Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 6,201 through 6,250 (of 16,657 total)

  • Thanks EFB fast friends I recommend it to you all take a chance to recapture how it all began and for me now with 20kg gone I am seeing some things I haven’t seen for quite some time πŸ˜‰ AO loved the visual of the bunnies hhmmm πŸ˜† Nama we had a Fleetwood Mac CD playing in the car on the way home so cool those rifts beats and tunes β€œdon’t stop thinking about tomorrow” a favourite of mine I think you would be a fan of them as well I suspect 😯 and things turn out the best for people who make the best of the way things turn out. Amazon our girl Sam struggled all match but gathered confidence and gradually gained the upper hand 6-4 6-1 the score line perhaps flattering the quality of the match but winners are grinners nevertheless
    Peace RT

    Smart mart

    I stopped drinking soda colas.
    I put about $30 more in my budget.

    I buy green tea . I like it with lemon and stevia., but also with orange.

    I have an evening habit after last meal to have a beverage and try out many new things at time.

    Wow! RT. Wow! Go wyfee! πŸ˜‰ three cheers to you both. Bay πŸ™‚


    Couldn’t copy and paste this list of vitamin deficientcies.
    Found it interesting and wanted to share.

    RT if we are going to avoid diet talk by discussing music, don’t get me started! Yes you are correct, I love Fleetwood Mac, and Eric Clapton (Layla), and Sting, and anything Beatles, John Lennon or George Harrison, Eagles, heck I even love ABBA and Willie Nelson! A big favourite is Mark Knopflers Wild Theme from Local Hero, never get sick of that. But I also love Sarah Brightman and Gurrumundal, impossible to pick an overall favourite….. Then there is anything on a sax! Sure is a good way to enjoy a long drive!

    SAMM is there Aldi (German chain) in the U.S?, I buy their plain mineral water for .69c (aus $) and get thru about 5/wk in hot weather. Doesn’t need flavour, just the bubbles! And it doesn’t cost me much!

    Thanks for the tip Samm

    Nama I’m getting quite “clucky” waiting for my girls to come home – we’re getting organised for the materials for making the nesting boxes as the girls will be POL when they arrive.

    RT glad you got the picture so to speak, lol πŸ˜€ I could just see you myself so glad your y-fee enjoyed you and the time away πŸ˜‰

    Nama love the music selection happening here … made me also think of Daddy Cool and Eagle Rock πŸ™‚

    Hello to the newbie (sorry can’t get back to see you name just now but hope to get to know you – sounds like you’ve done well so far, congratulations on 3st loss)

    Catch up later … AO xx

    Well my first fast day went ok, no real hunger pangs and I enjoyed my chicken and rather large quantity of broccoli last evening.

    Stayed within 600 cal so happy. with that.

    On Thursday I will try eating breakfast and dinner rather than lunch and dinner, see how that goes I think

    Morning All,
    Sorry but too much to read today, need to dash off to bowls. Post later. Ribs on the mend.
    Be good everyone, your body will thankyou.
    Welcome newbies, you will succeed on this thread, everyone does.
    Jojo xx

    Morning all.

    I’m still deaf in one ear and have resorted to ear drops. I hope it improves by lunchtime as I’m going to the cinema this afternoon to see “The Imitation Game”
    No other ill effects from my exercise session yeasterday which I’m pleased about. I was hoping to go to Pilates this morning but decided that for my first class I need to be able to hear properly, and swimming is out so no gym today.

    Sounds nasty Amazon. I have been getting waterlogged ears this year too. Not at all sure why.
    I did a movie (and lunch and wine)day today. Chose to see Mr Turner. Not very impressed. I wonder what they based all the growling he makes on. Let us know what you think of The Imitation Game. The lead man is the creepy guy from the modern Sherlock Homes. He is quite odd. (IMO)
    Thoroughly enjoyed my eating day today.
    Glad to hear your ribs are easing Jojo. πŸ™‚ Purple

    Hi Purple

    I saw Mr Turner and I thought it was a brilliant performance by Timothy Spall. He spent two years learning how to paint so he could play the part. I get the impression that as he aged, Turner was a difficult, argumentative and grumpy man, completely obsessed with his art. The growling put me in mind of a bear πŸ˜†

    I’ve not seen Sherlock Holmes so hadn’t heard of Cumberbatch untill I saw the trailer for the film. It is my friends choice of film as we take turns. She wasn’t impressed with Birdman (I loved it) and I wouldn’t have chosen this film but I expect I’ll enjoy it.

    I’ve had problems with my ears on and off since I was a teenager, and every so often I have this problem, which is more to do with a wax buildup and can be very uncomfortable. I am going to buy some earplugs for swimming.

    Have you seen Folies Bergier Amazon? It finishes tomorrow. I was considering seeing it.
    I’ve always had earaches from swimming, wind and planes, but cured it a few years ago on a flight to Europe. Now they just get blocked, not painful. Crazy bodies.
    It was raining this morning, but the sun was out later, so I had a swim at 6pm. Really enjoyable. My main issue is when I get carried away with backstroke and smash my arms on the wall. Developing bruises all over! πŸ™‚
    Enjoy your film. P πŸ™‚

    Hi Purple

    Fasted today and lasted 22.5 hours on one cup of coffee and water. Had a piece of spicy lemon chicken for dinner. Then no food until tomorrow morning. Shrinking again and most of the Christmas pudge is now gone. πŸ˜†

    Cheers, Bay

    Bayleaf you will disappear!

    Purple we recorded the new Sherlock Holmes and just finished an episode, I love it! And I love Benjamin C, he is a little weird, but he really appeals to me. Has a bit of Dr Who about him. British mysteries are superb.
    And I find tall, skinny men really attractive, Kevin McLeod is another one!

    Amazon I hope you enjoy the Imitation Game, I really loved it. Very sad and a bit too much emphasis on breaking the code, I think there could have been more about Alan Turings life. Very moving story though.

    Forgot to say, I am down another kg this week, 12 gone now. Very happy.

    The one advantage of being temporarily hard of hearing is that I usually find the cinema soundtrack too loud, so it should be perfect today πŸ™‚

    Well done Nama, it feels so good doesn’t it!

    Bay, it must feel wonderful to be so in control of your weight. I am very much looking forward to maintenance.

    Thanks Amazon, it certainly does feel good. I had to buy a smaller belt today, cheaper than investing in new pants….that won’t fit me for long! Bit of a refugee look happening. I agree about cinema sound levels, can be overpowering.

    What’s with all you ladies having ear problems, have you lost weight from the insides of your ear canals, thus allowing water in? Ear plugs sound like a good idea!

    Hi am new to the 5-2 diet.any recipe for my fasting day would be appreciated

    Well done all who fasted today (I include myself in this lol ) … Bay that was awesome, I can’t quite make that long as a general rule but I’ll certainly aim for that come Thursday πŸ˜€ . Smartmart well done on your first FD, as you’ll learn we generally aim for no more than 500 calories as the first goal for FDs, then down from there to 400 calories on a FD.

    Nama that’s fantastic, 12kg down, woo hoo, well done you!

    Amazon I hope the ears clear soon for you (not before the movie though πŸ˜† )

    PVE can you put something near the ends of the pool for when doing backstroke so that you know the wall’s coming up? Might save a few bruises πŸ˜€

    Time for zzzzzzzz’s as need to be up early again in the morning. Cheers, AO xx

    Hi jonesy,

    There is a recipe section on this website, and there is also a 5:2 diet recipe book on sale.

    Hi Nama and Amazon

    Thanks for your encouragement. Just getting back to pre Christmas routine. And learning to love my rumbling stomach. I couldn’t have fasted for 21 hours when I began this WOL a year ago. Great to have the support of people on this thread.

    Well done, Nama, 12 kg is awesome!
    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Jonesy you will need to get the book or at least a calorie counter of some sort, on line or paper. Concentrate on sticking to 500 cals a day at first and eat foods you enjoy that have high bulk and low calorie. So aim for small serves of protein to satisfy you with lots of salads/veggies to fill you up. Soup is great for this if you avoid starchy veg like potatoes. Also, drink lots of water to keep hydrated. And keep at it as it takes a bit of getting used to but eventually gets much easier. There is a recipe section on these forums. Good luck.

    Good afternoon all you incredible shrinking people .

    I love reading all the posts . I feel as if I know you all so well . I was told I look tiny yesterday . I am far from tiny BUT I loved it lol .

    Nothing else to report today . I am off now to make a huge batch of butternut squash to freeze in portions for myself .

    PS the Box of chocolates I got from my neighbour are still in the cupboard and still intact . I just feel so smug and very proud of myself . First time in my life that my will power has been so strong . catch up later .

    Wee xx

    Hi Ladies

    Well done Weemam…. So after falling off the wagon yesterday I am back on track and feeling good… My first Fast Day has gone well today. A busy work day and yoga lesson at 2ish so feeling quite proud of myself…

    I am assuming tea with a splash of milk is OK or is everyone here water and fruit tea purists on fast days. Patience please I am new at this. How frequently do you weigh yourselves I was planning on doing it the morning after second fast day .. but curiosity might get the better of me tomorrow.

    Hardest hurdle to come – avoiding the glass of wine…! Good book and plenty of water on standby.

    Good evening Fast trackers and welcome Smartsmart, msmfb, jonesy1 and Izzy2015.
    I hope I have mentioned all newbies personally. This is a very busy and thriving thread of very experienced fasters. Some of us have lost over 50 lbs so we are on the right track. For me I had to combine 5:2 with low carb and virtually no sugar or alcohol. I decided this year that I would achieve my goal. I find it difficult to combine a very busy social and active life with fasting but the two are possible. I am currently limiting my window of eating to 19/5( eat only between 9 am and 2 pm) Monday to Friday and 3 pm to 8 pm weekends. I try to include 3 fast days at 400 cals and the rest at 1100. This may sound harsh but my body gains if I eat more. Perhaps when I am no longer obese, improve my body fat ratio, the calories will be burnt off more efficiently.
    Drink water, tea with skimmed milk, green or fruit tea or soup(homemade veg with chilli) spices and fish, eggs are my friends. Use zero noodles instead of carbs,

    Aussie Oma – thanks for the book recommendations.
    Weemam – we had a tast of snow today but very brief.
    Amazon- try swim ear plugs, like chewing gum, they work well
    PVE- I count my stokes to avoid crashing, challenge myself to do longer gliding too.
    RT- sounds like a good weekend with your better half, I too am planning a walking trip soon with a friend, somewhere very pretty.
    Amazon – booked the travelodge for Kew with Smithy- London here we come.

    I am really dreading my run tonight as my rib cage still hurts. I will give it a try though.

    I am really missing my scales since I got water in them, may need to buy some more. Expensive mistake.

    Hello everyone new, and”old hands”.
    Thought I had better update as I haven’t for a while.Not losing any more weight at the moment, on a bit of a plateau I think. Been eating very well though!! There was lots of left over Christmas goodies to get rid of which I have managed to mostly give away, but I must admit that I have had the odd nibble of shortbread. Love it!!!!! I’m glad to be back on the straight and narrow again,OH and I have been doing 2 fasts a week except for Christmas week when we only managed 1day. Still feeling positive though as I think we would be battling weight increases rather than a level weight reading. Would love to lose another stone, I think it may take a while, but we are feeling healthier.
    Good fasting and feasting everyone.

    Evening all.

    The Imitation Game was excellent, well made and some great acting performances. The only problem was that it was very cold in the cinema.

    Jojo, I made a detour on my way to the cinema to buy some swimming earplugs. My ear feels no better but I’m hoping that I’ll notice a difference by tomorrow.

    I went past the Travelodge today and was thinking about you and Smiffy πŸ™‚

    I have some tea and coffee with a splash of milk every day, but allow 50 calories for the milk on FDs.

    I don’t think of non fast days as feasting because it is actually normal eating and I might get carried away if I think otherwise.

    I just realised that I miscalculated the calories in the cottage pie I made yesterday but in a good way as I divided 1420 by 4 and made it 405 rather than 355, so I’ve had less yesterday and today than I thought πŸ˜›

    Thanks – everyone some great feedback here…

    Hi Fast Tracking EFB’s
    Nicky nicky08 Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†
    It really is very interesting to read back through a few pages of everyone’s thoughts and comments about sugar and sweets and in general the weakness the traps and triggers that we can’t resist for over indulging in all the things that we already know are our downfall the key word here should be in β€œmoderation” I am reasonably lucky in that sweets sugar cream ice cream buns doughnuts biscuit’s chocolate bars muffins cakes unless (potato or fish cake) puddings etc etc and all the wickedly seductive sugary stuff like eating condensed milk from the can woop woop good skills Nama bahaha πŸ˜† Lost my s**t at that gem I do hope the knees have improved for you to. Ok here is my confession of sinner and saint my Achilles heel is savoury yummy goodness boozey yummy goodness and take away greasy fatty slippery yummy goodness chips no favourites just (all of em) πŸ˜† fat cut thin cut crinkle cut dips nuts cheese twisties cheezels metwurst salami cheese twiggy stix kabana pies pasties sausage rolls pizza the colonials chicken,the golden arches burgers the burgers are better at HJs hotdog with the lot onion bacon cheese sauce mustard butter dripping down the foream stlya πŸ˜‰ steak sandwich and old fashion good hamburger fish and chips from the local take away yummo all pasta lasgana carbonara hmm chinese takeaway spring rolls dim sims all fried of course πŸ˜† and dear friends ALL alcohol one of each barman my grandad always said when drinking beer one is too many and then a dozen is never enough so true πŸ’‘ salad tubs of yummy creamy potato salad creamy pasta and coleslaw salad caesar salad all praise mayonnaise OMG and all salad dressings sour cream full fat of course and oh yeah yummy butter smashed onto warm cheese and bacon rolls roast chicken roast duck roast pork with salty fatty yummy crackling roast potato mashed potato with cream and butter cauliflower cheese grilled lamb loin chops with the fat wow hhmmm I think I have painted the picture for you all fast friends now the good news πŸ˜‰ I never had sugar in the coffee before any way but generally I use a 4 cup plunger for fresh ground the good gear black thankyou πŸ˜† even before the 5-2 revolution so now that’s my story Amazon loved the Bridgette Jones Diary knickers reference (in my mind anyway) and please read slowly as I wrote this piece vewy very slowly πŸ˜‰
    ADF Come at me 19/5 we are going to the best of fast friends
    Happy fast day people let’s get our game face on πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Good morning one and all fellow fasters.

    RT what a classic … I must admit that 80% of what you listed are things I dislike, never liked the arches or burgers are better (only the hot choc fudge sundae – one every 2 or 3 months – have had 2 since starting this WOE), nor salad dressings/mayonnaise, however pasta, pizza, pie, crackling yes please πŸ˜† so as you will see I love a mix of most food types but for me it’s always been portion control which I’m now (usually) getting under control and finding it easier and easier each day.

    Amazon if ears are no better today please get them checked out as they could end up getting an infection.

    WN good to hear from you … if you’re not losing check that you’re counting those pesky calories correctly, particularly on FD’s (work down to 400 on these days). I was barely losing weight for a time until I read from others on here about working out what your GOAL weight TDEE and BMR will be and on non-FD’s eating within that range and this is giving results.

    Wee good to hear from you too, glad to hear you’re getting the compliments now, that’s awesome πŸ˜€

    I think Smiffy must be out of signal range again, hope all is going well for her.

    Catch up later, have to run (figuratively that is). AO

    Wow, RT, my head is spinning after your post!
    The forum has been entertaining me the last few days when I have been down with the flu! The good news is that I am on my third fasting day in a row, and the fever has to burn more calories than normal, right? I almost never get sick, so being down and out for days is very strange.

    Seems that everyone is recovering from injuries and fasting well, so congrats!

    @samm, I have been meaning to ask whether you are a football fan. If you root for your hometown Colts, sympathies on the game Sunday, but I am excited for our Pats going to the Super Bowl!


    Hi fts
    On the phone, so I’ll have to remember all the posts to reply:
    Poor Ply. You’ll shock your body into getting better! Get well soon.
    RT..I HAD to read that list quickly. Lucky I’m not fasting. I AM a savoury eater too.
    Bay, can’t imagine you gained pudge πŸ˜‰ Well done Nama on your 12 kg πŸ™‚ and excellent dietary advice for the newies….Welcome people. Follow the good suggestions.
    A & J, my pool is a plunge pool with a swim jet, so judging the end is tricky with backstroke. ..I have to be in the sweet spot between hitting the end or in the turbulence. Excellent exercise and dangerous! !!
    Tiny Wee, take the compliment! I’m sure they meant it. We know the effort you have put in to get there:)
    Ok. Memory has run out. Sorry to those I’ve missed. As old Mr Grace used to say “You’ve all done very well” πŸ˜†
    Happy days all. P x
    ps Just learnt something. ..if you hit the wrong thing and lose your post, hit the ‘go back button’ on your phone and voila, it’s back!

    Good evening all,
    I skipped my run tonight as my ribs were not comfy.
    Poor Ply, how unpleasant, please drink lots and sweat it out. Be well soon.
    Cyber hugs to all my ailing friends

    Bowls went well today, looking forward to my game tomorrow too. Quite glad to be indoors doing sport which is comfortable

    I have been food binging today, it was a feed day but I have really over eaten – boredom is a dangerous persuit.

    I too prefer savoury food.

    Nicky nicky08 Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†
    The forum is gaining losers πŸ˜‰ daily I need to take stock and welcome aboard the fast tracking train Izzy2015 jonesy1 Smartsmart msmfb hang on it can be a bumpy ride πŸ˜† bay 22.5 hrs on a cup coffee and water and loved it im quite sure good going by you,great to hear from you ply sorry you’re in the sick bay but every cloud has a silver lining I’m sure and yes I do get a tad carried away I know always have always will but ill slow down on the next novel 😳 AO hot chocolate fudge sundae they even have those πŸ™„ πŸ˜† 😳 jojo you are the leader I have shamelessly copied and pasted your game plan and play book im on the 4-3 also but I have switched it up one hour or I just followed the leader YOU πŸ˜‰ 19/5 3pm to 9pm daily not harsh but determined good stuff and PVE you did say one time give me a glass a wine over a piece of cake anytime so I knew you were on the savoury tasty side then πŸ˜†
    May the Fast Force Be With Us All
    Peace RT

    Sure did RT πŸ˜‰
    And it’s worked for me! Fasters, know thyself πŸ™‚ P

    Hi all,

    Oh Ply so sorry you are miserable, the flu is awful. Hope you recover soon.

    RT I had planned to water the garden first thing this morning, thus pushing breakfast out later, but after reading your confession post, I now feel very hungry! Chips and twisties I can easily pass, but the fat on the lamb chops! Or the crackling on the pork!

    I read an interesting comment on another thread last night. The poster noted that they really only delighted in the first one or two mouthfuls of a “forbidden” treat. The initial pleasure was intense but could not be captured when continuing to eat it. This person suggested just a few mouthfuls of whatever we craved (on a feed day) would be enough to satisfy. I found this concept interesting.

    Cheers all! X

    Hi FTers

    Wee, with your bone story- maybe you are the wee princess and the pea! Congratulations-

    RT, Italian fonzis are good too. Very good with Italian rich red wine.

    My weakness is nuts.

    Bay, your coffee and 22.5 hour fast regime has inspired me today. I will copy you.
    It will probably make me grumpy, but OH has plenty of places to hide.

    I have made a list of jobs to do while fasting today:
    Plant the herb garden and the roses, cut the curtains and sew them, go swimming and go to the free concert in the Botanic Gardens, drink coffee between activities for energy.

    Welcome to the newcomers. This is a great thread to be on to boost the motivation.

    As JoJo says, we don’t fail. However sometimes we plateau.

    My new fitbit Charge tells me I have walked 40K steps in 3 days and climbed the equivalent of about 300 floors. Everest from sea level is only another 2650 floors. more. I must be at base camp 0.25.

    Yes I love numbers and stats. Sorry. I have loved numbers since I was very young.
    XX Wiwi

    I’m in the savoury camp also RT!

    Bay, I’m impressed with your fast lengths. I did 19 hours (and as many minutes as it took to make hummus…) today. Think part of my problem is sitting at a desk. I’ll have to try again at the weekend when I’m on the move.

    I’m definitely more weak willed now I’m maintaining than I was when 5:2ing properly.

    I would opt for a red wine over a cake any day. Both would be good, though, although as Nama says, just a couple of mouthfuls of cake! Keep the wine flowing.

    RT, your list was mind-boggling. So much temptation, so much resistance! Glad you and OH had a great weekend. You need to re-charge the batteries and the romance every once in a while, and it sounds like it worked. Back to the family – got to love them.

    Purple, I can visualize you crashing your arms on the end of the pool. Is there any way of padding it?

    Happy, is it the lack of a strict routine that upsets your willpower? I can understand, the routine is what keeps me on the narrow.

    Amazon, every year I have to have my ears syringed of the wax buildup. I don’t suppose that’s your problem, but if the issue continues, do get them checked.

    Off to the airport shortly for our week in Sydney with children and grandchildren, so if you don’t here from me, no search parties, please. Really looking forward to seeing the littlies again, and meeting our daughter’s new partner. I hope all you damaged and ailing souls are back to your best in no time flat.

    xxx B

    Hi everyone.
    I’m up at silly o’clock to watch Andy Murray at the AO in Melbourne.
    My ear problem is wax, nothing more nothing less, and the drops will sort it out, it just takes a few days. Thanks everyone for your concern, it is appreciated.
    My weakness is food, sweet or savoury makes no difference, I love eating, but I don’t do junk food or takeaways, and a glass of wine always goes down well.
    For now it is a mug of tea and a glass of water as today will be a FD. I’ll be going back to bed after the match.

    Amazon Andy cruising 6-1 in the first go back to bed rest up poppet πŸ˜‰

    It’s OK RT, I always do this. When I was working I used to go to bed at 6pm, get up at midnight and watch tennis all night and then go to work!

    Hi Barata
    Just on the train on the way home with a grandie after a huge day in the city. Lovely weather, byt with all that walking, I was glad of a wine at Circular Quay πŸ˜‰
    Enjoy your stay in our fine city. The weather is perfect today. πŸ™‚ P

    Aldi in the states are not big box stores, rather like generic off brands that’s are about 20% cheaper than national brands. Still the same food grade though. Grade A fancy.
    I get most of my foods there that don’t get delivered . Because it’s quick and cheap in very small space.
    Nuts,spices, and dried fruits as well as well as some fresh produce.

    The other store I go to specializes in organic foods. The rest I have delivered from a delivery service. I know it’s seems silly to order groceries online for home delivery, but I seem to but things I don’t need and spend more than budget. Whereas if I put in the online order , I first take stock of my pantry, then just nearly copy and paste the order with a few changes to quantities. It takes about 5. Mins. I never over spend or get what I don’t really need. Going through the delivery service costs $10 but I make up for it by looking through the weekly store ads.

    Keeps me out of the stores , I have delivery set up for Saturday mornings. I spend most of the mornings making foods that I freeze into measured out batches of 250 and 500 . I believe this also helps me stay on top of the chore of measuring and counting , but not so much time also going to the stores. I figure it gives me time to go to the gym and stop off at aldi or the organic store if I need to. Though I feel it’s the most important thing in my life- Diet and exercise, I dont need to spend more than 2hours a day doing food prep and exercise. And since I started working I the ware house most of my time to exercise is done while on the clock. By increasing my neat and have the shopping by delivery service. It goes by like clockwork.

    Interesting Samm. I have the exact opposite approach to shopping. I hate doing it, so I make efficient lists, park as far away as reasonable, always take the stairs and make separate trips back to the car from each store, carrying evenly weighted parcels in each arm. No need for gym work.
    I love buying food on fast days as I stick to the list, don’t impulse buy, because I want to get out without salivating. I also enjoy walking through the food courts as encouragement not to eat. Watching obese people straddled on chairs stuffing their faces with high calorie foods is SUCH inspiration πŸ˜‰
    Even on an eating day, I am no longer tempted by processed food…I can make cheaper, tastier and healthier at home.
    Facing the challenge just strengthens my willpower. P

    Hi Purple and SAMM,

    Re shopping for food… I also hate it but also make lists and try to streamline it. I get lots at Costco every 3 months or so plus weekly trips to Aldi and weekly market shop for fresh fruit, veg, seafood and chicken. I love Aldi cos they are all the same layout and (if I don’t allow myself to browse in their non food section,)can get in and out in 15 mins. I try to avoid the big boys that almost have a duopoly here (Coles & Woolworths), as I think they screw the suppliers. I have been tempted with on line shopping, have tried it but not ready for it, maybe when I am infirm and can’t drive! When the kids finally leave I expect to do much less food shopping, they are like a plague of locusts at times!

    Purple I am fasting today and met a friend for “lunch” and ended up in a food court! I had a pot of green tea and she had some fruit from her bag! It certainly is inspiring to see all those poor people guzzling all that terrible food. That sounds really smug. It’s not meant to be, they seem to be enjoying themselves.

    Sadly, Nama they don’t know any better. πŸ™
    Hlad you enjoyed your outing. I found quickly with 5:2 that to get a sit down when not eating, a pot of tea is really good value and lasts ages.
    Sadly, Nama, Aldi are the worst offenders out of the 3 when it comes to screwing local suppliers and as most of the products are imported, very hard to justify. I guess fresh food from local markets is the safest option. P

    Purple I agree about Aldi stuff being largely imported and I am sure you are right about them screwing suppliers too, just an excuse I give myself to avoid being sucked into the vortex of the bigger shops! Every time I go in there it ends up costing me $300!

    Hi Fters

    In France (and all of Europe) there are a number of discount supermarkets- Aldi, Leader Price(Spanish), Lidl(german) Norma, Dia (French, and not dear). The prices are distinctly lower than the supermarkets like Carrefour.
    However they have been accused of being responsible for growing obesity in France. The sugar section is cheap and the sausage section has inferior quality products.
    Some people have no choice and go to these shops. Treats are cheap, good food expensive.
    So there is not a lot of choice.
    I find food in NZ very expensive compared to the UK and Europe, but also good quality.
    I have just eaten- half a red beet and 100g of strawberries. This will be a good fast day with 12k steps and 55 floors climbed.
    Happy Fasting for those about to begin.
    xx Wiwi

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