Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 16,657 total)

  • Jojo’s Ode to fasting

    Our lives have changed since we learned to fast
    ‘No control over eating’ is in our groups past
    Michael Moseley is King of the fastest Slimmer
    Giving us hope of bodies so very much trimmer

    Never ever again will we fail on our diet
    The science of fasting is no longer quiet
    Take heart and be strong in your valiant quest
    And you will look cute in your small sports vest.

    Support you will find on a forum of friends
    Positive energy restores or recommends
    Tips and good wishes wait daily to check
    You have all the cards you need in your deck

    Success is a given if you have time to learn
    A regular faster will have calories to burn
    Share a joke and a laugh with your cyber chums
    Even make fun of your wobbly tums and bums

    Loosing weight fast is a glorious thing
    But losing weight slow still has a good ring
    Getting fitter is vital to ensure a long life
    Enjoy your success without any strife

    One final sentence of the greatest import
    Give thanks to those who give you support

    Rats, I just messed that up! Oh, well <sigh>

    Here’s to the fast trackers, a great bunch of intermittent fasters who support each other and solve problems together!

    Thank you, jojo, well said!

    My timing is totally off today! Time to get going to my appointment!

    Thank you very much, that was wonderful.

    Hey all, just finished work and bloody starving, still three hours to go before my eggs and veg.

    I guess both Fran and I posted at the same time to hit 500th posting, never mind. I wrote the ditty whilst awake last night, not too clever but heartfelt. Just noticed Mosley is spelt wrong.

    Just trying to find recipes that are low carb and vegetarian, not easy guys. Just about to check out our recipe thread, thanks Fran.

    Choir tonight, really looking forward to it, lots of new songs. Hopefully next time I am on ‘u tube’ it won’t be when I am just doing warm ups. Seriously all you can see is an out of focus picture of me sing ‘Floppy, floppy, floppy’, I know I am but do I need to sing it to the world. My son thought it was hysterical.

    Jip, you must be very happy, I am so pleased for you – cyber kisses xxxxxxxxxxx

    I really need a sleep guys, signing off for today, be good, keep fasting! I think our thread will very quickly be the most popular because of it’s positive and cheerful disposition. Be proud guys – you all dun good?

    You are the best, Jojo!

    My husband does not snore! 😉

    My half pound got me to 2 lbs. for the week for the first time in a long time!
    I am not a huge fan of B2B either, but I do like 24-hour. I have to keep very busy for the last 2 hours to avoid eating, but it is doable. I was only thinking B2B because I would like to do 3 fasts this week, and I know Wednesday will be an easy fast day. I would like to avoid a Friday or Saturday fast. Today won’t be too hard because I am busy at work and then driving for a few hours. Also, I do not feel like eating today because I had to practically stuff myself between 6:30 and 7:30 last night to get all my calories in! Clearly still need some tweaking with the 16:8 non-fast days.

    @jip, Hooray for you! Congratulations!!

    Hey! Can I join this forum?
    I’m interested in how you are able to lose 2lbs a week?
    I’ve been struggling with 1lb!
    Amy x

    We welcome all strivers, Amy! Check out the posts from the beginning for tips & tricks!

    Hello amzta, and you are very welcome.

    How do we do it?

    We work our bloody socks off and try anything anyone suggests. We all do research into food properties and swap recipes and ideas.

    This is what I do currently

    Drink 4 pints of water every day between 7 am and 4 pm, if later I don’t get any sleep for visits to the loo.

    Walk 15,000 steps minimum each day wearing a pedometer.

    Cut carbs such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta – eat zero noodles instead

    Avoid all sugar and processed foods.

    Do exercise classes in abundance, ballroom fitness, badminton, yoga, swimming.

    Do hit training with a suitable exercise for 20 mins three times per week, I swim hit.

    Swing kettlebell three times per week for 20 mins.

    Restrict television to one hour per evening

    Walk dogs for 45 mins daily, minimum x 1 often x 2 to get steps done

    Take vitamin and kelp and garlic capsules daily.

    Eat porridge made with water and add blueberries or prunes

    Treat is almonds and dried fruit on non fast days only

    Have soup only(miso) for lunch on non fast days.

    Eat heartily steamed veg and white fish with zero noodles and spices.

    Latest venture sitting on an exercise ball instead of sofa to improve core strength.

    Sound tough? It is! But it certainly works for me, disappearing before my very own eyes.

    Please join, we have a can do will do spirit here. If you just start with one of these things it will make a difference, as you become more confident you can add others. I still have a long way to go so will be here to support you through your journey. Many of my comrades here are going into maintenance and will guide and prepare us for that day.

    Tip – never say ‘ I won’t give up my …………..’ Because when it comes down to it you probably can and probably need to for now. This was a turning point for me, giving up milk in porridge, it led me to control of my eating not giving in to my urges and stubborness.

    Good Luck
    Current challenge 10 lb this month, I will make it for sure, I know it.

    One thing I used to do.

    Is determine wether I would be active or sedentary.
    Then do calculations on what it would take to maintain my weight over Seven days. Then plan my menu and routine to fit myschedule. Underestimate by 1000 calories.
    Then I would subtract 3400 calories from food For the week.
    Add 2400 calories of exercise. So basically I would try to lose 1and 1/4 lb from calorie restriction, and 3/4 from exercise if I was able.

    I found that I had a lot more energy for feed days to exercise with Especially right after eating . However on fast days I would exercise moderatly just before eating. Because the exercise always brought on hunger.

    By the end of the week I would see may be a pound maybe not. Was very frustrating.
    Overtime I came to realize I was having water weight fluctuations. So I started weighing in at the end of month. There was seeing 4-8 lbs of loss. I have to say I didn’t start trying for two pounds until I started 4:3


    “We work our bloody socks off and try anything anyone suggests.”

    Which of these are easy for you?

    Quick read.

    Ok this is what I’ve been thinking. With fewer protein intake of fasting , many of the common foods we eat regularly are missing or at least eaten on fewer occasions. A reverse look at what to eat FOR boneless. What about not removing the foods in the first place? Too much to ask to eat fish? How about Plums?

    Dried plums! Jojo, another win with your porridge & prunes!

    jojo, I felt badly this morning when I saw I had posted the 500th message instead of the 499th, and then really bad when I read your lovely poem! Thanks for all your hard work!

    Low-carb vegetarian is almost an oxymoron, lol. Think cheese and nuts. I find it seriously difficult to come up with 300-calorie vegetarian dinners (when I keep the carbs really low) that are not based on eggs or tofu. At 500 calories I feel like I can let a few carbs in and still get my nutrients by combining proteins from different sources. There is a “New Atkins for a New You” book out by Westman, Phinney, & Volek that is research-based and that may have something in it about doing low-carb as a vegetarian. I may check it out.

    My doc heartily endorsed my plan to switch from losing weight to maintaining and shifting focus to trying to gradually improve fitness. I ‘fessed up about not having gone to PT this month, asked for new prescription for it for the purpose of designing a home exercise program for me with the goals of increasing core strength, balance, flexibility, and upper body strength while protecting my back, neck, right shoulder, and left knee from any further injury. I will go into the city for it to the office where I see him so that, if I feel like the PT and I are not communicating well, I can ask them to call him. I made an appointment to start next Thursday. My plan is to maintain at starting weight minus 40 pounds plus or minus 2 pounds, so from 115-119 pounds (8st. 3lb. – 8 st. 7lb., 52.3-54.1kg.). Since my scales have not seen 115 yet, I will have to be careful. They read 117 this AM. Going to weigh daily in the beginning of maintenance, not going to let anything get away from me. Going to ease back slowly, doing 2-1/2 fast days this week rather than 3, and staying mindful of what I eat on the other days. My maintenance TDEE is estimated at ~ 1500-1700 calories. To be on the safe side, I will think 1500. Not that I count them exactly, but on non-fasting days I do try to eat ~ 200-300 calories at breakfast, 300-400 calories at lunch, and then have what I want for dinner (within reason), including a bit of a treat. If my weight creeps up with this, I will either resume 4:3 or add 2 16:8 @ 50% days to 5:2. If I get really fit I can consider going for more leanness, since I would like to reduce my middle a little bit more, but at my postmenopausal age being very lean but not fit is probably not the best health choice. My doc says the weight always comes off the middle bit last 🙁 Oh, how I would like an hourglass figure, lol!

    It was beautiful out today, so I did my banking and pharmacy errands in the Rittenhouse Square area of the city (between my doctor’s office and the train station), spent some time at Barnes & Noble, where I bought the summer issue of ‘Vogue Knitting,’ then treated myself to a new lipstick at Sephora, had fun looking at all the makeup. My chocolate yogurt breakfast and some strawberries kept me going strong until I got home at 2:30, then had leftovers for lunch. After a trip to the co-op I’m at 9,900+ steps and still have Zumba class to go to this evening 🙂

    Welcome, amzta 🙂 I haven’t lost 2 pounds per week, but, rather, 40 pounds in 40 weeks, but they put up with me here anyway 😉 We’re about being goal-oriented and positive. I have a ton of medical problems, felt like a pound a week was spectacular weight loss for myself. I did it with 5:2 plus gradually increasing my walking to an average of at least 10,000 steps/day. I was also quite mindful of everything I ate on non-fasting days, weighing out my portions of some foods, but not actually counting calories. I do limit, but don’t totally avoid, refined carbs. After losing about 20 pounds, I started going to a Zumba class once a week; now I go to two Zumba classes a week and have taken baby steps toward strengthening core and upper body. The last few weeks I added a day where I did 16:8 @ 50% of calories, this became 4:3 for the last 2 weeks. This was because, the smaller you are and the less body fat you have, the harder it gets to keep losing, and I was anxious to reach my goal. Now I get to take on the challenge of keeping the weight off 🙂

    Help u derstand the 500th post thing. It shows up at the top of page 11 for me, which seems better than the bottom of page ten?

    Oh potassium. Helps with diets high in salt. I may be just off the path here. I don’t have a magic wand to make all the salt in the foods I don’t fix for myself disappear.

    I mean to say. Try to have adequate salt, but if your eating processed and fast foods . Orating out a lot. Try to counter it with potassium

    Quickly look over this list the vegetables and other food categories highest in potassium.


    Especially celery and parsley flakes that can be eaten with egg breakfast. Instead of salt.

    Dang@ I didn’t get to edit my post uuugh.
    Next I’m going to try to put time and effort Into jojo egg issue!

    By looking over the macro nutrients of an egg. And finding other whole foods with the same ratios.
    3%. 62% 35%

    Harder to do from iPad


    Looks like seeds , pumpkin or squash seeds are close to the maro nutrients.
    However looking at the micro nutrients the pumpkin seeds aren’t off the chart , but might as well be!
    I eat pumpkin seeds all year round , but they are inflammatory. I’ll keep looking

    Hmmm. Pumpkin seeds, 2 dried plums,1 dried apricot. Porridge. With coffe sweetened with stevia would get my highest thumb up! Followed by weights exercise, rather than cadio.

    A red kidney bean lunch with blueberry or dandelion tea for anti oxidants.
    Catfish with red sweet pepper , and 1 hot serrano pepper. With green tea and lemon/ stevia

    I’ll try menu and see.


    “There is a “New Atkins for a New You” book out by Westman, Phinney, & Volek that is research-based and that may have something in it about doing low-carb as a vegetarian.”

    Here is an interview with the good doctors (Phinney & Voltek) that might help (and save you the money of buying the book): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFD2q5iqevY

    It is long, and boring if you are not interested in the subject matter, but if you stay to the end, you will be more enlightened.

    @samm, most of what I see about pumpkin seeds (pepitas) says they are anti-inflammatory. I eat them raw in salads and have not had any issues. What do you mean that they are inflammatory?

    Congratulations on being a Fast diet graduate and future maintainer, Franfit! Quite an achievement. I look forward to hearing about your successes in maintaining your weight loss, whittling your middle, and becoming an even more fit Fran!

    Just had a 465-calorie dinner at Panera–vegetarian black bean soup, and Mediterranean veggie sandwich! which I only ate one half slice of the bread, plus an apple for dessert. Planning another 24-hour fast tomorrow.

    Good evening all,
    I am really tired so this will be short and sweet.
    Left in a rush this morning and forgot my pedometer, stupid.
    Went straight from work to choir and then food shopping for an hour.
    I doubt I would have hit 15,000 today though, there is always tomorrow. Hooray it’s not a fast day. At least I now have all the food in enabling me to cook vegetarian meals from scratch. Really trying to avoid processed food.
    Happy fasting all, Fran, please don’t worry about posting blip, it really doesn’t ‘t matter, nobody cares. I never waste time getting involved in minutiae, life is too short.
    Night all

    Jojo I am at the hotel fitness center right now because I only got 9000 steps today! Lots tomorrow!

    Disregard my pumpkin seeds info . I had a page bookmarked which has changed . I have conflicting info ???

    Hello everyone!

    I would also like to join your weight lost quest! It seems like a very positive and supportive forum here! 🙂

    I just did my first fast yesterday and it was easier than I thought, this morning I wasn’t even that hungry either surprisingly!

    I have tried a few different weight loss tips before. I don’t know if anyone has said this before because I just joined, but adding 1/2 – 2 tsp of CINNAMON can help with blood sugar levels and help to loose weight by adding it in yoghurt, oatmeal or any meal.

    It’s quite interesting, here is the link


    I usually add it in my breakfast on non fast days, whether it helps you or not, it still tastes good!

    Good morning deelit and welcome,
    Sounds like you are off to a good start. I found my first eight weeks really hard, irritable to the point of murdering people and terrible headaches. Basically detox issues. I used to drink a lot of tea and eat quite a few tinned and frozen foods, ww meals in particular. After that I began to learn about food intolerances and what works for me in terms of weight loss. I began to try tips suggested on the forum and can now say that I can loose 2 lb per week easily. My only problem can be socialising, I am out quite a lot. It’s much more difficult to determine calories at restaurants and friends houses and being polite is very important. Most of my friends do not need to diet so have very little appreciation of issues, lucky them.
    I will try you cinnamon tip because I love the taste too.
    Happy fasting

    Ply, you will never believe it but I have forgotten my pedometer again, I must buy a spare to keep at work. I will collect it lunch time. Luckily I know the steps in my dog walk and will discount work today. I should make it today as I am off to the gym this afternoon.

    Franfit – I will read the book, thanks. Eventually I will be using low carb only for maintenance, I hope?


    I now find everything easy as I have an established routine and the reward of 2 lbs per week weight loss. My favourite habit is badminton and ballroom fitness but I find yoga, my art class and choir very uplifting.

    Ply, the way you are going we may have to increase it to 3 lb per week!, only joking 2 is quite hard enough.

    I am feeling cold today, which probably means that I need a good feed, unfortunately it will have to wait until dinner as I only brought miso soup with me, boohoo. I will appreciate my dinner all the more I guess.

    Another fast day tomorrow as I am out Friday night, last minute invite. Now the question is, is it brains or fun date? Keeping you guessing? Let you know Saturday after my weigh in? Gossip to look forward to! It can’t all be about food can it?

    Ho hum, don’t sit on your bum fasters.

    Thanks Jojo.

    Yeh some people just don’t appreciate some of due need to watch what we eat and drink. As I say this, the girl opposite me in the dressing room is tucking into a nice breakfast croissant! -_-

    My problem is at work, food is served for us, a choice of vegetarian or normal menu, so you can’t always find out the carlories, (especially as I am in Germany and don’t speak German) but there is usually a good salad bar, so I always stick to that!

    De elite, how lovely, canteen food, better than cooking your own, I am sure the salads are fine.
    Good Luck

    Good evening all,
    How is everyone, how are you coping with your fast days
    Please tell us your progress weekly, Saturday is our thread weigh in day, this helps us relax ( but remain mindful- not binge)Sat and Sunday, no fasting unless you had to cancel a weekday fast.

    Had to go to bed this afternoon for 3 hours(wiped out) hit by the anti-histamine tablets that I have been on for a few days(bloody mosquito bites) now infected on one leg. Hoping I can avoid anti-biotics but I will find out tomorrow. Also may need a steroid injection in my hip, bursitus really playing up with increased walking. Vicious circle, hip will improve with less weight but is aggravated by exercise. I know so many dieters have to live with similar issues. Fortunately we can all fast which should help with inflammation and weight control.

    This is not moaning but an explanation for not doing my steps 15,000 today, sometimes we have to accept our health limitations.

    As for intervention concerning next doors pond, there is no control in this country where wildlife habitats are promoted. Whilst we have mosquito issues we do not have the fever discussed by our American cousins. Unfortunately those of us with sweet blood attract bites no matter what prevention methods we take in our gardens. I have Citronella planted, use citronella coils and candles when I am out there. I use non chemical and chemical products on my skin and bracelets but they just reduce my risk, nothing so far has proven 100 % effective, they bite through my clothes too. If anyone has overcome the little buggers please let me know how they did it. I love my garden and I don’t want to be forced to stay inside.

    I have eaten well today because I really felt my body needed food. It is really important to listen to messages our body sends out such as feeling unusually cold. Most importantly I have ensured that the foods I chose were warming and healthy. Homemade soup with lots of green veg included, very spicy and warming. Dinner was cottage cheese with black pepper plus Mediterranean vegetables. I am having stewed apples and custard for supper too( yum). This should all set me up for my fast tomorrow 2 pm to 2 pm Friday. I am making a mushroom lentil risotto for lunch tomorrow to start my fast.
    Eating out three times this weekend so I am going to have to choose carefully (many vegetarian options are carb and calorie heavy) and of course avoid puddings and milky coffees. I am not a big fan of restaurant salads, usually very dull.
    Exercise – well I am going to ball bounce quite a bit and walk(but on sand or grass to minimise stress to my hip joint), I am still aiming to do 15,000 steps per day and swim on Sunday.
    I don’t keep treats at home, such as chocolate, crisps and sweets – but I always have fruit and nuts available to nibble.
    I don’t sit about much preferring to keep active, my dogs ensure that I am out and about daily too. But I do plan to start some embroidery tonight as I have promised a friend a Celtic canvas to hang in her newly decorated room(time consuming work- birthday gift) but it does keep your hands busy and away from the kitchen, never a bad thing.


    As a recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic, you might be interested in this (if you have not already seen it). Seems they are curing type 2 with intermittent fasting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAwgdX5VxGc

    His full series of talks that explain quite a bit more start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAwgdX5VxGc

    Good Luck!

    I can’t thank you enough. Taking the time to put this information together.
    The longer I’m on the medication , the more I may become dependent and resistant to it.
    It’s good to see the diet/fasting approach open to the public.

    My understanding is it cant be reversed entirely, however , by weight loss and diet, monitoring. A person can get off medications for it. However the diet and monitoring remain. Most medications no longer cause the drastic high and low spikes making medications more agreeable with whatever we eat. However diabetes is a long term effects, that can also cause sudden issues with gang green , and Heart Health .

    If I were to say what is the most effective approach to diabetes. Probably fasting ! Not just the restriction, but the ability to exercise and maintain proper sugar levels. It’s my understanding that exercise cause a harmful fluctuation. Where as fasting and exercise the fluctuation isn’t as great. Very elusive.

    The goal isn’t to cure diabetes , but to get off medication for it.

    I look forward to watching the videos. I hope to learn more.


    I gave you the same link twice — sorry. It is an introduction to his theory that insulin resistance is caused by high levels of insulin, and is the cause of obesity, not that obesity is the cause of insulin resistance (diabetes).

    Here are the links to his other six lectures. Given your detailed approach to diet and nutrition, I suspect you will be interested:

    1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpllomiDMX0
    2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dimP7IdM2Og
    3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbnshVO4PRM
    4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG89j432w-Y
    5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yoOx_7MLn0
    6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QetsIU-3k7Y

    Jojo, hope your day of food and rest will help. Though I know that a day of rest for you is an active day for most people! Have you tried the 2-2 fast before? I think I would have a big problem getting through the night without eating. I can do the 7-7 fast without a problem.

    I am having dinner out on Friday, and I don’t see any vegetarian options on the menu!

    unexpected long day today! tomorrow!

    Ply, what is the 2-2 and 7-7 fast? Still new with these terms haha

    Today is my second fast, but my first fast when I have 2 shows so I’m anxious to see my hunger levels today! I also have rehearsals tonight for a gala on Saturday, so It may seem like a long day!

    But determined!

    Jojo I hope you are feeling better, that doesn’t all sound like fun!

    Hi Deelite! 2-2 and 7-7 are variations on fast days. For 2-2, you would have your last meal at 2pm one day, and fast until 2pm the next day, for a full 24 hour fast. For 7-7, I finished a regular meal at 7 pm Tuesday, and didn’t eat anything except water and coffee until 7 pm Wednesday, when I had a 500- calorie dinner.

    What kind of performances are you involved in? I hope your rehearsals go well. I find fasting much easier when I am too busy to think about food!

    Hey everyone!
    This is my 3rd fast day this week and so far so good. I’ve decided to do 4:3 for the next 4 weeks as I’m counting down to my holiday to Mexico.

    I am fasting Mon, Weds and Thurs so will weigh in on Friday morning. I have to admit I had a sneak peek at the scales this morning and I’m back down to what I was before I took a week off 5:2 to run the Edinburgh half marathon. Before the race, I had been doing 5:2 for 5 weeks and lost 5lbs in the first week but nothing after that. I’m unsure if that may have been because I was building a lot of muscle training for the half or maybe I was overindulging on my non-fast days or maybe 2 days fasting isn’t enough for me to lose… Anyway this has led me to trying 4:3.

    My current stats are:

    Height: 5ft 9.5″
    Starting weight: 11st 12lb
    Weight last week: 11st 10lb
    Current weight: 11st 7lbs
    Loss so far: 5lbs
    Goal: 11st 0lbs by 4th July

    I will weigh in again tomorrow after my first week of 4:3 (hoping for another lb!) but just wanted to give people an idea of where I’m at currently.

    In terms of exercise I will be:

    * Running 3 times a week – shorter runs than when I was training, between 2-5 miles;
    * Doing an ab workout daily
    – 33 x crunches
    – 16 x criss cross
    – 20 x Russian twists
    – 10 x leg lifts and lowers
    – 20 x mountain climbers
    – 30 sec plank
    – REPEAT ALL x 3
    * Weekly pilates class and daily practice alongside runs/ab workout

    Anyway sorry for the mammoth post but now you all know a little more about me!

    Have a great day!
    Amy x

    Good morning, Amy! We love info on this thread, and it sounds like you have a good plan in place! Good luck!

    Forgot to include I also squat x 20 daily – 20 squats a day keeps the jiggle away! 😀 xx

    Hey ply, I might the 7-7 diet some time. Sounds a little more manageable than the 2-2. But hey you don’t know until you try. I am a professional ice skater. It sounds glamourous but actually it’s tough, Especially trying to be a specific weight. The gala we have on Saturday is actually on roller skates!! Haha surprisingly it’s very different than ice skating.

    Amzta- sounds like you have this down! Haha
    Check out this website, I really love it. It has loads of workouts you can easily follow, nutrition tips and recipes

    Hi Fastrackers,
    Gosh how exciting roller dance performer on our thread.
    I see we have some new and very active paticipants – great!
    Sorry to let the side down this week.

    Sorry to report that I am still unwell today but we have Forest School so buckling down. Temperature through the roof so hitting the paracetamol every 4 hours. Afraid it’s going to be a wipe out week for me.

    Cancelling fast today, see what tomorrow brings. Already on 7,000 steps and will double that easily before the day is out because I need to walk back to my car, 2 miles away.

    Then I am going to bed for the afternoon before my art class( last one) thought it was last week, last Thurs but I was wrong. Should be good tonight, decorating picture boxes. I am going for an Art Deco theme.

    Hi Ply – yes I have been doing 2 pm to 2 pm, since I started the FBD last week, quite effective but no cal fast quite hard, especially overnight. I don’t think it matters when you do it really so long as you fast for 24 hours.
    Maybe speak later, you sound on form which is great.

    Hi fast trackers! Work got busier for me yesterday, no time even to read forum. Catching up on chores and errands today. Felt very poorly yesterday AM, ate breakfast, felt better, did a 50% of calories day since I had a fast day dinner planned. Now planning a proper fast for Friday, but will be so busy that I may have to adjust slightly. We will see. My weight is still solidly inside my maintenance range.

    jojo, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so poorly 🙁 Very glad to hear that you are not trying to fast with a fever. Amazed you can keep going the way you are.

    jojo, you might be able to maintain by doing low-carb without fasting, it will be necessary to run your own experiment in order to find out. So far, most people on the maintenance thread are easing back very slowly from whatever amount of fasting they were doing to lose weight. Most are just starting maintenance; one has been maintaining for 3 or 4 months by doing almost as much fasting as she was doing to lose weight. However, the longer one maintains, the more likely one is to be successful in the long run, so going the extra mile to prevent early re-gaining is probably worth it. As our bodies get used to being at our new, lower weight, hopefully we’ll be able to be more relaxed about it.

    I also think hip injection is a good idea at this point. Can you switch to swimming for some of your exercise? I don’t tolerate the chlorine in pools well myself. Too bad about no help from health department with mosquitoes 🙁

    deelite, welcome, good to see you here! I hope fasting is not too difficult with two performances a day, please let us know!

    amzta, I got tired just reading about your exercise routine, lol! You go, girl!

    ply, I really liked that article about activity framed as fun provoking less hunger/overeating than exercise as an obligation. That was cool.

    SAMM, I’m glad simcoeluv posted those links for you. I would also really like to recommend that you investigate the low-carb approach to managing diabetes. Anything by Dr. Eric Westman, Dr. Stephen Phinney, or Dr. Jeff Volek, including the link that simcoeluv posted for me or the books “The New Atkins for a New You” or “The Art and Science of Low-Carbohydrate Living” (which you could also give to your doctor) would be good. Treatment of diabetes went astray when experts got on the low-fat bandwagon, mistakenly thinking that low-fat diets would help diabetics avoid heart disease, when there is actually no evidence that this works, and lots of evidence from the past that restricting carbohydrates *is* helpful. Both intermittent fasting and carbohydrate restriction bring down blood glucose levels, insulin resistance, and blood insulin levels, which is what you want to happen so that less medication is needed. I hope they did not prescribe medication that makes your pancreas pump out more insulin as a first-line therapy.

    simcoeluv, thank you for the link, I am interested and intend to watch the entire interview as soon as I have the time 🙂

    Tried a new recipe last night, my son and I both liked it, will post it on the recipe thread 🙂


    While Dr. Fung does not detail his diabetes treatment plan in his lectures, you can surmise what it is by listening to them all. I’m going from memory, but my guess would be – and it is a guess – ADF combined with a high saturated fat, high fiber, low sugar (especially fructose), low processed carbs (bread, etc.), and moderate protein (staying away, perhaps, from dairy whey and fish protein) diet. He also advocates taking vinegar because it slows down the body’s processing of carbs and reduces the blood sugar spikes they cause. Additionally, he feels there should be at least 14 hours between last and first meal to allow the body to have an insulin free time.

    Under his theory, the ADF is used to slowly deplete the body’s store of glucose. The dietary part reduces glucose build-up so the gains from ADF are not wiped out by the meals the patient is eating. The saturated fat is necessary for both the mandatory nutrients it provides and the protective effects it has against stroke and heart disease. In addition, of course, to the fact it provides energy without spiking blood sugar. The fiber comes in with most veggies’ natural fiber content, although I would suspect he might have fiber supplements somewhere in the plan. The fiber also slows down the conversion of carbs into blood sugar and reduces the blood sugar spikes. The lower protein is a little puzzling until you recognize that while protein does not raise blood sugar levels, it does raise insulin levels. This is important because of his theory that raised insulin levels cause both obesity and diabetes. It appears whey and fish protein raise insulin levels a little more than other meat proteins. The low sugar/low processed carb levels are obvious, as they spike blood sugar and cause high insulin production. The use of vinegar to moderate carbo caused blood sugar spikes is not widely known, but my mother used to tell me ‘vinegar is healthy’, so I guess people have known about it for some time, although perhaps not with the blessing the current research provides.

    I first heard about Dr. Fung late last year and I don’t think he has a multi-year track record on how his plan works. However, he has been treating diabetics conventionally for over a decade and it appears he is having great success with his new IF/dietary approach. I have no knowledge or opinion one way or the other, but I find nothing in his theory or approach that I just jump up and down and disagree with.

    All this to say that a high saturated fat, moderate protein and low carb diet seems to work quite well for diabetics, too.

    simcoeluv, I think this is interesting and would like to watch the lectures. I think that SAMM and others like him are in a tough position if their personal physicians are still following official guidelines instead of the most current research (and many of them have their practices evaluated on how much they follow official guidelines 🙁 ). It still looks like it’s going to take a long time for official guidelines to catch up with reality on saturated fat, in particular. Now I know why my HDL always stayed OK — I ignored the advice on sat fat and kept right on eating real cheese, lol. But it’s not always easy to ignore what your doc says, even if you believe the research backs you up.


    You are right. When your schools, your doctor and your government all teach you one thing for fifty years, it is hard to believe anything else. It reminds me of a long time ago when, after you graduated from the top university on the planet, having taken classes from the top professors alive, you absolutely, positively knew that the world was flat — because that is what they taught you.

    Again, the lectures are about an hour apiece and boring if you are not interested in the topic. If you are interested in the current research on fat, I think number 6 is the one that addresses the fat issue.

    Yes, and you also have to be able to work with your doctor, especially around medication issues, and, depending on where you live and health insurance issues, may not have a wide choice of doctors available to work with.

    Good evening All,
    What an interesting discussion. I will try to read all the links and watch the lectures before I make any comment.
    I saw a healthy living adviser today who suggested I stop fasting and try eating healthily, seriously? I gave them the challenge of finding anything in my current eating programme they could object to? I eat fresh veg and dairy. No processed foods, sweets, chocolate, alcohol and coffee. They then said I need to eat more carbs to provide the energy for my activity level. Even after explaining that I need to do low carb to lose weight so I can do more exercise. They have very old fashioned approach and will not consider current research. Depressing.
    May try a fast on Saturday if well by then
    Hope you are all flying the flag for me this week, I promise I will put extra effort in next week. Pedometre 13,677 steps today.


    I think you are doing very well as is. Do what you reasonably can and be satisfied. You are doing more to improve your health than most people are and you should be proud. And you seem to have attracted other like minded people who are also working hard to become more healthy.

    As for your healthy living advisor – well, eat more carbs?

    I see this all very often. But the high carb low fat dogma is now coming under scrutiny from an unexpected direction. It seems that information that sugar can be bad for you is starting to spread, and even some governments and doctors are starting to reconsider the impact of sugar on human health. There is a post on this site somewhere stating a Scandinavian country just changed its dietary guidelines to recommend a serious reduction in calories from sugar.

    However, this causes a real problem for the general masses who have been taught to eat all the carbs they want, but not fat. This is because there are only three types of macronutrients – carbs, protein and fat. And it is known that you will get sick if you eat too much protein. So if you now start cutting calories from sugar out of your diet (and they now average around 30% for many people), and you can’t eat fat or protein to make up for the reduction in calories, what do you eat? If you look around, you will see there are now a lot of people trying to eat massive amounts of fruits and vegetables. There is nothing wrong with eating fruits and vegetables, but those who know nutrition know that they do not provide the protection against strokes, heart disease and cancer that saturated fats do.

    The current research indicates a healthy human diet should be composed of 10-15% carbs (mostly fruits and veggies), 15-25% protein and 60-70% fats, with saturated fat comprising a majority of the fat intake. Trans fats and vegetable oil fats (like corn or canola oil) need to be totally avoided.

    It is going to be a long, long time before any government recommends that diet to its people.

    To get to the subject matter of this site, however, one of the very interesting observational aspects of IF is that, at least with currently healthy people, a person seems to get good results – that is weight loss, reduced blood pressure, better cholesterol readings (although for people over 50, the higher the better) and lower triglycerides – regardless of what food is being eaten. Some people seem amazed it works for people eating a lot of fat, but others are just as amazed that it works for people eating a lot of carbs. If this is proven in clinical trials it could open up a whole new area of research. Time will tell.

    jojo, I am happy to hear that you seem to be starting to recover 🙂 Of course I’m flying the flag for you, and you’ve been putting in a ton of extra effort this week! It’s hard to keep going the way you do when ill.

    The ‘healthy living advisor’ seriously needs to start keeping up with current research on what constitutes healthy living. You should start eating more carbs so your body will stop burning its fat stores, making it excruciating to try to lose weight? I don’t think so! And this is from someone who, as a mostly vegetarian and someone who actively avoids eating too much protein because of kidney disease risk, does eat a fair amount of carbs. Thank goodness I seem to be reasonably carb tolerant! As long as I eat them as part of a mixed meal, with plenty of protein and fat, I seem to get along fine; but if I eat a mostly-carb food all by itself, or a meal that’s mostly carbs, I’ll be hungry in an hour or two, I have known for many years.

    So take good care of yourself so you can enjoy tomorrow evening. And I would love to know which lucky gentleman you chose 😉

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