Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,851 through 5,900 (of 16,657 total)

  • Hi Amazon,

    As someone who keeps hens I’m afraid I wouldn’t recommend organic eggs. I grow all my fruit and veg organically, and the hens eat organic, but it is hard to keep hens healthy without using chemicals (think of you if you’re ill, or your dog or cat if it needs worming/ defleaing). So your eggs might be organic, but the hens that produce them may have had a shortened life, with illness/disease as a result…

    I tend to think free-range is more important than organic (for them, if not you!), although in commercial systems I’m afraid that only means that a door of the barn is open not that every bird goes out… In fact it may be only 1 in 10 birds that ever sees daylight…

    As a result I can no longer order chicken in restaurants, and even avoid egg products (they won’t taste like I know eggs should! And won’t be from happy healthy ‘ladies’ like ours!).

    We love our ladies 🙂

    Hi everyone.

    Well the 4:3 week was worth it to get my excess from Xmas off, plus a little extra bonus, but hats off to those of you who do it regularly! I think I would rather lose a little more slowly and enjoy life more. I hope you don’t send me packing off this thread! It has to be doable, long term. I woke at 6.30 this morning, absolutely famished, 3 fasting days in the week seems to really use up all my reserves.

    RT thanks for the reminder re Alby Mangels, now that was entertainment, as good as the Leyland Brothers!
    I envy you having chooks, we would find it a bit hard to have them in Melb as we go to Jamieson so much and I can get pretty fresh eggs at a large regional market very close to me. But I would love some as pets, they are gorgeous. Just have to make do with magpies, probably smarter than chooks but no where near as cute! My neighbour in Jamieson has some and unfortunately a local dog has discovered his basic instincts. I spotted him running down the road with one in his mouth recently, poor chook.

    Purple we have Kookaburras both in Melb and of course in Jamieson. I have managed to get some great photos of them, I think they are like flying terriers they are so big! The rest of the family did enjoy my vegan offerings last night, just that they also got lamb and baked spuds..

    Bay I weakened and bought apricots yesterday, what a disappointment they always are! Watery and completely tasteless. Your tree is gold, keep up the vigilance with the cockies, it’s worth it!

    Have a lovely weekend all. We are hanging some new curtains, there will probably be fur flying by the time it’s finished. New tracks to be installed and curtains will need hemming, horrible job! Never mind, it will be great when it’s finished!

    It’s all about self image Jojo 😉
    Refer to my list of advantages of weightloss 😉 😉 P

    Yes I love the hula hoop and strangely the step program, I don’t mind the boxing either, plus I love the challenge of Zen 😀 this is one area I can beat my grandson lol, I just love trying and it DOES get you moving (I have a few fitness ones including Zumba) just need to recharge the base.

    Hi Wiwi

    Thinking of you. Cyber hugs to you. Horrible time in France. When do you return to France?


    Good morning NH mates and good evening SH mates

    Wiwi, such horrible times in France. At least they got the b*****ds but a fairly bleak result.

    Just finished all the ironing 😆 while watching the Test match grind to a draw. Cool and wet still here – have had 50% of our January rainfall average and more to come apparently.

    I could hardly get out of bed this morning I was so stiff after two hard weights sessions in 3 days but that’s also 2 hiit sessions so didn’t feel bad about going slowly up the drive to get the newspapers instead of intriguing the neighbours 😉

    RT re eggs, apparently the labelling system in Australia is cr*p and the only reliable guide is RSPCA approved because de-beaking is banned and the max stocking rate is much lower than other systems. Still not as good as home-grown because I believe that chooks shouldn’t be in groups >12, as that apparently is as many as a chook can recognise so more than that they spend lots of energy sorting and re-sorting out the pecking order. Sadly our last lot went to foxes who managed to get into a completely enclosed pen with the wire buried 30cm into the ground 🙁 I get my RSPCA approved from the Adelaide Central Market.

    Take care everyone and keep up the good work.

    Ho Nicky,

    Interesting about hens not being able to recognise more than 12 birds. We’ve got a few more than that, but luckily don’t have constant power struggles. I think if they had less space it would be more fraught, as some of them are just mean!

    I don’t know what the rules are in Australia, but would you believe here in the UK it’s actually illegal to feed your hens kitchen scraps (officially termed catering waste)? I’m sure everyone who keeps hens abides by the rules 🙂

    Morning Jojo,Aussie,and everyone.Thank you for your encouragement.I was using emoticons so it must have been that which caused my post to disappear. Why give you the facility if you can’t use it????!! That’s technology for you I suppose.
    I feel so sorry for the poor people in France affected by what’s been going on there.What’s happening to this world.
    The weather here is awful this morning, rain and wind.I’m about to go out in it to take the dog for his walk.Seems to take half an hour to get all the wet weather gear on!!!!!!
    Will speak soon! WN.

    Good Morning FastTrackers,
    Stayed the same on the scales this morning which is lucky as yesterday was a disaster. I had breakfast, lunch, dinner and buffet food at the party( I did choose the healthiest options – chicken legs, crisps and some grapes – only one pastry item. I avoided the wine and beer and also the bread so it could have been worse.

    But I am happy with the 5.5 lbs lost since Christmas. I will be aiming for 2 lbs off next week and have lots of exercise planned to help me achieve this goal.

    I absolutely loved the walk yesterday through countryside and woods and really hope to plan my calendar to include more of these, perhaps on Sunday’s. I do love my coastal walks but there is something about walking through woods that is peaceful. The problem with my area is its flatness and lack of woodland.

    Anyway I am off on a coastal walk this morning, shopping for running spikes this afternoon (I can’t believe I am saying that) and out to dinner tonight. That lot should keep me out of the kitchen. Good Luck everyone.

    May everyone all over the world be safe, I am thinking of you Wiwi, sorry you have to ensure worry of terrorism in France. None of us are ever really truly safe from Fanatics.

    Have a wonderful day everyone and I look forward to reading your posts. Remember even maintaining is a success story for most of us when faced with all the post Christmas goodies still around. Each week of fasting will help you beat the demons and learn control. Information is power, it pays to learn what foods are healthy and what foods hinder our weightloss. Remember you are not depriving yourself by saying ‘no to rubbish food’ you are supporting your bodies efforts to become a lean mean fat fighting machine.

    Morning/evening all.

    I’m back to my pre Cuba weight so I’m a happy girl this morning. Now I can concentrate on the next mini goal

    Walk cancelled due to bloody awful weather, so I’ll need to find myself something to do.

    The eggs I buy are free range organic.I know that nothing is perfect but IMO that is the best I can buy.

    Woohoo!! Fabulous Amazon! You must be very pleased with yourself.
    Raining and warm here so no late night swim 🙁
    OH is looking online to buy traveling scales for our big trip to Nth America in the winter. He’s worried we will have trouble maintaining without daily feedback. I think he’s right, but you managed to get back. Good girl.
    We buy eggs that have a camera at the farm. You can go online and watch the chooks foraging around in the sunlight! ! 🙂 P

    Hi Purple,

    I was too chicken to weigh myself when I came back, just started fasting the following day. I must have gained a few pounds but less than I would have done pre 5:2. I knew if I got back into my routine it would disappear quickly. It was the same over Christmas and NY, I ate a lot but less than in the past and started again last Friday. I have had a few struggles this week, but now that the scales have moved in the right direction I’m really motivated.

    Does your OH really need scales? Surely they only prove what a maintaining 5:2er suspects, so he should be able to cope without.

    I guess, A, he feels he’s worked SO hard over 21 months to get to 66kg (the weight he was in his 20s), and to be able to control his diabetes drug free, he doesn’t want to risk it for 5 weeks when we aren’t in control of our food choices as easily. Early awareness of going astray is vital for his health. We all know, even when we reach goal, we have to be ever mindful.
    But the rewards are enormous!
    Have a happy Saturday cyber mate 🙂 P

    Well done, Amazon.

    Great to hear you’re back to pre Chrstmas weight.

    Good work , Jojo.

    Hi Purple

    It’s rained here solidly for the last five hours. More like a Sydney than Canberra, with hot days building to a late afternoon thunderstorm. 😆

    Bay 😉

    Sorry Jojo. I missed your morning post. 2 1/2kg since Christmas is excellent! All your positive energy is paying off.

    Hi Bay. Glad to share the weather. We had plans for champagne on the beach at sunset tomorrow. Take the rain clouds away!
    G’night fts. P zzzzzzz….

    I garden too. At least I did at my former residence.  I’ll have to be simple this year.  Need to plant asparagus again , even if it is a rental home. The cheap cost of a plant once food that returns every year justifies the effort. I had 8 asparagus Around my last home. Was great on fast days to graze on fresh asparagus. 

    Great point about pizza is it’s low protein. Like you if I measure it out home made I can get a good fillin from it at 500 cals on a feed day. I’ve been experimenting with healthier crusts, but also crustless pizza toppings.
    My most favorite food it turns our to be pizza toppings stuffed into mini sweet peppers.  I wish the sweet peppers were low enough in cal to be a fast day food.   What worked well in my journal was having only 3small  stuffed peppers to break my fast.  Then 7 for lunch around 2 pm  then dinner I could eat a big feed day meal of 750 cals. For 1500  feed day.   
    This helps me meet vitamin and mineral targets , but still 500 less  my TDEE  as I’m still near the 2000 calorie mark BMR .
    So I like the pizza stuffed peppers for both breaking my fast on feed day. But also as a way to have a low calorie feed day.   After a few months I didn’t miss the crust, but was still madly in love with the topping stuffed into the peppers.  
    Only 3 small peppers has same vitamin c as an orange. So it’s a super food IMO 

    Apricots arevery useful I helping to control ph score of meals .
    It may be just gobbledegook , but I read that just like lemons  become alkaline after digestion, apricot especially the dried apricots can help to Jed fatty deposits  from forming in the arterial walls.  It does this by changing the ph lvl.
    Say we were eating ribeye steak, but included dried apricots. The ph score of the meal  would be different than just the ribeye alone.  I eat the dried apricots now  anytime I know I’m eating a large protein meal  as fat usually comes on for the ride.  Also. I don’t drink cold beverage when eating a high fat meal as it may be that the fats stick to the lining of the stomach much longer , and may cause problems. I can justify the cost of store bought if I eat only on feed days. However on fast days to get the same effect I drink warm green tea with lemon in it.

    Im with bayleafoz
    If I’ve had low nutrition on feed day eating starchy carbs and breads , low protein. I struggle on the following fast day. Knowing this I go for a can  of beans. Because it’s both carbs and protein. So if I do find myself cheating , I immediately fill up on beans.  300 calories.    In this way Im typically still 1,000 of calorie restriction observed.

    I’m reading though all posts since last Saturday morning. This thread is very interesting. At least to me myself and I .    Comespring . I also enjoy the beverage time. I used to be solid soda cola drinker. Suspecting my hunger pangs were in some way associated with soda drinking, gave up soda and cola. Coffee was ok for awhile, but reading lead me to see the acidity in sugared coffee,  as I didn’t enjoy the coffee articifial  sweaters. I settled on stevia.  And but pure stevia from health foods stores. This leaves me with drinnks much green tea, and lemon water sweetened with stevia.  
    This leaved me evenings after last meal and exercise a bit flat.  So I put in a beverage time , a time to spend with my daughter talking about our day.
    In this window of time I choose to go for the healing teas and other beverages that are health benefit to drink.  Favorites are dandelion root coffee,  pure cherry juice, peppermint . Here’s a link to some benefits of drinking herbal beverages.  Mainly a great way to stay hydrated a well. http://www.livestrong.com/article/158871-list-of-herbal-teas-their-benefits/

    Lol JoJo 
    Yes if my goal is to lose 100lbs. That’s sort of like losing a whole other negative person that took up that space.  I’m finding 6 fits of exercise a day more doable than I thought it would be.   Especially the sprinting.  Since the first 30 seconds of exercise  burns fat  before becoming aerobic after the 30 seconds . I’m focused on what these exercise are like sprinting from the furthest parking spots from entrances after dropping other off at the door. Then sprinting back. When I leave. Stairs the same way.   But then it’s six ten minutes sessions placed strategically through my day.  Ending with jumping.
    Very good points on the 19/5. You can still gain weight on itif over TDEE.
    However my opinion is just opinion. I find it hard to get on  at first then the hunger become more tolerable as my stomach shrinks.
     Be lying if I said everyday was 19/5 , but if I break 19/5 it’s on a feed day.
    What’s different from my distant past. Is if I break the 19/5 I eat the nutrition dense foods  that I lack.  Like fish and nuts. Me thinks will drop my 19/5 for 16/8. To get back to 600 cal 4:3.   Then  reevaluate. Feb first for my first fat attack of the year!

    I put in my two weeks notice at work, when asked why . I said I no longer will load trucks  due to my chronic injury.  The manager pushed the form back across the desk and what my birthday was. She looked in binder and said it wa company policy to not make anyone over 45 load trucks and a condition of employment. So I’m now a permanent runner. This is great news for my weight loss  attempt.  As I’ve stated so many times , becoming diabetic I need to have exercise  and fasting , rather than fasting alone.  So now that I understand what works and what is doable. I feel very empowered. Very positive that this years weight loss will be the year that I start to become less obese looking. So that’s motivating too. 

    After my planned break from the holidays, I’ve struggled and not completes even one 600 calorie day.  However I’ve had 2,349 of exercise last week, 78,000 steps on pedometer, and 2850 of calorie restriction . So no matter what the scale was bitchin bout dis mourn.I know this will be my greatest year of personal weightloss goal.

    Emil I’m not sure of your specifics of injury,  but you may be interested in the sit and be fit  exercise series.   That coupled with fasting  can have fat loss possibilities that many may not be aware of and think is impossible.  But just have a look.  When I started my 5:2 , I was struggling with a foot and ankle injury from a car accident.  I slid off interstate and down a forty foot revene.
    Luckilly I went head on into a giant oak tree or would have been in the lake.
     My time in bed I got to see Dr mosely videos .  And the phase  do what is doable I applied to being the bed for 7months.  Started the fasting , therapy movements. I’m still intrigued by finding what is doable  in moments  of just waiting. Glad to hear your getting around! 

    Hiya all

    Horrible out there today .We have had hail stones ,snow and Really heavy rain .
    I have not had one twinge in my back so far today 🙂 .

    I have lost my Christmas weight too and really pleased with that . been taking a lot of pills and thought I would have stuck where I was . fasting today .

    Just had a lovely visit from my soon to be new neighbours . Brought me a beautiful big bunch of flowers and a box of deluxe chocolates . I will be giving the chocolates away .OMG did I really say that 🙂 .
    Before 5.2 I would have eaten the lot before they had gotten into their car. What a lovely young couple they are .

    Just going to catch up with my ” I used to be fat” programme on TV . It is a day to be comfy and cosy in the house .

    Have a great day all and thank you all for the support and fun on this thread .

    Wee xx

    Hi Wee.
    Glad to hear the pain has gone. Now is the time to find the right exercises to strengthen your back. You could look on line as there will be lots on youtube that’ll be safe to do.

    Well done on sorting out your work issues. You are obviously a hard working and valuable employee or they would have let you go.

    I love pizza, but for me it is about the combination of the base and the toppings. I don’t like thick bases so the answer is to eat one in a decent restaurant or make them myself as it is impossible to package very thin based pizzas for sale at retail outlets. I’ve almost perfected the art of getting them really thin and can have a really delicious pizza for 500 calories or less.
    I like tomato sauce, some cheese and lots of veggies, artichokes, peppers, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, maybe some chilli. Sometimes I omit the cheese, add some capers and anchovies and crack an egg in the middle, delicious!
    Goat cheese, caramelized red onion and rocket is very good too.

    Non fast day for me and I’m having duck breast rubbed with Chinese five spice and cooked with ginger and clementines.

    Good evening my friends,

    Well the walk was very interesting today, both in terms of company, lots of new people and weather. It was windy, then rainy, then sunny. An hour walk turned into four hours when a few of us decided to keep going – crazy. I have the blisters to prove it. So much for 1000 mile socks and expensive walking boots. But I loved it.

    It was a fast day so it kept me busy. I had six fresh king prawns and brocolli and Stilton soup that I made for a dinner party tonight. They won’t get much each, naughty me. It was seriously good. Did’t break my fast until 4 pm as dinner party may be late. I will be having red wine tonight because I bought it and it is a very good vintage. But it will only be one glass as I am driving…boohoo

    Tomorrow I will be going to the gym for at least 2 hours, as I must practise running, my course starts Tuesday – very worried about it!

    God, I am leaving at 7.15 and haven’t had a shower yet, speak tomorrow, be good!

    I’ve opened a very nice bottle of red this evening. It is the first wine I’ve had since 1st January. I’ve had a nice relaxing day today.

    I need to start pushing myself physically from tomorrow in preparation for the gym next Thursday.

    Jojo, good luck with the prep for your running course.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) 😆
    Well that’s the first good news story of the day SAMM you are the runner hmm?? Interesting job tittles you Americans have I suspect If our company put in an advertisement down here for a runner the job selection process would be a swift one with bugger all applicants 😆 your planning and detail is at a new level mate 600cal fast day 1500cal feed day Sundays up to TDEE plus a stack of exercise and a job where you run ?? How much an a hour is the pay dude?? good luck Amazon with preperations for the gym instructor you go girl 😉 Ok fast friends keep on keeping on in
    Peace Love and Happiness

    Another interesting post, SAMM. It’s good to hear that you will no longer be doing the heavy work with your job, although disappointing that you had to go through the process of giving notice for company policy to be applied.

    I hope the Aussie rain is widespread and fire-killing. Plus returning green life to dry pastures.

    Well done, Wee, on weight loss, and happy to hear that you are pain-free today. Don’t give away ALL the chocolates – keep one for a reward for yourself sometime? Or do give away all of them, and keep that halo burnished!

    Have a good weekend, all.


    Two little things I’m doing today on a feed day to help improve my overall health.
    1 indoor sunbathing for vitamin D
    2 taking a calcium supplement with vitamin d and k .

    my reading on health this week takes me to vitamin and mineral uptake. Where im convinced getting vitamin and minerals from organic sources is best as opposed to non living sources. I prefer my vitamin and minerals to come from plants and animals. However the sun helps the skin to create vitamin d .
    i take a supplement that helps aid the uptake.

    The viactive brand is not the best tasting. So instead of dreading it. I choose it to be a treat time. As i begintto chew the bland thing i put in a dark chocolate covered coffee grind.
    This 15 minutes in sun window is relax time before i go to the gym. Will sprint in from the far end of the lot. And sprint back out. Today is nothing but compound lifts. Plan to take a nap later in the anti gravity chair. Its just a basic recliner that tips so far it puts my hips and feet well above my shoulders. Helps me with my hip pain that isnt exactly psiatica. Sp.

    Talked myself into going for the pizza toppings at grocery. To stuff in the mini sweet peppers. Something to look foward too.

    Grocery delivery not coming today . So ill just cook chicken legs and find anti inflammatory veggies in the market. Perhaps a trip to health foods store to to get some more broccoli sprouts for detoxification.

    And will be experimenting with tumeric and coconut oil drink. I think there a health drink in that combination. Just toying with the idea. Basically found that combination while on planned break and really really want tumeric in my diet . Want to find an enjoyable knock my socks off taste that is an apex of health food too.

    Thinking it may be an tumeric, coconut oil, chunks of orange flavored dark chocolate probiotic, icee

    don’t laugh. I mean what else is a sailor to do when the pond is frozen?

    Curry is what you need SAMM. A nice healthy Indian veggie curry made with coconut oil, spices including turmeric and lots of veggies, with maybe a can of beans, chick peas or lentils thrown in for some protein. I make batches and freeze it in 300-350 calorie portions.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and RT in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) 😆 (okay I cheated and copied RT’s list but changed him for me 😀 )

    Such a font of knowledge SAMM, I’ve started looking at the teas and their benefits. I’m glad your work values you and also knows your value. This way you get the best of both world (so to speak).

    Wee so glad to hear you’re not in pain today, such a relief for you 🙂

    Jojo great loss since Christmas, that’s awesome 😀 . Hope you had a great time at your dinner party 😀

    Bay and PVE we’ve also been having a lot of wet here too, most unusually. Really quite bizarre, last week we had bushfires, this week floods, I wonder what next week will bring … snow maybe 😆 Even this morning it’s overcasy and damp feeling but there appears to be some lightening of the clouds so hopefully we’ll get some sunshine today 😀

    Amazon great going with your weight too, getting back to pre-Cuba weight is great 😀

    Home made pizza here is like this … pizza base is super thin (I use half the amount suggested and it realistically is paper thin) topping is 2 or 3 shaved metwurst pieces cut into 4 or 8, 4 to 6 shaved pepperoni pieces cut in half, then 30 to 40 grams mozzarella and around the same tasty cheese then into the oven. The size when finished is approximately a medium pizza place pizza (as it’s not round just roughly roundish) and is often enough for me. OH will have the same but with much thicker base and more topping/cheese. Even so I will only have this on a non-FD.

    Emel, thinking of you and I hope you’re starting to be on the mend. Please make sure to drink lots of water as this will help flush the residue of the anaesthetic from your system (just wish I’d known that a few years ago, lol)

    Smiffy hope you’re still doing okay too … haven’t heard from you in a while.

    Hermaj also hoping you’re doing well too, we’ve missed you in here.

    Nama I see you also removed the Christmas extra’s 😆 well done to you too 😀

    Nicky, Happy, WN & Bay a big shout out to you too (Happy is that right that you’re not allowed to give veggie scraps to the chooks????? How bizarre!)

    Catch up later, sorry if I’ve missed anyone, it’s not intentional 😀

    Hi AO,

    It is illegal to feed chickens kitchen scraps from “unregulated sources” which is what domestic kitchens are apparently, due to the chance that the scraps might be contaminated with animal protein.
    Bloody stupid law that cannot be enforced.

    Getting back to pre Cuba weight is fab, but it is yet another example of losing weight that has already been lost at least once and I’m keen not to repeat that, and now comes the real challenge of getting to a weight I’ve not been at for 25 years.

    AO well what can I say BUT i love ya work 😉

    I was surprised that I gained 12 lbs in only 36 days, however my muscle groups that I was targeting are feeling much stronger. I believe there is something to it from a users pov.
    I mean to say I don’t like ADF because even though I lose weight , I can’t seem to gain muscle. Wondering if the some of the lose is muscle , but just wondering.
    Then before I went on break I was on 4:3 for 6 weeks lost weight at faster rate than ever before. But the weight was quickly put back on. I hold no fault. I believe I gained fat and muscle both. When I went on break. After looking a rts link to the body type imaging for height weight age gender and wether muscular or not. I want the muscular look. Wore out now back at home in the chair . Wife wants to go out to diner later , so I’ll be having the fish! Feeling like its been a carpe diem kind of day!

    Hope those in recovery remember that the good times don’t always last , but nethier do the bad times.
    Wishing you well!

    One our truck jockies , man whom positions truck into docking bays. Came in wearing a freezer suit.
    For once he looked like he wasn’t dressed . I asked about his suit. He said it was in lost and found. The manager suggested he wear it in the -8f temps . Then later when it was sleeting he had on the freezer suit under his rain suit. . Gives me the inclination to go sailing just as the ice melts. The best sailing is when no other boats are on the water so it’s like sailing through glass like waters at 10 mph. Used to a time when it was odd to hear a pager ring on the boat a it was disconnect from from world. Now I can use an iPad and see wind changes coming from wind gauges from around the city attached to the internet.

    Yes I’m called a runner, and some of the young bucks do run, But I sprint.
    I sprint because the first 30 seconds of sprinting is anaerobic and burns fat. Where as the movement after 30 seconds becomes aerobic. And burns glycol from the blood. I rack up big numbers on the pedometer. It is low pay, I mean to say the pays sucks rotten eggs. But when I look at my physical condition I believe this sort of marathon walking, and sprinting. Will be the ticket to my longevity.

    If it was just up to me I’m not sure I would be motivated enough to do it for health alone.
    But add health care insurance, a pay check, 401k, plus someone yelling over loud speaker at you all day.
    I get through it. If I hated it. I think it would be stressful, but I love it and after I became stronger. I enjoy it. I feel it offsets the third shift stress.
    As things are. Between my wife and I. We decided along time ago. One parent should always be home for our child.. So wife works 1st and I work 3rd. After school were all home together.

    About the tumeric. Thinking it may be good in variation of hummus too. I’m chuffed about the info on the digestive system I’ve been reading on. Like there’s folks that just eat whatever whenever. Like I used too.
    Then there folks like us that diet and fast. But there another group I could say are nutritionalists rather than dietians. I’m reading that type on information. A lot over my head and dry, but the more I know , I feel the better my choices may be. While some foods are nutritional super stars the best impact is to keep on with an anti inflammation menu. But In no way do pass up a good meal with friends, and I love getting goodies from the garden or from the many places I’ve planted berry bushes and trees.

    Just dreaming a little , more of a fantasy while I’m hanging upside down, talking into the voice to text thingamabob. I hope I retire some day where I can grow mine own winter garden goodies from a green house . Where typically we would find an asphalt roof. I got the idea a few years ago. But when I started on 5:2 and summer came, I was eating many days of the 600 calories fasting days. Entirely straight from the garden… So when fall finally came and no more goodies from garden were edible. I keep thinking. I wish the top of my house were a green house that could use hydroponics In Combination with winter sunlight. Just enough to grow my fasting days foods.

    I mean the normal stuffs like beans,corn, and the other things that grow great in the fields and are cheap. No need for that.
    But cancer fighting foods , and other healing foods that can be cut fresh, without use of preservatives, kale, dandelion, spinach, blueberries. Salad stuffs! That don’t need a lot of space or time to grow and be pruned from all winter. My though was since they’ve found LED technologies for grow lighting. It’s not quite enough , but it was applied to the smaller plants in combination with winter sunlight. The the issue about it not needing to be transported. It might be a real benefit. As opposed to not.

    Hmm got to go

    Hi Samm
    Pouring rain here so no out door activities.

    We used to mainly sail in the winter because there were less boats, less burning sun and better wind. Our water doesn’t freeze. I can’t even imagine it 🙂

    I’ve been trying to increase my turmeric intake as I have a growth on my arm. I keep forgetting. Tumeric in hummus would be a great idea!

    Re vit D. Don’t you freeze trying to get sun exposure in winter where you live? It’s a pity Vit D doesn’t travel through glass and the window has to be open. 🙁 Even in Sydney in winter, I have to make sure I expose my arms when walking to get enough. It’s a hard call between skin cancer and vit D deficiency.
    Cheers P

    I’m with you, Purple. I only put sunscreen on my face and rely on sun on my arms to produce vitamin D. All my English relatives gave their kids cod liver oil to get the right amount of vitamin D in Winter. Raining here still. Great for the garden. Cheers, Bay 😉

    Hi Amazon and AO,

    Our hens are very partial to a greens (rainbow chard, lettuce, swede/ beet tops, sorrel) so can’t be trusted in the veg patch or polytunnel… Also, grapes, sweetcorn, baked beans, macaroni cheese, rice, etc. I have no idea obviously how they would have access to such things 🙂

    Hens are omnivores, and if you see them free ranging it might put you off eggs (they happily kill and eat voles and mice, and will carrion feed given half a chance…it’s not a pretty sight when you find a hen pecking her way into a dead animal 🙂 ).

    It would probably make more sense for the government to educate people (e.g. don’t feed your hens anything that isn’t fit for human consumption). Also, and even more stupidly, welfare standards don’t apply to small backyard flocks… Keep them, and treat them, anyhow you want…just so long as you don’t feed them kitchen scraps…

    Amazon, I cooked a Thai veg curry night, but you’ve been talking about pizza again! I’m now resisting the urge to go make one..! Thanks!

    Moi aussi Amazon. Pizza calling…Must resist!
    Buckwheat pancakes with berries and yoghurt for brunch. Have to cancel beach sunset drinks so a good brunch instead. 😆
    Not very exciting in rain 🙁 P

    P! Does that mean you’ve actually got some clothes on today then…? 🙂

    Indeed H. Although living in swimmers saves washing! 🙂

    I am glad I am not in swimmers . it is cold and miserable out there . Not far off midnight here and OH been in bed for ages . I had a really lazy dinner tonight . It was a fast day and came in at under 300 cals . I chopped up loads of lettuce . chopped up some boiled ham ( not bacon) mixed it all up in a bowl with a tblsp mayo . I looks a bit of a mix up but it was delicious . I will be having that again . and a mug of marigold bullion afterwards .

    Off to bed soon and hope I can sleep . I was back down here at 2 AM this morning not able to sleep

    Night all and AOYP( angels on your pillow )

    Wee xx

    Hi all.
    Melb weather report first: overcast and windy but no rain and not cold! Perfect gardening weather!

    SAMM I have never tried growing asparagus but might give it a try on your recommendation. The only “crown” type veggie I have ever grown is rhubarb and I managed to kill them with (I think) overwatering! Could you grow some lettuce in a pot and keep it inside and warm overnight? I love growing Cos lettuce and just pick the outside leaves while the heart keeps growing. Also spring onions shoot up green again if you chop off the tops and leave the root in.

    I am torn today between the mountain of ironing and the garden! Millions of agapanthus getting messy and requiring deadheading….. Maybe I could do some of both? But gardening is so relaxing and ironing so boring.

    SAAM congratulations on your win at work re loading/running. Great to know you are valued and wonderful that you can get the benefits of exercise without stressing your shoulder. I have a funny mental picture of you almost upside down in your chair and also noticed your punctuation improves when you use the voice mode! But if you usually type on a phone, I am not surprised. I can’t get a line typed on a phone without it being unreadable.

    Jojo interesting point you make with the differences between coastal and country walks. Country is my favourite, even though seaside ones are very invigorating, they are also usually windy! I hate wind. It un nerves me. I could never live in Wellington!

    Wee I am so pleased for you that your pain is settling. Your lettuce and ham salad sounds lovely! I think simplicity is often the key if the ingredients are fresh. And I am not always as organised as Amazon, though I try to cook a lot of batch stuff.

    Wiwi I am sorry to hear you are so sad with the tragedies in France. It really is such a scary world. I read In the paper that one of the hostages escaping from the grocery store yelled “it’s a war” and she was right!
    So many innocent peoples lives destroyed for nothing.

    Good night dear wee. Dream good dreams and wake with a happy back. P x

    Hey everyone, weighed myself today and haven’t lost any weight, but at the same time I haven’t put on any weight which is an improvement for me! It’s my first week so I’m not beating myself up about it as I’m sure I’ll get better! I’ve been walking on average two hours a day so that’s good I think. Unfortunately didn’t have measuring tape until recently so I’ve measured myself for this week and will compare it with next week.

    Talking about pizza, my auntie (who is probably one of those nutritionalists you were talking about SAMM) sent me a recipe for a pizza base made out of cauliflower. It looks good but I don’t know if it tastes as good as it looks!

    About the turmeric and coconut oil, I think the coconut oil helps the turmeric to be better absorbed by your body, I’ve heard black pepper also does that but I think to a lesser extent. I usually try to use them in my cooking as well, Indian cooking particularly uses them a lot. For example when I make butternut squash soup I add lots of turmeric and garlic and black pepper, and then I also add some creamed coconut or coconut milk powder, it tastes yum 🙂

    By the way jojo you are losing weight at an amazing rate! Keep up the good work, and to everyone else too!

    Nama, I find Wellington wind almost unbearable. It’s blowing a northerly gale at the moment, 20 degrees so mild-ish.

    Many many years ago we kept some bantams when the children were little. Bantam eggs were just the right size for toddlers. But no way could the vege garden survive, and once we put a pool in, that was it, new homes found. Plus one of the hens had a tendency to crow pre-dawn, which is not great in suburbia. Can’t believe it’s illegal to feed kitchen scraps to domestic chooks in the UK (or perhaps I can!)

    The great news is – OH has agreed to begin 5:2 from tomorrow. I have been hoping he would, encouraging him, trying to find meals that he could easily take (he’s a taxi driver, so no microwave, not much room in the car), and still enjoy. Hope I haven’t nagged him too much, but thrilled that he’s going to give it a go. He didn’t do breakfasts but started recently as he thought he should, so that part’s okay, and he is happy to have a salad with maybe a little meat in the evening, and continue to buy an egg and bacon panini for brunch. He needs to drink more water, but baby steps. Yay!

    thanks so much for correcting my window blocking the vitamin D. Will put the window open .yes it is cold but doable.

    a study i can’t reference was about drivers in France and drivers in the UK .

    because the drive on different sides of the car.
    basically the study pointed to skin cancer on the face occur more often on the side of face that faces the window. So from that i expose my right side for only 15 minutes . With window open from now on especially when on the passenger side .

    love learning these little things that make bits of difference.

    bought a herb cutter scissors from ball has five blades .

    That’s ok Samm. I’m very fair skinned in a hot country 🙁 so am very aware of the sun and driving. I choose the shady side and olive skinned OH gets the sunny side. I’ve had a lot of skin cancers burnt off my hands. The sun can still cause cancer, but not vit D through glass. P

    Morning/evening all.

    After horrible cold, wet, windy weather the past couple of days, I’ve woken to blue sky, sunshine and barely any breeze. It is only 6C but you can’t have everything 😉

    Happy, it was all SAMM’s fault for talking about toppings. I am innocent Smiley

    FD today, so I’m going to keep busy, workout, walk, ironing and maybe some cleaning…….

    ‘Morning poor innocent Amazon 😉

    Good Morning All,
    I am feeling great, another half pound down on yesterday. Probably walked that off, poor feet. I ended up having two glasses of wine with dinner it was so good. The broccoli and blue cheese soup was devine, didn’t bother to count the calories sorry, it won’t be low. The host cooked a very fine chicken pie with lots if veg. Skipped dessert just had coffee.
    We listened to music for hours it was great.
    I don’t think I could get through the day without my music. It makes life so much more enjoyable.

    Now then, you will think I am mad but I am switching it up again. I have found 19/5 so easy I am going to try 23/1 on fast days at least. Has anyone else tried this? I can’t believe how good I feel and how easy fasting has become. I have got used to the feeling of being hungry and it no longer bothers me until it becomes intense. At this point when it cannot be ignored I drink tea or have an apple.

    Every part of my life is good at the moment I can even put up with my bursitis. I just add heat to the area, no more pain killers for me unless desperate.

    Off to buy some spikes today, grass running, can’t wait to start on Tuesday.

    Gym beckons, have a good day/ evening cyber pals.

    Weemam – have you tried an electric blanket?

    Amazon- can’t wait to hear about your gym exploits. We could set each other targets when you are familiar with all the equipment.

    Bye for now

    Keep fasting, forget sugar and high carb meals, processed food, it’s life changing. Get out and make lots of new friends it’s exciting.

    Hi Jojo
    23/1 is what my OH does every fast day…just one meal. Suits him. I used to do it too, but prefer 18/6 as I get too grumpy.
    Good luck. It isn’t much harder than what you are doing. 🙂 P

    Hi everyone, well done FoodA in not gaining. Next week aim for a loss. Check how much you’re eating in calories on FD’s as that is key to a lot of this WOL. You don’t have to share with anyone how much it is just be totally and brutally honest with yourself (as really if you are eating more than 400 to 500 calories it’s only going to affect you). I do this rigorously now as just a little over and you don’t lose. Also make sure you’re closer to your BMR than TDEE on non-FD’s and never, EVER go over your TDEE. I’m now working on my goal weight BMR and TDEE so that when the time comes I don’t have to adjust downwards any more 🙂 .

    Jojo other than maybe having a Bovril/Bonox for lunch if desperately hungry I do 23/1 on FD’s and you’re correct it IS easy after a while. Mind you I have been known to have a boiled egg if extra-ordinarily hungry (which I was the first FD after New Years as I’d had so much sugary and starchy stuff over the 2 weeks) but that’s not often. I also found that at first it was hard just cutting down on FDs to two very small meals, but now there are times when even 23/1’ing I only have a very light meal (can sometimes only have 150 to 200 calories but not often … yet).

    Great to hear from you all 😀 … onwards and downwards one and all 😀 😆

    Oh, yes, perhaps I should call you my shrinking circle of friends Smiley

    Hi Aussie Oma, thanks for the advice I definitely need to be more diligent in sticking to 400 to 500 Calories and on non fast days I try my best to eat below my TDEE but I find it so hard! Hopefully I’ll get used to it and I’ll get better, I’m glad though that in rarely going over my TDEE hence probably why I’m not putting on weight.

    I’ve just had a lovely walk. Despite being cold, it is a glorious day with bright sunshine. I walked to Kew Bridge, along the towpath and then into Kew Gardens. There are lots of buds everywhere and beside the Orangery there is an area planted with a variety of snowdrops that are tall with larger flowers. I walked in that direction to take a look and they are in bloom. The flowers aren’t fully open yet so I’ll need to go back in a few days time. All the azaleas and rhodedendrons are covered in buds aand some are flowering already. Lots of bulbs poking their leaves through the grass all over the place too. It’s a good to be alive day!

    I only eat one meal on a FD as once I start eating I find I get hungrier than if I don’t have anything until the evening. I use a few calories for milk in my morning tea and coffee, and occasionally I’ll have Bovril but no food.
    I try not to eat before 5pm but lately it has been earlier. Now that the festive season is over I’m hoping to get back into the habits of pre Cuba, when I was losing 2lbs every week and sailing through most FDs.

    Jojo, my first target is to use the equipment, go for a swim and still have the strength to get myself home 😉

    Amazon it’s just human nature to want what we haven’t got isn’t it? You like the sound of our summer and swimming laps in outdoor pools, while I would just love to be walking in Kew gardens with snowdrops opening and bulbs pushing up! Give me winter any day, with the promise of Spring around the corner!

    I agree with you wholeheartedly re less meals on a fast day, it’s so much easier just to ignore food on those days, am considering trying that! I can see why 23/1 appeals to Jojo. Though with all your social life etc, I can’t see how you have time to eat all Jojo!

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