Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 401 through 450 (of 16,657 total)

  • Oh no I wont. 5:2 isnt an option for me now as I cant get my sugars under control yet. Even low carb I still have issue. But I like that I can post thibgs. Ill try be more accurate and resposible though. More relevance!

    Another tip aboyt muscle mass

    especially for the last 20lbs

    build the weaker muslces. Opp got to go will explain later. But it wobt bulk up very much . M I stly tge rubber cord work outs

    Good morning fast trackers,
    Well all the ‘tough love’ (extreme fasting) was worth it as I beat my goal of 7 lbs this calendar month, actually 8 and I have a 24 hour fast planned today so maybe 9. This fast will start start me off well for next week and next month. Now down 32 lbs since January on 5:2.(21 weeks)1 week beach diet. Lost a chunk with ww before xmas so total 3st 4 lbs from 17 st 10 lbs. now 14 st 6 lbs. (size 24 to 18).

    Not quite at your speed Ply or yours Samm but I got off to a slow start and had a break in March. God I cannot believe it! Now I am definately in the driving seat. Very, very happy. In one month I will be in the 13 stones, hooray – big deal for me as over 25 years since I was there.

    If I can maintain this I may get to goal for February. Realistically I believe this is the maximum I can average per week. But I may consider a full detox for a week in August, I think my liver would appreciate that.

    At this rate I could start gentle jogging by September. I don’t want to risk any injuries though, it would bugger my weightloss lifestyle. Mustn’t get too over excited it may slow right down, but not if I can help it.
    Keep telling youself girls and ladd, we can do this, goodbye fat, hello muscles.

    Think I will wear my new top I bought yesterday out to lunch today to celebrate, after 2 hour walk of course. Rewards must be earned in advance remember?

    Happy fasting positive friends
    If you post on LOACA please tell them I achieved 8 lb this month and feel fit and great


    Have you tried kettlebell? Have I already asked? It’s really effective and risk free(well unless you drop it on your foot or head). Maybe use you bowls glove for grip? I have only dropped it once. I only use a light weight bell but I am going to step it up. It’s only 20 mins three times per week and actually it’s fun, sounds silly but swinging is fun. I think Ply does it too and I am sure Samm has given it a go.

    Love Jo
    P.s. Don’t like to think of you shaking and feeling unsafe.

    I had a chat to my daughter(vegetarian) and she has given me some recipes fro ww mini series meat-free meals. She said all the spicey meals in this were excellent, i don’t trust her so I will try them first. Starting with Aubergine Madras 330 cals. Best bit 15 mins to prepare, 30 mins to cook. I will post on recipe thread if it isn’t already there.
    This will have to wait until Monday though due to fast and my Sunday roast which will be bliss after a 24 hour no cal fast.
    Enjoy your weekend all, supposed to be sunny, no sign of it yet though but at least it isn’t r……, not saying the curse word out loud.
    I feeling like singing today, think I will start with ‘I dreamed a dream’ from Les Miserable’
    Jojo xxxxxx

    jojo, congratulations, and happy celebrating, you totally deserve it! Fantastic weight loss!

    Have not tried kettlebell yet, do not know how to use safely, have rotator cuff vulnerability I have to be very careful of, the idea of swinging anything heavy sounds iffy, but if I can get physical therapist to instruct me in person in proper use (I am a total klutz), will try. Free weights I already have sitting in the closet, both my son and myself know how to use, so he can spot me, and believe me, he stops me if I push, he likes me un-injured. I tried the 3-lb. weights first, they were too light for bicep curls. Also have 1- and 2-pound weights, 8s, 10s, the larger ones more for him than for me. But if kettlebell is more fun, I’d be more likely to stick with it for the long haul, so will try to try it.

    Sing away all day today — I’m so glad that your efforts have paid off!

    SAMM, your posts are already relevant and good, we like you here, all of us can only fast when we can, don’t worry about it, please! Getting blood sugar in good control is first, most important step. Don’t want advanced glycation end products (AGEs) taking over your brain!

    Planning a 16:8 at 50% of calories today that I’ll turn into a full fasting day if I feel up to it this afternoon. Wish me luck as the scale has not been kind to me this week:

    Sat: 116.8
    Sun: 117.8, fasted
    Mon: 117.8
    Tue: 118.4
    Wed: 119.0, fasted
    Thur: 118.6
    Fri: 118.0

    Having been walking as usual and not eating excessively. Same kind of pattern last week, then sudden drop Saturday AM, which is my day to write my weight down. This may just be an example of weight loss becoming slower and more difficult the smaller you get. I still feel like I would like to get under 115, though, maintain at 112-115. I would feel like I accomplished what I set out to do, to get within 10 pounds of my original baseline adult weight. I see my doctor next week and will ask his opinion. Really, I look fine now, and my waist:hip ratio will never be under 0.80, no matter how skinny I get.

    I wonder if I need to put 40 pounds of books in a backpack and haul them around in order to get the same benefit from my walking as I did before 🙁 I like being able to *move*, though, instead of plodding along like I used to, lol.

    Jojo, LOVE the thought of you tromping through the forest with your dogs belting out a song! Perhaps Simon Cowell will be in the vicinity to discover you as Britain’s next great talent! Congrats on your pounds off as well! My 2 pounds per week average has gone right out the window lately, but I am undeterred. I have been a little sore from my HIIT sessions, which probably means some fluid retention from exercise, but I know it is only short-term, and will work itself out as I continue the exercise.

    Weighed in today, down another .7 pounds. My official fast beach start was just 3 days ago, so I will weigh in again next Thursday, which also coincides with 3 months of IF. Hoping for that 25 pounds lost mark!

    I joined a walking group at my gym, and we met last night for walking and strength training. I walked with a mom and daughter, and when we returned to report our steps to the trainer, theirs were over 6,000 and mine was 1,835!! (@JIP, I was gypped!) You guessed it, broken pedometer! The trainer gave me a new one, and I wore both this morning to test. The old one registered 1,338 and the new 5,739!

    Looking forward to the recipe postings, Franfit!

    @samm, orange pith, seriously?? I think you should change careers and be an exercise and nutrition specialist!

    Hi Samm, you are also an inspiration to us, I read your posts and know the effort you are putting into this 5-2. Walking for a living will get you there and we will get you there too. Go Samm Go.


    Having raised a Type 1 diabetic, I know that eating fewer carbs is a great way to control the blood sugar. Eating lots of veggies as suggested by Mimi Spencer is healthy for everyone.

    Maybe some day, you can do the fasting.

    Hi Jojo and co
    We lost the game, weather was awful and it was the top on a mountain. LOL honest well that far up, it at the top of valley surrounded by trees and there were awful midgies trying to get me, I could not concentrate, anyway that was my excuse, playing again tonight. Weather is smashing if it stays like this it will be great we are playing home tonight. Fasting again today because I brook the fast yesterday because of the game and the tea provided. JIP

    Hi ply can’t you get a copy from the local library, every library gets a free copy of every book. It will be ok until you get yours. JIP

    Fraid not, @jip, at least not yet! I did pick up the cookbook at the library, though!

    Well done Jojo, we can do this together. Well done on the 2pm fasting, I am trying liquid only today it’s the whey drink plus 1/2 a small banana in it. so far having another before bowls I had better get my skates on (if only) JIP

    At ply. Dont knock tbe orange pith till you try it.

    its one of those things that once you try it you wonder why doest everyone t. it. I spent a week looking into which vegetables need to be eaten with or without skins or peels.

    thing is I can point to what I cant reference. 5:2 is very very close to dna repair mode diet. So its not a big leap to consider. Anti cancer foods.

    Yes I thought about it a long time. After I lose weight at jobs that increase my neat. Id like to work in a health foods store. I looked into going for a degree in fitness and nutrition, but its estimated to be be60000 grand and no guarantee of employment. At46. Im putting the 60000 on my daughters education.

    Thing is everytime I think I have the answer to longevity I learn something new. Will weigh in today.

    @samm, does any citrus pith work? I will put some in my next smoothie!

    Hi all, so far am on track for turning this into a 4:3 week 🙂

    Forgot my pedometer this AM! Oh, well, I’m going back over the same route, will be able to estimate and add steps later.

    Beautiful weather here today, good for walking.

    JIP, please check out the thread “Thank you Dr M for my success!” started by Auriga, who is in our age group, lost 11 kg with 5:2/4:3 and has been keeping them off since February, we want to keep it going as a thread for support in maintenance (I’ve been thinking of that since I’m close to goal) so I immediately thought of you 🙂

    Figures I broke my pedometer. Thought of Franfit all day, cause Ieft my belt in the car, and walked around holding my pants up. Karma!?

    Stepped on the scale
    Was 274 3-2013
    Now 232 5-31-2014. Bittersweet.

    Here’s my contribution for the day.

    Again with the nutrition data site.
    I searched for vegtables lowest in carbohydrate per 100g

    Which brings me to a favorite on fast day. Not a food I would eat on feed day.
    Turnip greens, asparagus , no sugar added spaghetti sauce. For 30 calories always hit the spot. Now I see why!

    Hi franfit, do you know the name of the thread for Auriga or a date so I look it up please? JIP

    I can hear you singing it. We will join in the chorus. JIP

    Jojo pressed the wrong thing I wanted to say, I have been doing a fast today just liquids, 4 whey drinks and 1 coffee/ skim milk. I am feeling really good, I am not fasting tomorrow Saturday. I will fast sun and Monday I want to take the scales down to the garage because I am on them almost every morning. I just do not trust myself.
    My sister never weighs in the week only at WW on Tuesday. Why am I so weak? JIP

    JIP, it is called “Thank you Dr M for my success”, several posts today 🙂

    SAMM, you make me smile, thinking of you walking around holding your pants up all day, lol. I love both asparagus and turnip greens, too, would eat them any day of the week.

    JIP, I am weighing every day now, too, I think it comes from being close to goal, I’m not worrying about it too much, it’s interesting to see it go up and down every day.

    When I wear a low-cut top, you can actually see my ribs now. The veins in my arms, hands and feet are quite visible. I wish my waist would just get a bit smaller! That’s all I’m asking for at this point! A waist < 30 inches, please!

    Today is working out well as a fasting day, 9,000 steps so far, time to get outdoors and take a few more — think I will take a cue from jojo and head for the woods 🙂 Wish I could take my little dwarf hamster with me. Maybe in her carrying cage some day when it’s a bit warmer. It’s really cute when I step out onto the balcony with her, she immediately gets very still and very alert — all the smells and sounds are different when you step out the door. Her predecessor reacted the same way. The can be such cute little creatures.

    Good evening all,
    Perfect day, even though I got lost taking a short cut through the golf course. Met two very handsome French men, who directed us back to the public footpath. Worth getting lost just for this encounter. Lucky my daughter speaks french fluently. We walked for two hours with the dogs frolicking and swimming in the river. It was bliss, bit cold though, no sunshine at that point.
    Wearing my new pedometer – wait for it- 14,221 steps( now that makes me very happy) other pedometer in the bin.
    We had a lovely English Tea House cream tea which included cucumber, ham and egg mayo sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam plus three large portions of cake. Fantastic garden setting with birds singing and sun shining. I ate three fish finger size sandwiches, one scone and 1/3 of one cake( non fast day at that point) didn’t start my 24 hour fast until 6 pm because I wanted a protein meal before starving. I spent the rest of the afternoon gardening so I earned my tea.

    JIPWGP you just gave me a very good idea, skating! I used to be good at this, not the in line ones but the four wheel ones. I guess it’s quite high injury risk though, but maybe I could go to a rink to practise. I used to love skating.

    More gardening and bowls practise planned tomorrow. What are you all up to? Fun things I hope? Ok now for my hour of TV, graham Norton tonight, Tom Cruise on it.
    Speak tomorrow. Be good, be slim, good luck fasters!

    jojo, sounds like you had a lovely day 🙂 I knew you had to be walking more than 10,000 steps per day, with all you do!

    Successfully completed my third full fasting day today, 14,000+ steps, about half of them hiking in the woods, which gives me more exercise than just walking. Hopefully the scales will be kind to me in the morning. Then off to try my first Zumba “Gold” (for age 65+) class.

    Hi Franfit and FT’s,
    I have never tried Zumba, what is it like? Is it dance to music or exercises? I like my ballroom fitness but I am still learning the steps after three months. Maybe I should get a DVD first.

    You are very active too. Yes I am glad I have an accurate pedometer now. Seems Ply had the same issues as me. It still took me two hours to knock up 10,000 steps, walking at an average pace (also embarrassing problem yesterday, discomfort in the back passage area, think I may be getting piles) what a bummer, sorry about the pun, just being honest, remember we share and help each other on this thread. Seriously though, it cannot be diet linked, I live on fibre and water. I will get some cream and see how quickly it clears up, haven’t had that since I was pregnant) I was moving some very heavy earth pots Monday, maybe it was caused by straining myself. Also my hip was quite painful last night and this morning so I am not sure I can do 10,000 steps everyday. I don’t want to be taking pain killers and medications defeats the healthy objective. I really don’t want to do HIT walking., I just don’t enjoy it. I may join a walking group if I can find one in the afternoon, they all seem to start in the morning around here. Post retirement I can probably fit one in mornings, maybe twice per week, might be nice.

    1/2 lb down today, guest yesterday’s cream tea robbed me of other half, no problem, it was a great day out, but I can’t wait to get into 13 stones. Fasting until 6 pm today. Don’t usually fast at the weekend, out of sync due to visitor last week, hope to get back on course this week. Fast Mon/Tuesday then Thursday/Friday, prefer relaxed weekends.

    Tell me are we allowed whey drinks on non cal fast days, I haven’t tried them yet, just bought apple and cinnamon flavour. Is there a particular time to have them? Pre workout, post work out? Help someone please?

    Got into my new white leggings yesterday, they didn’t fit last month. Bit form hugging still, think I will give them another month, switched to black ones with looser stretchier style, don’t want to look like a ‘slapper’, not a great look at my age.

    More surprises on the horizon, I have two men showing an interest in me. Both nice in their own way. One a good laugh, real joker, single whilst the other is very intelligent and cultured, divorced – both quite handsome, dilemma! I wasn’t really expecting this at my age and rotundness. If it was Tom Cruise I wouldn’t be thinking, just saying ‘yes sir’. He is a positive and dynamic force of a man with such a great smile. Do I go out with one, both, neither, is it too soon, probably! Will I get any more chances? Who knows? Anyway I have one week to make up my mind. Probably the biggest reason for saying no is the fact that my life is pretty damn full already, I don’t know what to do? I asked my daughter for advice and she said ‘go for it Ma’, you are very pretty, they would be lucky to date you’. Bless her, it’s true, love is blind, she doesn’t see my wrinkles and double chin, spare tyre and white/grey hair – she sees me as blonde, vivacious and tanned. Hey ho

    Laying in bed having a nice cuppa, dogs at my daughters. Need to do some planting before bowls practise at 10 then more weeding for the rest of the day. At least I should get a good tan. Improves the look of my flesh a little and tones the muscles. Not too clever on my back though. God what a moaner I am today, please ignore me. I am fighting fit and determined to get jobs done whilst improving fitness, see – back on course all. Giving myself a good talking to, no negative thought woman!

    Good luck on scales this week Fran, wear very light clothing and no knickers or bra, girl power! Just joking!

    Good luck everyone else, may the force(will power, anyway) be with you!

    Sun shining, up I get!

    Hey SAMM, that nutrition list is pretty extensive. But seriously there is stuff on there I didn’t even know was edible, who eats tree fern? Other items I have never even heard of?
    Let’s get to the point how many grams per day is recommended? Currently I only eat carbs in veg and fruit( mostly berries)and definitely no bread, potatoes, pasta or rice on fast days. What are you suggesting? Counting grams in veg? I don’t usually bother. Life is already short enough.
    I do plan to eat more pulses and beans in the future, thought these were healthy unlimited carbs?

    Good morning all!

    Love hearing about your days and evenings! I am planning a day of yard work and gardening as well. Spreading mulch, weeding, and planting. Should be good exercise, hoping the weather holds out for us!

    Jojo, sorry for your discomfort, but excited for you at the prospect of white leggings and new romance! Why do you need to make a choice? Spend time with both without expectation and see how things progress! Have fun, you deserve it! You should have some active dates…walking & hiking…you need to make sure anyone new is on board with your healthy & active lifestyle! I agree with your daughter, any man would be lucky to date you, so go for it!

    So for our small sample of pedometers not his thread, at least 3 have broken (I think SAMM must have worn his out!), so I think we need to go into business together to develop a durable pedometer!

    16:8 today, and fast tomorrow for me. Happy day, all!

    Hi Y’all
    Interesting times for you, counting you’re blessing as well?

    I would experiment with the whey – non soy. On non fasting days.
    Nothing stopping from whey on fasting days. I don’t mean to be confusing. I concluded from journal that when experimented with foods on fast days. Sometimes I didn’t like my experiment, and for what ever reason ,probably not being sated , would either struggle or abandon the fast.

    I look at those things on the self nutrition data site from 100g. Because it’s less confusing for me to compare. The basic skinny on my diabetes is carbs are sugar. So it’s a counting of food ingested. The self site is invaluable for that purpose. Especially when cooking at home.
    However when I wasn’t diabetic or didnt know I was . I was trying to count carbs on fast days, because I tended to get past plateau when counting carbs. Of course I cannot give a valid or educated recommendation on the amour of carbs anyone should have on fasting day. BUT I can point to the GI Glycemic Index.
    Fo me I live for scheduling and menu planning , calendars and organizers. But lol I never follow them to a T. However I basically creating guides. At some point I realized I could look at the glycemic index and divide the vegetables into. Fast day and feed day vegetables.

    While some may say you only lose weight when get out your calculator figure your TDEE. Hit sum and poof! I didn’t see it that way. I believe I use stored fat -FAT as fuel when my carbs are low. And when my fats are low but still present. I’m being detailed enough here because it’s just my thinking of how it works and don’t want to confused with saying it’s advice. Im simply unqualified to give advice. Basically less carbs more activity and inching down the scale. My conclusion from my journal and weighing is when eating the vegetables on the glycemic index are very low.
    Monday 600 cals fast day
    Tuesday 300 cals carbs. Free amount of protein and fats . Feed day
    Wednesday 2meals 100calories from carb each meal, 125 protein, 75 fat. Exercising before meals and just before bed time -( only to avoid hunger pain by being able to eat after the exercise.). Well not right after, I would wait till the hunger hit then put it in me. Kidney beans help me. But only needed 15 beans.

    That was my formula. To be low carb the day prior to a fast day that has moderate exercise in it. I didnt lose weight every week . But the weeks I did 4:3. Low carbs – low glycemic vegetables and worked up a sweat prior to eating. I usually lost a pound that that week. Sometimes two.



    On Sunday’s I would go to all I could eat buffet and eat as many vegtables and fruits as I desired, no starchy foods a small steak and a lobster. On 4:3. Mondays were easy Wednesday’s no trouble. Fridays were always a struggle if Thursday wad low carb. But I always had Saturday morning to look forward too. So would go to bed early on Fridays. I learned that if there was no social life on Friday. So I started making plans on Saturday’s and Sunday’s knowing I would have no restrictions. For me it was easy to fit 4:3 as ADF M-F
    However looking over it i suppose if I wanted. Friday,Saturday, and Sunday open?

    IF 4:3
    Monday fast 500
    Tuesday feed TDEE
    Wednesday fast 500
    Thursday fast 500
    Friday feed TDEE
    Saturday feed low protein portion TDEE
    Sunday feed TDEE

    I suppose there could be room for variation on thurdays dinner and Friday breakfast and lunch. So there is a 24 hour fast between thurdays dinner and Friday dinner would make for more dinners out on the weekends without restriction.
    Just guessing.
    As far as the shakes go. I used them to help keep on schedule. To say it another way. If I could have a shake or something else. I’d have something else. BUT BUT BUT. I never failed a a liquid fast day on the shakes! This led me to use shakes to get to 4:3 from 5:2. Especially when I added coffee to chocolate shake. Choffee. OMG in think I’ll have one today. Right now! Mouth watering, pant pant.

    I could ove made them sweeter with stevia. Which helps boost ph positively, but bitter drink helped to last all day. Where the whey came in is after read about the protein restriction issues. It’s not a good idea to skip protein if on a long diet regimen . 6-8 weeks. No as much an issue – months and months. It’s an issue! It’s not just my I idea. Many many many articles about it. Basically you can get away with skipping carbs. But don’t dare skip protein!
    WE NEED PROTEIN 3 Times a day especially if pregnant .
    Not just for baby is the point not to miss!
    So the protein shake supplemental drink has been around in hospitals for over 100 years it’s a proven value. Whey is superior because the human body absorbs it much quicker than all other proteins.
    Is why bodybuilders are so keen on it. Especially when they cut. Go low fat.

    I would make mine last all day by adding ice to it I would make three shakes sometimes to be on liquid .
    Especially if I had stopped dieting and wanted to get on a diet. Ive been doing this for over 25 years. By starting with the protein shakes . It help with getting used to smaller portions, after 2-3 weeks the shakes and smaller portions help with the full feeling as my appetite shrinks.

    To skald things up I would add cinnamon or pumpkin spices so it wasn’t always the same shake.
    Basically and To oversimplify.
    use whey protein shake to skip carb calories , but keep protein at healthy levels.
    Add coffee to make bitter help prolong appetite – for me
    Add dark chocolate cacoa for anti oxidant and flavor
    Add stevia to sweeten to taste , but also to improve the ph score.
    Add ice to help slow down stomach acids

    Yikes! I need to get my brain fed before I cope with that one SAMM, I will read it again after dinner.

    Ply – I think I am a one man woman, couldn’t cope with two on the go. I am swaying towards the brain not the fun guy at present. Nice to have a choice though. We will see, not really ready for romance but company will do, theatre, walking, could be nice.
    He will have to understand that an active lifestyle is essential for me now. No choice.

    Have a good day all, fab weather.

    I guess I fell out of qualifying for this thread as I lost only .7 lb this week, after losing 2.7 last week and 2.8 the week before.

    It is one of those things — I did everything as I was supposed to on the Fast Beach Diet (with the exception of a little bit of ice cream and potatoes one day). I will keep plugging away with the 4:3 fasting and trying to get in touch with what my body needs rather than what my emotions or intellect are calling for me to eat.

    Good morning, fast trackers 🙂

    I only lost 0.2 lb. this week. Not a big surprise after last week’s 1.8 lb. drop and with being close to goal. So, 40.4 lbs. lost in 41 weeks, 1 pound per week over the past two weeks, the first two weeks I’ve done 4:3.

    jojo, Zumba is exercise to music, the exercises are based on dance moves, mostly Latin dances with a few belly-dance moves thrown in, as far as I can tell. Generally the music is upbeat and cheerful, people (in my class, at least) seem pretty laid back about whether you’re doing it “correctly” or not, if you’re not catching on to a particular step, they say, “just keep moving”. Even when I stop moving for a few minutes, no one ever gives me a hard time about it. When I do catch on and am moving in time to the music, I really have fun with it. A lot of hip-hop, not really my favorite kind of music, but no hard-core stuff, all upbeat; maybe the Zumba Gold will have more old-style Latin American music, I would like that. If you get a chance to try a class for free or low-cost, I recommend giving it a go just to see if you like it. Some classes may be more intense/competitive, that would not work for me.

    I’m all for socializing a bit with both gentlemen to see if you would like to get to know either of them better. I have such dreadful judgement when it comes to men, next time I will have to take my time getting to know someone and get my son’s approval before getting close. I stay away from abusive ones but tend to end up with narcissists in various disguises who end up not having much to give when the chips are down. Men tend to be much better judges of other men than most women are, I think. Same with women seeing through other women when men can’t see what they’re up to. Oh, dear, I sound cynical. Maybe someday things will turn out better for me. I understand feeling a bit apprehensive, though flattered.

    I only wear leggings at home or to exercise class, and even there I usually wear yoga pants. Well, I do wear skinny jeans now, but total Lycra from waist to ankles is a bit much for me at 57. An old friend of mine used to call leggings “dress sweats”.

    SAMM, I need to read your posting more carefully later, too, but agree with you that it’s darned hard for the fat to get out of the fat cells to get burned for energy while your insulin levels are high from consuming carbohydrates.

    jojo, legumes may have a high GI, but they mostly have a low or low-medium GL. I really like to eat legumes, but it’s a good idea to prepare them in a way that neutralizes the phytates in them: soak your beans at least overnight in plenty of water to which you’ve added a tablespoon of lemon juice, vinegar, or plain yogurt with active cultures (yes, yogurt, and that probably does the best job). Cook in slow-cooker set on low for several hours until tender. You can add a piece of kombu if you like, but rinse the salt off the outside first, and don’t salt the beans until they’re cooked, or the skins will get tough. The phytate experts will tell you to rinse them a couple of times, but I don’t, because the bean gravy I get is quite tasty and does contain some of the nutrients, and I soak and cook over about 24 hours. I haven’t been soaking lentils before cooking, but probably should.

    Here is one glycemic load chart that illustrates one of the problems with these charts: you have to look closely at the serving sizes. It gives you the GL for 150 grams of beans, then for 30 grams of bread. It gives you the GL for 250 grams of porridge, 30 grams of All-Bran. The equivalences are just not there:

    I would like to find a comprehensive table of the insulin load of foods, some non-carbohydrate-containing foods do cause insulin secretion.

    Better start getting ready to go to Zumba Gold!

    Amy C., only some of us manage two pounds per week, but we’re all dedicated to searching for solutions, solving problems, and moving forward 🙂

    I think that your weight loss is quite impressive; it’s certainly much quicker than my own. Mine is not always logical from one week to the next, often if I just carry on it will get going again. Other times I need to find a way to step things up a bit. That’s where we swap ideas to find something that works for us.

    Hi Amy,
    You are very welcome to stay with us, it’s a challenge thread not a compulsion. Even I have failed 2 lbs one week and I am very strict with my diet. Some days it’s just too hard. Take today, I was fasting until 6 pm but also very active so I was very hungry. I should have restricted to 500 for dinner but actually I had 800, I needed it after a day digging and weeding. The sad news is I cannot collapse into a chair because I haven’t done my 10,000 steps. I believe in sticking to my commitments and accepting my failures as necessary evils, moving on rapidly to the next idea which may help my cause. So the dogs get another walk tonight, they will not complain.
    You have achieved a great weight loss and have probably learnt tips that we have missed. What do you find helps you succeed?

    Jip- did you succeed in hiding the scales? Then you are stronger than me, they are my crutch. Sad but true, maybe I will give them up for new year.

    Gosh Franfit, I don’t normally cook anything that has me in the kitchen for more than 30 mins and I have never soaked anything over night. I guess it’s another first for me. What is Kombu?
    I absolutely love leggings but always cover with knee length tops, they are so comfortable, plus I am 57 too remember. I have just bought some new trousers, grass green with bluey twinge, they are georgeous and three sizes smaller than before Christmas. My waist is the fastest shrinking area, always been hourglass even when at my biggest size. The bad thing about this is that you can always mask your size with good clothes. Much harder to hide a full waist, those poor apple shapes, I have two friends with fab legs and hips but several waist tyres, very difficult to get trousers to fit.

    SAMM, so what I get from your convoluted thread is that I should have my protein drink on a fast day immediately after a workout and then it will get into my system but be burned off rather than stored. Correct? Do I get a star or lines?

    Ply, you really are having a tough time at the moment, I feel your frustration and would like to help. I know you are doing everything at 90 % rule observation and something isn’t working. When I had this difficulty I discovered that bread and salmon were my nemesis. Is there any food you are eating daily that you could change? What are drinks are you consuming? Maybe you should cut your exercise this week and relax, I always lose more when I do this, strange but true( only works for one week though).

    I don’t think I would invent a pedometer but I would be keen to invent a carb and sugar free, fat free bread that tastes just like French garlic bread.

    I owe my current success to this thread and it’s inspiring people, zero noodles, fresh fish and many pints of water.

    Feeling fine today even though standing all day, thank goodness because I have another full day tomorrow.

    Beach walk, bowls practise and gardening again tomorrow then a nice late afternoon roast dinner – yum. Have you thought of finding a bowls club? Do you have them? Or croquet, that’s a fun game too. Very British of course even with it’s French name.
    I have a quick recipe called Nanny’s eggs, very quick and tasty, perfect if you are tired after work and only 235 cals – recipe for two – I would probable eat both portions. Not quite as in control as you would hope really. Post on recipe thread tomorrow. Ok?

    After my dog walk I am heading for a long soak in Espom salts, weary muscles. Probably hit the sack soon after and (fall asleep) reading my book, need to finish it by Monday for book club.(At least I don’t dam the bath water these days-Teehee)

    Enjoy your lovely summers evening all, remember mindfulness and focus on the long term goal of being fit and slim not the short term goal of satisfying an urge.

    There is no magic formula to what I found worked for me.

    – commute to work on my bicycle (9.5 miles round trip) nearly every weekday day.
    – HIT/strength fitness class on weekdays
    – Atkins for 3 weeks; 5:2 for 14 weeks and Fast Beach Diet 4:3 for 3 weeks
    – starting to get a handle on my non fast days when I tend to eat emotionally
    – getting my thyroid medicine dosage correct
    – lots of water and veggies
    – rid the house of a son and the food he eats (he went off to university)
    – supportive spouse

    Posted recipe on skinny taste emails thread, heaven know why, teehee

    Well done you, sounds like you have it sussed and understand your triggers. I am jealous of the supportive spouse, mine was a feeder, so I dislodged him. I found things a lot easier when my son left home too. Cycling sounds good, are you scared on the roads? I was knocked off my bike years ago by a white van, I was sure it was deliberate. Haven’t been on the road since, shame. Used it on paths for leisure though.
    Boredom is my trigger, hence I keep myself busy and active.
    Thanks for staying
    How many pounds to go before goal?

    I live in the states in a city used to bikes. I am fortunate that bike lanes were put in for most of my route. Still, I have been nearly hit a few times.

    I have 2.6 lbs to go and will have lost 28.3 lbs since January 2014 (mostly on 5:2) and down nearly 40 lbs since May 2012.

    Fantastic Amy, I wish you success in the next couple of weeks on Fast Beach, that should shift it. I am on it too but it’s tough, I am very glad it s only six weeks. Michael Mosely was on a Charity Quiz show on tv tonight.
    It’s good that these threads make the world a smaller place, States, Australia, New Zealand, England, Wales and Scotland all post here. Wonder if there are any Irish, don’t think I have heard of any. I wonder what countries are not doing 5:2?

    jojo, I am *so* envious of your hourglass figure 😉 Seriously, I hate having no waist. I am forcing myself to remember that, even at 105 pounds, I had no waist. Well, I actually do not have *none*, but it’s only a couple of inches smaller than my rib cage, plus hips are slim. At least I have a bust, lol. Leggings are super-comfortable, I actually would wear them with hip-length or longer tops. I can’t wear high-rise jeans, buy either the mid-rise or the “slimming” styles, which sit on my upper hip bones. Truly tailored trousers do not fit me at all, I would have to buy the size for my waist and have the hips altered down three sizes. Jackets don’t fit, either, if they fit the shoulders the bust is too tight, if they fit the bust the shoulders are too large (which is how I generally end up wearing them — or have to plan on never buttoning, lol). No matter how little I weigh, my shape stays pretty much the same, I just get bigger or smaller all over. Forty pounds lost: 5.5″ off bust, 7″ off waist, 6.25″ off hips. That fat really was packed on pretty solidly, wasn’t it?

    Walking will get faster as you lose more weight, at least that’s what’s happened for me. But I don’t burn as many calories as before no matter how fast I walk, because of not hauling so much around.

    Walked/hiked briskly a mile and a half to Zumba “Gold”, got there 15 minutes early for a little rest, did the 40-minute class, hiked back the long route. The instructor and students were very nice about including me, the class was about half the speed and intensity of my regular Zumba class, so I was able to keep up; plus, none of the lunges and jumps that I can’t do, none of the squats that I can’t do at that speed. So I have a chance to actually learn the basic steps really well. After a few months it might start to feel a bit slow, but right now I think it’s just what I need. Will probably stay in other class as well and just keep on modifying to suit my limitations.

    Beautiful day here today; also walked to the food co-op, 12,000+ steps today. Got striped sea bass (probably the last of the season), baby turnips with their greens, broccolini and fresh local strawberries for tomorrow’s fast day dinner. Must look up recipes for broccolini.

    Do you want me to start our own recipe thread, something like “Recipes from Jojo’s Challenge Thread?” I could re-post a couple I’ve put up before there, you could re-post your delicious-sounding egg recipe there.

    Although the beans are soaking/cooking for 24 hours, the cook only has to spend five minutes with them tops, I soak them right in the crockpot. I cook at least a pound of dry beans at a time, freeze for later use. They really are better than canned, even the best canned brands. Kombu is a kind of dried seaweed from Japan that is used in making dashi stock, some people think it makes the beans more tender or makes them taste better, I don’t think it makes much difference.

    The disregard that many drivers seem to have for cyclists and pedestrians is scandalous. To walk to work, I have to go on a narrow stretch of road and a narrow bridge with no sidewalks, there is no way around it. Lots of walkers, hikers, runners, joggers, cyclists use the route; a major hiking/biking trail comes out there. But it is a totally scary place to walk. No crosswalk, only one speed limit sign in one direction, and that just says “end 35-mph limit” right before the bridge, no signs warning drivers of pedestrians, and the drivers are all in a hurry to get to work. I am thinking about a letter-writing campaign in local media about it. Apparently three local governments and the state have jurisdiction over different parts of this dangerous half-mile stretch of road, so nothing gets done, and it’s a tragedy waiting to happen.

    Amy C., I am really impressed with the amount of exercise you do.

    Although my son is nearly underweight and has to eat a lot of calorie-dense foods, he has been supportive of my weight loss, dutifully trying all the new recipes I try out on fast days, and liking most of them. He’s going to teach me a new upper-body exercise tonight that will work biceps, triceps, and pecs. I will do that and plank.

    I am really not sure I should lose any more weight; I’m going to ask my doctor to weigh in (pun intended) when I see him this week. It’s hard to believe that I once weighed 10 pounds less with about 2 inches less trunk circumference; when I wear a low-cut top now, you can see my ribs a little bit, and really, if they show any more, it’s not going to look good. If I could take five more pounds off just my waist, I would. I have to think about that. I can’t do the Eades Plan because it’s too high-protein for me, but I wonder if I did low-carb, moderate-protein, high-fat for a few weeks it would target my middle in the same way. I’m not at all sure that it would, because this has always been my shape, even as a young, skinny teenager. I would have to spend some time working out exactly how to accomplish it while maintaining family dinners, too!

    My pedometer didn’t malfunction , I broke mine kicking a box that was stuck in the conveyor system.   I was unsure wether I wanted another one. I was looking online and found the zapedo .  It keeps track of steps but also ha the interesting feature of giving a little shock if it hast registered any steps in 15-30 minutes. It adjustable. Also I can monitor my sugars by pricking my leg. It’s kind of like the shock reminder . At least that’s what I thought.  

    The other one is an implant that instead of tracking steps ,tracks me via gps.
    My company said they would pay for it , that way they  can track us  for better expedientcy.   

    What do think?

    Yes yes yes. The protein is sometimes overlooked. Skipping say 30 protein meals in month isn’t as much an issue as skipping 365 protein meals over years time. With something do important. I figured I would read up on it. My best guess. Plateaus and poor protein intake are related, but so are some other risks.

    So my approach was to find out how to take unflavored whey protein , and use it as a substitute ingredient , also as a thickener in soups. Especially when I not eating meat..
    I only eat meat 5 days a week for dinner. I just don’t trust animal fat enough to eat it 90 times a month. Rather 20 times- giving my immune system time to rejuvenate.
    Using fish and whey helped the transition from being a meat and potatoes guy to healthy foods intermittent faster!

    I have a hard time telling others what to do. Well at least when it comes to their health and well being .
    Since the goal of 5:2 is protein restriction . I tried to have an understanding of what poor protein intake issues are. However rather than dwell on the negative , focussing on the solution . Which I believe a combination of whey protein and exercise for the first meal of the day on feed days?
    I would add it to cereal sometimes especially the chocolate variety of fortified cereals.

    Good Morning FT’s,
    It is really good to have Amy C with us, we needed some new blood and new ideas.

    Weight stable this morning after second weekly no cal fast. I can’t say I am a big fan at the moment because it feels like you are fasting 4 days not two but I will give it six weeks.

    Fran please start the thread under Fran’s fast cook spicey recipes, I assure you I am not a cook, if my friends knew I even thought about new recipes, they would fall about laughing. It’s not that I can’t cook it’s more that I won’t spend the required time on it. I keep it to a minimum time so I can read more, write more, sew more, attend classes more, you get the picture?

    But I was thinking that what working women need is ‘fast’ cookery, few ingredients but tasty food, mostly spicey because it seems to fill you up more and satisfy hunger urges. Hence ‘Nanny’s Eggs’ What do you think? Both for fast and non fast days. Feast days to include luxury ingredients like cream or coconut milk to make them more special. Of course some of you lot also cook cordon bleu.

    Actually I was thinking about the research, dieters that did not restrict on non fasting days lost more weight than those that ate healthily. This may be something we need to look at more carefully. Plan healthy but luxury foods. I really don’t want salad more than once per week. For example I always add sweet chilli dressing to stir fry super noodles with prawns, tastes amazing and I really look forward to it. Literally 5 mins to prepare, five mins to cook, adding frozen peppers and onions as they don’t taste any different ( bit soggier but that’s all ) and saves lots of time, probably lose a few nutrients but it’s only two meals per week.

    All that being said, I plan to do some cookery classes in retirement, focussing on Thai and Indian cuisine, then maybe classical French – my favourite dining experiences.
    What do you like best?

    SAMM, do not subject yourself to implants, you are not a bloody prisoner, it’s definately a violation of your human rights. For God’s sake I cannot believe it? What is going on in that company? Power gone mad, you are an employee not a slave. What ever they say this is an outrage. They are treating you like Laboratory rats. Just buy a new pedometer or zapedo. Sorry but this seriously concerns me, whatever next?

    Fran, I guess I am more happy with my curves than you are with your shape. I have never really had problems with fit, except bust size occasionally, but I did wear a lot of tents since that was what size 24 clothes looked like. Very limited clothes in prices I could afford but I like to coordinate and use lots of accessories. I have a huge collection of scarves and junk jewellry, I always match, sad am I not? But I have always dressed to impress and usually do whatever size I have been. I always style my hair too and wear make up. My nail polish is always freshly applied too, no chips for me. It’s about taking pride in my appearance, pity I didn’t take pride in my eating habits earlier. Actually I guess I take pride in everything else I do, otherwise what would be the point in doing it?

    What is going on with this bloody ipad, every time I type ‘I’ it adds ‘?I’ a question mark in front of it during self correction which I then have to change, why? Really irritating!

    Roast dinner today, yum! But no pud.( that’s the plan anyway)

    Taking my disabled brother-in-law (age 54)to bowls today, he has a good aim, should go well. He has Downs Syndrome but leads a really good life with adult carer’s(2 gay men) and two other lads( 20 and 30 )They are always doing sport, visiting places, eating out, going to concerts, shopping and having holidays – lucky them.

    Lots more gardening at home and my husbands house, very large garden that he hasn’t coped with since I left, I can’t let it go to pot. It was my pride and joy, now it s a haven of weeds and overgrown shrubs, only took two months of neglect. Shame. It has a sea view to die for, I really miss that. However my little yard is looking good, lots of pots and colour, I even added fairy lights to the trellis and fence, very cheerful. Cottage garden look with lupin beds and petunia baskets, miss the lawn though as do my birds.

    Have fun today everyone, any of you doing anthing exciting, bungee jump? Rally? Game of darts? Trekking?

    Right I have just made a decision, I am going to lose 10 lbs this month. I will do this by eating vegetarian only. Cottage cheese and quorn will be my low cal proteins and I will have nuts every evening.
    Just an experiment guys.
    I will walk a minimum of 15,000 steps per day, small fry to many of you.
    Watch this spot?
    I will still do the Fast Beach Fast 24 hour no cal in mon/tues and Thursday/Friday. There will be ‘ no treats’ this month.

    Jojo, I admire you, and I would like to join you again in your new quest! Goodness knows I need the jump start!

    @samm, say no to gps implants! God, it sounds like some dystopian sci-fi movie.

    My running partner just cancelled on me, so I am all dressed up (for exercise) with no place to go! My gym does not open until later on Sundays, but I will get my steps in somehow!

    Did lots of gardening yesterday, and the place is looking good with new flowers and mulch, trimmed shrubs and weeds pulled. I planted some lavender and the scent was with me all day. I need to find a place for some fairy lights (love that name), Jojo! They are so cheerful. It makes such a difference to pull up to the house and smile! A friend of mine makes little fairy gardens with natural materials like plants, shells, twigs, and rocks and discarded objects like little houses and things. She constructs them in birdbaths that people leave at the swap shop at the local dump. So adorable!

    I am doing a 24 hour fast today. Had a lovely steak dinner last night, and I have Franfit’s curry or Mimi’s Ratatouille waiting in the fridge to warm up for dinner later. I will do the 24 hour fast again Tues-Wed.

    Nice that your b-i-l has wonderful and active companions, and family like you!

    I think it is important to make the effort to look our best regardless of shape and size as well! I have always enjoyed clothes, makeup, and jewelry! I get it from my grandmother who had her hair and nails done every week, and was buying pretty lingerie in her 70s! She was also one to try every diet and exercise program that came along. My mom is just the opposite, never wore makeup, doesn’t care much about clothes, but we have a great relationship anyway! I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that my parents moved in with us last August. We renovated part of our house so they have a full kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms, bath, and also a large covered porch. Our house is a multi-level contemporary, so we are together, yet separate. It has been absolutely wonderful to have them here. My mom is quite active, my dad somewhat. Taking care of their house was getting to be a little too much, and looking forward it seemed a good idea to have them with us so we could help out.

    I am going to a candle party that my sister-in-law is having today, and will be avoiding whatever food and treats she serves. I was not planning to go, but my mom asked me yesterday and gave me “the look” when I said I was not going! Still works at my age! 🙂

    What are Nanny’s Eggs, Jojo??

    Welcome, @amy C! If we kicked people off the thread for not losing 2 pounds, I would have gotten my pink slip a couple of weeks ago! Congrats on your great loss and continued devotion. Look forward to hearing more tips & tricks!

    @franfit, it will be interesting to hear what your doctor says. When is the last time you have been? Will he/she be shocked at your new physique? Clothes are a challenge! Maybe when you are at your goal weight, you can invest in some pieces that will be worth having tailored for you. My son just bought some suits and the tailoring was free, mostly because the suits were expensive, but if you know you are going to wear things for a good long time it might be worth it.

    Zumba Gold sounds just right., glad you found it. A friend of mine is a Zumba instructor, and she also teaches a class called Zumba Sentao, which uses a chair. You might look into that one as well.

    @jojo, was it your prawns & chili sauce with zero noodles??

    Ok ok I’ll come clean. I was just teasing about a pedometer that would shock me , or one the would track me via GPS. I did break mine though. I know I’m getting enough walking , so I don’t need one. When get another job I’ll get one and do as JOJO does and not find the tv chair till 10,000.

    Phew, SAMM, sometimes I worry about you! Some activity trackers do vibrate when you have been idle for a certain length of time, and our cellphones are already traceable by GPS, so nothing is too far fetched!


    “I will still do the Fast Beach Fast 24 hour no cal in mon/tues and Thursday/Friday. ”

    It seems obvious now, however, I had not thought of this. I did this last week on a whim and obtained good results. This is a good approach. I’m in.

    I assume this continues until reaching the target weight, then doing maintenance?

    Jojo and crew, glad you got a new pedometer, it is nice to see the steps mount up.
    I am going to try something new tomorrow morning Nordic walking, it’s something I have always wanted to try. Not sure if it will be good for me, I will have to make sure it will not interfere with my bowling arm to start off with. I am playing bowls Monday night. Fasting today second day of b2b. I got the FBD book Friday, I think I have been doing something wrong, I have breakfast at 10 am then I have fruit or a cappocciano sometime in between about 100 calories and then the rest of cals about 6pm. It looks like I should only have black tea and water so I am doing this today and tomorrow. When do you eat?

    Hi again Jojo,
    I use the Whey drink on fast days and non fast days. Today I had one at 10am and I will have the other at about 6pm, been reading FBD book so only having water by the pint and black tea for today and tomorrow.
    I love the sound of your life, and now the new interesting opposite sex coming into it. I can only tell you that I got back right out there and it felt great knowing someone else found me attractive. Why not go for lunch on the first date!!! enjoy, life is short. JIP

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