Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi Jojo
    After slipping and injuring myself on New Year’s Eve I had made a resolution (posted here) to be more careful not to get hurt. Well….
    Today I decided to replace my Fitbit to make sure I am being active enough. OH now has mine so I’ll let him keep it. I bought a Misfit Shine. Lovely. You can wear it as a watch, a clip or a pendant. As I was leaving the shops I went up the wrong escalator, turned around and ran back down, slipped, twisted my ankle badly. SO, since I got the new “pedometer”, I’ve done basically no steps with my foot up on ice! Idiot! πŸ˜₯ P

    PS Just noticed this is the six thousand and oneth post!!! Woohoo!

    Oh dear Purple, you need to slow down! Hope it’s not the ankle previously hurt? If so, you might be back in the pool pedalling backwards again! ( which I believe is impossible, despite what Happynow says). Hope it’s not too sore!

    God I am so sorry, I hope it gets better soon.

    On a happy note I have lost another half pound, I seem to be averaging this daily now so I think I may finally have chosen the right plan.

    Didn’t get much sleep last night thought, not really hungry just not sleepy. Off to bowls now to thrash someone.

    Nama running is tonight at 7 and I still feel ridiculously nervous, report after I get back

    Good Luck fasters ( and slowers) and stickers

    Morning/evening all.

    What a busy thread this has become. I noticed we were nearing 6,000 but didn’t think it would happen so soon!

    Purple, I hope your ankle recovers soon.

    It has rained all night, but the clouds are disappearing and being replaced by blue sky.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Thanks girls. Off to bed. I’ve been hitting drugs and have the ankle up. No running for me. Hope yours went well Jojo. P

    Hi all, at the gym now. After bowls which I lost spectacularly, not all my fault, other team were really on their game.

    I thought I would have a salad here then practise running on the treadmill. Practising my deep breathing too.

    Bought my Nordic walking canes today so I am ready for that in Thursday too. Gosh life is busy even for me.

    PVE – hope the ankle is a little better today, keep it raised girl.

    Lol Happy 99% a man made me laugh out loud .

    PVE I hope you are resting your ankle and you feel better soon pal.
    My weight has stayed the same this week but not surprised with the pills I have been taking .
    I used to stick for 6 weeks at a time but the inches kept falling off so I am not too worried .

    Hello all the newbies . This is the place to be for great support and fun too .

    Woke up to everything white today and been snowing all and off all morning . Looks gorgeous but hate driving in it .

    Just wanted to check in really and say hello to all .

    I watched Horizon at 1 AM on Catch up TV and really enjoyed it . I haven’t taken the test yet BUT I do know that this 5.2 is the WOL for me forever .

    Wee xx


    Your tips post above is one of the best posts I have ever read on so many levels.

    Thank you

    Hi. I’ve been lurking on your thread for quite a while and would appreciate some advice from all you veterans. I have been doing this since the second week of October, so just over three months. I didn’t lose over Christmas, but nor did I gain so that was a result.

    So here is my question. I find I am not particularly hungry on feed days, although I am happy to eat (!) but if I don’t reach my TDEE or somewhere in the region of, is my body going to decide there is a famine and start to work against me? Or is it ok to be under the TDEE regularly?

    Thanks for any help on this. I can’t decide if I want someone to tell me it’s ok to be under or if I want someone to tell me to eat more!

    And JoJo – for the record, I’m in the Middle East, an expat.

    Hello Weebil,
    Your body knows best, if you are not hungry, don’t eat.
    I am frequently below TDEE
    Remember TDEE are averages.
    What I would say is if you get moving more you will get hungrier.
    Welcome and have fun
    How exciting – Middle East Representative.
    Jojo xx

    Thanks for that JoJo. I have found myself thinking that I ‘ought’ to have bread with my soup at lunchtime, or having breakfast because I feel I should, rather than because I am actually hungry.

    Of course not being hungry doesn’t stop me having dark chocolate treats…


    Evening all.
    Just home from a very long lunch, but because we haven’t seen each other for a long time rather than anything else.
    One bottle of prosecco between four, a very modest amount.
    I had chicken with a creamy mushroom and lemon sauce topped with rocket and a side of kale slaw. I chose it because it was the only main course that didn’t have potato, pasta or rice and when it arrived I discovered a slice of bread under the chicken. I left it……….
    Dessert was a small meringue wih cream, poached pear and the meanest portion of chocolate sauce I’ve ever seen. The chef must have known I didn’t want to overeat πŸ˜‰
    It was very good food and we had a lovely time, but it took ages to get home as there is a bus strike and I had to go by train which is a scenic route.

    Hi Weebil,

    Welcome aboard!

    Good morning fellow fast trackers,

    Firstly welcome to the new contributors here I hope you enjoy this as much as we all see to πŸ™‚

    NickyF, Emel and RT in South Australia, Nama, keirra in Victoria, Bay in ACT, PVE in NSW, WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo, SAMM, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Ply, Tartan lass, Smiffy, Comespring, FoodA, Lor_PA, Couscous, ER, and (in the words of RT) Hello World (You know Who You Are Smiley )

    Weebil I rarely get anywhere near my TDEE these days, even on non-FD’s what you’re looking for ideally is between your BMR and up to your TDEE. Many of us now are working on our goal weight BMRs and TDEEs even though some of us have a lot of weight still to lose (in excess of 30kg in my case). So don’t feel you have to eat that much, as Jojo said if you’re not hungry, don’t eat .. simples, yes (as an advert feature meerkats so nicely puts it here).

    As everyone knows I’ve been weighing myself daily for the past 10 days (before this only once per week). Last week other than my weigh in day I was the same weight (non-weigh in days I weigh in my PJs) which was a little higher than my official weigh in day’s weight. I thought the same would occur this week but it hasn’t, today I’m down 1/2kg (approx 1 lb) from my weigh in day but with PJs on so very happy with this.

    PVE I hope your ankle recovers soon, nothing worse than being in pain.

    RT thanks for the link yesterday and hope all’s going well for you.

    Wee glad to hear your pain issue is resolving … wow snow, I haven’t seen that in years πŸ˜€

    I have a very early start at work today so I’ll buzz off for now and will try to catch up through the day.

    Cheers, AO πŸ˜€

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky nicky08 Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†
    Amazon one more sleep and it will be time to shimmy into the new gym gear complete with wrist and head sweat bands im sure oh yes and of course the firm trim taught rock hard gym instructor πŸ˜‰ our girl Sam Stosur got through the first round of the Sydney International beating Safarova but lost to Strycova in the 2nd round last night bummer 😳 ok new fasters my 2 key comments i would say is by logging in absolutely everything you eat drink a day both fast and feed I use the myfitnesspal a sweet little free calorie and exercise site/app so you remove the doubt about and know exactly how many calories you have had to eventually become the walking rain man of said calorie counting πŸ˜† and 2nd expect to make mistakes and go over your count in the early days and use the experience as a positive to your own personal continuous improvement to become the grand master the king poo baa of the fast the jedi knight of the fast and yoda of the fast calm you shall keep carry on you must yes hmmm ok hump day fast friends a great day to be alive get around it people
    Have a great day losers and
    (EFB) Efficient Fat Burners
    Peace RT

    Hi RT,

    Poor Sam, she has such trouble winning on home soil πŸ™

    It’s only Tuesday here so it’s 2 more sleeps πŸ˜‰
    I hate sweat bands so I’m not planning on wearing one. I guess I’ll need to wear my glasses though or I won’t be able to operate the treadmill, bike etc.
    I’ve just emailed to ask them to arrange my health consultation and gym induction first thing on Thursday morning.
    I’m really looking forward to it!

    I don’t count calories on non fast days any more, but I had to at the beginning as I stopped losing weight and it was because I was eating too much on non FDs.

    Amazon yes your correct Sam wants to have success here in Australia so much its the the elephant in the room for her sadly.
    And duh what was i thinking yes 2 more sleeps for you of course because today will be yesterday tomorrow πŸ˜† i will await on a full critique of course πŸ˜‰ and you may remember our own Olivia-Newton John classic hit lets get physical the film clip was a tad naughty even in the 80’s but that was my vision for you.

    ON-J πŸ˜†

    Good evening buddies,
    Well I survived the first run session. There were 50 newbies to running. I think I was the oldest but not fatest female. We did exercises then a normal walk, followed by a high knee arm swinging walk. Then we ran 60 seconds and walked 90 seconds intermittently( forever). We finished up with jumping jacks( not fun if you have big boobs) lots of other stretches which I managed very well due to Yoga. Believe it or not we ran 2 miles on the first night, incredible. The instructors plan to have us all running five miles without stopping within 8 weeks. Madness.

    It was very cold and dark which was off putting as you can’t see the ground, I personally thought it was a bit dangerous and will be carrying a torch next week. Also all pavement running which will no doubt be bad for my bursitus.

    However at the end of the session I was literally glowing and felt great.

    Here comes the down side, I could literally have eaten a horse when I got home. I heated up some spicy soup and had an orange for dessert. These were additional to my food plan today. I need to plan for this next week. Masochist that I am, I am already looking forward to next week.

    Should sleep well tonight.

    Dare say extra meal will damage my weight loss tomorrow.

    This is the problem with exercise compensatory behaviours either with food or being idle when not doing exercise.

    Horizon – second episode was excellent. Fasting proved very beneficial to many.

    Hi jojo,

    Can’t believe you ran 2 miles as a newbie to running! Great effort. And sounds like you’ve already got the bug! Next stop the marathon…?

    I’m with you on wanting to be able to see where I’m putting my feet/ what I’m stepping in! Round here it’s mostly cow pats, sheep poo and pot holes…

    I also watched Horizon pt 2, and can see elements of constant craver and feaster in me. Interesting to see that I have already adopted some of the good habits, but slightly depressing to think the craver in me will always be there trying to make me fat πŸ™

    Awesome job running, Jojo! Maybe you can be our across the pond consultant for Girls on the Run! Jumping Jack’s and big boobs made me laugh, along with Amazon in her 80s fitness gear a la Olivia Newton John! Love it, RT!
    Needed the laugh after this week, believe me! Highlights of the last two days include:
    1. Hubby’s car on the fritz, but only when he drives it! Back and forth to the shop several times, where it performs like a champ. He picks it up, drives it somewhere and it won’t start! Frustrating, but a little funny.
    2. Furnace on the fritz. Hot water and no heat from yesterday afternoon until about an hour ago. Now heat is creeping slowly up, but no hot water! On the plus side, I guess that means I will be at the gym in the am! Did I mention our super high efficiency, super expensive furnace is just 1 1/2 years old??
    3. Mom driving home last night misjudged the turn into our street and ended up on the railroad tracks. She had the presence of mind to get out of the car immediately and call 9-1-1. Car had to be towed, big production with the police and transit, commuter train delayed. Good news that she and the car are both fine, except for…
    4. Renal cell carcinoma, which she was diagnosed with yesterday! Again, the good news is that it is a small tumor on her kidney and has not spread. A quick surgery will take care of it along with a little radiation.

    And it’s only Tuesday!!! xoxoxox

    awwww ply xx I am on my way to bed but wanted t send you a great big cuddle pal

    Wee xx

    Thanks, Wee! Hoping hump day means an upturn!

    Purple, hope you have a speedy recovery on that ankle!

    Greetings, all you lovely losers and EFBs. RT, your list of names just keeps growing! Are there any female ‘grand masters’ to aspire to?

    Weebil, dark chocolate is a health food, and should certainly be included in non-fast days, together with red wine and cheese. πŸ™‚ Habits are so hard to break, aren’t they, but we all benefit from listening to our bodies re food time and hunger. I don’t do breakfasts any more – or not so much – but confess to another ‘snack attack’ last night. Welcome.

    Well done, Jojo! You will be flying, soon.

    Ply24, I hope your furnace is still under warranty? I take it you are in the northern hemisphere, hence the need for warmth. What’s it with your family and cars this week? Sorry to hear about your mum, hope all goes well for her. The week will get better!

    Happy hump day fast trackers all.

    So many posts since I logged in the other day, everyone has been so busy.

    Jojo, running 2 miles in your first stint? Awesome! Up to 20 years ago I used to do mini-triathlons – 5km run, 15km cycle and 500m swim. My least favourite was the running leg so don’t think I would have even started if it had been 5miles (about 8km).

    On the injury front, Purple, hope your ankle heals quickly; Wee so glad to hear your back is on the mend.

    Like SAMM (glad your employer values you enough to have rejected your resignation), am taking a break from 5:2 while on leave but have been skipping breakfast so scales edging down about 0.2kg/week. Very happy as by this time last year I had put on 8kg while on leave which prompted me to start this IF WOL on my return to work in 2014. Now 12kg lighter (including weight gained during Christmas and lead-up) so starting back at work in 10 days with much less of me and my recent innovation of at least 16hr fasts daily and, if I can make it, 23hr fasts on FDs. Have a jar of Bovril and sachets of miso soup in my desk drawer if it all gets too much on FDs.

    Beautiful cool weather here in the Adelaide Hills for a few more days with the recent rain bringing our January total to twice the monthly average. It also reduces the immediate bushfire risk. Back at it next week tho’ with 35 predicted for next Tuesday.

    Keep up the good work you bunch of losers! πŸ˜‰

    Hi Y’all

    that was my biggest hurdle taking the walking job.
    I need those calories .

    took me a while to move my. Meal times to accommodate the walking. And then no other food time. So it blew my proven way of doing thing out of the water. And had to reinvent the wheel to manage fasting and exercising.

    Learned to fast on an exercise day was tricky.
    But doable.
    Eat just before the exercisebegins. Or shortly befor.
    if it’s Intense like running or loading trucks . I choose fruits that would gush sugars into blood stream rather than trickle. Learned to carry dried fruits like blueberries .raisend. and almonds for fat. In my pocket.

    Beans are good for 3 hours wether I exercise or not.

    happy that you are accomplishing this ambitious exercise strengthening . Will help you in the short and long run.

    Best wishes

    Very impressive ‘entry level’ running Jojo.
    I managed a bit of swimming. At least my arms get a workout. Nothing exciting with the ankle, though. P

    Good morning all,
    Well I slept like a baby 8 hours, no getting up for a wee even. So if you are a non sleeper, get those trainers on and follow the programme I recorded above. If you can drag someone with you do so it will force you to do the hour. Try it in daylight though.

    NickyF – My hip feel a little uncomfortable but not painful. Today I am running 15-20 minutes on the treadmill and 2 mins non stop on grass intermittently with 4 minutes rest ( see how that goes) I think I am still a jogger not runner yet but watch this spot, I am going for it. The key is counting breath in and out slowly up to 4, really helps.

    I am not interested in doing a marathon, I do not believe my old joint deserve this torture at their age but the mini triathlon sounds terrific, I love swimming. I haven’t ever used a bike seriously so I guess a beginners spin class will need to be added to my bucket list of sports to try.

    Thank you all for your well wishes, I honestly was terrified of going last night. It was only having you all to report to that got me there at all. If you are inspired try it, the challenge is there for the taking. But do it within a scheme or club, get support, it is not easy. The club leader took it up at 46 as an asthmatic that had not run since school and she hated it then. She now runs 10 K weekly, not bad huh? She is looking really good, body size too. I made some lovely new friends too.

    Off to bowls now then to search for the sports bra that will make life less of a trial for jumping jacks, I think my rib cage will thank me. You men are so lucky – seriously!

    Ply, sorry to hear about your Mum and car problems. Cyber hugs to you. Thank you for inspiring me to run at the great old age of 59. I can do it and will.

    PVE – sorry to chat about running when you can’t even walk, get well soon.

    Get moving everyone please, your body will thank you( eventually)

    Fasting today

    P.s. What is hump day?

    The middle of the week – Wednesday – after which it’s downhill πŸ™‚

    Thanks Jojo. At least I can swim. πŸ™‚ P

    Morning/evening all.

    Good wishes to everyone, especially ply, I hope your Mum’s treatment goes well and she recovers quickly Smiley

    Nicky, well done on your no breakfast strategy, it must feel great to be still losing without fasting. I hope it continues.

    Jojo, well done for yesterday and I hope you continue to enjoy it. There is nothing better for a woman when exercising than a good sports bra, regardless of how much or how little one has to support!

    I watched the second episode of Horizon, and like Happy can see elements of Feaster and Constant Craver in me. I find it quite emotional watching as I’ve been through so many of the same things as the volunteers, and empathise with them. 75 people lost 63st in a 4 week period, which is really good going, and one man lost almost 2st.
    It has made me realise how much every single one of us has achieved without the orgaisiation and support of a medical and research team. We should all be giving ourselves a pat on the back πŸ™‚

    Purple, I hope your ankle continue to improve. You might just be using your arms in the pool, but I’m sure it will be benefitting too.

    FD for me today, have a good one everybody.

    Morning UK!
    Beautiful summer evening here. Dinner by the pool. It’s an eating day and OH is doing dessert and coffee while I keep the foot up. πŸ™‚ P

    Evening all (morning for UK and surrounds),

    A non-FD for me today and I needed to eat more than usual but that’s okay that happens occasionally.

    Ply hugs for you and your Mum (it was probably this news that was distracting her while driving which caused that incident).

    PVE hope the ankle heals quickly.

    Wee glad to hear your back has stopped giving you grief.

    Nicky lucky you having holidays still … your workmates might not recognise you on your return πŸ˜†

    Jojo as Barata says Hump Day is the hump in the middle of the week (rising from end of weekend to highest point – hump – in the middle then running down to the weekend again) – no naughty connotations there πŸ˜†

    SAMM good to hear how you cope with your work/life balances with this WOL.

    Will try to catch up again before bed but laptop needs charging and that’s in the other room.

    Hump day has become more popular in the US after these commercials:



    Good afternoon all,
    Ok so now I understand the term. Thanks for the explanation, good to know a non diet term. Bowls did not go well today as they stretched the mat yesterday so we were all over shooting the mark, this game can be so frustrating. However it walks off 3000 steps and the company is good( mostly), there are a few old farts. You do learn lots of medical ailments and treatments, may be useful later. They were very shocked that I went running last night and warned me of the dangers of knee damage. Hah ha

    Dog walk now and the another game of bowls. May try a run after bowls, just around the park, I will see how dark it is and if there is any weirdo’s hanging around. The statistics are very low on assaults to runners, not easy targets.

    Have a great ‘Hump’ day in the UK and States, probably Middle East too, probably too late for our Southern H friends.

    Evening all.

    I’ve been out for most of the day and haven’t even thought about food apart from when my brother was slicing and salting aubergines and I told him that I’m not fond of them.

    Veggie curry tonight with a cucumber raita livened up with a finely sliced blindingly hot chilli!

    I have to be at the gym at 9am tomorrow morning for my health consultation and gym equipment induction, and I have to say I’m really looking forward to it.

    I’m going to have a sauna afterwards πŸ˜›

    Can’t find my headband anywhere πŸ˜‰

    Hi everyone, so far this week I did well on my fast day and non fast day, but today (my second non fast day) I kind of ate some unhealthy food! My friend offered me some homemade pizza and I couldn’t resist and had two slices! And on top of that I had a veggie pastry! All in all however, I’ve managed to stay under my TDEE (just about) but I’ve done 3 hours of walking so I hope that’ll help me to still lose weight. I’m definitely more positive this week than last week and am managing to control my obsessive compulsive behaviour a lot better :). I bought some low calorie gluten free noodles from Holland and Barrett today as it was part of the penny sale so I thought I’d try it out. Have never tried them before i hope they’re tasty, I’ll try them out tomorrow as tomorrow is a fast day for me! Has anyone tried them? And if so do you have any good recipe ideas to use them? Thanks!

    Hi FoodAddict1,
    I eat zero noodles 5 times per week instead of carbs. I stir fry onions, peppers, garlic and chilli, add any other veg( I like pak choy) then rinse noodles(thoroughly- very important) some have an odour. Finally add king prawns and sweet chilli sauce- delicious. Yum


    Oh lovely I have nearly all of those ingredients, that sounds delish, can’t wait to try it tomorrow! Thank you πŸ™‚

    Good Morning Fast Trackers
    Nicky nicky08 Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†
    Hi Amazon I did in fact catch a brief visual of you and rest assured you want be requiring the head band I’m quite sure πŸ˜‰ enjoy the experience I will stand by for feedback 😯 ok Thursday a fast for the majority but not me so a new day and another adventure EFB’s to explore the sheer privilege of being alive πŸ˜† Nicky great job on passing on breakfast and extending the fasting window it all helps and ply hope mum is bright eyed and bushy tailed today.
    Ok time to get my swagger on πŸ˜†
    Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-1997
    β€œCarry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you”
    I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done. Lucille Ball
    It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life. Elizabeth Kenny
    I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I’m out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.
    Marilyn Monroe

    Success is like reaching an important birthday and finding you’re exactly the same.
    Audrey Hepburn

    I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I’m out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.
    Marilyn Monroe

    Indira Gandhi 1917-1984
    β€œThere are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.” my favourite

    In Peace Love & Happiness

    Good Luck tomorrow honey

    I use the Turkish bath regularly as the Sauna gives me a sore throat, strange isn’t it?

    I have a Rock Choir and Nordic walking tomorrow but the weather looks grim

    May end up in the gym instead!

    Forgot to weigh in today, but not feeling a loss so may leave it until Saturday


    I’m like a child on Christmas Eve except that I’ve packed my bag ratther than hung up the stocking, and am now impatiently waiting………..

    There is a steam room too and I intend on becoming a habitual user of both πŸ˜‰

    Oh yes, and the jacuzzi!

    Hi FA, I find it hard to say no to pizza too.

    Well done, all. Jojo and Amazon, you’re so impressive. πŸ˜†

    Rain has stopped and the sun is up. Looks like a lovely day. I fell off this thread about 24 hours ago, and what a large number of posts to read. πŸ™„

    Good morning one and all πŸ˜€ another cool, damp looking day today (only expecting low 20s) a FD for me today. I feel like I slept better last night than I have for a while, so although I may not get much sleep it seems I’m sleeping deeper πŸ˜€ .

    FA I must admit to liking homemade pizza too (mainly when I make it though πŸ˜† as then I know what’s on it).

    RT I admit to liking Princess Di’s quote of doing a RAK (random act of kindness) and in fact have been doing this for quite a while. I’ve also had people do this for me and it really is uplifting.

    Ply just to let you know I’m thinking of you and hope you’re okay.

    Wee hope to hear from you today too πŸ˜€

    PVE how’s the ankle doing?

    Jojo I hear you re feeling whether or not you’ve lost weight as I have been having that feeling strongly this week, where the past few weeks it’s been much more hesitant and once I felt that I had put on (and the scales have confirmed this each week). I admit to feeling very positive this week for a loss πŸ™‚

    Hoping you all have a wonderful day/night and that the scales are kind to you πŸ™‚

    Onwards and downwards one and all πŸ˜†

    I’m now using the 3rd hole in the belt so something is happening πŸ™‚

    Good morning / evening /late afternoon all fts.
    Ply I hope your week has improved after your horror Tuesday! Your poor mum. She must still be feeling very fragile.
    Jojo and Amazon I can only lie here and wonder about your energy levels. Most impressive! I guess that’s what cold weather does.
    After a good night’s rest the swelling, but not the pain, is subsiding.
    I managed to sync my new activity monitor and was pleased to see I hobbled quite a few steps yesterday and, even with mainly using arms to protect my ankle, used a creditable amount of calories swimming. SO, my rehab is swimming multiple times a day, bicycling on the bed (no RT, it is a solo persuit!) and massaging the swollen ankle in the pool filter outlet…a strong stream of water.
    Hot fastday today, so the pool is the answer. Have a good one you clever, strong folk. P

    It’s called ‘reappearing waist’ AO. Well done πŸ˜‰ P

    Hey all watch Horizon now
    Final programme

    PVE thank you for the clarification your a good egg πŸ˜‰


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