Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi Nama.

    I like all seasons, but I would love to be living where I could step out of the door and into the pool.
    I love winter if it is dry, I hate wet weather as I take no pleasure from walking in the rain, and it makes my joints sore.

    And the heat makes mine sore! Especially if it is humid, everything swells, especially knees! I have so much energy when it’s cooler. Ah well, luckily Melbourne is known for having four seasons in one day!

    I’ve had years of problems with my left knee as I had a torn medial meniscus 20 odd years ago and had to have surgery. I had a recurrence about 8 years ago and had more surgery. At the beginning of 2013 I was at my wits end as it was so swollen and sore I couldn’t walk more than a few hundrd metres without having to stop. I used some Volarol (diclofenac) gel pathes which reduced the swelling and got rid of most of the pain. Then I started 5:2 and I’ve had no issues with it since, apart from aching in damp weather. Losing weight is the way to be kind to our joints.

    I agree Amazon. Mine is just wear and tear and a bit of arthritis exacerbated by being overweight. But the past 5 summers they have swollen so much more whenever it’s humid. Diclofenac really helps and I have learned to get in early with it to minimise swelling. However I know things will be so much better once I am lighter, am hoping even 11-12 kgs down will make a difference this summer. Surgeon tells me I need new knees but that will be a last resort, nurses don’t like being on the other side of things!

    Hi Nama,
    You forget I am still obese( over 3 stones overweight) trust me food is never far from my thoughts. I increased my sporting and social life to keep myself occupied so I could stop food being my first focus. So now it is exercise then socialising which of course includes this thread and finally food. If you talk to slim people food is never top of their focus list, it’s a healthy change.
    I spent a fortune today on new outdoor clothing and gym gear today, all mine was far too large. I also splashed out on pretty underwear, this is a first for me. Who else is making changes other than food?
    Now I would like your help. I have a dear friend who used to eat a very sugary diet and had chronic irritable bowel. I encouraged her to give up sugar and condition has improved dramatically. She still craves it though after 7 months. Any ideas how I can help her? Also she really misses her granola breakfast. She is not overweight by the way. Can’t you suggest breakfast alternatives?
    Thank you all.

    Hi Jojo

    I used to suffer from IBS and I know how debilitating it can be.

    It is usually gluten that causes the problem. Did your friend eat a lot of cakes and biscuits?

    There is no reason why your friend can’t enjoy the occasional bowl of granola if she has a wheat free variety, and it is very easy to make. I use oats (you can buy gluten free oats) and puffed spelt in mine. Rice flakes can be bought which could also be used. Whole food stores will sell wheat free breakfast cereals.
    What do you mean by craving sugar? Do you mean cakes etc or sweet things in general?

    Our thread includes:-

    Australia – AO, Emel and RT in South Australia, Nama in Victoria, Bay in ACT, Purple in NSW; Comespring and NickyF

    New Zealand – tangataWiwi and Barata

    Scotland – Weemam, Tartan lass

    England – Amazon, HappyNow, Hermaj, Lizzy, Smiffy, Jojo

    America – SAMM, Ply and Lori_PA in Nth America.

    Unknown locality – prebaby, bigmarie, couscous, annette52, wilbersnana, foodAddict, Keirra, peely Wally, FastFastSlow,simcoeluv, Lichtle, and supermam,

    Please add information for locations please, it’s good to know who our neighbours are? If I have missed anyone, apologies and please add to the list.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜† Hi Jojo are you continuing on with the green tea and water for 19 hours then the two meals a day on both fast/feed day?? 500 cal FD and TDEE on non FD ? I am very interested to hear any feedback on hunger pangs and or general symptoms if any for you as I have slid a few zero calorie FD days in without any real massive trauma other than the boys having a vent 😳 so I just don’t tell em πŸ˜‰ Jojo I’m just curious is All ok fast trackers it’s a Fast Day Monday so let’s get our fast on people πŸ˜†
    Have a great day you
    Efficient Fat Burners
    Peace RT

    Hi Jojo,

    Since I started in August 2014 I had the habit of reading all recent posts, however, since we’ve such a wonderful influx of newbies I can’t keep up with them all daily any more.
    So, since I would miss the folks here and all the valuable contributions, I’ve subscribed to your thread and now get an email so as not to miss out on the tips and everyone’s progress, hope this is okay?

    I’m in Ireland, although English by birth, and am starting my maintenance journey having lost 30 lbs in 5 months. Now my focus is on fitness, toning, keeping an eye on blood pressure and reducing ‘bad’ cholesterol.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Hi jojo,

    Just paying one of my flying visits. Re your friend’s problem, I wonder if the following might be useful.

    One member of our extended family suffered IBS-type symptoms and was unable to eat bread without becoming quite ill. After a lot of trial and error she finally discovered that her problem was baker’s yeast (yeast from fermented grapes is fine). Fortunately it turns out she loves soda bread (which contains no yeast) so whenever we visit we take a loaf of OH’s home-made which always goes down a treat.

    Hope that might help.

    Hi all, in response to posters locations I am in the North East of England in between Darlington and Durham.
    Good Luck to you all out there.

    Hello all

    Sorry to have been absent for a few days. It’s been a busy time with preparing for guests over the weekend and then enjoying their company. I managed the two fast days last week, but haven’t been too careful on non- fast days days. Lots of long walks though, which I hope will help! Haven’t had chance to read many recent posts, but Jojo you seem to be doing really well, and running??? – go girl!

    The news has all been very worrying. Take care all.

    Will be in touch again soon.

    Smiffy x

    Just a reminder to keep walking apart of your approach to longevity.

    many overlook what happens in the brain when we’re in motion. There are function of the brain that only occur when we’re in motion. Walking, jumprope, swimming, running, ect…
    I believe even though they are great for weightloss, they are important factors to keep on keepin on well after goal.

    My personal approach will not to walk every day, but to take the same intermittent fasting of 4:3. To walk 4 days a week and I’ll take the nutritional compliment of omega3 on the days I don’t walk. Following the recommendations of Dr David Perlmutter and Dr Micheal Mosely.

    Hello fast trackers,

    NickyF, Emel and RT in South Australia, Nama in Victoria, Bay in ACT, PVE in NSW, WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo, SAMM, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Ply, Tartan lass, Smiffy, Comespring, FoodA, Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You Are πŸ˜† )

    WOW such a lot to catch up on.

    Good to hear from you Hermaj and you Smiffy.

    I’m running late today so will only be saying HELLO to everyone and will get back online tonight and chat more then πŸ˜† . Have a losing days one and all (meant in the nicest way possible).

    Hi everyone. πŸ™‚

    What a jolly lot of ‘old’ and newer faces here today!

    Jojo, as a reformed thinner person, believe me, food has always been, and probably always will be, uppermost in my mind!

    Berries and yoghurt make a lovely breakfast that might suit your IBS friend.

    Amazon, how about we swap places occasionally? (no I’ll have to keep the fella with me!). You can use my pool and I’ll walk in Kew. Our autumns are wet but we (used to) have dry winters.Lovely for walks. The humidity in late summer makes my hair nice and wavy but plays havoc with my joints πŸ™

    Nama, my arthritis in knees and feet is a lot better with less weight. My hands are the biggest issue. Sound like a bag of bones!!

    Rain pitter patting on the metal roof all night. Lovely, but too many ‘loo trips πŸ˜‰ We get enough variety in weather to be able to cope with the hot days.

    Proper fast today to reset after the weekend. Cheers P πŸ™‚

    Hi to everyone, just an update to jojo, I live in England, I think somewhere in the middle? Haha I’m not sure whereabouts in England but it’s a tiny city called Leicester πŸ™‚ today was a non fast day for me and I managed to keep way below my TDEE so I’m happy so far! Tomorrow will be a fast day so wish me luck!

    Hi Purple

    Can’t think which thread you talked to me about apricot money. πŸ™„ I bought new underwear and new shirts at the sales on Saturday. πŸ˜‰

    Cheers, Bay

    Hello fast trackers
    Good morning from Wellington. I am going back to my ADF and it feels like I am starting from scratch.
    I am in NZ until mid-March, Bay. So we will return to France soon after that.
    Today will be difficult, but I am feeling as if the fast track train is accelerating off and I must jump on again.
    Thanks for all your kind words, team, about last week’s events. A meeting a few days with some other NZers usually resident in France gave us all some room to vent our feelings, and did us a lot of good.

    I will read the recent thread contributions and come back with comments later. Today I must concentrate on 23:1 which used to be my FD rΓ©gime.
    Thanks for being there, FTers
    Wiwi XXX

    Welcome ellieRainbow,
    You have done very well, you must be feeling really good. The first six months are the worst. I am now over twelve months into fasting. It has not been without it’s ups and downs especially the quick weight gain when you stop fasting during holidays. I have quite a record of yoyoing which feels like an incredible waste of energy. But quickly gained quickly lost.
    Most importantly I have found the people on this thread to be a tremendous support.

    On that point thank you for the suggestions concerning my friend with IBS.

    Great to hear from you again Hermaj, miss you posting regularly.

    We can all help each other by reporting how we are getting on.

    RT I am starting 23/1 tomorrow with the aim to have water and green tea only outside eating hour which will be at 5 -6 pm(400cals) I am planning to do three fasts this week M/W/Sat. Other days I will be doing 19/5 (cals 1100).

    I still do a variety of sports and exercise activities and strongly recommend everyone gets moving and keeps on the go, in the fresh air if possible.

    Good Luck all

    Good luck Jojo.
    I can’t believe I’m ironing to avoid eating! That’s what’s great about being interrupted by ‘ding ding’ on the phone to offer some task avoidance. πŸ˜‰

    Hello all,

    Purple you must be desperate …. Ironing!

    I am just home from a lovely swim, managed a few extra laps without collapsing, but need to take it carefully to avoid strirring up old whiplash… What an old crock! I had decided to try exercise on a fast day but don’t think this is going to work as it made me so hungry! I had a banana first but still felt ravenous afterwards, so will fast Tuesday instead.

    Re your friend Jojo, I agree with Amazon re gluten or it could be just a wheat intolerance. She really needs to eliminate all suspects then reintroduce them very gradually, very painful process but worth it.

    Lovely you bought some pretty underwear Jojo. I had to buy smaller as they were falling down, not investing in prettier yet though! As Purple says, it’s all about self image, so true!

    Take care all x

    The iron keeps running out of water πŸ˜‰
    Nama, try not eating the banana first. Exercise is more effective when in a fasting state according to Dr M. Eating the banana is what would have stimulated your hunger, not the exercise. Consider your body draws on your fat stores (sorry) only after (from memory) at least a 12 hour fast. Any food interferes with this.
    That’s why many of us don’t eat anything until late or do as Jojo is doing, one meal in the evening. But that does mean no calories at all beforehand. It is actually easier than eating a little.
    Glad you are still swimming. πŸ™‚ P

    Hi Purple

    I am also ironing, listening to the growling from my shrinking stomach. Drinking lots of water. Waiting until 1 pm to eat. Then I will try to regain my sewing skills by adapting two lovely shirts I’ve had for ages. πŸ™„

    Wish me luck! It’s ages since I experienced the full growling effect of fasting. Harder than when I was losing weight. I believe it’s from the carbs taken in over the last weeks.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    You can do it Bay!
    If you run out of shirts, start ironing sheets and curtains! !!!
    The other thing to do, if you can’t go outside (raining), is to start researching something on the net. Hours disappear without a thought of eating. ; ( P

    Thanks Purple. I understand what you mean re eating nothing, as that is exactly what I do on fast days. I just thought I might get really lightheaded in pool as my bod isn’t used to much aerobic exercise. I have done lots of housework and gardening previously whilst fasting but don’t generally get out of breath! Next swim I will try whilst fasting!

    Good luck with the dressmaking Bay. I now have several good Sportscraft shirts that require darts, but won’t be doing it til weight all off! And good luck with the growling tum! You have done it before!

    True, Purple

    I am researching our next trip to NZ in March. Ironing is all done listening to an interview with Russell Crowe. Next step, to have soup at 2 pm, and then shopping for chicken and fish for next two nights dinners.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚


    Hi just to let you know. I am from Melbourne Australia.

    Completely guessing.

    avocado can have latex allergy issues that worsen over time.

    nor sure about the I.b.s so just guessing wildly about avocado i.b.s sensitivity

    Just had beans in my soup. Yummy! Growling stomach gone for now. This restart of 5:2 is just like the beginning a year ago. πŸ™„

    Lovely to hear from you. The sun is shining here after a week of lovely life giving rain. πŸ˜†

    Amazon, loved your description of Kew. I walked with you. πŸ˜‰ still prefer our climate over all.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    So those of you in the UK might already be aware that Horizon tonight is ‘What’s the right diet for you?’

    The BBC website also has an article about this, with a link to take a test to find out what sort of eater you are and which diet would be right for you.

    It turns out I am more of a constant craver than a feaster or an emotional eater, and ta dah! Suggests intermittent fasting would be the best diet for me! (Obviously I already know it works for me, but interesting that the ‘science’ confirms it…)

    Oh, and Bay, it’s not fully light here yet, but it seems unlikely that the sun will shine… The wind is buffeting the house and the rain is lashing against the windows…again πŸ™

    Amazon and jojo, consider yourselves lucky, I didn’t get out for a walk this weekend (howling gale on Sat, tipping it down on Sun). Thank God you don’t need to exercise for weight loss (or maintenance) is all I can say!

    Hi Happy

    Just finishing my first serious fast day in a long, long time. Have been noticeably hungry. Lots of water. Just two large bowls of vegetable soup with lean chicken and beans, in my new fasting window of 5 hours. Will be off to bed early to cope. πŸ˜‰

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    im game iron something.
    can’t quite wrap my head around it though.

    so it may look like this
    mon iron
    Tues exercise
    we’d Iron
    thurs exercise
    fri iron
    saturday. Fold away or wear
    sunday towels put away upstairs.

    seems laundry room may go right back to the way it was before if or when i stop ironing. May make it a wol. Ill weight the towels at the end of the month andsee if im ironing is giving enough time or aattention to regular laundry.

    Have a good one!

    Me too Bay! Nothing until 6.45. Barramundi, zero noodles and Thai flavours. A few blueberries and a teaspoon of yoghurt. I was surprised. It’s been ages since I’ve done a proper 24 hour fast. It really is easier not eating anything than a little earlier. Cheers P

    Good afternoon/evening/morning/night one and all of my fellow fast trackers πŸ˜€

    The rain seems to have set in here once again but still just warm so very sticky.

    Hoping that everyone has had or is having a good day … it’s a non-FD for me and so far only 100 calories (still to have our evening meal which will jump things up somewhat).

    Keirra I’m in SA along with RT, Nicky and Emel, Nama is also in Vic with Bay in ACT and PVE in NSW. We’ve also got Wiwi and Barata in NZ, so close neighbours there too πŸ˜†

    SAMM do you mean that Avocado causes issues long term with build up?

    Hello to everyone else not individually mentioned above.

    Hi Bay and P,

    Good effort on the fasts!

    24 hour fasts just don’t seem to agree with me. 18-20 is about my limit, possibly partly because I’m doing it while working. Come mid afternoon and sat at my desk still… Well, maybe it’s boredom/ psychological. I might have more joy at the weekend when I’m moving around…

    SAMM, sounds like you might have to take in laundry to generate enough ironing…?!

    Jojo 23/1 that is a serious fast right there thank you good work and all the very best upwards and downwards πŸ˜‰

    Morning/evening all.

    I did ironing yesterday to keep myself busy.
    Yesterday I felt that I finally got back into the proper fasting routine, but I had to go to bed early. Did the Horizon programme have a greedy pig option? because that was me!

    None of my underwear fits properly. I’m wearing smaller stuff that has been in the back of the drawer for 10 years, with the exception of 2 newer bras, but it is either too tight or too loose (work that one out), too brief, wrong shape, wrong cup size or just plain uncomfortable. But most of it is pretty……… I ‘m going to wait until I’m at goal before buying any.

    Going to a friends house this morning for coffee, we usually go out and have cake too, so I’m not sure if there will be any on offer or if I can turn today into another FD.

    Cold, grey, damp and windy today so no chance of walking.
    Have a good day/evening everyone. It’s Monday so I guess you are all fasting!

    Funny Happy. …the BBC also recommends I would benefit from intermittent dieting. Who would have thought? P πŸ˜‰

    Good Morning All,
    Another half a pound off even though I pigged out on nuts after tea last night. Really must remember to eat protein at a meal, it always ends in snacking if I don’t. Of course the real problem for me was staying in watching a DVD. My daughter came round to watch ‘Game of thrones’ boxed set, we are starting it again.

    It’s my busy day for exercise so this will be a real test of 23/1. I start with ballroom fitness, then tea, yoga then swim, shopping, housework then dinner – stir fry veg with prawns then 2 hours of badminton.

    I am starting my own social club this Friday, including friends from different groups. We will meet in pubs with live music, go for meals, go to the cinema or play 10 pin bowling. Start the weekend off right. Wish me luck? New venture.

    Last night I got a call about my new choir, I need to do a voice test, never done one before, wish me luck.

    Have a great day all, speak tomorrow.

    Jojo xx

    P.s. Zero noodle in Holland and Barratt penny offer..works out Β£1.25 each – good deal, off to buy them in bulk.

    I sort of feel like I am jumping into a group of old friends conversation, but I wanted to say that reading your posts had given me some great ideas for my dieting.

    I have had 7-8 months not being able to walk at all, so I have put on some weight I need to loose.
    I have only been doing this a week so far though.

    HH, hi and welcome.
    Good luck on losing weight and let us know how you get on.

    Thanks,I’ll be rushing off to H&B as I’ve run out of zero noodles.

    Lost 8 pounds first week – I know it won’t be so easy from now on though! πŸ™‚

    Hello All!

    Just did a quick read thru, but can’t begin to remember it all! I just enjoy reading about what you all are up to.

    I’m fasting today and glad of it! I had a horrendous weekend of eating. Just one thing and another! I’m still trying to pry the sugar monkey off my back from the holidays. The problem lies in being stuck at home in the winter. I really don’t like the cold weather, so I’m home most of the day on the weekends and that leads to grazing. Must get a handle on that. My fasting days are Monday and Thursday and I find them quite easy since I’m at work. Once the weather breaks, I’ll be on the golf course all day Saturday and Sunday……can’t wait! I’ll be getting exercise and not being around food all day.

    At the end of my first official week on 5:2 last Friday, the evil scale showed a gain of 2/10ths of a pound. I know that is nothing, but I really felt like I should have shown a loss. I did measure my waist and it seems to be down an inch, so I’ll run with that!

    Have a wonderful Monday!

    Hi Jojo et al!! Further to the request,Jojo, I live in Hampshire, UK.It’s a beautiful county,and good for being fairly central in the South. We can get to London in an hour by train so good for Art Gallery and Theatre visits, and also half an hour and we can get on a Ferry to the continent!!
    Fast Day today. Monday isn’t too bad as I keep busy with my Art group meeting. Started a new commission today, that stops me wanting to eat!!!!
    Good fasting/feasting all.

    Hello everyone and welcome Heavens Hazard,

    Just to put you in the picture, both SAMM and myself were incapacitated prior to starting fasting. Samm had been in a car accident and I had a long term foot problem which( after 18 months) was surgically resolved. I swam daily for an hour to get some fitness in my life, it worked. Samm did exercises in his bed whilst recovering.

    We are here to support you and know that you can really make a difference and a success with this way of eating. Change is difficult for everyone but the rewards are really worth it. Most people on this thread feel incredible and many are already at goal and maintaining. I still have 6 months to goal so stick with me.

    Great work on the 8 lbs.

    Ok guys- day one 23/1 over and out, dinner finished and just water or fruit tea now before bed. It has been a pretty intense day, very busy, but fun. Still have a dog walk to do before I go to badminton. I will sleep well tonight.

    I just can’t wait to get through the next stone it has been so long coming what with holidays and Christmas. Currently I think I may get through it in two weeks. Please, please, please!

    Good luck Jojo!! You are such an inspiration!! WN.

    Fish pie for dinner. I’ve had a small piece of cheese and a small slice of cake today, and I’m 600 calories under my TDEE which helps to mitigate the overeating on Saturday.

    Good luck with the choir try out and breaking the weight barrier Jojo. You can do it…you have persistence!

    Hi H-H. I also put on weight from being incapacitated. It was the final straw that got me doing 5:2. I exercised in the pool initially as the load I was carrying just exacerbated my torn knee ligament. It took 12 months of fasting and very careful eating but I made it to goal last April and am now the weight I was in my mid 20s (I’m 63!)
    All the best….it works. πŸ™‚ Purple

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