket List 🎯
    @litprof FD800
    @at FD800

    Day 1 – DORSET – CD

    @northgeorgia – such sad news. Praying for you and your family.

    A bit about me. I am 60 and a grandmother, which I absolutely love!! We moved to Dorset 26 years ago and love it here. We have our own business, so sometimes really, really busy and other times I just go around chatting with everyone at work. I did 5:2 in 2015, lost my weight, and then over the years with one thing and another it has crept back on. Generally, I am not bothered, but after losing a stone since 2 Jan this year, I love that I can fit into clothes that have not worn for a while. I also need to get healthy as I have various stomach issues. I love this group and cheering people on, whether it is buying a house or losing weight. I need to lose another 5 kgs then I will be happy.

    Enjoy the first of March, spring is nearly here!

    Day 1 Wales NFD

    @northgeorgia so very sorry to hear the shocking and sad news of your father’s sudden death 😞 hope you can feel the love and virtual hugs coming from your forum friends, be gentle on yourself at this difficult time x

    @lilymartin thank you for being chief cat herder this month, I will do my best not to stray.

    @brightonbelle thank you for hosting last month. I am afraid I lost focus for a while following birthday celebrations.

    Bit about me: 64 yo woman, lifelong weight problem, began 5:2 in 2017, reached goal in 2018 then struggled with maintenance and have regained. Finding it hard to stay disciplined recently but I won’t stop trying!

    Day 1 UK NFD

    I’m so very sad for your loss @northgeorgia – your online support group are here for you

    Feb didn’t go as planned so regrouping for March and thank you for guiding us @lilymartin

    Bit about me – F61 living on the south coast of England with DH , we are both retired and love travelling but I’ve found a lot of holidays aren’t great for my weight

    Like many others I have “struggled with my weight “ most of my adult life and to be honest I’ve got to the stage I don’t care too much what I weigh I just want to be able to fit in my clothes and feel good in myself

    Not sure what my March plan is yet – definitely eating healthy and exercising a lot – we’ll see how it goes

    Looking forward to our March journey

    Hello, fellow fasters. I lurked last month but did not post. Kind of a habit with me. But joining up again in March!
    @northgeorgia: such sad news about your dad. Thinking of you and your family.

    I am a still-practicing pediatrician in Northern VA; had a successful run on 5:2 back in 2017 and lost 23 #, but have regained over the years when maintenance did not happen….but hope springs eternal!
    Fast day today!

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 151.8

    Cruella is simply weird. Weird, I say. When I went to bed last night, I checked my weight and I was a pound down from the morning, at 153.2. I was rather excited to think how low I might be in the morning. I got up to potty at 5:45 and couldn’t resist, so got on the scale to see and it was 151.0!!!!!!! SOOO excited, and got on and off several times just to make sure it wasn’t a mistake. Went back to bed, dozed until 7:15–with happy dreams of 151.0–got up and weighed 152.2. WHAT??? Eventually got it to 151.8, but how does that one-pound switcheroo happen? Ironically, I would have been entirely pleased with 151.8, but now feel as if my actual weight has been stolen from me! 😂 Oh well, it will come, right?

    A little about me: I’m an obsessive weigher. I know what the scales do after I’ve eaten, after I’ve fasted, from morning to noon and again to bedtime, so the scale seldom surprises me. I love to eat and have a voracious appetite, and am struggling to learn to eat appropriate amounts for my 64yo body that now burns around 1500 calories a day instead of the 2200+ of my 30s and 40s. I also love to cook and try new recipes constantly. I’m married, have three grown children and two little granddaughters. I’m a piano teacher, organist, choir director, and do other stuff at church, and love to knit. I sit too much at my laptop (witness my long posts).

    @merryapple I chuckled out loud at your bemoaning how easy it is to lose a post but impossible to remove a double post!!

    Oh, no! @northgeorgia, I am so very sorry. SO sorry. Surreal is right. Virtual hugs to you and all your family, and continued prayers for you all to be able to cope and be strong.

    @daffodil2010 Did you see my 2/28 post when I talked about the movie Philomena?

    So lovely reading everyone’s introductions; I remember most of the details, but every now and again read something I didn’t know. ❤️

    Thanks, @lilymartin for herding us this mornth!

    We have a soup supper at church tonight before our midweek Lenten service, so I’m trying to figure out the best way to cook and serve the soup…big pot and move it? Dutch oven–is it beg enough for the double batch I’m making? Crock pot?–I’ll need to add less water… First world problems, right? But, no futzing for me (I’ve often used putzing, but the futzing version is new to me; love it!) today!

    My one firm plan is to eat nothing until 1:30 when I’ll have an avocado; forgot to buy hardboiled eggs yesterday and don’t have time to cook anything myself. After that, I won’t eat again until 3:30. FIRM plan.

    Have a grand one everyone!

    Day 1, third post, just popping in to welcome those I haven’t said ‘hi’ to earlier.
    But mainly to offer my condolences, prayers and support to @northgeorgia.
    As someone has already noted, you can hopefully feel the virtual hugs from this group.
    It is such devastating news for you and your family. We’ll be thinking of you. x💐

    Day 1- Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅
    Starting numbers: 161lbs
    End Feb: 160.5lbs ⬇️ 3.5lbs from Feb 1 ⭐️

    @northgeorgia I am so very sad for you and your family. What terribly sad news – I had read your post last night and had your father in my thoughts so was very shocked to read your news today. Sending you thoughts and hugs from Ireland. 💕

    Hello all!
    Thank you @lilymartin for hosting this month – I’m here with you and here to stay and be focused for the month… I’m hot on @maui’s tail… and want to see her in the 150s soon 🐎 🐎 🐎

    Welcome back @excelsior12309 and @at. Thank you for the spreadsheet @at.

    @brightonbelle thank you again for February ⭐️ I had a loss which given that I was away and had parties etc is a success so hoping to continue the downward trend.

    Generally about me, I’ve been posting (with some gaps where focus was shot) since 2017… My name is a little play on words as I speak French so “J’ai faim” means “I’m hungry” but also stands for Just Another Intermittent Fast And I’ll Maintain…it makes me smile 😊 I haven’t quite got to that stage yet.. I will though.. hopefully in the next two months.

    I had been doing really well with FDs and exercise until the middle of last year and had been the lightest I’ve been in many many years – thanks to this forum – and am hoping to get back there this month after 6 months of feeling pretty ropey after Covid.

    I love being outdoors and generally cycle, walk and swim in the sea. Love it and am getting back into the swing of it all now.

    My work is very busy and I also care for my mother (who has Alzheimer’s (quite progressed) and now has some newly diagnosed health issues) as much as I can with the help of the MOST amazing care givers 😇 it is a sad time but our family are very blessed to be able to do what we can.

    I’m pretty much staying away from alcohol so “on the dry” or AF and have reduced added sugars as much as I can. Bread is off the menu until Easter as i try to work out some Lingering health issues. Dairy also to be reduced /cut.

    My little icons help me to stick to clean nutrition.
    But….. life is for living and like others I tend to have one blowout (EFS) day a week where I might have crisps / a little chocolate etc – it has to be done – although I’m getting better at swerving these types of EFS day also… 😇

    Thrilled to be starting a new month again and aim to be consistent this month. Thanks all! It’s great to be here amongst you.

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others

    Day 1 Pocket List 🎯
    @litprof FD800
    @at FD800

    Day 1 Guadeloupe NFD

    I’m in – it you all don’t mind my often infrequent participation in maintenance. We’re on a week’s vacation in the Department of France 🇫🇷 in the Caribbean Guadeloupe. I am trying not to over eat, but whew… the food has been very good!

    I’m Gwynne, 74 y.o. Female who lives in NW Illinois. I am a retired school music teacher, but still involved in community and church activities. I try to do Silver Sneakers 3 x a week.
    Started 5-2 with @coda in May 2016 after having begun fasting 2 days/week (under 500 cal) on March 15. So this month is my 7th anniversary! I began wanting to lose some 40 pounds, getting down from nearly 200 pounds. I managed to do that in about 10 months with the help of all these wonderful fasters on these monthly challenges. Since then I have been doing a lot of 6:1 weeks or even 16:8 IF’s. I find it’s a mix of things, but still being VERY vigilant to keep that weight off. At my age, having about 160 pounds keeps some wrinkles puffed out.

    @lilymartin – thanks so much for jumping in with us to Make March Merry!

    Onward and downward.

    @northgeorgia – oh so sorry to read of your very sad news. Please know we will be praying for you and all your family. 🙏🙏🙏

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Where are the Aussies & Kiwis..? 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 Or am I just awake way too early? 🤔

    My first MMM FD. Drat. Not in the mood for it, but I’ve got plenty to do to keep me busy, so I think it’ll be a breeze. It’s been an odd week so far. I finally got my driving license renewal done the other day. But I was told the license will be ready for collection in 6 – 8 weeks?! Just as well my current license only expires in mid-April. Then yesterday I queued for over 2 hours just to open my rates account for the new place. Eish? African time 💤

    So it’ll be my usual eggs + chicken or tuna with broccoli & cauliflower. And by 7 pm it will taste amazing 😋. Followed by Friday morning PFDS 😃

    Have a good day everyone

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍏

    Day 2 – Leicester UK – NFD

    My FD yesterday was ok, I went slightly over my calorie goal but not too bad…..but I will not worry about it – just move on and start a new week…..

    Day 2, Germany, NFD

    Busy days ahead as friends arrived yesterday to stay for a few days. No fasting over the next days.

    @excelsior12309 Welcome back!

    @funshipfreddie I’m glad you got my driving license renewal done. Is it becoming more real you bought your new place?

    @stitchincarol Why do you buy hard boiled eggs? Here you can only buy them before easter otherwise they are fresh (you hope).

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 2 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hello all!

    @songbirdme so great to have you here with us! One of the many FD pros!!! 🤩 Amusez vous bien! 🏖️ it must be beautiful where you are.
    @funshipfreddie congratulations on the new home – I missed that news 🔑
    @stitchsmith – good attitude… put it behind you and today is a new day.👏
    Enjoy the visitors @snowflake56 – always lovely to have friends come stay…
    I have had a very good FD yesterday and depending on what is going on tomorrow I might throw another one in for this week.
    Feeling the focus and sending thoughts to all who are sad or struggling. 💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 2 -Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD800 keto

    Morning all. Keeping it keto today. Chicken and chorizo leftovers as a salad, and then cook up some more chicken, chorizo and protein rich foods for dinner.

    @stitchincarol, I echo @snowflake56 re buying hard boiled eggs, I don’t think it’s even a thing here. Hmm, you could buy egg salad though. I usually boil the eggs for a minute then turn off the heat,put a lid on the pot and let them cook in the cooling water for another few minutes. Lovely silky hard boiled eggs are my fav.

    And yes, I looked back and saw your comment re Philomena. Oh my goodness, I remember DH wouldn’t watch that movie when it came out, I watched it on my own, things were very raw for him then,he didn’t like to talk or think about who or where his birth mother was, was she ok, what happened that she gave him up ☹️ Then July 28th 2021 that all changed and he is reunited with the most wonderful mother. Thank goodness it was a happy story for them and not the truly sad story for Philomena.

    Terribly cold and murky weather out there. Looking forward to the sunshine next week (Did I mention I was off to Malta ha ha ????)

    Have a good day.

    Day 2 – UK – CD

    Successful B2B FD800 to complete Focused February and start Make March Mine Challenges ✅

    Quick post as I’m off soon to meet DD, it’s a good opportunity to catch up whilst I help her out with her dog walking business – she has a busy day so my company will be appreciated.

    Won’t be back home until mid afternoon so I’m hoping my busy day will help me stay focused on my planned CD following those FDs

    Book Club this evening and I walk to the meeting place, about a mile each way, so should sleep well tonight!

    Will try to catch up with the posts tomorrow when I have a more time…..

    Day 2 FD NZ

    @northgeorgia I’m so very sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family. ICU’s not the nicest place to die but being there would have given your dad the best possible chance. I worked in them for twenty odd years…

    @funshipfreddie Haha we’re letting the northern hemisphereites think they’re catching us up.
    So nice to read the introductions from everyone.
    Onward and downward…

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WF – 152.8 – 1min plank ✅

    I ate two desserts last night at our church supper…gave only scant attention to resisting; was only aware I wanted a second. <<sigh>> This is how we gain weight, and keep from losing weight, isn’t it, the mindless/thoughtless eating? Thankfully, I didn’t eat too much the rest of the day and meal, so think I was within 1500 calories for the day.🤞🏼

    I’ve not been good about entering food in MFP or about exercising, but am tired of my core being far too weak, so have decided to do planks every day in March, and note my progress here. I’m also going to work at being busy enough–as in, off the sofa and moving, not as in things I do on my laptop–so that I burn 2K calories a day. That will be a challenge, but if I manage that often enough, I still have a prayer’s chance of being below 145 by Easter. One can dream, right? 😂👍

    @excelsior12309 Glad to get your comments this month; welcome back!

    @jaifaim I’ve known your mom has Alzheimer’s, but didn’t realize it was quite advanced; I’m so sorry. It’s a tough thing to see happen to someone you love so dearly, isn’t it?

    @songbirdme Have a grand time on your trip; it’s so fun to think of you in the sun and warmth with lovely food and drinks garnished with umbrellas!

    @funshipfreddie I chuckled at your question of whether you were awake way too early; I was up at 5:20 after being awake and unable to go back to sleep since 4:30. Some mornings are just like that, huh? I’m sure I’ll sleep well tonight, LOL!

    @stitchsmith Going over in calories is not your goal, ’tis true, but perfect attitude not to obsess on it, and just start fresh each morning!

    @snowflake56 and @daffodil2010 I buy hardboiled eggs because they’re already peeled, my most-hated part of eating hardboiled eggs. So, I open the package, take out two eggs, put them in a bowl, salt and pepper them, and start eating. Way too easy not to do it that way.

    @snowflake56 Enjoy your company!

    @daffodil2010 I can well understand why your DH wouldn’t watch the movie, and continue to be thrilled that he and his mom had a happy ending to their journey.

    @jaifaim I adore when you throw in French phrases; please continue doing so!

    @at You’ll be getting in lots of steps today; have fun with your DD!

    @michelinme You’ve been silent for a long time; everything okay?

    Got a haircut yesterday and it’s so much nicer to have 2″ of dry and ugly hair cut off the ends (my hair is currently below my shoulders, even after the cut) and my bangs trimmed by someone who actually knows what she’s doing, LOL! I normally do it multiple times in between haircuts, and she’s sure much better at it than I am!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍏
    @stitchincarol WF

    USA. Day 2. FD

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍏
    @stitchincarol WF

    A new month! Time certainly flies! I hope this month proves better for me than the last one! Only two pounds lost in February!

    Hope everyone is having a great day! 🙂

    Day 2 UK FD

    Quick post – recovering after another trip to dentist – culminating in an extraction, so no food for me today Catch you tomorrow

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍏
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 2 UK FD800
    Day 1 NFD

    Hello lovely people. I’m coming in late but present for the Marvellous Make Mine a March monthly challenge!Thank you @lilymartin for hosting and @at for the spreadsheet. Thanks too to @brightonbelle for hosting February – sorry I wasn’t around much but appreciated it when I was

    @northgeorgia I’m so very sorry for your loss of your father, and so suddenly. Sending hugs from London and holding you and your family in prayer

    @stitchincarol you are very intuitive – I was heading this way earlier around the time when you posted but got sidetracked 🙂

    I spent last week on silent retreat in a Benedictine monastery and came back Sunday night really feeling the benefit. Sadly it’s been a full on week with 3 x 12 hour days but things should be easier from here! I slept 10 hours a night, got into a healthy rhythm with eating and enjoyed reading, writing and being out in the wind and sunshine getting more exercise than usual and feeling the benefit – for the first time since long covid! Lovely to have DD with me for the first few day – just entering her last month of chemo and pretty wiped out but the end is in sight.

    February was not a good month for me overall. I got into the chocolate/snack habit to create ‘energy’ for 12 hour days at a week-long conference, then continued overeating while overtired for the next week. I’ve got out of that habit with my week away and now eating better for Lent – and will now be sleeping better/lightening the load having got through the super busy few days.

    My goal for this month is to get back to basics – simple 5:2, drink plenty of water/herbal tea and eat better – two meals/day, lots of fruit and veg, close the kitchen and get earlier nights, post daily. I’m keeping it simple – it worked before 🙂 Plan to lose more than I gained in February – it’s a longer month!


    I’m F50s with one lovely DD who has been having treatment for breast cancer the last 18 months. After a fit and lively life to my mid 30s I put on weight when significant health issues restricted mobility/energy, more when I stopped smoking and finally with menopause. I started 5:2 with Dec 2017 challenge and went from 179lb/81kg to 144lb/65kg in around 10 months also dropping 4 dress sizes – 3 while on a plateau. I fell off the waggon end 2019 and caught covid Feb 2020, leaving me with long covid fatigue, dysautonomia, peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, cognitive impairment and digestion issues all still ongoing. I rejoined the June 2022 challenge weighing 189lb and lost 9kg to November 2022 and have gone up and down Dec-February! I forgot to weigh yesterday but was 175lb on Monday – 5lb up from 1 February 🙁

    Day 3, NFD, Aus

    OMG, @northgeorgia, I am so sorry to read of your tragic loss. It’s awful to lose a parent, but to have your father die so suddenly is even worse. My thoughts are with you. Take time to heal and look after yourself and family and know we are waiting to welcome you back with open arms.

    A question if you don’t mind me posing it (and answering it too), @funshipfreddie. What made you move to South Africa?

    I loved Malta when I visited once – I’m sure you’ll have a fantabulous time @daffodil2010. I think you’ve been before?

    Have a great weekend everyone

    Day 3 country west Australia CD 84.6 kgs 186.12 lbs ( part 1)
    Well, so far so good, staying under 85 kgs so that is a plus!
    Apologies for being an absent cat-herder yesterday , but I see the cats herded themselves quite nicely without my help!!🐱🐱
    @funshipfreddie, this cat herder was up at 5.30 am on day 2, 3 1/2 drive from Perth straight to work, finished work at 6.45 pm, meeting from 7pm til 9 pm, 20 minute drive home, fell into bed and up at 5.30 this morning as our shearers arrive at the property at 6.30 am for a 7 am start !!!!
    My goodness, the bureaucracy certainly does move in ‘African’ time. 🤔

    ATM I am posting with one ear out for my DH to give a shout and I will be up in the sheep yards to draft sheep. ( sheep go up a long race – corridor- and are sorted out into different groups. You have to be very quick to move the drafting gate so sheep are directed into one pen or the other. If you make a mistake you have to run the ‘ mistake’ sheep down and ‘wrestle’ ( move a usually very reluctant 60 kg woolly animal !) into the correct pen. Who needs to go to the gym???? 🥵🥵
    @northgeorgia, have been thinking of you and praying for you and your family.🙏
    @jaifaim, love your name and play on words. Well done on your good FD.
    The reason I went to Perth on Wednesday was to attend a French film festival run by the Alliance Francaise.
    The film was ‘November’ a really good edge-of-the seat drama about the terrorist attacks in Paris not long after Charlie Ebdo. I love European films and this one was really good.😄
    @brightonbelle, welcome. I do hope you get your dental problems sorted. It has been quite a saga for you.😲
    @Ecelsior12309, welcome back to you too. I remember you being here when I was around some ? years ago. Glad to have you with us. Plenty of room on the wagon.🤗
    @ongBIrdMe, enjoy your holiday. They are to be enjoyed, food included!! You are such an inspiration and coming up 7 years. Now THAT is worth celebrating 🥂🎂🍎🍇
    @stitchsmith, that’s the great thing about 5:2 that it is actually a Way of Eating/Life ( WOE/L) so always can be reset and start again the net day. NO beating up on oneself is allowed!! 😁
    @snowflake 56 enjoy time with your friends . Holidays and friends, life happens and we go with the flow.😁
    @daffodil2010, Malta!! I am jealous. Enjoy. There seem to be a few people on holiday. Being about as far away from anyone except the penguins in Antartica I am envious of those who can travel so easily. Distance and price preclude that at present .🙄

    Day 3 second post.
    Day 2’s word – cachinnate, pronounced ‘ KAK-in-ate ‘ – to laugh very loudly and immoderately.🤣🤣
    Have just finished an hour’s exercise in the sheepyards, so can now finish off here !
    The sheep were reluctant to move and I feel as if I know 500 sheep personally !!!
    @at well done on the B2B.👏 I am in a bookclub – what book are you currently doing ?
    We have just finished ‘Wild Horses of the Summer Sun’ by Tori Bilski and am now reading ‘ Girt’.
    @stitchincarol, I find sedentary NF days the worst!! I will try to join you in the daily plank but March is a bit of a crazy busy month so will see….🤔
    @daffodil2010, I really enjoyed Philomena and thought it was brilliantly acted by Judi Dench. Bit harrowing though so can understand your DH’s reaction, but what a good outcome! 🤗
    @ccco 2 lbs gone is 2 lbs gone. 👏
    The problem is that any weight I lose seems to home a homing device embedded – always seem to find it’s way back , with friends in tow! 😲😲
    @michelinme, a silent retreat sounds great. I would love to do one.
    Lovely to hear your DD is on the home run. Trust all goes well.🙏
    But long Covid – bleh ! Not nice. I hope you are on the road to recovery.
    @malee57 @litprof @merryapple, I am sure you will both reach your short term goals soon. Baby steps…🤗
    @merryapple I hope you are keeping dry!! I agree the bios are great.🙃
    @missybear and @dramaqueen6 , your journeys sound so familiar to many of us ! Improved mobility is one really good benefit of getting fitter and losing weight. Especially when grandchildren are involved !!👧👦
    Today’s word – slubberdegullion.( doesn’t it just sound fabulous!!!) – a worthless slovenly person.
    (I would like to apply it to some of our politicians and civic leaders and business people but had better not! )
    Onward and downward.

    Day 3 Melbourne, Australia FD

    I had a lovely swim this morning, a great way to start the day. I try to do this 2 – 3 days per week. It’s not always easy getting out of bed, but I always enjoy the swim. Even after a night shift I will go to the pool. But it will usually be a short swim and then I go home to bed.

    @lilymartin you must have used quite a few calories wrestling with the sheep. Maybe your CV should have sheep wrangler rather than cat herder on it. and I really like the word slubberdegullion.

    @brightonbelle hopefully now that that tooth is gone your mouth will go back to normal and the infection will go away.

    I have a lot of cut up carrots to munch on and will be sticking to fruit and vegies for my FD. And a cider this evening when I zoom with my sisters.

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