Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • Well that was a terrific programme.
    Not much we didn’t know but reinforced ideas we have played around with throughout our dieting lives.

    Please view the three programmes I am sure you will find a nugget of information that will personally help you.

    For me it will be slow up eating because I eat at the speed of light

    Third Horizon programme was interesting, but I want to see the volunteers in another 6 months and see how they’ve done.

    It is blowing a gale here, and I can hear things rattling around outside. The wind is whistling down the chimney. I’m very relieved that all the work has been done to make my house sound and waterproof.

    Purple, sorry to hear that your ankle is still painful but at least it is getting better.

    Weather really grim here too,
    May loose by recycling bin tonight, I put it out earlier. Not going to rescue it.

    I am feeling really low tonight, no reason I can think of?

    Anyone got a good joke?

    I really shouldn’t stay home, it’s probably boredom. I ave been doing some sewing for my son.

    Read Michael’s response to Horizon, he is so sensible, agree with 100%

    Two men kept passing each other in a supermarket. Eventually they realised they were both looking for their wives. “What does your wife look like? ” says man 1. “Well..she’s tall, blonde, 36,24,36.” replies no. 2. And adds, “What does yours look like?”
    Man 1: “Let’s foget about my wife and both look for yours.”
    πŸ™‚ P

    Hahaha Purple Vegie Eater that’s really funny! Sounds like she’s got a lovely body πŸ˜‰

    Trying to cheer Jojo πŸ˜†

    Not a joke, but it just got 15 out of 15 on a British phrases quiz on Facebook! I have to say I would have known most of them, but I definitely picked up the meaning of “spend a penny” from this forum!

    Well done Ply, I don’t think I would score as well with American phrases

    Thanks for the joke, it was funny and sadly probably true

    Another non-joke, but I was looking up math jokes for you, dearest Jojo, and remembered this. So interesting, check it out!

    P.s. Mad that I cannot get Horizons shows online! πŸ™

    Join the club Ply. At least we have our UK mates to relay the info.
    Re ‘spend a penny’, I guess being ‘caught short’ has the same derivation. Glad we don’t have to pay to use public toilets any more. πŸ™‚ P

    Remember to keep chick peas in the diet.
    I may just be thinking coincidentally that chick peas and great sleeping dreams, makes for better moods, but that’s just me.

    The Worst First Date Ever

    If you didn’t see this on the Tonight Show, I hope you’re sitting down when you read it. This is probably the funniest date story ever, first date or not! We have all had bad dates but this has no equal. Jay Leno went into the audience to find the most awkward first date that a woman ever had. The winner described her worst first date happening. There was absolutely no question as to why her story took the prize!

    She said it was midwinter…Snowing and rather cold… and the guy had taken her skiing in the mountains outside Salt Lake City, Utah. It was a day trip (no overnight). They were strangers, after all, and had never met before. The outing was fun but comparatively uneventful until they were headed home late that afternoon.

    They were driving back down the mountain, when she bit by bit began to understand that she should not have had that extra latte. They were about an hour away from anywhere with a rest room and in the middle of nowhere! Her friend suggested she try to hold it, which she did for a while. Unfortunately, because of the heavy snow and slow going, there came a point where she told him that he had better stop and let her go beside the road, or it would be the front seat of his car.

    They stopped and she quickly crawled out beside the car, yanked her pants down and started. In the deep snow she didn’t have good footing, so she let her bottom rest against the rear fender to steady herself. Her companion stood on the side of the car watching for traffic and indeed was a real gentleman and refrained from peeking. All she could think about was the relief she felt despite the rather embarrassing nature of the situation.

    Upon finishing however, she soon became aware of another sensation. As she bent to pull up her pants, the young lady discovered her buttocks were firmly glued against the car’s fender. Thoughts of tongues frozen to poles immediately came to mind as she attempted to disengage her bottom from the icy metal. It was quickly apparent that she had a brand new problem, due to the extreme cold.

    Horrified by her plight and yet aware of the humor of the moment, she answered her date’s concerns about’ what is taking so long’ with a reply that indeed, she was ‘freezing her bottom off’ and in need of some help! He came around the car as she tried to cover herself with her sweater and then, as she looked imploringly into his eyes, he burst out laughing. She too, got the giggles and when they at last managed to compose themselves, they appraised the situation.

    Obviously, as hysterical as the situation was, they also were faced with a real problem. Both agreed it would take something hot to free her chilly cheeks from the grip of the icy metal! Thinking about what had gotten her into the trouble in the first place, both quickly realized that there was only one way to get her free.

    So, as she looked the other way, her first time date proceeded to unzip his pants and urinated her bottom off the fender. As the audience screamed in laughter, she took the Tonight Show prize hands down. Or perhaps that should be ‘pants down.’ And you thought your first date was embarrassing.

    Jay Leno’s comment…’This gives a whole new meaning to being pissed off.’ Oh and how did the first date turn out? He became her husband and was sitting next to her on the Leno show.

    Gorgeous story Samm πŸ˜†
    And I agree, chickpeas seem to settle the stomach nicely…..I can only dream…19 hours into a fast πŸ™ P

    Hi everyone,
    There seems to be a quite a few people that have a lot more knowledge of food than I have on this site and I was wondering if I could get some advice. I have just watched, β€˜what diet is right for you’, episode 1 & 2, 3 doesn’t seem to be on YouTube yet. It was really interesting and as expected the test showed that intermittent fasting is the best for me. What I wanted to ask about is carbs. They talked about the fact that even a small amount of carbs can switch your body out of its fat burning mode. I have been concentrating on cals and staying under what I should. I have had some really good weeks but then other weeks when I have not lost and have even put on. I have blamed this on, a night out, too many drinks, not enough exercise, going a bit over my TDEE etc. But now I am wondering if I am undoing some of the good work by what I have chosen to eat. I usually have either chicken or fish with vegetables on my fast days. But as I am still cooking for everyone else in my family, I tend to cook some potatoes, rice or pasta to go with it. I sometimes will allow myself a small spoon full of it, if it falls within my cals allowance. Should I be avoiding this altogether? Also if for some reason, I haven’t had time to cook that, I have had an egg with whole meal toast (hate eggs, without toast with it). Is this wrong too? Also I am a bit confused about carbs anyway. I know there is some carbs that are worst than others but other than white rice and bread etc, I am not sure which ones I should avoid. Vegetables are carbs as well, is there some that I should be avoiding on fast days? Should I be looking at how much carbs is in everything I eat and what is the cut off limit? I mostly have peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and sometimes corn, as these are the vegetables that my children will eat, are these wrong? I did this diet, as it is so simple, not too many rules to follow. Stay within TDEE on non fast days and a quarter of that on fast days. I feel that the only way I can stick to a diet long term, is if it is simple and flexible. I would appreciate any advice you can give.

    Samm your story had me in stitches. Wish I had seen it.

    Kierra 5:2 can be simple (1/4 of your TDEE twice a week) or more complex if you find you gain benefits from your variations. A lot of us find compliance with fast days is improved by varying what we eat and when we eat it. Many of us crave carbs, so cutting some out, the refined or starchy ones (potatoes, flour, sugar, rice, pasta etc), helps this. It also helps to improve your general food choices as it often entails cutting down on highly processed foods. Many of us also find it easier to only eat all the fast day calories in a small window. eg for dinner, with nothing the rest of the day.
    Starting off, it is probably best to keep it simple. Experiment once you have well and truly mastered 5:2 101 πŸ˜‰ I hope this answers your question. All the best. PVE
    PS Have you tried using an asparagus spear to dip into a boiled egg instead of toast? What about a lovely mushroom or tomato omelette? The non-toast possibilities are endless.

    An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman are standing looking at a prize cow in a field.
    The Englishman says, “Look at that fine English cow.”
    The Irishman disagrees, saying, “No, it’s an Irish cow.”
    The Scotsman thinks for a moment and then clinches the argument: “No, it’s a Scottish cow – it’s got bagpipes underneath!”
    P πŸ™‚

    Great story, SAMM. We will have to believe it! And a chuckle with you, Purple. How’s the ankle now?

    My hairdresser reports a growing number of clients coming in and reporting success on 5:2. The word is certainly spreading.

    Fast day here, nearly over. OH and I shared a leafy salad with one piece of last night’s bbq beef sliced over. But he reports on having a 6″ bacon and egg sub at Subway for his other meal, and wasn’t able to find how many calories this might contain. Any ideas?

    361 cals according to their website. Was he fasting Barata? πŸ˜‰
    About to have our first food since last night..salmon on lettuce with a leek, carrot, capsicum, spinach and Thai flavoured topping. All ready. Waiting for OH to arrive.
    The swimming really helps sprained ankles. Especially in warm weather! P

    Morning/evening all.

    Barata, As OH has eaten it already the number of calories don’t matter πŸ˜‰
    I’m sure you can ask using your internet seach engine.

    It has been a wild, wet and windy night and I slept very badly. It has stopped raining and is dry now but the temperature is set to drop today :brrr:

    Keirra, I agree with Purple, concentrate on getting 5:2 right and the weight will come off. It won’t be a uniform amount every week and some weeks you won’t lose. That is where the tape measure comes in,because you’lll find that you are losing inches even when the scales don’t move. I have often eaten small amounts of rice and potatoes even on fast days and I am losing an average of 2lb per week as I fast more than twice a week. I love bread and I limit the amount I eat as once I start with it I don’t want to stop, and the calories add up because of course it has to have something on it!
    Enoy your spoonful of rice, potato or toast, just don’t have too much of it.

    Hello all,

    Great to read everyone’s news, haven’t contributed as having a busy few days, but always find time to read!

    Purple I am so glad to hear your ankle isn’t more serious and seems to be settling.

    Ply I am so very sorry re your Mum’s news, we always expect it to happen to other families don’t we! Hopefully her treatment will be short and effective and she will be back driving on train lines before you know it.

    Jojo I hope you have perked up. Perhaps you are a bit tired from all the action. I think SAMMs story is hilarious! I just read it out to whole family, my son loves Jay Leno. Embarrassment at a whole new level…

    Good luck with your new gym etc Olivia, we are all dying to hear about it. AND the instructor.
    My victory this week is having a piece of Atlantic salad and NOT eating the skin!! I threw it out very quickly before it could fall into my mouth. Why are the best bits the worst for us?

    Cheers all x

    He couldn’t find the sub on the NZ website. It’s not a standard menu item here. Yes, it was a fast day, but with just the salad this evening he should be near enough to 600, so no panic. I like the idea that eaten calories lose any significance, Amazon. Hence no guilt.

    Amazon and Barata I count the calories afterwards so that future times I know how much and if I need to limit the amount I have. It doesn’t stop me having it the knowledge enables me freedom to choose (or not) and if I choose then I select the amount. The first time I have something it’s NEVER on a FD though, lol, as I really do restrict how much.

    I just had my FD meal for today (I had a cup of bonox for lunch – 10 cals) so had some very lean yiros lamb, lettuce and tomato (not even 1/4 of what there was available made it down my little red lane πŸ˜† ) I felt full after just 2 or 3 mouthfuls but persevered until I’d at least had around 250 to 300 calories. Checked to make sure as it’s a FD and yep 250 calories worth consumed giving total for today (so far) 250 calories. That means if I want something else later on (within next hour or so) as long as it’s under 150 calories I can have it but if I don’t want anything later on it won’t matter πŸ˜€ … loving this WOL so easy to do and adapt to my lifestyle πŸ˜€

    Thanks Purple and Amazon for your replies and advise. I have been on this WOL for 3 1/2 months and have found it really good. I am happy with how it is going, slow but steady. I have been only having an evening meal for the last 3 months and have lost about 5kgs. I now feel that I have more control over food, and feel that I am ready to experiment and find what is the best for me. I found the documentary very interesting but it has made me wonder if I could do better by cutting out Carbs. I was not sure which to cut so thank you Purple, I will now try to limit (if not totally cut out) refined or starchy ones (potatoes, flour, sugar, rice, pasta etc). And Amazon I agree using a tape measure is invaluable. I have lost 8cm off my Bust, 7cm off my waist and 4cm off my hips so I am pretty happy.

    Hi all, I’ve been following this WOE now since October and have decided to try to make my fast day today as close to 0 cal (Simcoeluv inspired πŸ™‚ )as possible. Water and weak nettle tea etc.
    Wish me luck. I will let you know how I get on tomorrow.

    Easy PeelyWally. No food is easier than a little. ..no stimulation of appetite. Go for it! P πŸ™‚

    Hope you’re right PVE and thank you πŸ™‚

    Hello All,
    Ply that maths u tube demo was incredible.
    I have just finished my first rock choir. It was great. I am performing at Wembly London with Pixie Lot, how cool is that? In June.

    Just killing time ins cafe, eating a very boring salad with no dressing. Seriously you cannot get either vinigarette or honey and mustard dressing. I am going to need to carry it. Ridiculous I this day and age.

    I wrote a long message this morning and lost it, so frustrating when that happens. I have definitely put weight on this week. Bread, crisps and scone with jam. Definitely an emotional eater. What is wrong with me? Guess it is nerves over joining three new activities this week. Still quick gain, quick loss, back on track.

    Avoid carbs and processed food for life not for diet. Stick to protein( healthy) and veg plus some fruit. Fruit and veg have enough carbs to meet your needs. Changing habits long term is the only was to kick the sugar addiction.

    Luckily you don’t need to cut fat out completely but you will get less natuarally if eating healthily

    Hi everyone.
    I’m just home from the gym. Everything good, the instructor was very nice. We had a good chat about what I’ve done previously exercise wise and what I want to achieve. we also had a lengthy discussion about 5:2. He thinks it is a great WOE because of the health benefits apart from weight loss. He took my BP and weighed me, and that must be the first time in 20 odd years I’ve not been embarassed to step on the scales! We went to the gym and I tried out the rowing machine, treadmill, bike and cross trainer. He has suggested I aim for 30 minutes either all on one mchine or using a couple of them, and in a couple of weeks he’ll see me again and talk me through the resistance equipment. He also went through some strethces with me and was impressed witn my flexibility which has made me feel great, as I thought I was very inflexible. After that I went back and did 15 minutes on the treadmill and 10 on the bike before trying out the pool, jacuzzi, saunarium and steam room. Apparently the sauna is very hot. I’ll try it some other time.
    I really enjoyed it but decided not to push myself too far today. I’ll probably go back tomorrow and use the cross trainer and rowing machines. The facilities are great, hot hot showers, a machine to wring out the cossie, hairdryers and hair straighteners, plenty of lockers, space, seats πŸ™‚
    It was busier than when I was there last Thursday without being overcrowded.
    I was watching a very lively Zumba class while on the treadmill. It looked great fun and very energetic, something I want to try at some stage.
    I am a very happy girl πŸ˜›

    Not fasting today and I treated myself to a home made bacon lettuce and tomato sarnie made with some store bought onion bread. the rest of which is about to be sliced and frozen so I don’t have any more today.

    Hi Amazon, how did it go at the gym?

    I really enjoyed Nordic walking and a great crowd. Certainly more intense than normal walk. We got a bit wet for the first 20 mins then the rain stopped. The wind was a challenge as we wee on the cliff tops but we survived. Excellent trainer and made more new friends. Phew I need a tea break before dog walk then 10 pin bowling. All go here.

    Sorry, crossed posts, sounds really good

    It was and I can’t wait to go back and master the cross trainer and get to grips with the rowing machine.
    I noticed that I was swimming faster than anyone else in the pool and I was taking it easy. That made me feel great too. My fellow swimmers were probably worrying about the weird woman swimming with a huge grin on her face πŸ˜†
    I can’t believe how much I enjoyed my morning.

    I’ve just been to my local H&B for zero noodles, they had them 3 for 2 so I bought 6.

    Is Nordic walking using what look like ski poles? It looks very energetic and I would imagine it burns a lot of calories.

    Hilarious!! Really a laugh out loud. Thanks for that.

    Hi Amazon,
    Yes it does have ski poles, or trek poles. It was very strenuous initially but fun. I think it may use the shoulders more than a normal walk. The pole is used to accelerate the step speed, it certainly works. I don’t usually like walking fast but I really enjoyed it.

    It’s an 8 week course just like my running class, it’s free. Just as well because my new choir is much more expensive than the previous one.

    Hope my shoulders cope with 10 pin bowling tonight

    Sounds like you need to join the professional swimmers, they are usually there between 6 am and 8 am. But they don’t usually welcome newbies who might want to share their dedicated lanes.

    I don’t swim as much these days preferring other activities that are more social. I do think it is wonderful exercise though and great for toning arms and stomach.

    I swim with my face out of the water so the dedicated would think me an amateur πŸ˜‰
    When I swam every day in Australia last year, every ache, pain and niggle in my body disappeared and that is why I’m keen to start again. Of course it could have been to do with the sunshine and the heat………
    My aim is 30 minutes three times per week, after a class or using the gym. I agree about it toning arms and stomach.

    Omelette with cheese and salad for dinner. I’m still eating the cheese I bought before Christmas. It used to be gone before New Year!

    Lol PVE and SAMM loved the jokes .
    The weather is so horrible here at the moment Really strong winds and snow and hail . Didn’t go out today either . I hope to go see Dad tomorrow . Even if he is still in bed I can give him a cuddle and kisses and let him know I am there and that we love him .

    OH was commenting today on how much I have changed both in shape and habits ( love that man lol πŸ™‚ )

    He pointed out that usually when I am stuck in the house I can’t stop snacking AND that I don’t snack now . I hadn’t thought about it really until he pointed it out . Sow I am feeling very proud of myself .

    70 miles an hour winds tonight and horrible . The only downside to loosing weight is feeling the cold ,but I can live with that . OH says that’s because I have lost my built in insulation lol .

    Just wanted to say hiya and let you know I a still here .

    The back is a bit better and only slight twinges now and again . I am doing the exercises in the book that the Dr recommended last time my back was bad .

    Cheers ma dears πŸ™‚

    Wee xx

    Morning all, minor loss this week (will give details later as I haven’t put the stats in yet but think there’s a small loss on the tape measure too πŸ™‚

    Lots to do today, have read all the posts to date … glad you enjoyed your time at the gym Amazon and that you, Jojo, had fun with all your activities πŸ˜€

    Hello to Ecosse who I see posted as well. Come on in and get to know us as we get to know you πŸ˜€

    Hi Wee.
    Glad to hear that your back continues to improve. I hope the exercises help.

    The weather hasn’t been very good anywhere in the UK this past week. The wind dies down today but it is howling again this evening.

    Hi AO πŸ™‚

    Good Morning Fast Trackers
    Nicky nicky08 Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†
    Amazon sounds like a great first day which is very good to hear the Zumba Amazon now there is a visual fantastic Friday to you ALL I am taking y-fee to Warrnambool along the great ocean road for a love in 😳 some quality couple time so I submit my scales report a day early.

    A steady result for me this week Week 17 – 1.1kg
    and a mini goal sorted a happy chappy
    cue John Lennon β€œImagine”
    Just for you WiWi this is very moving and quite beautiful IMO
    1st goal 90kg check
    2nd goal 85kg check
    3rd goal 80kg check
    4th goal 75kg check
    Final goal 70kg
    Current modus operandi is IF 18-6 ADF with CR 4-3 and exercise is 14000 steps a day currently self-experimenting perhaps one meal a day this week I no longer have breakfast anyway with 18-6 now drop lunch and switch it up over the next 2 weeks to 19/5 then 20/4 IF In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.
    Have a Great Weekend You Losers
    EFB (Efficient Fat Burners)
    Peace love and happiness RT.

    Top stuff RT! You’ll have plenty of energy! πŸ˜‰
    Enjoy your Warrnambool dirty weekend 😳 P

    Hi to jojo& all the fasters on here, just checking in to say I’m still on this way of eating..& getting nearer my goal slowly! I watched horizon too, I see a bit of me in all 3 groups. Measuring no scales keeps me going!!


    96kg to 75kg in 17 weeks………..

    Well done Smiley

    Have a wonderful weekend πŸ˜›

    Hi Jojo, Amazon, Wee, AO and Ecosse (btw I have an Ecosse sticker on my car!) And anyone else present in the ‘coffee shop’ πŸ˜‰
    Glad your back is easing Wee. And yes, my OH had to buy a coat from Harris (yes Scotland) to keep him warm enough without the padding!
    I keep seeing you, Jojo, as the image of dear JIP, heading off into the distance in her hot pink slacks, Nordic sticks waving wildly.
    And you, Amazon woman, all done up in Olivia’s gym gear “getting physical”. Who needs tv for entertainment? πŸ˜†
    So pleased you are both making the most of your new, fitter bodies.
    I’m doing laps this morning, then will try a level walk to work the ankle a bit.
    Cheers all, Purple

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Thanks, RT for your Imagine attachment. t is lovely and moving as you say.

    I am starting to lose weight again and it is FT here today.
    I have been in the water a lot, 2 km sessions in the pool every other day and in the sea here in Wellington. Our wetsuits stop us freezing as the water was only 19Β° yesterday.
    Also doing 15k steps of walking.
    I lost 200g yesterday even on a non fast day.

    Love your jokes, Samm and Purple. I don’t too many jokes that wouldn’t be edited out, but here’s an old traditional one which may cheer you up, JoJo, though I think you are already cheerful again.

    An old Jewish man was riding his bicycle and got knocked off (his bike to be non-ambiguous) by a Catholic priest. The priest help him get up and the old Jew crossed himself. The priest asked him why he was crossing himself as he is not a Christian.
    The old Jew crossed himself and said ” Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.”

    Happy Fasting
    XX Wiwi

    Hi all again, yes another loss this week, checked against last week’s and I lost 800g (just on 2 lb) and yes a small loss with the tape measure total 1cm.

    Loved the joke Wiwi.

    PVE hope the ankle is getting better … would be good to know if your recovery is quicker than previously too πŸ˜€

    Well done RT yet another mini goal achieved for you πŸ˜€ … before you know it you’ll be on maintenance (the rate you’re going that will be in about a fortnight, lol).

    Catch up with you all later, have to go get ready for work … ciao for now … AO xx

    Good evening all,

    I am going to put a question out there to help us all identify out eat triggers

    Fear – social, emotional or physical
    Boredom – with yourself, your partner or everything
    Unhappiness – being trapped in a cycle of misery or loneliness
    Low self esteem – either self induced or induced by others
    Greed – seeing and wanting food even though we are not hungry
    Advertising – being easily tricked into trying ‘ new’ foods, ‘healthy’ foods, fashionable foods.
    Tiredness – convenience food may be quicker to the table.
    Being a carer – always putting everyone else’s needs before your own.

    Any more?

    We can beat all these factors by supporting each other.


    How about procrastination/ diversion? I’ve got a piece of work to finish…what can I do instead?!

    Eating when and what someone else insists on (partner, kids etc)
    Eating the leftovers because we were trained to
    Eating food as its use-by-date is about to expire
    Eating out of politeness to others when you are a guest
    Eating at set times as your job enforces
    Eating because you are worried you might not get any when you are hungry
    Loving the taste of a novel food and knowing this is your only chance to taste it

    Just a few P

    I would add stress, my number-one emotional eating trigger…why do you think it’s called comfort food? Also, eating at celebrations, my issue especially in the summer. It is really eating while happy…feelings of love and celebration all tied up in food and drink. Complicated stuff.

    And eating (or drinking) too much to make sure you get your ‘fair share’ before OH eats/ drinks it all!

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