Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi ply, that looks interesting. Good luck with it.

    I’ve got lots of ideas and a fridge full of veggies and salad so I just need to work out a menu plan with flexibility for when I’m eating out.

    Jojo you are an inspiration…I would be over the moon if I could do even half as well as you have
    Samm..I have nothing but admiration for you disciplined approach and so much information!
    I started FD in August and have enjoyed reading but never posted on this thread. My own progress started (lost 10lbs), then stopped with surgery in Oct and 8 weeks of recovery/inactivity (gained back 4)I am back on the program.

    I am in awe of the progress everyone has made, you inspire me.

    Good evening all,
    I ha e had an amazing day in great company walking through woods and fields followed by home made soup and bread in a perfect English pub with real fire and hops around the bar.

    I cannot think of a better way to start 2015

    Ell my good friends I can see there is lots of positive energy on the thread. Let’s make the next 20 weeks really memorable.

    Samm, I too had problems with B2B fasting so I have changed it up to 19/5 this year. I truly feel that after one year I can do anything I set my mind on. More importantly I want to feel healthy and have loads of energy. I have committed to 4 hours exercise per day with a wide variety of activities.

    Ply – new plan looks good, definitely in favour of ‘ clean’ foods

    Hi oae and welcome. This is a great group of people all with the same goals and now it’s time for back to the basics and starting again for me 😀 as I’ve “slipped” over the past couple of weeks and need to get myself back into “trim” in more ways than one I might add LOL 😆

    I forgot to mention that although I put on the best part of 1kg I also lost, that’s right LOST, 1cm in size!!! Go figure 😀 !

    Need to keep working so I’ll log out and get back online when I can 😀

    Hi oae
    What inspires me is the word doable.

    So much of my life has passed by not trying to DO the easily doable.
    When I heard it on the michel Mosley video eat,fast,live longer .
    It just struck me in a way that switched on my need to do what is doable everyday.

    Found that I could make a perfect menu , but couldn’t find the ingredients in the grocery.

    So what I found doable was online ordering. Took only a few test trials and I was hooked.

    My progress has been very slow. I believe because of the diabetes. Luckily I have a doctor who is interested in my attept to lose weight in a responsible way. Diabetics should try to exercise. Is why I reach for 2000 cals of exercise. Per week. I believe at some point the slow weight loss will be offset my my muscle gains . But after reading the on that subject. It may turn out for me at least that my exercise in simple applied to my BMR calories. Or another way to put it. Calories in- calories exercised – BMR .
    I practice for two lbs a week , but if my sugars are not in the healthy range I cancel fasting for the week and they to observe simple calorie restriction instead. Wish it weren’t this way, and don’t want to pretend I’m doing something I’m not doing. Basically what’s working is I just keep on keepin on! If I can’t fast ok ! I’ll strength train instead. But my butts not just gonna sit there gettin bigger no more!

    I mean sheesh , I’ve bee. At this for 20 months and still haven’t settled on it . I’m kind of a daffy duck kind of faster! Me thinks if I were 20 years old again at this date and time I could really press forward with thelongevity trek. But the crux for me is the reality that even though I’m 46 obese, with diabetes. The same diet that would get me to 99 years old. Is still the diet I need to make it to 56. By then my Hope is to have my child’s education paid for. And beyond that continue to eat , fast , and live longer.

    Im not sure for myself i need full B2B of 48 hours.
    My frivolous opinion is i may need only 24-28 hours of absolute fast to reach the repair mode I seek.
    Acknowledging that its not weight loss as the focus i that approach. However I wish I were Already 175lbs! :p.

    Too sleepy to sat more. Need sleep to go back to the warehouse at 1am. Will be a long day. Thank you JoJo for sharing so much with us . You are also an Insperation to me.
    This will be your year if you want it enough! Stay safe and keep on!

    Aussie Oma,
    Well done my friend, nobody seems to be able to explain ‘how we lose inches yet scales increase’ I am in the same situation after Xmas. Can’t put it down to exercise as the Christmas holiday put pay to most of my usual exercise programme, only did some walking.

    Welcome oae, very glad you are with us. Sounds like you are off to a good start. Please post your progress and join our happy team. Please share your tips too.

    Hi guys I am going to give this plan ago ……..my baby gain weight sits on the hips and I have had it . I’m in for 2015 xx

    Hi guys I forgot to say I am going to need some support……I tried to do this last year and only did two successful fast days in 4 months xx

    Hi Jojo

    Many thanks for offering us the opportunity to assess 2014 and draw a line for 2015. I have looked back over my diary where I list measurements, weight, exercise, fast days etc. Also, I note indulgences and what triggers them.

    Reinforced that all form of sugars are addictive for me, as are processed foodstuffs. Want more if I start on them. 🙄

    Noted that I often lost cms when I was not losing weight. I regard plateaus as normal adjustment by the body. During this last year, I had taken 3 breaks from strict 5:2 including Christmas week. I gained 1-2 kg each time, or stayed level in the case of our trip to China. Weight easily lost after first two fast days.

    Began normal 5:2 on 25 January 2014. Loved it from the start. Enjoy being in control.

    Lost a total of 8 kg in first 7 weeks, with adherence to basic 5:2 and dropping all processed food. (18 lbs. )
    Lost a total of 16 kg in 26 weeks. (36 lbs. ) Eating 3 small meals a day.

    Maintained for the last 5 months, and my weight varies in a 2 kg range, depending on type of food being eaten, between 15.5 and 17.5 kg off. Very happy. Now eating only two meals a day outside fasting window.

    Went from size 16 clothes to size 11. BMI went down from 28 to 23.
    Lost 19 cm off waist. Waist to height ratio has now reached 0.51.

    Love this thread and all the support it gives, along with research etc. Thank you, Jojo.

    Cheers, all Fastrackers, Bay 🙂

    Dear quest-ers
    Firstly, Happy New Year to you all. In re-starting 5:2 for 2015 I’m hoping that joining your thread will help me keep up motivation and maybe to be more accountable – I’ve really enjoyed reading your thread over the last few months. So far I’ve lost almost 10kg (22lbs) but I’ve got 36 more to go (yes, 36!!) to reach a healthy weight – I’ll definitely be here for a fair while, so I hope there are others here who have a lot of weight to lose? My goal is 1kg a week until September 30th 2015 so I’m looking forward to sharing progress with you.

    Hello all, well out of hospital and lying on a sofa at a friends home. Will recuperate for a few days and then back to my house and my 78 yr old father. I think my younger son will spend more time at his dads as grandpa can be a challenge at times. But as far as I am concerned it will be great having him with me. He is a very fit man nutritionally but had lapses in memory etc having suffered a clot on his brain two yrs ago. I am looking forward to making salads with him – it is 41 already in adelaide.
    I have yet to weigh but expect some post surgery loss and of course have by default been fasting for a few days, so whilst I am not pushing myself, I shall anticipate a kilo loss per week for the twenty week challenge. I have tried to find the dates for the challenge but must have missed it. So pls let me know and I think in my recovery time I will experiment with some graphs.
    Good to catch up on everyone’s news! Emel

    Yea Emel its great to hear your home and sort of resting and whilst not pushing yourself bank on a kilo loss a week absolutely catastrophic fire conditions here must get out the farm and check on mum and make sure the fire plant is ready if required.
    Peace RT

    Welcome back Emel. Glad all went well with you. And a friend should insist on resting more than demanding family would.

    OA, I agree it’s so nice to have the grandies stay over. It’s good that they are close enough for this. Love your shower emoticon!

    RT – skinny? Not scrawny! Slender is probably the word you were after. Hail 5:2 indeed!

    I have just found sardine on cottage cheese on thin corncake to be yummy. Vegemite was a flavor too far, though. I figure about 100 kc each, good protein snack on a NF day.


    Hi Barata,
    I think RT was actually quoting me when he said “skinny” but his posts can be tricky because he is in too much of a rush to use punctuation! Personally I love RTs posts because you have to read them a few times to understand them and they are always very funny when you unravel them! Sorry to talk about you as if you were not in the room RT, I know you are a good sport! And RT by the way, now that you have “my” quote from the Most Exotic Marigold Hotel on your email footer, does that make me famous? Or do I get royalties?

    Re the word skinny Barata, I must beg to differ as I would love to be known as skinny! Maybe I am too much of a tomboy to be known as slender. Skinny just really does it for me!
    Also re your snack, sounds yum! I love cottage cheese mixed with mashed banana on a crisp bread, but sardines would be healthier again with all those Omega 3’s.

    So glad you are over the worst bit Emel, let your friend spoil you then have fun with your Dad. The heat has started here too, real bushfire weather, makes me quite on edge. I keep well away from our place at Jamieson in this weather. The locals say the town will never burn because it’s in a circular valley ringed by mountains with two rivers joining there. Personally I don’t want to take the chance and don’t want to be there if it happens. Fires scare me more than snakes. Check your Mum RT!

    I did some very early deadheading of roses this morning but now inside in the cool and trying not to eat the leftover plum pud! Will aim for cherries instead. Also will get busy sorting and emailing Xmas photos to family…gee that came and went didn’t it? I have just been shown how to install and use Viber, fantastic for sending photos. Texting my niece in NY for free on it!

    Have some beautiful fresh salmon for dinner tonight….maybe some plum pud would be cancelled out by such a healthy dinner….but SAMM did say that raisins were very healthy, and my pud has lots of raisins in it!

    Cheers all!

    So sorry, chattering so much I forgot to say a big welcome to prebaby and comespring! This thread is a great place for support and advice, lots of experienced fasters here. The fasting gets easier with practice, so give yourselves time. And plenty of us with lots more to lose too, we won’t be leaving. Good luck!

    Raisins are indeed healthy especially for the heart.
    But I only eat them on feed days. And they cause my sugars to gush. So I only eat them when I’m on medication. I choose dried cherries instead , for gout as my natal snack.

    But have to admit dark chocolate covered raisins and popcorn are probably much more healthy than people realize. Although for me o need walk it off. So it’s a great snack in the break room at work.
    Cheap too. Still only on feed days though

    SAMM how can one eat popcorn without lots of butter and salt?

    Nama, you can be as skinny as you want!

    Two new salads now that I am chief cook (daughter having left for Sydney): beetroot and carrot, and kumara and corn. Both have raisins thrown in, together with sunflower seeds and lots of other stuff, and I will tweak the former (the latter is getting rave review in the household).

    When I cook popcorn for the grandkids, it’s in a pot with a bit of butter (low tech, I know), and that’s it! No complaints so far. Good to think chocolate-covered raisins are a health food, they fit right in with red wine.


    Well its not the white fluffy part that is health food gold. Its that hard stuff that gets in your teeth that’s golden nuggets of health wirh their polyphenols.

    Its a whole grain and it’s not processed.
    So if you can air pop it. Its actually a health benefit to eat it!

    I sprinkle dark bakers chocolate on it.
    orange pith dried and blended down to dust.

    I’m going to try wasbi on it next week. My intrest is peaked!

    Good Morning Fast trackers,
    Welcome Comespring and prebaby(great name handles). Don’t focus on the big target just the 2 lb per week mini goal. First weigh in today then every Sat am. I will be starting by undoing the Christmas damage ( up 4 lbs) but it was a great break.
    I strongly recommend swimming( 3 times per week – 3 hours total) and kettlebell (3 times per week for 20 minutes) swinging for toning bingo wings and building up muscle. I also do yoga for strength and flexibility. I play badminton and indoor bowls or 10 pin for fun( minimum 3 hours, pw) I also dance exercise because I love it. I do aerobic gym( 2-3 times per week, usually before swim, minim 500 cal burn on machines). Obviously I can only do all this because I am retired so have time.

    I don’t rely on friends but go to all these activities alone, obviously making new friends or acquaintances at each. I also go on group walks for up to 2 hours at a time 3-4 times per week, this has also been great for making new friendships and getting out in the ( very fresh) air. I have built this programme up over the last year and not only does it work it makes me very happy to socialise this much everyday. My life is very good and happy, this really helps me stick to fasting.

    But be warned you can gain very quickly when you drop off a strict regime like this. With every break( and I don’t mean going mad just relaxing eating habits) you can gain one pound per day, I do. I am learning to live with this but every trip or holiday sets me back up to two weeks, sometimes thee weeks. Not everyone has this problem. I suggest you record calories of fast days at least on ‘my fitness pal’ also take all your measurements and record on this site. You don’t need to publish amount if you are shy, just losses.

    It’s great if we know what part of the world you are too, you may have a fasting neighbour. I am in East Kent, UK on the coast, I have two dogs too. I am separated so am going this journey alone but there are lots of happy couples here too, some are also fasting together. We don’t make excuses, just do our best and admit when we just can’t resist a treat.

    Good Luck everyone – Day One, week one. I will post measurement stats later but last time I checked December bust down 5 ins, waist down 7.5 ins, hips down 7 ins, neck down 1/2 in, thigh (-2)and calf (-1ins )body fat down 10 points from 51 to 41. BMI 31.5(from 38.8 last Jan), (TDEE 2221 which is actually totally unrealistic for me so I ignore it, I gain weight if I exceed 1200 cals per day). Cholesterol down from 7.1 to 5.3

    A very early start for me, goodness knows why? Could be hungry body clock, still on first fast which started at 5 pm yesterday and won’t end until midday today. I will be drinking loads, it really, really helps to keep drinking both hot and cold drinks but you have to be prepared for many visits to the ‘little room’. Today’s four hours exercise will be gym, yoga, bowls(4 hours minimum). Added to this I walk my dogs for one hour daily so I am very active and love it. I used to be quite sedentary comparatively during my working life which finished last July.

    My Target this week I is to get my bike ‘road worthy’ and start using it. I was going to wait for Spring but we seem to be have Spring weather in Winter this year.
    I am so envious of you ‘Southern hemisphere posters’ sunshine and heat – if only. But I am not bikini fit yet so I have this as a goal.

    Most successful events of 2014 – learning fasting( it took me 3 months and was hell- withdrawal from sugar left me with severe headaches and foul temper) and joining walking groups – good exercise and made lots of friends which improved my social life.

    3 stones to go (42 lbs to goal) I have no doubt that I will do this by 30 th June. Life is good, don’t waste it, be happy, make it happen.

    Welcome oae,Prebaby ,comespring lots of fast wisdom experience and knowledge in this thread trust me you will enjoy. yes Nama correct on both counts first I talk a lot in my job and I write like I talk more of a conversationalist style as opposed to proper good English 😆 hence the easy listening style rather than the reading style 😉 And while I will need to seek confirmation from the Director of most exotic marigold hotel MR John Madden in regards to royalties I will take that question on notice unfortunately though on this occasion here there is no money for the quote/your quote however I will always speak with fondness like the Enigma code Oh yes that came from my cyber forum friend Nama from Victoria on the IF and CR but she follows the 5-2 while I think that’s a good option I chose the 4-3 or B2B on a 18-6 ya follow me or NOT :lol; 😳 Barata I hope that clears up your question 😆 now where was I oh yes Mum is actually my Mum In law and she is fine sitting inside curtains drawn air con on ceiling fans gently turning her 2 dogs inside alongside her chair one of them big leather rocking electric ones watching the abc24 all is good thanks Nama always a pleasure. A Barmy 46 here right now so brace yourself 😈
    Peace Love and Happiness RT

    FORTY SIX !!! That’s it, I am leaving, right now! Feel like a house swap Jojo? Did you say balmy RT? I think the heat has affected you.

    Salmon and salads were scrumptious. My sons girl cooked it and she got the skin so crisp you would think it was pork crackling. Husband queried the fat content but I assured him that it was full of essential omega 3 fatty acids. Didn’t take much convincing. Caved in earlier and had a piece of plum pud for lunch, sometimes non fast days are more challenging than fast days. I really need to get rid of the last of the leftovers, maybe I should take Purples advice and chuck it. But not the pudding and Sri Lankan Xmas cake, they will have to be meted out very slowly, and enjoyed without custard!

    Weemam I do hope you are ok and your back hasn’t seized too much, miss your chirpy words. Also hope your bruises healing Purple…you are quiet today, assume you are driving home from Mudgee.

    Great advice you have given new starters Jojo. Your exercise plan makes my head spin, I wish I had half your energy. I am seriously considering taking up swimming tho, do enjoy the water. Maybe that could be a real NY resolution! As you sagely say, I need to make it happen….

    Hi Nana (and anyone else lurking)
    Home now. Been busy sweeping and binning masses of falling bark and checking the pool 😉
    I didn’t bin the pud. They keep for ages. I’m judiciously working my way through it.
    Don’t envy the temps down south and the fire danger. Very worrying.
    Keep safe everyone. P x
    ps no weight damage from a week away…but WILL take scales with us in future!

    Hoping the new fires in SA are under control soon. Our papers say the Mt Lofty area is affected, hope Nicky and Emel are out of their way.

    The pud keeps well if it doesn’t get eaten Purple!

    Yes. I was thinking about Nicky when I saw the news.
    My OH says ‘it doesn’t keep’ about food he wants to eat 😆

    Morning all.
    Welcome oae, Comespring and Prebaby. If you want to succeed with this WOW you’ve picked the right place!
    OK, so here we go on what I hope is the final phase of weight loss for me, the remaining flab has been given notice to quit by the end of April.
    This weekend will be devoted to organising my menu and exercise plan, finding a new Pilates class, and testing out the kettle bells.

    Emel, glad to hear you are home from hospital. Good idea to stay with a friend, you’ll rest more than you would if you were at home. I hope you make a swift and uneventful recovery and that you’ll receive a clean bill of health.

    Hot, hot, hot in SA! My friends have a farm in the Clare valley, and I expect they’ll be checking all is well there. They live a few minutes drive from Nicky’s Mt Lofty workplace, so they’ll be concerned about the latest fires.
    Keep safe Aussie friends.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Hello all, beautiful day for a walk.
    Only an hour this morning compared to four hour walk yesterday.

    Just reading about the fires, goodness how scary. Please be safe everyone.

    Weemam – hope your back is not too painful, I think you should get someone else to do your housework, you deserve a rest in your sunshine years.

    Emel, glad to hear all has gone well, boys can be a trial, I nearly killed my son through his teenage years, I certainly kicked him out a few times, lazy, selfish sod is was, only fractionally better now. But I love him to bits of course, bloody charmer.

    Must go Yoga beckons, bliss.

    Bloody starving but nothing to eat until 12, life is tough, but fat is rough.
    Singing my mantra – I will be slim, I will be trim if I work out in the gym.

    Be good everyone( freeze the puddings for post 20 weeks) resist, holiday over!

    Hi fast-tracking mates.

    RT 46!!! It only got to 36 here, 38 in Mt Barker. How far are you and your mother-in-law from Tantanoola? Worrying fire there.

    Thanks everyone for kind thoughts re bushfires. Despite so-called ‘catastrophic’ fire danger day, not much action in our area. I’m super-sensitive to the smell of smoke but nothing sniffed. Our Country Fire Service has a website of incidents so easy to keep track of things, while we have power at least. When things get really bad they cut off the power but not so today. That’s the reason bushfire sprinkler systems need a non-electric pump – ours is diesel because in very hot weather petrol ones can sometimes give trouble because petrol is more volatile than diesel. Also we get sent text messages if danger is near. Several people died in our last bad bushfires in 1983 and of course many people in the awful Victorian fires a few years ago.

    Still quite warm here so thank goodness for air-con.

    Take are all. Nx

    Good afternoon from a very dark windy and rainy day here in Scotland . I have managed to get into a comfy position so I will write as I have the chance .

    Emel I am so pleased all went well for you pal . Just remember to take things easy .

    Welcome newbies , you have come to the right place for support AND some fun .
    My back isn’t much better BUT it isn’t worse either so that’s good . I am fine in bed and get a good sleep and that is good :).

    I have done 3 fast Days because I was feeling sick with the pain and not eating much BUT today I feel like eating so that is good too .

    Christmas weigh off except for half a pound and I am fair chuffed with that .

    Oh says loosing the weight must have helped me get up and down off the chair a bit easier so that is good too . I am going to stay positive and try not to let it get me down .

    Eldest son and his lovely wife are going to visit Dad so I don’t need to go at the weekend . There is now way I could get into the car never mind drive it . I hope I can see him on Monday though . We will just have to wait and see .

    Happy New year to all of you lovely people and keep on doing what you are doing as it is working ..

    Love to all

    Wee xx

    Aww Nicky I hope you are safe pal and no fires start . My Brothe in law stays near Sidney xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Hi Wee.

    Do you do any stretching or exercises for your back? I’m asking because I’ve had back problems on and off since I slipped a disc when I was 21, and have found that even when I’ve been in a lot of pain and hardly able to walk, some gentle stretching has really helped me. I’m not trying to tell you what you should do, especially as I don’t know the cause of your problem, but I thought I would mention it.

    A. X

    Amazon thank you so much for caring pal. xx

    Yes I do exercises I do them on the floor when I can get down I do the hands on floor and stretch (Arc) back. I also do the standing feet apart hand on the hips at the back and stretch back .
    I am starting to think it has to do with the RA now ,but the Dr says no .

    It is still really bad when I am getting up but not a sore as It was .
    I forget to that I am in my 70’s as in my mind I am still a young thing .

    OH is so lovely and a true gentleman and he tries to do everything for me so. He will carry a bag for me even though it would only have a pair of tights in it :). I try to do things when he isn’t there . He had a triple bypass years ago and has aneurysms so I don’t want him to over do it either .

    Sorry I am feeling a bit mushy 🙂

    Wee xx

    Wee, have you thought about asking your GP to refer you for a physiotherapy assessment. They might be able to help improve your back strength which would make it less likely to cause you problems.

    He did last time BUT by the time they phoned I was fine . I didn’t think it would be a recurring thing then ,. I thought as I was feeling fine that someone else could have my appointment .It was MONTHS after I had been bad .

    I will be more careful in the future though AND I will be doing more of the exercises too pal xx

    Wee xx

    If you don’t mind me saying so I think you should go, because you will be assessed and given the best exercises for YOUR back problem. The general consensus with bad backs is not to do anything that arches the back so some professional advice might help. It might be that now there is less of you, your posture, or the way you move to do things needs to change.

    I don’t mind you saying so pal . I never thought about that . I will make an appointment after things ate back to normal in the surgery xx

    Hi Jojo I am new to this site. I will join you on this. I need to reach out for support. I have struggled with my weight but I had maintained a high weight for 6 years. Recently I came off a lot of medication and I wasn’t paying attention to myself. I gained 30 pnds in 6 months. I didn’t even realize it was that bad and by the time I did to my dismay I was unable to stop the gaining. Finally it stopped and I have been getting more serious about losing it. I am down three pounds. I am quite distressed by what happened. I realize now more than ever that I need a lifestyle change. I have done intermittent fasting before and I have been doing this for a week now. I am not losing as fast as I thought and I need a support system. Lets do this!

    Wee X

    Hi perchance. Welcome to the fast track thread. There are lots of determined and motivated people here, who are serious about getting fit and losing weight.
    I lost some weight on my own and then discovered this place. It has been much easier for me since then.
    You’ll get lots of support, tips and encouragement. We also have fun, so you’ll laugh too!

    Good luck.

    Good friends 🙂 add me facebook
    “atakan2353″=account facebook

    Yes AO even tipped 42 in Mount Gambier extreme for those guys almost unheard of Tantanoola is over 200km away from us but the winds and conditions absolutely terrible at the minute CFS have the beast under control now been downgraded to a watch and act. Very smokey outside and about but safe another 40+ today

    Well I’m exHausted
    Sorry for reading the preious posts since I clocked in at work.

    Murphy law kind of day. And I’m the guy that checks to make sure things are as the customer expects them to be before it drives down the roads.

    All day I was thinking on pop corn. Ok y’all probably get that it’s healthy . But like most commercialized products . It’s sales driven which will bring to a very very heavy subject . Food competition. It knows that your human!
    It knows the difference between taste buds and how flavors are mostly by smell.

    Here’s the heavy part.
    You may already know this.

    There are four flavors that can’t be effected by smell.

    That’s heavy , because that’s what many times we buy as snacks.
    And sometimes Y. I mean fat.

    When snack foods compete I’ll bet the farm they will be trying to find the bliss point where a combination of there product , has just the right amount of a combination of these ingredients to get experience snack bliss.

    Salt – bad
    Vinegar – jury out but it’s a hold out 11/1 bad
    Sugar – bad
    Msg – bad

    Pop corn. Great
    Pop corn with fake butter, salt, sugar.

    Well I guess you see where I’m going. So I’ll try a say quickly what I’m going to do to make it a fast day food. Basically pop it in hot air. The machines are about $20usd new and can pick o e up for 5 at a second hand store.

    However to flavor it I just rather look into health benefit foods, like pre and probiotics, and antioxidants.
    Mix in a bit of water and use an Industrial water bottle sprayer,and spritz the popped corn. Then dry it in any number of ways.

    Thinking I’ll try a tomato and salsa type spritz and a homemade powder of cheese.

    That suggest just suits my fancy but I. Sure there’s many other ways to flavor popcorn than salt, sugar.

    Just trying to make aware of the bad for us choices I lime many other make when choosing snacks.
    I try these days to make sure it’s not just a sweet and salty , crunchy snack. But real food that as a
    referenceable benefit, and air popped pop corn is an unprocessed whole grain!
    Be well !

    Hi all, yes the fires have been/are bad near us (the closest was/is 25 to 30km away in the foothills – not sure if still blazing but think it is as only just got up). Our neighbour is one of the volunteer fire fighters as is the son of a good friend of ours. I hope that if it’s not currently under control that it’s under control soon. Have family & friends in the fire affected areas, they know my home is open for them should they need it and we have space for livestock if needed too. I took a photo of the fire as seen from my front door last night as it was getting dark, the photo was zoomed but still trees in my neighbourhood block some of the width. I’ll try to put on FB for those who’re there.

    Went for remedial massage yesterday afternoon (saw the smoke from fires on the way home) and so I’m a little sore in places today but feeling more energised Smiley

    Catch up soon, hi to all including those who’re just joining us.
    Love the rambling RT btw 😀

    Hi Fast Friends

    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) :lol
    Well now back in the right routine this week of ADF and without incident or any derailment but for a few treats on Thursday NYE lovely 😉
    Week 15 – 1.1kg things look good ok next week refresh. Restart a reboot if you will 😆
    Monday/Tuesday FD Wednesday Feed Thursday/Friday FD weekend off is me this week
    18-6 eating window and 12kms walking a day
    Have a great weekend Ya Losers 😉
    Peace RT

    You are doing so well RT. Congratulations on losing weight over the festive season!

    I’m kick starting the year with FD today, 800-1,000 calories tomorrow and FD on Sunday. I plan on continuing with ADF until the end of the month and see how I cope with it.
    If I don’t like it I’ll do B2B M/Tu and Th/F for February.

    Good evening perchance, welcome. We hope you enjoy being part of this group

    Stew2134, sorry but we will not be adding you to our Facebook circuit as you have not been a contributor to this thread, maybe later, it is for long term posters. Perhaps you would like to tell us more about yourself and your diet journey.

    My five hour window has passed and I stuck to 400 cals. It was difficult as I was cooking for my son and his girlfriend. Luckily I had a very small lunch, just salad, no dressing and a few prawns.

    Yoga was tough after a three week break but I feel good now, enjoyed bowling today.

    I think this 5 hour eating window is doable for me but I had to move it back an hour

    Jojo xx

    Hi Samm
    Air popped popcorn is only 31 cals per cup. We used to make it in our machine for the kids (and us). I also used to take my popper to school when we had ‘movie days’ and cook enough for 90 kids. Very cheap healthy snack. We don’t ever add flavour. It is delicious au naturale! P 🙂

    Hi Jojo,

    I struggled today due to 2 days of over indulgence, but I’ve got through it, and feel a lot better than I did when I got up this morning!
    Well done for sticking to it when cooking for others.
    My back is the best it has been since last June so tomorrow is D-day for swinging that kettle bell.

    Hi P, how are the bruises?

    Good stuff Jojo. Remember it takes 4 weeks to develop a habit. It’s amazing how we can manage things we truly believed impossible (like not eating all day) but, when our head is in the right place, we can achieve anything.

    Thanks for the suggestion to look back over the year. Same day last year I was 5 kg (11 lb) heavier than today. And I thought I had lost very little in this 12 months (compared with the year before). Full details later.

    Keep safe RT, AO and Nicky. P x

    Ps..edit..thanks AO. Still can’t lie on my hip, but it is not effecting my swimming stroke. Hot humid night here, but not like you guys are getting. 🙁

    I’ve just been looking at the photos of the fire AO posted on FB. No more complaining about the UK weather for me!

    Heading for 39/40 C again today with winds expected to pick up any time now. Won’t be online any more till later this arvo as need to get some stuff done (and maybe a little snoooooooze when I start to flag later … energised now but know it will bottom out later so will snooze then). Our friends/neighbours who are fighting the fire are on their way home for a shower and sleep so they’ll be home in about an hour.

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