Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 6,101 through 6,150 (of 16,657 total)

  • Hi Jojo,

    For me it’s simply finding any excuse to eat a food that I love. I am afraid I have a bit of Nigella in me, some foods I just adore ….. And they are mostly sweet! 5:2 has really enabled me to improve control over sugar, but it the love affair still lurks just out of sight. The sweeter the better: meringue, custards, ice cream, rice pudding, bread and butter pudding, fig jam, home made cake, even sweetened condensed milk straight out of the tin. And of course there is flourless chocolate cake. The list is never ending, but the common denominator is simple sugar. And the reason you ask, the trigger? Maybe it’s just simple greed for something I love, love, love! We are born with a “sweet tooth”, breast milk is very sweet, there is certainly a basic biological drive to make us enjoy sweetness. Maybe ply is right, it’s as simple as “comfort”

    On another note, RT and AO! Big congratulations on such great losing weeks. RT have a lovely weekend and let your hair down a bit, take a leaf out of SAMMs book, enjoy the Sunday buffet! And AO if that’s not such a good loss (2lb), I don’t know what is! xx

    Hi Nama, found you! Thought I’d just drop in and say hi. You’re right this is a good thread and Jojo is doing great work on info and the fast lane. Your encouragement and sharing is great as well, thanks. am finding great people on 5:2. Plus it’s working for me. Just did a weigh in and have lost 2.6 kgs in just over a fortnight. So happy that anything’s moving!

    Am still getting the hang of choices and preparation, plus navigating the site. Once I get my routine down for fast days and re organize my grocery priorities (permanently) I will be hoping to get serious about upping the ante. This tread has many helpful hints for that so I’ll be back! Thanks for the invite.

    PS. My hazards ATM are all the ‘old life’ leftovers in the pantry! hate waste but think I might just cut my losses and donate it elsewhere!…sob… pavlova shells….jams… conserves in yummy syrup….sugaaaar.. farewell. Cheers!

    Hi gypsy,

    Welcome! You will find some really lovely folk on this thread and learn a lot from them. Great work on the start you have made so far, excellent loss. I saw a quote somewhere on this site when I first started which has helped me lots of times, use it as you get rid of the tempting foods : “Being fat is hard; Dieting is hard; Choose your hard!”


    Good one, Nama. I like “nothing tastes as good as being slim FEELS!”. I also choose a mantra to chant on the pushbike “whatever the difficulty I choose to be healthy & SLIM!”. done in conjunction with tapping (on various neural trigger spots) it helps to change subconscious mindsets. Which possibly lead us all to fight habit changes. Whatever works, I reckon. Cheers back at you!

    Hi and welcome Gypsy … oh those foods/sugars you mentioned … oooo I feel for you. I was given 2kg of chocolate truffles for Christmas from a friend, a couple of weeks before the same friend gave me liquor chocolates as did her son (as I’d done some things which really helped them out), so yeah I hear ya! Between Xmas/NY by sharing with others, but having several (well lots) myself we managed to remove one of the 500g bags (it came in two boxes with 2 bags/sachets of 500g each), I then GAVE one 500g bag away and STILL have the one box with 2 bags inside. I have also shared with others some of the liquor chocolates (16 to a box) but STILL have 4 left in the first box. Now I realistically LOVE chocolate and all things sweet and sugary and after not having anything sweet (other than one LLB of a Friday night) for two & half months before Chrissy I found them rather sickly. If I had more than 3 or 4 pieces of truffle I started feeling sick, so I stopped … there are HUNDREDS of the little blighters in one bag!!! I allow myself to have one liquor chocolate per week otherwise they’ll never go (as I’ve advised my OH to LEAVE them all alone and when I offer he can have – otherwise the truffles would have all gone on Xmas Day and the liquors wouldn’t even have made it to Xmas Day) so now he’s started whinging that there’s no room in the fridge (mind you 90% on the shelves is for him) and can he help me with the chocolates but I won’t let him. It might take me a year or two to get through them but I will one way or another 😆 now the POINT of this long message/paragraph is to suggest that you try removing sugar from your lifestyle completely for 2 to 3 months and then allow yourself ONE sweet item per week. If you still weaken and need more then you may need to remove sugar totally again and just have a very occasional sweet item.

    Nama regarding my loss this week, yes I was a bit disappointed as I felt smaller/lighter than what the scales and tape measure said, but on the positive side I was ECSTATIC that I’d achieved this week’s goal of 2 lb 😀 maybe in my hurry I didn’t make that clear so hopefully THIS message will clear that up for everyone 😀

    Just back from the hairdresser … we’re changing my colour again … will post on FB once all the processes have finished (still got a few more appointments to get it right due to the colour I had had put in previously) so it’s a work in progress 😀

    Chat more soon …. Ciao, AO 😀

    Hi everyone

    After my weights session this morning, baked for an afternoon tea tomorrow and the blighters were calling something chronic. Not a FD for me but once I start on stuff like cheese shortbreads … 🙁

    Decided to take my mind off the food by cleaning out the linen cupboard while listening to the first of the one-day cricket matches, Australia vs England. Found a hoard of old heavy cotton sheets which had worn thin in the middle I had stashed until I could decide what to do so had very satisfying time turning wasted space in the cupboard into something useful. The thin raggy bits went into a bag for recycling and the still strong edges I turned into about 10 pillowcases so feeling very virtuous.

    BTW a question for the UK mates: who or what is Waitrose? It/they are the sponsors for the English cricket team.

    Keep up the good work all you losers 😆 N x

    Hi Nicky,

    I’m impressed with your pillow case making. Previously our sheets have gone for dust sheets, but in future I will have to salvage the good parts.

    Waitrose is a very nice higher end supermarket, part of the John Lewis chain.

    Hi Nicky

    I am so impressed by the pillow slips. I keep the sheets for a while, and then they become drop sheets for painting. 😉

    Cheers, Bay

    Good morning all,
    Just a quickie as I am off for my walk leader training. Be prepared for me to brainwash you with statistics later.

    I have broken ny scales, left my newly washed trainers on top of the radiator under which they live. Attempts to dry out have failed, must be fate.

    I think ?I will now use a tape measure and my fitness goals for a while plus weigh at the gym weekly.

    Have a great day.

    Sugar is definitely our enemy, treat it with disdain!

    Could I suggest we all find a non food comfort, I won’t be too explicit, a good DVD perhaps, a walk?

    Hi Nicky,

    As with everyone else, super impressed…. You put the sheets to good use, gained some pillow slips, cleared some precious space in the linen press AND stopped thinking about food! Win, win, win, win! I am with Bay, ours usually become drop sheets for painting etc.

    Tried zucchini ‘spaghetti’ as a fast day dinner tonight, very successful. Really yummy with some low calorie bolognaise sauce and a smidge of flaked Parmesan. Extremely low cal dinner, delicious and no guilt. Followed with small serve of fresh cherries, feeling very pleased with myself. I am not keen on miracle pasta (don’t mind their rice) and I think the zucchini would have more vitamins in those dark green skins.

    Spent the day weeding and dead heading last of the agapanthus and nothing but water and coffee all day. Fast days are easier than eating days! Which goes to show that the food battles are all really mind games.

    Jojo, it is a great reward to have to buy clothes in a smaller size. I had to buy a new swimsuit bottom in size 10 after a trip to the pool last week where there was a small risk of embarrassment.

    Nama, did you quick-fry the zucchini, or boil the noodles? Something I must try, but the ones in the garden are barely 10cm long yet.

    Enjoy your weekend, RT. The Great Ocean Road is spectacular.


    Barata I actually just sliced them really finely (need a mandolin I think) and had them raw. Have microwaved for 20 secs previously but raw much nicer, very slightly crunchy. The sauce warmed them and they really absorbed it’s flavour. Big success, who needs spaghetti!

    Ha! Nama thank you! I understand what drop sheet is now, I think it is the same as our dust sheet? A generic term for a sheet used to protect furniture/ carpets when decorating?

    Happy you’re correct drop/dust sheets same thing 😀

    Morning all.

    After not sleeping well the night before and my foray into the world of gym equipment and a swim, I slept for 11 hours last night.
    It is a FD today and I don’t really feel like fasting but have to because I’m going to a party tomorrow so I’m going to be doing some displacement therapy 😉 I’ve decided to stick to my original plan of gym M,Tu and Th so I’m not going today. I have plenty that needs doing here to keep me busy.
    I bought a kitchen tool yesterday that turns veggies into juliénne strips and am going to be using that for adding things like raw zucchini, carrots, kohl rabi etc. to salads
    Stir fry on the menu tonight with as many veggies as possible in it plus zero noodles and an omelette cut into strips. I bought some cherries yesterday and am planning on having some for dessert or as a snack if I can’t wait until dinner.
    Have a great day/evening everyone.

    Hi Oma, thanks. Good advice. I can go without sweet stuff if it’s not in my face!

    I don’t need non food comfort, just to keep busy. Boredom is my enemy.
    It used to be difficult if I had for example, a cake in the house. I would want a slice every time I went to the kitchen. I seem to have mastered that as I’ve got a large amount of Christmas cake left and I’ve not had any for days. I was very pleased with myself yesterday for freezing all the remaining bread after my lunchtime sarnie. Previously I would have had to have another slice with butter.
    I’ve mislaid my tape measure which is really annoying as I’m sure I’ve lost more from my waist and I want to know! Maybe I can occupy myself by sorting through the cupboards looking for it!

    Happy I always think of drop sheets as something that it doesn’t matter what you drop on it!

    Amazon I still struggle if it’s home made cake but ok if it’s not in my line of sight. Plus with 5:2 I know I can have a bit tomorrow, so there is not the previous deprived feeling and desperation to have some immediately. Good luck finding your tape measure. Fancy sleeping 11 hours!

    I am struggling with my FD today. I went out shopping for a few items(non food) and decided to try on some clothes.
    I’ve bought myself a pair of size 12 jeans style trousers that I can get on but can’t do up. I’ve hung them up on the front of the wardrobe. Every time I want to eat I’m going to take a look at them.
    I got on the scales today, which is a bit daft after a non fast day when I’ve eaten bread, and they haven’t moved. That has increased my determination which is interesting as in the not so distant past it would have depressed me and led to gratuitous eating.
    I’ve only got another couple of hours to go before dinner, so I think I’ll get there.
    Still can’t find the tape measure!

    Found it!

    I’ve now lost 13″/33cms from my waist.

    I feel MUCH better now 😛

    Amazon that’s A W E S O M E !!!!!!

    Gypsy, like you if it’s not in my face I’m usually okay, except with chocolate. Now I’m exercising my determination muscle to not think about the items in my fridge. I’m finding it easier and easier each day.

    Happy, originally (up to the early 1900’s) dust sheets were exactly that sheets to prevent dust getting on/in furnishing inside larger homes when their owners (and servants) went to another house (eg holiday or other stately manor/castle they owned) and were not able to take these items with them. These days the term is used in the same context as for what the painters use which are drop sheets which as Nama says are to catch the drops.

    Chat soon, cheers AO xx

    Wow, Amazon, well done! Great new shape coming to you. 😉 Bay

    Thanks AO and Bay.

    I was getting really annoyed as I couldn’t find the tape measure and I knew I’d lost something as I had tightened my belt and my smallest jeans are looser round the waist. I only found it because I rememebered wht I’d been doing last time I saw the tape.
    It wasn’t in the fridge but somewhere equally daft!

    I wish I’d measured elsewhere but I was so upset when I saw my waist measurement I couldn’t bring myself to do so.

    About the sugars . Carbs!
    Basically anything plant based is a carb, so from cane sugar to cucumbers it’s carbs .

    What makes some carbs better than others is the fiber content.
    So you eat cherry the sugars will gush into the blood stream, but if you eat say wheat It will trickle.

    So what happens is as long as there is carb sugars in the blood.its harder to turn to getting energy from fat storages.
    Tje 5:2 is good because it helps to get to the fat stores 1 because were lower in carbs intake. It takes -about 19or so hours to to switch from carbs to fat, but then we don’t burn muscle for about 72 hours after eating carbs.

    Then the whole TDEE thing. It’s so simple. More calories then BMR we store the extra as fat. Less calories than BMR we burn fat.

    What makes one vegetable better than another is several factors. Vitamin and mineral content, but also it’s sugar content. The best way to compare carbs of fruits and vegetables is to look up the glycemic index.

    It’s also been pointed out. That the Inuit Indians have proved that there isn’t a human requirement for carbs.as there diet was mostly sea creatures. Where almost no vegetation existed where they roam.

    However. Carbs are a universal fuel. And our brains need . The problem is it’s so dang easy to go over TDEE for years and years. And just keep storing fat. The good news is we can still lose 1lb of fat per week easily through diet alone. And as JoJo strives for 2lbs. I also have a formula for two lbs.
    2000 calories of exercise a weeks
    And 4800 calorie restriction diet

    I use Intermittent fasting 3 week days mon,wed,fri. Leaving the week ends free.
    But I still try to observe healthy eating on the feed days and over time have becomeusedto portion sizes .

    My approach has been not only fat loss , but also musle gain. So my loss rate isn’t fantastic, but I’m 50lbs less than I started. I keep learning something new everyday. I feel I’ve learned enough to possibly increase my longevity or at least live that lifestyle. So I don’t hate carbs, I just had to learn to use them or lose them. My favorite carb is cherry, but salmon is my favorite protein, and nutsmyfavorite fat.

    Hope this makes sense or points you in the direction.
    It’s my understanding than some carbs like high fructose syrup can aid the brain in aging faster. So it’s a worthy topic to spend the time focussing on.

    I don’t drink sugary drinks any more!

    Hi Amazon

    It’s never too late to take all those other measurements. 😉 The clothing sizes are my greatest spur to staying on the low sugar regime. To have an approving comment that those size 11 (down from 16) trousers are really too big for you, is to feel reassured and reaffirmed in the fasting WOL. 🙄

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Top work Amazon!!! Woohoo!
    Now I have an image of a beautiful hourglass Olivia!! How’s the gym work going?
    As Bay says, measure now. ..including wrists, neck and thighs. I realised I’d made a mistake on the Tracker and had put 10cm too much on my hips!!! Instant weightloss 😆
    Happy weekend everyone. P

    Morning Fast Trackers

    Samm, that summary just received is very good.
    I am just about on the same track as you at present. I am really enjoying getting fit.
    I have also gone from ADF to monday, Wednesday Fri FD, because of social commitments.
    Our friends and family are luckily fitness aware, so we don’t sit about talking, but move and talk.

    In 2 months, I have lost 3 kilos only, but getting muscles back, I hardly knew existed, and changing shape.

    I find swimming in the sea in a wetsuit very good.The buoyancy is great.

    Carrying what we need to eat from the train up 1 km to where we live is also self-limiting. The vege run is tough, but worth it. We have no car to carry food, and I have refused family help in this activity.

    We have been taking doses of resveratrol and hyaluronic acid for the last 6 months. These seem to be doing the old joints and skin a lot of good. I also take African mango extract to raise the energy levels, but not sure if this is useful. My OH did some research into Niagen for cell renewal and we are taking that too. Maybe we are deluding ourselves. Do any of you take supplements?

    I am just waiting for my new Fitbit charge to arrive. This will show steps climbed as well as other counts. Climbing Eversest height can be done merely by walking from the train to our house 80 times.
    Happy weekend.
    XX Wiwi

    Hi Purple,

    I don’t know about hourglass, but I’m definitely no longer an apple. No gym today which turned out to be the right decision as when I was walking I felt a bit of pain in my hip due to first day over enthusiasm methinks!

    I’ll stick with the waist only measurements but I’ll measure everywhere when I reach my goal. When I was out this morning I pulled off a glove and nearly lost a ring, I’ll need to be careful.

    How is the ankle?

    Hi Wiwi, I don’t envy you, I have enough trouble carrying my groceries up a flight of stairs.

    Well done Amazon and AO …you must be feeling so good 🙂 .

    I have lost my Christmas excess and I have hit my 3 stone too ..That’s 5 stone loss since 5 years ago . I put on the “tight /skinny jeans ,whatever you call them that fitted only a few weeks ago and OH pointed out that” they are hanging round your bum” .
    Realized this week too that I am not snacking between meals and that is a brilliant plus .

    My new neighbours( not moved in yet) came in last week with some gorgeous flowers and a box of chocolates for me . Years ago I ( make that months ago) I would have been into the chocolates as soon as the door had shut behind them AND I would have scoffed the lot. Well!!! they are in the cupboard and still intact . So proud of myself .

    I have said it before and I will say it yet again . This group has been a Godsend to me and thank you all from the bottom of my heart …

    PS … went to see Dad today . only 2nd time since new Year . he was in bed but I got to see he was OK and give him a kiss and a cuddle . I worry when I don’t see him . They all look after him so well and that takes a load off my mind but I need to see him . Hopefully by next week I can get back to my normal visits with him 🙂

    Wee xx

    Hi all

    Well done, Wee on the 5 stone loss – forever! And if the chocolates are still there next year they can be a Christmas present to someone.

    And all of us, on this continuing, amazing weight loss.

    How’s the waist/height ratio, Amazon, with that waist shrinkage?

    Good morning all! I have been generally reading posts but have been struggling with the after effects of surgery so whilst not over eating I have found it difficult to get back to fasting. I have been cooking for my father and it has been wonderful to prepare a range of healthy salads and light meals. As he lives alone and is not really interested in cooking I have made it my mission to prepare something different each day. He loves what I prepare so that is my reward! I am going to fast on Sunday so am putting it out there so I feel accountable. My emotions are all over the place at the moment so need something to focus on aside from sore abdominal muscles and lack of mobility. Actually I am doing well all considering but I am somewhat impatient!

    Oh my goodness, what a pack of wonderful losers!

    SAMM has kissed goodbye to 50lb! Amazons waist has shrunk by 13in! Weeman casually mentions she has lost 3 stone! The list goes on and on! What an inspiration you all are.

    Wiwi I take high doses of slow release Vit C if any sign of a sore throat/sniffle, (habit from years of working with snotty kids), plus Krill oil for joints and Vit D as it’s a bit low. Also sometimes a product called Lypsine which has Lysine in it. This blocks cold sores … Am prone to these if catch a bug or stressed. Works really well. So regularly only Krill and Vit D.

    Cheers to everyone X

    Great to hear from you Emel. Good luck Sunday, you won’t need it! The accountability works well!

    Hello again

    Welcome back Emel, glad you are ready to go again. Good luck for Sunday.

    Amazon, amazing! Congratulations!

    xx Wiwi

    Hi emel
    Fingers crossed for you on Sunday. You’ll get back on the wagon. Just keep busy.
    Your recuperation sounds as if you are going well and your dad must be thrilled to get a variety of healthy food. His body will benefit too.
    Cheers Purple

    Well done Wee and so glad you got to see your dad, such a relief for you. Also super duper well done on leaving those choccies 😀

    Emel wonderful to hear from you again. You do need to be very careful with abdominal surgery of any sort so I’m glad to hear you’re taking it easy and being kind to yourself.

    What a wonderful pack of losers we all are (meant in the nicest possible way of course 😆 )

    Chat more soon 😀

    Hiya Emel . Glad to hear you are taking it easy . So nice you have your dad with you . I am sure he is enjoying his food just as much as you are making it for him . Don’t forget to keep leaving a wee message so we all know you are OK .

    Wee xx

    Evening all,
    Wonderful day on the walk coordinator course, lots to report but too tired tonight.

    First ‘Friday Night club’ was a success, band were brilliant.

    Speak tomorrow

    Glad to see you are all doing so well and communicating frequently, well done.


    Thank you for your last post. It was very informative and interesting.

    I believe there are vast legions of us wanting to practice optimal and adequate nutrition.
    It’s always great to exchange information.

    My product of the week is from a health food store that is specialized store for organic foods and has a deli in it just for the vegan lunch crowd. I’m not vegan! I found skipjack pole caught tuna. Not perfect, but has 25% rda for vitaminD. Non fortified. Coming in at less than 200 calories per can.
    Here’s a link to more nutritional info for skipjack tuna.

    This definitely one of those foods I wish I knew about years ago.
    I’m just as happy eating this as I was eating bologna.

    This fits my 19.5/4.5 approach well as I like to have three feed intakes on a fast day in the 4.5hr window.
    The can of skipjack tuna carries well , doesn’t spoil. Is a super food IMO .
    My outlook is to adapt to a way of life, that isn’t just about vainity, but about longevity. To look closely at what some on the leading Doctors are saying, and research has proven , and recent studies keep confirming. Omega3 and exercise are crucial to longevity and healthy brain function. I would eat this food on the 3 fast days that I don’t exercise as my staple in the pantry. At least for lunch.

    Lol fallin asleep whi
    E typing again. Zzzz

    Morning/evening all.

    A cold, bright and frosty morning here.

    The scales haven’t moved so I’m keeping away from them and getting on with the WOE.

    Emel, good to hear from you. When I had abdominal surgery, after a couple of weeks I became disheartended and thought I would never be able to get up out of a chair with ease or stretch up to get something from a high shelf, or even walk out of the house, but 2 weeks later I was driving my car and 6 weeks post surgery I started swimming. It is really frustrating having to think about things that are usually second nature, but you’ll get there.
    As you said yourself, you are doing well and before you know it you’ll be fully recovered.
    You’ll get through your FD on Sunday, and you’ll probably feel better for it.
    Take care.

    I’ve definitely pulled a muscle in my hip area so I’ll be taking it easy again today and see how it feels tomorrow. I’ll do some stretching and find the anti inflammatory gel.

    Have a good day evening everyone.

    Good morning Fasters,
    Just tried my scales out but the water dripping in it seems to have totally messed with the reading unless I have tripled in weight overnight. I seriously hope not although I did have several gin and tonics last night. I won’t be making that a regular occurrence, can’t afford it. But last night we were in a party mood.

    Walking for 2 hours this morning then one drink before heading off to the gym to practise running. My running club is coming around far too quickly, it’s now called scary Tuesday because running in the dark is horrible. But I need the group support so I will stick with it for the next 8 weeks then join a daytime club.

    I am taking to heart that most successful dieters eat breakfast and I really love it so I am bringing my window forward to 8 to 1 pm Monday to Friday and leaving it at 3 until 8 on Sat and Sunday to fit in with social events. See how it pans out.

    Diet wise I am staying with most veg, eggs, some fish and seafood, occasional chicken. Permanent diet change is no processed foods or carbs( unless in a restarant) Homemade veg soup is my saviour and very filling if you add a few beans, quinoa, lentil and chickpeas. Sometime I make exotic soups which are high in calories e.g. Blue cheese just because we need a little luxury in our diet on occasions.

    Tonight I am making prawn curry, I won’t have the rice, probably add zero noodles.

    Statistics if we take 150 minutes brisk walking per week

    Risk reductions
    General mortality – 20-35%
    Coronary heart disease – 20-35%
    Type 2 diabetes. -35-50%
    Colon Cancer. -30-50%
    Breast Cancer. – 20%
    Hip Fracture. -36-68%
    Depression. -20-30%
    Alzheimer’s disease. – 60%

    If this doesn’t get you walking three times per week, nothing will. This is why I have trained to be a voluntary walk leader. If you can spare the time 2 hours per week, why not consider the training. Usually there are several leaders per group so you don’t need to commit 52 weeks of the year. Society needs us, go for it!

    Hi Jojo,

    I like those statistics. When I walk on my own it is always at a brisk pace and I usually do a 2 hour walk every week. I’ve been trying to do more than that but have been so bad at time management since I got back from Cuba. I need to give myself a kick!

    Prawn curry sounds delicious. I’m going to a party tonight and the buffet will be a carb fest, sandwiches, sausage rolls, vol au vents, quiche etc., so I’m going to try to resist it as long as possible and then have one plateful. I’ll be having a few G&Ts though.

    I admire your determination to change your diet permanently. I know that I won’t be able to cut some foods out on a permanent basis, so I’m aiming to limit them as much a possible. I used to eat a lot of pasta, usually 3 or 4 time a week, but I’ve cut it down and probably have it 8-10 times a year. It was a lazy option when I had a bare fridge, but now I ensure there is always a home made meal in the freezer that can go into the microwave and be ready in half the time it takes to boil pasta.
    I do love risotto and paella but I don’t enjoy rice as an accompaniment to a chilli or curry so I don’t eat it too often. I eat polenta and cous cous occasionally too. Bread and potatoes are my weaknesses but I would be really miserable if I gave them up, so I’m eating them less frequently.

    I seem to be the odd one out here as I haven’t cut TOO MUCH out of my diet . At my age I want to still enjoy what I eat but I have cut out bread and pasta and custards and sweets sausages . things like that. What I call the dangerous foods that when I start I can’t stop.

    luckily I have always loved vegetables so that isn’t a problem . I make spag bol but just the bol 🙂 I have that with my vegetables . I still have my ice cream but not every day . I love fish and eggs and tuna and I love to try new things .I just incorporate all the things I can eat and also enjoy into Myfitness pal .

    I can’t exercise very often but when I feel fitter I have the odd 10 mins on my vibration plate . haven’t been able to do that for a while now .

    I do not have nearly as big a portion though as I used to and that is just magic as far as I am concerned . I used to eat like food was going out of fashion AND I was a secret eater too . I don’t snack now either .
    I love this way of life :).

    Have to give you a laugh . as you know I am under 5 feet tall . I think I have shrank in hight lol . I used to be 4 feet 11 and three quarter inches . I think about an inch shorter now . I am almost 73 and for well over 20 years I was around 16 and a half stone . I lost 5 stone about 6 years ago but it didn’t really stay off long enough for me to get the benefits .

    Anyway ,last night I couldn’t get comfy in bed . We have memory foam but I kept feeling I was lying on something or my nightie was in a bundle . kept trying to smooth thing down until I realized it was my bone I could feel against the mattress. I laughed out loud and surprised I didn’t waken OH . This wont been anything to skinny people but it was like winning the pools to me . I am far from skinny but not far off where I want to be for my age .
    5 stone off is like loosing a small person 🙂 🙂 .

    Have a great day my friends .

    Wee xx

    Oh Weemam that is so very funny! Now how are you going to get comfortable though? You may have to kidnap a small person and make them lie beneath you every night, just so you can sleep in comfort! That’s a fabulous achievement by the way, and all the while still enjoying your food!

    Jojo I am so sorry your weight has tripled overnight! Maybe there is an invisible small person standing on your scales at the same time? Check with Weemam, she knows how to get rid of small people. Glad you are enjoying your walking so much.

    Amazon enjoy your party, don’t think there are too many carbs in a G&T?

    We had a lovely healthy Vietnamese Pho soup tonight, home made by my sons girl and absolutely delicious. Still can’t master chopsticks though, given up ever doing so!

    Wee that gave me a laugh … it’s amazing how much more we can feel and how “strange” some things feel, ie your bed and your bones … wonder what your OH would have thought if he’d woken to find you LOL’ing about that.

    Other smaller things count too … my jeans, I’ve only had the one pair for a long, long time. I used to fill them completely, they were “firm”, very “firm”, everywhere. I now pull them up (don’t need to undo anything) and they’re loose on me all around, when I walk in them it feels weird as the material creases up and sort of pushes into me … I know I really need a new pair but I don’t want to spend any money on clothes if I can help it until I’ve reached goal and STAYED there for a few months. I have a few size 16’s which I’m not far off being able to “squeeze” into (let’s face it I can get into them but unless they “give” a little it’s a bit of a squeeze). I have a fair way to go until I can get back into my 14’s and there I have a large range of beautiful clothes and I also have some (ambitious) size 12’s from way back when, when I thought I could lose those extra kg’s (using meal replacements) and everyone was saying how gaunt I was looking, was I sick etc, and I really shouldn’t lose any more as otherwise I’ll look scrawny. I was looking gaunt from the time I got down to where I am now, but this time around because I’m not using any meal replacements, I’m using real foods, I’ve not gone gaunt at all, yes I’ve lost weight on my face and let’s face it that’s where everyone looks, but now it’s also starting to show around the middle – I’m regaining some shape (other than round).

    Feel like I’m rambling on a bit so I’ll close for now and go get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz’s chat tomorrow 🙂 AO xx

    Thanks Nama and AO . Isn’t it such a fabulous feeling? I need to go buy new pants though . I bought some “slogi” is that the name ? but they are not comfy and I like my comfort BUT with the trousers being big and the pants it feels like I have a nappy on all bunched up lol . . sorry if that is TMI .:)

    Jojo you are welcome to my spare wee person but I am sure you don’t want it lol .

    I wish I was not so addicted to the scales but I am afraid that will never change BUT I think it keeps me on track better checking at least once a day 🙂 🙂 .

    Oh was laughing out loud with me earlier when I said ” I just realized I have bones” he said with a smile ” did you no realize everyone has bones hen” YESSS but I haven’t felt them under MY skin before lol .

    this day can only get better lol .

    Forgot to say ,when in Aldi yesterday I bought a we 100g packet of
    Aldi – the Foodie Market – Natural Seed Mix, it is just delicious and might ..Just might be my favourite before ice cream . I love it . High in calories but fit into an eating day no problem .

    If you aren’t on facebook you won’t have seen my post about Turnip”swede” the one with the purple skin and yellow flesh ?? You put it in the microwave UNPEALED until it feels kind of squishy . I think mine was in for 20 minutes . Turn it over half way through . Then you cut the top off and scoop it out . I quartered mine and held the pieces in my hand in a dry dish cloth and scooped it out . I put it in a bowl with a couple of slices of corned beef and mashed it all up . I was soooo delicious . I have another swede to do the same again during the week .

    Well I have nattered on enough now :).

    Wee xx

    Just a reminder that tight clothes cause health issues.
    One in particular is slowing the circulation of the lymphatic system.
    So even though I can squeeze into a size 36 jeans now. I don’t wear them for very long.

    So that I don’t sound too much like a buzz kill. There probably not very much that could happen from a few hours a week.

    Happy for JoJo , always knew she would find something to active . Running leader . Go for it.
    Perhaps some glucosimine condroitin to help with joints and new shoes every three months if any signs of wear appear.

    Here something I quickly found on the web to copy and paste.

    Health risk associated with wearing too tight fitting clothes…
    We, as human being wear clothes to fulfil our basic needs.
    Adornment and Identification
    However, the way you wear your clothes, style and combining them with accessories reflect your personality. Wearing of too-tight apparels and accessories are in fashion today. Slimming approach turns more and more people to opt for tight-fitting dress up. Use of body shaping garment trend is more popular among women as compared to men. But wearing of too-tight clothing does not make you look good all the time, or enhances your personality. On the contrary, many studies have shown that wearing too-tight fitting clothes can lead to different health problems.
    Daily Mail reported important health risks result due to wearing of tight-fitting clothing as…
    1. Control pants
    Control pants flatten your stomach and help you to look more streamlined or leaner. However, it has directly an impact on your stomach, an important part of digestive tract, which can contribute to various health risks such as,
    Control pants increase pressure on the lower part of stomach and forces acid upward into the oesophagus resulting in heartburn. When the situation remains for prolong period can lead to inflammation, and stomach ulcers.
    Breathing problems
    Unnaturally control pants clutch the stomach and prevent a diaphragm, an important respiratory muscle, from descending fully during breathing. This causes increased depth and rate of respiration (hyperventilation) and even panic attacks.
    Digestive problems
    Deterioration of acid-reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrome
    2. Tight trousers/skinny jeans
    Close-fitting trousers or denim enhances your figure but can contribute to range of clinical problems.
    Meralgia paresthetica
    Tight trouser or skinny denim compresses a lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, running from the pelvis to the outer side of the thigh. Nerve compression contributes to pain on outer side of thigh associated with tingling, numbness and burning sensation in respective supplied areas. Medically, this condition is known as “Meralgia paresthetica”. The condition is extremely severe in overweight people where extra weight enhances nerve compression.
    Aggravation of silent abdominal hernia in men
    Abdominal pain and heartburn, especially after a meal
    3. Bras
    Shoulder, neck and back pain-
    Ill-fitting bras instead of providing correct support directly transmitted breast weight on the shoulder. The resulting muscle strain leads to shoulder, neck and back pain.
    Breathing problems
    Ill-fitting bras support the breast by pressing on the rib cage. This puts pressure on diaphragm and restricts breathing.
    Block circulation
    Those with large breast and wearing tight-fitting bra, compression of underlying blood vessels restrict blood circulation.
    Link to breast cancer
    A study documented by Dailymail states that wearing of tight bras compresses lymphatic and other vessels underneath breast tissues. This hampers the process of flushing of toxic waste outside and increases chance of breast cancer.
    Pushup type bras restrict movements of collar bone and upper ribs
    Tight bras can cause skin irritation
    4. Tight underwear
    Fungal infection
    Tight underwear, especially of synthetic material restricts the air flow and creates moisture. Additionally, it hampers blood circulation favoring the growth of fungus.
    Urinary tract infection
    Thong style knickers easily spread bacteria forward causing urinary tract infection. Risk is high in women with lower estrogens level particularly those passing through menopause or post-menopausal.
    Wearing of tight-fitting underwear in men can induce infertility. Basically, testes are placed in the scrotum to keep them cooler. Tight underwear increases scrotal temperature at which testes are unable to function normally. This decreased testosterone production and sperm count, which can raise the chance of infertility.
    5. Tight ties and collars
    Tight ties or collar exerts pressure on the jugular vein in the neck which raises pressure inside of the eyes and produce eye bulging. This situation result in glaucoma
    Other problems
    Pressure on carotid artery in the neck constricts the blood flow to the brain leading to headache, blurred vision, and dizziness.
    6. Tight shoes
    Athlete’s foot
    Wearing tight shoes for a prolonged period blocked airflow and retained heat and moisture. This provides ideal environment for fungi to grow up and flourish and cause athlete’s foot.
    Hammer toe
    Poorly fitting shoes force the toe into bent position, which results in hammer toe.
    Tightfitting shoes cause a bunion, a deformity characterized by lateral deviation of the great toe, an extremely painful condition. 
    Foot ulcer
    Wearing of tight shoes can be turned out hazardous for the diabetes people because this can lead to diabetic foot ulcer.
    So think twice before making fashion, because for every fashion you have to pay price…not only money but also health risk.
    Simple ways to overcome the Symptoms of Indigestion


    SAMM thanks for that pal .
    I HATE having tight clothes on . I like to feel comfortable AND SMART . I love to wear my BIG old trousers at home though just so I can pull them at the back and think ‘look how much weight I have lost off the bum ! lol .

    Thanks for all the information you give us SAMM .

    Wee xx

    It may seem silly , but Thank you for sharing with us too Weemam . I love reading your posts and poem . Happy for you bone discovery. I can relate! I recently found that muscles help with that, when I lost 49 lbs in 1999 I had almost no exercise, was basically starving myself.as I approached 200lbs I started feeling the bones. Now though I’m 219 I feel the muscles instead of the bones.

    JoJo your sliding 19/5 has struck me with Eureka!

    Whereon a feed day your last meal is 1 pm, but your first meal the next day is 3pm . That is what I’ve been wanting to get after. I believe the 27hour fast is the. DNA repair mode model that i will be getting after starting immediately .

    Something like
    Feed day ends at 12:30 pm
    Fast day has 600 cals at 3:30pm the following day.
    Feed day starts 7:30 am the next morning.

    I’m filled with glee to try it!

    I’m be very intrested in how you balance the scheduling. I’ll be keeping protein drinks in the fridge. Just incase I crave to cheat, I’ll cheat on stuff beneficial to muscle mass. Won’t be using them as meal replacements. At scheduled feed times, but as snacking blockers. Learning to set a timer after eating to find my eating sensitivity time frame.

    One of my biggest contributors to being obese for so long! I keep eating until I FEEL full.
    So it helps to know I don’t actually need that FULL feeling. However on Sunday I still go a buffet for a good stuffin, but I stay on the healthiest side of bar.

    This will be a great launch point for me to stop all Intake by 12:30 and not eat again for 27 hours. The 600 calories of intermittent fasting.
    I hope this proves doable for me!

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