Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • Morning all, and sorry to hear about your back Weemam, hope it improves greatly very soon. Whoo whoo Aussie Oma on the loss – I love that it feels so good to be ‘back on a losing streak’ πŸ™‚ And that’s great about the gym Amazon, sounds ideal and a great deal too. And SO SO inspiring to hear more of your story jojo – I had an idea from the last 50 pages of posts(!!) that you had lost a lot of weight, but 5 stone is AWESOME!!! It gives me great heart to know it is doable.
    I also weigh in on Fridays AO for the same reason that Friday night is a night out for us. Today we’re packing for a week at the beach so will be out of range at times with only my phone to tether for internet (and I very quickly reach my cap doing that!).
    Lastly, I can proudly say that this week’s fasting has put me ‘back on track’ too and I’m 100gm below my pre-christmas weight (lost the 2.4kg I put on with a 1.4 loss last week and 900gm this week) and I’m back on track for my goal in spring. Look forward to reading all of your successes tomorrow.

    Hi all, well today is going to be my first voluntary fast day in almost two weeks. I have found that once I could eat I was very disciplined but moving back home over the past few days has seen old habits reappear.So I will see whatt happens.
    I have been reading posts and looking up suggested links, something that I have not had time for in the past, but enforced rest has it’s benefits. Exercise is out of the picture for a while although my 79 yr father built me a rail of sorts to help me go up our steep driveway.. I tried it and survived so that is a bonus!

    Hi emel, nice to here from you. I hope you are feeling OK and that your recovery is going well. Good luck with the fast.

    Hiya Emel . So pleased to hear you are home pal and I hope you heal soon. Well done to your Dad πŸ™‚ .What would we do without our dads eh πŸ™‚

    Wee xx

    Hello everyone,
    Think I have swapped hemispheres in my sleep, it’s cold and raining in Melbourne this morning! Thank goodness the humidity is gone for now.

    Glad to hear you are feeling so great Jojo, what a transformation!
    And hello to our wounded soldiers Weemam and Emel, hoping you feel much better very soon. Don’t listen to your family Wee, it’s great if you can move a bit. I know they are just concerned for you of course. Emel your Dad sounds lovely, hopefully we will still be helping all our kids when we are 79.

    No stiffness from yesterday’s foray into the pool, obviously didn’t work the muscles that hard! I plan to start gently, twice a week til the end of the month then up to 3pw from Feb when the pool empties out of school kids. I know this is nothing for all you exercisers out there, but it’s a huge commitment for me who has an anaphylactic reaction to any exercise.

    Nicky thanks for the idea re cheese for the magpies, tried it this morning and they vacuumed it with glee!
    Congrats on your big loss again AO, great way to start your Friday. I heard on the radio last night that there are warnings re possible flooding in bushfire area on the weekend, oh goodness I hope not!

    I “over celebrated” my excitement with my swim yesterday, plus wanted to use up last of Xmas unhealthy foods, so used last of cream, bacon and cheese to make Spag carbonara for an easy dinner. Well. Scales up .8kg this am, after being down 1.2 yesterday! I know the spaghetti cannot possibly be converted to fat that quickly, and not stressing as fasting today, but it really demonstrates how such a low fibre, high carb meal can really make your gut sluggish and literally “weigh you down”!! Cream etc would have been better in the bin, better even not to buy it. Sometimes I need a reminder obviously!

    Cheers all!

    AO, good job, 3 lb off, you must be thrilled. I think it’s great that you are leading the weigh in’s on Friday.

    I agree that timing is important, longer fast, better weight loss.

    Sugar, carbs and processed foods are still the bad boys along with pain killers, anti inflamatories and some other medications.

    Amazon, I think doing lots of activities makes life fun, keeps the brain active too, remembering what you are doing on what day. Have you tried lawn bowls? Well it’s indoor bowls during the winter but I find the players fun to spend time with. Some of the old boys can be sexist but on the whole they are ok.

    Really enjoyed my evening at home listening to music and watching some TV.

    Thanks Jojo, I most certainly AM thrilled. I had two weeks where I allowed myself to have whatever I wanted (Xmas/New Year) and now I’m back doing 5 2 properly. I agree the timing is important.

    I still allow myself sugar/carbs but this will now only be on Fridays for sugary things if wanted (but endeavouring to cut that out completely).

    I also got to a goal today with now being in double digits (albeit only just), so now my goals are 5kg (approx 11 lb) until reaching my next major goal.

    Emel glad to hear you’re back home, even though still not back to your full health.

    Wee please take care of your back.

    Hope everyone else is fit and well πŸ˜€

    Good luck to all those having a FD today, I’m sure you can do it πŸ™‚ I won’t be able to get back online until tonight now so will hopefully have lots to catch up on by then πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

    hi fast friends just dropping in very quickly today to say well bloody done AO high fives and to throw my 2 bobs worth in with jojo and you that the longer the fast the better the weight loss so the 19/5 Jojo is a great platform to spring from
    Peace RT

    Im falling behind on the thread this week.
    My apologies.

    Jojo had a dizzy spell?
    I’ll need to go back and read.

    no I don’t work on or live on the water.
    I have a 26 foot sailboat . Its been in the family for 25 years it’s a 1974 . So its 40 .

    I swim like I was born in the water. But ive so many perfect days turn into disasters .I’m constantly keeping vigilant with safety.
    I believe chance favors those whom prepare.
    so treading water and swimming styles practice is how I prepare in the indoor pools.

    only recently have I been aware of swim HIIT. where you can swim from 1 end of the pool a then walk back. A you tube search for swim hiit shows the technique.

    I’m a firm believer in all three fasting, adequate nutrition, and exercise.

    A few years ago I found a Web page that was critical of diets mostly the viral popular ones.

    comparing them against sustained weight loss.
    the insight was . If a person ate healthier and exercised it didn’t matter which diet they were on.

    enter fasting

    the fasting approach offers benefits very close to calorie restriction. So after watching. Eat, Fast , Live longer. And also the truth about exercise.

    There is several things I want to start doing and then keep on keepin on.

    improved nutrition
    Increase vo2max

    and stop
    over eating
    clean my air and water
    avoid risky behaviors
    and then focus on the top 20
    accidental and preventable risks of death.
    and prepare for age related issues.

    not all in the first day,

    Hi all

    Reporting in on the carb fest results. 😳 while I’ve been using fasting to maintain my weight through the two weeks of Christmas cheer, I have been expanding my waist and hips. 😯

    No doubt with processed carbs and sugars. The sad fact is that any form of processed carbs, even GF homemade apricot pudding and mince pies, have conspired to increase my waist and hips by 2 cms each. This is a sobering fact for me to contemplate. No more apricot pudding for some time to come while I try to reverse the spread. πŸ˜₯

    I need to stress that my weight is totally under control with 5:2. However, my vanity and my health need to shrink my waist height ratio back to 50% Hey ho! Here we go!

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Well done, AO. Great result. Bay

    Bay . The biggest step is just being aware of you’re situation.
    A lot of what I’ve learned from simcoeluv this year points to everyone will lose weight from simple calories in calories out. Counting!

    I’m thankful for michealspaper he collaborated on that points to the metabolism has different rates during the day and night. Where the morning meal gets metabolized better than the evening meal. At least that’s how I interpreted it.

    So the higher calorie foods might need be eaten in the morning, may have a better chance of not becoming put into fat stores . Where as eating high calorie carbs for dinner may be metabolized before the resting switches the metabolism into a slower rate. And there goes the carbs into the glycol stores.

    More of fine tuned way of eating. I just assume that most folks that have become successful at semi fasting 2 or more times a week for more than a year. Learn to tweak their feed days. Especially in the way micheal has pointed to.

    Correct me if I’m wrong
    Fast day however it can be managed.
    Feed day. Breakfast is the highest in calories, then lunch, and dinner are lighter meals.
    Then a long walk or HIT exercise

    Thanks, Samm

    Will think on it. Since I haven’t gained weight overall, I think that somehow the processed carbs could be retaining water and slowing my metabolism, thereby expanding my waist and hips. I will have a few weeks without any processed carbs and see what that does to my measurements.

    I am successfully using the 5:2 to maintain my weight. And I am sure it promotes health.
    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Thinking about you, Weemam and Emel,

    I lasted today for 21 hours on my water and coffee fast. Now for an enjoyable evening dining with friends. Minimal carbs and sugars, however, will have a glass of wine. πŸ˜‰

    Happy, the Battle of the Cockie in Apricot Tree ended with a flourish. A lovely pink and grey galah came by to see if he could get any fruit. There was a huge crescendo of screeching and I went outside to see a number of even bigger cockatoos attacking the galah, intent on driving it off their patch. The galah hid in the elm tree on a branch with lots of hanging leaves, so the cockies couldn’t get a swooping pass at him. Hence the noise. πŸ™„

    In all I picked 20 kgs of apricots, most of them are now poached and frozen for future enjoyment. My DIL has 5 kgs of them. There is lovely soft rain after another thunderstorm at the end of a 32C day. More like Sydney coastal weather rather than hot, dry inland Canberra. Great for the garden.

    Have a lovely day, all. Hope your weights and measures please you. I’m with AO in that I weigh on Fridays after my Thursday fast.

    Cheers, all. Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi SAMM,

    So the old saying ‘breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, supper like a pauper’ really is good advice then!

    Wee, I hope your tucked up safe at home today. It’s pretty wild here in NW England, and Scotland’s getting the full force of it. Wouldn’t want you being blown away now you’re a lightweight πŸ™‚

    Hope your back’s improving? As someone who lost a year of her life incapacitated by a damaged disc, you have my full sympathy. And I know how impossible shopping is, when even walking is pretty much beyond you!

    Morning/evening all.

    Happy, that was exactly what I was thinking and it does give some credence to the breakfast is the most important way of thinking.

    Another FD for me today and I don’t feel particularly hungry this morning. Very windy here but nothing compared to what is happening in the north and Scotland.

    Have a good day evening everyone.

    Hi Amazon, unfortunately I’m rarely hungry early in the morning so will have to skip the king’s breakfast and go straight to the prince’s table… The alternative would be starting the day feeling sick and bloated!

    I can’t eat first thing in the morning either. Even if I feel peckish it makes me feel bloated and sluggish.

    We are in the business of changing habits and beliefs here so I guess we need to stop thinking of breakfast in terms of a bowl of cereal or a piece of toast eaten while half asleep first thing in the morning, and think of it in terms of the original meaning ie breaking the fast.

    Brunch rules πŸ˜‰

    Good Morning Cyber Pals,

    Off for a hike this morning so I have started with two boiled eggs( my interpretation of – breakfast like a King). Thought it wise to avoid fainting in the middle of a field in deep mud.

    It’s likely to be very windy here too but at least we hope to miss the rain, due after lunch.

    The problem with eating the most filling food early in the day is hunger pangs at night. I will try switching lunch and dinner, let’s see how it goes. 19/5 is the way of eating for me now. Lost another pound today yet it was a non fast day yesterday. I am doing 19/5 every day so it’s a regular eating pattern.

    Obviously my success at the moment is also due to the type of foods I eat too. I was very naughty yesterday 3 glasses of wine but Hey Ho. That sugar might be useful this morning.

    I am now 1/4 below my lowest in the last six months so back on track and heading for goal. Definitely exceeded 2 lb per week since 1st Jan.

    P.s. Not all of 5 stone was lost fasting, I was on weight watchers for eight weeks before starting 5:2 and a serious amount of exercise since April 2013, minimum 2 hours daily – swim and gym.

    I am a very odd person in that exercise does not effect the scales for me, it has to be calories. However exercise does improve measurements and muscle tone. I guess I just don’t do exercise fast enough to make a difference but I do put in the time because I like the feel of being loose jointed and strong, flexible and far less likely to pull muscles or put my back out.( that used to be a real problem for me too). Yoga seems to keep my back healthy – touch wood.

    Get Well Weemam and Emel – I will walk 100 miles for you today( well not literally, maybe 100 steps), I think it’s only 10 mile round trip.

    Have a great day everyone, good luck for weigh ins tomorrow, today, whenever, though you don’t need luck just faith that you are on the right track. You really are buddies.

    Love Jojo xx

    Amazon, I’m with you on reclaiming break fast from the breakfast eaters!

    Jojo, have a great walk.
    You’re really on a roll (low carb!) at the moment, go girl!

    Morning UK FTs!
    Happy thoughts for good health emel and wee.
    Jojo, in The Fast Exercise book they list off how much exercise you need to do to burn calories. It is huge! I see food restrictions (and variations) as the weight loss system and exercise for toning the body.
    This week I’ve done two days in a row of 16/8 combined with a low carb/low sugar vegan before 6. It really seems to reset my system and alleviate cravings.
    Certainly worth trying folks.
    Cheers P

    The endorphins released from exercising also make you feel good, something that can’t be underestimated. I look at exercise as improving my fitness and flexibility, and fasting for fat burning. Having said that, once the body is in fat burning mode, exercising will help to keep it there.

    I’ve decided that I won’t be going near any bread, rice etc for a while as my system is still a bit out of sorts. I’m having roasted tomatoes stuffed with garlic, pesto and reduced fat mozzarella with a green salad for dinner.
    No bread until I’ve lost at least 5lbs!

    Good plan Amazon. Yum food!
    I agree about the high you get from exercise. Absolutely exhilarating! The lighter I got with 5:2, the more my old active self reappeared. And the advantage of losing the weight is not lost on my happy joints when I run up and down stairs. Win win πŸ™‚ P

    Mm had to think about those Happy joints Purple, thought you had taken up smoking for a minute!
    Is the vegan diet just something you have been drawn to? Were you ever a big meat eater?

    Hi Nama. I AM a carnivore! What I often do is eat vegan until dinner time. There is an interesting book called Vegan Before Six. It is another weightloss system. Vegan is good for cleansing the body.

    I find it just gets me eating lots of veg earlier in the day and animal protein in the evening. It seems to suit my needs and I find it yummy and satisfying for a late brunch. Sorry Samm, as an ex big breakfast eater, I find eating later in the day works for me maintaining and makes sleep much better.

    I do have a vegan son, so have a good bank of vegan ideas πŸ™‚ P

    One of the joys of no longer working is having the time and the inclination to look at the variety of food on sale rather than buying the same things every week. I was looking at tomatoes yesterday and the nicest looking were the very large varieties that I don’t usually buy, so I bought a couple with a view to stuffing them. Reduced fat mozzarella is the only reduced fat cheese I’ll eat, as the others don’t taste good and I’d rather have less of them.
    I love roasted tomatoes, I have a lovely recipe that uses garlic, basil and olive oil. Once cooked, they are left to get to room temperature and then drizzled with balsamic vinegar and more fresh basil. They make a great starter, or can be served alongside other salads.
    I must stop talking or even thinking about food as dinner is a long way off!

    I’ve had my dinner Amazon…smoked trout with fennel and orange salad.
    I do a similar thing with egg tomatoes. .brush with basil pesto and cracked pepper and baked. Delicious!
    Happy fasting mate πŸ˜‰

    Amazon I love the way roasting or grilling, or even frying tomatoes brings out their real flavour! Yours sound yum.

    Purple I think I could avoid meat thru the day if I knew it was still on the menu in the evening. Just finished 4:3 for this week, I really find it tough, feels like fasting all week. Hopefully scales will reward me in the morning. Dinner was really hard tonight. I had some really lovely coleslaw plus a nice pumpkin and chick pea salad with mint and a few walnuts, BUT the others added grilled, marinated lamb riblets and baked potatoes. Not sure how I let that happen as I am the main cook around here, but it won’t happen again. Still got lots to learn !

    It’s raining again so I think I will just get into bed and listen to it and convince myself I am not hungry.
    At least the garden is happy with the beautiful soaking it’s had today!

    We only got the very edge of that rain Nama. Your vegan dinner would have been lovely. The rest of the family could eat that too.

    Just had a late night dip to cool off before bed. OH watching Aust and Kuwait chase a round ball around a rectangular field. It would be so much higher scoring if they just picked it up and threw it!
    G’night FTs P

    Hello All.Just a quick note to say that I have lost 2lbs this week. Am very pleased with myself!!

    Why does half my post disappear sometimes? I went on to say that I’m sure that the inspiration from the posts on this site/thread has made all the difference. Thank you Jojo and Co. WN.

    The stuffed tomatoes were very nice but not very filling. I guess I’ll be going to bed early tonight πŸ˜‰

    Hi Amazon
    Have you tried caramelised onion with goats cheese tomato filling – seriously good with a side salad.

    I did the most amazing walk today, the sun was out, the views were brilliant and the people perfectly charming. We walked through fields and woods to a high point for views. It was challenging but so worth it. Only one person slipped over in the mud but she was wearing very innapropriate shoes. If you are not in a walking group do try one or six different ones, they vary tremendously.

    Jacket potato for lunch as they had run out of beetroot, tomato and pepper soup – God I would have enjoyed that. Good old typical English village pub with log fire, they are definitive charm embodied. Waiter was pretty dashing too. Ha ha. I think this diet is effecting my hormone levels, I not joking, anyone else noticed this?

    Have a glorious evening I am out dancing.

    Well done on the 2 lbs. you officially qualify for this thread, teehee. Warning some weeks I don’t make it.

    If you are using emoticoms they occasionally wipe out all posting after them. I can’t use them at all, no idea why?

    Good evening all
    Boy that was some wind last night about 100 MPH . Quite scary . We were fine but lots of trees down over the roads .
    Could not get my Dad out of my head last night . I got quite upset as it has been about 2 weeks since I have been able to see him .
    Back wasn’t just as bad this morning so I managed to go see him. He is looking really wandered now . he knows I am his daughter and I love him but I don’t know if he would know my name . It is just so sad seeing someone you love just vanish before your eyes . About 7 or 8 of the family Have been taken by Alzheimers . I couldn’t take him for a drive but he got loads of kisses and cuddles .
    I have lost the Christmas weight . I am quite happy with that . I thought I might be at a standstill with all the painkillers I have been taking .

    Lots of love

    Wee xx

    Hi Wee. I hope your back continues to improve.
    I understand how you feel about your Dad as it happened with two of my grandparents. The only thing I can say is that he is very lucky to have you looking out for him and going to see him regularly, and just try to continue to enjoy being with him.
    Well done on losing the Christmas weight. I’m hoping that I have but I’ve not weighed myself yet.

    Jojo, you had me at caramelised onion. Who needs cheese and tomato with it πŸ˜‰
    Glad you had a good walk. We are going to walk along the Southbank tomorrow. As it is going to be windy, possibly damp and the temperature set to plummet tomorrow afternoon, we thought we would walk along there as if the weather gets bad we can go inside somewhere and have a hot drink, or even visit one of the galleries.

    I intend to try out a few walking groups before joining one, but I’m going to spend the next month getting to grips with the gym and I have some family commitments that will be taking up some time over the coming months so I’m not in a hurry.

    My new swimming costume arrived today. It is a bit snug which is fine, and exactly what I needed πŸ˜›

    Hi Fast Tracking Friends one and all new and not so new πŸ˜‰
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜†
    Week 16 and down – 1.3kg and I’m really happy to be me today πŸ˜† with two back to back fasts in 5 days this week it was enough at the end tho 😈 but that said my first ever 4 day fast was my chosen entry into this wol and I still have not achieved that level of loss or got even close to it again my standard routine is ADF 4-3 MWF and 18-6 which achieves a kilo a week and really I have to say is my go I think. 14000 steps walking a day is the exercise component for me and works a treat but wow wee I am so badly out shone by SAMM Nicky and Jojo you guys are weird in the nicest possible way you understand πŸ˜† Really Bear Grills Nama 😯 I think he is the 2000 version of our 80’s World Safari guru Alby Mangels in short shorts that’s me clothes where optional as I recall & with the very lovely and beautiful Judy Green πŸ˜‰ a little sexed up yes but it is still a dangerous world out there right ? I personally would risk it with her to save me but. Now I realise our non Aussie team will think I have gone quite mad but really you would have had to have watched this gem in your local town hall to know right πŸ˜†
    Amazon fantastic news a private gym instructor hmm πŸ˜‰ you go girl Weemam glad to hear the back is a little better and your dad will know the cuddles and kisses and feel the love I am quite sure and I wouldn’t be too worried about the odd typo here and there check out my one finger wonders here if it were an style type writer it would seriously fly off the end at the end chaa ching πŸ˜†
    I am so lucky here in that I don’t have to ever buy eggs as I have chooks myself & the mother in-law always brings in a few dozen a week she has a fully enclosed orchid at the farm that also has her chooks in and she has more in there than I can count by the way 😯 and doves ducks pigeons 2 peacocks a couple of guinea fowl a few guinea pigs a fluffy bloody big bunny and a very slow moving goose and gander πŸ˜† So I was wondering fast trackers how do you guys buy yours super market butcher shop vegie shop local market farmers market maybe you know someone who knows someone or do you have your own chooks?
    Have a great weekend Ya Losers πŸ˜‰
    Peace RT

    Hi RT,
    Well done, you appear to have this WOE nailed πŸ˜›

    I have friends who live in the country and they have chooks and ducks in their orchard. Whenever I visit them I always come home with 6 chook eggs and 6 duck eggs. They are the best eggs I’ve ever eaten!
    I would love to live somewhere I could buy eggs from the farm and when I’m out of London, if there is an opportunity to buy farm eggs I do so.
    When I was growing up we never had eggs from the shop as my Dad was a driver and he used to buy eggs from the farm. Bluddy enormous things and lots of them had double yolks.

    I caught sight of the gym instructor when I was looking round and he is very fit πŸ˜‰

    Hi RT and Amazon . I was brought up in the coun try and played in the fields with the horses,cows and sheep . used to get all our egs and veg from the farm . Now we just shop at the supermarkets . I am one odd πŸ™‚ as Ilove to go grocery shopping . One of the reasons I hate being stuck at home

    Lol Amazon were you winking at the instructor πŸ™‚ .

    Wee xx

    Tsk Tsk Amazon i have a feeling he would need to be πŸ˜‰
    live life and have fun in
    peace love and happiness
    must get my walk on guys

    Hello Fters
    Slence from me at present.
    I am finding the situation in France so upsetting that fasting is not an option.
    It’s almost worse being absent from France than being there. Waking up in NZ this morning was not an easy awakening.
    When you have spent a quarter of a century in France as I have- you have a strong love-hate relationship with it. But it is a country that one can never be indifferent to.
    As RT says
    Paix, amour, bonheur et je suis Charlie.

    Hi Wiwi, I don’t know what to say as there is nothing that will make you feel better. If I were with you I’d give you a hug Smiley

    Wiwi, such shocking events in France are almost beyond words, so I can understand a little of what you are feeling.

    Amazon, I also keep all bones and carcasses, boiling them for eight hours once I have a bag full then skim and freeze for casseroles and soups. My daughter started me on this, among other things – it was a learning experience having her living with us and being chief cook. Well done signing up for the gym, and getting such a good deal.

    Hubby and I both joined gyms when we moved to England – gosh, was it 15 years ago? – and his trainer was astonished that he didn’t move a kg. Got fitter, but no weight loss. Neither did I, but exercise doesn’t do it for me either. Totally mouth-related!

    SAMM, you might be right about evening carbohydrates. I have a problem with evening snacking on non-fast days, which is sabotaging my best efforts, so must be stronger! I think the evening wine weakens my resolve. And 16/8 doesn’t seem to help with the weight, just being aware of the total daily intake.

    Thankfully I’ve never been one for evening snacking :phew:

    Must be stronger!

    RT, I get free-range eggs from the supermarket, but I have my doubts about their veracity. They seem flavourless, especially compared to the (long-ago) memories of our farm eggs of childhood.

    I’ve been buying organic eggs and milk for a very long time. I can’t justify paying for organic meat all the time, but I’m very choosy about where I buy it from.

    Good morning fellow losers πŸ˜€ … Please don’t think I’m not thinking of you if I don’t mention you personally – this post would be two miles long if I did that πŸ™‚

    RT in great form (and shape) this morning I see, well done on your losing streak (not literally!!).

    Wilbersnana (WN) great going for your first week in here, you’ll see that we may not all make the 2 lb each week but on average over time that is our aim. I’m aiming for at least the 2 lb each and every week (but may not make it) now that the festive season is over, everything else is easily catered for thank goodness as we have a lot of socialising at this time of year (summer).

    Jojo I’ve heard that those hormones do often perk up the more you lose Smiley

    Wee glad to hear you got to see your Dad, it is such an indescribable feeling when this happens I know (happened with my Dad) so super cyber hugs to you Smiley

    Amazon we’re considering having our own chooks but need to set things up securely for them first otherwise they’ll be fair game for foxes and other feral creatures. That is IF we do decide to get some. Love the double yokers btw πŸ˜€ .

    PVE I also cannot abide food first thing, not only do I feel sluggish all day I also feel hungrier all day and tend to snack which is something I don’t do when I start eating lunch time or later. I’ve not really ever been an evening snacker but if I eat early in the morning I don’t stop snacking at night.

    I’m challenging myself to eat later and later each day, FD’s I’m aiming for one meal, evening, with non-FD’s eating not before 1pm and evening meal completed by 7:30pm this way even if we’re going out for a meal (other than Fridays) I can use my semi FD strategy of either nothing before going out and then having anything I want or am presented with (leaving starchy carbs to last) or having a clear soup or Bovril/Bonox for lunch around 1 to 2pm and then eating what I’m presented with or want but limiting starchy carbs, by leaving them to last and usually I’m too full up to want them by then πŸ™‚

    I don’t find I’m hungry the next day either until around lunchtime and on a FD I just drink extra water πŸ™‚ or have a Bovril/Bonox (10 calories) if the water just doesn’t cut it.

    Wiwi thinking of you and the people of France, this is such a horrendous act. Last night I heard they had surrounded the perpetrators but that someone else may have been taken hostage. I haven’t heard/seen any news yet this morning so I can’t comment if this has been resolved yet or not.

    Well time to get myself moving (p’ing down with rain atm) and might get out the old Wii Fit stuff and use that to get some extra movement happening πŸ˜€ at least I won’t give my neighbours heart failure or panic attacks seeing me “bouncing” down the road hahaha Smiley

    Have a great day/night one and all.

    Hi AO.
    I won’t be running any time soon as I’ve had two surgeries on my left knee and it wouldn’t be able to cope.
    I will be using the running machine in the gym though as it is much less stressful on the joints than pounding the pavements.
    I have a Wii fit and I keep promising myself that I’ll start using it again. I love the hula hoop πŸ˜› and the boxing πŸ˜†

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