Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • G’day WN and Amazon. I see you are both cruising! πŸ˜‰ P

    Hello fast trackers,

    NickyF, Emel and RT in South Australia, Nama, keirra in Victoria, Bay in ACT, PVE in NSW, WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo, SAMM, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Ply, Tartan lass, Smiffy, Comespring, FoodA, Lor_PA, Couscous, Ellie Rainbow (shortened to ER if you don’t mind) and Hello World (You know Who You Are Smiley )

    Hi and Welcome Heavens-Hazzard (shortened to HH if you don’t mind πŸ˜€ ) you’ll find lots of info and encouragement in here.

    Well done WN on your loss … isn’t it great, I hope you’re keeping measurements too as this is something I’ve done since the start and on the weeks where the scales aren’t being kind the tape measure often is πŸ˜€

    Lori just a thought are you drinking enough? I know it sounds strange but drinking water does help and I go to a drink before food now as it does stave off hunger and if you can distract yourself for just a few minutes and think of something other than food/eating that also seems to help.

    Yesterday ended up a semi-FD for me without trying, so today’s FD should get those scales moving by the end of the week (here’s hoping πŸ˜† ),

    I’ll pop back in shortly just the computer needs to restart in a minute. Ciao for now πŸ˜€

    Good morning Southern Hemisphere πŸ˜›

    I needed to follow up yesterday’s FD with a restrained day of eating and I feel much better for it.
    I’m going out for lunch with the girls tomorrow and I’m aiming for one course and a small vat of wine πŸ˜‰

    Mine was a knee issue too, was on a speeding bus and I ended up falling rounding a corner then broke and dislocated my knee and wrist.
    Tore a ligament and had to have a tendon reconstuction.

    The bus driver left me by the side of the road to get home, was a couple of days after my 21st birthday.

    I am hoping to get back to the weight I was before, I have no clothes that fit. Haha!

    Jojo, good luck with the choir test, and the new social group. We can all see that there are gaps in your social calendar that need filling.

    Welcome and well done, HH.

    OA, I see you are finally going bananas! πŸ™‚

    I looked at the BBC site for the test you’ve mentioned, but could not track it down.

    Had a fast day yesterday, me and OH too, his first! He did very well, and with a 0.8kg loss on the scales this morning will be encouraged to continue. Yay!

    How big’s a vat, Amazon?

    You will find the clothes start to fit very soon, HH. It’s one of the wonders of 5:2.

    Barata, it is unlikely that I’ll have more than two glasses of wine, but it depends on how thirsty my friends are……………..

    You must be really pleased that your OH has joined you.

    Two glasses is the healthy limit Amazon, with the equivalent in water πŸ˜‰
    Any more and it effects bloodsugars. Interestingly, I learned to make a glass of wine last the complete meal a few years ago. I always finish the last mouthful with the final sip. Otherwise I have to have another whole glass.
    Enjoy your outing with your friends and let them drink the excess!

    Knees take ages to heal HH. Be gentle with it, but weight loss is definitely the main thing.

    Well done on getting your OH to sign up Barata. It is SO much easier with a live in motivator. I, too, was wondering how many hours there are in a Jojo day? Must be more than 24! πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi Happy

    I lasted 18 hours, that also seems to be my preferred max. With absolutely no processed carbs I feel much healthier. However, still within my 6 hour window, I ate some yogurt and blueberries and chia seeds. So all in all I went over my 500 cals and lost a very small amount of weight. More importantly, I lost some cm from waist and hips. Will persevere this week with almost no processed carbs. πŸ˜‰

    Cheers, Bay

    Thank you all, for your support. πŸ™‚

    Yes, I’m thrilled OH has joined me. He’s been overweight for half his life, and it’s not SEXY! Don’t know how motivating he will be but success should encourage him to continue.

    Hey Barata, yep b’nana that’s me πŸ˜† lucky for you that your OH is joining you on your journey. Like him I’ve been overweight for well more than half my life and have tried and tried to lose (and keep off) weight. The best I got was almost 20kg lighter than now, it took me almost a year to get it off but there was no method of maintenance and it crept back on within months and then some extra. From then until now I’ve not been able to lose more than a couple of kg and then it bounces straight back on. Now, in just on 4 months I’ve lost almost 14kg, it’s been done easily (for me) and it’s using real food, not meal replacement drinks, and as I’m trying to eat within my goal weight ranges maintenance should no longer be an issue. I also know how easy it is to get back on track after a short break, it’s not undo-able in fact it is very DO-able.

    Must run for now as need to get organised for work πŸ˜€ chat soon πŸ˜€

    Evening all .
    My back felt a bit better today and we managed to go out and get a few things done that have been pending .
    Just after tea time we had a lovely visit from our youngest granddaughter she is almost 21 and gorgeous in every way ( We nannys always think that anyway ) :). She was commenting on the weight I have lost .
    When Mam and Dad went into care almost 6 years ago (both had Alzheimer’s) I had cared for them both for a few years and dieting was the only thing I could take control of . I lost 5 stones ( 4 pounds short of 5 stones) When Mam passed away I slowly put 3 stone of that back on .
    I have now lost that 3 stone here in the last 6 months . SOOO when I loose another 4 pounds that will be me 5 stone lighter than I have been for about 22/23 years . I just feel so proud of myself and wish I had found 5.2 earlier .

    What I am trying to say is a big thank you to Jojo and the rest of you lovely people on here for all the encouragement and fun along the way ….Thank you xxxxxxxxxxx

    Wee xx

    So pleased to hear your back is easing Wee. You have done really well shifting the weight with all you have to do. I know how taxing it is visiting and worrying about an elderly parent with dementia. Your dad is very lucky. P x

    Thanks PVA .I love how we have all become such good friends on here .

    Wee xx

    Yes Wee. Friendships based on commonalities and caring not just proximity πŸ™‚
    Looked out for you again, this week, on the Bannockburn show. I was really surprised you weren’t swinging an archeological pick! P

    Good to hear your back is improving, Wee, and well done on the weight loss.

    OH has never really dieted before, never seen the need, no health problems and the latest checkup gave him a totally clean slate re pre-diabetes.

    Great to share all of this, get support and feedback, and yes, make friends all around the world who are on this losing journey.

    B xx

    Hi all, just finished my 5th fast day (started this diet just before new year) on Friday I had lost a total of 3kg, weighed this morning and have put on 1/2 kg!!

    On my non fast days in am eating 1200 cals, I am only short 5.2in and have approx. 7kg to loose.

    Little bit disheartened, any one else put weight on after loosing?

    Might try 3 fast days this week to see if I can kick start my weight loss again

    I’ve just wached the first of the 3 Horizon programmes about dieting. It was fascinating, and I’m looking forward to the next one tomorrow.

    Add me to the South Australia list

    Hi nicky08
    You’ve done well. Remember, if you drink just 2 glasses of water before weighing you will be .5kg heavier. That’s why it is a good idea to weigh regularly (I do every morning and night) and record your lowest weight each week. Graph this and you’ll see the real changes. Also, measure yourself thoroughly at this stage and maybe once a month and record it. You think you’ll remember but it is very motivating. This is a marathon, not a race, but it IS longterm! All the best, P

    nicky, your weight will fluctuate from day to day depending on many things, including whether the previous day was a fast day or not. You have lost 2.5kg which is excellent especially as you don’t have much to lose.
    Some weigh themselves every day and some weigh once a week, and if you weigh every day after a few weeks you’ll see that your weight will fluctuate, but overall will be going down.
    It works, just keep on doing it!

    Good luck.

    Hi I am new to this diet I will be starting tomorrow and fasting Thursday and Friday how much can I expect to lose in the first week if any at all?

    I took the test and guess what?
    IF is the one for me Smiley

    Funny about that A πŸ˜†

    Yes, maybe I should try it πŸ˜‰

    Oh, I already did………………

    Welcome emlovesaz
    I agree with Nama. Start 5:2 as 5:2. The book recommends 2 non consecutive days. Master controlling your hunger with separate fasts to start with. Later you might experiment. I’m heading towards 2 years and I never do consecutive days. 5:2 is a slower, but sustainable, way to reach a healthy weight and to maintain it. Check out all the info on the homepage here too. All the best. PVE

    Morning all,

    Welcome nicky08 and Emlovesaz. There is a lot of trial and error involved with this diet to find what suits you, but Em I will say that it’s very ambitious to start with two consecutive days. Fasting takes a bit of practice for most people. Your first week is usually one of your best losses but the amount depends on a few factors, esp how much you have to lose. No one on here will push you for details but hang around and you will get lots of support and watch how many of the long time fasters achieve such great results! Good luck!

    Have a great day/evening the rest of you and try to behave! Cheers!

    Was it definitely the HORIZON PROGRAMME LAST NIGHT ???

    Wee xx

    Thanks for the info and advice. I thought that if I chose days where my little girl isn’t here I won’t pick her meals when she’s finished also I could concentrate on other things other than preparing food πŸ™‚

    Em, it IS hard with little people asking for food (I often have grandkids here on fast days) but see it as a challenge never to eat while preparing or serving their food. Put leftovers in the compost. It is like working in a restaurant kitchen. You can’t eat the food there either. πŸ˜‰ It is self control building and a good habit to get into πŸ™‚ P

    Hi purple,
    Just got in from badminton, not the best night, lost every game. I think the pilates finished me off today. I hate it when they switch my yoga to pilates, it’s bloody hard work on a day when I have two other strenuous activities. I wouldn’t mind doing it on a different day, I can see the benefits but it can be gruelling. It’s not much fun supporting my body weight in some of the stronger poses. Most of the people in my class are skinny so don’t have as much trouble. Oh well, one day someone will be moaning about my skinny arse. I can dream!
    Tomorrow ?I have the first run, I am actually feeling very nervous about it, fingers crossed. I just have this fear that everyone will run off and leave me behind puffing and wheezing in the dark. It will probably be windy and wet too, what am I doing this for?
    I think my comfort zone is bowls not running.
    Off to bed now, thank goodness I get 1100 cals tomorrow, luxury.

    Jojo, you could always take a shortcut and meet them at the end πŸ˜‰
    You’ll be fine! Get a good night’s rest. P

    I know that feeling Jojo! That’s what used to happen to me the last time I ran competitively, aged 12! They left me for dead! I am sure you won’t be the only beginner on the course though, isn’t that what it’s for? Have fun, you are the expert at overcoming fear! X

    Hi Amazon, it’s sort of reassuring to know you’re working with your own nature rather than against it isn’t it?

    Here’s hoping we learn a bit more about ourselves over the next two nights that we can implement for improved results/ eating control!

    Bay and P, good effort on the fasts. I’m going to have to rethink my eating to include better fasts I think!

    Wee, so glad your back is improving. The first of 3 Horizon programmes was tonight. I guess it will be on iPlayer if you missed it.

    Jojo, wear white and hope for snow? If you can’t keep up you can just fade into the blizzard and disappear…

    Seriously though, I’m sure it will be a nice supportive group as everyone is there for the same reason. Just remember to go at your own pace, it’s quite easy to overexert trying to keep up with others!

    I did the test an hour or two ago and found that I didn’t fit into any of the three categories, i.e. they don’t know what to do with me. Just like when I did a longevity test and was told that women with my then BMI were usually dead by 71 – in other words, why aren’t you dead yet, fatso?

    I should point out that the longevity test claimed I would live to 94. Probaby I’ll die of a seizure while punching the lights out of some statistician making daft predictions πŸ˜‰

    Way to go Hermaj. I found quite a few of the BBC questions needed ‘none of the above’ and since 5:2 has changed our attitudes to eating we weren’t sure whether to answer as now or pre 5:2.
    All just a bit of fun, but their recipe site is excellent.
    Keep smiling πŸ™‚ P

    Purple veggie eater thanks, I have to do this because the weight is just going on and on and I don’t want to be the fat mum at the school. I’m also hoping that on them days she won’t notice that much that I’m not eating loads as she isn’t here in the days. Is there any food I should avoid on my non fasting days to make the fasting days more efficient?

    Eat healthy veg and protein. Many of us find cutting down on sweet and starchy foods makes a big difference. Modelling good eating habits is one of the best things we can do for our kids. Nothing fanatical. Just good healthy choices. Eg reduce (or eliminate) snacking. Have a glass of water instead. She won’t notice you are fasting if you don’t say anything.
    You can do it! P πŸ™‚

    Ah thanks so much I’m really looking forward to it now. I’m going to bed now. Goodnight x

    Hi P, I answered as the ‘before’ me and came out more like a craver, but not massively so. I’ll have to retake it as me now and see what I get! I suspect a more controlled greedy who still thinks about food more than she ought πŸ™‚

    Hermaj, I did an online test several years ago which promised to predict the sex of your brain (based on maths, problem solving, spatial awareness etc). At the end it happily told me that it was 99.9% certain I was a man πŸ™

    How’s that Happy? Rational? Unemotional? Analytical? Self assured? Thinks about sex all the time? Really could be examples in either gender. Vive les differences ou les similitudes! P

    In a fog from lack of sleep.

    fast went well today, I made dinner for everyone then put mine in feed day pyrex containers. For when I go in to work. I’ll need the food energy then. Was reminded how fragile my shoulder is today. Cried out like a screaming girl when put something up high. Nothing im seeking attention or sympathy for. Just a reminder to not push my limits . Stick to what’s working . I’ve come so far don’t want another injury to spoil my zeal for becoming active again.

    I haven’t had oat bran since before thanksgiving. So my fast is also a great way to track of sugar spikes.

    can’t say how much it helped me to journal all my food in the beginning in march of 2013. I was shocked at how much eating put I was doing, then coming home and grazing on snacks. I went on 16/8 at first then on19/5 .

    My current outlook is to go on ten weekly fasts of 4:3 .then take a two week break from fasting to focus on strength training muscle building.

    I want to start going to what jojo mentioned of 19/5 feed day followed by a 24 hour fast. I may look into it more as April nears. I want to switch from weight loss to the health benefits of fasting. I feel I’ve aquire d enough menu and focus try it out. Observing tdee or less 6 days a week. I’m still not ready to let my sundays of eating till full go. I know I should, but just can’t seem to talk myself into letting go of one restriction free day a week go. However I learned to eat much more vitamin and minerals from plant and animal sources. So its become a nutrition dense day.
    Something I can look forward to all week knowing the hunger of weight loss isnt chronic. But strategically placed on the weekly menu so that I can keep on keepin on.

    just beans today. Looking forward to the oat bran and pizza stuffed s puffed peppers. After work. This is week where she’s in for care 3 days and it’s bbetter preparefoods for the family for Individual wantings.

    I’d be lying if i said i wasn’t struggling. But i guess that’s to be expected on my first successful 600 calorie day in in two weeks. I think it’s just more difficult because of all the physical activity at work.
    .once If remeber right I didn’t fast at first when I started working at the warehouse. Next time I’ll try to start on a friday, the the following Wednesday and Friday. Then mon, wed fri. Me t hinks it’s too demanding to go straight back into 4:3 rather ease into it with less exervise on a restart week.

    Joh, you have to know you will be fabulous! Go at your pace and enjoy! Or take Purple’s advice! Google “Rosie Ruiz” for tips on how it’s done!

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†
    Without doubt the calorie restriction and intermittent fasting are the gears that drive the weight loss and in particular Jojo’s thread is by far the most engaged informed and committed to achieving outcomes and seems to get bigger hourly well almost πŸ˜† I have been researching this subject intensely and i offer up this as a great resource download the book and browse over a refreshing water or green tea losers you won’t be disappointed
    Have a great day
    (EFB) Efficient Fat Burners
    Peace RT

    Hi Nicky08, I’m around your height and need to lose a similar amount (6kg). I know how it feels to put in so much effort losing and then so easily put it back on! I’m not going to lie it really disheartens me as well but you have to look at how far you’ve come. Even if I don’t lose weight but I notice an improvement in my relationship with food I take it as an achievement to motivate me. Keep looking at the positives and use them to change the negatives (I need to take my own advice first lol!) I only started last week and today is my fourth fast day, and the first fast day which I finally managed to restrict to 400 to 500 calories. Don’t worry if it takes some time because you will get better! Good luck!

    Good evening friends and welcome Emsloesat and Nicky08, please tell us more about why you chose fasting?

    This thread has over 35 contributors with a huge range of experience. Join us and learn how to make your slimming dreams come true.

    Drink 4 pints of water per day
    Replace potato, pasta and rice with zero noodles/ rice
    Cut out bread and cakes
    Eat loads of veg and fish( without batter)
    Stop snacking unless it is counted in your calorie allowance.
    Drink green teas or fruit teas – honey and camomile good starter tea.
    Make your own soup weekly – veg or chicken and use it as a meal replacement ( lunch or dinner(not with bread – try 3 bread sticks)
    Cut breakfast – the earlier you start eating the more you will eat in a day – tried and tested.
    Get moving – wear a pedometer and record steps daily. Minimum 10,000 daily.
    Join classes and groups – any hobby or sporting activity.
    Swim – best way to get that hourglass figure and avoid injury. Fat people float better too.
    Post on this thread, ask for help when needed 24 hours per day, we are always here. As you see I am still up at 2.17 in the morning and our Southern Hemisphere friends are still in daylight hours.
    Read every book about nutrition you can find, research every food you eat.
    Stop eating processed food, it is rubbish and will keep you fat.

    So not much to do really – but I have done all of the above and stopped drinking alcohol for the whole of last year. I am prepared to change my habits to become the slim person I want to be. Simple really! If you are Supergirl – bloody hard work if you are me. But I am 5 stone down and 3/4 of the way to my goal. I look normal now and can wear size 16. Most of all be happy ( fasting is rough in the first three months, bit like pregnancy, poor sleep, irritable and headaches) you will get through it.

    Nama – I do keep myself very busy and go out every day and evening because I am not lucky enough to have a partner at home to cuddle up to. With luck my future will be different. Meantime I am really enjoying myself and healthy eating has left me with the vitality of a teenager. I think I may be regressing actually – have we found the answer to eternal youth. Apparently I kiss like a 16 old too, not sure if that is a compliment or insult – what do you think? Ha Ha

    I am not tired, rarely am these days even though I do lots of exercise, weird isn’t it? My 24 hours does feel like 30 most days. Perhaps I am in a fasting time warp.

    Chat tomorrow after my weigh in.

    Hey friends,

    I took the test from Horizon,
    I slightly edged on Feasters so should be on high protein low GI.
    Actually that would be my preferred long term choice of diet.

    I suspect that my result would have been very different if I had answered it 1 year ago.

    Do you have any tips for the newbies, we have so many since Christmas, please make them welcome.

    I was thinking we should update our profiles with weight loss , inch loss data then it is easily available, also add area and country.

    For those that don’t know you can see profile by clicking on the posters name.

    Another of your gold nuggets Jojo, “I am prepared to change my habits to become the slim person I want to be” …. That’s it in a nutshell! Now get to bed, you have to run in the morning!

    RT thanks heaps for the article, looks good. Also thanks for always being so perky!

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