Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 16,657 total)

  • So tired I could sleep in trunk.
    40,008 steps. 2 meals while at work.
    I guess I found the pants thing funny , because ive been there so many times. I glad I’m not the only one things that happen to. Hats off to you for not giving up over it!

    Hi fast trackers, a busy fasting day for me so far.

    jojo, sorry about your hip and the stairs 🙁 and about your son’s troubles.

    My son is helping me with the measurements, I was wondering if there are any tables of measurements in people with different risk profiles. It’s actually very obvious the way my belly spreads out to the side when I lie down. But my waist:hip ratio is still .88, and never was as low as .80, even when I weighed 105 pounds. Right now my waist is 48% of my height, it’s 1.5 inches less than half my height. Too bad I can’t just get a CT scan to get a definitive answer on my visceral fat, lol. It would be nice to think of myself as slim-hipped rather than thick-waisted, lol.

    JIP, I hope your husband’s surgery goes well. I’m impressed with your back-to-back fasting.

    jojo, I find it easy to go without food for 23 or 24 hours if it’s from one evening meal to the next, although it would have been very difficult for me when I first started IF. Not sure I would like 2 pm to 2 pm.

    Happy fasting and non-fasting Wednesdays to all 🙂

    Hi Fast trackers,
    I have just returned from my bowls match, not only my team of 4 win but we were the highest scorer’s of both sides. I performed very well even getting several shot points. Happy days, not bad for my first match. The opposing side won overall and were very nice so it was fun too. The down side was tea afterwards, it would have been great to eat cake in celebration but I am fasting until 2 pm tomorrow. I had a vegetable stir fry with a very small portion of Dover sole. Thank goodness for zero noodles. I have not had all my water today because I couldn’t leave the bowls game, not good form apparently. Learnt lots of new etiquette rules today. As number two player I had to change the scoreboard. I also learnt that you buy the opposing team players drink. Then you have to pay out for tea and raffle tickets, expensive this hobby. Only joking.
    I an just having some nettle tea and will do embroidery tonight to keep me out of the kitchen. I hope this long fast works.
    Now I need to think of a new HIT exercise, ideas?

    Jip, I hope your husbands operation goes well.

    Ply, great quote
    My usual quote is ” I was built for comfort not speed”

    SAMM, I feel exhausted just reading how many steps you have done, I managed 5235 today and I have been on my feet from 10 till 6 pm, it’s crazy.

    Fran – looks like we are both suffering from out exercise routines

    Hi franfit, I am fine thanks, been at the hospital with hubby he had op on his hand we were out 10 hours, had to get 3 buses there’re and three back . Took lunch with me, so fasting OK today. JIP

    We love your measurements SAMM, you gave me a good giggle.
    Fantastic walking, puts my efforts to shame and I thought I was doing well, fasting today and tomorrow. Keep up the good work, I can see you fitting Into those clothes sooner than later. JIP

    Franfit we are home safe from hospital and he is well but I have to do the dishes for a while. That’s one of his jobs. LOL JIP

    JIP, so glad you’re husband’s surgery went well.

    jojo, congratulations on your team winning at bowls. That is a sport not really played in the U.S. We have something called bowling that is completely different, I think.

    For some reason I’ve been feeling really poorly today. Did manage to do all my laundry and get to work and the food co-op this afternoon, but only 4,000 steps, and I’m not trying for more. Cold and rainy here, too, after two very warm, muggy days. At least fasting has not been difficult, didn’t have even a trace of hunger until 3:00. Do have a nice dinner planned; the co-op had beautiful wild King salmon which I will ask my son to sear in the ceramic pan, he does it perfectly, I will have 125 grams; they also had fresh bunches of little turnips with their greens, I will cook them together in just a little butter, if you’ve never tried that with baby turnips it’s quite wonderful (150 grams of them for me). Then a salad of romaine, cucumber, mushroom, radish and red onion with balsamic vinegar (200 grams + 1 Tablespoon); we are trying Bhutanese red rice since my son doesn’t like brown rice, I will have 45 grams; and 100 grams of melon and strawberries for dessert. We’ll have the leftover eggplant curry and dahl on Friday, which will either be a real fasting day or one of my half-fasting days, depending on how I’m feeling, since I work in the morning then go back again in the afternoon.

    Will see how I feel this evening before attempting plank and bicep curls. I have learned from experience that, when I push myself with exercise, it usually turns out to be a mistake.

    It is possible to to walking HIT if you can find a hill that gives you the right amount of exertion going up. There is one in the woods here that works quite well for me. I only push myself to my limit once per session at this point, though.

    Good evening ft’s,
    I have managed to get through the evening without eating, let’s hope I sleep well after last nights disturbance. Taken a hot water bottle with me. I took pain killers before my game of bowls( very necessary) I hope it doesn’t effect my weight tomorrow.

    Fran, do you mean 10 pin bowling? I play that too, but lawn bowls is played outside with teams of up to 4. There is an indoor version too. It’s the person that gets their wood(s) closest to the jack( a little yellow or white ball). That’s a simplistic version. It’s a very British game mainly populated by retired persons, keeps them active. One of our best female players is 91. The current champion in the UK is 16, she is visiting our club in August. We all wear a uniform of white and navy. It is steeped in traditions and used to be very male dominated. It’s becoming less so now as the ladies equal the men in number in our club. There are also lots of club social events, a choir and drama group too. We volunteer our time to do duties too which can include, cleaning, kitchen duties, and gardening around the lawns.

    I will try some fast walking tomorrow on the dog walk, when they are on the leads. I have a very busy day planned tomorrow, 4 appointments, cleaning and art class.

    Happy fasting all.

    Hey Jojo and other fasttrackers Fast Beachers, check out detoxmanic’s thread, Detoxmanic’s 6 Week Fast Beach Diet Diary.

    Already there honey

    I should have known! Anything stand out to try? (other than the Butternut Ratatouille)

    Very glad to read your posts today. Wish you all the best.
    With my recent change of condition. It’s just as well that I’m walking for money. Thing is it’s noticable to me now what people at my work are eating. And how it relates to their belly fat. There are only three of us tha do it. The others are thin. We don’t eat huge meals, even when were of work. I have insatiable curiosity about food consumption as how it relates to people’s belly fat. I’m convinced. Its most effective as JoJo is doing. Staying active and being conservative with portions. But important not to let food be the center of life.
    My struggle is how often I’m doing well and heaps of junk cone through the door. Like a spouse that sees you struggling to stop smoking, but keeps buying it for you. Even lighting one up and putting it in my mouth.
    I had a very bad day with my wife today. I hate heated arguments , because minor things tend to escalate into big conversations. That’s just the way we are though. My point is my health is my priority right now. And I seem to be neglecting her on what used to be my fast days. We were working through it. However , now I’m I to low sugar foods, it’s not just a choice or lifestyle anymore. Being diabetic can take food knowledge to whole other level. Temptation isn’t an option. I wasn’t strong enough to embrace that until now. I know I’m being much more serious with it than I need to be, but instead of allowing myself to be vulnerable, in taking the approach of divide and conquer.

    It means so much to come to this thread . Because it reminds me that I getting obsessed with my food targets. That they dont need consume the good things in life. You are so Inspiring to me. Getting active and having fun. My steps maybe impressive, but I cant keep on indefinitely. I’ll find another job as approach the 200lb mark. It’s been 20 years since I’ve weighed that. So I’ll share with Y’all something I’ve said to many people.

    What’s most important to you?
    Poof! You car just got paid off. So has your education. House too. You’re wardrobe has been magically filled with your favorites and all furniture has delivered. You have enough money to buy all your kids and their kids educations. Everything else you have ever wanted or will ever need is aquired.

    Now what is most important to you?
    Is it freinds and family?
    Try to remember as we seek all things we need and want that friends and family are with us all along the journey. I forget to be forgiving sometimes. Many of my blessing are from them.

    So a new hit huh? Let’s see. Lets see.

    Is Orange Pith Good for You?

    Orange pith has nearly the same amount of vitamin-C as the flesh.

    When we eat our oranges, we usually peel away the thick layer of skin and remove the bitter white part, also known as pith. But do you know how much healthy content you are throwing away from the tasty oranges?

    The white part of the rind, including the pith, has nearly the same amount of vitamin-C as the flesh and contains sources of pectin. Pectin is a soluble dietary fiber with potential to lower serum cholesterol, relieve diarrhea, act as an immune system stimulant and as anti-ulcer agent.

    The pith, part of the protection layer for the orange, contains high levels of fiber, anti-cancer agents and important bioflavonoids (an antioxidant).It also contains hesperidin which helps to protect the heart by lowering blood pressure and regulating cholesterol levels. Adding a bit of orange peel shavings to your meals will greatly increase your consumption of hesperidin.

    Orange Peel. Put stevia in small ramakin cup. Dip peel in stevia . Lick the peel is better than a sucker could ever dream of! Try at least once in your life!

    If you are cooking with orange pith, consider using some of the peels as well. Studies have found that the orange peels, consisting of over 60 flavonoids and 170 different phytonutrients, can offer you many health benefits.

    Research have found that the flavonoids can retard the growth of cancer cells, polymethoxyflavones and liminoid may protect against lung cancer, and hesperidin and polymethoxylate can help lower cholesterol levels.

    So next time when you have an orange, think twice about peeling off those healthy beneficial white piths and healthy peels.

    My two favorite snacks?

    After scrapping scrubbing off the orange outer color. leaving only the pith. I peel the orange, cut into strips the size of shoe string potatoes.
    1 bake and eat with catsup
    2 dip in dark chocolate
    3 put in cereal as chewy piece
    4 put in the filter with tea in hot tea maker
    5 carefully peel to make into 1/4th. Slightly toast. Fill with pizza topping so it is low calorie crust
    5 carefully peel to make into 1/3rds. Edible Cups. Raising optional. Fill with chicken or tuna salad.

    Adding that the pith is extremely low in calories, excellent for fasting nutrition.
    So you can peel and eat the peel on a fast day , and share the orange fruit with someone, or save the fruit in the refrigerator for the next day , feed day.

    This are the nutrition facts – dare I say. For a carb – it’s very close to zero noodles in calories
    I estimate around 20 calories per entire orange peel. I forget the word for scraping off the the outer orange color. Leaving only white pith. But it leaves this plain white bland whilt cup that I use intead of bread!

    I just have to ask you to have faith in this one!

    What I’ve been seeking , and experimenting with Is using the white only part of peel, – pith. As a natural cup to fill with anti cancer food agar.
    What I was working on was creating. A cool treat from fridge under 30 calories sweetened with stevia .

    My though was to use is as a back up to stop a binge from occurring .
    If a fast day huger genie got uncorked. I could quickly eat these.
    I want to believe that instead of abandoning the fast day completely , I could use the the low calorie day tand turn into an anti cancer food day instead.

    As you know. This is now longer applicable to my style of fasting. I may return to it in a year or so , but for some reason thought I would share.

    Well SAMM, as usual I had to read that monologue three times to understand it, you have an interesting and intelligent thinking approach to food and the meaning of life.

    First -what is important to me? Family, friends and food in that order. Socialising is more important than staying home. Nature is better than any television programme so my viewing is restricted to less than one hour per day, it helps me choose very carefully. I also read, I am in two book clubs. I do exercise for toning, badminton, bowls, bowling (10 pin )and ballroom fitness my favourites as also sociable. When I retire I plan to play tennis and table tennis too, variety is the spice of life. It’s great if you can include family and friends in your life through sport and social events, it shouldn’t all be about food and restaurant visits. I search the papers weekly and organise outings, plays, garden visits, exhibitions – anything. I also have decided since March this year to reduce or cut out ‘negative’ relationships – this is a tough one. I left my husband after 28 years of marriage, I also dropped two ‘friends’ who were bullies(honesty is best). I make sure I speak to my brothers and sisters monthly even if only by email and my son and daughter by phone or personal visit weekly. I see my ex weekly( for bowls) only and this is fine, no arguements. Life is good. I have planned two holidays in Spain, yoga retreat and bowls trip. Holidays are essential. I do voluntary work because I believe in charity and giving, too many people are selfish in this world.
    That sums it up really

    Now orange pith, how bazaar? But I am happy to eat more marmalade with peel provided I can brew some with Stevia, I will give it a go. Yummy I have missed toast and marmalade, may add it to Sunday treat day for tea. Drooling now.

    Got through night, pain woke me up at 4 am but got a hot water bottle and went back to sleep, hip still painful now, damn nuisance. Very hungry – just off to make a cuppa and drink a gallon of water before lunch at 2.30. Better be worth it?

    Hello Ply,
    I will look through some recipes after I have eaten today, too tempting now, it will make me even more hungry, if that is possible. What are you favourite foods so I can choose a few recipes?

    This 24 hour fast is bloody tough, be warned. Probably feeling it because it is school holidays.
    Ah well press on ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ off for another dog walk before I eat the sofa

    I’m feeling exactly the same 🙁 feeling week!!!!! it’s only my third ever fast!

    Well done Jojo, bowls is a smashing game, I have just been told by text that I am playing today I was reserve someone dropped out so I am in. Only thing is text also said rain may stop play so am I still waiting to hear. I should know by 12noon if we are playing we are playing away to day so we have to cancel our mini bus etc.
    This also means that it is going to put pay to my B2B fast if I play.
    How is this please rain please. LOL.
    I know I should not keep weighing but my scales 1.1/4 lb down.
    Now I do not know what is going on but I usually have all my threads linked to my email but I missed this one and last week i missed one from LOACA.
    I will have to look back and see if there are any others, I only knew about your thread because franfit said about your bowls came. Fasting or not everyone have a good day. JIP

    Hi franfit, I am drooling fro all that lovely description of your food. I only walk and the trampoline for my exercise program so I will try to get another form in.
    Only did 8500 steps yesterday I but I did do it on a staircase, three flights in an open
    gallery type hospital building where all the stairs are visible from the ground floor then along a walk way to the next downwood staircase and around and around, if there was anyone taking any notice of me they must have thought I was mad or could not find my way. LOL. Happy fasting JIP

    Hello ply just butting in, my book arrives today, looking forward to a good read to see if there is anything new. JIP

    Hi, back again, bored senseless and still two hours to go, may need to resort to shopping. Could be expensive but fun.
    I have just changed into leggings and tight t shirt, my stomach looks enormous in it so that won’t work in public. How can that bulge still be there, seems so unfair. Oh well stop moaning and find something else that’s more sympathetic. I had to cut 9 inches off my belt today, nine, crazy.
    Good luck with your game this afternoon jip. I may get a roll up in later, really need to practise my backhand, it’s shocking, forehand none too shabby though, progress.
    Hope I don’t feint at the shops!

    Not butting in at all, JIP! I am so disappointed that I don’t have the book already…Amazon and iBooks have let me down!!

    9 inches, Jojo, that is awesome!!

    Hey, Jojo, a good vegetable curry recipe that fits fasting would be great! Regarding Detoxmanic’s thread, I was thinking more about eating and exercise things that might be incorporated, rather than recipes. I read through it a couple of times, and it doesn’t seem like he/she is doing anything drastic, but the weight loss has been impressive.
    I have basically lost almost nothing for the last 2 weeks, so I am really hoping for a good number this week. yesterday was a non-fast day. I had planned a dinner for which I needed some ingredients at the store, but all I could think of on my drive home was that I would buy some ice cream in addition to the things I needed, so I am proud to say that I adjusted the recipe to use things I had and avoided the temptation of ice cream. I would surely have eaten most of the pint. The market is also next to a liquor store, and I would have been hard pressed not to grab some wine as well. Fasting today.
    I have been following 16:8 lately to incorporate as much fasting time as possible on a daily basis. I do always have a splash of milk in my coffee first thing in the morning. I count those calories, but I still consider it a 16:8. On non-fast days, I sometimes have trouble eating enough calories in the 8 hour window. I am so attuned to only eating when hungry now, and if I eat breakfast at 11, I am not hungry for a few hours. I am either teaching or in the car between 2 and 4:30, so it is not convenient to try to eat a second meal until I get home. You see what I’m getting at…If I eat at 5 or so, I am certainly not wanting another meal before 7, which is the end of the 8-hour window.
    The meals I eat tend to be very healthy, and I keep track of calories every day. I avoid carbs except veg for the most part. Sometimes it feels like I have to include some high calorie items (like my wine and ice cream!), but I would rather not. Anyone have any tips for managing 5:2 or 4:3 combined with 16:8?

    Keep at it, Pricey! You can do it!

    Good morning, fast trackers 🙂

    Hi Pricey, I saw your question on another thread, too. I’m also dedicated to eating family dinners with my son, but when I first started 5:2, I would eat a 200-calorie breakfast and a 300-calorie dinner. My main strategy for making this work was to make fish or a vegetable fritatta with only a teaspoon of oil or butter per person (but white meat chicken or turkey would work, too), with side dishes made all from very low-starch vegetables, concentrating on those under 25 calories for 100 grams like spinach, tomato, mushrooms, lettuce, cucumber, bok choy, eggplant and again one teaspoon butter or oil per person, then making a side of potatoes or rice for my son. I could usually save enough calories to have a little bit of a low-calorie fruit like strawberries, melon or grapefruit for dessert for myself, and he would have ice cream. I found it necessary to keep my breakfast high-protein — something like porridge would leave me hungry two hours later — eggs or ricotta cheese or greek yogurt with 85-100 grams of low-sugar fruit would work for me. Only after fasting for several months and getting bored with my 300-calorie dinners did I try waiting the full 23 hours before eating. So I would urge you to experiment, see if you can plan some dinners that would allow you to eat a small breakfast, lunch, or even snack earlier in the day.

    ply, here’s a vegetable curry I made for fasting days this week:

    1 medium eggplant
    1 large beefsteak tomato or 2 or 3 plum tomatoes
    10-oz. package mushrooms

    wash veg; prick eggplant with fork; cut beefsteak tomato in half; brush or spray mushrooms with 1/2 teaspoon oil — roast the lot in 425F oven for an hour.

    1-1/2 cups (340 grams) plain low-fat yogurt

    set this out to warm up to room temperature

    1 poblano pepper
    1/2 an onion
    3 cloves garlic

    wash the pepper, peel the onion and garlic, chop all the above and saute in

    1/2 Tablespoon butter and
    1/2 Tablespoon neutral-flavored oil, OR
    1 Tablespoon ghee


    1 Tablespoon ground cumin
    1 Tablespoon Vindaloo seasoning
    1/4-1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

    peel and chop the roasted eggplant and tomato, halve the mushrooms if they are large, add the roasted veg to the sauteed veg and spice, simmer for a few minutes to meld the flavors.
    Turn off the heat and add the yogurt, mix together, and top with:

    chopped cilantro.

    Made four 264-gram, 190-calorie servings — mine worked out to about 0.72 calories/gram.

    Can serve on rice or bulgur, or with naan; I served mine on 30 grams of bulgur and had a small cup of dahl with it.

    It took a while to cook, but made enough for two meals, we’re having it Monday and Friday. Roasting the veg first brought out their flavors and gave them a better texture.

    Thank you so much, Franfit! I will be making it this weekend!

    SAMM, I love reading your posts, you have a good grip on what’s important in life. I agree family, friends, trying to contribute something good to the world, even just a bit of daily cheer. Nutrition in diabetes actually is serious, hopefully your other half will wake up and realize she wants you healthy for the long haul. Denial is a powerful thing, hard to combat.

    I have heard before that the pith of the orange is good for you. I have been throwing it away, not even giving it to the guinea pigs. I guess I will have to try it, let them try it, too.

    I have been noticing peoples’ belly fat lately, too. Oddly, though my own belly still feels like it’s sticking out, it doesn’t look like it’s sticking out when I look in the mirror. None of that beer-belly look, just mostly straight from the bust down, rather than going in at the waist. But I did notice at my Zumba class, which is full of physically fit exercise enthusiasts, most of whom are in the normal weight range, that there are lots of thin, muscular arms and legs attached to trunks that have fat bellies sticking out, and *no one*, not even the instructor, could remotely be called wasp-waisted. It’s like a national phenomenon, this belly protrusion. There must be a reason for it, and I suspect that the people who blame excess carbohydrate, or at least excess refined carbohydrate, in the diet are onto something.

    This presents a bit of a problem for me, a mostly vegetarian who really doesn’t like meat, and someone who can’t eat a high-protein diet due to being at risk for kidney disease. If I wanted to go low-carb to try to improve my waist:hip ratio, I would have to go high-fat without going high-protein. Which I could maybe do for a few weeks, but I don’t see that as being sustainable over the long term. I could cut out the pretty small amount of refined carbohydrate that’s left in my diet, to be sure, but I don’t really feel like doing that <sigh>. Maybe getting some blood work done would reassure me, but maybe it wouldn’t, lol. I guess I’ll find out in time.

    jojo, glad your hip is mending, congratulations on doing the 2 pm to 2pm, I think that would be tough for med. And I’m seriously envious of that 9 inches of your waist! Way to go!!!

    I haven’t played 10-pin bowling in over 35 years; when I was in college and would go visit my maternal grandparents, my 75 year old grandfather and I would go bowling, it was very sweet that he made that effort to do something with me, my grandmother was ill and couldn’t get out. He used to bowl every week in a league. I think I would like lawn bowls better, I really like being outdoors, that’s the main way I can get myself to exercise.

    ply, I’m on the East coast in the U.S., ordered FastBeach via amazon.com from The Book Depository in the UK, and it arrived in eight days, even though the estimated arrival was four to six weeks. I have ordered from them before with good results, a series that I got into that was out of print and only available used.

    JIP, thank you for your compliment on my food 🙂 The wild King salmon is the most amazing dark red color, it is a seasonal thing here, I think it comes from the West coast U.S. It is so tender and delicious that we just sear it and eat it plain. We both really liked the red Bhutanese rice, it had a complex flavor and a good amount of texture to it. This is a good thing as I prefer brown rice and my son prefers white. Now there’s a rice we both like. Quinoa is nice, but I feel bad that the people who grow it in the Andes can’t afford to eat it any more, so I rarely buy it. Since I like to combine grains with legumes, dairy or nuts for my protein, I’m always on the lookout for lower-GI grain options that taste good.

    That was really quick! I will have to use this vendor next time I order a book from the UK.

    ply, I hope the curry recipe works out as well for you as it did for me 🙂 We like our food pretty spicy, feel free to cut back on the spices a bit if you prefer.

    Thanks, Franfit! The estimated time put me off, I am going to order it right now! I am on the East coast as well, up in MA.

    Thanks for the advice, perhaps next week I will try it out, I must say I’ve been rumbling all day and I mean all day today, I’m looking forward to my dinner very soon I must admit. I’m a vegetarian so I could always have a bit of quorn and veg for my dinner next week, it os hard to fast all day and it makes me so tired too :/ – let’s hope it’s worth it when I weigh in tomorrow :/

    Pricey, I eat mostly vegetarian and do find completely satisfying 300-calorie vegan dinners more difficult to put together. One is miso soup made with dashi stock and extra tofu and shiitake mushrooms (say, 100 grams each per portion) — you end up with almost two cups of soup, it’s quite satisfying — served with a huge kale salad where you shred the kale leaves, chop up a bit of red onion and massage with rice vinegar and soy sauce, add only 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil per two servings. My son and I both like that, and I can buy some decent sushi from our local food co-op for him to have with it.

    Another thing I do is make a project of figuring out how many calories per gram in a family favorite vegetarian casserole. I was surprised to discover that my Vegetarian Spanish Rice comes in at only 1.6 calories per gram, I thought it would be a lot more than that. That means I can serve myself a fairly decent-sized portion of it on a fast day. Also see my recipe for eggplant and mushroom curry that I posted to ply above, it has yogurt in it, but you could substitute tomato sauce blended with silken tofu if you don’t eat dairy. There are some good vegetarian ideas in the FastDiet Recipe Book, too. There is a lentil curry that is good, but my son isn’t fond of lentils, so I haven’t cooked it in a long time.

    ply, I hope it comes as quickly for you! I’m a way down the coast from you, outside Philly.

    Welcome Pricey75 and Amy C,
    Are you joining us on the 2lb per week challenge?
    Are you doing Fast Beach?
    Can you give us an introduction and potted 5:2 history.
    Here we focus on positive energy and experiment with both food and exercise to access their success. We try not to moan and whinge but take responsibility for our own eating habits. If it doesn’t work we need to change what we are doing. This thread is about succeeding. We support each other through good and bad days.
    If you need tips please ask, we are all very experienced and very well read dieters.

    I have lost 3 st and 3 lbs since last November and 2 st 3lbs on 5:2, previously with weight watchers. Committed to fasting and cutting carbs plus keeping active daily. I do several sports and have a very busy social life.

    Hi Ply,
    Feeling human again, fed and watered. I had black bream, quite a meaty strong flavour with loads of vegetables, no noodles tonight.

    I see the recipe has been sorted by others. I was going to recommend Tiger Prawn Jumbalaya by the British chef Delia Smith, it’s one I cook regularly, delicious but it has chrorizo sausage too, guess you could change prawns and sausage.another recipe I adore is Southern Indian Crab Curry by British chef Jamie Oliver, it’s to die for. You could use crab sticks instead. Both of these could be found on the net I think. Special dinners not for fast days.

    I think you may need to try the 24 hour fast, it’s very effective but I would do it at the weekend when you have activities planned. I will see how the second one goes on Friday/Sat, definitely not for the feint hearted dieters. You have achieved so much in such a short space of time, maybe you just need a week off. I had a break in March when I moved, really helped in the long term.

    Time for me to get ready for my last art class. Don’t really rate the lecturer much so I won’t be rebooking for next term. May choose something new for Thursday nights.

    What do you do in your spare time?

    I didn’t plan to start losing 2 pounds a week, but adding an extra day of fasting did the trick.

    I started 5:2 in February and lost 23 lbs in 11 weeks. Then it stalled and I gained or lost only a little for a couple of weeks.

    I am following the Fast Beach Diet plan to finish off my weight loss with this. Hopefully, it will work as long as I need it to. I am in the middle of my third week and down 7.7 lbs.

    I feel fortunate that I found something that works for me for the time being.

    Amy C., congratulations on some really great weight loss 🙂

    Wow, Amy, I am envious! Great losses.

    Jojo, I appreciate the tip on a 24-hour fast. I have a good opportunity to try it out next week, Tues-Wed. Last meal Tuesday evening about 6 pm, presenting and traveling all day Wednesday, home about 7 pm for dinner. I will give it a go. I should have some of Franfit’s veggie curry waiting to warm up when I arrive home!

    Thanks also for the other recipe idea. I watch a lot of cooking shows and read lots of cooking blogs, and I am always looking for delicious new addition. I have seen and read about Jamie Oliver, but I have not tied his recipes. Delia Smith is a new name, and I will check her out as well. I think I will order Plenty, the Ottolenghi cookbook soon so that I can experiment with recipes when school gets out in a few more weeks. Have any of you been to the restaurant in London?

    Hi Amy,

    Your weight loss is amazing.
    Let us know about how you are getting on with the fast beach diet.
    I am on week 4 of the fast2 diet and I am finding it relatively easy. I am not starving but I look forward to the day after!
    I don’t know how much weight I have lost but my clothes feel much more comfortable and things fit me now that didn’t before. I have a wedding in July and intend to diet until then or longer if needs be, to ahift the excess weight once and for all. I have more energy and feel better generally.
    Today is a fast day and I have been feeling hungry until dinner time. I thnk the novelty has worn off – now the real work starts – the sticking to it



    Chilly, damp, and gray here today; I had to push myself a bit to get out for my walk, it’s a day off for me. Two things the weather was good for: the fragrance of the roses in the rose garden was enhanced; and the wildlife were out in force, I saw a chipmunk and a rabbit using the sidewalk just like they were people, lol. Even more roses blooming in the rose garden, many peonies, and some cacti in an out-of-the-way corner were beginning to bloom. I stopped at the office of the arboretum where I walk and signed up to volunteer. They have the training for the outdoor volunteers from February to April every year, so this summer I’ll have to help out in the library, but that should be fun, too. 12,000+ steps today.

    Not a fast day, we’re having bean burritos for dinner, I cooked up a big batch of vegetarian refried beans on Tuesday, got in some locally made chipotle salsa and habanero salsa, and some smaller, mostly whole-wheat tortillas. We do make some pretty yummy bean burritos. Also got another quart of the delicious fresh local strawberries in season that have just shown up recently at my local food co-op. They also just got in some dandelion greens, will have to find a way to fit them in on Saturday or Sunday, if they still have them then. They got some broccolini in, too, but it’s pretty expensive. Probably worth having a couple of times, though, its season doesn’t seem to last very long around here.

    I’m reading The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in A Healthy Diet by Nina Teicholz. It’s a very interesting account of the history behind the official low-fat craze. I’m so happy that I never bought into that, that it never made sense to me, my own ancestors certainly did *not* eat less meat and dairy, more grain and vegetables than the standard American diet of the 1960s, if anything they ate *more* meat and dairy. I don’t enjoy eating meat and have some issues with the way animals raised for food are treated, but six to twelve servings of grain a day? Really? How are you supposed to eat enough of everything else to get all the nutrients you need, if that’s what you’re supposed to start with? When most Americans never met an actual whole grain that they actually liked? It just made no sense to me at all. Did Britain ever buy into that to the extent that the U.S. has?

    Marynuala, some fast days are easier than others, lol. Yes, the novelty wears off and it can seem harder sometimes, but then it can begin to feel like second nature after a while, too. Some fast days I’m really hungry, some not. Glad you’re already feeling better 🙂

    ply, I’ve been thinking of ordering Plenty, the Ottolenghi cookbook, too. Would love to hear from anyone who has it or has eaten at the restaurant.


    Franfit please forgive that I’m falling behind on reading and I’m just barely peering out from under covers.

    I use this site to find foods that fit exactly the ratio I’m looking for, but it’s just a tool.
    I go to tools
    I select from the drop down menu CALORIC RATIO SEARCH

    Then it gives me a list of foods that are near that . It’s a tool that is indispensable when trying to change foods through therory instead of craving. It’s very hard to change diet. I mean it’s not just decisions it’s also chemically difficult.
    Sometimes my writing skills can’t get out what’s in my mind.

    Precursor dopamine. Foods. Have tyrosine. TYROSINE in them.
    If you eat the precursor dopamine foods which can be searched for at this site too. Then you may find the chemical challenge of adding new foods that you don’t like as much, may get a dopamine boost.
    Please forgive that I can’t articulat it very well.

    Secondly. The fit people with bellies phenomenon . It takes time . A lot of time, inculing a lot of posture training .
    Another approach is to think of it this way

    Muscles have a fitness response to exercise. The use fuel in certain perameters we all understand that very well. However our digestive system isn’t exactly a muscle or react in the way or on the same time scale. There are diets that can target fat in the digestive tract.

    I think it boron. I might be wrong. That use fat on contact .

    So when fasting you have low energy day , followed by high energy day. Freshly squeezed has this pinnapple juice. Helps to burn fat on contact in the digestive tract , but is extremely high energy. So it has to be planned . I would put the juice into tiny itsy bitsy ice cube trays just about the sixe of hmmmm tip of my fingers. Small. I would eat four or five cubes which were like OMG good and then go work up a sweat in the morning.

    I still have a the belly, however it’s weird that I can put on size 34 jeans.

    Another exercise I do that’s was told to me by my doctor twenty years ago for lower back pain .
    Lay in bed or on floor face down with hips square to the floor legs straight with feet toes pointed so I’m like a straight line.
    Leaving my hips. Square o. The floor or bedor couch . Use arms to rasie up like a push up only leave hips square on the floor. In that position. Tighten the adomible muscles as hard as possible. And hold. Hold as hard as possible until you collapse . I thought it was nuts. But the pain never went away until I started doing it. The side effect was my lower muscle group don’t know what’s it called , but just above pubic bone got very strong. This was very easy to do exercise that target the region I’m also talking about that’s just where the boron helps to remove fat from the inside. So it’s two prong approach.
    Muscles strength and posture , and the pinnaple diet.

    No it’s not boron. It’s bromalien. Ugh to tired to spell it correctly. My apology. However I do believe the. Self nutrition data site. / tools/ nutrient search helps find all food that contain the bromelain not just pinnaple.

    Good night

    Welcome Marynuala,
    You are wise not to weigh in, relying on clothes as guide. We could all learn from you. I am totally fixated on the scales, I may need to be surgically removed from them when this diet is over( next March), scalectomy – ouch!

    Amy C – well done on your weight loss, it’s great to be so much lighter isn’t it? Sounds like you don’t have much further to go? Tell us more about what you do to lose weight so fast?

    Ply- you must think I am very rich to eat in London restaurants, especially designer ones, probably £120 per person for lunch. Sorry I am more in the £30 range. His restaurant does look fabulous, maybe my son will treat me one day when he is a millionaire.
    Good Luck with 24 hour fast – now renamed ‘The Longest No Cal Day’ or ‘Fasters Challenge’.
    Delia is a kitchen ‘Goddess’ here. She is even in the dictionary. I have used her books for 40 years, yes you heard it right 40 years. Another great name here is Mary Berry also a national treasure. I bake her lemon drizzle cake for everyone on their birthday, they all love it. Diet hell of course.

    Franfit – I for one never agreed with low fat, but I don’t eat much deep fried food, never really liked it. Love bacon and butter, cream and very strong cheese. Yum
    Don’t have much milk these days, prefer herb teas. Occasional skinny latte.

    I am beginning to think you and SAMM have got you legs ‘hand cuffed’ together so take very small steps which is how you clock up so may steps in a day- no fair. I’d love to say I have incredibly long legs and enormous strides but I would be lying.

    We had sunshine today which was lovely as I walked dogs( twice) and bowled. Even managed a ten minute relax in the garden with a cuppa. Only 6900 on my pedometre though, trying my new one tomorrow. I don’t think I will ever average 10,000.

    I need to get off the sofa a bit more, I wonder if I could fit a trampet in here? It’s already a bit crowded. Do they do them with fold down legs to store under the bed?
    At any rate I need my inflamed hip to settle down first.

    Long walk planned tomorrow, 2 hour round trip, that should be about 6,000 or more.

    SAMM – thanks for the link to HIT swim, you are right it is the best option for me. I swim well and we have a lovely outdoor and indoor pool at my gym. Booked for Sunday morning, it’s going to happen otherwise no roast for me.

    Ok Guys, we have got to stop talking about mouth watering recipes on this thread, they are banned. Put it on a recipe thread, stop torturing us fasters – ok – is that a promise? Fran you can start the recipe thread up can’t you? I’ll tell you the last 24 hours was hell, I don’t need any more temptation. I start my second 24 hour shift tomorrow at 2.30 pm, I will need support for sure.

    Time for bed, need to get up for a lovely egg breakfast tomorrow. I love breakfast, I really missed it this morning.

    SAMM- interesting articles thanks – love your input, don’t ever leave this thread, we need you xx

    SAMM, thanks for the links, especially to the nutritiondata site, that is really cool.

    jojo, I think your pedometer is radically undercounting your steps, you will see 10,000+ right away when you get your new one. I’ll start putting recipes in the ‘food’ section of the forum and just let people here know they’re there, lol, no one ever seemed to see them when I just put them over there.

    Did plank x 20 seconds with son checking form. Tried bicep curls, did a set of 20 with 5-pound weights and it felt only mildly challenging. Will see how I feel tomorrow. Taking baby steps with adding more exercise now.

    Good night.

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