Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • Happy New Year. It’s 2015. We have drunk the bubbly, and just been into the city to listen to the concert over the lagoon, and see the fireworks over the harbour. Fortunately the rain had finished, and the winds dropped. Everyone was in good humour, and the new year successfully seen in.

    Hope all of your health and weight loss wishes come true for the coming year.


    Hiya all Happy new year to the ones who are alreadi in 2015 . I am as usuall doing housework lol . There are only the 2 of us and our house never gets dirty or untiday but I was brought up to have everything really nice for ” bringing in the new year” . I actually don’t drink so we only wait up until the bells then OH has a beer ,we watch a wee bit TV then head up to bed . It was great fun when I was a kid and we all went to my grannies . she had 10 children and I lots count of the grand-kids lol . We used to have steak pie and cakes after the bells at midnight and stay there having fun until will into the ” wee ” hours . I have been back on %.2 a few days now and feel so good being in control again .

    I know it’t mushy but all I want or need are my friends and family around me . Take care

    please excuse typos xx

    lots of hugs

    Wee xx

    Hi Wee.
    I’m not a huge fan of NY mainly because I’ve had too many disappointing evenings surrounded by crowds of strangers having been dragged out somewhere by someone or other who said “you can’t stay home it’s NYE”
    I’ve also had some great NY Eves, going out for a nice dinner within a group of 10-12 people, or when I’ve stayed with friends, and one or two memorable parties. Last year I was in Australia and we were invited out to friends of my friends. I knew the hosts but didn’t know anyone else, and I didn’t really enjoy myself and in fact felt homesick as I was receiving texts from various people at home.
    If someone I know well invited me to a party, or out for dinner I would go and I would enjoy it, but I’m more than happy to sit at home, watch TV, raise a glass to the NY, and then go to bed.
    Sad isn’t it?

    Happy New Year everyone from east coast Australia! P

    Happy New Year everyone, from noisy Melbourne! How is one supposed to sleep? Must be turning into a Grumpy Old Woman!

    No it’s not sad Amazon, if you are doing as you please. I think NYE madness is for the party lovers and the really young, I guess we all went thru it! At least it’s harmless fun for those who enjoy it!

    I am a party lover, but I like to be with people I know, not lots of strangers, and most of my friends are real party poopers πŸ™
    I’ve never been one for doing things for the sake of it.

    my back just pinged again like it did earlier in the year I hope this si as bad as the pain gets .
    soo I am taking things as easy as I can . just letting you know in case you wonder where i am

    Wee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    As promised


    1200 calories in total, serves 3-4

    400g of any white fish, A mixture of smoked and unsmoked is good
    200g mixed fish and 200g seafood. I use king prawns and scallops. I cut the scallops in half if they are large.

    300g of potato and 300g butternut squash, cubed. I don’t peel them but you can if you wish.
    750mls semi skimmed/half fat milk
    20g cornflour/cornstarch
    20g spinach
    nutmeg, fresh parsley, bay leaves, S&P

    Cook spinach, leave to cool and then squeeze out excess liquid, chop finely and season with S,P and nutmeg.
    Cook potatoes and squash until tender (about 8-10 minutes) season and mash using some of the milk.
    Put all but a tablespoonful of the remaining milk into a pan with pepper, bay leaves and a couple of parsley stalks. Bring to a simmer, add the fish. Lower the heat and poach gently for a few minutes. Don’t overcook it as it is going in the oven later.
    I don’t poach the seafood, I put it into the pie uncooked.
    Remove the fish from the milk and leave it to cool slightly. While that is happening, remove the bay leaves and parsley stalks from the hot milk, mix the remaining spoonful of milk with the cornflour and whisk it into the pan of milk, stirring until it thickens. Turn off the heat and add 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley,
    Skin and flake the fish, removing any bones then place into an ovenproof dish with the seafood. Pour over the sauce. Arrange the spinach in a thin layer then top with the potato/squash mixture.
    Cook in a 180C oven for 40-45 minutes.

    I usually have it with peas, but any green veg or even a nice leafy green salad would go well with it.

    You can use olive oil for the mash, or add butter to it or to the sauce. Some recipes use boiled eggs between the fish and the potato, or cover the potato in cheese.

    I have frozen portions of this many times as it reheats well in the microwave.

    I hope anyone who tries it enjoys it as much as I do.

    Happy New Year one and all … just on 2am and home from a party with friends both new and old πŸ˜€ … had a great time, only had a sliver of cheesecake and pavlova for dessert, couldn’t finish mains of 1 beef sausage (thin), a spoonful of potato bake, 1 chicken wing and 1 chicken steak, green salad and garlic bread but couldn’t eat it all had to leave about 1/6 of each. Dessert was an hour or so later and it took me 25 mins to eat a very small sliver of each. Must admit had some Herb & Garlic Dip with Ritz crackers (very yummy dip, made by myself I must admit – none left as everyone enjoyed it too), a few crisps (thin plain ones) and some soft drink and coffee. Will see how much damage tomorrow (Friday) on my regular weigh in.

    Aims for 2015 are to
    . remove 2 lb (1kg) per week for 20 weeks and re-evaluate at that time to see if there is more to remove to be at maintenance
    . increase exercise, take up one exercise other than walking, perhaps skipping or cycling (still to decide)
    . increase steps per day to 10,500 once consistently achieving this to increase to a new target increasing by 500 per day until at 15,000
    . listen to those around me and help them where I can or guide them to the help they need if I cannot assist
    . enjoy my family and friends, having fun with them all including my online mates like on this forum

    Have fun one and all … and chat more later … time for some zzzzzz’s about now πŸ˜€

    Good evening All,
    Amazon I understand how you feel completely. I have a history of disastrous NY events. Tonight I will stay on the dance floor because it is the one place I am always happy whether I am with friends or surrounded by strangers. We all need our happy place. I will be thinking of you watching TV and enjoying a glass of wine. I will think of Weemam tucked up in bed too. Just so you all know you have a cyber friend who will be thinking of you and drinking to your health at midnight.
    Love jojo xx

    Thanks Jojo.

    The fish pie was fab, and I’m now sipping a Kir Royale and waiting for my mince pies to be cooked. I might be snoring on the sofa by midnight Smiley

    I love dancing too but don’t get too many opportunities these days. Something else that needs to be remedied in 2015.

    Morning, all. 2015 has dawned, clear, sunny and calm(ish).

    Here’s my New Year weigh-in report, Jojo:

    September 2013
    weight 67.6 kg, body fat approximately 27% from memory, BMI 24.1

    1 January 2014
    weight 63.7 kg, body fat 24.5%, BMI 22.7

    1 January 2015
    weight 59.7 kg, bf 21.7%, BMI 21.3

    So gentle downward trend, without too much effort. And a fast day today.

    Weemam, I hope your back isn’t giving you any more pain.

    Thanks for the fish pie recipe, Amazon. It looks tasty. I think that’s on the menu soon – along with left-over Christmas ham, and lots of bbqs.

    Hi Barata,

    I had the pie for dinner and really enjoyed it, and have lots of leftovers for tomorrow and for the freezer.

    Happy New Year when it comes guys . In so much pain will have to go to bed . Was on my back for almost 3 weeks last time this happened . I pray it isn’t as bad this time ……. Take care all

    WEEE xxx

    Oh Wee
    So sorry you are in pain and I hope too that your back recovers quickly.
    Look after yourself.
    Thinking of you
    XX WiWi

    Take care wee. Let’s hope you have a new back in 2015. P x

    Wee and Jojo as well as anyone else with pain issues wishing you a Pain Free, Happy and Healthy Shrinking 2015.

    Hmmm stats for my weight loss … too high to start with, since starting this WOL in Sept 2014 I’ve gone from BMI of 41.5 and W2H Ratio of 0.73 to 36.9 and 0.66 respectively so as you can see I still have a long, loooooong way to go πŸ˜€ but I’m getting there although I’d say this week and last week if I’ve stayed the same as before Christmas week I’ll be happy as I’ve allowed myself to relax particularly last night which is my big night for the year.

    I’ll probably be a bit awol today as I’ll be setting up my new laptop which arrived an hour before we went out last night but it’s here and now will be fully charged and it’s just a matter of setting up how I like it and putting my programs on (ie MS Office, Lightroom etc).

    I’ve just recalled a couple of other things I am aiming to do this year and they are:
    . improve my photography (I have a great camera but haven’t had it out much in 2014 and am finding I want better photo’s … just need to put the effort in and DO it)
    . increase my creativity with papercrafts and through this increase my class sizes and sales
    . in case I haven’t put it before I want to get down to my goal weight/size by end 2015 or early 2016.

    Morning All Nama you better enjoy the coolish Melbourne weather now as here in my town we have three 40+ days coming our way before next Wednesday.
    AO 20 weeks 20 kilos just writing it and saying it seems outrageous and yet fundamentally that is absolutely bang on the money i take the extra fast day but by and large a kilo a week thats crazy talk nup not even dare to dream losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Yes RT on this first day of the year we dare to dream and plan and plane …..
    AO, you are a list person- a really comprehensive list of resolutions.
    Purple, enjoy your holiday and thank you for all personal support you have given me.
    We are lucky to have each other on this thread- our dreams can become realities.

    My OH has been reading up on coconut oil as a means of getting into a ketotonic fat-burning condition
    -medium chain triglycerides. So I am going to be using this in my mediterranean vege dishes from now on.

    I have just bought a wetsuit so I can go into cold Wellington seawater. Another dream coming true.
    2014 was good.I found a high degree of peace and 18 kilos disappeared in the wind. Now 2015.
    My jeans will fit by February. I will be swimming in salt water. I will enjoy my family, friends, this forum.
    Today is one of those days I just love being alive and love the world.
    XX Wiwi

    Menu making

    If you have a box that you plan to put many things I to it. It’s a good idea to put the big things in first. Otherwise they may not fit when the box is occupied by smaller things.

    Many attepts to lose weight and keep it off has made me invent many menus over the years. I’ve come to conclusion that menus for healthy eating need to work over 13 weeks Β or four seasonal menus . Recently I changed this approach to include 4 planned breaks per year. So that whatever my diet goals are I can look forward to eating my favorite foods every few months so that I may stick to the weight lose plan for most of the year. What I believe is the best approach for me is 3 seasonal planned breaks then one long holiday break. From thanksgiving to new years day.

    So this is the the frame of my menu making for weight loss. Starting January second.

    10 weeks on intermittent fasting 3 days a week
    2 weeks on planned break
    10 weeks on intermittent fasting 3 days a week
    2 weeks on planned break
    10 weeks on intermittent fasting 3 days a week
    2 weeks on planned break
    11 weeks on intermittent fasting 3 days a week
    5 weeks of holiday season break

    I’ll add that for large feasts like thanksgiving dinner I fast the Β day before and after the feast. As well as walk for an an hour or more after the last meal .

    Semi fasting of 500-600 calories 3 days a week makes for smaller menus on the fasting days. On those days because of the lower amount of calories I tend not to exercise. However I can eat foods rich in DHA that are are anti-inflammatory. Β In that way the biggest object in my menu goals goes in the box. 120 days a year of DHA omega 3.

    The next large menu object is to add to the feed days foods that help my muscle strength in good nutrition. So I can use the extra nutrition energy to exercise 4 days a week. So that’s another 170 days a year designated to staying fit and focusing on keeping fat levels in the blood lowered.

    For the remainder day on break. Β I feel it’s best for me to be unplanned so I may indulge and explore my human experience with seasonal foods. This is the trade off. I can stay on the Β intermittent fasting and exercise lifestyle Β for 296 Β days a year making it a way of life. Β The health benefits of ADF are being indicated as extending longevity. Β So for me I want that in my menu box, but I fail at so often I’ve chosen to compromise with what’s doable for me personally.Β 

    4:3 Β 3 days a week of 600 calories

    M fast dayΒ 
    T feed and exercise day
    W fast day
    TH feed and exercise day
    F fast day
    Sat Β feed and exercise day
    Sun satiation day with exercise afterward.

    Because the fast days are so calorie restrictive Β I choose to key in on 1 health benefit we can get from food choices. Β The omega 3 food list. This simple approach makes the fast days very easy to navigate at low cost.

    Leaving the 4 other feed daysΒ 
    1 remove the Sunday Β from trying to plan anything. Just that I found it best to feel full at least once a week. Β Believe me please , that because my family like to go to a buffet restaurant after church, I can get that full feeling of being sated while choosing the healthier foods. Β Like salads, many fruit and vegetable choices. I avoid the fried comfort foods, but try my best to eat the steak and lobster. Β I try to estimate my calories too, and try to stay close to my BMR. Β That is the day I do a lot more exercise than any other day.

    So on the remain feed days of the week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
    I make those health food days. Β I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for nearly two years now. So I’ve had enough time to slowly remove junk food days from the feed days.
    First I started with tuesday shifting to that being my first day to become a vitamin and mineral day. Filling it with whole foods that offer organic sources of nutrition.

    Sweet potato for vitamin A
    Β Β  Sweet peppers Β for vitamin C
    Dark Chicken zinc
    Calcium supplement Β with D&k
    Almonds for vitamin E
    Greens Β for folate and iodine
    Brazil nut seleniumΒ 
    Hoping you get what I trying to do on this day.
    As I find the stars of the nutrition dense foods it gives rise to combining them into recipes. Β My fave is stuffing mini sweet peppers with as much nutrition as possible Β and slathering in hummus made of the healthiest stuff on earth.

    Basically the stars of nutrition dense food.
    Making sure I don’t eat more calories than my TDEE.

    Thursday is a day I especially eat cancer prevention and cancer fighting foods.

    Saturday is a day of muscle health foods , but also a day for healing foods.
    Because I try my best to work our both on Sunday and Saturday Β Saturday is all about burning calories through exercise . Β I have a goal for the amount of exercise calories I want to achieve per week. Β 2,000 calories is my comfort level. Ive found that if I do Β 400 calories of exercise on Tuesday’s and thursdays. I can easily do 600 calories of exercise on Saturday and Sunday, but if I didn’t? Β I can make up the exercise calories up to 1,400 on Saturday. Β Exhausting , but doable if I use compound lifting cross training Β and jump rope in ten minute sets Β every hour.

    Leaving Sunday to relax, Β walk and jump rope after the buffet brunch.

    Thing is , what I’ve learned about food in the last two years is can help you or harm you. Β So I’m taking the time to make sure the helpful foods get in the box.

    By having the three days a week that are dedicated to specific types of health food. Β Nutrition dense, cancer prevention and fighters, and healing foods. Β I get to explore those foods more than 120 times a year.Β 

    For instance Β I found a brand called
    Β paleo wraps
    I buy the turmeric and coconut sheets. Β Suddenly my healing food day Β became a favorite food day. As can fill the wrap Β with other great healthy stuff.
    Like shrimp, eggs,broccoli,almond slices , sweet peppers, garlic and onion and gouda cheese.

    I’m not vegetarian , but I try to limit eating meats other than fish to only Β 4 servings of Β meat a week. On exercise days. The 4:3 menu format simplifies this approach. My hope Β is by eating the fatty animal meats Β after noon Β then exercising that the amount a fats in blood won’t be as high if I were eat then go sleep.

    Lastly , in 2009 I read an article that said that there isn’t any long term issues with eating all calories in 4.5 hour window. So after striving for this approach for 5 years. I find the issue is simply managing the hunger feeling.
    Getting used to the feeling everyday. It’s simply my opinion that after digestion the body can use it resources for other functions. Β So as long as I have adequate nutrition. I going to try to get as close to the longevity path as possible everyday. I found that getting zero calorie nutrition is possible through fortified waters, herbal drinks and other teas. Β While the costs of the beverages add to a food budget , the fasting day calories are so few I can can still bring all this in under $50usd a week over a ten week span. Making this approach healthier and cheaper. It has been sup rising that it’s become a motivating factor to stay on the health foods menu as it simply costs more to foods that won’t help me live longer. The key to this quest has been finding ways to make it enjoyable. Β That has taken time, but hopefully the time it took to find this path will also be added to my active lifespan.Β 

    I’ll try to update this and refine it after every planned break 4 times a year.

    Tomorrows feast
    Orange flavored beef brisket
    Boiled cabbage
    Black eyed peas with bacon
    Corn casserole
    Dandelion tea.
    Followed by a fast day to start the next ten weeks on 4:3

    Happy New Year to all my lovely Jojo-thread friends. Escaped to Wales yesterday and just back from a lovely dinner party. Just 6 of us but it was a really good evening. I’m with you Amazon. I’d rather spend it on our own than with a crowd of people we don’t know. Last year we saw the New a Year in sitting up in bed watching fireworks over the city. It was lovely.

    I did a fast day on Monday and doing another tomorrow, but haven’t been near the scales yet!

    Wishing everyone a very happy, successful and fast-filled New Year.

    Smiffy x

    Happy New Year to the UK and I guess almost for Samm and Ply?
    No stats from me as I’m not home and they aren’t in my head πŸ™‚
    To continue enjoying my new fitter way of life
    To do more art (did some watercolour painting while here…basic, but fun)
    Do even more courses (just booked an interesting French food course this morning)
    Travel more (Canada, US and Europe in the planning)
    Drink more Kir Royale (thanks Amazon, I’d forgotten it πŸ˜‰ )
    Stay on this forum with all my wonderful cyber mates…you really keep me on the straight and narrow πŸ˜†
    And … take more care when walking… I went for a skid across wet bathroom tiles yesterday and bashed my hip and jaw on a washing machine, then hit my head on the floor πŸ˜₯

    All the best with your 2015 plans. P


    How are you? i am Turkish

    Hello All, just hitting the sack. Danced all night even Scottish Reels. Great Night. Lots of very friendly people, exchanged good wishes and kisses.

    I think it is different if there is someone special in your life.

    Let’s hope everyone has someone for 2015

    Hi all,

    Just back from a lovely 3km walk. Not long I know for many of you, but enjoyable for me!
    Jojo my happy place is in the garden, unfortunately not appropriate for NYE!
    Wiwi have you heard of bulletproof coffee? It is made with brewed coffee, coconut oil and butter and supposed to be great! Been meaning to buy some oil to try it!

    Weemam I am so sorry your back has flared up again! Are you overdoing the housework? My chiro is of course into manipulation and realignment, but he has taught me the value of anti inflammatory meds in the immediate aftermath of an injury. I know I am always telling people on this forum to take drugs, but I believe if they are used judiciously they are ok. And this is one time they really help. If the inflammation can be curtailed you will be more mobile which helps in healing. Sounds to me like you push yourself with housework/bed changing etc. Please take care, we need you on here!

    And Purple, sorry to hear about your injuries too! You must have a very tall washing machine to whack your jaw on it, or was that on your way to the floor? Hope you are not too bruised.

    Amazon thanks for recipe, definitely one to try, even for a fast day dinner to share with family. Looks yum. I googled fish pie and was told it is a very English dish, so time to improve my repertoire!

    I don’t make NY resolutions, never have! Not that my life is perfect, just that I always try to address challenges as they arise and when I feel confident to tackle them. Obviously the weight challenge needed addressing and my many attempts failed with previous deprivation methods. I am very optimistic that 5:2 is finally the way to resolve it!

    Jojo the stats you requested:
    Started mid Sept 2014 at 95.7 kgs.
    Down to 84.7 kgs by end December. So 11kg down in 14 weeks, average 780g/wk (1.7 lbs I think), even with eating really well over Xmas.
    Have mostly fasted 5:2, a few weeks of 4:3 but find that hard! Helped around the silly season though.
    Aiming to reach 75 kgs then reassess. Hopefully at 1kg per week, but realistically even half that I will be very happy. Will possibly then go for 70kg, depending how wrinkly I get! I am 5’9″ tall, so look ok even at present 84.7, but vain enough to want to look skinny! Have gone from size 18/20 to size 16, aiming for 14. Not too concerned with BMI! Even at 75kg will be in healthy range, but a bit sceptical about rules, we are all so different. Maybe just more of a dreamer than a scientist! Also needed to lose weight for arthritic knees, anything to avoid surgery!

    I am not into exercise but am naturally active and don’t sit round, don’t watch much TV! Walk (for exercise only,) approx 3 pw, between 40min and 1.5 hrs. This tends to really increase my appetite though! Food wise I don’t count cals much as lots of practice with this, but am careful to stay well under 500 on 2 fast days. Other days I am more mindful but don’t hold back on treats such as cake (my nemesis!) and def don’t count calories. I know that’s what makes this doable for me. Not really into alcohol except occasional red with a special meal, so no cals to be concerned with there. I feel by eating sensibly but well on non fast days, my bod responds better to the shock of the fast. Also need to include lots of fibre to keep food moving through, if not weight loss slows dramatically!

    5:2 is the first diet ever I have felt really in control and only minimally deprived a couple of days a week. Certainly experience hunger when fasting but that has gotten easier every week. The rewards of weight loss, fitting into smaller clothes comfortably and still getting a shock when I see my reflection in a mirror, are more than worth those fleeting times of hunger. They pass very quickly. The other big benefit is I feel my sweet tooth is finally under control. I still really enjoy something sweet but don’t get cravings since I have cut back seriously on carbs.

    This forum is the final piece in the puzzle. So many lovely people on the same journey. Each with their own version of 5:2 but so willing to share and support. I have learnt so much from all of you!

    Hello fast(ing) friends everywhere:
    AO, Emel and RT South Australia, Nama in Victoria, Bay in ACT, Purple in NSW; Wiwi and Barata in NZ; Jojo, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Weemam, Tartan lass and Smiffy in UK and SAMM, Ply and Lori_PA in Nth America.

    Welcome Stew2134, please tell us a bit about yourself.

    Wee, sorry to hear about your back – hope it’s feeling better soon.

    Likewise Purple, bumped hip, chin and head! Wet smooth floors can be near lethal. Hope the bruises fade soon so you can still admire your slim body in the mirror.

    Glad most enjoyed their NY Eves. OH and I, as discussed long ago, are not outgoing social types so went to bed and listened to the distant sound of fireworks while we read then wished each other happy NY and turned out the light.

    Sorry yours wasn’t up to scratch Amazon. Thanks for fish pie recipe, will definitely try that when the weather cools down – high 30sC for the next few days.

    Having two other couples to dinner on Saturday but keeping it simple – tomatoes stuffed with prawns and avocado for starters, grilled steak and salad for main and pannacotta with blueberries (picked fresh yesterday) and strawberries. Cheese plate for nibbles with coffee if anyone has room. All 3 males skinny with disproportionate appetites and we 3 females built more for comfort than speed. One lady (good friend of long-standing very interested in 5:2).

    On the topic of weight my summary:
    started IF on 27th January 2014 with BMI=35.6, w:h=0.64, fat=49.6%
    about mid-December 2014 BMI=30.8, w:h=0.57, fat=44.4%; then relaxed πŸ™
    1 January 2015 BMI=31.6, w:h=0.57, fat=?% as I only know that from gym assessments every 6 months.

    Interestingly, since deciding to omit breakfast I have lost 0.3kg daily, which makes a total loss since Boxing Day of 1.6kg with no proper FDs. Have simply not eaten between 7pm and 11am and kept under my goal weight TDEE during the 8-hour eating window. I have learned so much in the past 12 months!

    Plans for 2015:
    * introduce more cycling into my week by parking the car near my gym on work days and cycling the remaining 2km to and from work (have a never-used bike rack for the car). As work is 20km from home in the Adelaide Hills, cycling the whole distance not realistic currently. In bygone days there was a rail passenger service with goods van for bikes but sadly, no more.
    * take up the piano again – heard Gymnopedie no 1 by Satie the other morning on the radio then tracked down the sheet music on-line as my first new piece in about 20 years
    * continue 2 days’ proper fasting each week and aim to delay eating as long as possible, omitting lunch as I had done in 2014 except that was with having breakfast
    * continue omitting breakfast every day to have a 16-hour fasting window for increased repair time

    Off to see The Imitation Game tonight – opened here today.

    Best wishes everyone for a wonderful slimmer/fitter 2015 and thank you all for your support and encouragement. I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. N x

    Nama and Nicky, you’ve both done really well. You do have to keep tweeking the system and reassessing goals, don’t you?

    Yep. Hit my jaw on the way down to the floor. πŸ™ But on the bright side, if I were still nearly 30kg heavier, imagine how much sorer I’d be πŸ˜†

    Ever the opportunist, I’ve just washed and hung out all the cardigans I’ve brought with me. In this dry heat, they’ll be dry in less than an hour. Should have brought the quilt from home πŸ˜‰
    Cheers for a peaceful new year’s day fts. P

    Hello Stew2134 welcome … because we chat so much we might have missed your initial hello πŸ˜€ but I just saw this.

    I hope we get to know you while you get to know us over the coming times. What are your interests? How are you finding this way of life (WOL)?

    Lovely and warm here today … mid to high 30’s rather than low 20’s πŸ˜€ hoping everyone is having a great first day of the new year πŸ˜†

    Morning, morning, morning, and a Very Happy New Year to one and all. As RT says, you know who you are πŸ˜‰

    I decided to stay up and see in the New Year but unfortunately one too many drinks led to falling asleep on the sofa and being woken up by the fireworks Smiley
    So having had plenty of sleep before I actually went to bed, I’ve been awake since 5.30…………

    OK statistics

    Started May 2013 16st BM1 36.8 Lost 3st.
    Went on holiday, didn’t get back into 5:2 and by August 2013 weighed 14st 4lb

    Started again August 11th, found this thread which made it so much easier.
    Lost 2st in 14 weeks 12st 4lb BMI 28.1

    Went on holiday at end of November, did a few fasts between then and Christmas. I’ve gained 2lb.

    My goal is 10st BMI 22.8.

    I intend to continue to try to lose 2lb per week which I know as SAMM says, is doable, and it will be made easier because of the wonderful support from all of you. I know that the last lbs are tougher to lose and will be joining Jojo and others (sorry can’t remember who) on the 40lb in 20 weeks challenge as I think it will take at least that long, if not longer to reach my goal.

    Congratulations to every loser. I hope you all continue to enjoy the successful weight loss and health benefits of 5:2 and the benefits of being a contributor and cyber friend to everyone on this wonderful thread.
    Well done Jojo!

    Terrific Amazon. Keep it up girl! P πŸ™‚

    Good Morning Fast Trackers,
    Here we go, are you ready?
    2 lb per week for 20 weeks.

    I had the last two slices of Christmas bacon with two eggs this morning as I am going on a long walk and need some sustinance. No fast for me today but I will start in earnest post lunch, first 19 hour fast with water and green tea only.

    I will put my stats in tomorrow morning as I can’t face the ‘scales of truth’ after my Christmas and spa retreat off piste eating regime. I know it will be up but ‘quickly gained, quickly lost’.

    My weigh in days are always Saturday’s so I will be doing a full analysis of the damage and take all measurements then.

    For any newbies, I have lost 4 stone this year and have 3 to go which I plan to lose by the end of June. I will do this by fasting 3 days per week and following a restricted diet both in calories and times within which I can eat e.g. 5 hour eating window 12 pm to 5 pm, maxim cal on non fast days 1100 cals. Mostly eat vegetarian, low carb( some potato, no bread or pasta or rice), no sugar and no processed foods. Lots of water.

    Started at size 22/24, now 16( if generous).

    Got to get ready now, have a wonderful 2015 everyone, especially Weemam and purple both suffering the pain monster right now. Love you all.

    Jojo xx

    You’re on the right track Jojo. You must be stunning them already. ..and more (or less) to come. I’m right behind you on your quest. X
    Bruises going well πŸ™ P

    I forgot to say,

    Weemam, look after yourself, and Nama is right, take some anti inflammatories if you can, they’ll speed up your recovery.

    Purple, take more water with it πŸ˜‰

    Emel, I hope you are OK and recovering well.

    Water? How does that go in Kir Royale?


    I think Amazon means more water = less falling over Purple!

    Happy 2015 everyone!

    Love how active this thread has been the last few days! I get so much inspiration and great ideas from all of you. I don’t remember who posted about planned seasonal breaks, but what a fabulous idea! Since finding 5:2, the days of having to pass up those treats that are only around for a few short weeks are gone!

    I’m going to be quite strict with myself until mid-April when I go on a cruise with a bunch of friends. I know I will stack on some weight in that week+, but 5:2 will soon get me back down.

    I will have my official re-start weigh in tomorrow morning, but I think the year 2014 saw me at about the same weight from beginning to end. I may have had a 10 lb span, but ended much where I began. I guess that’s not all bad, but certainly not what I had in mind.

    Having a fast day today to kick things off. Enjoy the first day of 2015!

    Nama, I think Purple knows exactly what I mean πŸ˜‰

    That is advantageous .
    19/5 was never easy for me and still isn’t.
    One problem is water. We tend to forget that we don’t eat kibble foods.
    I know your well attuned to drinking plenty of water. I believe that key.
    As drinking more water doesn’t speed up metabolism, but not drinking enough can slow down metabolism as much as 17%.

    My recommendation is for a plethers of soup. Especially in the beginning . Many trials i failed , only to become ravenous in appetite. Found that having a thick deep bowl of low glycemic soup was my back up. If I ate outside the window. It was best for me not to go on a binge. I would have some frozen soup always ready in the freezer. I make my own these days and enjoy the he’ll out it. All my frozen foods are measured into Pyrex bowls at 250 and 500. I mostly cook once a week and do all the tedeous measuring on that one day.

    The one pro I found on that trek is I felt very full on feed days once the window opened. Armed with that truth. I could place the window in the middle of the day when I had most things to do. I have more will power in the morning and very little will power at night so I timed the window to end when eating with other at 7pm. so i could go from 2pm until bed at 10pm with out any hunger at all before bed. Hunger pangs were a constant nagg especially between 12 and 2 . heavy activity usually triggered the pangs in the mornings. If I had the ability to live alone I might have tried to move the window into the mornings and just went to bed earlier once the hunger pangs start to prompt. Intake as we know the metabolism slows during sleep. I can’t reference it just now, but I believe we metabolism is the same for burning fat, and protein, but slows it rate for carbohydrate. Probably why carb addicts like myself contributed to our obesity by carb loading and then sleeping.

    This year I plan to intake carbs only 1 time a day at the beginning of the window , and have quality fats and proteins during beginning and ending the window. On fast days I don’t do vigorous exercise after the window.
    I did keep protein shakes on hand for cheating. . Basically I would turn them into an icee. It was easy to subtract the shakes calories from the window. So no real harm done. It took me 4months to accomplish my first month of no cheating in 2009. Appox 45 days in 2013 . In 2014 only two weeks.
    In 2015 I plan to go on 4:3 for two weeks then lower my window. Begin 19/5 fasting days for a week. Then start week 4 19/5 on all days.
    At week ten I’ll go on planned break for 14 days. With more focus on therapy exercise and strenghth training . Deliberate efforts to increase my vo2max during break. 4 breaks per year.

    I hope I never make it seem very complicated. Because it isn’t. To it’s simplicity. It’s simply one big block of hours to eat and then nothing else.
    However the insights into nutrition dense foods, healing foods(nutrapsudicals), and cancer prevention and fighting foods, and bone and muscle strengthening foods strategies. all combined can make it difficult for me to articulate easily. .

    So if everyday is 19/5 and I can personalize the start of the 5 hour eating window,

    The rest of the week may look like this

    Mon fast day cancer P&F foods w/DHA
    Tues feed day nutrition dense with exercise
    Wedn fast day cancer P&F foods w/DHA
    Thur feed day healing foods with exercise.
    Fri fast day cancer P&F foods w/DHA
    Saturday feed day muscle&bone foods biggest execise day
    Sunday satiation day Finnish trying for 2,000 exercise calories accumulative for the week.

    My personal approach to 2lbs a week
    My BMR is 2000 – 14,000 for 1 week
    3 fast days @600= 1800
    4 feed days @1,800= 7200
    -2000 exercise

    – 7000
    7,000 calorie restriction = approximately 2lbs.

    I could adjust the window wider to accommodate hunger pangs. If the hunger pangs make the plan less doable then the plan is worthless.

    What i found was red kidney beans and cat fish lowered my hunger pang events on fast days. Which made fast days from noon until 8pm pang less. Feed days I had enough will power knowing that the when the window opens I wouldnt be hungry again until the next day.

    I admit all this effort on 19/5 may in fact be frivolous. However my eye is on practicing B2B in the near future. That’s when I believe the natural DNA repair tendencies happen. My opinion is that the 4/3 intermittent fasting and ADF are so close to B2B yet are adequate in nutrition. I may some day find the research that fosters the conditions that DNA repair mode begins. My bet is it is B2B. But I fail at it so often. And it seems to be a malnutrition diet that has pros and cons.
    So for now my focus is the weight loss and being as close to B2B with adequate nutrition.

    I feel as if the duration of the B2B fast may be the issue.
    More to point finding a way to know when were in the DNA repair state, and how long to stay there before the cons cause long term issues. I believe its most likely intermittent 24 hour fasting 3times a week. But I am seriously just guessing! Also that nutrition will play a role in how robust the DNA Repair mode is. Certain foods enable chemistry in the blood to allow for better sensing of DNA Errors. So I’m not complete enough in my understanding on how to apply the the best approach to The DIET INDUCED DNA Repair mode. So for now I’m focussed on the weight loss, but also on HIIT. To help stop the worsening of visceral fat continuing to accumulate around my organs.

    I feel in 2-3 years there should be much more information on the DNA. Repair mode by then I’ll be well practiced in the ways of fasting and adequate nutrition. As well as in a healthier weight range.

    My weigh in today is on my home scale.
    274lbs 2013 march , started 5:2
    247lbs 2014 march, restarted 5:2 w/HIIT
    223lbs 2015 January, restarting 4:3 19/5 w/HIIT

    I would like to go to my 30 year high school reunion , we go every five years , in October 2016.
    I would like to be a muscular 175lbs by then. To lose 48 lbs in 22 months is a reachable goal of 2.1 lbs a month. I feel as if it’s not only doable, but inexcusable if I dont. That’s motivating , but for me the real prize will mastering fasting disciplines. So when the DNA Repair information gets on the scene I’ll be ready.

    One factor I’m sure of is to eliminate. High fructose corn syrup. As I believe it’s harmful long term to brain issues. Makes no sense to use fasting for brain health and then pour the high sugar in the mix.

    Happy New Years everyone.
    May your long lives be filled with feasts of laughter, and clinking of glasses with wise hosts.

    “May your long lives be filled with feasts of laughter, and clinking of glasses with wise hosts”

    Wow, thanks SAMM Smiley

    I love reading your posts and I always learn something, keep ’em coming!

    Lori pa
    Planned break was a study , that I can’t refence. It was to see if typical diet durations could be extended , by using a planned break period. The factor was to see if the dieter was in control during the break. As opposed to being on a diet as long as possible until abandoned with any control of when to restart.

    The very small study indicated that everyone whom practiced the planned break returned to their diet In two weeks. As opposed to the other group without planned breaks was less than 30% returning.

    My opinion I share , I’ll be going on ten weeks of intermittent fasting on 4:3 . Then take a two week planned break, but no bingeing.

    When I do the math
    Ten 4:3 weeks x 4 = 120 fasting days per year.

    Trying to find more silver lining in the planned break idea.
    I figured I could stop calorie restriction fir those two weeks and focus on body building or other muscle therapy and higher calorie health foods and exercise activities. Im very pleased to say I have never been so strong in my life. At 46 I can bench 200 , but also skip rope for 11 minutes before losing my breath.

    So the two weeks of planned break from fasting will become a focus time for my fitness goals. However when the holidays from thanksgiving to new years day come. Is time to take a long break , but as it became reality for me this season. I realized I could place a fast day before and after the 3 holiday feasts. And it was DOABLE after such a fillin.

    Good luck to you and all of yours this year!

    Happy New Year SAMM! Your dedication is inspiring. I really hope you are right re the research on DNA repair becoming available within a few years …. I am much older than you and have less years left to undo the damage! My aim is to eat mostly home prepared, unprocessed food from a wide range of food groups and minimal carbs.

    I am not sure if the science will be available in my lifetime as I am very cynical about who to trust….too much big business (ie money) involved in food industry, plus vested interests of pharmaceutical companies for us to need their drugs. Hopefully academics will press on though and find the answers we need to save our society from eating itself to death. Sorry to be negative. I really enjoy your posts too, always food for thought!


    Yes that’s exactly my issue too.
    I don’t want to wait until the scientific data matches the statistics.
    But I would never recommend something without reference.
    I just have to take the leap of faith in the DNA repair issue. However for it to be lifestyle I know it will be with fasting involved. The research isn’t new. It’s been around for 80 years , long before fad diets like the pineapple diet.

    I know when became diabetic that the fasting would entail much more effort than. A typical 5:2 dieter.
    And going for the DNA repair will be even more difficult . Like instead of a slow paced walk around the track for everyone else I’ll have to be as focussed as in a race of life or death across a mile of hurdles.
    My issue in life has been allowing feeling of being overwhelmed to talk myself out of practicing discipline.

    I didn’t start out on 5:2 to try for the holy grail of longevity. But after reading much as I can find on subjects of fasting in believe the answers to the questions are already asked and answered. It’s just that answer may be more in strict nutrition uptake health. Something that has to be tailored. For someone just trying to lose fat pounds it’s not nessasry , but for someone trying to undue long term obesity and become a centenarian. What I’ve been reading points to one extremely obvious fact!
    The sooner the better!

    It’s also my understanding that obese people that exercise live much much longer than all others that don’t exercise no matter what their weight is. So it’s my leap of faith to do what is doable. To fast,exercise, detox, pre and probiotics, and eat the healthiest foods possible. In time the foods become more appetizing.
    The first year running the trek I made many mistakes. But as with all other lessons in life , we have to learn then change to grow.

    My dearest most fond food find of the year. Finding stevia sweetened dark chocolate while on planned break, And also orange favored dark chocolate probiotic bars at reasonable prices at health food markets everywhere. Not exactly cake! But I love dark chocolate bazillion times more than cake. As high as kite when I realized the health benefits of dark chocolate, raisins , and popcorn synergies their individual health benefits . The most golden food benefits pair well with each other. I mean have i been asleep or what?
    Movie night on stability balls eating the healtiest stuff on earth. A healthy family time is back!

    One last post before I give the mobile back to my brother.

    Benefits of Polyphenols
    Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013 | By Gianna Rose

    Strawberries are a rich source of polyphenols.
    Polyphenols are chemicals found in plants that are believed to have important health benefits, according to the American Cancer Society. Some evidence exists that polyphenols help prevent health dangers such as cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Foods high in beneficial polyphenols include red cabbage, berries, red and purple grapes, broccoli, radishes, tea and apples. So far, there is no conclusive research about the benefits of polyphenols. Experts advise consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, beans and vegetables.
    Possible Cancer-Fighting Benefits
    Berries–especially raspberries and strawberries–are rich in a polyphenol called ellagic acid, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, or AICR. In laboratory studies, ellagic acid prevented cancers of the bladder, lung, breast, esophagus and skin. Ellagic acid fought cancer by deactivating certain cancer-causing substances and slowing cancer cell reproduction. Grapes and grape juice, garlic and green tea are also thought to contain polyphenols that prevent certain cancers, the AICR says.

    Β The Fat Burning Ingredient in Red Wine What Are the Health Benefits of Flavonoids? Red Cabbage Nutrition Information Negative Effects of Resveratrol Coffee Polyphenols Polyphenols Vs. Flavonoids Foods High in PolyphenolsΒ 
    What Are Apple Polyphenols?
    Possible Benefits to Heart Health
    Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in red wine and grapes that may benefit heart health. According to MayoClinic.com, doctors agree that red wine is good for the heart, and researchers believe polyphenols are responsible for that benefit. Polyphenols are thought to reduce the buildup of fat in the blood vessels, decrease inflammation, increase HDL or good cholesterol and prevent blood clots. Doctors are hesitant to advise drinking red wine due to possible health risks from alcohol. American Family Physician reports that green tea may reduce the risk of heart disease. Pomegranate has shown some promise in treating heart disease, notes the University of Maryland Medical Center, or UMMC.
    Sponsored Links
    Possible Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
    Persuasive evidence exists for the anti-inflammatory effects of dietary polyphenols, according to an article by Joo-Heon Yoon and Seung Joon Baek in the October 31, 2005 Yonsei Medical Journal. Although the immune system fights infections with inflammation, excessive inflammation is detrimental. According to the authors, most diseases, including cancer, hardening of the arteries, heart attack, diabetes, asthma, allergies and arthritis, are caused by inflammation. People who eat foods rich in certain polyphenols have lower rates of inflammatory disease.

    If you look up resveratrol on Wikipedia .
    You may be pleasantly surprised to see dark chocolate is very high in resveratrol.
    So I very happy to tryout the dark chocolate with probiotics added in an orange flavor bar.
    Make me happy that I can still it everyday. But milk chocolate i never buy or eat.

    Hi Fast Friends

    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜† Wow a heap of house keeping today and no particular order Nicky fantastic stats sheet down an incredible 5.2 points in BMI in 12 months and a major shift in focus with the end of another furffy breakfast is the most important meal of the day now embraced the 16/8 another ace in the pack for sure. Nama a 11kg in 14 weeks and doing it easy πŸ˜‰ you girls bedazzle me with size 18/20 into 16 aim is 14 quite simply gobbeldi gook for a humble man however aim is 75kg maybe 70kg if not to wrinkley funny girl lost my s**t when I read that gem and so look ok even at present 84.7, but vain enough to want to look skinny! 😯 absolutely Of course a that’s why we are here all power to the cause. The matriarch JoJo 60 on June 30 and 63kg the goal give or take already down 25.4kg it will be a learning curve for all of us here in your presence my interest here is the introduction of 19/5 fast on water and green tea then 5 hour window for calories I will be watching you πŸ˜‰ AO down 4.6 in BMI since Sept is good going when you consider we have all taken a giant leap of faith into something rather unknown embraced the concept harnessed the principles and tweaking it for personal refinement hail the 5-2 and the courage of our convictions to have a crack and here we are. Amazon down 2 stone and slashed the BMI by a cracking 8.7 and can cook and share a crazy good fish pie πŸ˜†
    SAMM I could write a book on what I have poached off you mate wow πŸ˜‰ lets not get in to a gender issue here but in my eyes for a guy you are way to organised and methodical 6 and 12 months in advance , weights times , reps , calories , dates , kpi’s the research and detail that you present here you got it all going on its gobsmackingly amazing and with all that you have on at home not much more I can add impressive. I am in the β€œit will be alright in the end if it’s not alright it’s not the end” thanks Nama that is now on the bottom of my work email template πŸ˜‰ LG lifes Good
    Peace RT

    Evening all.

    Today turned into a bit of a carbfest Smiley but they are all gone now!
    First fast of 2015 coming up tomorrow. If it goes well I may do B2B to atone for todays overindulgence.
    I’m going to sit down tomorrow and do an exercise plan and a menu plan for the next four weeks and see how it pans out. If it doesn’t work I’ll make changes for February.

    Hi everyone, RT, Nama, Jojo, Nicky, Smiffy, Amazon, Wee, Wiwi, Emel, SAMM, PVE, and everyone else, you know who you are πŸ˜€

    As expected a small 1kg rise this week (well 900g but that’s close enough) just means I’ll need to refocus more strongly. As SAMM says if we don’t drink enough water our ability to lose slows down and I feel like I have NOT had enough water this week, so that is priority #1 for me this week to rehydrate fully followed by 3 FD’s … aiming for Sat (tomorrow), Tue & Thu as I know I won’t be able to have a full on FD today however I will aim for a semi-FD today instead as we’re out for dinner tonight but I wont eat until then other than a Bonox/Bovril (same type of thing, different brand and more readily available – plus larger size for same $’s so it lasts me longer πŸ˜€ ) I keep this last in my drawer at work and if I get really REALLY hungry during the day and water’s not cutting it then I have one teaspoon in a large mug and that usually fixes those nasty hunger pangs.

    SAMM great research/info/trialling as usual. I’ll need to go back and revisit your posts as I’m sure I’ve missed some gems.

    RT always up beat and positive. Nama not negative just being up front about where you are with things πŸ˜€

    Another working day for me Smiley . We had two of our grandies sleep over last night, lucky OH isn’t working otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to sleep over … the eldest and youngest slept over, the 2nd youngest decided at the last minute she didn’t want to sleep over so she had some one-on-one time with her Dad.

    Time to move and groove people … catch up with you all later πŸ˜€ have a great day/night one and all

    Amazon our posts must have crossed … as you’ll see I also need to atone for the past few days indulgence, but that’s okay, I’ll do it. Off to Smiley now … catch up later πŸ˜€

    Amazon, I am following this plan for the next few weeks. (it’s meant to be 14 days, but inserting fast days will extend it)


    Lots of good recipes! Good luck!

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