Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,701 through 5,750 (of 16,657 total)

  • Hi Fast Friends
    Happy Hump Day
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) ๐Ÿ˜†
    Welcome aboard the fast trackers train wilbersnana bergenblarter CRICKEY!!! these call names are fun it has to be said well a feed day half way through the week for me is ideal coming off the B2B was very cleansing Iโ€™m so full on Zen its outrageous ๐Ÿ˜†
    Nama good to see you tentatively putting your big toe back in the 4-3 pool at the deep end clearly the new swimming cossy is working a treat ๐Ÿ˜‰ nice one
    Jojo the 19/5 regime is a winner then? Thatโ€™s fantastic hey? Great measurable results for verification. Bugger all difference between 18/6 and 19/5 or stick to one meal a fast day etc what ever works We all tweak and try to improve or as my Dad used to say โ€˜fiddleโ€™ about with the fasting however he would shout at me when I was in his beloved shed aka man cave โ€Stop Fiddlingโ€ just sit still hmmm yeah right ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ok you fast efficient fat burners keep on keeping on
    Peace RT

    G’day Wilbersnanna. So pleased you are still around ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m backing the cockie. Sorry Bay. As smart as you are, the cockies are awake all night thinking and planning. They often wake me up in the middle of the night screeching. Good luck with those apricot pies ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Weight on the higher side this morning, despite conservative eating, but including more carbs and sugar than I would normally have. Carb free salads for me today on an eating day. Always an interesting experiment to see what effects come from dietary changes.
    Cheers all. P

    Hi and welcome Wilbersnanna, I’m sure several others on here will understand re having an upset elsewhere. Here we have a few laughs (usually at ourselves) but treat each other with respect. We have a variety of people who are all willing to share their experiences. The beauty of this WOL (way of life) is that you can have breaks and just start back, plus as your social life moves around you can adjust your FDs to suit.

    Waking up to another beautiful sunny day, although we are looking forward to the rain coming. Having homemade pizza tonight, very low cal as I make the dough mix and it’s meant to be divided into 4 but I divide it into 6 and just make the base thinner which then gets lovely and crispy. I add all sorts on the top but just tiny amounts the main calories are in the cheeses but I only add a small amount for any pizza I have. My OH likes a thicker base which is why I divide into 6 – 2 larger ones for him 1 smaller one for me and the rest into the freezer as then I can make pizza for the grandies or myself.

    I have a few things to get done this morning so I’ll catch up with everyone tonight.

    RT, add me to the list of those who enjoy your stream-of-consciousness-lack-of-punctuation posts! I must say I read them at a decidedly non-Zen breakneck speed! Hello to all posters, new and old.
    Zero rice is nice! It is my favorite form of the zero noodles, especially in miso soup. Lovely little pearls!
    Clean eating is going very well. Delicious beet soup (who’d’a thunk?) last night with a bistro salad with roasted veggies and a poached egg! Tonight is grilled Mahi-mahi with smashed white beans and sage. Spending a lot of time chopping and washing, but that is par for the course in my kitchen anyway!
    I admire all you swimmers. I do not enjoy dunking, especially in the winter. I have gone to a water-weights class at my gym a couple of times. If I go in the sauna for a bit afterward it is okay, and I like the variety. I can tell that it is exercising different muscles than my usual routines, so that is always good! Temps approaching 0 degrees here the next couple of days, so I may hunker down and swing my kettlebells at home.
    The scales continue to move downward (3 pounds since Jan 1), so I am going to finish off the clean eating plan until a week from Saturday, then incorporate fast days again.

    I love reading RTs posts too, but I’m always tired when I’ve read one, so I’m training myself to remember to breathe as I’m reading ๐Ÿ˜‰

    ply, good news on the cleansing diet. I must say some of the recipes look delicious.

    I’ve found a gym with a pool, sauna etc, exercise classes (including Pilates)all inclusive plus personal trainer, massage, beauty treatments, for an additional cost. It has a reduced rate membership for over 50s if they use the facilities between 9am-4pm which suits me. I’ve made an appointment for Thursday to have a look round. It sounds perfect so I’m hoping it is as good as it reads.

    I love swimming but I rarely get round to going to the pool, but if I’m at the gym either working out or doing a class, I know I’ll swim afterwards.

    Hi Wilbersnanna

    Welcome to this thread. Many of us had similar experience. We have fun on this thread. All positive and supportive around here.

    Hi all

    Thanks for the vote of support. The cockie came back one last time around 7 pm when we were having a drink, crackers and cheese on the terrace. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Now I’m looking out the window expecting the last Attack of the Cockie.

    Sorry, Jojo, these birds want only the freshest fruit on the tree AND they only want a couple of pecks per fruit. Now that’s a scandalous waste of fruit. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I think they’re too vulnerable if they get down on the ground to eat the dislodged fruit. ๐Ÿ™„

    The whole neighbourhood street trees are planted with a combination of prunus trees, so the cockies arrive at a tree full of ripe prunus, then proceed to strip it bare with leaves and half eaten fruit all over the footpaths and drive strips. One or two cockies arrive one day, sample the goods, go back and tell the flock, who then arrive in force the next day. There are plenty of plums for them to eat, without also getting the whole of my apricot tree. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Message to the cockie scout. Do not come between a Bay and her apricots. Hehe! ๐Ÿ™„

    Cheers, all. Off to pick all the ripe fruit this morning. Also another fast day. Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Ply
    Well done with the ‘clean eating’! Your fish, beans and sage sounds fabulous. What do you do with the beans…soak, cook and hit with a rolling pin? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I too enjoy RTs frantic style. Samm, also has an unusual turn of phrase. That’s what is so great about the varied nature of this thread.The characters come out through the words. Long may it last.

    I get up and put swimmers on first thing to have a swim and then get distracted. ..like now! ๐Ÿ™
    Cheers all P

    Thanks Amazon,

    So laps are the same as lengths then? I was trying to remember how many lanes there are in a pool to work out width of pool and then add the four sides to work out a lap length ๐Ÿ™‚

    Are you working out perimeter or area, Happy? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Laps…swim along the pool, touch the end with one hand for freestyle, two for breast stroke. One lap. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Or in my tiny plunge pool…count 50 strokes of freestyle while swimming against the swim jet. More like a racing lap than a slow rolling crawl. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    Hey Jojo, do you breath one side or bilaterally? I’m trying to improve my stroke by bilateral breathing every 4 strokes rather than one side every 3. P


    I went camping up at Dargo. I spent a lot of holidays up there during my childhood so I love going up there and reminiscing. I also love the Jamieson, Mansfield area, I’ve been up there a couple of times. I camped in a tent this time as I was without my OH but usually we take our off road camping trailer. We call it glamping not camping as my OH has done a lot of work to the trailer to make it extra comfortable, and we have all the mod-cons, like a solar panel for electricity. It is funny to be in the middle of no where and see my OH soldering or using his electric shaver. I even take a hairdryer, which has been used on a number of occasions for things you wouldn’t expect. One time a friend drowned his 4WD in a puddle that was a lot larger than he thought. We towed him back to the campsite and dried off his electrical system with my hairdryer. Car worked fine after that. We are thinking of putting hairdryer on the 4WD emergency kit lol.

    JoJo 58

    I was thinking of gong to see the Stephen Hawkins movie. I would appreciate it, if you could let me know, if it is as good as it looks.

    I am in ore of the amount of laps that everyone can do. I haven’t got a pool and have a OH who doesn’t swim so I rarely go swimming, but when I do, I can’t manage to do more than a few laps. Be very proud of yourselves, that’s awesome.

    Keeping cockies at bay, Bay? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Well P, yes, more perimeter than area!

    I was thinking laps as in motor racing, i.e. some sort of circuit!

    If it’s just end to end then I would be able to divide 4k by 80 to work out the length (but not volume ๐Ÿ™‚ ) of the pool….

    She is either in battle out there now Purple or building a scarecrow!

    Happy..mine has a volume of 20 000 litres. I need to know that, but doesn’t help with how much exercise I do!
    Bay is probably cooking up a storm with apricots Nama. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Anyone fasting on this hump day? If so. Stay true to yourself. ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Morning/evening all,

    Welcome Wilbursnana, I am a sticky beak so wondering how old Wilbur is? Glad to hear you have been having success already. It can only continue if you stick with us!

    Kierra, you are a true dinky di camper and Dargo is such a beautiful area. Funny how we go back to childhood places isn’t it? We have frequently returned with our kids to camp at Halls Gap in the Grampians as that’s where I was taken as a youngster. But the first time I visited Jamieson I fell in love with it. I know it reminds me of the Grampians but I also have a weird theory that there is something in my very Irish heritage that pulls me there….it is so very green. And my mother was a McCormack and all around Mansfield is littered with McCormack families and their history. Too old and soft to camp now but do like the sound of the hair dryer tho!

    Your story reminds me of yrs ago when my husband needed something wire like to repair electricals in his fancy sportscar and we were in the bush. I had to donate the underwire from my bra! It worked! For the blokes, it was a Bolwell. Beautiful to look at as it was built by an architect (kit cars) but always breaking down at inconvenient times! It had a fibreglass body and the first accident he had in it, it was a write off!

    Looking forward to the latest in the cockie saga Bay!
    Fasting again today, very hot here so lying low and researching local pools.
    Thoughts with the South Aussies, hope the fire doesn’t flare again in the heat today. Too much damage already.

    Thank you for the recipes . I do try them! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m glad you’ve so many friends made on this journey, it take guts to be open about weight loss. I’m very lucky to joined in. About my realities , it’s part of the delima of being obese, if there’s always a reason to put it off, then it keeps getting easier and easier to other reasons justify the risks. IMO it’s been more of a motivating factor. As I become stronger and thinner the exercise gets easier. Then also comes the time management. If I take 15 min to travel to gym, exercise for 1 hour, 15 min back, 10 min shower. I feel wore out. And haven’t taken time to do any of other things at home I’ve step up to do more of.

    So I only go to gym 2 times a week.

    The other days I’ve trialed the ten minute workouts. I seem to rack up the calories used total much higher . Without feeling drained or wanting to lay about afterwards. .

    I aim for 6 short work outs each day .
    1Just as I wake up – to get my metabolism in awake and moving mode
    2Just after break fast to get up sweat , then shower.
    3 before lunch
    4 after lunch
    5 after dinner
    6 before bed.
    I use my phone to estimate the calories
    2,000 a week is my goal.
    That’s 104,000 calories a year. So don’t let anyone tell you. Exercise doesn’t make a difference.

    However if I was full on committed to counting my calories. I could easily. Eat much more. Calories than the 2000 a week. And still not get down to the visceral fat. Which is my main concern.

    When my sugars are high, I still need energy to work in the warehouse. I wish I could fast, but I’d get so low energy that , I would get replaced. I don’t love LOVE my job, but for right now it’s keeping me very active with both weight bearing activity and walking. I’ve only went low sugar to 72 once after skipping meals in the heat.became shaky and took glucose tablets. Was fasting nearly 36 hours on an attempt to do back to back of opportunity, Wasn’t planned. Iwas also under a lot of stress that day.

    Since then I go ahead and test much more than I need to. Ive learned that if I’m too high , but I’m going to need to eat again to eat cans of tuna and other low GI foods. But if I’m not around 110-140. I forego fasting and just go for 1200 calories rather than 600. That way I stay competitive. The Monday and Friday fasts I’ve tweaked to fit the intake@work breaks. Then come home for the sleep portions of the fasting. As it’s makes sense that Satuday morning we have a big dinner and sunday a big brunch. Then I can usually escape the family meals and just fix them what want . And get my fast in where it fits best socially. It took time to find the food fuels that keep me going. Beans! Cheap and tasty!
    However on Friday I run low on energy and if I eat beans. I start to get hunger pangs, I leaned to take in protein shakes. And use whey protien Scoops into the shakes . I feel hungry all day, but not fatigued . Then go home and sleep until I can’t sleep no more. HIIT my stash of antioxidant rich foods mostly dried fruit and pumpkin seeds and nuts. Then get my first skip on for the day. After that I go to gym. For compound lifting then. Head to lake to go and get shit done. Then back home to give my family a much attention as w can bear, fill the bellies, buy the things, and have some laughs.

    All the while I’m testing the sugars. After every intake. Not nessasary , but Imsitll in discovery mode. Especially when off the medication. I mean if I have be on it then it just has to be . But if I can manage good a1c. And keep losing fat! Especially. Before I become too dependent on the Meds is the method I’m trying to follow. No need to put myself at risk. I keep testing every time.
    Surprised that they whey protein gives me spikes. But learned if I put it in water and slowly sip all day long . I’m right on target at work. Especially when loading trucks.

    Hi Samm
    Like my OH, you have worked out what suits you. Well done.

    My two concerns re diabetes are:

    People not doing regular (daily) bloodsugar tests to monitor their progress (we have a friend went blind by not monitoring closely) and

    The medical fraternity frightening diabetics into eating all the time (a bit like the breakfast myth), when increasing evidence shows fasting is a very quick, effective way to drop high bloodsugar levels and an excellent way, long term, to sustain steady levels.

    Keep up the good work mate. P ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi there supporters!

    Round 4 to Bay. I was out picking apricots at 8 am when the cocky patrol came by. Lots of disgruntled muttering from the elm tree over the back. He waits for quite a while to ensure that I won’t vacate the battle scene. ๐Ÿ™„ Tenacious is my middle name ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Have just cooked some of the riper apricots. What a glorious smell in the house.

    Purple, you are so right about watching the apricot pudding. I am fasting today to make up for yesterday’s indulgence. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Someone’s got to test it to make sure the pudding is edible with cream. Hehe! Only coffee so far today.

    Cheers, all Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Go Bay Tenacious Leafoz!
    Think of all the physical and emotional energy you will have used in the battle. The cooking wouldn’t have THAT many calories, would it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hear, hear, go Bay!
    Hmm I have just fed my two magpies who pop in twice a day! But at least they have the manners to come to the kitchen door, none of this low life stealing!

    It’s a well know pseudo fact that a Bayleaf only has to look at and smell sugar and carbs and weight piles on ๐Ÿ™„ Enjoying my second fast day this week. It’s going to be 30C here today and for the rest of the week. Off to buy some sugar to make jam for gifts. Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Good evening all,

    Welcome Wilbersnana,

    I started this thread after leaving one that was decidedly unpleasant, unsupportive and not a positive environment. It’s more gossipy and light hearted here. More importantly everyone is succeeding either at losing or maintaining at goal. We have so many different approaches it would be impossible to describe. Just stick with us and post your loses.
    I assume you did start day measurements, if not it’s a good idea. I have lost 7 inches off my waist and hips so I am very happy. Even if the scales don’t move the inches seem to, so smaller dress sizes, great.
    The film was really brilliant, didn’t realise Stephen Hawkins was such a womaniser, unreal. But I do agree that a ‘fine mind’ is a very sexy attribute, I call men like that my ‘brain candy’.

    I will be going to the cinema every Tuesday night now, some really good films coming out. Happy days. No popcorn or ice cream for me just a bottle of water.

    I breath alternate( bilateral) when doing the crawl, good yoga training, always work both sides of the body evenly. Breath out under water of course. I prefer breast stroke but better to alternate each lap to ensure more muscle groups are toned. Good to work bingo wings too, now there is a reason to swim. Actually I must buy some new cossies, mine are getting a bit baggy, not very glamorous.

    In the UK laps are two lengths of the pool, my swim watch records every two lengths as laps, British made watch so probably different in Aus and States.

    Samm, I am in a very good place emotionally and socially and love this thread, it really helps me stay focussed. I showed a friend my goal photo tonight and then said that this is where I will be in six months. For once I am absolutely certain I will make it possibly ahead of schedule. I have wasted 20 years of my life as a very fat person because I was unhappy. NO MORE….it’s over, I am living life to the full now.

    Don’t worry about my ‘bursitis hip’ friends, I am being coached by a profession for eight weeks on my running course. I am determined that running will be part of my future but I won’t be exceeding 5 miles longterm and definitely not doing marathons.

    When I get up to speed I have a training partner waiting, it will be good to have company on these cold winter evenings.

    Guess I must get to bed, bowls tomorrow, all day, two competitions, then a short run.

    Bay, guess you will have to trap the bird, are you allowed to do that? Or are they protected? My son tamed a cockatiel for a friend, it was a very intelligent creature, loved watching television and danced to music. It didn’t like it’s owners – bit them, yet my son could do anything with it. He was sad to give it back after three months hand rearing for them to neglect it again.

    Good night my slim delicious cyber buddies – looking forward to my weigh in again tomorrow although I did have two glasses of red wine with dinner tonight.

    Well done you, that is a great result for someone so close to goal. I am very happy for you.


    No, I don’t want to trap the cocky. I’ll get what I can and he will get what he can. ๐Ÿ˜‰ so far, I’m up to 20 kg of fruit, including most of the top fruit that he can easily reach.

    We’re off to see The Imitation Game this late afternoon. If it storms, we will hear the rain in the cinema. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Cheers, all. Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m laughing out loud here at all the goings-on around the globe ๐Ÿ™‚ We have heavily netted pear and quince trees at present and we’re hoping for a bountiful crop so I’m rooting for you Bay!! (the birds had our white peaches while we were away recently).
    Re the swimming, I call one length of the pool a lap and that’s 50 metres long. I do 20 lengths (1km) at the moment but want to build up to 2km over the next few weeks. I can’t wait till I can do some proper weight bearing aerobic/cardio gym exercise (apart from walking which is excellent I know) but that’s probably another 20kg away. Come spring though…!!!

    Morning /evening all.

    comespring, an Olympic size pool, wow lucky you! I think I would be daunted swimming in a pool that long. Most public pools here are 25m, and there are many pools in fitness centres that are 15-20m.

    FD again for me, ADF does not fit in with my social arrangements this week and next, so I’m doing a mixture of B2B and ADF Smiley

    Bay, well done and keep going until you have had you pick ๐Ÿ˜‰ of the apricots!
    Apricot pudding with cream sounds delicious.

    Jojo has reminded me that I need to check out my cossies. I bought a new one for Australia last year, but when I was in Cuba I noticed that it is getting too big. At least I got my money’s worth as I swam almost every day for two months. Oh to live in a country where people have outdoor pools in their gardens!

    Hi Amazon,

    Most of the public pools in big cities are Olympic sized over here and yes, I am feeling daunted myself as am starting my “swimming quest” in one tomorrow morning. I hope I can manage one lap before being out of breath! Fortunately I am confident in the water as I grew up in a hot country town and we spent endless summer days at the local (Olympic) pool, but perhaps I should start at the deep end tomorrow in case I conk out. Would be embarressing to need rescuing! Also aiming to go really early as pool crowded due to school holidays, hope I don’t get mown down by the serious swimmers! So that is a challenge in itself, for me to get up early!

    Just heard it’s raining on the Adelaide bushfire, yay! We have some of our own in Vic though, many started by lightning as we have had lots of thunderstorms this afternoon, flash flooding too apparently, not a drop here! Hopefully the new fires won’t get too big.

    Fasting today so lovely fresh salad (with everything in it but the kitchen sink) for dinner. This 4:3 is hard! Already looking forward to my Meusli in the morning and it’s only 7pm! And I plan to swim first! Hopefully the Xmas bonus will be gone, with interest!

    The film The Imitation Game was very good. Great performances. Now going to have only meal of the day. Salmon and vegetable chili stir fry. Great recipe, Purple. Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi Bay, snap I just had that for lunch, delicious.
    Sadly thou I nearly fainted at bowls this morning so I had a sausage roll and a cuppa, only thing available there at 9.30 am. Must remember to take fruit in future. Weird because i had a late dinner last night, well 6.30 – late for me. Lesson learned.

    Off to play again now the running later.

    Lost another 1/2 lb today, hooray.

    Jojo xx

    I am dying to see The Imitation Game. I am going to take myself to the movies this week! We saw Wild over vacation, and it was great. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. Walking for 1,100 miles…now that is something!

    Jojo, some days I wake up starved, others not thinking about food at all. I have not found a connection to what or when I had dinner the previous evening.

    Freezing cold here today, and temps are falling for tomorrow. Brrrr! More new recipes for today…Salad with mahi-mahi, fennel, orange segments and olives, Red Rice Congee (a savory rice porridge) with chicken, kimchi, and mushrooms. Smashed beans were delicious, PVE! I will have to try your method next time…get some frustrations from the day worked out during dinner prep! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Have a wonderful day, fast trackers!

    Hi all.

    I sometimes wake up really hungry and on other days not at all, and I can’t make a connection with what, when or how much I ate the day before either.

    I’m able to do my belt up on the next notch so something is happening, but as I’ve mislaid the tape measure I can’t check it.

    Amazon and Ply,
    I had a dinner with high carbs last night because I was cooking for a friend, green Thai chicken curry with potato and a fresh bread roll. Not my usual non carb vegetarian meal. I wonder if hunger is related to high carb the previous day, this has sparked my interest and I now think I am going to start recording hunger, see if I can make a link. I seem to remember someone else saying they had hunger after a pizza dinner the day before, possibly Samm?

    This is my first day of spoiling my 19/5, let’s see if it effects the scales tomorrow.

    Ply I saw the exert for Wild last night, I will definitely be going to see it.

    Now to. Arch an episode of Antiques Road Trip while I have my chilli veg soup.

    Just found out ‘Call the midwife’ is coming back, great. I don’t watch much telly but I like these two programmes.

    Jojo xx

    Hmm, an odd Thai fusion jojo! But I would say yes, definitely the spud and bread which lead to you having to eat a sausage roll for breakfast. The perils of insulin and blood sugar I’m afraid. And why so many of us avoid processed carbs…

    I keep a food and exercise diary. I might start logging if I am hungry or not and see if there is a pattern.

    Awesome, Amazon. I am curious!

    Well I have learned my lesson, still it didn’t hamper the weight loss this morning. It’s so difficult I’f you are feeding a hungry meat eater though. I had skipped lunch to allow for carbs but obviously it didn’t help that much.

    I am with you Amazon, let’s see if we can find out what foods really trigger hunger. Luckily it did not effect my bowls game, still won.

    Just planning tomorrow nights dinner, need to scour around for ingredients. Japanese food not popular around here. I think I must order some stuff on line.

    I think Bay records such things. When she has finished doing battle with the cockie maybe she can enlighten us ๐Ÿ˜›

    I’ve not had a good time of it today. Sometimes life gets in the way and dampens the mood so I gave up the fast at lunchtime. I’ll try again tomorrow, and save enough calories for a drink when I go out.

    Am certain our bodies tell us when they need a break. I have been very strict this last week so hence dizzy spell today. However 5 1/2 pounds down, Whoop, whoop.

    I see more terrorists are committing mayhem !

    Whatever happened to love thy neighbour?

    Hi Fast Tracking Friends
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) ๐Ÿ˜†
    Happy fast day fast tracking friends and thankyou for your positivity now with this typically hot weather SA is experiencing 43d here yesterday down to 28d today I have to say I find fasting very therapeutic even natural in the heat even refreshing ๐Ÿ˜ฏ every day I learn more of the details about my own body speaking to me and I enjoy the fast
    3 of the 4 days fast planned this week today now bring on TGIF Thank God Its Friday
    If you’re ever stuck out in the wilderness, remember what survival experts call ‘the Rule of
    You can live 3 minutes without air, though we don’t recommend trying. In a harsh environment โ€” if it’s snowing, say โ€” you have 3 hours to survive without shelter. After 3 days, you need water or you’ll perish. You can make it 3 weeks without food, though we promise you that won’t be fun.
    Now I am quite sure the glaring stat is not lost here on all you fast trackers campers and glampers Nama and Keirra if you are lost in the Grampians provided you have fresh clean air shelter perhaps a fire for warmth plenty of fresh water you will be fine the last on the list is food good to know ๐Ÿ˜†
    Despite this possibly helpful rule, some people have survived 8 to 10 days without water. Again, leave such shenanigans to the truly desperate.
    As 65 percent of the human body, water is essential to people.
    Water flows through the blood, carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells and flushing wastes out of our bodies. It cushions our joints and soft tissues. Without water as a routine part of our intake, we cannot digest or absorb food. BI Answers: How many days can a human survive without water?
    We canโ€™t live on air and sunshine alone. The human body needs food and water to survive.
    A human can go for more than three weeks without food (Mahatma Gandhi survived 21 days of complete starvation), but water is a different story.
    At least 60% of the adult body is made of it and every living cell in the body needs it to keep functioning. Water acts as a lubricant for our joints, regulates our body temperature through sweating and respiration, and helps to flush waste.
    The maximum time an individual can go without water seems to be a week โ€” an estimate that would certainly be shorter in difficult conditions, like broiling heat.
    The week limit is based on observations of people at the end of their lives, when food and water intake has been stopped, Randall K. Packer, a professor of biology at George Washington University told Maggie Fox of NBC News last year.
    However, one week is a generous estimate. Three to four days would be more typical.
    โ€œYou can go 100 hours without drinking at an average temperature outdoors,โ€ Claude Piantadosi of Duke University told Fox. โ€œIf itโ€™s cooler, you can go a little longer. If you are exposed to direct sunlight, itโ€™s less.โ€
    As much as 65% of the human body is water.
    The Danger Of Dehydration
    Our bodies are constantly losing water, which is why drinking a glass of H20 once a day is not enough to keep the body replenished. We lose water when we sweat, go to the bathroom โ€” even when we exhale.
    โ€œUnder extreme conditions an adult can lose 1 to 1.5 litres of sweat per hour,โ€ Packer wrote in 2002 article for Scientific American. โ€œIf that lost water is not replaced, the total volume of body fluid can fall quickly and, most dangerously, blood volume may drop.โ€
    When you have too little blood circulating in your body, blood pressure falls to levels that can be fatal. Body temperatures also rise when we stop sweating.
    Dehydration that causes โ€œa loss of more than 10% of your body weight is a medical emergency,โ€ according to the University of Rochester Medical Center, โ€œand if not reversed can lead to death.โ€
    Water Sources
    We get some water from food, โ€œbut drinking water is your main, and best source, of water,โ€ according to a website maintained by the National Institutes of Health.
    Other beverages like juice or milk also help keep the body hydrated. The only fluid you would want to stay away from is alcohol because it actually causes the body to lose more water than normal through excessive urination.
    @BI_Sciencepost to our Facebook pageFacebookTwitterLinkedIn
    Peace RT

    Amazing job on the loss, Jojo! Thanks for all that good info, RT!

    My parents keep telling me to watch “Call the Midwife,” but I haven’t had a chance yet. Will put it on my list.

    Hi RT:

    One comment on your 3 weeks without food statement – of course, people throughout history have fasted for longer than three weeks, with the documented world record being over one year on a water fast.

    But how long you can live without ingesting food depends on how fat you are to start with (how much food you are carrying with/on you). The world record holder started at over 450 pounds!

    I rarely watch a TV series, usually because I forget, and am always being told I’ve missed something really good. One of these days…………

    RT, thanks for the info. I wouldn’t like to find myself in the situation of having to go without food for 3 weeks, but if I find myself in the wilderness without any, I’ll not panic until day 22 ๐Ÿ˜‰

    As for water, I’ve always drunk lots during the day, but when I first started 5:2 I was surprised at how much more I needed to drink on FDs.

    Hello Jojo&Co. Just home after a day spent at the V&A to see the Constable Exhibition. Well worth the trip! Kept me from my kitchen,too!! Fast Day tomorrow. WN.

    Just saw this quote, and it reminded me of us:

    “Be stubborn about your goals, and be flexible about your methods.”

    Nice one Ply. Up late for second night in a row booking our North America trip. Thank goodness for the ‘net! So many choices.
    Haven’t read all posts yet as I’ve just woken, but saw yours re carbs and hunger Jojo. I decided to eat none this week for this reason but OH insisted (I’m only human) we have a bit more of the left over Xmas pud, with natural yoghurt for dessert last night. By midnight, still up, so I polished off the last fruit mince tart! Really unusual behaviour for me. ๐Ÿ™ Of course my weight is still in mid range now instead of dropping overnight. Damn carbs and sugar! ๐Ÿ™ P

    All this talk of water and swimming encouraged me to take to the local pool this morning – and found my togs too large! Fortunately they stayed up (two-piece, modest, no bikini), but will have to be looking at the summer sales for a replacement. Enjoyed the lengths, sure to have a beneficial effect on the upper-arm wrinkles?

    Fast day today, so please, no talk of food!!

    I put together another kimchi yesterday. The previous one was just toooo spicy. This one is made from silverbeet (chard) from the garden, so economical too. Hope it works.

    Off to boil my lunch egg.

    Hello fellow FT’s, another horror on the news with the terrorists in Paris. So horrible and unnecessary.

    I’m unchanged so far in the weight stakes this week. I’ve been weighing daily but those pesky scales aren’t budging, but it will happen. A friend who I haven’t seen since Christmas Eve caught up with me the other evening and commented that I’d lost more weight, which according to my scales I haven’t but my tape measure says yes I have. Quite strange really but I’ll accept any reduction ๐Ÿ˜†

    RT great info and backed up and expanded by Simcoeluv.

    Ply love the quote thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ˜€

    Woke a little later than usual this morning, well not woke exactly but got up a little later would be more accurate so I’ll sign off for now but will try to keep reading through the day even if I don’t post ๐Ÿ˜€ have a fun FD/non-FD all (FD for me).

    Hi Barata. Even with my new small swimmers, I have to yank the front up after a deep dive as “the pancakes” (thanks Happy) don’t hold anything up! It’s the only massive disadvantage of healthy weight ๐Ÿ™
    Can you tell us your kimchi recipe please?
    Cheers P

    PVE, I’m a little reluctant to share the kimchi recipe until I see how it turns out – and then I won’t know if it’s worked, as I have never eaten it before and don’t know what it is SUPPOSED to taste like ๐Ÿ™‚ . So watch this space (or look at http://www.atmykitchentable.org/recipes/pickling-naturally-swiss-chard-kimchi with a few alterations – honey instead of sugar, added fish sauce, grated carrot & small apple, spring onion).

    I look forward to hearing the results Barata. We eat kimchi often at Korean restaurants. ..no matter what you order, you always get bowls of it as a side dish, along with other fascinating bowls of unidentified foods of varying appeal. I do love the gastronomic adventure of living in such a multicultural city. P

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