Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 6,151 through 6,200 (of 16,657 total)

  • Well done Weemam on finding your bones, mine are still deeply embedded. Samm, you are a mine of information. I don’t wear tight clothes unless they are stretchy so no problem for me. Samm ‘walk leader’ not run leader, remember you have to walk before you can run! I don’t think any running group would want me, knackered after 10 minutes.

    The walk this morning was great, a little chilly but nice. Met an old friend who was really broken up after her husband left her(after 30 years) of marriage, another woman. Told her by text, seriously, what a sh**. Guess I will help her pick up the pieces.

    Looking forward to a quiet night in, music, good food and good company, bliss.

    It’s great to have friends after something like that happens. I’m glad she found you.
    My experience in life has taught me we dont have to yell to say ugly things. Though evil may enter us we always have the choice to let it out., and that good times don’t last for long but neither do the bad.
    To be evil :p
    hope she out lives the basted and gets to watch the other woman suffer or gets emotionally what she’s deserving.

    eating wasbi style deviled eggs abd wasbi almonds.
    just 250 cals worth.

    What do you call a camel with no humps ?

    Humphfrey πŸ™‚

    Wee xx

    Hello fast trackers,

    NickyF, Emel and RT in South Australia, Nama, keirra in Victoria, Bay in ACT, PVE in NSW, WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo, SAMM, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Ply, Tartan lass, Smiffy, Comespring (are you in Aust too?), FoodA, Lor_PA, Couscous, ER, Weebil and Hello World (You know Who You Are Smiley )

    SAMM thank you for the information, like Wee and Jojo I too dislike tight clothing (unless it’s stretchy). I used to have to use an extender piece for my bra’s but now I don’t (although I am on the loosest setting) and although it’s firm it’s not tight (hopefully not TMI).

    Well I had a much more restful sleep last night, I feel like I had a good sleep, checked on Fitbit and yes, much less restless and longer deep sleep times. Charging Fitbit while I’m chatting here πŸ™‚ .

    Popping out for a bit of shopping this morning and to garner some information for possibly getting our own chooks in the not too distant future. Have our boys coming over for tea tonight (including at least one of the grandies maybe two but both the girls are with their mother for the coming week so they won’t be here).

    Jojo your friend is so lucky to have contacted you. Karma will come around at some stage and if your friend is really lucky she’ll get to see it πŸ˜€

    Wee LOL re Humphrey LOL what a lovely joke to wake up to πŸ˜†

    It’s a non-FD for me today, I tend to not fast from Friday until after today unless there’s something major happening during the coming week (or I overindulged during the preceding week). I love that we can adjust things as we go for our lifestyles and there’s NO GUILT regardless (the guilt of having had something I shouldn’t have had, even just a little bit, in mainstream diets is what used to get to me and I’d figure I’d blown it anyway so what the heck and that was the end of THAT particular diet).

    My old printer died during the week so went and got a new one yesterday – still sitting in it’s box but I will set it up today – this one is wifi so that means I’ll be able to print from my laptop while sitting here in the family room, or from the dining room or bedroom if I so desire. My desktop PC which is where the old printer was attached is not a wifi capable PC at the moment (again I’ve bought something to hopefully fix that) and it’s been unable to access the internet for some considerable time so again hopefully that will be fixed soon as there’s a setting which is incorrect and I’ve asked for assistance to fix it.

    Catch up soon, cheers, AO xx

    Hi All, I’ve been reading your posts for the last couple of days and find that:-
    1) this is a very good post for info
    2) you guys actually make me laugh
    3) you seem to be from everywhere across the world (I live in South Wales!) Not New South Wales to the Australian counterparts! (I wish)
    4) Thank you JojO for starting this thread.

    I started 5:2 diet on Monday (fast days are Monday and Thursday…. I want to loose around 65lb! So quite a bit! I know this is something I want to carry on for life so as long as it’s coming off I don’t care how long it takes as I want to be around for my babies to grow up…… (mum at 38 with an 8 month old and a 2 1/2 year old)
    You all seem to be doing amazing so thought I’d join for motivation and help when I need it.

    I do have a few questions though?

    1) Do you weigh in weekly (or doesn’t it matter?)
    2) Does eating your 500cals over 3 meals/2 meals/1 meal make a difference.

    Thanks in advance… and look forward to getting to know you all.xxx

    Hi winaholic and welcome. I like your handle..could be me πŸ˜‰
    First, go to the homepage and calculate your TDEE. 500 calories per day is a maximum on fast days. Not necessarily your individual amount. Once you are used to fasting, you will probably try less.The calories can be spread over the day. But the advantages of eating only once or twice are that you don’t spike the hunger beast and you learn not to snack; to embrace your hunger.
    Weigh often. Then you get a feel for your natural weight fluctuations. Usually at least 2 kg. Record all your measurements now to watch your progress and record your lowest weight each week, no matter when it occurs. Far more inspiring than having a set day and being upset if it happens to be on the higher weight day πŸ™
    I’m in the other South Wales (the new one). Summer and swimming. All the best PVE

    I weighed initially because I wanted to see it working.
    but over time the dramatic weight losses stopped and weighing all the time brought me good moods and bad moods. So although I step on the scale in the bathroom . I only weigh in once a month.

    the 5:2 is set up for feed days and fast days.

    a fast starts after a nights sleep, you may have zero calories or upto 500. If your male upto 600 . It can be whatever you want. The fast is over when wake up the next day.

    If your bmr is 2,000 calories and you have only 500, then you had 1500 of calorie restriction. Two times a week is approximately 3000 calories very close to 1lbwhich is 3,400.

    In the beginning it would be helpful to focus more on successful fast day than the scale. By week 6-8 you should be seeing a dip in the scale that isnt just explained as water weight fluctuations.

    many of us that have been doing this 6 months or longer post about the scale saying we maintained weight yet we have went down in clothing size.

    my first month was a terrible disasters. But I kept at it. Choosing times of day that I have the most will power to get comfortable feeling hungry on the fast days, and the confidence that the feed day after I sleep will satisfy. Me.

    I started after a car wreck .made walking from room to difficult. I saw the video eat, fast, Live longer. I felt like should at least seek what was doable in my situation. I up now working in a warehouse. And eating the healthiest stuff on earth . As strong as ive ever felt. My goal is to be 1 lb under weight. But I have to lose 100lbs and will have more to go . 50lbs so far. I’ve been on four serious weight lose programs
    this is the one for me.


    I can’t really add anything more to what PVE has said (and yes, your handle describes me also!), but just wanted to say welcome. I grew up in the Vale of Glamorgan (although I’ve now lived in England for a lot of years πŸ™ ).

    I’ve now been maintaining since last June, so don’t really belong here, but it’s a great ‘family’ to be part of.

    I would say good luck, but luck doesn’t come into it!

    Hi SAMM, and all,

    I’m a daily weigher. I didn’t have scales for over 20 years, and where did that get me? That’s right, porky.

    So I started weighing daily, and got an understanding of weight variation within and between days. My plan was to ease up on the weighing once I’d reached goal, but I’ve realised that I need to monitor my weight to adjust my eating (I guess if I counted calories and factored in calories burned by exercise I wouldn’t have to weigh, but I’d rather weigh πŸ™‚ ).

    And studies seem to show that people who successfully maintain their weight loss are those who regular monitor their weight.

    I don’t find weighing daily depressing or demotivating, I find it empowering. Information is power!

    I’ve just got home from a very nice evening out at a friends house. I’ve had lots to drink and the buffet was as suspected a huge carb fest. I’ll need to add an extra FD next week to compensate πŸ˜‰

    I weigh once a week while trying to lose but I’ll weigh more often when I get closer to goal and probably every day once I get to maintenance.

    Good morning All and welcome winaholic,

    I used to weigh daily as a means of control but I spilled water into my scales the other day and now they are giving very false readings. I miss them but the addiction to scales is a double edged sword, as SAMM says, sometimes they are a great motivator, sometimes deflating.

    The thing to remember is that weight fluctuates by as much as 3-4 lbs and can be seriously misleading if you have constipation, water retention. I find all tablets effect my weight loss but sometimes they are necessary. I have bursitus in my right hip which can be very painful at night so I use heat( blanket it bottle) if that doesn’t work I take pain killers.

    I have a very full life, lots of Sports and social events, sport makes me hungry and social events invite temptation. Last year I stopped drinking alcohol as I had 100 lbs to lose, it really helped. Now I have the occasional glass of wine or gin and tonic but these calories have to be counted which leaves little room for food.

    I suggest you buy zero noodles and have these instead of rice, pasta or potatoes, it will save you lots of calories. Record fast and non fast days on myfitness pal if possible. Drink 4 pints of water daily to detox and stave off hunger. Being hydrated will help you feel good.

    Avoid sugar and processed foods if possible and make veg soup weekly, it will save you from takeaways.

    Keep your hands busy with hobbies in the evening, avoid snacking – plain pop corn ok.

    Good Luck

    Jojo xx

    P.s. I will have lost the weight of my daughter by this June, now that in one big baby – tee hee, 8 stones.
    The good news is my body doesn’t look too bad, arms still need lots of toning, shrinking well because losing 1 – 2 lb per week is not too much of a shock to the body. No stretch marks either- result.

    Result indeed Jojo! You should be justifiably proud of yourself. We all should. It takes guts to bite the bullet and turn our lives around! πŸ™‚ P

    Hi everyone, weemam I was a secret eater too! I probably still am to some extent, it’s like my body got so used to it so that I don’t even feel hungry around people but when I’m alone I get ravenous! Did this used to happen to you?

    SAMM I love reading your posts, they’re inspirational and informative at the same time! I’m on my second week and the scales are showing that I put on a pound however I lost an inch off my waist, and two centimeters off my bust and half a centimeter off my hips (I know it’s not much but it’s still something!) I love how it’s much easier not to give up on this diet because failures are expected and it doesn’t make the diet ‘void’ so to say. Like you said the first month is chaotic because it’s almost like the ‘training’ month, so your body still wants to get into its old eating habits. I do find I’m struggling a bit especially on my non fast days. This week I have only had one fast day so far (due to social events and temptations which I succumbed to) however I’m doing the second fast day today as I feel really strong and motivated. In fact, I feel like trying to keep my Calories to around 100 and see if I can do it!

    Jojo, I walk at least three hours a week, usually more (around 4-5) and it made me really happy to see those statistics you sent! I know that even if I’m not drastically losing weight I’m still obtaining the many health benefits of walking. Also, I tried the zero noodles with prawns and pak choi and other vegetables and it turned out lovely! I gave some to my friend (who is also trying to lose weight) and she said it was delicious and she just ate it cold!

    Lastly, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of your support because it really helps, encourages and motivates me. When you share your success, I feel motivated, and when you share your failures I feel encouraged and it makes me feel like I’m not the only one who has slip ups. I know that you all have times where you indulge and so whenever I indulge I think about you all and it doesn’t dishearten me anymore!

    Morning all.

    I’m trying to rely more on the tape measure (now that I’ve found it!) and how my clothes feel. The scales are good to track the downward trend but I do get so disheartened if I get on and nothing has happened, so for me keeping away from them is best for now.
    When I was trying to decide what to wear last night I found a pair of trousers that I bought last winter that were too small at the time, and of course they fit perfectly now so I wore them. They are fitted and narrow legged and I felt really good in them.
    There were some friends of my neighbour at the party who I’ve met several times but haven’t seen them for two years. I was chatting to one of them and he said that when I walked in the room he hadn’t recognised me, and was very complimentary. Things like that make you feel so good, and I find it motivational. I’ve put the trousers on again this morning too πŸ˜›

    Hi Everybody,

    What a lovely thread and a very good read. Lots of people are doing really well. Like Samm’s information very interesting, and JoJo’ 8 stone off amazing, really well done and someone else (sorry don’t know all your names yet) with 50 lb off again really well done. This way of eating is so good if you keep with it.

    Hubby and I have returned to the 5.2 after about 8 months off. Last year we both lost 28 lbs in 4 months, we maintained for about 6 months or so going up and down a couple of pounds here and there. Hubby was waiting for double knee surgery, so things slowed down, no excerise and the eating came back on….we put more than half the weight back on, he put a bit more on than me on.

    Well he now has 2 new knees, three months on and we are back on board to get this weight off and keep it off. We have started the swimming twice a week, he has now got the OK, I am trying to do 14000 steps a day, he is still doing his 40 min session of physio every morning.

    Our first two weeks in on 5.2 he has lost 10 lbs and I have lost 5 lbs, so very pleased but still a way to go. A lot of water and not weight but it still sounds good!!!

    We would like the 2 lb a week off…. But normally we are a pound a week sort of people. Hoping the steps might go to the 2 lb…we will see.


    I also got a compliment last night from a guy and it made me feel that I was finally being noticed as an attractive person rather than just the one with the big personality. It’s great to be a confident person, don’t get me wrong but it’s nice to be fancied too. After all I am a single woman.

    Now the bad news, I soom to have also pulled a muscle or bruised a rib(overnight), how does that happen. I can’t think of anything I did yesterday that may have caused it. I tried the gym, no go, even swimming and showering were hell. So I am back in bed with a hot water bottle and my book (which I need to read by Wednesday for book club). It’s not the bast read. It’s my turn to choose the next book, anyone got ant good ideas, I need to supply 4 titles, I was thinking Science Fiction.

    I bought some new size 14 clothes in the sale, perfect fit, happy days. Bought some georgeous underwear, matching set. It’s so good to be able to get into pretty underwear, makes you feel a million dollars.

    Speak tomorrow, fasting works.
    Sorry forgot to weigh I. At gym, I will do it tomorrow, I will be glad to maintain this week, lots of food and drink this weekend.

    Welcome Symba7′
    Good Luck to you and hubby
    Jojo xx

    Jojo, I agree with everything you say about being noticed. I used to think I was invisible……………….
    I have to say that wearing nice clothes including underwear make you feel much better bout yourself than pulling on a functional bra, big knickers and an elasticated waist!
    I pulled a muscle at the gym on Thursday, overenthusiastic newbie Smiley and I’ve not been able to do any exercise since, not even a walk. I was disappointed at first but I’ve noticed that the residual pain and stiffness in my back has disappeared, and I’m wondering if there is an exercise or movement in my regular workout routine that was preventing it from healing. The muscle strain is much better today so I’m off to the gym in the morning and if it is OK I’ll walk in the afternoon.

    Today , this morning has been taking a stand against the foods in the house I know contribute to a poor diet. I guess what it is , I took issue with the people’s in my home. I don’t expect them eat what I think is best , or have a taste for the foods on my list. I simply was clearing away old foods from the pantry. Made a few comments about why it wouldn’t be good for me to eat those foods. You would think I was taking suckers out their mouths the way they carried on.
    Here goes.
    Their foods.

    Tater tots
    Canned ravioli
    Mac and cheese
    Snack cakes
    Diet Soda

    I just can’t eat that stuff anymore.
    I keep this in stock at all times now.

    Pumpkin seeds
    Raw pumpkin
    Chick peas
    Red beans
    Serrano peppers
    Mini sweet peppers
    Sweet potato
    Garlic cloves
    Whey protein
    Channa dhal
    Pop corn
    Broccoli sprouts
    Green tea
    Dandelion tea
    Dark cacao powder
    Tomatoes, paste, sauces, and powder.
    Olive oil
    Brazil nuts
    Raw unpasturized Gouda cheese
    Skip jack tuna
    Chicken legs
    Ribeye steak
    Oat bran
    centrium complete multivitamin
    Viactive calcium chew + D&k
    Zinc lozenges
    Saline solution
    Pearl barley
    Cans of no salt added mixed vegetables
    Yogurt covered raisins with active probitics
    Orange flavored dark chocolate with active probiotics

    I’m not trying to make them eat anything. I suppose that’s why I come here to post, because they don’t want to eat the stuff, except the sweet stuff, nor do they want to hear about it.

    Feel free to suggest what I could add or take away?

    High SAMM,
    Melon and blue cheese( not together)would be a good addition. Can I recommend Harissa, spice – lovely in a stir fry.

    Not doing so well this evening, really painful to move. Guess it will be better tomorrow.

    Speak soon

    Jojo, I hope you feel better tomorrow. Do you think that maybe you’ve been trying too many new things at once and possibly pushed your body a bit too much?

    Harissa is wonderful stuff πŸ™‚

    This weekend has been a writeoff as far as losing weight is concerned, but I’ve really enjoyed myself and am looking forward to working hard stating tomorrow morning.

    Hi fts
    Sorry to hear you’ve injured yourself too Jojo. I do wonder if we get carried away with our new bodies!! But it feels SO good, doesn’t it?
    I’ve healed much quicker than usual. Much bruising and soreness but the swelling down and flexibility returned quickly. Swimming without weight on the injury is the trick.
    Wee I laughed and laughed at your bony hip story. I know where you are coming from. I have reached out and felt a bony shoulder or elbow next to me in bed and wondered who it was. Poor OH. Fading away, but so happy about it. I keep bumping bony bits and getting injured, like hitting my arm on the poolwall in backstroke, but I’d rather that than the layers of fat.
    Well done on the compliments J and A. It feels SO good to be noticed for the right reasons, doesn’t it?
    Have a good one folk. P

    Good morning fellow fasters πŸ™‚

    Jojo sorry to hear you’ve hurt your back. Books, SciFi or Fantasy, there’s Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time (series of either 13 or 15 books btw), Diana Gabaldon’s Cross Stitch (again a series but can be read stand alone) I can recommend both these books/series as I have read them both (well not all the Robert Jordan ones as I was missing some but I have recently got up to Book 11 now up from 7), I’ve read the full series to date of Diana Gabaldon. I’ve also let family borrow Diana Gabaldon and both Mum and Sister loved them and they’re not full on Sci Fi books but sci fi/fantasy enough to count. A friend is currently reading the first book of Robert Jordan’s series and is LOVING it she wasn’t sure so wanted to read the first book before looking to get her own series πŸ™‚ be prepared though BOTH writers are prolific writers and their books are jam packed and more than 700 pages.

    Welcome to Symba.

    Early start for me at work today so will have to try to catch up with everyone else later πŸ™‚ … ciao for now. AO xx

    My daughter has volunteered fo give up potato chips , if she may have a coconut and pomegranate.

    I hope you said yes.

    Hello everyone.

    Joining the ranks of the walking wounded myself! Nothing too serious, but walked for 2 hours Sat and 1 hour Sun and have woken with swollen knees this morning, quite painful but won’t kill me. As you say Purple, easy to get carried away when some weight comes off. I know mine is related to arthritis/warmer weather so need to keep walks shorter at this time of year in Aus.

    Good to hear you are persisting FoodAddict1, well done. Good luck with your fast today, but be careful re trying to keep to 100 cals. That’s pretty drastic when you have only been fasting a few weeks. Better to go slow and steady rather than risk going too hard then having a “rebound” overeat! Like some of us with our over exercising!

    I hope you feel much better very quickly Jojo, great chance to catch up on your reading.

    SAMM what a contrast between your two lists! Not much nutrition in the first lot, ” food” manufacturers are very irresponsible making and selling that stuff to people who don’t realize how bad it is. Those in your home may not realize the favour you are doing them! I think your second list is pretty comprehensive though! Not much in my pantry that isn’t on it. My main difference would be that I get more protein from fresh chicken as I find it works well for the whole family. We love salmon but only once a week as it costs a small fortune for four serves! Very lucky that fresh fruit is plentiful and cheap, especially stone fruit here at present in our summer.

    Now I am making myself hungry with all this talk of food and it’s a fast day! Time to get busy….

    Sorry to hear you got carried away Nama. We only learn by trying πŸ™

    Re the salmon. Allow small portions for each person. Make a HUGE salad, with lots of flavour and colour and crumble the salmon on top as a dressing. You still get the flavour but don’t fork out for a huge salmon cutlet.The smoked salmon in supermarkets is a very handy addition to your list of must haves in the kitchen. So is dried chilli flakes.

    I found 5:2 has even changed OH’s approach to preparing meals now. The meat/fish is no longer the centerpiece, just something to accompany the veg. P πŸ™‚

    I hear you Purple re salmon servings! And I only need 100g of it as I find it very rich, but try that with the blokes round here! I usually get it fresh at our local market once a week but it’s still relatively expensive. Smoked salmon also popular in this house. Aldi have it and it’s a weekly purchase, it usually gets used in the work lunches that get made every day.

    The kids leave home eventually Nama πŸ˜‰

    Hi Nama, yes I think you were right and I’m sure I got a bit over excited hehe. I ended up having 500 Calories but I am just feeling so good and motivated because I lost an inch off my waist! I only have 5 inches to go to reach my goal waist size and it’s exciting!
    I hear many people (sorry can’t remember all of your names) are injured/wounded and I really hope you all get better soon! Make sure to get plenty of rest to give your bodies a chance to heal πŸ™‚ I can’t imagine how excited you all must be having lost all the weight you have, it’s no wonder you’re all pushing yourselves like that! But like Nama said, sometimes we shouldn’t push too hard πŸ˜‰

    By the way, Waitrose chickens are currently half price and they’re the only store that don’t feed their chickens genetically modified food so it’s worth checking it out for those of you who are able as it’s a pretty good deal.

    Hi foodaddict
    Sounds like your body guided you sensibly.Well done. Mastering single fast days and choosing healthy foods changes your eating habits completely through 5:2.
    Take it gently. You are learning a new habit. Fasting teaches you that it is normal to go without snacks between meals and somehow reduces cravings for unhealthy food.
    Check out food that will fill you up, but still be under 500 cals, and you quickly learn which foods should be avoided and which can be your bulk. I think the vegetable growers must be loving 5:2 πŸ˜†
    All the best. You’ve started well. PVE

    Good morning fellow fasters and welcome to you wineaholic & symba7 πŸ™‚
    Just back from a week at the beach (no fasting and no internet) so back into fasting today. I’ve so enjoyed catching up on everyone’s posts and I laughed out loud to read “You may have to kidnap a small person and make them lie beneath you every night, just so you can sleep in comfort!” So much entertainment on this thread and I love the humour! I was thinking of compiling myself a list of “moments when the weight lost has an impact” so I can re-read it when I’m feeling challenged and there are some wonderful examples on here. For me, even though I’ve only really started on my losing streak (11kg down, 36kg to go) on the last few flights I’ve taken there’s been more space between me and the fold down table and that’s given me a thrill every time πŸ˜‰
    Good luck to all who are fasting today and thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a great bunch of companions.

    This biggest factor in life long healthy eating and weight maintenance is affirmation.

    We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.
    – Florence Scovel Shinn

    An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change.
    – Louise L. Hay

    When I talk about doing affirmations, I mean consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life.
    – Louise L. Hay

    Affirmations are like seed planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.
    – Louise L. Hay

    Affirmations are statements going beyond the reality of the present into the creation of the future through the words you use in the now.
    – Louise L. Hay

    One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the statement be true or false. It comes to be dominating thought in one’s mind.
    – Robert Collier

    Any thought that is passed on to the subconscious often enough and convincingly enough is finally accepted.
    – Robert Collier

    Constant repetition carries conviction.
    – Robert Collier

    Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.
    – Jim Rohn

    I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.
    – Muhammad Ali

    You will be a failure, until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which “clicks.”
    – Florence Scovel Shinn

    Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them.
    – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.
    – Claude M. Bristol

    Practice rather than preach. Make of your life an affirmation, defined by your ideals, not the negation of others. Dare to the level of your capability then go beyond to a higher level.
    – Alexander Haig

    You become what you think about most of the time.
    – Brian Tracy

    Every action and feeling is preceded by a thought.
    – James Allen

    The ancestor of every action is a thought.
    – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
    – Proverbs 23:7

    Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.
    – Albert Einstein

    The difference between success and mediocrity is all in the way you think.
    – Dean Francis

    If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.
    – Henry Ford

    Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
    – Napoleon Hill

    Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful.
    – Norman Vincent Peale

    As long as you know what it is you desire, then by simply affirming that it is yours — firmly and positively, with no ifs, buts, or maybes — over and over again, from the minute you arise in the morning until the time you go to sleep at night, and as many times during the day as your work or activities permit, you will be drawn to those people, places, and events that will bring your desires to you.
    – Scott Reed

    First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
    – Epictetus

    Only one thing registers on the subconscious mind: repetitive application – practice. What you practice is what you manifest.
    – Grace Speare

    Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.
    – Sidney Madwed

    These repetitive words and phrases are merely methods of convincing the subconscious mind.
    – Claude M. Bristol

    You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.
    – David Viscott

    Believing there is a solution paves the way to a solution.
    – Dr. David Schwartz

    Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
    – Napoleon Hill

    You’ve got to win in your mind before you win in your life.
    – John Addison

    All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers.
    – Orison Swett Marden

    You can do it if you believe you can.
    – Napoleon Hill

    We all have patterns running inside our subconscious mind, which start at a very early age. We’re heavily influenced by our friends and family, as well as our environment. If you were repeatedly given chocolate as a child to make you stop crying, chances are you have a deep rooted anchor to chocolate, and associate it with making you feel better when you feel upset in your adult life.

    Generally the habits we form at an early age are beneficial to us because they protect us and make us unique, but some can be detrimental to our wellbeing and cause us to self sabotage (i.e emotional eating).Β 

    While the process of understanding how you sabotage yourself can take years to unravel, there are shortcuts you can take along the way which will help you to re-program your thinking.Β 

    Affirmations are a great way to send positive messages to your unconscious mind so that you start to think and behave in a nicer way towards yourself. (Remember my point about finding the qualities first before the weight loss takes place?)Β 

    Going from negative self talk to self love doesn’t happen overnight. However, I can assure you that if you practice these affirmations over time, you’ll start to notice your thinking changes. And that’s the first step.Β 

    I believe in my ability to truly love myself for who I am.
    I accept my body shape and acknowledge the beauty it holds.
    I am the creator of my future and driver of my mind.
    I let go of unhelpful patterns of behaviour around food.
    I allow myself to make choices and decisions for my higher good.
    I bring the qualities of fulfilment, happiness and contentment into my life as I am now.
    I let go of any guilt I hold around food choices.
    I accept my body for the shape I have been blessed with.
    I let go of relationships that are no longer for my higher good.
    I believe in myself and acknowledge my greatness.
    I allow myself to feel good being me.
    I accept myself for who I am.
    I bring the qualities of love into my heart.
    I have hope and certainty about the future.
    I am grateful for the body I own and all it does for me.

    That’s really interesting reading SAMM, thanks for sharing your thoughts about motivation and success. I also received motivation today, but in book form when my copy of the revised & updated ‘The Fast Diet’ arrived in the mail – YAH!!! I’d put off buying a copy when I started 5:2 as I saw a new edition was coming so I pre-ordered one and just got the old one from the library. So my FD evening will now be spent reading up on all the latest and planning FD’s with the new recipes – simple pleasures indeed!

    Good morning Fast Trackers,
    Slept well with the aid of pain killer but ‘active Monday’ cancelled, no choice. I am going to try a little short mat bowls and then ironing but not sure how that will pan out. I still feel as if I have a broken rib on my right side and I am right handed. However dogs must be walked and I don’t think immobility helps healing so I will press on.

    I am on 9.00am to 2 pm eating window today, 400 cal fast. So it’s a boiled egg for breakfast and veg soup for lunch. Green tea for the rest of the day. This may be hard today as I am going to be stuck at home all afternoon and evening. Help me!

    Samm, thanks for the affirmations

    My personal approach is ‘better to regret something you have done than something you didn’t’. It takes confidence and bravery, fortunately I have these in spades.

    I feel I am in control of my eating in normal life but socialising with non dieters is my problem. It is not that I care what they think but I just find it so difficult to find foods at parties which fit into my diet. The only option is to eat first and stay away from the food table. Restaurants are not too bad if you order fish and veg with no pudding. Other people’s houses are impossible, you just have to be a good guest, eat as given. I try to avoid puddings though pretending to be ‘so full’ after long term dieting.

    My emotions are running high at the moment, life is changing for me and I am very excited. New people, new places on the horizon. This is normally a dangerous eating time but I am really working on control. Suggestion for bringing some calm please as yoga not an option at the moment.

    Be careful all you exercisers, our muscles are not always as willing as our brains.


    Just started 5:2 today and came across this thread, may take me a few weeks to read it all but it seems incredibly informative so if its ok with you I’ll tag along πŸ™‚

    Quick question…. I am not a great fan of plain water, ok to add lemon juice to it or any other allowable suggestions??


    Hi Smart

    Welcome aboard. Lemon or lime in water is fine. My dentist suggested that I rinse my mouth after drinking the water with lemon in it. And swallow the rinsing water. Protects the teeth.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Oh Jojo you poor chicken, I do hope it’s only muscle strain! You are right of course about keeping moving, but get it checked if it gets any worse. Maybe you have strained one of the muscles between your ribs, that can be really painful. Gyms are dangerous places!

    Re some calming, don’t you Yogis use your breathing for that? And get hold of some essential oils esp lavender! Rub it into your temples or sprinkle it around, doesn’t matter if you smell like an old lady, your dogs won’t care. X

    Welcome Smart,

    I agree with Bay, but I often need more “Oomph” so have chilled mineral water, esp if the weather is warm.

    Good luck!

    Hi There

    Can I join you … Thought all was going well today then my mum phoned me and said we are booked for lunch! Fasting and socialising don’t really mix unless it’s with other fasters! So I am aiming for Tuesday and Thursday this week instead now.

    Thanks for the tip, Bay

    Welcome Izzy,

    Hang around here and you will find plenty of fasters to socialise with, even if it’s cyber socialising! We are pretty good at it on here. In fact you won’t be able to keep up with Jojo’s social life!

    Enjoy your lunch then Fast tomorrow!

    Afternoon all.

    I’m just back from the gym. I did 15 minutes on the rowing machine, 7 minutes on the cross trainer (which I’m finding really tough) and 30 minutes on the treadmill. I then did some stretching in the jacuzzi, swam for 30 minutes and sat in the Turkish bath and the saunarium which is mid way between a TB and a sauna. I really enjoyed myself but got water in my ear and am now deaf!

    FD today, so I’m drinking copious amounts of fluids, and am about to go into the kitchen to prepare my dinner.

    Jojo, sorry to hear you are still in pain. It does sound like a tweaked intercostal muscle. I hope it improves soon.

    Lavender oil is great. I have a cushion filled with lavender seeds or something soaked in lavender oil, that can be heated in the microwave. Every so often it has to be sprinkled with water. It is fab for relaxation and inducing sleep.

    Welccome newbies πŸ™‚

    Good Morning Fast Trackers
    Nicky nicky08 Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†

    I have been AWOL since Friday and my hand on heart vow of 19/5 this week starting Monday also did not eventuate so today is the day 😳 we had such a cracking good time away thanks fast friends away from our kids 😯 their animals their partners and wives their children our grandchildren our parents our sisters with yet another d***head partner one of their daughters is a single mum the sons in trouble with the law for marijuana our animals a messy divorce a new job to start and school going back a business which is about to go bust a few medical dramas some financial hassles etc etc life gets tense very hectic and stressful for all within our family NB it is not us by the way y-fee is the eldest sister so she shoulders everyone else’s tsunami of family turmoil over coffee almost a daily ritual at our place. A bit much at times So it was bloody awesome to disappear for a while to a town where no one knows you and become a couple again a reconnection or a re boot if you like so much so that y-fee asked could we stay another day/night we were due home Sunday afternoon but arrived home yesterday afternoon hold the bat phone that almost never ever happens and it was how do you say cue John Lennon β€œJust like starting over” amazing I suspect the scales of justice on Saturday will reflect this but the food coma do the buffet or bust πŸ˜† plus the booze storm and the power and the passion was well worth while and we were quite shagged out actually we were pretty keen 😳 my bad πŸ˜†
    This tune from Ed Sheeran and film clip sums it all up nicely for me and I am moved every time I hear it y-fee means more to me today than ever…I would be lost without her. Enjoy Fast Friends
    Peace RT

    Hi RT,

    Glad to hear that you had such a good weekend. The benefits of you and Mrs RT leaving everyone and everything behind for a weekend are much greater and much more important than the effect it’ll have on your weight loss. And having had such a good time you’ll be happy to get back into fasting mode.
    Have a good day πŸ™‚

    Sorry about your ribcage Jojo. I’m with you on giving it your all and paying later. Pretty much my philosophy too. It does result in injuries, but at least we are living! πŸ™‚

    G’day RT. Totally agree with Amazon. Even a change to a different bedroom or eating alone together on a picnic can give a massive boost to a relationship. Well done mate πŸ˜‰

    Happily completed another 24 hour fast and have woken to an eat day with a possum attacking the cat. Never a dull moment! πŸ™‚ P

    RT so glad you and Mrs RT had a blast … yes it IS good to get away from all the hassles and bustles of the everyday life for a short time, enables recharging of those ever ready batteries (picture you both as the pink bunnies btw running a marathon)

    Jojo hoping your pain eases soon, nothing worse than constant pain.

    PVE what a way to wake up, but shows you’re close to nature too πŸ˜€

    I’ve been researching chooks and what they need. Mr AO is building the nesting boxes for them (as well as the roosting rails) but we needed to research what they looked like, the measurements needed etc and did this last night (my girls … oops our POL girls will be here within the next two weeks so we want to be ready for them πŸ™‚ ). We’re getting them from our niece as they have the fodder store at One Tree Hill and we prefer to buy from family but also so it will in a back handed way help the community while they’re recovering from the fires. We purchased the feed and water containers Sunday, ordered the various varieties of chooks we want (3 different ones but all good family pet types too) and a bag of feed which we’ll get at the same time.

    Welcome to the newbies and hope you enjoy joining in with us all. We’re a mixed bunch but all get along well. There is a wealth of knowledge in here from people who’ve been working this WOE for quite a long time. Myself I’ve been here only since mid September last year so I’m relatively new to this myself but learning more all the time. Don’t be hesitant about asking questions, we’ve all done this and if one of us doesn’t know the answer someone else generally will.

    Overcast but warm today … expecting some showers/rain with a temp of 32oC. Catch up with you all later πŸ™‚ … cheers AO

    Its been a year tomorrow since i got on the scales weighing in at 14 stones. I started the 5:2 lifestyle after the shock of my weight It has worked I lost 3 stones I read the book, and looked at messages on the forum.
    I went to a New Year Party and was complimented on my weight loss. It was a good feeling.
    I keept a record of my food weight and meaurement, and followed receipes from the fast diet book. My BMI has fallen to a good level
    I can get back into my jeans!!! I need to do more exercise, which I will do. It has been a difficult time as i am a menopausal women, with hot sweats etc. I am feeling alot more confident and happy just need to get a new job. My goal is too lose another stone, and maintain my weight.
    It as been an average lost of 3lbs a week, it was stuck on 12 stones for a while, then one day weighed myself I was 11.
    Keep going dont give up there will be good days and bad!

    Hi msmfb, huge congratulations for your success and Happy Birthday for your journey! I am sure you will find the job you want if you use the same determination and persistence you have displayed with 5:2! 3lb week average loss is brilliant.

    Hi to everyone else and Welcome Home RT! Was starting to worry a bit when you didn’t check in yesterday, thought you might have been wrecked on the shipwreck coast! So pleased for you that you had such a great time….wouldn’t worry about the food consumed, sounds like you worked it off! I agree with you re Ed Sheeran song, such a gorgeous clip, you old romantic! Your wife is a lucky girl. We mothers of sons tend to fall in love with them when they are babies, sometimes neglecting husbands. With 5 sons you have done well to even stay in the picture, says something about you.

    Jojo I hope you are feeling better and have managed to get through your book. Have you read The Rosie Project or the sequel? Very entertaining.

    Amazon it sounds like you made the right choice re your new gym, all those new toys! Wish I had half your energy. Actually I am just back from a lovely swim, so relaxing yet so invigorating!

    Aussie Oma I am so jealous of your chooks! I love chooks but have to make do with wild magpies as we are away so often I don’t think it would work. Maybe one day. How exciting for you. It will be interesting to see your dogs’ reaction. And all those fresh eggs as a bonus!

    Have a great day/night all x

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