Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 551 through 600 (of 16,657 total)

  • Jojo, how can any health professional look at your success and do anything but endorse your methods?

    What a tough day yesterday was. I don’t remember going to sleep.
    Jojo great going on that pedometer. If I’m not your biggest fan I still routing for you all the way.

    I hold back on the whey protein as milk seems to make me spike for some reason.
    Will have more time over the weekend to listen to lectures. I can’t quite wrap my head around the world being anything but flat! So big thanks simicoeluv .

    Going back to work last day of the week

    Good morning Fastrackers and other thread visitors,
    Thank you all for your support it really means a lot to me,

    I felt so frustrated yesterday but have thought it through and decided that I will add potato back into my diet. I do take a lot of exercise and I do not want to burn off muscle instead of fat.

    I can include it easily enough and I really enjoy the taste. I already have porridge most days so that will have to do. I am not bringing back bread as it is too addictive for me and gives me bloated stomach, I do like bread, probably my favourite food stuff but it is too high in sugar. I will have some when out for a meal as a treat, at least that way it’s controllable. I am now going to record my body fat ratio because I want to be able to prove to the ‘experts’ that I am losing fat only.

    Going shopping today, a new outfit might be the pick up I need. Also I need to get my iphone and ipad sorted out, not syncing emails and photographs consistently. Technology can be a pain at times and password access is driving me nuts, every time I change one for security every thing seems to go wrong.

    I hope this will be the last day of taking anti- histamine as my Mosquitos bites are less inflamed. I wish my blood was not so sweet, they just can’t resist me, they do make summer a misery. I know many people are in my boat, if only there was an effective preventative measure taken orally that works. Alternatively I should wear rubber from top to toe, now there is picture to give you nightmares. I wonder what my date would make of that haha.

    Not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow for the first time since January, but I am not going to go into a bender, it’s just one week. Extra effort for the next few weeks.

    Art class was fun because I chose to decorate a picture box rather than copy another Coastscape from a photograph. The teacher was not very inspiring, actually I thought she was ill prepared and lazy. Sad really, given such an inspiring subject, she should make more effort. 5 students out of 8 missing which speaks volumes, when you have paid for the course you usually make the effort to turn up.

    Now what shall I do with Thursday nights – another sport or hobby? Suggestions ? Anything you have tried that you recommend?

    Ah well, dogs and pedometer are telling me to get my arse into gear, walkies

    De elite,
    Thanks for the cinnamon tip, I will add it to my natural yogurt daily for the next week and await the 10 lb loss(well you can’t say I am not willing to try anything) I would be very surprised and delighted if I exceeded my 2 lb. any one else giving it a go? Anyone else had good results with it already?
    Sounds like a winner to me!

    Dried plums seems like a very healthy option especially for post menopausal women( but don’t let that put you off SAMM) good for bone density. I will get dome today. I wonder why (dried) not fresh? Anyone know? Possibly just so you can have them out of season or because sugars concentrated?
    I have let you down on the 15,000 daily step challenge this week but I will put all effort into next week.
    Great going on your part, still my exercise inspiration girl.

    Have you tried Avon Skin-so-soft to repel the midges? I’ve heard it’s a miracle cure! Have fun on your date πŸ™‚ xx

    You’ve never let me down, Jojo, only inspired me! I have been pushing to get my 15,000 steps in, but missed by a couple of thousand yesterday. Reached the goal or more for 8 of last 10 days, so pleased with that effort. Scales are still a bit sluggish, but clothes are feeling and looking better every day. I am noticing changes all over…more shapely wrists and shoulders…not kidding. I have indentations in places that used to jut out!

    Have fun on your date tonight, Jojo! I am having dinner with the friend who told me about 5:2 back in February!

    Good morning fast trackers!

    jojo, I hope your shopping trip cheers you up and that the fever managed to burn off a few calories for you πŸ™‚ Hate to hear you sounding a bit discouraged, you work as hard as anyone I know! Thursday nights? Zumba gold! πŸ˜‰ Are there any embroidery shops in your area where people gather and socialize as they stitch, or is it only knitters who do that? Our knitting shop owner is on vacation at the moment, leaving us temporarily homeless here, lol.

    ply, aren’t the changes amazing? All my veins are showing again!

    SAMM, have a good day at work and lots of good sleep afterward!

    JIP, how is it going?

    deelite, how is the fasting going for you?

    amzta, I forgot all about that Avon lotion! Never tried it myself, but have heard good things about its mosquito-repelling powers.

    Only 8,500 steps yesterday, but 11,000 on Wednesday and 14,000 on Tuesday. Weight still holding between 117 and 118. Fasting today, leftovers in the fridge for tonight, posted the recipe for Ricotta Parmesan Pie With Fresh Herbs on the recipe list yesterday. Better get moving, get to work!

    Hello all,
    Just back from shopping(9143 steps) so I guess I am going for a long walk before dinner, quick cuppa first. Had a lovely ploughmans for lunch, do you know what that is in the states. Cheddar cheese, brown pickle, pickled onion with fresh wholemeal bread and butter and a dressed salad. Slice of ham off the bone given to my friend. Apple and elderflower cordial was delicious on a warm day.
    Spent Β£100 on a turquoise lace top, bright pink and black dress and lime green shorts (shorts obviously not for wearing in public, just my garden), cheering myself up with food and colour, always a tonic.

    I use the Avon moisturiser so called miracle cure by the gallon, guess what my Mosquitos love it, salad dressing to them. But keep the suggestions coming I will try anything. SAMM – no jokes though.

    My steps averaged out at just over 10,000 per day this week, which is up on pre challenge so all good. I will keep working on it but I really need to get my hip injected with steroid(to quell inflammation)before I really go for it again.

    Sorry to tell you guys but my date just cancelled, he also sent me flowers(sweet)his daughter has been rushed into hospital to have her baby 4 weeks early, so he has headed up to Oxford. Hope she is OK even if she has got lousy timing.

    My daughter is now coming round for dinner to work on our vegetarian menu.
    Not too upset, actually I am a little relieved, not sure I am ready for dating anyway and I think he was a but posh for me, terribly formal.

    Now I am going to use the time to plan my eating next week. Still craving fish and I am even dreaming of bacon at the moment. Keep telling myself it is only a month.

    Glorious weather here but storms due tomorrow.

    The new clothes sound beautiful, Jojo! It is so much more fun to get dressed now!

    Hope your hip gets better. I had some trouble with one of mine several years ago, but seems to have righted itself.

    I was looking forward to hearing about the big date! Nice of him to make it clear that he really wanted to see you with the flowers, and I suppose a new grandbaby is a good excuse! I have a date night with my hubby tonight which I am looking forward to. Did I ever mention that we are married for the second time, to each other? We were apart/divorced for 5 years, and remarried over 7 years ago! So be careful about spending too much time with your ex! πŸ˜‰

    Make sure you post good recipes and ideas for the veg scene. I find that looking for recipes that include meat, and then replacing the meat with eggplant, mushrooms, or some other “meaty” vegetable really opens up the options more than searching for strictly vegetarian recipes. Also, have you seen this?:


    I make zucchini “noodles” with my mandoline, but this looks like fun!

    My Fast Beach Diet book arrived today!!

    Hi fast trackers! Lots of work today, I’m picking up a new client family, walked about a mile and a half to the bank and back again at lunchtime, beautiful weather, 9500 steps and 0 calories so far today πŸ™‚ looking forward to my late fasting dinner this evening.

    jojo, that sounds like a wonderful shopping trip and lunch! I would enjoy the ploughman’s except for the ham. What is brown pickle? I understand about not feeling ready for dating. There’s someone who works in the building where my clients like who I’ve been thinking about asking if he would like to go do something of an evening for months now without doing a thing about it. But maybe something will still happen with this too-posh gentleman? I agree take care of that hip, giving it a bit of a break if necessary, before it gets worse, more disability would be a serious hindrance at this point.

    Glad your book came, ply! How many days did it take?

    SAMM, I hope you are getting some rest.

    Hope everyone else has been out enjoying beautiful weather today, wherever you all are!

    SAMM, we use resistance tubes for strength training at my walking group. very portable and can be looped around various pieces of outdoor equipment for a ve parity of upper- and lower-body exercises.

    Good evening all,
    It’s the middle of the night and I cannot sleep, unusual for me. Thought I would catch up on some reading and viewing links.
    Ply, yes I have considered buying one of these too. It would be great for making brocolli slaw. My daughter finally made me a protein drink with milk, apple and cinnamon flavour, I am a convert, it was nectar. My daughter has stolen one of the two packs I ordered, she said it was good enough to live on. She is looking for non bread lunches, vegetarian, that are filling for non fast days. What do you take to work? She will need to buy a mixer though as I have our one. Let me know what you think of the book. I liked the mind control section because sometimes you go into a spiral which does seem to be very destructive.
    SAMM – I have used these in yoga but not quite as vigorously as your u tube workout, don’t want to become a body builder. I think there is nothing uglier than protruding veins in arms of women, gross.
    Playing bowls tomorrow with one of my badminton buddies. Going to village ‘Open Gardens’ on Sunday so I hope the weather is good, cream tea event for charity – yum scones with jam and cream.
    Fran – brown pickle is Branson, but I did’t think the brand name would be understood by our international readership.

    My apologises for late reply, I had written a reply but I didn’t notice it never sent!

    Anyway second day of fasting on Thursday went well, I got a little snacky at the end of the day but I was still within 500cal! πŸ™‚ generally I’ve found fast days easier to track because I know that food is limited more so than regular days.

    I was a little bad last night as we had a Spanish festival at work and I drank probably more sangria than I should of (but man it was good haha)

    I am pleased with my weigh in this morning of 55.1kg. Even though on paper it is the same as last week, I fell of the diet train for 3 days before finding this diet and went straight back to 56.5kg so now I am back on track, hopefully I can break into the 54kg bracket next week!!

    How is everyone else’s fasts going?!

    Good morning all(again),
    Woke up bright and early and feeling good,
    Planning an active day. Weigh in was as expected + 2 lbs. as I have told you all, quickly gained, quickly lost. Fasting this weekend and ADF next week, catching up folks.
    Dog walk, bowls and some serious housework today.
    Visiting ‘Open Gardens’ tomorrow where there will be cream teas, not planning on eating anything.

    Deelite, when I finish this fast I will have lost almost your entire body weight(how sad is that?) but I am half way there. Planning on letting there next February. Must be great weighing 54 kilos, good luck.

    Have a great weekend my fasting buddies

    Wow, that’s great Jojo! Yes I do like the way a look now, but I have to for my job, but after starting this diet, I have changed my relationship with food and don’t feel like I have to eat all the time. Now I have started to eat when I need to, rather than when I want too. Which is good!

    I know what you mean Deelite. I go to the store sometimes and feel like finding what I went in for are needles in the hay stacks. My food habits have changed. I keep notes on recipes and the calorie counts for cups of ingredients. I now realize how much poor quality foods are out there in the store isles, that taste great, but not what I would put on my menu. I finally had to just find a local store that delivers it to me. I used to do this long time ago when my father was Ill. I like having absolute control over the 7 day menu now. I do however stop at my favorite vegetable markets often. And then use http://nutritiondata.self.com/foods-000992000000000000000.html to look up what I need to know.

    This particular link is to the anti inflammatory rated foods. Which is no longer available so if anyone is Intrested in anti inflammatory rated list. . Might want to copy this list.

    Good morning fast trackers πŸ™‚

    My scales said 115.2 this AM, down from 116.2 last Saturday and down from 117.8 yesterday morning! So that increase to 117.8 must have been water, I thought it was, I knew I hadn’t done anything that would cause me to gain that much fat! This week I ended up doing two proper fasting days and one 50% of calories day. So, I will plan the same for this week (hopefully being able to do 16:8 on the 50% day), and, if I stay in the 115-116 range at the end of the week, back off to regular 5:2. Easing my way into maintenance here.

    So, jojo, I am thinking that your two pounds contains a lot of water, too, from being sick, and will indeed come off quickly. I’m sure you didn’t do anything to make you gain two pounds of fat! Was it your hip keeping you awake last night?

    I got a mandoline a few months ago, my son and I both love it, it’s a very useful tool in the kitchen, I especially like it for slicing fennel very fine and turning jicama into matchstick julienne, for salads. I got a microplane at the same time and we love that, too, especially for grating nutmeg into omelettes and fritattas and ginger into all kinds of things; it’s good when you want garlic grated very finely, too. I have to justify every piece of equipment to my son because he has to find a place to store it in our tiny kitchen, lol, and he’s very happy that we got both of these. Anything that makes fresh vegetables quicker and easier to prepare or that makes it easier to add lots of flavor to food is worth it in my book.

    jojo, it is hard to go to social events with lots of food and drink when fasting, I do think it’s probably easier to eat nothing, maybe hold a glass of sparkling water, than to try to decide and regulate exactly how much of what to eat. Especially because once you start eating, people start offering you more and more things to taste.

    SAMM, I do like resistance bands and tubes, I wonder if my PT will suggest exercises with them. In some ways they are easier to use than free weights, you don’t really need a spotter, although my son is willing to spot me. I also think that having food delivered is a really good way to avoid trouble at the grocery store. I really hate the big supermarkets. Most of what’s in there I have no interest in. Now I go shop for just what I need each day at my local food co-op, and go to the food section at Target for the few things that I can’t get/are too expensive at the co-op. Target does have some very good plain frozen fish and shrimp, frozen berries and cherries, and canned tomato products that we use in recipes. Sometimes I can get 1000-gram tubs of the Greek yogurt that I like there, too, and save $5US over buying 2 500-gram tubs at the co-op. Oddly, dried beans and rice are cheaper at the co-op.

    deelite, I’m glad that fasting is working out well for you πŸ™‚

    Gorgeous day here today. I had a busy week and am tired, but hope to spend a good deal of it outdoors, hopefully get to Zumba Gold, too πŸ™‚

    ” I think there is nothing uglier than protruding veins in arms of women, gross.”


    Some of the better athletic women have blood flowing through their veins and showing them when exerting. I suspect that the fear of protruding veins holds many women back from strength building exercises. Slim people will show veins more easily. It’s how we’re built.

    The focus is strengthening the body and the looks will take care of themselves.

    Besides, great veins come in handy when donating blood.


    I understand your view but have to agree to differ. I think many men and women go too far in their desire to have bulging muscles, it becomes an obsession. I am quite strong actually and do so e weight lifting. Also I have been giving blood for over thirty years, no problem with finding my usually hidden veins.

    At the end of the day it’s a question of personal taste, glad you like protruding veins. I don’t need to be advertising my blood to the Mosquitos they find my veins without any effort. Sadly.

    Didn’t mean to offend you though a Rocky, just my opinion, appreciate you speaking up for the opposition.


    “… it is hard to go to social events with lots of food and drink when fasting, I do think it’s probably easier to eat nothing, ”

    For me, it’s easier to eat something, especially in the company of others, even if it’s a fasting day.

    I can be more selective and minimize the quantity, somewhat.

    There may be concessions on some occasions.


    De elite, SAMM and Franfit,
    It is a real pleasure reading your comments. They are so positive and you all sound like you have shopping and cooking sorted. It really helps to learn as much about the food we eat as possible. It is a steep learning curve but I am determined to focus considerable effort on learning as much as .i can during my retirement. In fact I think it is essential if we want to keep the weight off and hopefully help others.

    I didn’t eat anything unhealthy last week except bread because I didn’t do much cooking. I honestly believe it is water retention, I get it every time I take pain killers and anti- histamine. We will soon see by how quickly it goes.

    I need to get out and finish my steps now, only at 10,700 so away to go. Only just finished my 4 th pint of water today too, so running late, hope it doesn’t keep me awake tonight. It wasn’t my hip last night that seems ok at the moment, just restless and a bit worried about my friends daughter in hospital. She was having a very long and difficult labour and I know how that feels. Both are ok, baby premature and in special unit, mother exhausted but relieved. Girl child Serena 4 lbs 3 oz.

    Enjoy your weekend all.

    jojo, glad to hear you sounding more like your usual upbeat self. Sending hopeful thoughts for your friend’s daughter and grand-daughter. My son was born 2 lbs. 3 oz. 12 weeks early after an emergency C-section following 24 hours of labor we spent trying to stop it and keep him in. Remembering that special unit well.

    You probably already know that bread (and other carbs) as well as anti-inflammatories can cause water retention.

    I should probably post the basic beans recipe on the recipe list, cooking them so as to reduce phytates increases nutrition as well as reducing gas and improving flavor. Having frozen homemade basic beans in the freezer makes vegetarian cooking easier.

    Very tired earlier this morning, starting to perk up, better get myself moving!

    Good evening all,
    Phew, busy day but very productive, garden and flat look sparkling clean and tidy. I have fasted today, not a problem. Spent the evening doing embroidery for my friends birthday, about a third of it done now, two weeks to go so I need to get a wriggle on.

    Fran, I hope you are eating enough on your non fast days. Are you on low carb? Is that why you are tired, or are you just doing too many steps. I only managed just under 14,000 steps today. My hip is playing up again tonight so I will see the Doctor next week.

    Gosh your birth story is inspiring. I am sure all will be well with Selena and her mum, they are in a very well respected hospital. Also her husband is a Doctor so he will be on top of everything.

    Ply, I hope your date night was fun.

    jojo, congratulations on a successful fast day and a clean and tidy flat! Wish I could say the same about my room, lol!

    I am tired because I had to go in to work for an hour at 10 PM two nights this week to train night carers in a new piece of equipment, plus from the stress of meeting a new client family and trying to work out how to fit their schedule with mine and my other clients’. I help families care for elders with dementia or depression (or both). I generally start out as a companion for the elder person or couple a few hours a week, and take on additional duties as the care needs get more complex. I’ve been in need of a new client for a while, there is no money left to play with, but there’s always a bit of an adjustment. The problem is my CFS/ME, it’s ridiculously easy for me to overdo it, the line is very thin, and if I really overdo it I could land back in bed for weeks, which would be a disaster, so, when I’m tired, I pull back. I have been eating a bit more on non-fasting days than when I was trying to lose weight, but have not yet added as many calories as I theoretically could, I would like to stay at the lower end of my maintenance range for a week or two first. I’m not doing low-carb, at some point I might like to try it to see if it will target belly fat, but I have a number of obstacles to overcome, such as my dislike of meat and meat-like products, need to avoid going overboard on protein, limit soy to once or twice a week because of breast cancer history, son who cooks half the time liking white pasta and rice, etc. So that’s a project for some point in the future, when I figure out a menu I could live with for at least a few weeks. I admit it. I’m a picky eater. Better to focus on fitness first, I think. I’m stuck with baby steps. So I had to choose between Zumba Gold and walking to do my various errands today. Since the weather was really beautiful today, I chose walking. Still, just 9,600 steps, but that’s all for today folks, I’m done. I wanted to try cooking a coconut shrimp curry tonight but asked my son to cook instead, just want to rest a bit, got to work in the morning.
    My son was such a tiny thing! He’s still having some difficulty getting completely grown up, but he is a good person and good to live with, so I really appreciate him for those things. Four-pounders can do very well these days, not have to go through the kind of troubles that my little two-pounder faced, for sure. But no matter what your medical background is, having your own child in newborn intensive care can be a very scary thing.

    I’m not fond of needlework deadlines. Good luck with your embroidery! At least you have something that you have to get done while you sit still and let your hip rest a bit. Glad you will see your doc about it, hope they have something useful to offer.

    Baby steps lead to many paths. Choose the ones you’ve look forward to.

    228lbs this week. I’m on paleo this week. Learning to cross it with anti cancer diet.

    When I look for the bad in the grocery I certainly find it. When I look for the good not many seem to be able to show me where to find it.

    1 (15 ounce) can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
    1 garlic clove
    1 -2 tablespoon lemon juice (to taste)
    1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
    1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
    1/8 teaspoon cumin
    1/8 teaspoon black pepper
    1 1/2 teaspoons apricot preserves
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese (optional, leave out to make the dish vegan and lactose free) or 1 tablespoon Cotija cheese (optional, leave out to make the dish vegan and lactose free)

    I stuffed this into mini sweet peppers. I put in 1 Serrano pepper for better anti inflammatory score.

    Not a fast day food. But is one of my prized healthy meals

    SAMM, I am really happy to hear that you are trying an approach that’s low in carbohydrates — I think this gives you an excellent chance to get your blood sugar under control and lower your insulin level πŸ™‚ and your recipe sounds delicious, I will have to try it, stuff it into hot peppers since my son doesn’t like the sweet ones.

    Taking baby steps toward better fitness. Have hopes for working with the physical therapist to develop good workout that won’t aggravate any of my problems. If that doesn’t work out I will find another way. But PTs are usually pretty good when someone is motivated and communicates clearly what they want. And if I disagree I can say ‘call my doc, talk to him’ and have some hope of getting things straightened out.

    Grocery stores are a minefield of dangerous food-like substances. Too bad the real food is hidden away in there, too, lol.

    Do you ever cook your own beans from the dried ones? It is very easy if you have a crock-pot or slow cooker and they taste much better. I make a pound or more at a time, use some, freeze the rest for later. We especially like a mixture of pintoes and black beans. I’m looking for a source for dried cannellini beans, we really like them, too.

    Good morning Fast Trackers,
    Up with the larks today even though I had quite a late night sewing until 1.30 am. I must be mad, but a deadline is a deadline. Can do, will do. I also need to read a book by tomorrow for my book club, it’s dull so not enthused, guess I will do it tomorrow, fit it around fitness ckasses and skip bowls.
    I am doing my pile of ironing at the moment, pile too tall to balance anymore, that’s my breaking point. I only iron essentials, cotton things.
    Looking forward to my outing with friends today to visit open gardens in a small village.
    I am going to a forties night (fancy dress)soon and last night decided to hell with going as a land army girl but to go as a film star. Luckily in the forties they appreciated well stacked women. So I ordered a long gold dress last night and plan on being Lana Turner, American goddess(at least my Dad used to think so), what fun? Now researching hair styles, may need to buy some top curls, Lucille Ball style. I may need to watch a few old films for research, that should while away some time while I sew.

    Scales say one pound off today, I am sure the other one will be gone tomorrow.

    Bit overcast today, hoping it doesn’t rain. The show gardeners work so hard to have their gardens pristine for National Gardens Scheme and it raises lots of money for good causes.

    Fran, sounds like very rewarding if taxing work. I am a Montessori teacher so know about the pressures of working with demanding children and families. Good to know in most cases we make a real difference. Three children I have taught are now Montessori teachers which is great.

    If you can’t get the dried beans locally, try Amazon, you would be amazed at the price of foodstuffs on there, big savings. I get my super noodles on line at a third of the cost.

    SAMM you are a devotee to diet experiments that’s for sure, I have read Paleo, difficult to obtain all the natural ingredients to sustain the diet.

    Hey Ply, how are you doing? Steps wearing you out or are you enjoying them?

    Wow Jojo, that sounds like an awesome party! Yeh a film star sounds like a good idea, now yiu can get all glamed up :p

    Can’t wait to get back in the gym tomorrow after all these rehearsals, I’ve had no time! I’m doing a 50/50 fast today because I want to get into 4:3 and I only started on Tuesday. The sun is so hot here in Southern Germany this week I’m probably loosing 2kg of water everyday! Trying to keep hydrated hahah!

    Four shows today and tomorrow, the most we can have in a day!

    Do any of you have a fitbit tracker?

    Hi Deelite,
    Sounds like very hard work, how long is each show?

    I am considering fit bit, have you got it?

    Have a great time today, I am off to walk around some inspiring gardens

    Jojo xx

    Well it’s just 40mins, it doesn’t seem long but from every number it’s a quick change and then the next.

    Yeh I have one, I really like it but I have gotten out of the habit of using it at the moment. Mainly because I can’t always wear it in the show. A lot of the time people over estimate the amount of calories they use. It also has a food log on the app too but the food catlelog isn’t as good as the one on my fitness pal, or lose it. But I love everything else about it

    Tomorrow I will make sure to use it all day for 4 shows and the parade and my workout to see how many calories and steps it is!

    When it comes to beans it’s good to understand their benefit first.
    Red beans have THE HIGHESTantioxidant rating of all foods!

    Then blueberries not as musical butt good for non fasting day antioxidant meal. Especially in salads as dried fruit.

    Self-respect is often mistaken for arrogance
    when in reality it is the opposite.
    When we can recognize all our good qualities
    as well as or faults with neutrality,
    we can start to appreciate ourselves
    as we would a dear friend
    and experience the comfortable inner glow of respect.
    To embrace the journey towards our full potential
    we need to become our own loving teacher and coach.
    Spurring ourselves on to become better human beings,
    we develop true regard for ourselves,
    and our life will become sacred.
    – Osho

    Please absorb antioxidants into you’re knowledge my friends.

    Good evening all,
    Had a fabulous day visiting gardens and saw some very inspirational gardens. Try to imagine upside down jam jars as lawn edging. Inside each jar there are plants curling around trying to get to the light. Weird or what? But very effective.
    We had a lovely jacket potato with cheese and salad for lunch – avoided cakes, scones, strawberries and cream – sugar was everywhere – but we stayed strong.
    Also had a reflexology treatment for Β£6.00 for twenty minutes, lush.

    Walked 10,360 but won’t be doing any more as one of my dogs is poorly, ripped claw, so I need to stay with him.

    More sewing planned for me tonight.

    SAMM what an inspirational verse by Osho
    We all need to be proud of our efforts and learn from our mistakes.

    Thanks for the link, very interesting. I don’t think I will carry on with the vegetarian challenge after this month. Really craving fish and bacon after only one week. But I will try to keep the steps going. 15, 000 is doable.

    Wow JoJo that some great steps, happy for you keeping on.

    Here’s another link

    I can’t remember exactlywhere in the thread this was in question , but I thought to post it.
    Not starvation mode, but metabolic response to changes in the diet.

    Hi Jojo and company, sorry I have not been contributing but I am reading all threads.
    Fasting today, Monday Nordic walking a.m. and bowling p.m. There is a meal on, it’s a special Lady president game but I will be good, I do to want to be over goal on Tuesday WW.
    Jojo I will be reading the threads to get all the lovely comments but I do not think 2 lb a week is ever going to be in my Fasting capabilities with all my tablets steroids and thyroxine etc. I think you have done well to put up with my pound a week contribution for the last 500 threads. So I will wish you all the best, keep up the good work. JIP

    Hi Jip,
    I understand your frustration especially as taking anti- histamine has the same weight retention with me, luckily I am not on them permanently. I shall miss your posts. Good luck with your maintenance.

    I shall continue my quest until I reach my goal, I imagine there will be ups and downs along the way but I am determined to succeed just as you have, well done.

    Perhaps you should start your own maintenance thread that we could invade to see how you are getting on.

    Keep bowling

    Lana Turner, Jojo, what fun! I hope you meet your Tyrone Power at the party! You have to find a way to post a photo for us!!

    Good morning, fast trackers! πŸ™‚

    Sorry for not writing yesterday — I was really tired after working in the morning, took a short walk to the food co-op, spent the afternoon reading in “The Art and Science of Low-Carbohydrate Living” by Jeff Volek and Stephen Phinney (an *extremely* interesting book, BTW, I will say more later), and cooked a lovely fast-day dinner with some beautiful, dark red, wild sockeye salmon. Only about 5,000 steps, but I decided to cut myself a break, I was tired.

    Well, now I know one reason why I was so tired! Scales read 114.0 this AM after 116.0 Sunday, 115.2 Saturday, 117.8 Friday, hovering 116-118 all last week. So I basically dropped between one and three pounds of fat in the last few days, after my weight loss having slowed for a while. Since I’m now supposed to be maintaining, I guess I need to back off the fasting a bit more! So, no more fast days this week unless I go over 117, the mid-point of my maintenance range, for sure.

    This is going to feel really weird, fasting only one day a week.

    JIP, you have achieved amazing weight loss while having to take steroids and having low thyroid function as well. Utterly amazing. Most people find it virtually impossible to lose any weight at all under those conditions!

    SAMM, I will have to use more red kidney beans, try your stuffed peppers recipe. Our favorites are black, pinto, and cannellini. I discovered I can order dried cannellinis from bulkfoods.com, I should order a bunch of cumin seeds from them as well. We grind some of our own spices in a coffee grinder, their flavor is much better that way. Cumin seeds, coriander seeds, cinnamon. Use a food mill as a pepper grinder, a microplane for nutmeg.

    jojo, I read something alarming in the book I mentioned above, in chapter 18, point 7. I’m going to quote the whole thing:

    “Most people feel better and function better if they get a modest amount of regular exercise. On average across the population, thin people get more exercise than heavy people. People who exercise across a lifetime live longer. But the extrapolation of these observations — that if heavy people exercised a lot more they’d be thin and live longer — is not supported by science. Nonetheless, that is the message that many health care professionals and the media consistently communicate to heavy people.

    “Here are some basic (but often ignored) facts. Fitness is primarily an inherited trait. Training can increase aerobic power at most by 10-20%, but (figuratively speaking), a different choice of parents would increase or decrease your fitness by as much as 50% (129). It takes about 350 miles of running or 1000 miles of cycling to burn off 10 pounds of body fat (assuming that your appetite doesn’t increase or your metabolism slow down). Unfortunately, when heavy people exercise regularly, their resting metabolism slows — this is not a typo! — it SLOWS by 5 to 15% on average. Based on the results of 4 tightly controlled, inpatient human studies, instead of losing 10 pounds, the average person loses 7 pounds with this much exercise, and some people lose at little as 2 or 3 (130-133). These studies specifically demonstrated that this less-than-expected weight loss was attributable to the observed reduction in metabolic rate.

    “Exercise done by heavy people causes a lot of collateral damage. Think ankles, knees, hips, and low backs. So here’s a radical idea (which of course is totally out of place in this book): let heavy people try carbohydrate restriction first, lose some weight (which most do without resorting to exercise), and then let them decide when to become more active once they are empowered, energized, and lighter of foot.

    “Making heavy people exercise is punitive. Enabling heavy people to lose weight and then become more fit is smart.”

    The book is aimed primarily at health care practitioners, I think the authors are cautioning them not to push exercise too hard on people who want/need to lose weight. The point I would take from it for myself (having recently been heavy) is, when exercise starts to feel punitive rather than good, pull back.

    Here are links to the abstracts of the references for the decrease in resting metabolism, or, when I could get it, the full text of the study. In some cases it’s not possible to decipher from the abstract how the study supports the point the authors are making here, because sometimes the main objective of the study was something else, and the effect on resting metabolism was an incidental finding.




    OR, if that link is truncated, try:

    Whew! Sorry for that long quote, I just have never seen that information anywhere else.

    Another little gem I got from this book is that the kidneys hold onto or let go of up to 2 liters of water in a totally random way, on top of anything else that may cause water retention or diuresis. So on any given day you can gain or lose 2 pounds of water weight for no apparent reason. One reason why daily weighing can drive us nuts, and why even weekly weights don’t always reflect fat gain or loss.

    I am really impressed by the recent science behind low-carb eating. Although I doubt I need to go really low carb, I’m considering ways to increase protein to at least 20% of calories (I’m probably at more like 15% now) and gradually cut carbs to 33% of calories (125 grams of carbs per day), it’s probably more like 55-60% now. I think this will be a process and take a while. One thing I should probably do is get hemoglobin A1C, triglycerides, and HDL checked first, to see if I even need to bother. I was going to wait until I’d done maintenance for a couple of months, but may do it sooner. This way I can know if I need to worry about visceral fat or not and have some kind of plan for dealing with it if I do.

    Phew, this thread is so active and chock-full of information! It is difficult to keep up with!
    Franfit, your efforts are admirable on a personal and professional front! We were visiting with my father-in-law on Saturday. He is doing poorly with several health issues, and seems to be in a deep depression as well. Very difficult for all, especially my mother-in-law.
    Looking at your weight stats, it seems that 6:1 might be the way to go for maintenance. I can only keep taking my baby steps and hope to get there over the next month or two! Choosing between Zumba Gold or walking for errands put the image of you doing Zumba Gold for errands…that would be something, a little samba on the way to the market!!
    Got a good start on my steps this morning at the gym. It was a very social weekend, lots of food and drink, but no gain on the scales this morning. Read most of Fast Beach last night, 24-hour fast until 5 pm tonight!
    @samm, your stuffed peppers sound fab! Will try them soon.
    @jojo, hope your stitching is going well, and you meet your deadline. If you are half as determined with your needlework as you are with diet and exercise, it’s a sure thing!
    Have a great day everyone!

    Franfit, you are at my goal weight. When you fast now, do you liquid fast or still eat the 500cal?
    Currently I am stuck on 121lbs and can’t get the scale to budge. The last two days have been very demanding on the body and I have found it hard to stick to the fast. Tomorrow I will try again because I have a day off.
    I know I have only just started and things take time but I’m only looking to loose 3-4 lbs total

    Good evening all,
    I have been stuck in all day. An electrician friend came to do a couple do jobs at 9.30 am and didn’t leave until 4 pm, crazy. He is a nice guy so I couldn’t chuck him out. Made him lots of tea and soup for lunch. Did not do any of my activities today because my dog had to have an emergency operation to remove a claw. He is looking very sorry for himself with a huge collar. He has just had scrambled egg for tea so that cheered him up a bit.

    Fasting tomorrow and Thursday this week.

    My sewing is going very well as I was doing it while chatting with my friend, certain to hit the deadline. My steps will be low today currently 6429 because I haven’t been anywhere.

    Fran – sadly I am aware of all those facts. I have always done a lot of exercise even if only swimming when I had a bad foot. The facts are I lose more weight when I don’t exercise, which supports the article you read. However I think it is really important for fitness and toning to do lots of exercise. I also believe that you feel healthier and happier if you do classes and move as much as possible. The scales don’t measure the positive health factor.

    I don’t know about you but I love my sports and classes, I couldn’t imagine life without exercise on a daily basis. I agree exercise carries risk, sprained ankles, pulled muscles and painful joints but who is to say these things won’t happen while you are gardening or walking the dog.

    The key to our sucess is using the information that we gather, for me ‘low carb’ is vital as is drinking lots of water.

    Does anyone know of a drink that would be a good replacement for coffee( or a brand of De-CAF coffee that tastes really good)?

    De elite – if you need to lose the weight quickly and are determined do ADF with no cal fasts but keep it to a very short period of time, preferably under 4 weeks. But this type of fasting is difficult if you are doing a physical job.

    Ply – I don’t need a man but I enjoy male company, a man that has a good sense of humour and can dance would be fantastic. We will see!

    jojo, I agree, being fit is actually more important for health than being slim is. I am actually one of those people (like Michael Mosley) who does not really enjoy exercise for its own sake. I enjoy being outdoors, so I do love walking, hiking, gardening (and, once upon a time, cross-country skiing or ice skating in winter). I love music, so dancing or other movement to music also works for me. If we had badminton around here, I believe I could enjoy that because of the social aspect, if it was very non-competitive. I’m a born klutz, totally uncoordinated, need forever to learn the simplest movements, have a fear of team sports since school because I hold my team back so much. But just plain exercise feels tedious and boring to me. I really don’t get anything out of a workout other than a feeling of having been virtuous. When I see the PT I need to get him to design something that my son will have to spot me on, so that I have someone to be accountable to for keeping up with my schedule for exercise. Because I really would like to be fitter (well, I already am a lot fitter than I was a few months ago, 10,000 steps used to wipe me out). But more fitter πŸ˜‰

    A replacement for coffee in what way — not caffeine — something hot to drink in the AM? Or after meals? Or something to pour over ice in the summer (what we do with coffee at my house)?

    Hi franfit:

    You haven’t seen that information anywhere else? You don’t read my posts? (just kidding) The exercise leads to low metabolism thing is surprising for most people, who think that if you exercise a lot and have a lot of muscles you have a high metabolism. Athletes really have low metabolisms – their resting heart rates can go into the 40s. While I need 3500 calories to run 18 miles, true runners can run a marathon on fewer than 3000. And, athletes have lower body fat percentages. When a pound of fat has mile(s) of blood vessels that blood has to be pumped through, lower fat levels with the lower weights that come with less fat make for much less work that needs to be done to keep on going (that is, a lower metabolic rate).

    I know from some of your posts you are concerned with eating too much protein. May I suggest eating more fat calories instead? You can do that by eating more nuts or perhaps sautΓ©ing veggies in coconut or olive oil. Just a thought. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QetsIU-3k7Y

    Hi again franfit:

    “jojo, I agree, being fit is actually more important for health than being slim is.”

    Research shows that a fat person that is physically active lives as long as a thin person that is physically active, and longer than thin people that are physically inactive.

    And I don’t think there is, or should be, a replacement for coffee!

    simcoeluv, thanks for the suggestion, and, yes, I am eating more fat as well as more protein πŸ™‚ — just trying not to get my increased calories in maintenance from a whole bunch of carbs. I am now convinced that I can safely go up from where I am with protein, but would still like to stay at the low end of the protein amount recommended by the New Atkins authors. I know the amount of protein in the diet is not a strain on the kidneys until you actually have kidney disease, but the problem is that you usually have it for a long time before you know you have it, and, well, having had a renal angioplasty (because of fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal arteries) and having known people on dialysis, you can imagine how I feel about that. I’m at high enough risk that I’m not allowed to take NSAIDs, for example. What I really love is cheese, and cream on my strawberries, but less sure about adding too much saturated fat until I get my carbs down, so got some pumpkin seeds to try when I was at the market the other day πŸ™‚

    Oh, and I always do cook veggies in a little fat, no plain steamed veggies here, not when I live with someone on a calorie-dense diet, and, besides, they taste better and you absorb the nutrients in the veg better. Just tried the pumpkin seeds, they are an OK change from almonds, would probably be better with a little salt. Will keep trying new foods.


    Your health is your number one priority and in dealing with unique health issues the only thing to do is rely on your doctor’s advice and your own common sense.

    On one other comment in one of your posts, it does seem to be true that people don’t often browse around this site. Some threads even seem to be exclusive. I enjoy checking the recent posts because I’m always in search of new information provided by the posters and feel I can help some people that I otherwise would not if I limited myself to a single thread. I have started several threads, but none are designed to generate lots of responses. I link to them to answer common questions.

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